the platypod.idae of japan (coleoptera)...8. body elongate; scutellum distinct; fifth abdominal...

Post on 07-Nov-2020






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  • The Platypod.idae of Japan


    Sa:uJ.nnar:y · Ejg·htcen species of the J[.Kxl splra.cula.1~

    sclerites oi the L~rgHe.:·\ the dJs:.tln_ct lac.inh:_ of the ;.;J~·Ls:1ll~l, the ~structure of the n1a1e gerd.taJia,

    the absence of th'" nine ;;tcrnite in the male. and the shape Gf the metendosternite.

    /\11 rnernbers (Yf this bu11ily are arnbrosia beetl(~;:.:;, \-vith a rr~unogaxnov.s social organization.

    The mycangiae of Crossotarsus ni{'onicus, P!aty{'us caTamw;, rlnd Platypus seuerini have been

    .rnarkedls' contrasti:n.g sv.l th the fineY dust of the. Scolytidae. TVtany spec:h:·.s usva11~I brec·d o:nl y

    in dyJn.g_, cut~ or rc.centl\1 dc.:1d trees) but .Plaf.yj;u.

  • 'fhe author expresses his special appreciation to Prof. Dr. lVlotonori INoUYE of Ebetsu City,

    and to the late Keijiro TAKAHASHI for their help in examining and collecting materials.


    The Platypodidae of Japan was first studied in "Rhynchophorous Coleoptera of Japan,

    Part III" by BLANDFORD (l894)1l, In this work, he described nine new species: Crossotarsus

    chaj;uisi ·9· from Higo, Crossotarsus nij1onicus (I) ·'i'· (lege Sf 6) from Sapporo and Hakodate in Yezo, Miy

  • n ,)

    ScnEDL (1972)'Z' published a book "JVlonographie der Platypodidae", and in this paper C'rossotarsus

    querci!Jonts was transferred to the genus P!aty{ms.


    Key t.o Japanese s11bfa.rn.il1es

    L F·ore coxae \Vidcly separated froiT! each other at base; hind tibiae triangul.ar1:,/ produced

    on outer apical angle, ·- ···Diapod.nae

    Fore coxae approximated contiguous at ba~;e ; hind tibiae broadly produced. but not pointed

    on outer apical angle. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Platypodinae

    Subfamily Platypodinae

    J.tnetunes darkened posteriorly striae~

    narrowly impres2ed.·, · ,, '·'

    Body smaller than 4. S mm ; elytra pale yellovv with dark brown base, extremities, and

    sutural area ; striae ned: hnpressed (except firsl· striae). · .. 5

    ,,, Second interstriae of elytra impressed in m.idd.le ; rare species i.n japan ; budy length

    3. 7 rnm. · Crossoia..rsus fainnairei CHArtn~;

    Second interstriae of elytra not in1pressed ; common species in Japan. 4

    4. Elytra long ; prodttced externa.l angles of ely"tra and first abdotninal spine short ; pronot.un1

    ccr~,.rerecl \'-lith large punctures ; fifth aJxlom.inal seg;n1ent con:vex: ; outer face of fore: t.i.biae.

    mostly granulate ; hind femora not crenate below ; body length 6. 0-~jG. 5 mrn.

    ·Crosso!arstts n£porzicus F.h_,ANDFORT)

  • 4

    Elytra shorter; produced external angles of elytra and fin;t ;;.bdominal spine longer ;

    pronotum covered with fine punctures ; fifth abdominal segment concave ; outer face of

    fore tibiae transvcr~;ely carinate; hind femora crenate belmv ; body iength 5. 7rr6. 2 rnm.·

    ....................... .. ...................................... crossotarsus niponicus BLANDFORD 6

    ;). Male ; elytra short, external angles produced in sharp spine. G

    Female; elytra longer, external angles obtuse ......... . 7

    6. Third interstriae with fine tubercles at base . ...... crossotarsus flavomaculatus SrRoEMEYER 6 Third interstriae with punctures instead of tubercles . .... crossotarsus simplex MuRAYAMA ;t;

    7. Median sulcus of pronotum widened anteriorly ; frons ................ ..

    · · · ·Crossotarsus flavomaculatus STROHMEYER if Median sulcus of pronotum not widened anteriorly; frons not ciliated ................. ..

    · .. · · .. · .. · · .. · · · .. · .. · · · · .. · .... · .... · .. · · · · .. · Crossotarsus simplex Iv1uRAYAMA S?-

    8. Body elongate; scutellum distinct; fifth abdominal segment concave in male but convex

    in female, without oval impression and fringe of aureous hairs ; apex of hind tibiae produced

    into a triangular lobe on either side of tarsal articulation.· .... · ....... 9

    Body more elongate ; scutellum indistinguishable; fifth abdominal segment \vith a large

    deep transversely oval impression and bordered in front by a fringe of aureous hairs ;

    hind tibiae produced into two serrate lobes on either side of tarsal articulation; body

    length 8 mrn. · · ····Crossotarsus concinm1s BLANDFO.RD 6

    9, Male; third interstriae punctured ; declivity with striae distinctly impressed, lnterstriae

    elevated and with a row of tubercles, latera.\ angles produced backwards or downwards ;

    fore tibiae with about seven transverse carinae on outer face; fifth abdominal segment

    concave,······ ......... ' .... " ........... "'' .... "" ..... ·10

    Female ; third interstriae with gra.nules at base ; declivity vlith striae not or slightly

    impressed, interstriae weakly elevated and 'Nithont row of tubercles, lateral angles not

    produced; fore tibiae irregularly granulate on basal third of outer face ; fifth abdominal

