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  • Planning Act 2008 The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009

    The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order

    ExAWQ1.01 Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s First Round of Written Questions

    PINS Reference EN010062

    Document No. ExAWQ1.01

    Author Pinsent Masons / GVA / AECOM

    Revision Date Description

    0 January 2015 Submission Version

    1 January 2015 Reformatted Version

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

    January 2015 1


    1.0 GENERAL .................................................................................................. 3

    2.0 COMPULSORY ACQUISITION ............................................................... 28

    3.0 DESIGN, ACCESS, LAYOUT AND VISUAL ........................................... 32

    4.0 DEVELOPMENT CONSENT ORDER ...................................................... 65

    5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL .................................................................................. 99

    6.0 HABITATS, ECOLOGY & NATURE CONSERVATION ........................ 134

    7.0 FUNDING ............................................................................................... 137

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    Appendix A - WQ1.06(d) – 1 in a 1000yr (climate change) Fluvial and Tidal Flood

    Consequence Plans

    Appendix B - WQ3.01(b) – Dwr Cymru e-mail, dated 19th November 2014

    Appendix C - WQ3.01(c) – Revised Indicative Site Layout Plan (Ref:


    Appendix D - WQ3.04 – H&SE s42 Consultation Response, dated 14th March


    Appendix E - WQ3.07 – Indicative Decommissioning Programme

    Appendix F - WQ3.15 – Provisional Construction & Commissioning Programme

    Appendix G - WQ3.19 – E-mail correspondence on Noise Monitoring


    Appendix H - WQ3.22 – E-mail correspondence on Traffic & Transportation

    Appendix I - WQ3.29 – Extracts from PDR Harbour Way Environmental

    Statement – Volume 1 – Main Report – Version A

    Appendix J - WQ4.14 – Tracked Changes Version of Model Provisions

    Appendix K - WQ5.11 – United States Environmental Protection Agency


    Appendix L - WQ5.56 – Summary Table of Environmental Impact Study Areas

    Appendix M - WQ7.04 – Tata Steel Group Organogram

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    1.0 GENERAL

    Question 1.01

    1.1 CAA Lighting - Can the applicant confirm the conclusion of their

    consultation with the Civil Aviation Authority.


    1.2 The applicant considers that it has addressed all of the issues raised by

    the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) in its response to the Section 42

    consultation. The position in respect of each issue raised by the CAA is

    set out below:

    1) Check aerodrome safeguarding maps lodged with relevant planning authorities

    1.3 The local planning has not notified the applicant the proposed

    development falls within the safeguarding zone for any aerodromes.

    2) Aviation warning lighting

    1.4 In response to the CAA's comments, the applicant has included

    requirement 16 in Schedule 2 to the draft DCO which provides that

    aviation warning lighting of a shape, colour and character specified in

    CAA guidance must be installed on the stack forming part of Work No. 1

    that will be 80m in height.

    1.5 In addition, the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP), which under

    requirement 10 is required to be submitted for approval by the relevant

    planning authority, states that cranes used during the construction phase

    must be operated in accordance with the requirements of BS 7121

    'Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes' (see paragraph 2.10.1).

    1.6 BS 7121, Part 1 indicates that the crane user (contractor) must consult

    with local aerodrome managers for permission to operate a crane that is

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    to be used within 6 km of the aerodrome/airfield if its height exceeds 10m

    or that of surrounding structures or trees, if higher.

    3) Gas venting and/or flaring

    1.7 As noted in para 3.6.21 of the Environmental Statement (doc ref. 6.02)

    there will be no impacts to aerodromes or aviation users within the

    locality from venting or flaring as the proposed development will not vent,

    and once commissioned and operational, will provide a significant

    reduction in the amount of flaring required at the Port Talbot site.

    4) Civil aviation charting

    1.8 The proposed chimney stack(s) will be limited to a maximum height of

    80m by the parameters specified in requirement 4 of Schedule 2.

    Consequently, there will be no requirement for civil aviation charting. In

    the event that charting was required for temporary structures such as

    cranes during the construction phase, the relevant authorities would be

    notified in accordance with the Code of Practice mentioned above.

    5) Establish viewpoints of Ministry of Defence and local emergency services

    1.9 The Secretary of State for Defence and Local emergency services

    including the South Wales Police, Mid-West & Wales Fire and Rescue

    and the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust have been consulted by

    the applicant under s. 42. None of these organisations' have raised any

    issues regarding aviation safety.

    Question 1.02

    1.10 City and County of Swansea Council - Can the applicant provide an

    update of their position regarding agreement with City and County of

    Swansea Council on the following issues:

    a) Socio economic impacts;

    b) Landscape and visual impacts;

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    c) Ecological impacts;

    d) Air quality impacts; and

    e) Surface water environment impacts.


    1.11 The applicant and CCS will be preparing a Statement of Common

    Ground (SoCG) which will cover all of the issues listed in this question.

    1.12 These issues were originally raised by CCS in its response to the section

    42 consultation undertaken by the applicant between January and March

    2014. Though dialogue with CCS, the applicant agreed to address the

    issues raised by CCS within the relevant chapters of the Environmental

    Statement submitted in support of the DCO application.

    1.13 The applicant has discussed the issues with Richard Jones, planning

    officer at CCS, and it has been confirmed that the Council will review the

    submitted Environmental Statement and confirm if the issues raised have

    been adequately addressed.

    1.14 This is in line with the advice that Richard Jones of CCS gave to the ExA

    during the Preliminary Meeting. This is recorded on page 10 of the PINS

    Preliminary Meeting Note, which states:

    "The City and County of Swansea confirmed that they had been in

    discussions with GVA over the timetabling of the SOCG, and that once

    the submissions for Deadline 1 had been received, they would be aware

    of their position over the local impacts, and would be in a position to

    prepare the SOCG with the Applicant."

    Question 1.03

    1.15 Network Rail - Can the applicant provide an update of their position

    regarding agreement with Network Rail on the following issues

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    a) Compulsory acquisition of Network Rail land;

    b) Protective Provisions; and

    c) Asset Protection Agreement.


    a) Compulsory acquisition of Network Rail land

    1.16 The applicant is in ongoing discussions with Network Rail regarding the

    grant of the necessary rights across Network Rail land. The applicant

    has provided Network Rail with information requested about the

    proposed gas and electricity connections to enable Network Rail to

    undertake its land clearance process. The clearance process has now

    completed and Network Rail is currently awaiting a valuation of the rights


    1.17 The next step will be for the parties to agree the form of an option and

    easement agreement and a side agreement. Network Rail has indicated

    that once these agreements have been settled, it will be in a position to

    withdraw its objection to the compulsory purchase powers included in the

    draft Order (doc ref 3.01).

    b) Protective Provisions

    1.18 The Protective Provisions included in Part 1 of Schedule 4 to the draft

    Order have been agreed with Network Rail subject to a correction being

    made to the paragraph numbering in revision 0 of the draft Order as

    identified in Network Rail's relevant representation. Paragraph 5(1)

    which reads "Where Network Rail is asked to give its consent pursuant to

    this paragraph, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld but may

    be given subject to reasonable conditions" should be numbered as

    paragraph 4(5) and forms the final sub-paragraph of paragraph 4. The

    following four sub-paragraphs should then be renumbered as the four

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    sub-paragraphs of paragraph 5. The applicant will correct this error in

    the next draft of the Order.

    c) Asset Protection Agreement

    1.19 The applicant understands that it will be required to enter into an Asset

    Protection Agreement (APA) with Network Rail prior to any works

    authorised by the Order being carried out over the railway. The applicant

    expects this obligation to be included in the terms of the agreements

    which are proposed with Network Rail regarding the grant of the option

    and easement.

