the piedmont families organization number 17 annual ... 17 mar 1999.pdf · the piedmont families...

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Annual Financial and Research Report So far in 1999, we've sent our researcher $1,000 and received four more research reports from him. We have only eleven more reports before finishing the Lusema San Giovanni records themselves. The remaining villages will have fewer volumes each.

Please make checks payable to PFO, and send to:

PFO, 99 So. Sage Dr., Orem UT 84097.

If you wish a receipt, please include a self-addressed envelope.

Early Cattre Family Members The Cordons, 1vfalans, and Stalles all have ancestors with the surname C attre. ln this issue, we highlight what we have so far learned about two of the early branches ofthisfamily.

BRANCH 1: So far in our research, the earliest mentioned ancestor of this branch was Gioanetlo ("Johnny") CA TTRE, who was dead by 1621. His son Gullielmino was also dead by then . But this Gullielmino left at least two sons who reached maturity: Gioanni and Daniele.

Daniele apparently left fe'vver descendanL.;; than did Gioanni, so let's consider him first. He was still living in 1643, at which time he had a daughter Maria. His wife, but not necessmily the mother of Maria, was Gioanna RICH A daughter of deceas~d Pietro. If he lived that long, he may have been the Daniele son of deceased Guglielrnino who married Susana COISONE by 1669; Susana was daughter of deceased Daniele who in tum was son of deceased Gioanoi COISONE.

His brother Gioanni CATTRE was a community leader, noted as "honorable" (just as \Ve describe mayors using that tenn). He

• Number 17 • March 1999

made his will in 1641, nanling his brother Dm1iele as well as his o'vm five daughters and one deceased son, also naJlled Daniele.

Gioanni' s daughters were ( 1) Gioanna, who matried by 1625 Daniele ODDINO son of Gioanni (son of deceased Antonio); Gioanna was likely dead by 1641. (2) Susanna, still living in 1641, who married Daniele CHIANFORANO in 1605. (3) M adalena, also still living in 1641, who married Daniele ODDINO son of deceased Gioarmi, son himself of deceased Vielto. (4) Maria, dead by 1641 , wife of Giacomo COISONE son of Pietro (son of deceased Giacomo). (5) Catterina, widow in 1641 of Pietro BEZZONE son of deceased Colletta.

Gioanm's son Daniele, not to be confused with his uncle Daniele son of Guglielmino, was dead by 1641 . Gioanni' s will in that year naJlles Daniele' s widow, Catterina BUFFA daughter of deceased Gioanni; her brothers were Pietro, Colletta, and Lorenzo. Daniele and Catterina had two surviving children, Gioarmi and Gioa1ma. Both'v,rere minors in 1641 but adult by 1648. In 1655, this Gioanni renounced his inheritance because it was riddled with debt. That no doubt reflects the difficult times the Waldensians faced at this period; 1655 was the year of the infamous St Bartholomew' s Day massacre.

BRANCH II: The second early Caltre branch begins with a Gioarmi ("John"), probably a brother , half-brother, or cousin of Gioanetto of Branch A. This Gioatmi also had a son nan1ed Gulliclmino, and both father and son were dead by 1613 . This Gullielmino man-ied a Catterina, and he probably had a brother naJlled Michele.

This Gullielmino had at least two sons and two daughters. The daughters were (1) Gina, who married Pietro ODDlNO son of deceased Gioanni, who was son of deceased Vietto (and thus this Pietro was brother to Daniele ODDTNO who married Madalena CATTRE of Branch I). (2) Margarita or Maria, who married Antonio BENEDETTO son of deceased Francesco.

Gullielmino' s sons were Gioanni, also called honorable, and Daniele. This Honorable Gioanni made his will in 1613 but was still alive in 1627. His \Vif~:: was Maria, and they had at lcasl four daughters and one son, minors in 16 13. The daughters were (1) Madalena, who married Esaya BERTINO son of deceased Collette. (2) Catterina, who married Gioanni MONASTERO, who died by 1654 and was son of deceased Micaelle. (3) Gioanna and (4) Margarita.

Honorable Gioanni 's son was Gullielmino, undoubtedly the tax collector of that name in 16 55, tovm couselor in 1663, mayor in 1667, and \Vhose will \Vas dated 1675. He married an otherwise unknown Gioanna CATTRE daughter of a Gioanni, and they had six children: Maria (married Pietrio CHIA VVIA), Daniele, Gioanni, Pietro, Davide, and Steffano. I )aniclc, son of Gullielmino and Catterina and grandson of the

PFO Report, N umber 17, March 1999, page 2

first Gioanni, was probably dead by 1648. He married, perhaps as a second wife, Gioanna CHIA VVIA, in January 16 19. She was daughter of Giorgio CHIA VVIA and his wife Gioanna COISONE (daughter of deceased 1:3artholomeo COJSONE and his wife Fiorina), and may have been the mother of Daniele CATTRE's son G10a1mi CATTRE, 1atermentioned in a permutation with Steffano CHIA VVIA son of deceased Gioanni, and perhaps Gioanna 's nephew.