    ;1egment convex.······ ......... 1J

    10. E:lytra wit.b a narrow deep emargination on laterai sides of declivity, la.teral margins

    strongly tending inwards ; declivity convex, with striae narrow, deeply impressed, and

    not]ate~ terrninal emar,ginatlon narro\\l, latera.! angles obtuse and produ.ced dovvn-

    wards; hems with an impressed rnedi2cn line.... .. .... crossotarsus enwncipatus MuRAYAMA 6 Elytra without. lateral emargination, lateral margins not strongly narrowed apically;

    declivity \Veaktv convex, ·with striae \Vide) sha11ovvly irnpressed and reticulat(\ terminal

    emargination broad, lateral angles pointed, produced backwards ; frons '.vith an elevated

    1nedian line, which are sometimes wanting in 1niddle. .. ·

    Crosso/arsus externedentatus (F ArRMAIRE) 6

    11. Frons elevated in under side of median black line ; sulcus of pronotum bifurcate anterbrly;

    declivity finely tuberdate. .. .. Crossolarsus externedentatus (LuRMAIRE) ·'? Frons \V.ith an itnpressed rnedian black line; sulcus of pronotun1 only \1Fjdened anteriorly;

    declivity distinctly tuberclate. Crossolarsus emancijJalus l\1DRAYAMA

  • iJ ) ('llf iJ: Ll

    Crussotarsus concinnus lsu, c;nFoRn

    Crussutarsus dtaf1Uisi Bv.sDFORD, 1894, Trarn. EnL Soc. Londnn 139-1: 129, 'i'· (nDL,

    197:2, Monographic der Familie Platypodiclae, p. 100.

    '"fhis species .is unlike a.ny other species of C.vos.sotarsus (;cctn:rlng i1.1 japan. .1-.._he ch~-1.racte:rs

    •.>.! the scutellmn, the fifth abdominal segmetF, and the hind tibiae, as rnentioned in the key,

    'Nili immediate!~· identify it.

    Type locality>-·Higo.

    Ho:>t ... unknown.

    Di.stributi(\D., ·····Japan (Kyu.shu).

    J n._pan.c;:;e narne. , Ifigo~ nc-1,~:aki kui rnushi.

    Crassotarsus tcrminatus: IvlueAYAMA. 1928, .Jour. CoiL Agr., Hokkaido Irnp. Univ. 19 288 (nee.


    Cro.c;sotarsus emancijmtus MoRAVAMA, 1934, Ibid. :3[, : 1S8 ( '?); MunAYAMA, 19:36, 'fenthrcdn (2):

    140; MtH(AYAMA, 1955, BuL Fs.c. Yamagut.i Univ. 6: 101; M\>RAYAMA, 19Gl, PubL Ent.

    Lab., Un! v. Osak:rnJ.inai en1arginatiun of the eiytra,

    and in the female by t:he impres;c;ed rncdian line on the frons and by the more distinct tubcrclc:s

    on the- declivity. h:t addition_. these t\vo species are dlst.i.nguishcd :f:ron1 other Japanese .repre-

    sentatives of th.e g·enns by their moderate size and by· the ah3ence of abdcnnina.l spLne.

    Type loodity. Naga•:>.

    l-iosts. ···· Qucrct-ts saiic£na, Casta;uJj)sis cuspidata.) C. cusj;idata va.r. sieboldii~ I'vla(ln1us thu-t,sbergii,

    Lindera erythrocar.f;a, £1clinodajJ!nn! !ongifolia, JVfallo!us }at~onicuf:.', and (;tocht'dion hongleongcnsc.

    Distribution. -JapillJ (Kyushu), and Formosa.

    Spc.cir:nt'ns :f:roiTl t.hc fo!Jo\vjng localities \Vere cxc:;

  • Crossolarsus externedentatus : CnAPms, 1865, Monographic des Platypides, p. 81 ; STROHMEYER, 1911,

    Ent. HUitt. 7 : 204 ; STJWHMllYER, 1912, Coleopterorum Catalogus 44 : 5 ; STRoHMEYER, 1914, Genera

    Tnsectorum ; Platypodidae, p. 35 ; BEESON, 1935, B. P. Bishop Mus., BulL 142 : 115; BEnsoN, 1938,

    Federated Malay States Mus., Jour. 18 : 295 ; BEEsoN, 1940, B. P. Bishop Mus., Occ. Papers Hi

    (18) : 191; SciiEPL, 1941, Rev. Fran

  • 7

    Crossotarsus jiavomaculatus STROHMEYER

    Crossotarsus flrwomaculatus STRonwu;nn, 1912, Ent, Mitt. 1 : 40, 6 .Y.; STROHMEYER, 1912. Coit~o-· pterornn.I Catalogus 44: S; S·rRoHMEYm, 1.91-t Genera lnsectorun.t: Platypodidae, p. 3[-i; Mui

  • 8

    shima : Nanairogoya, Hinoemata, Ozawadaira, and Yashirogoya. Gunma: Mt. M.ikuni. Hinatami,

    and Yunokoya. Tochigi: Okushiobara. Tokyo: Nippara. Niigata: Komanoyu, Mt. Iide and

    Tainaigoya. Nagano: Kitakarulzawa. Shizuoka: :Mt. Amagi. Mie: }J:irakura. Kyoto: Ashu.

    .Kochi : Makiyama. Ehime : Mt. Ishizuchi. Ohoita : H.akusan. Kagoshima: Uchinoura and

    Amamioshima (Hatsuno). Formosa.

    japanese name.-·-· Y achidamono- nagakiku imushi.

    Crossotarsus simplex JVIuRAYAMA

    Crossotarsus simplex MvRAYAMA, 1925, Jour. Cnll. Agr., llokkaido lmp. Univ. L) : 231, 6 ·+ ; MuRAYAMA, 1928, Ibid. 19 : 289 ; MuRAYAMA, 1929, Jour. Soc. For. ll : 67fi; .MuRAYAMA, 1930, Jour.

    Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc. 11 : 24; MuRAYAMA, 1931, Ann. ZooL ]ap. 13 (2) : 50; MuRAYAMA, 1934.,

    Jour. CoiL Agr .. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 35: 1.38; .MuRAYAMA, 1936, Tenthredo 1 (2) : 141;

    MuRAYAMA, 1949, Matsumushi 3 (4) : 104; MunAYAMA, 1953, Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc. 3: 165;

    MuRAYAMA, 195::\, BulL .Fac. Agr. \'amaguti Univ. 4: 27; Mc:RAYAMA, 19[i4, Sculytid·beetles from

    Ymnaguti Prefecture, p. 19; Mti.RAYAMA, 1955, BulL Fac. Yamaguti Univ. G : 101, 105;

    KABE, 1960, Hosts and habits of the Scolytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p. 90; J\1uRAYAMA,

    1961, Pub!. Ent. Lab., Univ. Osaka Pre:f. G: lOG; ScnEDL, 1972, Monographic der Familie

    Platypodidae, p. 105.

    'I'ype locaEty.---Ayakita (Miyazaki Prov., Kyushu). ·

    Host.s.-Ptr.wocarya r!wifolia, Quercus serrata, Q. gilva, Q. acuta, Q. sessilifolia, Q. glauca, Q.

    myrsinaefolia, Q. salicina, Castanopsis cuspidata, C. cusjJidata var. sieboldii, Pasania edu!is, Ficus

    sp., A1achi!us thunbergii, Lindera erylhrocar{;a, Pnmus sargentii jamasalmra, Prumts sp,, Albizzia

    julibrissin, I!ex chinensis. Acer sp., Ternstroemia ja(;onica, and Cleyera japonica.

    Distributlon.--Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa), Korea, and Formosa.

    Specimens from the following localities were examined. Tokyo : Mikurashima (Sato and

    Kawada). 'Nakayama: Mt. Ohoto. Koch.i: Makiyama. Kagoshima: Yakushima and Amami,

    oshima (Higashinakama, Shinmura, Tsunaku, and Higashinakama). Okinawa : Honto (Nago,

    dake) and Iriomote (Ohara). .Formos

  • \4') 9

    subnuadrale lobe: pronoturn \vith a large c.urdate patch uf punctures; body iength. abou.t

    :). ;) H1lll.

    ·Fourth ;:;bdominal sep;mcct vviUmut ,;pine.

    :::;. Second ini"E"Tstr1ae stron,gl~' prodllccd behind at surnrnil o:f- ap_l_caJ dcclivlt~/~ third shortly

    produced backward~\ the other~> t.Hl.ited and. forn1 au outer sernicircrt.Lt( fence at the c::.tpica.l

    plane ; fo-vefJ. or patch cf punctures absent on pronoturn ; bcdy .length ,1. S rnrn .

    .. [>talyf)us (jh'ercitronls (1\!icR:\YAi\L\) :s I:].ytral interstriae nut spined ;)t surnrrll.t BpJcal dzs:lJvity,

    4. f-'ronot:.1n1 \vith th:ree or fot:r round foveae on c

  • 10

    12. Body small (4. 0 mm); punctures in the patch large; second i.nterstriae strongly dilated

    at base and with transversely arched carinae, which are extending from base of first

    interstriae to fourth ... · .. "· · · · · · .... · · .. · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · .. · .. Platypus taiwans£s ScHEDL ¥ Body larger than 4. 5 mm ; punctures in the patch fine ; second interstriae not or moderately

    dilated at base and irregularly covered with granules.................... .. ................. 1:1

    13. Antennal clubs elliptically emarginate in anterior margin ; second interstriae widened at

    base; patch of punctures cordate; body length 5. 87c··6. 13 mm. .. ............ ,. ........ · .. ·

    .............. p[atyjJus kiush.uensis MuRAYAMA if Antennal clubs rounded, not emarginate in anterior margin ; second interstriae slightly or

    distinctly narrowing. ···· ......... . .................. · ........................... 14

    14. Bases of second and fourth interstriae abbreviated ; frons flattened; pronotum with a

    cordate patch of punctures; body length 5. 8 mm."""" ·Platypus iewisi BLANDFORD if Bases of second and fourth interstriae not abbreviated; frons concave. .. .................. 15

    15. Patch of punctures narrow and elongate; emarglnatlon on lateral sides of pronotum deep

    and distinct; body slender and 5.1 rnm.· .. .............................. pfatyj;us severini BLANDFORD Sf·

    Patch of punctures circular ; emargination on lateral sides of pronotum shallow and indis-

    tinct ; body robust and 5. 0 rnm. · ...... · ... · ·· · · .. ·· .. · .. ··Platypus contaminatus BLANDFORD Sf·

    16. Male; elytral declivity excavated, smooth and shining, forming an oblique terminal im-

    pressed surface; its margin elevated and slightly everted ; pronotum with a narrow patch

    of punctures. · · · · · .. · .. · .. · ·.. · · · · · .... · · · .. · · · · .. · · · · · .. · · .. · · · · .. · · · .. ·17

    Female; elytral declivity not excavated, granulate, slightly shining, terminal impressi.on

    small ; its margin not elevated ; pronotum with a cordate or elliptical patch of punctures .

    .................... ......... 18

    17. Terminal impression of elytra oval, with an inferior emarglnation not reaching middle;

    body length 3. S mm. .......... · ..... · ............ ·Platypus calamus BLANDFORD 6

    Terminal impression of elytra lunate, with an inferior emargination reaching middle;

    body length 3. 8 mm. ·· ······ ······· ······· ······· ··Platypus hamatus BLANDFORD 6

    18. Projection of external angles of declivity rounded at apex ; pronotum with patch of punc·

    tures cordate, narrov,ring in anterior third ; body length 3. 9 mm .

    .. · ... · .. · ... ... · · · · · · ... · ... · · · · .. · .. · · · · · ...... · · · · ·· · · Platypus calamus BLANDFORD if

    Projection of external angles of declivity triangularly pointed at apex ; pronotum with

    patch of punctures elliptical, usually roundly narrowing posteriorly; body length 4. 0 mm .

