the political beat iron bowl issue

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Political Magazine



2 The Political Beat October/November 2010







The President 6

New Leadership in Congress

John Boehner


18Fred Ricgardson

Moonpie Drop

3 The Political Beat October/November 2010

Ron Wallace is an inspir ingEdi tor- In-Chief for The Po-l i t ical Beat . A Pol i t ical Pub-l ica t ion publ i shed d ig i ta l lyevery two months . Wal laceis a de tec t ive wi th the Mo-bi le Pol ice Depar tment ,where he i s ass igned to theCriminal Invest igat ion Divi-s ion . He i s a na t ive of Mo-bi le and a graduate of JohnLeFlore High School . Wal-lace served on ac t ive dutywith the U. S. Marine Corpsfor e ight years .

He has s tud ied a t the Uni -vers i ty of South Alabamaand Bishop State Universi ty.He’s a l so a cer t i f ied com-puter network engineer, anda graduate of Nor th I s landNaval Base wi th a cer t i f i -ca te as a computer sys temsadminis t ra tor.

In addi t ion , Wal lace i s agraduate of Avia t ion Main-tenance a t Naval BaseMeridian, Miss . , wi th a cer-t i f ica te in av ia t ion main te-nance adminis t ra t ion andaeronautical technical publi-ca t ion l ib rary management .He’s the previous owner andCEO of Netforce Computersand Al lgravy Networks .Wallace has received severalawards and ci ta t ions for his

outs tanding work wi th theMobi le Pol ice Depar tment .He’s a c ivic leader, mot iva-t ional speaker and mentor tolocal youth. Wallace ran forMobile City Council in 2009but came in third in his race.Af ter having a touch of thePol i t ical arena, Wallace hadthe idea of s tar t ing a Pol i t i -

cal Magazine. That is whenthe b i r th of The Pol i t ica lBeat came about . Throughhis magazine , Wal lace be-l ieves that i t wi l l be a publ i -ca t ion for ge t t ing pol i t ica lnews to the people of th i scountry.

Wal lace i s the son of thela te Mr. & Mrs . Per ry Wal-lace Jr.



Ron Wallace is an inspiring Editor-In-Chief for The Political BeatA Political Publication published digitally every two months.


Who will be Victorious????


This Treaty is rooted in a practice that dates back to

Ronald Reagan. The idea is simple – as the two nations

with over 90 percent of the world’s nuclear weapons,

the United States and Russia have a responsibility to

work together to reduce our arsenals. And to ensure

that our national security is protected, the United States

has an interest in tracking Russia’s nuclear arsenal

through a verification effort that puts U.S. inspectors

on the ground. As President Reagan said when he

signed a nuclear arms treaty with the Soviet Union in

1987, “Trust, but verify.”

by Political Beat Staff

New START Treaty

6 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0


That is precisely what the New

START Treaty does. After nearly a full

year of negotiations, we completed an

agreement earlier this year that cuts by

a third the number of long-range nu-

clear weapons and delivery vehicles

that the United States and Russia can

deploy, while ensuring that America

retains a strong nuclear deterrent, and

can put inspectors back on the ground

in Russia. The Treaty also helped us

reset our relations with Russia, which

led to concrete benefits. For instance,

Russia has been indispensable to our

efforts to enforce strong sanctions on

Iran, to secure loose nuclear material

from terrorists, and to equip our troops

in Afghanistan. All of this will be put

to risk if the Senate does not pass the

New START Treaty. Without ratifica-

tion this year, the United States will

have no inspectors on the ground, and

no ability to verify Russian nuclear ac-

tivities. So those who would block this

treaty are breaking President Reagan’s

rule – they want to trust, but not verify.

