the om community the huns

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Presentation*Regional public organization

The Republic of Buryatia, the city of Ulan-Ude

The club's activities are aimed at attracting citizens to active recreation by way of organizing various travels, popularizing

healthy life-style, and developing patriotism in the young generation.

The Club’s activities are concentrated around two chief projects:1. “My Homeland”

2. “The Huns” 

“My Homeland” projectis aimed at developing and popularizing new tourist routes across the territory of Buryatia

and Russia.

Trip to the Dzherginski nature reserve

January 25-30, 2011 — Participants of the expedition visited the territory of the nature reserve


Since the opening of the nature reserve zone the population of the reindeer, Manchurian deer, elk, sable, and other species has raised considerably.

In the upper reaches of the Barguzin river

The Quiet Reach territory. It is here that the famous Baikal Arctic cisco comes for spawning.

In the roads

The inspectors’ work consists in guarding the zone entrusted to them. Any kind of human activities, such as hunting, fishing, cutting down the trees, is prohibited here.

Maria cares nothing about the frost of -47 degrees

•After the rally an article was published in ''The New Buryatia'' (Novaya Buryatia) newspaper dated May 14, 2011. In this text we expressed our bewilderment at the fact that the Nature Reserve was not included in the list of the Federal Program for the Protection and Preservation of Natural Resources of Baikal. Now the Dzherginski Reserve is put on the Program's list for the period 2012-2020, the equipment is being renewed, and the measures are being taken to protect the forest from fire.

The sacred places of the Khori Buryat

The Egitguiski datsan. This is where one of the greatest Buddhist treasures is stored — the statue of Buddha Zandan Zhuu created during Master's lifetime.

Site for worshipping the Master of the Kizhiginskaya valley, Baabey.

The Palace of Buddha Shakyamuni

Dzharun Khoshur

This name means ''The Stone of Desires''. The shrine has seven treasures inside.

The Healer and Protector of the Buryat people

This route offered to the tourists is in great demand, and we regularly arrange tours.

Project “The Huns – Path of the Ancestors”

The restored flag of the Huns

The Huns

The project is planned for several years and includes the following stages: Russian, European, Central Asian, Corean, and Indian. The project is aimed at: drawing public attention to the issues of preserving archaeological monuments that constitute a large part of the national cultural heritage; popularizing the history of the Republic of Buryatia within the framework of the all-Russian history; developing new Russian and international tourist routes.

At the exhibition “The Nomads of the Transbaikalia”

The rally was organized jointly with the Foundation for the Revival of Historical Heritage — The Huns Foundation. The route of the rally embraced the historical sites and archaeological monuments from the history of the Asian Huns which are to be found on the Buryatian territory. For the rally participants it was an interesting get-to-know journey.

The Ilmovaya honedew.The burial place of the princes.

The burial place of Shanyui

Size is impressive — entrance to the burial ground

July 2011 saw the realization of the next stage of the project – “The Great Asian Empires. The

Huns through 2200 Years”


Gleb, our junior traveler

The border zone near the Kyakhta town

Mongolia. The Naadam celebration

Participants of the rally visited the celebration opening

Horse race in the valley

Ruins of a monastery

Send-off in the desert



The last drops of fuel and the blowout

The Gobi Desert

According to the Russian historian Gumilev, the merit of the ''grand-grand-Huns consists already in being the first ones to cross the Gobi Desert.’’

Trophys of the “black” archaeologists

Ships of the desert


Our team

Down in the clay and out there with the horses


After the rally, in July-August 2011, ''The New Buryatia'' (Novaya Buryatia) newspaper published a series of articles ''The Mongol Diary''. The article ''Motorists Follow the Traces of Distant Ancestors'' was published in the socio-political newspaper ''Buryatia'' on July 13, 2011, №123(4988).

August 2011 saw the third stage of the project “The

Huns – Following the Traces of the Remote Ancestors”

Digging at the burial ground

The Orgoyton region


Expedition worked under the guidance of N.N.Nikolaev of the State Hermitage.

Presents for the archaeologists

A picture to remember

N.Nikolaev, S.Minyaev, archaeologists, volunteers, A.Zarubin, head of the foundation ''The Huns-XXI Century'', I.Sarapulov, artist and designer who created a fashion collection ''The Huns''.

