the portuguese empire

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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History of Portugal

Also known as the Portugal Overseas Empire, it was the first global empire in history.

It was the longest lived in modern European Colonial Empires, spanning almost six centuries.

Sailors began exploring the Coast of Africa in 1419 using the recent developments of navigation and cartography.

Between 1580 and 1640 Portugal became the junior partner to Spain in the union of the two countries crowns.

Monarchy in Portugal

Portugal ascended to it’s status of world power during the “Age of Discovery.”

It built a vast empire, but in the next two centuries their spice and slave trades would be taken over by the French, Dutch, and English.

They surrounded trading post territories and posts to make it almost impossible for Portugal to defend it’s overseas interests.

Signs of military decline began with the Battle of Alcacer Quibir in Morroco in 1578.

Period of Discoveries

During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portugal was a leading of European power.

July 25,1415 marked the beginning of the Portuguese Empire.

Ceuta, the city on the coast of North Africa was conquered by Portugal, and the long lived Portuguese Empire was founded.

The Muslim attempt to retake Ceuta was unsuccessful and Ceuta remained the first part of the Portuguese Empire.

Origins (1139-1415

The origins of the Portuguese Empire lay in the reconquista. Also known as the Christian reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors.

In 1415 an attack was made on Ceuta, and although it proved to be a success , it was a costly move against the Muslim forces that soon besigned it.

The Portuguese were unable to use it as a base for further expansion into the hinderland, so the trans-Saharan caravans shifted their routes to bypass Ceuta and used alternative Muslim ports instead.

First efforts of colonization in Brazil In 1534 promoting settlement to

overcome the need to defend the territory John III organized colonization of Brazil through land grants.

The increase of brazilwood smuggling pressed this effort to effective occupation of the territory.

Martim Afonso de Sousa went to patrol the whole Brazillian coast, banish the French, and create some of the first colonial towns. Sao Vincente and Sao Paulo.

Colonial Brazil

Colonial Brazil, officially the Viceroyalty of Brazil comprises the period from 1500 until 1815 when Brazil was elevated to kingdom alongside Portugal.

During the 300 years of Brazilian colonial history, the exploration on the territory was first based on brazilwood extraction, sugar production, and gold and diamond mining. Slaves provided most of the working force of Brazilian economy.

The Portugues colony built up by the Portuguese in Latin America, kept it’s territorial unity and integrity after giving rise to the largest country in the region, Brazil.

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