the ogasawara islands - - tokyo's adventure islands

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Tokyo's Adventure Islands Beckon...

The Ogasawara Islands

Presented by Steve Gillick, President, Talking Travel

Editor, Travel2Japan

And Mitsuru Sasaki, Associate Editor, Travel2Japan

Steve Mitsuru

With great thanks to the assistance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau

1000 km South of Tokyo

25.5 hour Ferry each way

2 hours between islands

2400 friendly People

The Islands of Chichijima & Hahajima

UNESCO World Natural Heritage Designation-2011

Takeshiba Pier, getting ready to check-in for the Ferry ride. The terminal has lockers, restaurants, and shops.

Preparing the Ogasawara Maru for the 25.5 hour journey to Chichijima on Nov 12, 2013

Our 1st Class Room for 4 people--we shared with two friendly business people.

Tour around the Ferry: The information desk and gift shop on the 3rd Level

The Cafeteria food was freshly prepared and very tasty.

The Nature Guide provided information on some of the islands and the wildlife -in the sky, in the ocean and on land.

Reading, conversation, sleeping, eating, photography and watching the ocean--25.5 hours go by fairly quickly

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At 11:30 am on Nov 13--exactly 25 1/2 hours after departing from Tokyo, we arrived in Chichijima

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The Seafront Hotel--on main street--about an 8 minute walk from the harbour.

Gyosan--literally 'fish sandals" are not only comfortable but also 'grip' the surface on which you are walking. Roughly $8.00 a pair. Everyone wears them!

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We met our guide Katsuya (Katchan) and we set off for a 3 hour tour of the Island

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Views of the town and the harbour. You can see the Ferry in the top left.

Octopus trees roots and their bright orange fruit

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Second World War buildings are hidden by the forest

Crab Crossing signs, goat crossing signs and red pigeon crossing signs can be seen on the roadways.

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Sandy beaches for seclusion, swimming and snorkeling

The Heart Rock Cafe is named after the famous red rock formation: Heart Rock

Dinner at Marujo: an excellent traditional seafood izakaya

Fresh assorted sashimiTraditional Ogasawara specialty: Shimazushi-

Sawara with soy sauce and hot mustard

Another Ogasawara specialty is Kame Sashimi: Raw turtle served chilled with ginger, scallions and soy sauce

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The Pink Dolphin arrives for our day trip of swimming, snorkeling and photography around the Island

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Small rocky island outcroppings add to the amazing scenery around the island

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The wild curious bottlenose dolphins actually swim with you

Heart Rock. As the sun starts to set, the rock becomes a giant red heart

Minamijima Beach--one of the natural attractions that contributed to the UNESCO World Heritage designation in 2011

Albatross and other curious sea birds do a fly-by as you cruise around Chichijima

The next day, after a 2hour and 10 minute Ferry ride, we arrive in Hahajima and start to explore the trails

On the windy ascent to Mt.Kofuji, our guide, expert naturalist Tamotsu Hayakawa, demonstrated some bird calls to attract the rare Hahajima Meguro

The bird calls worked! One of the 14,000 Hahajima Meguros comes by to check us out!

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Starting the walk to Mt. Kofuji and Minamizaki Beach

Fan trees and tropical vegetation vie for the sunlight as we follow the marked trail to Mt. Kofuji

A not-so-secret cave, hidden on a hillside...we waited for the school group to exit and then we explored it.

One of the cave chambers revealed a WWII gun-- in the past 70 years a tree sprouted in the firing path

Another cave lookout reveals the beautiful crescent shape of Minamizaki Beach

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Wandering back through the forest at the end of our hike

Sunset in Hahajima Harbour...Red Sky at Night

Our evening in Hahajima was spent at the Nanpu Hotel--quite comfortable

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Heading back to Tokyo--that's Kiyora Hashimoto from Ogasawara Tourism waving goodbye to us

Taiko Drumming to send us off to Tokyo in style--and wish us a safe trip (and lasting memories)

A flotilla of boats follow the Ogasawara Maru to the harbour entrance, as a final 'see you back here soon' gesture

Steve Gillick in Shark Bay, Chichijima--no sharks but we did see two goats on the surrounding hills

A big THANK YOU to the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

Music from the Chichijima based artistOkei;

All photos are protected by copyright and may not be downloaded or reproduced in any way, shape or form without the express written

permission of Steve Gillick

Steve Gillick, President of Talking Travel, presents Keynotes, webinars and seminars on Japan and 70+ other countries. As a destination specialist and a travel addict, Steve's presentations and writings reflect energy, enthusiasm and homour.

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