Without ratification, we put at risk

the coalition that we have built to put

pressure on Iran, and the transit route

through Russia that we use to equip

our troops in Afghanistan. And with-

out ratification, we risk undoing

decades of American leadership

New START Treaty

T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 7


Lore IpLoreIpsum mod mod


on nuclear security, and decades of bipartisanship on this issue. Our security and our position in the world are at stake. In-

deed, since the Reagan years, every President has pursued a negotiated, verified, arms reduction treaty. And every time

that these treaties have been reviewed by the Senate, they have passed with over 85 votes. Bipartisan support for New

START could not be stronger. It has been endorsed by Republicans from the Reagan Administration and both Bush Ad-

ministrations – including Colin Powell, George Shultz, Jim Baker, and Henry Kissinger. And it was approved by the Sen-

ate Foreign Relations Committee by a strong bipartisan vote of 14-4. Over the last several months, several questions have

been asked about New START, and we have answered every single one. Some have asked whether it will limit our mis-

sile defense – it will not. Some, including Senator Jon Kyl, have asked that we modernize our nuclear infrastructure for

the 21st century – we are doing so, and plan to invest at least $85 billion in that effort over the next ten years – a signifi-

cant increase from the Bush Administration. Finally, some make no argument against the Treaty – they just ask for more

time. But remember this: it has already been 11 months since we’ve had inspectors in Russia, and every day that goes by

without ratification is a day that we lose confidence in our understanding of Russia’s nuclear weapons. If the Senate does-

n’t act this year – after six months, 18 hearings, and nearly a thousand questions answered – it would have to start over

from scratch in January. The choice is clear: a failure to ratify New START would be a dangerous gamble with America’s

national security, setting back our understanding of Russia’s nuclear weapons, as well as our leadership in the world. That

is not what the American people sent us to Washington to do. There is enough gridlock, enough bickering. If there is one

issue that should unite us – as Republicans and Democrats – it should be our national security. Some things are bigger

than politics. As Republican Dick Lugar said the other day, “Every Senator has an obligation in the national security inter-

est to take a stand, to do his or her duty.” Senator Lugar is right. And if the Senate passes this treaty, it will not

be an achievement for Democrats or Republicans – it will be a win for America.

Feature Story:

Th e C am New t o n s t o r y, l i k e C am New t o n h im s e l f , i s impo s s i b l e t o b e l i e v e .

H e ’s t o o b i g f o r d e f e n d e r s t o s t o p . H e mov e s t o o f a s t f o r p e o p l e t o t r a c k

d own a n d h e i s o n p a c e t o t a k e o v e r t h i s c o l l e g e f o o t b a l l s e a s o n . C am

New t o n h a s r u s h e d f o r o v e r 2 , 0 0 0 y a r d s p a s s i n g a n d o v e r 1 , 0 0 0 r u s h i n g

y a r d s a n d a p a s s r a t i n g o f 183 . 6 . A l t h o u g h t h e r umo r s a b o u t C am New -

t o n ’s e l i g i b i l i t y c o n t i n u e t o sw i r l t h e c o n s e n s u s o n l i n e i s t h a t t h e Aubu r n

QB i s s t i l l t h e f r o n t r u n n e r f o r t h e H e i sman Tr o p h y.

T h e r e ’s n o d o u b t h i s o n t h e f i e l d p e r f o rman c e h a s t a k e n t h e c o l l e g e f o o t -

b a l l wo r l d b y s t o rm . F o r n ow t h e ESPN ’s H e i sman Wa t c h h a s N ew t o n

f i rm l y i n f r o n t w i t h Bo i s e S t a t e QB Ke l l e n Moo r e i n s e c o n d p l a c e a n d

O r e g o n RB L aM i c h a e l J ame s i s i n t h i r d . C am New t o n i s a n ama z i n g a t h -

l e t e a n d a n d h e c a n b e a t y o u w i t h h i s a rm o r w i t h h i s f e e t . C am New t o n i s

t h e mo s t c omp l e t e p l a y e r i n t h e c o l l e g e f o o t b a l l . C am New t o n h a s f a u g h t

t h r o u g h a d v e r s i t y a n d c o n t i n u e s t o b e a s t e l l a a t h l e t e o n a n d o f f t h e f i e l d .

