the . pointer · the . pointer \ series iii. vol. ii. no. 27. stevens point, wis., j\lay 31, 1928...

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THE . POINTER Series III. Vol. II. No. 27. Stevens Point, Wis., J\lay 31, 1928 Price 7 cents



Laurels Award~d Graduation Exercises Are To Evelyn Ellwtt

Evely n Elliott of th e Grammar De- Planned By Sch I s . 1:~r~;:~e·.'~ia!:i~t b~i~~;::;,'i',~d.",'\~:;::st ·~ 00 . · en1ors

Join Tennis Club Th e :111nual eollego ten n is tournament

threatens to be a minus qunlity this yea r unlt•ss more students show enough interest to e nte r i t so that n schedule ca n be made up. .

L ast y ear u large silver cup was a cqu ired fo r the trophy case, on which was to be e ngrave d. the ''doubles '' champions of each seaso n the reafter. In U)27 the Oordon·Haertc l combination butted t h e ir w:1y to victory and w ere

. th e first to n ffix. t h e ir tit les u pon th e CUJ).

\ Vho 's nf'x t 1 A ny duct interested should sec Mr. S chulceklc at Qncc.

'J'he ~sh kosh nc ttcrs trave led he r e for n dual mcc't Inst Tucscl .iy whil e th e Pointe rs will in ,·a<le the fon• ign cou rts in th o u car future.

'fcnnis Club m e mbershi p is re ma rk· )ably dc fi cic11 t this year fo r some un­known reaso n. Th o Te nnis Club owns and maiJ.!tn in s the local courts so that t he mod e rat e membership fee must be asked to cl cf rn y expenses.

Ar~e Events For · 1

C7:flege Track Meet A girls' a tlil et i1• mcC't \\'ill he hl'l <l

8:1t unlay , .Tu11 c 2nd, bt•ginning at 1: 30 wi t h th (• girls ' tl' 1111is f in:ils . 'l'h c tr::u: k un' C'l will s tart nt 2 :1.i aru l to nsist of tht• follow in g event s :

(i.) y:ird hurdles, 440 re hiy ra1·<' , run · niug- high j ump, r un ni ng hop s tep and ,iump, hnskl't. h:111 throw for auura ty, potatol' rn tt', 1,ask C't lrnll shuttle throw, :::~:·t;:~//

1\t~,~~1'~~~1.mF{J.. v o llc•y b all scr ,·e ,

'l'h l' l'O lltC'st will bC' Jwtwt'l'll c·lassc>s, and t h C' l;('st n•sults will he sl'nt t o the ) I ilwaukcc Collc>g e to h<' l·ompa n'1 i with o the r T l':.tC'hcrs Colleges.

Four t e:1111s hn,·c hccn org:111ized : PrimariC's: Behnk e, Houge n, L:qw n·

ski, St<!'inkt•, Gregory, B e ntz , Card, J(rumm , Hil<•y, a nd Turr ish.

Gra mmars: Th ompso n, Cutl1•r, J:u·oh· s(• 1i , Sparks, S martuud, }:;lliot.

H igh Sl·hoo l a ncl Home E cs : \ ·an Vu­rc•n , Stil ler, Okrny, \Vcllin gton, Rohr , \\°l•IJc>r, )ilollc n, War..:::tolc n, and };:ilk.

C.. A . .:-\ ., };ourth 'J' eam: I'arkiu, K l• ll l')', L ohr1 Wt•IJC'r, MrH'S, Sippy, Davt•I, )tarshall, :Footl', )lcCll' lla n.

Annual Speech Play Is To Be Presented

Th e Annuul Public Speaking Play will he prese nted )fo11<l:1y .June 4th in th l• Co1I(•ge Auditorium at 8 :00. "The 'fhirteeuth Chair," is a _myste ry s tory • of the type to mak e th !! l-lh i\'c rs run. Th e pluy is under th<' direction of a stude nt conch, Ann Rhurff.

'rhe plo t n• ,·o h ·es about t he murder of Etlwur<l \Vulc:i while he i~ <1ues ti o11 · i11g a medium, Hmmlio Lu .G range>, as to t he murd e r of hi:,1 fri e ntl, Spence r L <'c. Th e> i-econd a nd third acts arc spen t in untangling th e myste ry and id entifying t he guilty p e nmn . Th e re ii- comedy and pathos we ll intermingl rd in th e full piny and th e audience i s promited an e nt erta ining even ing.

prize of five do ll nrs hns l1ccn of fe red by Mrs. George White ly, i\lrs. Joseph Miller, and :Mrs. L. i\l. Maloucy. T hi s , same group of nlumni wiJJ nrrangc th e offering of prizes for biographies of famous cducntors next yen.r.

"Prcsid l• ut Charles \Villiam Eliot. A Biography ' '

'' Chnrl rs \Villi um Eliot, educational rmaneipator und c hampion of th e so rallc.•d "Elective svstcm" snt in his study one eveni ng


iclly rchcnrsing the C\'Cnt s o f his busy day as nd visor and eoosul t:rnt to all Harvnrd students . His mind settled on 0 11 c in c ide nt: t hat· of a youth c·omin g to him for nn answer to a proh lcm so vitnl to young peopl e t oday ' - 11 \Vha t course sha ll I fo llo·w ! - whnt shall I ma jor in ?, " It is a question e\'NY young man a n1l wonrnn l' nil' rinJ.! an c>ducat ionn l ins titution has to !-.Ol\'c in a mann e r t h:1t wil l not, in lnt C'r ~'l'HrR, hr a dC't ritn l'nt to him . T his great and dis tincti,·c> Arnc riean lc>:ul c r of nntio11:II mwfuln <'ss ga\'e his cxpres · ~iou of hi s ow u youthful spirit and ri p<' nNI wisdom in the l:ounsc> I which h e ga,·C' to the you th wh c> n he snid , ' 1 Young man , it is your libc> rty to scll't.' t th C' t~· JH' of work you, a s au iudi,·idual , w·ill fi1ul happin c·s~ in , :11ul o ne t h:it will 111st through li f t• . '' I t ha s IH't' n through Pn•s i<l c n t r-:; Jiot 's :ll·<: omplishnu•nts in introrlul'inj! lil1r rt~· i nto t·oll rgc edu<·a· tio n 111111 SC'\·0 1111:ir,· s<: hools that he hns widl'I" and most · 1111i \"C•rs:1ll y liecn rt•­gan\e·d Jl!j th f' Tit•puhli l'.,S firSt (· iti zt•n . ,,