    Question 1.04

    1.20 Can the applicant confirm whether

    a) they propose to include the security provisions as recommended

    by the Crime Prevention Design Advisor; and

    b) whether the development forms part of the critical national



    a) Security Provisions

    1.21 The security measures to be implemented at the site will be consistent

    with the high levels of security that the applicant currently maintains at

    the steelworks. The security standards will meet or exceed those

    recommended by the Crime Prevention Design Advisor (CPDA), except

    where those specific measures are not appropriate in the context of this

    development. An explanation of how each of the recommendations will

    be addressed is set out below:

    i. Perimeter security: The proposed development is within the

    steelworks site which has perimeter fencing that meets or

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    exceeds the standards recommended by the CPDA. The means

    of enclosure for the proposed development must be agreed with

    the relevant planning authority before commencement and

    erected prior to the commissioning of the generating station (see

    requirement 7). Any proposals for the perimeter fencing which

    the applicant submits for approval will be designed to maintain

    the existing levels of security at the site.

    ii. Access control: As part of the existing security arrangements for

    the steelworks, the steelworks has its own security staff onsite 24

    hours a day, 365 days a year, and pedestrian and vehicular

    access onto the site is controlled with no public access. The

    current strict access control measures will ensure security of the

    proposed development site which will be located within


    iii. Door security: Door security systems will be designed and

    installed to comply with both British and European standards.

    iv. Intruder alarm: buildings that are not occupied 24 hours per day

    which contain critical equipment will be protected by a monitored

    silent intruder alarm system that will meet the relevant British

    Standards for alarm installations.

    v. CCTV: The proposed development will be integrated within the

    site's existing CCTV system. This is capable of producing

    evidential quality imagery with day/night time full functionality

    with signage that is compliant with the Data Protection Act.

    vi. Lighting. The scheme of external lighting for the proposed

    development must be approved by the relevant planning

    authority and installed before the generating station begins to

    operate (see requirement 12). The applicant will design this

    lighting to maintain the existing security standards at the site.

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    vii. Landscaping: The proposed development is subject to a

    requirement that a landscaping scheme be submitted to the

    relevant planning authority and implemented in accordance with

    an approved timetable (requirement 6). Depending on the

    details of this scheme, it may not necessarily be appropriate for

    trees to be bare stemmed up to 2 metres from the ground as

    recommended by the CPDA. However, in developing the

    landscaping scheme, the applicant will have regard to security

    implications and include any elements that would represent a

    threat to the security of the site. It should be noted that

    requirement 6 requires that the approved landscaping scheme

    must be implemented in accordance with the relevant

    recommendations of appropriate British Standards or other

    recognised codes of practice.

    viii. Building: As with existing buildings on the steelworks site, the

    proposed development will be designed to prevent unauthorised

    access to the roof of any buildings.

    b) Critical National Infrastructure

    1.22 The relevant representation from the South Wales Police states that

    WECTU (The Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit) has not

    received any notification from the Centre for the Protection of National

    Infrastructure (CPNI) indicating that this development will form part of the

    critical national infrastructure (CNI). So far as the applicant is aware, the

    proposed development would not form part of the critical national


    Question 1.05

    1.23 Coal Authority - Can the applicant provide an update of their position

    regarding agreement with the Coal Authority on the following issues:

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    a) Potential ground instability from historic mining activity that may

    impact on the proposed line of the electrical connection; and

    b) Quantification of and potential for prior abstraction of surface

    coal resources.


    1.24 Paragraph 9.5.11 of the Environmental Statement (ES) outlines that the

    Landmark report, presented in Appendix 9.1, has identified that the site is

    indicated to lie in an area which may be affected by coal mining activity.

    A British Geological Survey mineral site relating to deep coal is

    registered 808m to the east. As such, coal authority reports were

    obtained for the site.

    1.25 Further to the receipt of the Coal Authority's Relevant Representations,

    the Applicant contacted the Coal Authority on the 21st November 2014

    via email and advised that site investigation works are currently ongoing

    onsite and that these works will confirm whether coal deposits are

    present in the area beneath the proposed development, and if so, the

    extent and depth of the coal present. The Applicant has offered to

    present an interim report to the Coal Authority in early 2015 which will

    provide initial information on the presence of coal reserves and also on

    the geotechnical stability of the site.

    1.26 The Coal Authority has stated in its relevant representation that it is

    satisfied on the basis of the information presented in the ES that coal

    mining legacy does not create any risk of land instability to the proposed


    1.27 The Coal Authority responded to the applicant on the 3rd December

    2014 (email received from Mark Harrison) who welcomed the site

    investigation works and confirmed that the Coal Authority would like to

    receive the results in early 2015. The email also confirmed that the Coal

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    Authority would enter into a Statement of Common Ground with the

    applicant on this basis.

    Question 1.06

    1.28 National Resources Wales - Can the applicant provide an update of their

    position regarding agreement with National Resources Wales on the

    following issues:

    a) An application for an Environmental Permit;

    b) The preferred development option i.e. Option 1 being full

    construction in a single phase or Option 2 with construction over

    two phases (Phase 1 and Phase 2) with only one boiler, one

    stack and associated turbine sets being constructed at each


    c) The potential for mitigation of the residual effects on nearby

    Natura 2000 sites from aerial emissions of acid/nutrient nitrogen

    deposition (and Nitrogen dioxide/Sulphur dioxide emissions)

    should Option 2 be selected if the DCO is granted;

    d) The need to take into consideration the climate change effects

    raised in the Welsh Government’s letter dated 9 January 2014

    with respect to a flooding event of a 1 in 1000 probability of

    occurrence during the life of the project in relation to either fluvial

    or tidal flooding at the project site;

    e) Application of Best Available Techniques in the design of the

    installation to ensure operational noise levels are reduced to a

    minimum of 10dB below the measured background levels;

    f) Application of appropriate piling techniques to ensure that the

    public and environment are protected from noise and vibration

    during the construction phase(s);

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    g) Provision of appropriate remediation measures for any

    contaminated land identified by the site investigations.


    1.29 The applicant and NRW are currently in discussions regarding a

    Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) which will cover all of the issues

    listed in this question. The applicant received a revised draft of the

    SoCG from NRW on 9 January 2015 which is currently being reviewed

    by the applicant with a view to an agreed SoCG being submitted to the

    Examining Authority shortly.

    1.30 In the meantime, the applicant provides the following update on the

    points raised.

    a) Environmental Permit

    1.31 In the applicant's meeting with NRW on 17th November 2014, it was

    confirmed that the applicant and NRW will commence discussions

    regarding the application for an Environmental Permit in early 2015. The

    applicant attended a pre-application permit meeting with NRW on 9

    January 2015.

    b) Preferred Development Option

    1.32 Option 1 is the applicant's preferred development option and the

    applicant assumes that this option is also preferred by NRW. This point

    will be confirmed in the SoCG.

    c) The potential for mitigation of the residual effects on nearby Natura 2000 sites

    1.33 Consultation between the applicant and NRW has been ongoing

    regarding the Habitats Regulation Assessment and in particular, the

    residual effects on nearby Natura 2000 sites from aerial emissions of

    acid/nutrient nitrogen deposition (and Nitrogen dioxide/Sulphur dioxide

    emissions) should Option 2 be selected. This has resulted in a Report to

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    Inform an Appropriate Assessment being produced by the applicant and

    submitted to the Examining Authority (Document reference 5.05).