I b e l i e v e C am New t o n w i l l c o n t i n u e t o wow t h e F o o t b a l l Wo r l d e v e n a t t h e

NFL L e v e l .

AUBURN QB Cam Newton

Photo Courtesy of Auburn University

I was gratified when I heard the

Ethics Committee’s own counsel agree

with me and say he found no evidence

of corruption or personal gain in my



by Rep. Charles Rangel

Rep. Charles Rangel

10 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0


I stood before the Ethics Committee

who recommended that I receive cen-

sure for violating the House rules. I

apologize for the embarrassment I have

brought upon you. I truly believe pub-

lic officials have a higher responsibil-

ity than most Americans to obey the

rules because we write them. There is

no excuse for my acts of omission. All

of this has been brought upon me as a

result of my own mistakes. There has

never been any corruption or personal

gain in my actions, as the Committee's

chief counsel noted. Neither has there

been any intent on my part to violate

the House rules. Even the Committee

concluded: "Although prior Committee

precedent for recommendation of cen-

sure involved many cases of direct fi-

nancial gain, this Committee's

recommendation for censure is based

on the cumulative nature of the viola-

tions and not any direct financial per-

sonal gain." However, the final

decision on sanctions for violations of

the House rules will be made by the full

House of Representatives. This has

been one of the most difficult days of

my life since I was left for dead in

North Korea, sixty years ago. In the

end, I hope that you would judge me on

my entire record as a soldier and a ded-

icated public servant -- not only by my

mistakes. For fifty years in public serv-

ice, I have had the honor to work with

many of you to defend the disadvan-

taged and the voiceless. My commit-

ment to you, our cause and to our

community remains as strong as it ever

has been. Thank you for your friend-

ship and support. Best regards,

The Rangle Report

T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 10


No Evidence of Corruption"I see no evidence of corruption," said Blake Chisam, the top ethics com-

mittee lawyer, about Rangel. Chisam's statement was in response to

questioning by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.). Butterfield is serving on

the eight-member panel hearing the Rangel case.

"Do I believe that based on the record that Congressman Rangel took

steps to benefit himself based on his position in Congress? No. I believe

that the congressman, quite frankly, was overzealous in many of the

things he did. And sloppy in his personal finances."

Feature Story:

On the football field, Greg McElroy is known for his leadership, efficiency, , decision-making and winning.

Last year, he led Alabama to an undefeated season and a national championship. He led Alabama to 19

victories before he suffered his first loss. His arm is stronger than analyst say. Greg McElroy is on pace

to set a school record of throwing for 2,900 yards. He is on pace to the schools touchdown record for

passes which is 19.

Greg McElroy is also a tough athlete that played with cracked ribs in a 37-21 victory over Texas that gave

Alabama the 2009 national championship. McElroy has said that "I deal with competitions on a weekly

basis," and "Unfortunately, they're not as grueling as this one may be, from a mental standpoint.

"I'm really looking forward to it, though. It's been such a great ride, and Alabama's been such a special

place for me, and just being able to represent the school, I think that's probably the best opportunity about

it. ... Hopefully I'll be able to go up there and represent us to the best of my ability, and hopefully if we

keep our fingers crossed, I'll be able to walk away being able to call myself a Rhodes Scholar."

McElroy has earned a degree in 3 years. Regardless of intelligence, that’s a great accomplishment when

considering that during the same time he’s playing college football. If that’s not enough Greg plans on at-

taining his Masters Degree while at Alabama. Greg McElroy has definitely proven that he is an all around

athlete on and off the field.

Alabama QB Greg McElroy

Photo Courtesy of Alabama University

Congressman John Boehner re-

leased the fol lowing column

highl ight ing Republ icans new

governing agenda, "A Pledge to

America," which cal ls for stop-

ping the looming tax hikes, cut-

t ing government spending, and

helping end economic uncer-

ta inty that is keeping smal l busi-

nesses in America from growing

and hir ing:

by John Boehner


14 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0


The American People Have Spoken: It’s Time

to Stop the Tax Hikes and End the Spending

Spree in Washington "As lawmakers return to Washington for a so-called 'lame duck' session before Thanksgiving, they must make

an important decision: will they listen to the will of the American people?