Negroes Triumph Over Point Nine

'l'h c P oint College nin e CRJ!lC close to h eating the strong :McCoy ·Nolnn Giants of ~lilwnuk ce in n prac tice game nt th e Fair Grounds n wee k ugo Thursday. T·he contest ex t e nded into twelve inn­ings hefo re th e colored boys broke tJ1e ti c , with t wo runs, leavi ng them aheud 12-10.

Sc:o ring two runs in t h e second inning t he Pointers he ld th is lea d until about th o s ixth when t he Giants came t o li fe nnd sta r ted to use t he th ick e ncl of t he <· lul,s for some t hing besides fa nn ing t he ai r grncl unl ly pu llin g a way until t he score s tood 8-2 in th eir favor. A Point rnlly, hrought Eggebrech t's men up e ve n in th e 11i11th1 featured by a home rnn hy n cz~1tto w i t h one on.

Th e 1·o lo rcd ge nts suddenly got Yh-i ous and k noc ked t wo m e n across the> ph1tc t.o w in.

Luke Bailarrgeon , .Jack R ezntto, S hrimp R oman, f l nrnlll B. Baruth1 a11d ); ip C'llC'Sl'0\\'11 pounded out some nice hit s for th e loeal.

nrza tt o h('lcl the s lab all P. )1. while . Baruth pic•k cd 'e m off bat.

The squad shows s ign s of a t C'n l h:l ll nggrr gat ion, :111d if the: · hacl a schedule and a l ittlr <·oopc.'r:1tio11 migh t rnnk e a name fur tlwmscl\'es, but both :ire o l1\'i o us ly lack ing.

'l' hC' essay s Plrd l•tl for S('t·o111l pl:n· o w:1 s writt l'll hy F lo t'l'IH' l' Ht1irC', :l , ' c n ior Able Critic Chosen in fh C' Hl1ml' E1·011 0111i..-s D l• p:ntment. T F"ll J 1 T Th e -following is Mi ss 11 :iire's stor)· : l O l n -Vacancy

"('harll'S " . illi:lm Eliot" I A m•w t r:dning t ea ch l' r, ) l is~ Emily i1stmk11t s, w hmw pri \'i lege it w:i s to Ro:-e .l'\i tk h :, f.c r, i~ to . repla~C. .. :~iss

h;l\' l' known l'h:trlt•s \Villi :un Elio t as Hanso n a s Ju111or High Sc!1ool_.~ s~1st.rnt th<• Pre~id c nt of ll an·anl Univcrsitv, fur tlw r nsuing yeur. 1hss h.1 ckhafcr :Ht' nwan• th: , t :1 ra rt• opportunity 11 :',s is a ~r:t <luak o f th l'. (!shk_~~h ~on:i:~I lit' l' ll tl11•irs. ~ot 0 11\ v this - hut th r ir ~ choul , :1bu of t l1e l 111,·r rs1ty of Cl11 · lin•s :Jrl' ri1·hcr :111 ci' mon• wor t h whilt-. 1·:igo h:l\· in~ r t'ce i\' C' d her Ph. B . in fo r h:1\' i11g c·o nH' in 1·011ta t·t with this l fl:!:i. ~he ha~ taught in the • 'turgeon m:111 of kt'l'II , hum:111 u111l ers t:111<li11g. B:1y ancl . ~fo~i ,n•ttt• 1-li~h S~ hool~, has

11 Presid r n t Flio t w·is kn own ,n•,·(' r to h l'l'II a c· ritH· 111 t il e Ju111 o r High , ch ool h:in• h t'l' II so l.'otH' l'l' l;P·<l :il1t1ut his own l'\:111sa:- ~tnt c 'l\•:H·hl'rs' CollC'gc _at Em: affairs thnt ht • l'Ou l,l not pau se to P?ria a nd h:~:-. hccn a supcrnsor of :1ss ist thos<• s triv in g u11d t•1· diffindti es h1 st or~· : 11111 1·1\· 1..-:-. whit·h thn•at1' 11t•1l to pro,·1• too muvh for ------ --

School Beliefs Are Listed By Students

th l•m. Mnn y a s tudc•ut lrn s J,t•C'n tidC'1l O \'CI' a l'l"i s i~ in h iH (·o ll t•g-l' 1·a1·1•1• r, not knowing at t h f' tim1•, that his l 1C' 1ll'·

f :1l't o r w11 s tht• ht•a1l of thl' uni vC'l"s it y . "This man, so t·ap:1h 11· :11111 t•ffil'i c nt

i11 :tll ht• und ert ook , wa~ most unassum ­ing- :111 cl humhlt• in hi:s :ittitu,l l' town rd hi~ fdlows.

" IIC' rC't·ogniz<·1l th C' f:id tlwt h e t oo w:i:,1 11 w:1gc•-cn rn l' r , and li e •H·-.·,,r h r. Id him sC' lf aloof from th C' romm on lahorrr .