    ... .. .. · .. · ·· .......... ·.. · · · .. · .......... · · · · · .. · · · .. · · · · · · · · · .......... Platypus hamatus BLANDFORD if

  • 1


    00!00 coo q'



    2 3

    ~·.. ..


    Figs. 1--8. Patches of punctures r pores on pronotum.

    Fig. L Platypus calamus Br...ANDFmw.

    Fig. 2. Platypus ham a/us BLANDFOHD.

    Fig. 3. Platyj1us lewisi ftLAN DFORD.

    Fig. 4. Piatyjms modestus Ih.A_NDFORD.

    Fig. :), Platypus scvertnt Bu; NDFOKD.

    Fig. G. Platypus quercivorus (MURAYAMA).

    Fig. 7. Plat_vjnts taiwrmsis ScREDL.

    Fig. 8. Diajms aculeatus BLANDFORD.

    Platypus calamus BLANDFORD, 1894, 'Trans. Ent. Soc. London 189,1 : 137, .'f'


    1912, Cokopt.crorum Catalogus 4·1 : 18 ; SnoHMEYER, 1914, Genera lnsectorum, p. 28; .1'vluRAYAMA,

    1925, Jour. Co\l. Agr .. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. Hi : 232. ·'f; MuRAYAMA, 1929. Jour. Soc. For. ll

    873; MuRAYAMA, 1931, Jour. CoiL Agr., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. :.10: HJG; J\!l.uRAYAMA, 1934, Ibid.

    35: l3G; MuR·\·I't,M,;, 1936, Tenthredo l (2) : 138; MuRAVAMA, 1949, Ivl.atsumushi 3 (4) : 104;

    MlJRAYMe.A, 1953, Trans. Shikuku Ent. Soc, 3 : 183; lVh•RAYAMA, 1953, Bull. Fac. Agr. Yamaguti

    [Jniv. 4: 25; l\lh:>:AYAMA, 1954, Ibid. 5 : 187; KAnE, 1.960, On the hosts and habits oJ the Scolytid

    and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p. 83; MlmAYAMA, 1961, PubL Ent. Lab., Univ. Osaka Pref.

    G ; 105 ; M.u.RAYAMA, l96Ii, Scolytid-beetles from Niigata Prefecture, Japan Il, p. 44; ScnEnr.,

    1972, der Fami.lie Platypodidae, p. 209.

    'J.'hi.s species and Platypus hamatus fonn a distinct group among Japanese P.!atypodiclae,

    characterized by their slender bodies and by the elevated and everted declivital rnargin in the

    males. Specimens from the southern parts of the range of this species, Amamioshirna and

    Okinawa, tend to average slightly larger in size ; and the elytra1 declivity tend to be somewhat

    more narrowly emarginated i.n the middle of posterior margin.

    Type localities. · Miyanoshita, Oshima, Kyushu (Higo, Yuymna, etc.).

    Hosts.-··· .. 4bies firma, Betula grossa, lf'agus crenata) ()uercus rnongo!it·a var. grosseserrata~ Q.

    serrata, (). gilva, Q. acula, Q. hondai, Q. sessi!ifulia, (). glauca, Q. myrsinaejiJlia, Q. salicina,

    Castanea crenala, Cartanoj;sis cusj;idala, C. cuspidata var. sieboldii. Iilicium religiosum, !IIachilus

    thunbcrgii, l\.1 . .fajxmica, Actinodaphnc lancifolia, Disty!ium racemusum, Prunus ssiori, P. spinulosa,

    Dat,ftnij;hyllum !ei}smanni, 1\!fallotus jajJimicus, Iiex chinensis, ilcsculus turbinata, jWe!iosma myriantha,

    Stewartia monadelp!w, Temstroemia faponica, Cle)·cra japonica, S'vmf!/or:os rnyrtacea, Styrax jaf;onica,

  • 12

    and Fraxinus japonica.

    Distribution. ·----Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa), Korea, and Formosa.

    Specimens from the following localities were examined. Yamagata: Tachiyazawa. Tokyo:

    Mikurajima (Sato and Kawada), M.iyakejima (Tarolke and Tsubota), and Hachljojima (Nit.

    Hikarl). Niigata; Mt Ilde. Kyoto: Kibune. Nara: Kasugayama. vVakayama: Mt. Ohoto.

    Miyazaki: Ayakita. Kagoshima: Uchinoura, Satamisaki, (Anbo, Kosugidani, and

    Onoaida), and Amamioshima (Hatsuno, Higashinakama, Misato, Tsunaku, Shinmura, and

    Yuwandake). Okinawa: Ilonto (Yona) and Ishigaki (Omotodake).

    Japanese name.---Yoshibue-nagakikuimushi.

    PiatyjJus con!aminatus (BlANDFORD)

    Crossotan,'us contaminatus BLANDFORD, 1894, Trans. Ent. Soc. London 1894 : l:.ll, -¥- ; STROHMEYER,

    1912, Coleopterorum Catalogus 44 : 5; STROHMEYER, 1914, Genera Insectorum, p. 38; MuRAYAMA,

    1929, Jour. Soc. For. 11 : 675; MuRAYAMA, 19:34, Jour. CoL Agr., Hokkaido Univ. :if, : 137;

    MuRAYAMA, 1936, ·renthredo 1 (2) : 140, 146, ·9; MuRAYAMA, 1953, Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc. 3 : 146, 164; fvloRAYAMA, 1953, Bull. Fac. Agr. ··famaguti Univ., 4: 27; Mt:RAYAMA, l%4, Ibid. 5:

    189 ; MvRAYAMA, 1961, Publ. Ent. Lab .. Univ. Osaka P:ref. G : lOti ; K.ABE, 1960, On the hosts

    and habits o:f the Scolytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p. 87 ; NoBuCHI, 1967, BulL Gov.

    For. Exp. Sta. 207 : 25.

    Platyj;us contaminatus : Scm:m •• 1960, Ent. HUitt. 56 : 173 ; Scne:oL, 1972, Monographie der .Familie

    Platypodidae, p. 200.