Temple ordinance work is in progress for these people. lt is also hoped that genealogists in the various families will connect their own Cattre lines into these families.

Our Families in San Giovanni

We continue here our notarial records highlights. Because so many of the surnames appear on the pedigrees of our separate families, we present them ill alphabetical order. This avoids having to repeat them. rve also present the extractions by separate volume to simplify the reports.

Numbers in parentheses indicate the page number in the volume and the date of the act. NOTE: The year attached to the volume number is when the notary ollicially deposited the record- not necessarily the year in \Vhich the original record was made. Sometimes it is the same year, but often the notary (because he had to pay a fee each time) delayed registering some acts.


GENE~ TOWN COUNCIL: 23 Feb 1642: Town Councilors: Daniele BELONATO, Daniele PARISA, Gioatmi GONINO, Gioanni OLLIVETTO, Guglielmo MALANOTO ; clerk: Antonio TURINO; family heads: Stefano PRASCIUTO, Gioanni TURINO, David PRASCIUTO, Gioanni MALLANOTO, Lorenzo RENECHIO, Gioanni PAIJROTO, Gioanni BENECHIO, Daniele MUSSETTO, Antonio MALANOTTO, Michele BASTIA, Pietro GIRARDO, Giuseppe PARTS A (l97R)

BELLIONE/BELLON (Bellon) Purchase & Ackownledgement of dowry: Sisters Catterina (wife of Augustine GO NINO son of dec Bartholomeo) and Anna (wife of Daniele BELLI ONE son of dec Michele), daus of dec Paolo & Margarita REVELLO; their dec bro Gioanni; their mother Matgarita md (2) Daniele TURINO. (42,44,45R, 2 Dec 1641 )

Quittance: Pietro CffiA VVIA son of dec Guliermo; his wife Margarita PASCHERO dau dec Giacomo; Daniele BELLTONE son ofdcc Michele . (1 25R, 17 Aug 1640)

BELLONA TO (Cardon; Malan ; Stalle) Joint will of Sebastiana BIBER TO son of dec Antonio; & of his wife SusaJma MlOLI (dau dec Gieronimo); not related, but mentioned: Lusia TURINO dau Gioanni, Daniele MUS SET­TONE son David, Maria TURINO dau Antonio & Ann; said Susanna 's "cousins" ["relatives"]. Elisabetta wife David

MUSSETTONE, Margarita wid Stefano BELLONA TO; re latives [no specific relationship:J Anna wf Antonio TORINO; Angelica wife Michele RVELLO, bros. Pietro and Gioanni MALLANOTO sons dec Paulo; Sidraco CHAINFORANO son of dec Daniele; Daniele CHIANFORANO son of dec David; Pietro MUSSETTONE son of Michelle. (21 . 9 Jun 1642)

Purchase: Sis ters Catterina (wife Francesco DANNA) and Margarita (wife Giuseppe MARIA) daus dec Matteo BELLONA TO. (308R, 16 may 1637)

BENECHIO/BENEDETTO (Cardon; Malan) Surrender of interest: Dec Giorgio BENECHIO son of dec Pietro of Angrogna; his ch: Gioanni, Daniele, Bartholomeo, Mati.a (wf of Pietro COIJSONE), & Margarita (wf of Gioanni DENECHIO son of dec Giacomo). (74R, 22 Feb 163 8)

Purchase: Gioanni BENEDETTO son of dec Paolo; Gioanni & Paolo ST ALLEO sons of dec Daniele. (342, 9 Jan 1640)

BODOIRA (Bodrero) Quittance: Catterina REIJNERO dau dec Bcmardo ofBubiana, wife of Vicenzo BODO IJRA son of Sebastiana of Bubiana. (141, 15 Feb 1641)

CARDONE (Cardon) Purchase: Daniele ROSTAGNO son dec Filippo ofRoccapiata; Bartholomeo A VONDETTO son Lorenzo; Gioanni GODINO son of dec Francesco; sisMartari(?) & Mar garita CARDONE daus dec Paijretto ofRoccapiatta; Gioanni BONETTO son of dec Pietro (sonofdecPolitre). (11 7, 13 Jan 1640)