Jeeda favored by the Huns




The Dyrestuiski kultuk(hole)

Famous for its rich burial site

The Bayan-Under hole

The settlement of the Huns, the type of dwelling — semi-dugouts.

Under guard

After the rally an article ''Following the Traces of the Ancient Huns'' was published in the newspaper ''The New Buryatia'' (Novaya Buryatia) and a news program was shown by the local TV-channel ''Arig Us''.

On September 9, 2011 the Republic of Buryatia celebrated the City Day of Ulan-Ude

Remarkably, the celebration of the City Day featured the presentation of the project ''Ulan-Ude+2000 Years''. The Hund Foundation familiarized the locals and the guests

of the capital with the project of building a fortress town.

At the project presentation

RPO ''The OM Community'' supports the idea of reconstructing the fortress town that can become the trademark of the Republic of Buryatia

The Ivolginskoe ancient settlement.O.Bulutov, Chairman of The Huns Foundation

The custom of meeting dear guests in Buryatia

Yokhor, the Buryat folk dance

The shaman rite

Pleading the gods for prosperity, luck, and health for the guests and participants of the celebration

The reconstructed town of the Huns

Selective refuse collection

From July to August the team joined the volunteer camp of the International Baikal Coast Volunteer Service (MBBVS), providing the transportation for the project on scavenging the coast. The local mass-media actively raised ecological issues. For instance, the information portal ''Vostok-Teleinform'' (East-Teleinform) issued a publication entitled ''The Garbage Wind of Baikal''. A government commission assisted by the representatives of the public prosecutor's office on nature conservation visited the spots in the Kabanski district where violations took place.

Auto-Ice 2012

At the competition for the Ulan-Ude Mayor Cup on Racing that took place on March 8, 2012 we have drawn in young female motorists who all took active part in the event


Two second prizes, one third prize, and the first prize shared by the whole team

Rally Moscow-Sakhalin

The Travelers Club ''The OM Community'' has been cooperating with LAV Productions and the journalist and TV-host Andrey Leontyev for many years.

Meeting on the Buryat land

November 2012: gathering of the rally “From Uncle Frost to Chyskhaan”

The shooting of a story about the national characters from the folklore of the native inhabitants of Buryatia, here — the White Old Man, the good spirit

Mother Winter, the Evenk folk character

The shooting was organized in cooperation with the Dance theater

“Baikal” and the Evenk folk song and dance ensemble “Osikto”


FOUNDERS OF THE TRAVELERS CLUB ''THE OM COMMUNITY'' are also members of the club ''Baikal Amazons'‘..

On April 13-14 the Club took part in the All-Baikal Fishing

The fishing brought together 156 teams from Russia, Mongolia, and China


Experienced fishermen instructed the participants before the competition.


The fishing starts

Waiting for the results of the fishing….

Third prize among the female crews


Our instructors won

Before the shooting

Members of the club participated in the shooting of a video-game ''Save Baikal'' organized by the public organization of the same name.


The Huns – the historical heritage of the ancestors

July-August 2012 will see the fourth, European stage of the project: ''The Huns — Historical Heritage of the Ancestors''. The rally will cover

territories connected with the great migration of peoples that was once started by the Huns: Buryatia, the Irkutsk region, Khakassia, Altai,

Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Ukraine, White Russia, Hungary, Italy, and Austria. The European stage of the project ''The Huns — Historical Heritage of the Ancestors'' is dedicated to the first anniversary of the Ancient City Day

celebration. The rally will feature a presentation of a travelling exhibition by the Kyakht

Museum named after Obruchev ''Buryatia — Keeper of the Mysteries of the Huns Empire'' and the presentation of the project of the Ancient City

reconstruction (The Huns Foundation).

On August 10 through August 12 we will present our Republic as the keeper and bearer of the most precious monuments of the Huns culture at the international festival ''Kurultai-2012'‘ in Hungary.

The Republic of Buryatia is the only region in the Russian Federation where the archaeological monuments of the Asian Huns can be found in such abundance (over 100 monuments) and variety (ancient settlements, colonies, burial gounds).

RESULTSAfter the rally it is planned to show a presentation to the locals and the

guests of the capital within the framework of the Ancient City Day celebration. We are promoting the idea of stating a more ''ancient'' date for the foundation of Ulan-Ude and preserving the historical heritage of

the Huns.

The Travelers Club ''The OM Community'' brings together people with active civic stand

who enjoy participating in the life of society.

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