    Males of this species are easily distinguished from other Japanese representatives of Platypus

    by the character of the declivity as given in the key.

    Type locality.-Higo.

    Hosts.-Ptemcarya rhoifoiia, Machilus t!umbergii, Lindera erythrocarpa, A.ctinodaphne !ancijolia,

    A.esculus turbinata, and Fraxinus lanuginosa.

    Distribution.--~ Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu), F'ormosa, Himalaya, ancl Fukien.

    Specimens from the following localities were examined. .Formosa : Tai Tung and Meifeng.

    Japanese name.- 'I'abuno·nagakikuimushi.

    Platyjms hamatus BLANDFORD

    Platyjms hamatus BLANDFORD, 1894, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1894 : 138, -¥- (lege (I)); STROHMEYER,

    1912, Coleopterorum Catalogus 44: 18; STROHMEYER, 1914, Genera Insectorum, p. 28; MuRAYAMA,

    1929, Jour. Soc .. For. 11 : 673; Mui~AYAMA, 196L PubL Ent Lab., Univ. Osaka Pref. 6: 105;

    MuRAYAMA, 1953. Bull .. Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Univ. ·1: 26, 38, 4; MuRAYAMA, 1%4, Ibid. 5: 188; KABE, 1960, On the hosts and habits of the Scolytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p. 84 ;

    ScHEDT,, 1972, Monographic. der FamiEe Platypodidae, p. 210.

    Platyj;us tenuis McRAYAMA, 1925, Jour. Coll. Agr.. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 15: 234, -'f; MCRHAMA, 1929, Jour. Soc. For. 11 : 67•1. (Syn. nov.)

    This species is closely related to Platypus calanms. but is readily distinguished by the

    larger and narrower body and by the lunate terminal impression of the elytra in the male,

    and by the elliptical patch of punctures on the pronotum and by the pointed external angles

    of the declivity in the female. 'T'he type of Platypus tenuis was found to be a female of Platyjms

  • 13

    harnaf'us by cornpa rison \\'"it h. fcrnales taken i~n assnciation -.,vith ru~~Jcs of PlatyjJus harnatus,

    Type loca.litics. ··Yuyama and Miyanoshita (Piatyjms hamatus). Sappor-o U'!atyfms tenuis\

    Dislribution.··•oto: Ashf1. Ohoita : ML Sohu.

    japanese name. · K.YAMA, 19:16, 'fenthredo 1 (2) 1.39 ; MuRAY,\MA, 1.931'. 1 (4)

    ::;75 ; M\mAYAMA, 195:1, BulL I~'ac. /\gr. ··{arnagut.i Univ. 4 : :26 ; J\iJmzAYAMA, 1954, Ibid. :--! 188 ;

    KAnE, 1960, On the hoc;ts ctnd habits of the Scolytid and Platyp()dicl beetles in Japan, p. 8'5;

    MuRAYAMA, 1961, PubL .Ent. Lab .. Unlv. Os

  • Specimens from the following localities were examined, Hokkaido : GamushL Gunma :

    Ymwkoya and KirizumL Yamanashi: Masutomionsen and DaibosatstL NHgata: Komanoyu.

    Gifu: Nukumitoge. Kyoto: Kibune. Tottori : Mt. Daisen. Korea : Querpart Is. Formosa.

    Japanese name.-Lewis·nagakikuimushi.

    Platypus modestus BLANDFORD

    Platypus modestus BLANDFORD, 1894, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, 1894, 133, ~ 'f· (lege Y ;1;) ; STr.on· MEYER, 1912, Coleopterorum Catalogus 44 : 16; SnonMEYER, 1914, Genera lnsectormn, p. 27;

    NuJIMA, 1910, Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 3 : 16; MuRAYAMA, 1928, Jour. CoiL Agr., Hokkaido

    Imp. Univ, 19 : 283 ; MuRAYAMA, 1929, Jour. Soc .For. 11 : 671 ; MuRAYAMA, 1931, Jour. Coll. Agr.,

    Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 30 : 195 ; MuRAYAMA, 1934, Ibid, 36 : 134 ; MuRAYAMA, 1936, Tenthredo 1

    (2) : 139; MuRAYAMA, 1953, Bull. Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Unlv, 4: 26; MuRAYAMA, 1954, Ibid. 5 :

    188; KABE, 1960, On the hosts and habits of the Scolytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan,

    p. 85; Iv1uRAYAMA, 1965, Scolytid·beetles from Niigata Prefecture, Japan 11, p. 44; NoBucar,

    1967, Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Sta. 207 : 16 ; ScnEm.., 1972, Monographic der Familie Platypodidae,

    p. 189.

    This species are easlly recognized hom other Japanese representatives of the family by

    the wide interstriae and by a small pointed tubercle on the third declivital interstriae in the

    male, and by the evenly setigerous interstriae and by two circular foveae on the frons in the


    Type localities.-Nikko and Shimidzu Toge.

    Host,-.. -juglans mandschurica sieboldirma, Fagus crenata, ·r. japonica, Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata, CercidijJ!zyllum japonicum, Acer palmatum, and Aesculus tur!Jinata.

    Distribution.--Japan (Honshu and Kyushu), and Formosa.

    Specimens from the following localities vvere examined. A.omori : Hiraka. Akita : Obonai,

    Fukushima: Hinoernata. Gunma: ICirizumi and Hoshi. Saitama: Tochimoto. Nagano: Naka·

    busa and Kumanotaira. Shizuoka : Misakubo. .Formosa : Tattaka,

    Japanese name.-Chugata-nagakikuimushi.

    Plalyj;us quercivoms (MuRAYAMA)

    Crossoiarsus quercivorus MuRAYAMA, 1925, Jour, Coll., Hokkaldo Imp. Univ. 15 : 229, ;1; if;

    MuRAYAMA, 1928, Ibid. 19 : 287; MuRAYAMA, 1929, .Jour. Soc, FoL 11 : 678; MuRAYAMA, 1931, Jour.