"A clear message has been sent by the American people. Fed up with all the ‘stimulus’ spending sprees, the

takeovers and bailouts of the last 22 months, Americans have repudiated Washington, repudiated big govern-

ment, and repudiated a tax-and-spend agenda that is killing American jobs.

"The new Congress will be sworn into office in January, with a new majority in the House that will focus on a new

governing agenda emphasizing job creation and spending cuts. In the meantime, current representatives have

an obligation to listen to the American people and work together to help get our economy back on track.

"One of the first tests lies in stopping the looming tax hikes that are scheduled to hit every American family and

business on January 1,

2011. We can’t balance the budget without cutting spending and achieving real economic growth – and we

won’t have real economic growth if we raise taxes on small businesses and families.

"Speaker Pelosi and her allies just don’t get it. They are supporting a plan that the nonpartisan Joint Committee

on Taxation says will raise taxes on 50 percent of the small business income in America. For many employers

across the country, this tax hike would come at the worst possible time.

"Recently I received a letter from Jim, a small business operator in Fairfield.

T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 15


Jim says that unless the looming tax hikes are stopped, he’ll be unable to hire new employees or give

raises to those who already work for him.

"Unfortunately, Congress’ failure to date to stop these tax hikes from hitting small business owners like

Jim – and virtually every family

across the country – is just the latest example of Washington doing what’s best for Washington. Soon

that will begin to change.

"While continuing to fight for the priorities of the American people today, Republicans are preparing for

the new Congress where we will move forward with a new agenda that hasn’t been tried before in Wash-

ington, by Democrats or Republicans.

"This new governing blueprint – our Pledge to America – contains a series of steps that can be taken im-

mediately to boost our economy and return power in Congress to the people.

"It starts with cutting spending instead of increasing it. We’re ready to cut spending to pre-‘stimulus,’

pre-bailout levels, saving

taxpayers $100 billion almost immediately. And we’re ready to put in place strict budget caps that limit

spending from here on out.

"It continues with reducing the size of government. We have a plan to repeal the president’s job-killing

health care law and replace it with common-sense reforms that will lower health care costs instead of

killing jobs and driving our country deeper into debt.

"And equally important, it makes Congress more open and accountable. We will make it easier to cut

spending, require bills to be published publicly for 72 hours before Congress votes, and end the practice

of using ‘comprehensive’ bills to lump together issues that have nothing to do with each other.

"The American people deserve a Congress that listens and responds to their will. If there is anything to

be learned from this month’s elections, it’s that the people want a smaller, more accountable, and less

costly government.

"Stopping the looming tax hikes, cutting spending and helping end all the economic uncertainty in Amer-

ica that is keeping small businesses from creating new jobs is a great place to start.

18 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0


Ti r e d o f T im e s S q u a r e o n N ew Ye a r ’s ?