Purchase: Dec Gaspardo MORESCO son of dec Carlo of Bubiana; his dau by I st wf, dec Margarita: Christina; his 2nd wife: Agnette, wid Simonino CARDONE. (385, 3 1 Aug 1640)

CATTRE (Cardon; Malan; Stalle) Quittance: Maria BARTOLOMIO-FRASCHIA, dau dec Nattanaelle, wife D aniele CATTRE; Gioanni BASTIA son of dec C'rioanni of Angrogna. ( 108, 4 Sep 1642)

GIOVENE/JOUVE (Cardon; Malan) Transaaction: Michele PERONE son of dec Bartholomeo; sibs Madalena (wid Battista GOUANTA), dec Margm·ita (wife of Gioanni DALMAZZO), Ludovica (wid ofBartholomeo CIUARMIZZO) and dec Daniele CARBONERO, ch dec Antonio; Antonio son of said dec Daniele CARBO NERO & of his dec wfGioanna; Bartholomco GIOVINE (son dec Daniele) son-in-law said Madalena CARBONERO. (343, 10 Feb 1640)

GODINO (Cardon) [See also entry under CARDONE, above]

Purchase & permutation: Dec Bartholomeo V ACI-IERO & his dec wife Maria; their ch : dec Margarita (wf Giuseppe GODINO son of dec Spirito), David, & Anna; Gioanni RICHARDONE son of dec Pietro ofBubiana. (431 , 434, 4 Aug & 24 Oct 1642)

GONJNO (Cardon; Malan) Marr settlement & purchases: Anna LANTARE dau Filippo

PFO R eport, N umber 17, March 1999, page 3

(son of dec Gioanni); her husb Paolo BOCHIARDINO son of dec Daniele; her bro Gioarmi LANT ARE; Francesco MOLERA son of dec Michele ofFeni1e; Maria wid Battista BEZZONE; Gioanni GO NINO son of dec Pietro; Davide GIAIJMOTTI son of Pietro; Gioanna GO NINO \Vf said Pietro GIAIJMOTTI. (11, 13, 15; 11 & 12 Jan & 2 mar 163 2)

[See also entry under BELLI ONE, abovej

D ivision: Sibs Gioarmi, Madalena, Catterina, & Bartholomeo, ch of dec D avid (d 1634) & Margarita GONIN0.77R,7 May 1638)

Quittance: Bros Gioanni & dec Michele ( d 1630), sons of dec Manfredo (d I year) BARTOLOMIO-FRASCHIA of Angrogna; Madalena GONINO dau dec Giachino of Angrogan, \V:id said dec Michele; their son Gioanni FRASCHIA; Madalena's 2nd husb Pietro CHIANFORANO son of dec Giorgio of Angrogna. (145, 19 Apr 1641)

Purchase/surr. of interest: David FRASCHIA-BARTOLOMIO son of dec Gioanni of Angrogna; Pietro CHIANFORANO son of dec Giorgio of Angrogna; Madalena GO NINO dau dec Giachino of Angrogna, wid Michele FRASCHIA-BARTOLOMIO, now wf said Pietro CHIANFORANO; said Madalena 's paternal I s l

cousins: sibs Giachino & Maria GON INO, ch dec Gioanni­Battista; brother-in-law of said Madalnea: Gioanni FRASCHIA­R ARTOLOMIO son of dec Manfl-edo of Angrogna; her son by dec Michele: Gioarmi. (207R & 209, 15 Mar 1642)

PEYROTTO (Cardon; Malan) Quittance: Gioanna REVELLO dau dec Battista & Cattcrina, \\of Bartholomeo PAI.JROTTO son Gioanni; Daniele REVELLO son of dec Paolo; her bro: Pietro REVELLO. (139, 8 Feb 1641 )

Transaction: Susanna ODDINO dau dec Daniele, wfe Giuseppe ROSTAGNO; bros David & Bartholomeo PEIJROTTO; her mat. g'moU1er: dec Maria; David-PRASC llJ TO son dec Daniele; Antonio IMBERTO son of dec Gioanni .(167, 27 Sep 1641)

Purchase: Camilla, V\'id of Michele PEIJRETTO of Fenile ; Gi.oanni-Angelo RESSANO ofFenile . (392, ll May 1642)

RAGGIO/RAGE (Stalle) Division /purchase: Bros Gioanni-Pictro, Paolo & Bartholomeo RAGGIO sons of dec Gedeone & Maria; Gioanni BASTIA (son of dec Giorgio) of Angrogna, his wf Maria; Susanna (disabled) MUSSETTO dau dec Giorgio & Margarita of Angrogna; bros Gioanni & Bartholomeo BERTINO sons of dec Stefano of A (204 & 106, 14 Mar 1642)

ROSTAGNO (Cardon) [See also entries under CARDONE, and under PE YROT'fO.]