'' Tn 1\('a ling with thOS<' ll'8H fortun ate th:111 hf', Prf'si1l,•11t Eliot pro,·l'1l himself one• of rarl' u11 1lrrs ta J11ling a nd sympathy. Il l' w;1s qui t·K t o Rf't' :111 ot lwr 's point of \'i t' \\·, :11111 ht• :tdmirt•cl 311 OJl)JOIH' llt for sti1·ki11g t o hi s own opinions.

' 1 Pn•s i1l c>11t r.: liot's phi losophy of lif <' wa!-1 irul cC'd a h:1ppy 011 t•, n11tl that hap· piucss spn•1HI :1 ki111ll~· w:nmt h upon t'\'1.i ryonc with w ho m lw 1·:1111 l' in t•o 11 · tnd."

Last Pointer

For th e.' hc11t~fit of those stuiknts who an• ahQut to lcun• th ese halls of )Q;jrni n,; with the imprC'ss ion thnt cdu · 1·:1tio11 amoun ts t o ~o mct hing, th e Poin tt· r f'l•:-pcc tfull .v rC'p rints th e fo l· lowing t' Xc.·t•rpts fro111 umong th e four· t\' ·~c n•n t l' nC'ts o f a c•rcdo of b t•li e fs 1}rcva.lc11t amo ng stude nts of the 1·1 :i· , ·t•r:-: it\' nf W iscons in. 'fhc list w:1s 1·0111piied h~· two s tud t•11ts, Pet e r H,•id ­li11 and Dan Albrecht.

All gi rl s wh o 111:tjor in ph~·s ical cdn · 1·ation un• 111useuli11 c i11 t c111 pe r:1111 r 11t anti lio ,\ · lcggt•d of huil ll.

Th<' :wqu b-dt ion of a dre~:- :rn it w ill 111:tk(• a g ~' 11t l<•ma11 o f thl' ,· e ri C':-t 1,oor.

T ia• l.i11dl,c rg-h i111· id(• 11t. proY rs 111ucli•ri1 ed111•:t tio 11:il 111ct l:ods tn he th e liunk .

I t 11 ic• a11 H so:1 11•thi11~ wh en a g:irl w 1•:1 r:,1 11 1111111 ·s fratl' ruity pin - h:1t 11 0 1 V{'r\• 111\H'h .

.'.\f urgnrc t und Doro thy Caul ey, uc· compani ed t,y Eunice Riley, will play This is th e last issue of th e b,•forc the performance begins. Point,•r to he publ ished this

Eight'y-f in• pe r- ('C'llt of :di C' O·l'd!'I l ' Ulllf' hen• p, l :1diso 11 ) to g(•t a hu :-ha ntl, a nd tl1<• otht•r 15 pC'rt-cnt arc eit h e r t oo s tul,horu or too horn<'ly to ron:-idcr 111:1· tr i 111 011,· .

Betwee n a cts the Campus Choir will S<·hool yea,·. \Vith apo lo~ies ~!ng: ,

11 • • to tho:-;e wh o ha Ye g- r· iev.

"A Son_g ··; ,· · ·· · ······ · · · · Ne, 111: iances and thanks to thm;e

Lnd:!~s~:~~~ II "T~~~~t~;~.' · · · Verdi who ha Ye helped . tlw staff c ulliiliy aco.--:o,-,·s~·,-. -1- I- hicl. thcr'ptTMi . ••(:i-o·ocJdn~-t'·' from the ope ra 41 E r min e. ' '

1' Clau g of the Forge'' Rodn ey.

Htu<l.l' ri t s who win the Pl1i Bt•ta Kappa lu•y :i re s i11g-lf' trn t k 11 g ri11ds '' and 1w l<lo111 am ount to 111u ch whcu they gra d uat e.

Hc•mu rk a hl C' ~cholanf :dwan; have :-1J11. l • thi11~ odd about ~

A co-rd 's mentality i~ inversely pro · pnrt ioua l tn he r phyM icul hcnuty.

Class Play Tuesday ''Th e Poor N u t' ' which has b een

selec t e d by th e S e niors ns t he eluss piny for t hi s y en r will be give n on June 12t h at th e Co llege Auditorium.

Plans nre b eing made for the first conune ncement exercises of th e Central State Teachers' Co llege.

Bucca lnure ute service will be held i n the College Aud itorium on June 10th. The R ever end 0. E. H csla of t ho Trinity L u t he ran Ch urch will have cha rge of t h e service. )teveroncl James ll lnk e, of the local Baptist Chu rc h will de liver the invocati on ancl b e nediction.

l\Iusica l numbers whi ch h ave been a nn oun cecl arc:

'11hc H eave ns R ~sou1ul; B eethoven -Girls' Glee Club. .

H y mns wi ll be sung by the eongrcgn· lion.

Class Day Exercises \Ved ncsdny morning at ten o 'clock

t hC' 1·oll cg e stu clent.s ,will nu!_e t nt Rpecinl :1SSl' lllh ly for t he Clnss Dny Exercises.

)fnrgarct Collins, · assisted by Van He kc, Arlin e Carlste n and H enri 11 ,•ss has c- Ju1rge of t he progra m. T he main features will he the reading of t lu"' Class will :uHl the planting of th e I ri s, au nnuun l custom.

' J11 v itntio 11 s have IJ cen !:le nt to t he col· lc•gt.· alumni who would li ke to sec t h e ir Alm:1 l\·fatn in it s n e w regime to :1tt1•1ul n l,nnquc t nt the Hot.c l \Vh iting ~ nn .Jun e l:lth . 1' hc 't~nior Class of 1!)28 ~ wi ll a lso be prese nt.