    1.34 The conclusion of the Report to Inform an Appropriate Assessment has

    been agreed with NRW that Option 1 and Option 2 Phase 2 would have

    no adverse effects on the integrity of the Natura 2000 sites.

    1.35 In particular, the report concluded that there is no potential for an in-

    combination adverse effect on the integrity of Crymlyn Bog Special Area

    of Conservation / Ramsar site from Option 2 Phase 1 of the proposed

    development in combination with the three other projects - Biomass II

    Power Station, Abernedd Power Station and Prenergy.

    1.36 Any small increase in acid/nutrient nitrogen deposition (and Nitrogen

    dioxide/Sulphur dioxide emissions) will be mitigated by more stringent air

    quality targets through the implementation of the Industrial Emissions

    Directive, the UK's ongoing commitment to reduction in NOx emissions

    and the temporary nature of the effects. This would result in very small

    contributions of the proposed development in terms of deposition and

    ambient levels of pollutants in-combination and will mean that the

    conservation objectives for the SAC will not be undermined.

    d) The need to take into consideration the climate change effects raised in the Welsh Government’s letter dated 9 January 2014

    1.37 In a meeting with the applicant on the 17th November 2014, NRW

    clarified that they were satisfied with the information submitted with the

    application and that the application was submitted prior to the Welsh

    Government's guidance. Notwithstanding this, the applicant has now

    prepared plans which show the consequences on the project site of both

    fluvial and tidal flooding events with a 1 to 1000 probability of occurrence.

    The plans are appended at Appendix A to this statement. The applicant

    notes NRW's suggestion that the Examining Authority seeks further

    clarification from the Welsh Government on this matter.

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    e) The need to take into consideration the climate change effects raised in the Welsh Government’s letter dated 9 January 2014

    1.38 As part of its pre-application discussions with NRW regarding the

    Environmental Permit, the applicant will be providing NRW with

    information regarding the application of 'BAT' in the design of the

    installation to control operational noise levels.

    1.39 Discussions are ongoing and the applicant will be seeking to agree these

    matters with NRW prior to them being secured through the

    Environmental Permit.

    f) Application of Appropriate Piling Techniques

    1.40 The applicant is seeking NRW's agreement that the measures proposed

    to protect the public and the environment from noise and vibration during

    the construction phase are appropriate. Requirement 11 in Schedule 2

    to the draft DCO provides that a noise management plan (NMP) (which

    must include a construction vibration risk assessment) must be submitted

    to and approved by the relevant planning authority prior to the

    commencement of works. The draft NMP is included at Appendix 15.1.5

    of the Environmental Statement. Amongst other things, the draft NMP

    states that:

    • piling must be carried out in accordance with codes of practice for

    working an piling set out in BS 5228;

    • plant must comply with relevant national, EU or international

    standards on noise and vibration emissions; and

    • the choice of piling method will have consideration to sensitive

    receptors and that noise levels will be monitored during construction.

    1.41 The applicant is seeking NRW's agreement that these measures will

    secure the application of appropriate piling techniques to ensure that the

    public and environment are protected from noise and vibration during the

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    construction phase. The outcome of these discussions will be presented

    in the SoCG with NRW.

    g) Provision of appropriate remediation measures for any contaminated land identified by the site investigations

    1.42 The applicant is in ongoing discussions with NRW regarding the

    appropriate remediation measures for any contaminated land identified at

    the site. Currently, the draft DCO includes requirement 19 which

    requires a scheme to deal with contaminated land to be submitted and

    approved by NRW prior to the commencement of any works. The

    scheme must include details of remedial measures to be taken. Site

    investigation works are currently ongoing and an interim report is due to

    be submitted to NRW and NPTCBC (and others) in January 2015. Once

    this report is available, the applicant expects to discuss the potential

    remedial options available with NRW and agree the terms on which

    these will be secured under Requirement 19. The position will be set out

    in the SoCG with NRW.

    Question 1.07

    1.43 National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc - Can the applicant provide an

    update of their position regarding agreement with National Grid Electricity

    Transmission Plc (NGET) on the following issue:

    a) Protective Provisions.


    1.44 NGET provided the applicant with draft Protective Provisions on 8th

    January 2015. The applicant is currently considering these provisions

    and will be in dialogue with NGET regarding the wording and the

    inclusion of these provisions within the DCO.

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    Question 1.08

    1.45 Royal Mail Group Ltd - Can the applicant provide an update of their

    position regarding agreement with Royal Mail Group Ltd on the following


    a) Mitigation measures for any impacts of construction traffic on

    Royal Mail operations in the Port Talbot area and in particular the

    Port Talbot Delivery Office in Eagle Street (SA13 1AA).


    1.46 The applicant has been in contact with Royal Mail Group Ltd, most

    recently on 9 January 2015, and confirm its understanding that Royal

    Mail is currently reviewing the DCO application documents and will

    advise the applicant of its position in respect of any further mitigation

    measures that may be required in respect of any impacts of construction

    traffic on Royal Mail operations in the Port Talbot area and in particular

    the Port Talbot Delivery Office in Eagle Street.

    Question 1.09

    1.47 Associated British Ports (ABP) - Can the applicant provide an update of

    their position regarding agreement with ABP on the following issues:

    a) Impacts on ABP’s operations at Port Talbot dock; and

    b) Additional water abstraction from ABP’s dock system at Port



    1.48 The applicant is in ongoing discussions with ABP over these issues.

    1.49 Dry weather flow calculations have been developed in response to ABP’s

    concerns over impacts on the dock from the additional consumptive

    abstraction. This was done in order to address ABP’s concerns over

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    impoundment requirements to maintain a steady state of water level in

    the dock for safe operating of the dock and the applicant considers that

    these calculations provide a 'worst case' assessment of potential

    impoundment required under prolonged periods of dry weather. Tata are

    awaiting ABP's approval of these calculations which will form the basis of

    a SOCG which is currently being drafted for ABP comment.

    Question 1.10

    1.50 Western Power - Can the applicant provide an update of their position

    regarding agreement with Western Power on the following issues:

    a) Access;

    b) Re-alignment /diversion impacts on operations and operational

    costs; and

    c) Protective Measures.


    1.51 The applicant is in ongoing discussions with WPD regarding the

    protective provisions to be included in the Order and the terms of any

    agreement that may be required between the parties, particularly

    regarding the modifications to WPD's substations (Grange and Cefn

    Gwrgan) that form Work no. 2 of the authorised development.

    a) Access

    1.52 The applicant does not expect the proposed development to interfere

    with access to WPD's substations, overhead lines or underground cables

    although access to the substations may be temporarily restricted during

    the works to those substations that form part of the authorised

    development. It is the applicant's intention that the modifications to the

    substations would be carried out by WPD and that any interference to

    access that occurs as a result would either be subject to protective

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    provisions in the Order that have been agreed with WPD or to the terms

    of an agreement between the parties.

    b) Re-alignment /diversion impacts on operations and operational costs

    1.53 The applicant does not anticipate that the proposed development will

    require the re-alignment or diversion of any WPD apparatus. However,

    in the event that any diversions were required, it is anticipated that these

    would be subject to protective provisions for the benefit of WPD that are

    currently being drafted for inclusion in the Order. The only impacts on

    WPD's apparatus are the modifications to the Grange and Cefn Gwrgan

    substations. The applicant's intends for these works to be carried out by

    WPD in accordance with the terms of an agreement between the parties.

    c) Protective Measures

    1.54 At WPD's request, the applicant is currently preparing draft protective

    provisions for WPD's apparatus that are appropriate in the context of this


    Question 1.11

    1.55 Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University / Public Health Wales (PHW) - Can

    the applicant provide an update of their position regarding agreement

    with PHW on the following issues:

    a) Air quality mitigation measures during the construction phase to

    address construction traffic pollution and exhaust stack


    b) Construction-phase dust effects mitigation measures;

    c) Mitigation of potential impacts on geology, soils and

    hydrogeology resulting from the proposed development during

    the construction, operation and decommissioning phases;

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    d) Mitigation of any adverse effects on controlled waters from

    intermittent miscellaneous discharges of water associated with

    ancillary equipment and rainwater run-off from associated

    construction activities; and

    e) Mitigation of any adverse surface water runoff effects on the

    drainage channel (Middle Mother Ditch) outside the Order Limits,

    and other downstream water bodies / courses.


