the okinawa of the caribbean bill solano

Post on 06-May-2015






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By William “Bill” Solano, 10th Dan, Hanshi, PhD/MA

There have been many articles written regarding the history of the Martial arts in different parts of the world including Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.I would like to share with you some of the research I have done regarding the development of the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico. During this research I have discovered certain aspects that had not been given enough importance before when it comes to the true development of the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico, especially in the art of Karate. As a native and resident of this beautiful Caribbean Island since 1969, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the development of Karate and other disciplines in the Island. Through constant research I have discovered the truth about who were responsible for its development and when.

Let’s go back to when Karate really started to grow in the Island. Even though there were Karate practitioners in the mid 60's the Karate boom really started in 1969-70. During the years 1964-67 there was a name of a teacher that stood out, his name was and still is Hector Montijo, considered the father of Karate here in the Island. Almost every so called “traditional” Karate practitioner of today has practiced or has been a student of Sensei Montijo in one way or another. Sensei Montijo during that era was THE Maestro, the first independent instructor to establish a Dojo and system. According to his own account, Sensei Montijo learned Karate while serving in the US armed forces and upon his return to his homeland, decided to open a Dojo and teach what he had learned.

Even though there were already a few traditional Karate schools in the Island, Montijo's Karate Dojo was the first to really have an impact in growing and spreading throughout the island. In those days traditional styles in Puerto Rico were limited to a just a few and really had no true or exclusive impact in the development of the Martial Arts here in the Island.I believe 1969-70 marked the beginning of a new era for the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico. This was the time when Martial Arts actually started to develop and spread all over the Island. Most of the largest organizations here in Puerto Rico were and have always been established by independent martial artists.

We must give credit to those brave Puerto Rican martial artists that decided to go their own way, they are considered to be the true leaders and pioneers of the Martial Arts here in the Island. Another legend in Karate, Gilberto Rodriguez, returned to Puerto Rico from the US mainland around 1961-63. Hanshi Rodriguez is also one of the pioneers of the new Karate era that started back in 1969-70.Around 1966-67 he associated with Roberto Rios, they became partners and opened a Dojo in the San Juan metropolitan area. Eventually they associated with Masatoshi Oyama's Kyokushinkai Karate organization. Mr. Rios mostly gave the classes while Mr. Rodriguez was more involved in the administration of the schools. Mr. Rodriguez, on his interview for this article stated: “Roberto Rios was never my teacher, he was only my partner or business associate”.

In 1968-69, like many partnerships, Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Rios had differences and finally split up. Mr. Rios stayed with the Kyokushinkai organization while Mr. Rodriguez decided to establish his own system and organization, better known as "Garyu Rico Do Karate". Master Rodriguez has proven to be a true leader in the Martial Arts. He created an empire with over 25 schools all over the Island. Over 1,000 students that were all proud of the style they represented. Mr. Rios, soon after the break up decided to return back to the US mainland where because of his job and a personal situation is no longer active in the Martial Arts.

Mr. Rodriguez is still living in Puerto Rico; he has a very successful Satellite business and still practices his Karate. He named Marcelino Torres one of his most loyal students and black belt in charge of the system. 

Also during the 70's there was another great leader in the Martial Arts that was also responsible for the development of the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico. His name is Jose A. Pabón, better known as Tony. He established his own system better known as "Tai Fu Shoi Karate-Do". He uses a Red Scorpion as his symbol or trademark for his style. He has always been very successful, with over 28 schools at one time all over the Island. As a teacher, leader and friend he has helped many Martial Arts Instructors get organized and become more successful in the styles they teach.

Most of the successful free styles of Karate organization and Instructors in Puerto Rico are related or have been students at one time of Tai Fu Shoi and Hanshi Tony Pabón, Soke. For example, International Kyodai Ryu Karate, headed by Kyoshi Freddie Medina, Soke, Shihan Ruby Camacho International Karate, Shihan Lourdes Báez Karate-Do, Shihan Omayra Roman's Ki-Zen Ryu International

Karate and many other free styles that are well known here in Puerto Rico and the US.

The truth is that these are some of the few living dinosaurs responsible for the spread, development and improvement of the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico. Credit should go to those who really deserve it. Another martial artist who established himself as great leader was Joaquin Casado. He also moved back to Puerto Rico in the 60's. A student of Aaron Banks and Goju Ryu Karate, he is the founder of the Sansei-Do Goju Karate system. As a leader he established many Dojos, promoted and helped many black belts and instructors up the ladder of success. As a leader and teacher he was responsible for the spread and development of many independent Goju organizations and free styles in Puerto Rico.