Commencement June 14 As y l't 110 1l c finitc p lans have been·

111 :llli.' for t.h e Co m111e11 eC' mc>nt exer c ises. 'l'h crC' wi11 !Jc t he mmal :n•adc mie pro· ff'S~ion :1t 1'•11 o'clock on th o morni ng of Jun e 14th. Dr. Robe rt Dodge· Bn lcl · win will clc livrr 1111 address to the gm· du :1 tes. As y<'t 11 0 othe r sprak c r hns l, N•11 t· hosl' n. Thi s i~ to h e :i pe rsona l 11 0 1111• g:ath e ri11g f o r thr peop le who wilr for th e last time take th l! ir plac·es in t hf' Coll ege Asse mbly.

:'.lusi1·nl numl,ers whi ch ha\'C l1ee 11 a1·r:i ngcd :1rc :

Aiil:1 1 'M(l rc h - V C' n li Rnlo - Julin Van Hecke Uuet - Arlin t· ('ar lstr n an<l .Julia

V11 11 If Peke. lmm cilin tely aflrr 1l1l' prC's c 11 t:1t ion

11 f tlw 1\iplo m:1~, t h<• 11111l ic1we ancl tho <:1·aduntt•s wil l Mine ''The Tonst. ''

Dr. nnd l l1·1"1. Rol>t·1·t, Dodge Baldwin h:1 ,·c· iu v itl•,I th r n11•ml,c rs of t he l!r:t <lt1:11i •1•·! 1· l:l '-f-' t o :1 11 iufonnnl rccep . 1h11 :ti ~1·ll'lon JJ:ill o n .Jun e 6th .

\\"ith til t• ,·u 111111 r111·c• 111cnt act iv ities fl u• s1·hoo l _vC'ar will 11<.' 1,rough t to a •· lost• . The s11111m l· r ,wss ion opt•ns 011

,JUI\ {' }8t h.

Award Writing Sets To Winning Authors

H~HIIC t i nH' ngn :i Rhaf'ffer fountnin 11l'll nnd pc 11 c il iw t was offered ns a prize fu r th l' best pi1hli ,·i ty sug~estion n nd ..: Jo••:rn to h f' wwd i n advc rli "ing C. 8. 'I' . I'. ) l i:,R Buth ~Hi lle r hn11<led in the fol'owi11g- p11bli1·il,y xuggcsti 1n whi c h w:1:-4 g-i\'Cn fi rst pla cC' . '"

1' .Ad\'{'l'ti:-i11g C. R, 'I'. C. (·a n be mos t

s 11 1·c·<':.i- f11lly ncc•o:1~pli -1 hcd by the out· of -t own ' ~tud t•nt:,:, ~ill Cl' they have pc>r· . ..:11 11:il inf lu cn l'<' with young pcop)e of 1lu·ir co 111111u11iti e~.

' 'Th r refor C' u11 informu l address to t h C' ir alnm nmt c r giving interesting tlC' ta ihs of this institution, its ideal~, :-- t:111<lards, sourceR, a nd Kocin l fun ctio1u,i, wou ld certainly in crcn~c the en roll· 111 cnt.' '

)[j ss ulinJ ,cn11 ·· "'~r..,llW:o..-­in the 1dognn conteKt. Her s lognn wns:

1 • Gr11trul State 'l'cuche rR' College,

Th e College thnt trn in r,s for se rvice.''


Vol II. THE POINTER No. 27 .

Published Weekly at Stevens Point by the students of the Central \Visconsin State Teache rs' College.

Entered as second-class matter M:iy 26, HJ27, at the post office at Stevens Point, \Visconsin, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Subscription Price $2.00 per year.

THE STAFF Editor-in-Chief ........ . ........... . ,. .................. Solomon Welnntzik Associate Editor ... . . •. . . . .... .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .....• . . . ...... . .. Ann Sharff News Editor ...... : • .. .. •.. ... . .... . .. • .. .. . .• . . •. . , ... .. Pauline B uhlman Society Editor .. . ........ . .... . ..... . . . .......... . .... Crystal Holdcregger Sports Editor . .. .. ..... ..•. ... . ..•.... , ....•.. . . .. . . .. .. .. Carlton Lintner Girls' Ath let ics .. .. . • . ...•. . .. . .. . . . .. •. ..•...... •. . ....... . Mildred Patchin

~:~~~~:~ ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·: ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·:. ·. ·:. ·. ·. ~ ·. ·. ·. ·.~·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. · .. if :l!!· ~:~::: Reporter .. ..... •............• .... • .... .. · ... . ............. . . 1'{nrjorie Foote Repor ter .... . .. . .•. . ..• .•. . .. . . . .. ... .....•................ Rut h J ohnson Repo rter .... . . .... . ...•. .. ... . .....•.. .. . .. .......... Katherine Thompson Proof Render ... ... .... . . ... . . . .............. •.. ... . . . . . . .. .. Ethe l Madsen Husincss Manager . . . . . . .. . .......•. . ..•. . .. . . ... . ......... . . Walter Wasrud Circulation Manager . . . .. ... .. . .... . .•. .. . .. • ....... . .... . . . John Pralguski Assistant Circulation :Manager ... . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .... . .. . . Richard Marshal) Faculty Advisor . . ... . ............. . .. ..... . . . . . . .. . .... ... . . J. J. Rellnban

GRANP MARCH AND FINALE Wi th th is issue the Pointer ends its fi r t complete year of week­

ly public5tion. While the Pointer first went on a regular weekly basis i11 J anuary last year - thus placing itse lf on a par with the best college and Teachers College papers in point of numbers, several im­portant, alt hough perhap not very evident, improvements haYe been made this yea r . P erhaps the most important is the change fro m what is knoll'n as "ten point" to "eight point" type.