    1.56 The relevant representation submitted by Abertawe Bro Morgannwg

    University / Public Health Wales (PHW) states that PHW concurs with

    the comments previously provided by Public Health England (PHE) in

    response to the scoping report and the section 42 consultation.

    1.57 PHE has now confirmed in its relevant representation that it is satisfied

    that the development’s potential impacts on public health have been

    adequately addressed and, where necessary, suitable mitigation has

    been proposed.

    1.58 On the basis that PHW has not raised any additional points in its relevant

    representation, the applicant has proceeded on the basis that PHW is

    also satisfied with the mitigation measures proposed by the applicant in

    respect of the matters listed in this question. However, the applicant will

    seek confirmation from PHW that this is in fact the case.

    1.59 The measures proposed in relation to each of the issues listed in the

    question are set out below and it is the applicant's understanding that

    PHW is satisfied with these measures.

    a) Air Quality Mitigation Measures

    1.60 Measures to mitigate air quality impacts arising from construction traffic

    are set out in the dust management plan (DMP) that must be submitted

    to and approved by the relevant planning authority under requirement 10

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    of the draft DCO. The DMP must be substantially in accordance with the

    outline version appended to the Code of Construction Practice at

    Appendix 15.1 of the Environmental Statement. The measures set out in

    the outline DMP reflect the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM)

    best practice and include:

    • Damping down shall control dust during prolonged periods of dry

    weather together with the implementation of site speed limits set at a

    maximum of 10 mph as appropriate.

    • All haul lorries shall be appropriately sheeted and stockpiles of fine

    materials shall be covered or damped down as required.

    • The MWC contractor shall ensure that public highways are kept clear

    of mud and other debris that may have been tracked from the site.

    • Extra care will be taken to minimise airborne cement dust.

    • Any grit blasting operations shall be shielded.

    • The monitoring of dust shall form part of the daily site inspections and

    part of the traffic light monitoring system.

    1.61 A pollution prevention plan (PPP) must also be submitted to the local

    planning authority for approval under requirement 10. The outline PPP

    at Appendix 15.1.2 of the Code of Construction Practice sets out

    mitigation measures to control pollution to air (see section 2.3).

    1.62 The applicant assumes question 1.11(a) is referring to vehicle exhaust

    emissions during the construction phase, rather than the stack emissions

    (during the operational phase). Table 5.7.1 of the ES sets out the

    mitigations measures to be implemented in respect of construction

    emissions. On the basis that these measures are implemented,

    paragraph 5.7.4 of the ES concludes that there will be no significant

    effects from construction traffic emissions.

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    b) Construction-phase dust effects mitigation measures

    1.63 The outline DMP referred to above also sets out mitigation measures in

    respect of the control of construction phase dust more generally. These

    measures and the monitoring regime that is also required under the DMP

    will ensure that construction dust effects will not give rise to any public

    health risks.

    c) Mitigation of potential impacts on geology, soils and hydrogeology

    1.64 Section 9.7 and Table 9.4 Summary of Assessment of the ES outline the

    potential effects on controlled waters and surface water runoff during

    construction. There are no significant potential impacts during operation

    and decommissioning phases relating to geology, soils and

    hydrogeology. The outline CoCP and Water Management Plan (WMP)

    also set out mitigation measures in respect of spoil /material

    management and control of construction phase dust more

    generally. These mitigation measures and the monitoring regime that is

    also required under the WMP will ensure that any effects on geology,

    soils and hydrogeology will not give rise to any public health risks.

    d) Mitigation of any adverse effects on controlled waters from intermittent miscellaneous discharges of water

    1.65 The CoCP and WMP provide details of how any intermittent, construction

    derived discharges of water will be controlled throughout the construction

    phase. Through the implementation of the COCP and WMP (as secure

    by Requirement 10), any adverse effects will be managed to an

    acceptable level.

    e) Mitigation of any adverse effects on controlled waters from intermittent miscellaneous discharges of water

    1.66 The WMP provides details of how any intermittent, construction derived

    discharges of water will be controlled throughout the construction phase.

    There will be no discharges during operation and decommissioning

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    phase. Due to the scale of the electrical connection works, the distance

    of the Middle Mother Ditch and other watercourses outside the Order

    Limits, it is unlikely that there would be any significant potential adverse

    effects to these receptors. Nevertheless, through the implementation of

    the CoCP and WMP (mandatory by Requirement 10), any adverse

    effects will be managed to an acceptable level.

    Question 1.12

    1.67 Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (NPTCBC) - Can the

    applicant provide an update of their position regarding agreement with

    NPTCBC on the following issues:

    a) Dispersion modelling of air quality in relation to nitrogen dioxide,

    sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulates (PM10

    and PM2.5);

    b) Confirmation that there will be no increase in overall air

    emissions should existing power generation and Phase 1 of

    Option 2 be operational concurrently;

    c) Mitigation measures for construction dust through

    implementation of an approved Dust Management Plan (DMP);

    d) Mitigation measures to limit construction noise and vibration to

    acceptable levels;

    e) Restrictions on working hours;

    f) Maximum final dimensions and finishes of project buildings to

    minimise visual impact;

    g) Translocation of protected species (kidney vetch);

    h) Further surveys for Shrill and Brown Banded Carder Bees;

    i) Construction traffic management plan; and

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    j) Petroleum carbon analysis within site investigations to determine

    human health risk.


    1.68 The applicant and NPTCBC propose to enter into a SoCG and it is

    anticipated that this will record the position of the parties in relation to all

    of the issues listed in this question. Discussions regarding the SOCG

    are ongoing, but the applicant's provisional understanding of the current

    position in respect of each issue is set out below.

    a) Dispersion modelling of air quality in relation to nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulates (PM10 and PM2.5)

    1.69 The applicant believes that NPTCBC is satisfied with the dispersion

    modelling carried out by the applicant which assesses the impact of

    nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulates

    (PM10 and PM2.5). Discussions have been held with Martin Hooper,

    Pollution Control Officer at NPTCBC. When asked about the stack

    modelling, Mr Hooper indicated that he would not be commenting on the

    stack dispersion modelling but would accept the outcome of the NRW

    review of the air quality assessment and modelling. The Council's

    position will be confirmed in the SOCG.

    b) Confirmation that there will be no increase in overall air emissions should existing power generation and Phase 1 of Option 2 be operational concurrently

    1.70 The applicant assessment concludes that overall aerial emissions from

    the steel works will not increase in Phase 1 of Option 2. This is due to

    the fact that it is not economical to operate the new boiler on natural gas.