Quittance: Gioanna GIANA VELLO dau dec Giuseppe, wid of Giacomo ROSTAGNO ofPralli, San Martino Valley; her current husb Ludovicho PELLENCHO of Vigne; Gioanni P A.RISA son of Paolo; her paternal blood aunt, dec Maria. (148, 15 May 164 1)

STALLEO (Cardon; Malan; Stalle)

[Sec second entry tmder BENECHIO above.]

TURINO (Cardon) [See also entries under BELLONA TO and GONINO above.]

Will of Bartholomeo TURINO son of dec Gioanni (son of dec Heustacio); bro Daniele; nephew: Michele PIRARDETTO; universal heir [no relationship given]: Anna BOLLA dau I3artholomeo of Bubiana, wife Stefano PRASClUTO_ (296, 377, 16 Apr, 29 Mar 1937)

Purchase: Bros Bartholomeo, Francesco, & Stefano TURINO sonsofdecG1oanni. (403, 21 Jan 1642)

V ACHERO (Cardon) [See also entry under GODINO above. ]

Quittance & purchase: Bros dec Marco, Paolo & Bernardino IlvlBERTO-V ACHERO sons of dec Gioanni; their motht.T dec Isabella; Gaspare ISOARDO-BRIANZA son uf dec Gioanni­Francesco; Alerano CERGNAGO son of dec Attista; bros Daniele & Stefano COMBA-MAGNA sons dec Paolo of Bubiana; their uncles Carlo & Emanuele, bros said Paolo; their aunt dec Madalena GIAIJMETT0.(411 ,41 2,24 & 28 Apr 1642)


BELLONA ITO (Cardon; Malan) Will of Margarita BERTOTO, dau dec Brutholomeo (son of Dec Gioanni); herhusb: Bartholomco BERTOTO [same surname]; Antonio BELLONA TO son of dec Battista, no relationship given. (494R, 17 May 1633)

BENECHIO/BENEDETTO (Cardon~ Malan) Mge settlement & purchase: Giuseppe MICHELINO son of dec Daniele of TmTe; Gioanni FENOGLIO son of dec Michele of A.ngrogna; said Giuseppe 's sisters: Maria (wite said Gioarmi FENOGLIO) & Susanna (v.'ife Pietro BENECHIO son of dec Lorenzo ofBuhiana). (505,506,506R 9 Jan 1634)

FENOGLIO (Cru·don) [See entry under Benechio, above.]

GONJNO (Cardon; Malan) Pw·chase, resale, & mge settlement: dec Agostino GIRARDO­LANTARETTO (d of p lague); Susanna, dau of his dec son Giacomo; Maria, dau his dec son Gioanni; Agostino GONlNO, son of his dau Gioanni, wid of Bartholomeo GONINO & also wid of Stefano PARISA. (58R,61R,64, 22 & 23 Mar 1638)

Mge sett: Ba11holomeo GO NINO son of dec Davidc; his wife Maria BASTIA-CARETERA dau ofBartholomeo (son of dec Paulo). (41R, 13 Feb 1639)

Purchase: Anna GIRAROO dau dec Giuseppe of Osasco, now wife ofBartholomeo MALLANOTO; Gi.oanni GO N INO son of dec David; Gioanni MALLANOTTO son of Antonio (son of dec Guglielmo). (73R, 6 Feb 1640)

PFO R eport, Num ber 17, March 1999, page 4

Will of Samuelle GARNERO son of dec Francesco; 1st wife dec Maria PELLENCO dau dec Ludovico; their son Giuseppe; 2nd wfMaria GO NINO dau David; their ch: Margarita, Francesco, Bartholomeo, & Davide; bro-in-law: Bartholomeo GONlNO; nephew: GioanniDURANDO-CANTONE. (139, 10 Sep 1641 )

GOTTERO/GAUTIER (Cardon; Malan) Mge sett isabella COLLOMBERO, wid Ludovico GOTTERO of San Damiano in Maira Valley, dau dec Cosmo and Maria; her mat. uncle: Gabriel AGNESIO; her dau Margarita GOTTERO, wf Eiiseo BERARDO. (121 , 21 Feb 1639)

Procuration: Susanna BORELLO, wid of Giacomo BERTINO, dau Antonio ofFcnestrelle; Pietro GOUTIERO son of dec Giacomo. (517, 23 Mar 1634)