~hirty issues were originally pla1med. The smaller size type, to­gether with the pictu1·cs, cost so much that the finances, depleted as th ey' ,rere 'fiy a considerable drop in the enrollment, fell so low t hat only t wenty-seven issues were possible. EYen at that the Pointer has appeared every Thursday, starting with the week school opened in September, a bit erratic because of irregularities in the school calen­dar, and, on one oc·casion, a special number which took longer to prit1t" ~ . '

'l'he P 'nter has endeavored throughout the year to mak •ery bit of space c nt. In order to create more than the ct ary r ead­ing of this column (which is slight ), the Editor has taken the liberty to impose upon his publ ic by writing himself a number of contribu­tions under the non de plum 0. 0., which, it will be noticed, was sumerilly plagiarized by the Iris. " El Duce" , erstwhile none other than Mr. Carlton "Duke" Lintner, t he Sports Editor, was induced to enterta in his athletic friends in "the Shower Room," which was p rinted during the athletic season. Our friend Mr. John K eith Ber­ens contribu ted t he diYerse moral articl~s which appeared from time to time in this column under the name of "Baron Casey".

Mr. C. G. L. Theis, next year's Editor-in-chief, wi ll no doubt publish a paper representative of the high standards of this institu­tion. He is left with almost a complete exper ienced staff, a phe­nomenon almost unheard of for the Pointer.

- INFLUENTIALISM VERSUS NON-INFLUENTIALISM Only afte r haYiilg very carefully scrutinized the editorial in the

last issue of the Pointer , which is entitled Student Government, do I come to a rather concise, and definite conclus ion that a more fittin g and appropriate t itle would ha Ye been "Sour Grapes".

You will also note that in taking this stand upon the question of stuc[ent government that I voluntarily place myself with the group of students that are class ified as non-influential. This statement is based upon the statement, which appeared so conspicuously in the her­tofore mentioned article, ' ' the mo ·t influential students were for it''.

In order to be influential a person necessarily must be prof icient. In what manner were the "most influential students " proficient 1 Any student, who had all the senses in good work ing order, could readily see that they were very clever in getting a disinterested stu­-dent body to " Vote in favor of anything".

-why should there be this lack of interest in a project that is practically guaranteed to cure all of the existing evils of the present .administration 1 The writer of that article went so far as to attribute this lack of interest upon innocent nature, upon happy commence­m ent, upon the joys and sorrows of securing a t eaching position, and -so forth and so on to infinity. During all of that 639 word discussion not one word was said concerning the need of a student government. ·1'he need is lacking and upon that one lone fact do I attribute this fack of interest on the part of the student body.

P erhaps the need has been so evident that a busy, unobserving young fellow like myself has failed to see it. I would like very much to have the exponents of the new plan point ou t a drast ic need for a change of administration.

I have absolutely more faith in a governing body composed of men who are seasoned, experienced, and who realize the seriousness of running this institution properly, than I have in a government whjc·h is composed of both faculty members and the "most influential students". , · .

I have not been given a quarter for writing this. Yours for-fewer-swelled- heads afia more of tbe spirit ofLind-

berghism in C. S. T. C. Walter Waarud,


GETTIN' RELIGION Walt ,vasrud: "I'm going to chu n· h

in th e morning.'' Prn lguski: " ' Vhnt! Are you stuck on

a nother girl ngnin . ' '

, " They left when I sat down to the r,fa no.''

REVISED •:· i. <'y laugh ed wh('n I snt down nt t he

piano. Somo d urn foo l hnd rc movt:'J the r: P(" I.

College L ife: One-third of it is spent in bed and two-thirds of it is spent in bad.

SAID TW O COLLEGIATE FEMALES Juli n : '' Did you lik e the gn mci'' Anita: ''Yes, 1)U t some of the

women's hnts were te rrib le.''

THE FOURTH? Prof: ''H ow many ·seasons in the.

year are there?'' · Baruth: 1 1 There arc three, P rofessor

- f ootball, basket ball, and baseball"

BUT HOW COULD H E TELL? VcttC'r: "My shir t is just like

yo urs. '' H odell: "N"opc, minc 's clean."

1 ' Lawrence must be planning on get ­ting a new car . ''

"Why?" 1 1 I see he's letting Lucille drtt'e. ''

Stupidity has c:rnscd more accidents than cupidi ty.

STEWED OR OTHERWISE Mr. Schmeekle: 1 ' You will notice

that these trees have been well pruned. ''

Norma H ess: 1 • They certainly have.

Wby, I can 't see a single prune.'' '

HUNTING SEASON OPEN AGAIN Bernice : " ,vhy nrc you putting that

letter back in your mail box1" :Mac: ' ' Sh-h-h, th at's n decoy.' '

Some students stay behtnd in t heir studies, so that t hey may pursue t hem better .