    Col!. Agr., Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 30: 200; .MuRAYAMA, 1934, Ibid. 35 : 142; MuRAYAMA, 1936,

    Tenthredo 1 (2) : 140; lVluRAYAMA, 1953, Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc. 3: 165; MuRAYAMA, 1953,

    Bull. Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Univ, 4: 27; MuRAYAMA, 1954, Ibid. 5 : 189; MuRAYAMA, 1955, Ibid.

    6 : 101, 105 ; INouYE, 1953, A detailed book of the forest insect control II, p. 239; MlmAYAMA,

    1954, Sco\ytid .. beetles from '{amaguti Prefecture, p. 17; Kt..nE, 1960, On the hosts and habits

    of the Scolytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p. 89 ; Mui

  • J?e_m.a.les of P!atyjJus quercivorus are. e;;::tsily :recognized by seven. to eight large fovea on the

    pronotum, a character unique among the Japanese Platypodidae. The distinct teeth or spines

    on the dec!ivital region will readily distinguish the male of this species.

    'fype localities. ·····Echigo and Ayakita.

    Hosts. ~-Cryptomeria }ajJonica, Quercus acutissima, Q, mrmgolica var. grosseserrata, q. serraia, (), gifva, Q. acu!a, (). sessi!ifolia, Q. glauca, Q. myrsinacfolia, Q. salicina, Castanopsis cust>idata.

    C. cuspidata var. siebo!dii, Pasania p)abra, Lindcra erythrocarpa, Pnmus sp., and Ifex chinensis.

    Distribution.~-Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyw1hu, and Okinawa), .Formosa, India, and Java.

    Specimens :from the following localities were examined. Tokyo; Miyakejlma (Taroike).

    Niigata : Echigo. IIyogo : Shirozaki.. Miyazaki : Ayakita. Kagoshima : 1v1t. 1\.i ris.hima and

    Arnamioshima (Nbhinakama and Komiya). Okinawa: Honto (Yona). Forrrw;;a: 1\eelung.

    Japanese rwme.~I(ashino-nagaldkuimnshi.

    l)lalypus severin£ BLANDF01?.D 1 1894, ·Trans. 1-Lnt. Soc. Londort, 1894 : 136, Y (lege ) ; NruniA 1 1909 1 Jour. CoiL .Agr., 'I'ohoku Imp. Univ. 3: 171, S( (lege 9 :;) ; NnHMA, 1910, Trans. Sapporo

    Nat. HisL Soc. 3: ti; STROHMEYER, 1912, Coleopterorurn Catalogus 44: 16; NnJJMA, EllS, Trans,

    Sapporo Nat. 1-Iist, Soc, 5 : S ; NnFMA, 191:'., Forest. entomology, p. 162 ; STROHMEYER, 1914, Genera

    Insectorum, p. 27; MuRAYAMA, 192:3, Jour. Col!. i-\.gr., Hokkaido lmp. Univ. 1:3 : 212; MuRAYAMA,

    1928, Ibid. 19: 283; MunAY•\MA, 1929, Jour. Soc. For. 11 : 672; MvRAYAMA, 19:n, Jour. CoiL Agr.,

    Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 30 : 195 ; MuRAYAMA. 193,1, Ibid. :35 ; 13,1; MuRAYAMA, 1949, Matsurnushi 3

    (4) : 104; MuRAYAMA, 1953, Trans, Shikoku EnL Soc. 3 : 164; MuRAYAMA, l95iJ, BulL Fac. Agr.

    Yamaguti Univ. 4: 26; MuRAYAMA, 1954, Ibid. 5 : 188; I\:AJm, 1960, On the hosts and habits of

    the Scolytld and Platypodid beetles in Japan, p, 86; iviuRAYAMA, 1.961, PubL Ent. Lab., Univ.

    Osaka Pref. 6: 105; MtnAYAMA, 1965, Scolytid beetles from Niigata Prefecture, Japan II, p. 44;

    ScHEDL, 1972, Monographic der FarniHe Platypodidae, p, 199.

    T'hb species appears to be related to Platypus xyfogra/Yfms, which is recently described

    from Formosa, but is re

  • 16 ~·~

    Japanese name. ~··-Shinano·nagakikuim ushL

    Platyj;us solidus ·wALKER

    Platypus solidus WALKER, 1858, Ann. Mag. Nat. }list. (3) 2 : 286 ; CHAPurs, 1865, Monographie des

    Platypides, p. 267; LEA, 1909, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 1909 : 135 ; SrRGHMEYER, 1912, Ent. Mitt.

    1 : 42 ; STROHMEYER, 1912, Coleopterorum Catalogus 44 : 17 ; STROHMEYER, 1914, Genera Insectorum,

    p. 27 ; SAMPsoN, 1919, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 6 ; 106 ; .MuRAYAMA, 1925, Jour. CoiL Agr.,

    Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 15 ; 213; MuRAYM!A, 1929, Jour. Soc. For. 11 : 672; J\lhmAYAMA, 1930, Jour.

    Ch6sen Nat. liist. Soc. 11 ; 23; MuRAYAMA, 1931, Jour. Coll. Agr., .Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 30:

    196; ScaEDL, 1%2, B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull. 172 : 147 ; MuRAYAMA, 1953, Trans. Shikoku Ent.

    Soc. 3 : 164 ; ScnEPL, 1.954, Philipp. Jour. Sci. 83 (2) : 1-

  • Type locality. ---Rengeti, Form.osa.

    Hm>b.---Quercu8 sp. and Ficus sp. in Japan.

    IJistribution.· -Japan (KymJm and Okinawa), and Formosa.


    Specimens from the following localities >vere examined: 1\agoshima : Tokara Is. (Nakano·

    shima) and Amarnioshirna (Tsmwku). Okinawa: Honto (Arakawa). Forn1.osa : Keelung, etc.

    Japanese nrtn1e. ······Tai·wan -alul·· l(ui rntJs hi.