Mr. Enrique Pabón, a Law Enforcement Police Officer was well known since the early 70's. He was the Director and Chief Instructor of the Puerto Rico Shorinji Kempo Ryu organization. His system was well known for having excellent Sports competitors specially in sparring. One of his most famous students and tournament coordinator was Shihan Luis Gonzalez. Shihan Gonzalez was not just a good promoter and leader; he was also a very good competitor. Gonzalez later on in the 80's also establish his own organization better known as Nippon Kempo-Karate-Do Kyokai. Shihan Gonzalez passed away on October of 1994. The Nippon Kempo-Karate-Do is still active and is run by his top student Shihan Emilio Perales.

When we mention Tae Kwon Do in Puerto Rico there is no other name better known than that of Danny Ortiz. Danny is from the southern part of the Island, Ponce, where he had established himself as a great Instructor, leader, promoter and competitor. He is considered the Pioneer for Tae Kwon Do in Puerto Rico. In the metropolitan area, Benny Rivera is the name when it comes to the ITF Tae Kwon Do. Benny has been the most successful Tae Kwon Do Instructor in Puerto Rico with schools all over the Island.

When we talk about Kung Fu the name Carmelo Munet always comes up, he was very active in the metropolitan area. He was highly respected as an Instructor and as an excellent competitor, known for his demos and beautiful forms.Kung Fu credits for the Western and Southern region of the Island goes mostly to Dr. Mariano Rivera and his Independent Shaolin Tsu Kempo organization. They are known and respected for having excellent fighters and competitors. Dr. Rivera is now living in Columbia. His son Jose G. Rivera is head of the organization in Puerto Rico.

Sifu Christian Paniagua was also one of the most outstanding Kung-Fu Instructors in the Eastern Central Region of the Island. In the South Eastern part of the Island, Sibok Orlando Gonzalez gets the credit for being the pioneer and teacher of the Eagle Claw system of Kung Fu.

In the early 70's there was also a free style called Sikaran, which was founded by Master Lagarejos from Guam. Mr. Lagarejos lived in Puerto Rico for many years. He is now living in his homeland. There is still a small group still in Puerto Rico that is headed by his loyal student for many years, Marcelino Collazo, who is the Chief Instructor here in the Island.

Like in any country there are good and there are not so good martial artists. In this article I’m not judging whether anyone is good or bad, I’m just giving credit to those who really deserve it, to those leaders that truly promoted the Martial Arts here in the Island.

As a traditional martial artist (Okinawan Karate) some may wonder, “How dare he give credit to the free styles and not to the so called traditional styles”? The truth is that some of these so called traditional styles and teachers in Puerto Rico during the 60's, had in those days, and still have a misplaced superiority complex. These so called traditional Dojos, were, and still are run more or less like a clan type of organization. They were mostly small groups (and still are), where the teacher is highly worshiped. They seem to have confused the meaning of the words “respect” and “discipline” with “idolize”. Some Dojos were more interested in who was the best, strongest and most traditional.

That's why some of those so-called traditional groups never developed or grew like the independent and free styles did. I cannot give credit to a bunch of high-headed individuals that kept their training mostly to themselves and believed themselves to be Gods.

When I moved to Puerto Rico in the end of 1969. About the middle of 1970 or so I became interested in learning Karate. My first Karate teacher was Sensei Gilberto Rodriguez of the Garyu Rico Do Karate system.

After visiting various traditional Dojos I was certain that Mr. Rodriguez was going to be my Sensei. He had the qualities of what I believe a martial arts instructor and leader should have. No wonder he had so many good students. For more information regarding my martial arts biography take a look at my web site .

In case you did not know, Grand Master Peter Urban had a high impact in the development of the martial arts here in the Island also. He was the first American Martial Artist to say "No Way" to the Orientals.  He is responsible for the spread of mostly all the free style Goju systems and other styles in the US and Puerto Rico.Many well-known Instructors in Puerto Rico developed and organized their own systems and organizations during the 80's. To name a few, Hanshi Humphrey Gomez, Saizen Goju Karate, Hanshi Carlos Paris, Yosei Goju Karate, Kyoshi Hector M. Rivera, Go-Jutsu-Do Kai Karate, Shihan Luis Gonzalez, Nippon Kempo-Karate-Do Kyokai, Shihan Vicente Guzman, Borinquen Ryu Karate, Hanshi Carlos J. Lopez, Semai Do Karate, Hanshi Carlos A. Diaz, Zen Ryoku Zenyo Karate among many others.