THEY DON ' T KEEP UNI ON HOURS ! Me Vey : "I'm a man of few words." Kelley : "Well, you keep t hose few

terribly busy. ''


ENOUGH ! Connie: 1 ' Tack has a new siren f or

his car.'' Bob: " Zat so? What happened to the

blonde? ''

RIGHT YA ARE ! Mr. Steiner: (In History clnss)

''These aren 't my own figu res I'm quoting. Th ey 're the figures of a man who knows what he's talking about. 1 '


''Drat t his Indian dress '', e~claimed Lucille, 1 1 Always creeping up on me! ' 1

~~~~~ .... ~ AS

TCH-CAN :~ COLUMN :t Catch whnt you can ;

. :~ Cnn whnt you catch .

:tff+.lwH I I I I I I U I II I U fl I U


In a previous issue five r easons were giYCn for Dick i\Iarshall 's flunking in eleven subjects. A rcYisecl up-to-elate list from the office reads as fo llows: 1. Thel­ma . 2. Th elma. -3. Thelma. 4. Thelma . 5. Thelma. Also please note change of address from Marshall , House of Herrick to Uiss Thelma Kosbab, Nelson Hall "\\' isconsin . H e can be r eached at a ll hours at his new address. And holl' !

Now since we have been assured of the city manager plan, t here should be an ordinance passed making it unlawful fo r motorists t o hit a pedestrian on the rebound.

THA PERFESSHUNAL ATTYTUDE I ain't hardly got tirr:ie to wright this,

but mebby I can squeese it in somewear . I wurk down in the Training departmunt wear they let yu in on all the bunk tha; t~e teachers ~aue . been handing yu ever sznce yu wuz in krnn<'rgarden. The other day tho fashun plate Frum tha state where tho long ears grow pipes up with a fish story that ennybuddy cud see wasn 't true cause he wiggled his beard wen he told it: He almost had l o take a vacation a while ago, cause he. strained his back fifing tho first part of last week. . . . . . . . . . . .

There wuz a new hid cum to school yes terday, and lvlr. Peerse sex to him 0 Set d?wn in that chair for tho present ." Tha k ,l set · down, and Mr. Peerse went on puttin' Seeme's on Piff Kelly's lessun plan an~ fo rgot tha kid. Purty soon, in comes M,ss Hanson, and sees tha hid with a dis­gusted look on his mug. "Whazzamatterl' ' sez she. "A w," sez tha kid, pointoin' ta Mr. Peerse, "he col me ta set down heer fer cha present. I been settin' heer fe r three hours, and he ain't gimme no thin' yet!"

Which reeminds m e of sumthun what i heard John tha Janitor say tha other day. He sn. " / ain't sooperstishus, but I shure believe in rabbit's feet for luck . Tha qther night my wife found in one of my pocket ancl she thought is wuz a m ouse."

Y ers till nex time-EL TORO

Belle : " Do you college boys waste much time? "

Hop : " Oh, no, most girls are reasonable. ''


L adies ~nd Genta, we take great pleasure in introducing Ly­ma n - vcrsntilo Collegian do lu xe, Sports a neat cooky duster nnd prefers horses to women or hlondcs. Wri tes sonnets that Shakespeare would groan in envy over ; also serapes off Irv Ber­lin's latest hot stuff on his fiddl e. Six feet of Swede with n voice thnt shnkes t ho mighty rafters when he w hispers. Has a rapid fire tongue that even Mr. Smith cnn 't keep u p with and nlwnys talks over the teacher's head. Hard boiled Sorgeant in the Nntionnl Gunrd nnd pilots tho main s tems only street ear. Crazy over hoTeea, hO"rlfcs, 110rses, horsirs ---- - Going Down!



Party Sponsored By Seniors-Iris

The first annual Senior-Iris Party ·wi ll be held in the College gymnasium }..,ritlay, J uno 1. All Seniors, members of the faculty , an d subscr ibers to t hO Iris arc inv ited to be t he guests of .the Iris at this party. The affair will stnrt ,it 7:30. It is suggested that th e guests bring th eir fo untain pens.

Arrangements ha,·e been m:1de for specia l musi c during th e course of the ,c ,·cniug.

Ta/ks Arranged By Y.'W.C.A. Members

Last Th~.r.~ c,·ening )fay 24, the senior Y. \V. A. C. girl s gave several t alks at the meet ing. These tnlks were Ycry W<'l1 prepared ancl t hey gn,·c very many in spirationn.1 idea s to those present.

This Thursday, :May 31, the Y. ,v. C. 1)... wi ll hn,·c the pleasure of hearing :Mrs. Baldwin. Several w.ceks ago the Y. W. C. A. hnd planned t o Mrs. Baldwin · spea k to them, but the in· f luenza got a head of th e Y. \V. so she wa s unable to come.

June 7, at 4:00 P . :.r. the Y. W. C. A. is .presenting a Chinese vl ay lc t , "The J o,· Lady." Last year in June, this play \\·:ls put on by students at Pekin U ni · n :~ rsity and wns a huge success. Our Y. \V. C. A. is tak ing great pleasure in presenting this play here. Everyone is i11\'ited to come to the asse mbly room nt 4: 00 P . 1\I. and enjoy t hemselves.

A sil ver offering will be taken, and last bu t not least, after the play the nmli cnce is invited to· drink tea in the Chinese ladies wi ll c.>sco rt you to the tow n. Don't you think you 'cl lik e t o come-

Dr. Frank To Speak

Juniors Notice AH elass dues and spcr inl assess­

ments must be paid by tomorrow. Ann ounce ments to the effect t hat the Iris ' positive ly wi ll not · be distribu ted trnti l all pictures nrc pnid for has made this rf'quC'St ncecssary. Durs arc fi f ty cents, wi th the O(lditiona l fortv cent assessment for the Iris picture. "Ptense pay at once to Car lton Lintner or Evelyn El1iot. C'mon J uniors, don ' t "hol<l up t he Iri s. L et's Go!