Tr y s om e t h i n g n ew. G o C o a s t a l ! N ew

Ye a r ’s E v e p l a n s i n Mob i l e , A l a b ama j u s t

g o t sw e e t e r - t h a n k s t o a ma s s i v e MoonP i e

t h a t w i l l f a l l f r om t h e s k y a t m i d n i g h t t o

t h e s o u n d s o f t h e O ’ J a y s . R e v e l e r s c a n

e n j o y a RC Co l a o r a g l a s s o f c h amp a g n e

t o r i n g i n t h e N ew Ye a r i n d own t own Mo -

b i l e . T h i s y e a r ’s f r e e c e l e b r a t i o n w i l l b e

h e l d i n a n ew l o c a t i o n a n d f e a t u r e l i v e e n -

t e r t a i nmen t w i t h a n e l e c t r o n i c d i s p l a y d e -

b u t i n g a t m i d n i g h t . T h e 1 2 - f o o t - t a l l

Mo o nP i e w i l l d e s c e n d f r om a 3 4 - s t o r y

bu i l d i n g a s t h e c i t y we l c ome s 2 011 a nd t h e

b e g i n n i n g o f M a r d i G r a s s e a s o n . T h i s

y e a r ’s Mo o nP i e O v e r Mo b i l e c e l e b r a t i o n

w i l l s t a r t t h e a f t e r n o o n o f D e c . 3 1 w i t h a

Ma r d i G r a s - s t y l e p a r a d e . A f t e rw a r d s , a

s t r e e t p a r t y f e a t u r i n g t w o s t a g e s o f l i v e

e n t e r t a i nmen t w i l l h e l p d r aw t h o u s a n d s o f

p e o p l e d own t own . F r om t h e l e g e n d a r y

O ’ J a y s a n d t h e i r “ L o v e T r a i n ” t o t h e

s o u n d s o f b i g b a n d s a n d o t h e r m u s i c a l

t a s t e s , d own t own Mob i l e w i l l b e o n e g i a n t

s t r e e t p a r t y. A t m i d n i g h t , a l l e y e s w i l l b e

o n t h e RSA B a n kTr u s t s k y r i s e f o r t h e n ew

Moo nP i e c o u n t d own , a c c omp a n i e d b y a n

e l a b o r a t e l a s e r a n d f i r ew o r k s s h ow.

“Down t own Mob i l e i s g o i n g t o b e t h e

p l a c e t o b e t h i s N ew Ye a r ’s E v e , ” s a i d

Ma y o r S am J o n e s . “We a r e e x t r em e l y

p l e a s e d t o h a v e D r . B r o n n e r a n d R e t i r e -

men t S y s t em s o f A l a b ama (RSA ) h e l p w i t h

t h i s c e l e b r a t i o n . ” F i r s t s t a r t e d i n 2 0 0 8 ,

Mo o nP i e O v e r Mo b i l e g i v e s l o c a l s a n d

t o u r i s t s a c h a n c e t o e x p e r i e n c e New Yea r ’s

E v e w i t h a b i t o f Ma r d i G r a s f l a v o r.

“A l l e y e s w i l l b e o n Mo b i l e t h i s N ew

Ye a r ’s E v e ” s a i d D r . D a v i d G . B r o n n e r ,

CEO o f t h e R e t i r em e n t S y s t em s o f A l a -

b am a . “ T h e n ew l a s e r s h ow o n o u r b u i l d -

i n g w i l l b e a r e a l s h ow s t o p p e r. ”

Mo b i l e i s t h e h om e o f Ame r i c a ’s f i r s t

Ma r d i G r a s c e l e b r a t i o n , a n d t h e Moo nP i e

i s t h e f a v o r e d “ t h r ow” o f t h e h u n d r e d s o f

Ma r d i G r a s m a s k e r s r i d i n g t h e f l o a t s d u r -

i n g t h e e x t e n s i v e M a r d i G r a s p a r a d e s e a -

s o n . Mo b i l e c o n s um e s mo r e t h a n f o u r

m i l l i o n Mo o nP i e s a n n u a l l y, a n d h a s

a d o p t e d t h e d e l i c i o u s t r e a t a s a n i n f o rma l

emb l em . F o r t h e Mo o nP i e O v e r Mo b i l e

c e l e b r a t i o n , t h i s s o u t h e r n c i t y h a s t e amed

MoonPie Mania Hitting Mobile, Alabama


T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 19


F r e d R i c h a r d s o n ' s N e w Ye a r ' sE v e M o o n P i e d r o p w o n t h ec i t y c o u n c i l m a n a n a w a r d f o rp o s i t i v e l y a f f e c t i n g d o w n t o w nM o b i l e .