    As such, the new boiler will operate using gas from the blast furnaces

    that would otherwise be flared on the site meaning that overall aerial

    emissions would not increase. The applicant is seeking NPTCBC's

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    agreement to this point and the Council's position will be confirmed in the


    c) Mitigation measures for construction dust

    1.71 Requirement 10 of the draft DCO reflects NPTCBC's request that the

    DCO be subject to a requirement that a dust management plan (DMP) be

    approved by the authority prior to the commencement of construction

    and NPTCBC has indicated that it is satisfied with this wording. The

    position will be confirmed in the SOCG.

    d) Mitigation measures to limit construction noise and vibration

    1.72 Requirement 11 of the draft DCO reflects NPTCBC's request that the

    DCO be subject to suitable noise controls during the construction phase.

    This requirement requires a noise management plan (which must include

    a construction vibration risk assessment) to be approved by the authority

    prior to the commencement of construction and NPTCBC has indicated

    in its relevant representation that it is satisfied with this wording, but the

    position will be confirmed in due course in the SOCG.

    e) Restrictions on working hours;

    1.73 The applicant notes NPTCBC's relevant representation regarding the

    proposed working hours in requirement 14. This issue will be discussed

    with NPTCBC with a view to seeking an agreement and the confirmed

    position will be set out in the SOCG.

    f) Maximum final dimensions and finishes of project buildings

    1.74 The applicant has discussed the maximum building parameters and the

    requirement to obtain approval of building finishes with NPTCBC. The

    applicant also discussed the proposed revisions to the maximum

    parameters with NPTCBC before submitting details of these to the

    Examining Authority on 9 December 2014. The parties' position on these

    issues will be confirmed in the SOCG.

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    g) Translocation of protected species (kidney vetch)

    1.75 In order to facilitate the site investigation works which are currently taking

    place on site, the kidney vetch identified in the ES has already been

    translocated in accordance with the methodology set out in Appendix 6.7

    of the ES. Reports detailing this translocation have been sent to

    NPTCBC for their comment, and the parties' position will be set out in the


    h) Further surveys for Shrill and Brown Banded Carder Bees

    1.76 The applicant understood from the pre-application consultation with

    NPTCBC that further surveys for Shrill and Brown Banded Carder Bees

    were not required. The applicant is seeking clarification from the Council

    and the position will be confirmed in the SOCG.

    i) Construction traffic management plan

    1.77 NPTCBC has requested that a construction traffic management plan

    (CTMP) be submitted for approval by the authority. The applicant

    considers this request has been adequately addressed through

    requirement 11(1)(b) in Schedule 2 to the draft DCO. The position will be

    confirmed in the SOCG.

    j) Petroleum carbon analysis within site investigations to determine human health risk

    1.78 The site investigations that are currently ongoing will include a specific

    petroleum hydrocarbon analysis. The results of this work will be shared

    with NPTCBC in early 2015 so that appropriate measures, if necessary,

    can be included in the DCO.

    Question 1.13

    1.79 Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council (RCTCBC) – Can the

    applicant state whether there any outstanding highways issues that need

    to be agreed with RCTCBC.

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    1.80 A late representation was submitted by RCTCBC (dated 23rd October

    2014) during the Pre-Examination phase. This was accepted as a

    relevant representation by the Examining Authority in the Rule 6 letter

    dated 13 November 2014. The representation submitted by RCTCBC

    concludes that: "The proposed development has no significant adverse

    impact on RCTCBC local and strategic highway network and therefore

    no highway objection is raised."

    1.81 The applicant has contacted RCTCBC seeking confirmation that there

    are no outstanding highways issues that need to be agreed between

    RCTCBC and the applicant.

    Question 1.14

    1.82 Coal reserves - Can the applicant provide a quantitative assessment of

    the extent of potential sterilisation of coal reserves associated with the



    1.83 As per our response to Question 1.05, the Applicant contacted the Coal

    Authority on the 21st November via email and advised that site

    investigation works are currently ongoing onsite and that these works

    would confirm whether coal deposits are present in the area beneath the

    proposed development, and if so, the extent and depth of the coal


    1.84 The Applicant offered to present an interim report to the Coal Authority in

    early 2015. The Coal Authority responded on the 3rd December 2014

    (email received from Mark Harrison) who welcomed the site investigation

    works and that they would like to receive the results in the new year.

    The Coal Authority has confirmed that it will enter into a Statement of

    Common Ground on this basis.

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    Question 1.15

    1.85 Electric and/or magnetic fields – Can the applicant provide evidence that

    the location, design, construction and operation of the power station and

    associated distribution infrastructure will ensure compliance with the

    current ICNIRP guidelines.


    1.86 The applicant considers that the only element of the proposed

    development that could give rise to electric and/or magnetic fields is the

    66kV electrical cables connection forming Work No. 2.

    1.87 The World Health Organisation advises that, beneath overhead electricity

    lines, magnetic fields can be about 20 µT (


    1.88 This is considerably lower than the safe exposure levels set out in the

    International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

    guidelines. In 1998, the ICNIRP issued revised guidelines giving a

    reference level of 100 μT for safe public exposure to magnetic fields at

    power frequencies. In 2010, the ICNIRP increased this reference level to

    a less stringent 200μT, although the previous reference level of 100 μT

    remains the basis of UK guidance.

    1.89 It is anticipated that the majority of the electrical connection forming Work

    No. 2 will be installed underground, therefore it is expected that the

    magnetic field level will be significantly less than 20 µT. Even in the

    event that the electrical cables were installed above ground, the

    magnetic field level potentially generated by a 66kV electrical cable will

    be significantly below the current ICNIRP guidelines of 100 μT.

    1.90 Accordingly, the applicant considers that the authorised development will

    operate in compliance with the ICNIRP guidelines.

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    Question 2.01

    2.1 Does the applicant expect the representations from statutory undertakers

    to be withdrawn and if so by what date or alternatively whether it intends

    to present evidence that the tests set out in s127 and s138 are met. The

    applicant is notified that unless such evidence is presented sufficiently

    early in the examination (for example at the application stage) for it to be

    examined it may not be possible to conclude that any statutory

    undertakers land or rights may be acquired.


    2.2 The applicant expects all representations from statutory undertakers to

    be withdrawn on the basis of appropriate protective provisions being

    agreed with each undertaker. At this stage, the applicant expects the

    withdrawal of all representations from statutory undertakers to be

    confirmed to the Examining Authority by mid-March 2015.

    Question 2.02

    2.3 Order land limits - Can the applicant provide justification for the dimensions of the order land identified on the land plans as 01/07 and



    2.4 Plot number 01/07 will accommodate utilities and communications pipes (forming part of Work No. 1C) which will connect Work No. 1A to the

    existing on-site infrastructure situated on the other side of the Ogmore

    Vale Railway Line from the proposed site of the generating station.

    2.5 The width length of plot 01/07 (across the railway line) is determined by

    the extent of the Network Rail Infrastructure Limited ownership at this

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    location. As the Applicant owns the land either side of the railway line,

    no further land or rights are required to enable the connections to be run

    from the new generating station into the existing infrastructure.

    2.6 The width of plot 01/07 has been determined to allow sufficient flexibility

    as to the placement of the new connections as part of Work No. 1C. As

    the exact locations where these connections will ingress and egress

    Work No. 1A have yet to be determined and will not be known until the

    detailed design stage, the exact angle and route of approach that the

    new connections will take into the existing connections and where they

    will cross the railway line within plot 01/07 is not yet known. Once the

    construction of the connections within plot 01/07 has been completed

    and the final location of the connections known, the Applicant will only

    acquire easements over the area actually required.