Purchase: Pietro Sllv10NDO son of Chiaffredo of Torre; wife Paola CONSTANZO dau dec Battista; Paola's sis Margarita, wid Pietro MARTINO; Michele ELLENA son dec Battista; Gioatma, wid Gioanni-Filippo GOTTERO. (101 , 25 May 1641)

PONS (Malan; Pons) Will of Pietro RICHIARDONE, age 87, son of Antonio of Buhiana; his father 's mother dec Madalena: Gioanni PONT son of dec Giacomo, no relationship given. (34R, 26 Mar 1638)

ROSTAGNO (Cardon) Purchase: Dec Daniele CARBO NERO son of dec Antonio; his wife dec Gioatma ROSTAGNO (both d of the plague); their son Antonio CARBONERO; Bartholomeo GIOVINE son of dec Daniele . (1 2R, 21 Jan 1639)

SIMONDETTO (Cardon) Donation: Stefano GIUSIANA son ofGioanni-Maria and of Maria; Giommi-Stefano GIUSIANA son of dec Richiardo SIMONDETTO lsic]; his future vvfOrsolina SORDEVOLLO daudec Domenico. (65, 15 Jan 1639)

TURINO (Cardon) Quittance: Bros Ludovico & Antonietto MARIA sons of dec Bartholomeo; their uncle: dec Richiardo MARIA son of dec Antonietto; their I st cousin: Helena-Lucia MARIA dau dec Cesare; bros dec Antonio, Mattheo, Stefano, Bartholomeo & Francesco TURINO; Matteo TURINO son of said dec Antonio & of Margarita. (169, 7 May 1641)

V ACHERO (Cardon) Procuration: Margarita BOSCO dau dec Pietro, wife ofMarcho VACIIERO son of dec Antonio. (77, 17 Aug 1639)


BENECHIO/BENEDETTO (Cardon; Malan) Mge sett: Pietro RlVOIJRA son of dec Martino of Angrogna; his wife Madalk:na BENEDETTO and her bro Laurenzo, children of dec Gioanni of Angrogna. (51, 25 Feb 1637)

Purchase: Giorgio ARNOLFO-MONET A son of dec Barolomeo

of Angrogna; Margarita, wid Dnaiele MONESTERO; their ch: Maria (wife Paulo RICI-IA son of dec Antonio), Gioanna (wife Lorenzo ODD1No son of dec Daniele), Madalena (wife Gioanni BENEDETO son dec Giorgio), Susana, Gioanni MONESTERO (l46R, 8 May 1636)

GO NINO (Cm·don; Malan) Quittance : Gioanni GONINO son of dec Pietro; his wife Anna CATTRE dau Daniele (son of dec Guglielmino ); Gioanni STRlNGATO son of dec Colletto; all of Angrogna. (76, 9 Apr 1637)

Purchase: Bros dec Daniele, Gioanni-Pietro, and Sidraco BRUNEROLO sons of dec David; sons said dec Daniele: Pietro & David; Margarita BRUNEROLO dau dec Paulo; Gioanni GONlNO son dec David. (175, 168, 6 Jun 1634)

Quittance & purchase: Daniele CHIANFORANO son of dec Pietro; his wife Gioanna RICHA, her bros Giorgio & Michele, all of Angrogna; bros Gioanni & Bartholomeo GO NINO sons of dec David. (218R, 220,7 Nov 1636)

PEYROTTO (Cardon; Malan) Purchase: Daniele PEIROTO son of dec Paolo; his wife Gioa1ma BONETTO dau dec Daniel~; David I .ANT ARE son of dec Christoforo. (l86R, I I Jull634)

Will of D aniele MONETTO son of dec Chiaffredo; his >vife Susanna; his cousin Maria-Susanna; his dau Catterina; his bro­in-law Bartholomeo PEIJROTTO; his bro Gioanni MONETTO. (197 , 24 Oct 1635)

STALLEO (Cardon; Malan; Stalle) Purchase: Margarita STALLEO dau dec Stefano, wife of David PONT; Lorenzo MALANO son of dec Filippo; Gioanna, wife of Giacomo ARBARINO; all of Angrogna. (221 ,223R, 28 Nov & I9Dec 1636)

Current Contributors The following have contributed to our research fund since our last issue:

A/jean Blake Grover Cardon Stan Cardon Joan Carpenter Karen Cox VeraDuce J Malan Heslop Jeni Holzapfel Mrs. Patricia Malan

Robert Malan Ronald F. Malan Wendy M. Poll Nfargaret C. Rich Rosalie Stone Edna Taylor Emma & Ralph Trejo Cheryl White

We express deep gratitude to these people.

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