Miss Charlott e Schlottman spent th e wrck en<l arid l\Ionday in Beaver Dam wh ere she is planning to· teach Home Eronomi cs next yea r.

:Miss Edna Trickev and :Miss L eith Lind ow both had the' p leasure of view. !n~ the cherry orchards of Dorr County m bloom on Sunday. They both say it is worth the one hundred a nd ninety mile drive to sec th em.

Miss Elea nor Baker enterta ined l\fiss Georgia l\Iar t in at her home in \Vaupun t he past week cud.

On Sunday :Miss LuCill c Krumm vis ite<l her sister Grace who is in the hospital in Green Bay, r ecovering from nn ope ration for appendicitis .. L ucille reports t hat Grnc e: is sti ll very weak bu t i s on the road to recoverv.

T he seniors of the~ N elson Hall Fam ily arc con templating their a nnual gift to the house. Every year the g irls who a rc graduating ]cave a token of remembra nce which t he girls of later ­years appreciate greatly.

Miss Lucile Green entertained her two sisters and her uncle from La Farge las t week . After t he Rura l play ~Ir. Beaudin 's car was found parked on the porch of Nelson Ha ll. How it got there is a dee p, dark mystery bu t , as usua l, ~fr. Beaudin wns equal to the occasion and very skilfu lly, without damage to his C'nr, drove it down t he steps.

)Iiss Grace Linclah l lrns been caller[ to her home in , vaupaca by the illnc8s of her mother.

:Miss L ucile Schmid t was a g uest of :Miss :Marion K ow it z nt her home jn Sparta over Sunclny.

'Miss ~Inry Ku circk visited fr ien ds in \Vausau on Saturday and Sunday.

:Mi ss i\lilclred Perschkc and ~fi ss El i­zabeth H eber t en:ioycd t he week encl nt the ir hom e in Unity.

)fiss Jane \Vrigh t was nt her homo in Mauston; ~:Iiss Arminda Wern er, in Edgar; Miss Grnce }"'Jowers, in Oconto Falls; and the Misses Ghcrke with Beatrice P ol1cy, in New L ondon over Sunday.

Miss ~farjorie F oote visited her pros· pcctive grade for next year in \Veynu· wega on Thursday.

Dr. Glenn }.,rank, President of t ho Lni,·crsity of \Viscons in nntl n rec· ognized lender in the. cclucn tional wo~Jd, will speak in th e }hg h School Auchto· rium tonight at eigh t o'clock. This nppc;ranec of Dr. Prank is being r.===============; Jpo nsored by the Pedcrntcd ~Ion 's Club. "Abov• All The Right Hat"


KREMBS Double Malted Milk ·

To Know The Difference



Gas and Elecltic

Service and Appliances


119 S1ton1ra A ve. S1evena Point, W !a,

· For Utmost Satisfac­tion, Greater Charm

and Beauty PHONE mus

Powder Pu.D Beaut'!} Shop


20% off on all Standard Makes of · F0UNTAIN PENS

MEYER DRUG CO. 305 Main Street




Helpful, Friendly Cooperation


French Campbell & Co. Student Supplies

449 Main St. Phone 98J

(ir want to take this op-portunity of wishing all the out-~oinli! ~tudents success m their work

- and don't forget the ---

HBGG'S "The "Best in Men's Wear"

Home Made Candy -AT-


T HAS been a pleasure . for us

· to do business with the students and faculty of Central State Teachers' College. We want this feeling of good-will to contin­ue to exist. May suc­cess and h a p p i n e s s come to you by "hitting the line hard".


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"Bigger and Better:'



FERDINAN.P A. _HffiZY "l!:fit jj}i!t l[ounstlor"



A FTER all, isn't it Genius only the ability to deny one's self small luxuries

in the future?

FIRST NATIONAL BANK Cnpital and Surplus $250,000. 00

Largest in Portage Cou~ty


STORE & en's Furnishin_gs

Main Strnet


Just The "Best

Every Graduate Has a Future. We Have the


TAYLORS 109-111 Strpngs Ave.


HANNON-BA<;:H PHY., Inc. 431 Main Street


More Students Sign Contracts To Teach

'l'hc following senio rs hnvc obtained positions since the latit hs\lC of the Pointer:

H ~lcn Lohr - :Mellen, , visconsi n. Cornc1ia Iverson - Taylor, , v iscon·

:-.i n. Ann Stcwurt - Tige rton, "Wisconsin. ]\farguret Co11 ins - Aubu rn <lnlc,

, vi~eonsin . The fo llowing alumni have obtained

posit ions : Hut h Sachtj cn - Ant igo, , visconsin. Loretta Crame r - Antigo, \ Viscon­

s in. Irene Smith - Glenwood Ci ty, ,vis­

consin. Anna Ba rtz - Bancroft, \Visconsin.

Return Books Text Books arc to be rcturnccl duri ng

the fo llowing h ours : 2, 3, 4 year grad­uates, J une 14th, 1928 on Friday, J une 8th, 1 :30 to 3:00 o 'clock P. M.

The Departments will return books as follows :

Tuesday J une 12th, High School . . . . . . 8:30 10 :30 A. M. Home Ee .. . . . .. . .. 10:30 11:30 A. M. R urals . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 :30 2:30 P . M . Gram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 :30 3 :30 ]'. M . Prim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:30 3:30 P. M.

Libra rians.

New Course Mr. Rober ts anno.unccs tha t t here w ill

be a cou rse i n Eco nomics which is not listed in the sum mer s~hool b ulletin . T his wi ll be a three cre4it cou rse nnd wi ll no d oubt be of interest to mnny students. E nro ll men t day for summer session wi ll be J une 18th.

~ s~ ~ ~UMNI NOT~

H arla n Ed\nnd Smith, Class of 1926, is l\Iauage r of a Standard Oil Sen·icc Station at \Va upaca, \Visconsin.

) I inni c E lla Schofield, Class of 1916, is now Principa l of t he Gram mar S chool at ) fo u rovia, Cal ifornia. H e r s-ireet atl<lress is 219\V. Greysto n Ave.