20 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o w n B o w l 2 0 1 0

Change Comes to Congress

Scarcely two weeks after Ameri-

cans gave the ruling party in Con-

gress the biggest thrashing in over

70 years, a new House majority,

which hasn’t yet been sworn in, is

already making major changes.

Speaker Pelosi may still hold

power for another month, but the

incoming Republican majority is

selecting its leaders and adopting

a slate of reforms that were forged

with the input of millions of

Americans over the last year.

The most significant reform ap-

proved thus far is the agreement

by both House and Senate Repub-

licans to ban all congressional ear-

marks during the new Congress.

Earmarks – funding designated by

Members of Congress for pro-

grams in their districts – have un-

fortunately become a symbol of

Washington waste. Despite the

fact that earmarks constitute less

than two percent of discretionary

spending, they nevertheless repre-

sent a culture of business-as-usual

most Americans resent – particu-

larly during record budget deficits.

So, it was not surprising that one

of the first votes by the new Re-

publican majority last week was to

extend our current earmark ban.

It’s important to note, however,

that the new ban will not apply to

the incoming Democrat Senate

majority. Consequently, we have

called on President Obama to per-

suade Senate Democrats to follow

our lead in order to restore public

trust in our government.

Our new blueprint for reforming

the House is based upon the prin-

ciples of the Pledge to America

which make Congress more ac-

countable and transparent; call for

reduced federal spending; and,

permanently extend the current

2001 and 2003 tax cuts. The in-

coming conservative majority has

also selected John Boehner of

Ohio to be our speaker come Janu-

ary. Just as the Pledge to America

was drafted with the input of mil-

lions of Americans through the

America Speaking Out and You

Cut web sites, the governing

agenda of the new Congress is

being shaped with your ideas.


This Week in Washington By Congressman Jo Bonner

“Change Comes to Congress”; “Overzealous Airport Security

Screening Merits Review”; “Thanksgiving Reminds Us of

Overcoming Past Hardships”

T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 21

Overzealous Airport Secu-

rity Screening Merits Review

The recent implementation of

dramatically more invasive air-

port security screening has

raised concerns from many

travelers as well as lawmakers.

The Transportation Security

Administration (TSA) has re-

portedly given fliers the choice

of subjecting themselves to

what has been called a “virtual

strip search” or undergo an in-

vasive pat-down that many

have described as roping.These

extreme measures have under-

standably alarmed many Ameri-

cans who are concerned about

violations of their Constitu-

tional protections against un-

reasonable searches. While

few would question the need

for airport security screening

given the threat posed by ter-

rorists who wish to do us harm,

there must be a reasonable bal-

ance struck between effective

searches and protection of per-

sonal privacy. To this end, I

have cosigned a letter to the

chairman and ranking member

of the House Homeland Secu-

rity Committee – which has ju-

risdiction over the TSA –

calling for an investigation into

the new screening measures.

There must be an assurance that

TSA’s new methods are truly

warranted in order to provide

the most effective protection

for airline passenger safety.

Thanksgiving Reminds Us of

Overcoming Past Hardships

This week our nation pauses

to celebrate Thanksgiving.

However, for many Americans

struggling in this weak econ-

omy, the effects of the oil spill,

or other challenges, this past

year has not been an easy one.

I think it’s fitting that we

look back to that first Thanks-

giving for a perspective of the

trials our forebears faced and

overcame with courage.

The Oxford History of the

American People notes: “On

16 December (1620) the

Mayflower arrived there (Ply-

mouth Harbor) and began land-

ing her passengers. The

English had no sooner landed

and built crude shelters than

the ‘great sickness’ bore in on

them as it had on the English-

men at Jamestown; and only 50

of the 102 immigrants survived.

Hope returned with the spring

when ‘the birds sang in the

woods most pleasantly’…with

the help of a friendly Indian

they were able to plant and cul-

tivate corn…” We all know of

the joyful thanksgiving the pil-

grims enjoyed once they re-

bounded from the ordeal of

settling into a strange and

sometimes hostile new land.