    Subfamily !liaporinae

    One genus, Dia,ous CnAPUIS, has been found from our country.

    Genus Dinpus CHAPUIS

    This genus ts represented in Japan by the single species Diupus acu!eaius BLANDFOR·D.

    Diapus acutea!us BLANIJFORJJ

    Diaf,us aculealus BLANDFORD, 1894, ·rnms. Ent. Soc. London. 1894 : l:l9, '?· (lege :j); SrR

  • 4) BROWNE, F. G. : Larvae of the principal old world genera of the Platypodidae. Trans. R.

    ent. Soc. London, 124 (2), 167"" 190, (1972)

    5) CHAPms, F. : Monographic des Platypides. Liege, 344 pp., (1865)

    6) INOUYE, M. : A detailed book of the forest insect control II (in Japanese). Tokyo, 293 pp.,


    7) KABE, M. : leones of the galleries of bark-beetles and ambrosia-beetles in Japan (in

    Japanese). 'I'okyo, 290 pp., (1956)

    8) KABE, M. : On the hosts and habits of the Sco!ytid and Platypodid beetles in Japan (in

    Japanese). Maebashi Regional Forest Office, 176 pp., (1960)

    9) KLEINE, R.: Die Gesamtliteratur der Borkenkafer. Stettin. ent. Ztg., 100, k-~18,1, (1939)

    10) MuRAYAMA, J. : On the Platypodidae of Formosa. Jour. CoiL Agr., Hokkaido Imp. Univ., 1.5, 197•v228, (1925)

    ll) MuRAYAMA, J, :Supplementary notes on the Platypodidae of Formosa. Ibid., 15, 229-~2:-JG,


    12) MuRAYAMA, J. : Supplementary notes on the Platypodidae of Formosa ll. Ibid., 19, 283~j 290, (1928)

    18) MuRAYAMA, ]. :Des espeses des Platypides du domaine de l'Empire du Japonainsi que la

    devastation par ces insectes (in Japanese). Ibid., 11, 669~-·682, (1929)

    14) MuRAYAMA, J. : Revisions des families des Ipides et des Platypides de la Coree. Jour. Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc., 11, f>u38, (1980)

    15) MuRAYAMA, J. :Revisions des familles des Ipldes et Platypides de l'He de Quelpart. Ann.

    Zool. Japon., 13, 39·-61 (1931)

    16) MuRAYAMA, J, : Supplementary notes on the Platypodidae of Formosa IlL Jour. Coli. Agr.,

    Hoklmido Imp. Univ., 30, 195"-·203, (1931)

    17) MURAYAMA, J, :Notes supplementaire a 1a revision des Ipides et Platypides de !a Coree, 2. jour. Chosen Nat. Hist. Soc., 15, 2·~8, (1932)

    18) MuRAYAMA, }. :Supplementary notes on the Platypodidae of Formosa IV. Jour. Coll. Agr.,

    Hokkaido Imp. Univ .. 35, 1:13~~149, (1934)

    19) MuRAYAMA, J, : Notes sur les Scolytides de Honshu et Kyushu, Japon. Tenthredo, 1 (2), 121•'·•149, (1936)

    20) MuRAYAMA, J : Notes sur les Platypides du Japon (in Japanese). Jour. Soc. For., 19, t!77

    ''"585, (1937)

    21) MuRAYAMA, J, : Scolytid beetles from Shikoku I (in Japanese). M.atsumushi, 3 (4), 99~

    104, (1949)

    22) J\lhmAYAMA, J, : Studies in the pine bark beetle control. Report of the Pine Bark-beetle Control Investigation Society (in Japanese), Tokyo, 112 pp., (195.3)

    23) MuRAYAMA, J. : Scolyti.d-fauna of the Chugoku and .Kinki Districts, Bull. Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Univ., 4, 1·-,38, (1953)

    24) MuRAYAMA, J. :The insect fauna of Mt. Ishizuchi and Omogo Valley, lyo, japan, the Scolytidae and Platypodidae. Trans. Shikoku Ent. Soc., 3, H1··165, (195:i)

    25) MuRAYAMA, J, : Scolytid-fauna of the Northern Half of Honshu with a description table of all the Scolytid-species described from Japan. BulL Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Univ., 5, 149····

    212, (1954)

    26) Mun,wAMA, J, : Scolytid .. beeties from Yamaguti Prefecture (i.n Japanese), Yamaguti, 24 pp., (1954)

  • 19-

    '.!'1) MuRAYAMA, J. : Supplementary notes on the Scolytid-fauna of Japan. Bull. .Fac. Agr. Yamaguti Uni v., 6, 81-~106, (1955)

    28) MuRAYAMA, J. :Check list of the lpidae and Platypodidae from KyushtL Publ. Ent. Lab., Univ. Osaka Pre£. 6, 93·~109, (1961)

    29) MuRAYAMA, ]. : Scolytid·beetles from Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Akitu, 10, 23···32, (1961)

    30) MuRAYAMA, J.: Scolytid beetles from Niigata Prefecture, Japan Il. Niigata, 65 pp,. (1965) 31) NAKASH!MA, T. : Notes on the associated fungi. and the mycetangia of the ambrosia beetle,

    Crossotarsus ni;?onicus BLANDFORD. .Appl. Ent. Zool. 6, 3, 131---137, (1971)

    32) NAKASHJMA, T. : Notes on the mycetangia of the ambrosia beetles, Platypus severini

    HL,,NDFORD and P. calanus BLANDFORD. Ibid., 7, 4, 217···22:'), (1972)

    3:3) NIIJIMA, Y. : Die Scolytiden Hokkaidos unter Beruckskhtigung i.hrer Bedeutung fiir

    .ForstscMiden. Jour. Col!. Agr., Tohoku Imp. Cniv., Sapporo, :.;, 109 "179, (1909)

    34) NrrJtMA, Y.: Die Borkenklifer Nord- und Mittcljapans. Tram;. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc, 3,

    1--~18, (1910)

    35) NrrjtMA, Y. : Neue Borkenkafer nebst Frasspflanzen. Jbld., 5, l«-·6, (1913)

    36) Nu;!MA, Y.: Forest entomology (in Japanese). Tokyo, 812 pp., (1913)

    37) NcmucHJ, A. : Formosan Scolytoidea, Studies on Scolytidae VII. Hull. Gov. Fm·. Ex:p. Sta.,

    207, 11' 30, (1967)

    38) NoJJucm, A. : A comparative morphological study of the proventriculus in the adult of

    the superJamily Scolytoidea. Ibid., 224, :J9·-~UO, (1969)

    :39) NoBucm, A. : 'I'he biology of japanese Scolytidae and Platypodidae. .Rev, Plant Protec.

