the oldest athlete

Post on 20-Jan-2017






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The oldest athleteКонкурс «Россия спортивная»

Презентация Крымовой В.В. г. Нововоронеж

Ivan Pavlovich Zharavin is 84 years old and he inspires everyone in my town.

When Ivan Zharavin was a boy, the doctors said he had a serious heart disease. The boy decided to start running every day to make his heart stronger. After some months of running the boy’s heart began to work a bit better. So, little by little, the young athlete tried to increase the length of the distances. He wanted to stop the disease and become a healthy person. After some years, when the surprised doctors said that his heart was OK, Ivan didn’t stop running, because he got used to it and really loved it. The longer was the distance the more excited was Ivan.

One day he even managed to take part in the marathon. That was a great day – the beginning of a new stage in Ivan’s life. By now, he has been running marathons for about 50 years! He has already run for about 100,000 kilometers in different marathons in lots of places! Ivan Pavlovich Zharavin is an elderly man but he continues taking part in marathons to show young people and kids that running is a good way to keep fit and healthy. If it is snowy in winter, Ivan skies instead of running.

Ivan Pavlovich takes part in all sporting events in our town; he is invited to major sporting events in other places. In recent years, the athlete has been honored as the oldest participant of marathons and sports competitions. The citizens of Novovoronezh are very proud that the oldest sportsman of Voronezh Region lives in our small town. We look up to him and try to follow his example.

Ivan Zharavin says that thanks to taking part in marathons all over the country he finally found the soldier's grave, where his brother had been buried. The athlete feels completely satisfied now.

From all kids and adults of Novovoronezh to I.P. Zharavin:

Dear Ivan Pavlovich, We really admire you. You inspire everyone to go in for sports and lead a healthy lifestyle. Thank you for showing us the right way to live.

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