Cli fford N. Anckrson , Clnss of 1913. took, a Ph. B. Degree and an ~. S. De· gree at the Un ive rs ity of \Viscons in . He is uow a Ra<lio E ngineer at 195 llroadwny, Ke w York City, ~cw Yor~.

Clyde A . Morley, Class of 1917, took a B. A. Degree at t he University of \ Visconsin in 1926, and an M. A. De· ~rec at t he Uni versity of \Visconsi n jn 192i. H e is now a n I nstructor in t he Departmen t of E<lueation at the Uni · \"Crsit y of \Viseousin , 1!adison.

Charles Ra lph Rounds, Class of 1899, took a P h. B. Degree nt t.he Un iversity of \Vi sconsin in 1901, a nd a n 1:I. E el . Degree at H a r va rd in 1924. H e is 11 0w

Di rector of E ngl ish in t he J u ni or and Senior H igh Schoo l at Etizahct h, New J ersey.

'fheodore C. Klett, Class of 1916, is acti ng Su pcrinte u<lC'ut ..,p f the Cudahy H igh School.

Earl Alfred Joh nson, Class of 19141

is a District ).lanagcr in Detroit, l\lichigan for the Peasch A irhrush Company of Chicago. Hi s home is ~t 7310 \ Vooclwn rd A ve nue, Detroit, ) [ ich igan .

K en neth L . ).{. Pray, Cl:.1 ss of 1901, took a H. A. Degree a t the Un i vers ity of , v iseonsin i n 1907. H e is a son of t he form er Presid ent Pray of this school, nnd is now d irector of t he So­eia l and Hea lth Work in t he Peri nsyl School at P hilnd clphin , Penn .

:\I ary Cather ine Ulc, Class of 1920, took a B. A. Degree at t he Univers ity of '\Viseonsin i n Hl24. She is now a Laboratory T ec hn icia n and Ji,·cs at 180 - 17 th Street, ) l itwaukce, \Vis.

<a:lassp l3rinting, -in a ll its p has~s

_\ WORZ/\LL/\ PUBLIStllNG 'ei GOMPI\NY "W/ur• Craftsmanship Pret1om1na/e5 "


DICTIONARY '-The Pointe r i-ndueed se,·e ra l

coeds to prepare a revised ed ition of Webste r 's dic tionary for t he use of co 11 eg<' students. T hp en<l of t he year eo min g upo n them u nex pectedly ns it does finds t he work l>ut part ly comple tccl. Read fro m left to right .

Love : We don 't know what that is either.

Library : A place where unused books are stored ; also a t ryst­ing place for lovers.

Mixer : A party where everyone sits around and waits. for some­thing to happen that doesn 't.

Normal curve : A method of pitching· the ball as -is done by

· any of our school men.

Orchestra : The audible part of a good movie show.

Pratice Teaching : A .s p e c i a 1 course introduced by Mt. Bar­num for the training of wild animals.

Question: The means by which a Prof confirms his suspicions.

Rural : A department for the training of studenis for mission­ary work.

Recitation : A very diplomatic way of denying knowledge on a specified subject.

Springs : A means used by a Prof for administering tests un­expectadly.

Test : Just another form of the Spanish Inquisition.

" U " : Another name for Mecca.

Vaudeville : An entertainment o­riginated by Holeproof compa­ny for advertising purposes.

Vanity Case :· A metal box con­taining a cracked mirror and 36 cents in cash. Originally carried by g·irls.

Work : A myth exploited as a uni­versal excuse. Especially val­uable to girls declining dates .

X : Unknown algebraic quantity: the way a kiss looks written.

Yell : A clamor set up by the stu­dent botly when the leader in­sinuates that there is something the matter with someone.

Y. M. C. A.: An organization which has no male members.

Zoology : A class in which the students just " cut up " mostly.

COOK STUDIO ~'( lV:@s 111

~ ~ ~PEC TIES t1 I bl-· - r i· s. L<ader. .Hooks. ·Cl:: I. Juels.Llnes.Rods . ~ ,1. , f ·, Flies made toorr/er ] ·~ 't~" ~ 1.' , Wn t, for I.oles ! -~-I~..,..,..~~-~,;,·= CATA LOG

IF WEBER HAKES ff-A "l'El1 t5iKEf IT


Drink Cocoa -

A Rich Milky Chocolate Drink



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KennedtJbtudio --=-=---"STEVENS POINT •


and Gift S/zop


"Blue Ribbon" Thousand Island !Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing

Sandwich Spread

71"}! "Blue Ribbon" -- Belter Than 'The Rest

The Citizens' National Bank

'' The Bank That Service Built"

E thank rou for your patronage

past and present. We hope the future will have an abundance of good things in store for y~. Don't forget to WORK hard, and don't forget -

J· WO~Z~Ll~

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Take a peep at our window and see the tunning new patte rns in "Brown Bui lt " shoes for women.

Each pair is a delightful answer to the urge fo r distinc­tiveness in foo twear .

Domack Clothing Co. Pub. Square

Shoes, Clothing, Men 's Furn.

WE CLEAN For you

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What E lse ca 11 we do1

For expert Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing


GEORGE BROS. Ilry Cleaners and Dyers

Phone 420 Free Call & Delivery


SCHAFTNER'S SHOE HOSflTAL 519 Strongs Ave. Phone 196-W

Call for and De live r y Serv ice

CITY FRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits and Vegetables

Phone 51 457 Main St.


Ma'}!tag W asfzers Hoover Vacuum Cleaners

Silent Automatic Oil Burners



· fflH E Business Manager wishes to thank ~ all the Business Men who have con­~ tributed to the Pointer Budget through Advertising. We appreciate your support. N ext year's Business Manager, John Pral- -guski, is a reliable, hard-working, honest chap. You will enjoy working with him.

- W . E. Wasrud, Bus. Me:-r.

top related