    2.7 Plot number 02/04 is required to accommodate the 66kV cables electrical which form part of Work No. 2 connecting Work No. 1A to the

    Grange and Cefn Gwrgan substations.

    2.8 The length of plot 02/04 (across the railway line) is determined by the

    extent of the Network Rail Infrastructure Limited ownership at this

    location. As the Applicant owns the land either side of the railway line,

    no further land or rights are required to enable the 66kV cable to

    continue its route from Work No. 1A to the Grange and Cefn Gwrgan


    2.9 The width of plot 02/04 is dictated by the width of the limits of deviation

    for Work No.2. The limits of deviation have been drawn to allow:

    • an excavated trench to be cut at a sufficient angle to allow access

    underneath the railway line; and

    • a sufficient degree of flexibility so that those designing and laying the

    cable route can adapt to local ground conditions and the location of

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    existing services which will only become fully apparent when the

    cables trench is excavated.

    Question 2.03

    2.10 Jointly agreed statements – Can the applicant provide a jointly agreed

    statement between the applicant and each affected party as to the

    progress made in, and current position of, negotiations on reaching

    agreement on the acquisition of land, rights or easements as applicable.

    In each case, state whether or not all reasonable alternatives to

    compulsory acquisition have been explored – including the use of way

    leaves, temporary access, private treaty, option agreement and other

    agreements – and, if so, why have those alternatives been rejected.


    2.11 The only party affected by the powers of compulsory acquisition in the

    Order is Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. The following joint

    statement has been agreed between the applicant and Network Rail.

    2.12 The rights sought by the applicant over Network Rail property are

    easements to cross the Ogmore Vale railway line in two locations with

    utilities pipes and a 66kV electrical cable respectively. The rights are

    described in the book of reference (doc ref. 4.03) in relation to plots

    01/07 and 02/04.

    2.13 The draft Order includes protective provisions for the benefit of Network

    Rail which provide that the applicant may not exercise powers of

    compulsorily acquisition over Network Rail's property except with the

    consent of Network Rail. The parties are therefore in discussions with a

    view to entering into the appropriate arrangements for the necessary

    rights over the railway line to be granted to the applicant by agreement

    rather than being acquired compulsorily under the powers in the Order.

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    2.14 The Applicant has provided Network Rail with information about the

    proposed crossings to enable Network Rail to undertake its land

    clearance process. Network Rail confirmed on 22 December 2014 that

    the land clearance process has been completed and Network Rail is

    currently awaiting a valuation of the rights sought.

    2.15 Once this valuation has been undertaken, the parties intend to agree the

    form of an option and easement agreement which will provide the

    applicant with an option to acquire the necessary easements across the

    railway line in the event that it proceeds with the proposed development.

    The agreement will also require the applicant to enter into an Asset

    Protection Agreement (APA) with Network Rail prior to any works being

    carried out over the railway.

    2.16 Once the terms of an option to grant an easement and a form of

    easement have been settled, the Applicant will confirm this to be the

    mechanism through which rights over Network Rail's land will be granted

    and will further confirm that it will not exercise the compulsory purchase

    powers contained within the draft Order. Following this confirmation

    Network Rail will be in a position to withdraw its objection to the

    compulsory purchase powers included in the draft Order.

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    Question 3.01

    3.1 Applicant’s Letter dated 8th December

    a) Can the applicant provide evidence to support their assertion that

    the changes to the Turbine Hall and Cooling Tower Units width

    dimensions are due to “design optimisation”.

    b) Can the applicant provide evidence to support their statement that

    the changes to the Turbine Hall and Cooling Tower Units width

    dimensions are as a result of Statutory Undertaker comments.

    c) Can the applicant provide a revised indicative site layout plan

    showing the revised orientation and dimensions of the turbine hall

    and cooling tower units together with the alignment of the Dwr

    Cymru Cyfyngedig Afan valley trunk sewer.

    d) Can the applicant provide a table of dimensions for Option 2 Phase


    e) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 2

    Requirement 4 (2) (b) which ensures the maximum dimensions are

    not exceeded.

    f) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 2

    Requirement 20 which ensures the maximum dimensions contained

    with DCO Schedule 2 Requirement 4 are not exceeded.

    g) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 5

    which ensures the maximum dimensions contained with DCO

    Schedule 2 Requirement 4 are not exceeded.

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    a) Can the applicant provide evidence to support their assertion that the changes to the Turbine Hall and Cooling Tower Units width dimensions are due to “design optimisation”

    3.2 Design development work has been ongoing since the submission of the

    DCO application. The designers have proposed the revised changes to

    the turbine hall and cooling towers for the reasons set out below.

    3.3 The increase to the width of the turbine hall will allow the steam turbines

    to be positioned such that the overall footprint of the building could be

    reduced. Initial indications are that the optimised turbine hall footprint

    could potentially be reduced by ~30-40% (when compared to maximum

    footprint currently described in the DCO) saving around £1.5-2m in

    material and construction costs. In addition the revised positioning of the

    turbines, allowed for by the wider building, minimises the length of high

    pressure steam pipe-work connecting the boiler to the turbine thereby

    reducing cost and minimising any risks associated with high pressure

    steam. Finally the revised positioning of the turbines allows for a much

    smaller span for the turbine hall crane - again reducing costs.

    3.4 The increased cooling tower width dimensions allow for a better fit on the

    site especially with respect to the town sewer and also allows for the

    addition of acoustic cladding (if required) to minimise noise from the


    b) Can the applicant provide evidence to support their statement that the changes to the Turbine Hall and Cooling Tower Units width dimensions are as a result of Statutory Undertaker comments

    3.5 One of the factors that led to the revised parameters being developed

    was the dimensions of the protective envelope which Welsh Water

    require around the Afan Valley trunk sewer.

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    3.6 The initial indicative layout of the plant was developed on the basis that it

    was possible to build above the alignment of the sewer. This assumption

    was made on the basis that the former coke ovens at the steelworks had

    previously stood at this location. However, following a condition survey

    the sewer and ongoing consultation with Welsh Water, it was established

    that a protective envelope would need to be included around the

    alignment of the sewer. The dimensions of the protective envelope were

    confirmed in an email to the applicant dated 19 November 2014

    (included at Appendix B).

    3.7 A revised layout has therefore been developed which avoids the need to

    build above the sewer. This revised layout has necessitated

    amendments to the proposed widths of the turbine hall and cooling tower

    unit (as set out in response to question 3.01(a) above).

    c) Can the applicant provide a revised indicative site layout plan showing the revised orientation and dimensions of the turbine hall and cooling tower units together with the alignment of the Dwr Cymru Cyfyngedig Afan valley trunk sewer.

    3.8 See the revised plan at Appendix C.

    d) Can the applicant provide a table of dimensions for Option 2 Phase 1

    3.9 The Applicant proposes to add the following table to Requirement 4(2) in

    the next iteration of the DCO which provides the maximum parameters

    for Option 2 Phase 1:

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    Element of




    max. height



    max. width



    max. length





    Stacks 80 - - maximum of 1

    Cooling tower

    unit 22 25 80


    area of



    volume of


    Turbine hall 25 45 55


    area of



    volume of


    Boiler house 35 (at apex) 45 60 -


    station 20 55 35


    3.10 In addition, the applicant will be providing parameters for other elements

    of Work No. 1 - see the applicant's response to Questions 4.05, 4.06 and


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    e) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 2 Requirement 4 (2) (b) which ensures the maximum dimensions are not exceeded.