Their struggles did not end

there, but their strength of will

and unending faith led to the

establishment of our great na-

tion. Working together, Ameri-

cans will always prosper.


It’s The Constitution, Stupid!

The 1992 Clinton Campaign motto was “It’s the economy, stupid!” A pointed but effective

strategy, it focused everyone on real and perceived economic woes until the electorate was

convinced to throw out an otherwise popular president.

Again, some pundits over simplify current voter anger as frustration with a bad economy, so

otherwise good politicians will unfairly lose their jobs by a vengeful electorate. Others think

we are seeing the typical ebb and flow of politics, so when the Democrat tide goes out a Re-

publican flood is inevitable.

This is not a Republican wave. Ask establishment Republicans in Alaska, Colorado,

Delaware, Florida, Utah, and other places, where voter outrage has handily ousted big gov-

ernment loving career politicians.

Republicans may at least have recognized the popular groundswell, but most do not under-

stand it. Eager to harness this unbridled election enthusiasm, they worry the beast will run

away with them.

Democrats spent a year denying a popular movement even existed. Whenever they did ac-

knowledge the throngs at the capital gates, they decried it as artificial grassroots, “Astroturf”

per Pelosi. Mired in partisan politics, Democrats demonize the Tea Parties has fringe crazies

with not so subtle Nazi like comparisons. In a desperate attempt to avoid electoral disaster,

they are trying to cast the Republicans as extremists infected by the Tea Party.

Once again, the press has failed. There has been little or no coverage of literally thousands

of events across the country. They occasionally seek out the single kook in any crowd and

then paint the Tea Parties in broad strokes of intolerance, xenophobia, and racism.

Since the Tea Parties started, all politicians have been suspicious of the unwashed masses

that freely and spontaneously assemble. Quite happy to leave all the accusations and slander

unchallenged and the truth undiscovered, the press has no curiosity about the real motiva-

tions of angered average Americans.

It is not the economy, the war, or the environment. And, it’s certainly not whether Democ-

rats or Republicans win. It’s the Constitution, stupid!

By Pete Riehm Mobile Free Press

2 2 T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o o w l 2 0 1 0


Millions of Americans are getting our seminal document and READING IT!

Obvious to anyone that bothers to read the Constitution, our Congress has grossly exceeded

the enumerated powers in Article 1, Section 8. Our founders enshrined self-government

with local control and a heavily restrained federal government because they knew the op-

pressive dangers of a strong central regime. Congress passes innumerable laws with ever

more creative ways to confiscate the fruits of our labor.

They demand our money to ostensibly care for our needs, but like mafia dons they dole it

out to favored groups or only after coerced state and local concessions. We no longer work

for our interests but are forced to pay tribute to a tyrannical government inimical to Ameri-

can values.

Too strong? Congress forces education curriculum contrary to common morals and absent

American history. They pile on tax laws to ensure they can find anyone in violation on a

whim. And now, they will tell us how and where to purchase health care and then ration it.

The administration routinely skirts Constitutional checks and balances by appointing bu-

reaucratic Czars beyond Congressional accountability. The EPA without law tells us our

every breath (CO2) is pollution seeking to control every aspect of our lives. The IRS is

commanded to scrutinize Veterans organizations seeking to rescind their non-profit status.

Is this what the founders intended? Is this what we fought for?

More and more Americans are realizing the answer is NO! None of this nonsense is Consti-

tutional. Americans led by the Tea Parties are discovering the erosion of our Constitutional

rights is directly proportional to the growth of out of control government by both Democrats

and Republicans for the past century.

If you are still skeptical, listen to the politicians; they talk about money and programs. The

people talk about rights and the Constitution. The electoral wave heading to Washington is

both wide and deep, sweeping both parties and seeking to dismantle the federal leviathan

threatening our republic.

T h e P o l i t i c a l B e a t I r o n B o w l 2 0 1 0 2 3


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