One of the pioneers of the Goju System in Puerto Rico since the early 70's is Hanshi Humphrey Gomez, Soke. He is the founder of the Saizen Goju Ryu Karate system with schools not only in Puerto Rico but also in Florida, USA and the Dominican Republic.Hanshi Carlos Paris, Soke a student of Hanshi Gomez has been one of the most influential Martial Arts and Teacher when it comes to the development of independent Goju Karate system (Yosei Goju) in Puerto Rico. He has always been highly respected as a Teacher and Leader in the Puerto Rican Martial Arts community.When it comes to traditional Karate do in the central part of the Island the name Tony Mendez always comes up, a Shito Ryu practitioner he is highly respected for being the pioneer and founder of the Puerto Rican Karate do Federation (FE.PU.KA.) and also responsible for organizing the WUKO Karate do organization, known today as the World Karate Federation (WKF) here in the Island. The FEPUKA is the only Karate-Do Federation that has been officially accepted by the Puerto Rico Olympic Committee and other world organizations. Shihan Mendez's achievements as a leader in World Karate Federation (WKF) Karate Do in Puerto Rico have been outstanding.

Unfortunately some martial artists are very upset because of this article. The truth hurts sometimes. We have an old saying here on the Island,"If the Shoe Fits, Put it on".As a dedicated martial artist and witness here of, I believe it is my duty to inform everyone the true facts regarding the martial arts in Puerto Rico. I dare not question if these martial arts leaders responsible for the development of the martial arts in Puerto Rico were legitimate, had credentials, Ranks, titles, knowledge or what ever negative thing we may think of. The purpose for this

article is to inform the reader and give credit to those responsible, for the development of the Martial Arts in Puerto Rico.

During the 80's and 90's the Puerto Rican martial arts keep on spreading. Students of some of these Pioneers and Founders became independent themselves and have continued with the development of other martial arts systems and organizations throughout the Island. The Martial Arts system that had the most influence on the development of other eclectic styles has been Goju Ryu. In the 80's a student of the well-known Soke Carlos Paris was Hanshi Ruben Rossi, who has always been well known for his excellent Kata and for being an excellent teacher. He is the founder of the Tanren Goju System, considered as one of the most outstanding Goju Ryu-Ha in the Caribbean.

Hanshi Miguel Arana was another excellent teacher. A student of Grand Master Carlos Paris, he developed the Tetsu Goju Ryu Karate System. Having been a Kung Fu practitioner for many years I can notice and appreciate the Chinese aspect of his art in his eclectic system.Kyoshi Freddy Medina, Soke, a student of Hanshi Tony Pabón, founded the International Kyodai Ryu Karate system has representatives in different parts of the Island and also in Venezuela, Mexico, Dominican Republic, U.S. and other countries. Kyodai Ryu is highly respected for their excellent competitors, both in a national and International level. They have represented the Island in a many International tournaments throughout the world. Kyoshi Freddy Medina has always been highly respected as person and Leader.

Shihan Arturo Vasquez, Soke, also a student of Soke Paris develop and organize his own Ryu-Ha better known as the Shigoryukai Karate-Do. Shihan Vasquez is well known for being an excellent teacher especially with children.

When it comes to Ninjutsu in Puerto Rico there is no one more mention than Hanshi Arnold D. Vargas. Vargas is the founder of his own system, Tsunami Ryu and other Bu-Jutsu systems. He is highly respected for being an excellent Teacher and seminar instructor especially in the teaching of Japanese Bu-Jutsu. Excellent in Jo-Jutsu and other Japanese weapons use in the Ninjutsu arts, he has always one a favorite when it comes time to choose an instructor for a seminar.

A student of Hanshi Paris and of Kyoshi Freddy Medina is Shihan Luis Alberto Hernandez, founder of the Ryoshi Goju system. He has always been an outstanding competitor. For over 16 years he has won almost every sparring competition in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands. As a black belt he has also won

every International open tournament he has attended in and out of Puerto Rico. His number one student is Juan Ramón Fernandez who has won almost every competition he has attended. At the “Disney Martial Arts Festival 2000" he took first place in every black belt division that be competed As Martial Arts competitors these men are Puerto Rican legends in their own time.

Shihan Miguel Quiñones is another Puerto Rican legend when it comes to competition and demonstrations, an excellent Kata and Kobudo practitioner. He is the founder of the Universal Martial Arts Academy, an eclectic martial arts system composed of Jhoon Ree’s Tae Kwon Do and Isshinryu Karate.

From the central part of the Island we have Kyoshi Filiberto Matias, Soke, founder of the Bushikai Karate-Do & Kobudo Association, Inc. He was a student of Sensei Jose A. Colón, and Hanshi Hector Montijo and he is now affiliated with Hanshi Bill Solano. He has always been highly respected for his excellent martial attitude, discipline and for being a very humanitarian person.

There are many excellent martial artists in Puerto Rico who have developed their own systems and organizations. Some are no longer active for some reason or another. I will try to mention some of those that I know and have knowledge of being active. Please forgive me if I have forgotten anyone in particular. There are a few martial artists that are not interested in publicity; they mostly keep their art to themselves. As Martial Artists we should always respect other people’s feelings and opinions.

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