    3.11 The applicant does not consider that requirement 4(2)(b) needs to be

    revised to ensure that the maximum parameters are not exceeded. The

    drafting already provides that the maximum parameters must not be

    exceeded except where amendments to those parameters have been

    approved by the relevant planning authority in accordance with

    requirement 20(1).

    3.12 The applicant considers that the ability to amend the parameters in

    clearly defined circumstances is necessary to ensure the DCO provides

    a degree of flexibility to accommodate a final design which could involve

    small extensions to those parameters.

    3.13 As is normal for a project of this type, a detailed design has not yet been

    developed and this will be prepared by a contractor who will be

    appointed in due course. If the final design exceeded any of the

    maximum parameters specified in requirement 4, the procedure specified

    in requirement 20(1) would allow the relevant planning authority to

    approve amendments to those parameters.

    3.14 Crucially, requirement 20(2) provides that approval of any such

    amendments may only be given where it has been demonstrated to the

    satisfaction of the relevant planning authority that those amendments

    would not give rise to any materially new or materially different

    environmental effects to those assessed in the ES. Accordingly, only

    amendments which remain within the scope of the likely significant

    effects identified in the ES could be approved.

    3.15 Requirement 20 is based on requirement 37 in Schedule 4 to the Model

    Provisions. This provides that the IPC (now abolished) may approve

    subsequent amendments to any details approved following the grant of

    development consent. The model requirement does not expressly state

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    the parameters within which subsequent amendments may be approved,

    whereas requirement 20 expressly provides that amendments to the

    parameters may only be approved to the extent that they would not give

    rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects to

    those assessed in the ES. This wording ensures that the scheme that is

    implemented cannot be materially different from that assessed in the ES

    and, in practice, means that only minor extensions to the parameters

    could be approved.

    3.16 There are precedents for DCOs providing flexibility in terms equivalent to

    this. For example, requirement 3 of the Network Rail (Ipswich Chord)

    Order 2012 provides that the authorised development "must be carried

    out in accordance with the design drawings certified under article 32

    (certification of plans etc.) unless otherwise approved by the relevant

    planning authority". In that case, the ability for variations to certified

    plans to be agreed with the relevant planning authority is not expressly

    constrained by any reference to the scope of the environmental impact


    3.17 The same wording is used in the National Grid (North London

    Reinforcement Project) Order 2014, but in that case the ability for the

    relevant authority to agree variations to the certified plans is qualified by

    wording which provides that such variations may only be approved "in

    relation to immaterial changes where it has been demonstrated to the

    satisfaction of the relevant planning authority or relevant highway

    authority that the subject matter of the approval or agreement sought is

    unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different

    environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental

    statement" (see requirement 17).

    3.18 Requirement 34 in Schedule 1 to the East Anglia ONE Offshore Wind

    Farm Order 2014 provides that the relevant planning authority may

    approve amendments or variations to approved details "in relation to

    immaterial changes where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of

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    the relevant planning authority or that other person that the subject

    matter of the agreement sought is unlikely to give rise to any materially

    new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in

    the environmental statement."

    3.19 The applicant considers that the scope of flexibility provided by

    requirements 4 and 20 is consistent with the approach adopted in

    previous DCOs such as these.

    f) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 2 Requirement 20 which ensures the maximum dimensions contained with DCO Schedule 2 Requirement 4 are not exceeded

    3.20 For the reasons given in response to Question 3.01(e) above, the

    applicant does not consider that it is necessary to amend the drafting of

    requirement 20.

    g) Can the applicant propose revised drafting for DCO Schedule 5 which ensures the maximum dimensions contained with DCO Schedule 2 Requirement 4 are not exceeded

    3.21 For the reasons given in response to Question 3.01(e) above, the

    applicant does not consider it is necessary to amend the drafting of

    Schedule 5.

    3.22 These provisions purely relate to the procedure by which any application

    for a consent, agreement or approval requirement by a requirement may

    be determined. In particular, the provisions in paragraph 1(3) expressly

    provide that the deemed approval mechanism in paragraph 1(2) would

    not apply to an application to amend the maximum parameters in the

    event that those amendments would be likely to give rise to any

    materially new or materially different environmental effects to those

    assessed in the ES.

    3.23 This ensures that amendments to the parameters may only be approved

    by the relevant planning authority where it has been demonstrated to the

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    satisfaction of the relevant planning authority that those amendments

    would not give rise to any materially new or materially different

    environmental effects.

    Question 3.02

    3.24 Plumes – Can the applicant confirm that there will be no plumes resulting

    from either the burning or cooling operations of the proposed



    3.25 The applicant can confirm that the proposed development will be

    designed to ensure there are no visible plumes from cooling or burning

    operations during normal operating and climactic conditions.

    3.26 The cooling tower unit forming part of the proposed development will be

    a modern hybrid system, or a more advanced technology, and will be

    designed to result in no visible plumes (except in exceptionally adverse

    weather conditions). The use of such systems is generally considered as

    the 'best available technique'.

    3.27 Burning operations at the proposed development will not give rise to

    visible plumes from the boiler stacks. This is because of the high

    temperature and low moisture content of the process gas that is to be


    Question 3.03

    3.28 Durability – Can the applicant provide evidence as to the durability of the

    proposed 0.7mm thick metal cladding for the buildings in relation to the

    marine coastal environment in which the building will be located.

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    3.29 The 0.7mm cladding which is referred to in the Environmental Statement

    is a preliminary selection by the Applicant.

    3.30 At the detailed design stage the Applicant would finalise the style and

    thickness of the external materials of the building to ensure that they are

    appropriate to accommodate the final design and external factors,

    including the marine coastal environment.

    3.31 NPTCBC will have the opportunity to input into these proposals at the

    detailed design stage and to ensure that the Applicant's proposed

    cladding material is sufficiently durable and suitable for the coastal

    location. Under requirement 4(3)(b) of Schedule 2 to the draft DCO the

    Applicant's proposals for the 'colour, materials and surface finishes of all

    permanent buildings and structures' have to be submitted to NPTCBC for

    approval before works can commence.

    Question 3.04

    3.32 Health & safety – Can the applicant provide evidence of their

    consultations with the H&SE regarding the identification and mitigation of

    risks to site operatives and the local community during the construction,

    operation and decommissioning phases.


    3.33 The applicant has carried out the following consultation with the H&SE to

    obtain the H&SE's views on the identification and mitigation of risks to

    site operatives and the local community arising from the project:

    1) The H&SE was consulted at part of the EIA consultation on the

    scoping report (September 2013). The H&SE's response (dated 22

    October 2013) appears in Appendix 2 of the Scoping Opinion.

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    2) The proposed development was discussed in a meeting between

    the applicant and the H&SE in November 2013 as part of the

    applicant’s process of engagement with relevant regulators and


    3) The H&SE was consulted at part of the applicant's s42 consultation

    on the proposed development. The H&SE's formal response to the

    s42 consultation was received on 14 March 2014 and is appended

    to this document at Appendix D.

    3.34 A Health & Safety Statement (Document Ref: 10.05) was submitted as

    part of the DCO application. This confirms that the H&SE was consulted

    by the applicant about the proposed development and sets out the

    results of that consultation in terms of the identification and mitigation of

    risks to site operatives and the local community arising from the project.

    3.35 In particular, the statement confirms that, as suggested by the H&SE,

    that an addendum to the applicant's 2013 Safety Report will be prepared

    which will fully describe any potential increase in the on-site or off-site

    risks and the measures being put in place to control them to ALARP.

    Question 3.06

    3.36 Working corridor – Can the applicant clarify their statement “much less in

    reality than shown” and confirm whether such would reduce the extent of

    the compulsory acquisition powers sought.


    3.37 The permanent cable trench and the temporary working corridor required

    during installation will both be narrower than the limits of deviation for

    Work No. 2 shown on the Works Plan.

    3.38 The applicant expects the width of the working corridor to be

    approximately 5 metres. However, the limits of deviation for Work No. 2

    are wider than this and reflect the need for flexibility as to the final

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    alignment of the cables installation. Where there are existing services

    already in place, deeper trenches will be needed which will require a

    wider excavating area. Those designing and laying the cable route

    require room to adapt to local ground conditions and the location of

    existing services, which may only become fully apparent when the cables

    trench is excavated. At present, the applicant cannot determine where

    within the limits of deviation the cables will be laid and, therefore, where

    the working corridor will be situated within these limits.

    3.39 The majority of Work No. 2 is on the applicant's land and therefore is not

    subject to powers of compulsory acquisition. The only two parcels which

    are subject to powers of compulsory acquisition are the two sections of

    the Ogmore Vale Railway Line owned by Network Rail Infrastructure

    Limited. Paragraph 4 of the Protective Provisions agreed with NR

    provides that the applicant may only acquire or use NR land with NR's

    prior consent. Therefore, the width of the working corridor and the

    permanent easement that is proposed to be acquired over these two

    parcels of land will be determined by agreement with NR. Consequently,

    there is no requirement to reduce the extent of compulsory purchase

    powers provided for in the draft DCO.

    3.40 As noted in the response to question 4.08, the applicant will specify in

    requirement 4 of Schedule 2 to the next draft of the DCO a maximum

    width of 4 metres for the cables where installed below ground or

    supported by existing above-ground structures.

    Question 3.07

    3.41 Decommissioning – Can the applicant provide an indicative programme

    for the subsequent decommissioning of the newly redundant plant in

    relation to the cessation of emissions, noise etc.


    3.42 See indicative programme at Appendix E.

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    Question 3.08

    3.43 Commencement of Option 1 Phase 2 – Can the applicant confirm and

    define the milestone that will become the start date for the “within 10

    years” period.


    3.44 If the authorised development is constructed in two stages, the start date

    for the 10 year period within which the second stage must commence is

    the commencement of the first stage of the authorised development.

    3.45 "Commencement" is defined in paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 as meaning

    the carrying out of any material operation comprised in or carried out for

    the purposes of the authorised development. This definition mirrors the

    drafting of section 155 of the Planning Act 2008 (when development


    Question 3.09

    3.46 Cooling water – Can the applicant quantify the extent of make-up water

    that is anticipated to sustain the open circuit cooling.


    3.47 Initial thermal design of the plant has shown an actual water make up

    requirement of approximately 250m3/hr (blowdown and evaporative

    losses) for the cooling towers at the normal base case operation.

    Maximum requirements at abnormal operating conditions are ~340m3/hr.

    3.48 These levels are significantly lower than those assessed in the ES which

    was prepared on a precautionary 'worse-case' basis. In addition the

    anticipated blowdown requirement from the new boilers is only 20m3/hr

    which is again significantly less than the 150m3/hr assumed in the ES

    and is likely to be a net reduction in abstraction for this requirement when

  • The Port Talbot Steelworks (Power Generation Enhancement) Order Applicant’s Response to the Examining Authority’s ExAWQ1.01 First Round of Written Questions

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    considerate is recognised that the blowdown from the existing boilers

    which are to be decommissioned is currently more than this.

    3.49 The applicant has assessed the used worst case in the ES and this is

    shown on Figure 14.2 and 14.3 and outlined within Appendix 14.6 and

    14.7 and in the following sections within the ES which quantify the extent

    of make-up water required:

    "Paragraph 14.7.17 - The cooling towers will require approximately 600

    m3/hr of water abstraction to compensate for evaporation and drift losses

    (approximately 300 m3/hr) and blow down loses (approximately 300

    m3/hr) respectively. A further abstraction volume of approximately 150

    m3/hr will be required to compensate for the new proposed boilers blow

    down losses. This gives a total abstraction requirement of approximately

    750 m3/hr (7,000,000 m3/yr).

    Paragraph 14.7.18 - As mentioned, this abstraction volume will be an

    additional abstraction requirement from the River Afan on top of the

    current average Port Talbot site abstraction rate at 10,000,000 m3/yr

    (based on April 2011- March 2012 abstraction data – Appendix 14.8,

    Table 14.8.1). However, the additional abstraction required for the

    proposed new boilers will be negated by the decommissioning of the four

    old boilers, making the total additional abstraction requirement for the

    proposed development during operation approximately 600 m3/hr

    (5,000,000 m3/yr). This gives an overall abstraction requirement of

    approximately 15,000,000 m3/yr. This is above the current abstraction

    license for the River Afan (14,933,610 m3/yr), however it is unlikely that

    in reality the additional abstraction required will exceed the current

    licensed limit as the volumes outlined above have been estimated and

    rounded to provide an upper limit of abstraction."

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    Question 3.10

    3.50 Cooling water – Can the applicant quantify the statement “significantly

    less water volumes will be required for the operation of the proposed

    development than the present system”.


    3.51 The proposed development will result in a significant reduction in

    abstraction water (due to decommissioning of once-through cooling

    systems on the old turbines). However, there will be a net increase in

    consumptive losses due to evaporation and blowdown from cooling

    towers, although this will be significantly less than originally assessed in

    ES as outlined in response to question 3.09.

    3.52 Appendices 14.6 and 14.7 of the ES provide summaries of proposed

    water volumes from current operations compared to the proposed

    development. Appendices 14.6 and 14.7 calculate that the total gross

    abstraction with the proposed development will decrease by 64% for

    Option 1, and increase by 2% increase for Option 2 Phase 1. This is

    considered to be the worst case scenario as future actual losses are

    currently unknown.

    Question 3.11

    3.53 Plumes – Can the applicant provide evidence of the design methods and

    standards that will be applied to “address any potential visibility issues

    from the release of plumes”.


    3.54 See the answer to question 3.02.

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    Question 3.12

    3.55 Natural gas usage – Can the applicant quantify the likely extent, duration

    and frequency of natural gas usage.


    3.56 During normal operation process gases, mainly Blast Furnace Gas

    (BFG), will be fired on the boilers. The Natural gas will be used for;

    1) Boiler start up which is normally required after a statutory shutdown

    every 2 years or in the event of any unplanned extended downtime

    of the boiler for example a failure of a component or boiler tube leak.

    2) Flame stabilisation which is required if and when the calorific value

    (CV) of the BFG drops below 3 MJ/m3. This is not normal operation

    and can occur as a result of various operational issues with the blast

    furnaces. Based on operational experience, this drop in CV is only

    expected to occur for a few hours, on approximately two occasions a


    3) Maintaining minimum load of the boiler/turbine. This scenario would

    occur if and when the boiler loses its main fuel supply of BFG.

    Natural gas would then be utilised to maintain minimum load to keep

    the boiler/turbine operational. The minimum load is approximately

    50% (subject to confirmation as the design develops) of the overall

    boiler capacity. Based on initial estimates, approximately 15000

    m3/hr of natural gas per boiler will be required to maintain boiler(s)

    on minimum load. This scenario could occur when a blast furnace

    goes offline for maintenance on a planned basis or has to come

    offline in an unplanned fashion (either for problems within the Bla

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