    Res., 5, 61··75, (1972)

    40) ScaEDL, K. E.: Zur Synonymie der Horkenkafer ri. Ent. Blittt., 56, 103~·112, (1960)

    41) ScrmnL. K. E. : Fauna sinensis III. Ibid., 56, 17[- .. 173, (1960)

    42) ScnEor.. K. E. : .Monographie der Familie Platypodidae. Den Haag, 322 pp., (1972)

    43) STROHMEYER, H. : Coleopl.erorurn Catalogns 44 : Platypodidae. Berlin, 26 pp., (1912)

    -t4) STROHMEYn, H. : Genera Tnsectorum. : Piatypodidae. Berlin, 55 pp., (1914)

    45) 'NooD, S, L : Insect of M.icronesia : Coleoptera, Platypodidae and Scolytidae. Ins.

    Micronesia, 18, 1"~73, (1960)

    1!6) YAMAZAKI, A.: A iist of the injurious insects found on imported logs at Osaka Pori:, Osaka

    Plant Prot., 89, 1, '6. ( 1966)

  • . 20 --

    Plate 1.

    Figs. 1-~5.

    Fig. 1.

    Fig, 2.

    Fig. 3.

    Fig. 4.

    Fig. ,::J.

    Figs. 6-~8.

    Fig, 6.

    Fig. 7.

    Fig. 8.

    Figs. 9~10.

    Fig. 9.

    Figs. 11-~12.

    Fig. lL

    Figs. 13·--1.4.

    Fig. 18.

    Figs. 15-~16.

    Fig. 15.

    Fig. 17.

    Plate 2.

    1jf) 256 {j·

    Explanation of Plates

    Fore tibiae, outer face.

    Crossotarsus nij;onicus BLANDFORD, female.

    Crossotarsus niponiC'Us BLANDFORD, male.

    Crossotarsus externedentatus (F AlRMAIRE), female.

    Platyf:rns severini BLANDFORD, female.

    Platypus quercivorus (MuRAYAMA), female.

    Labium, ventral aspect.

    Crossotarsus nij;onicus BLANDFORD, female.

    Crossotarsus nij;onicus BLANDFORD, male.

    Platypus modestus BLANDFORD, male.

    Crossotarsus niponicus BLANDFORD.

    Female, Fig. 10. Male.

    Crossotarsus emancipatus MuRAYAMA.

    Female, Fig, 12. Male.

    Crossotarsus extemedentatus (FAmMAIRE).

    Female, Fig. 14. Male.

    Crossotarsus flavonwculatus STROHMEYER.

    Male, Fig. 16. Female.

    Male of Crossotarsus simplex MuRAYAMA.

    Figs. 18~19. Platypus calamus BLANDFORD.

    Fig. 18. Female, Fig. 19. Male.

    Figs. 20~21. Platypus hamatus BLANDFORD.

    Fig. 20. Female, Fig. 21. Male.

    Fig. 22. Type specimen of Platypus tenuis MuRAYAWL

    Figs. 23~2'L Elytral declivities, caudal aspect.

    Fig. 23. Platypus calamus BLANDFORD, male, Fig. 24. Platypus hamalus Br.ANOFORn, female.

    Figs. 25··-·26. Plalyj;us lewisi BLANDFORD.

    Fig. 25. Female, Fig. 26. Male.

    Fig. ,,.., t-..>1, Fig. 29.

    Figs. 30~~31.

    Platypus quercivorus

    Female, Fig. 28. .Male.

    Male of Platypus conlaminatus BLANDFORD.

    Platypus severini BLANDFORD.

    Fig. 30. Female, Fig. :31. Ma.\e. Figs. 32· .. ---33. Platypus modes/us BLANDFORD.

    Fig. 32. Female, Fig. 33. Male.

    Figs. 34""'35. Platypus taiwansis ScHEIJL.

    Fig. 34. Female, Fig. 35. Male.

    Figs. 36,~87 .. P laiypus solidus W 11 LKER.

    Fig. 36. Female, Fig. 37. Male.

    Figs . .38~·39. Diap11s aculeatus BLANDFORD.

    Fig. SS. Female,

  • ヲ34




    )~ jfキヲベ i吟 く;士 lf!~'\11子会組熱終lL;分布J し :J:漆が ambrosia beeíふうで,丸太 lどが、い子L.:if:なずド

    りそのやでお字、食てて主!ミ';ìili-'g" る(~との :rLJ1まはどンホ.....)[..�. Qヂ i fれ》人:;{;:j(í)工会iYJfffifìilぞ低下窓会るだけで

    なく歩 ;j:;jUJ 肉中j.'{::: 平める 521ぺとなる必 p1i η つごカシノナグヰタイム fノカマミ .\Lバ: ~C.~;γ 入杭)i8 ~~せた校!がある

    が, ~1ffj_û1エfニミ丸太の主ó.'HT;るる η

    えつ況からは ~1 潟 18 桜記録されていよ乙,6~ ぐずるのV:. ~~;F {t '

  • - 22- 材業試験場研究報告 第 256 号

    ジロガシ F ツブラジイ,スダジイ》マテパジイ,イチジクの 1 種,タブノキ,カナクギノ

    キ,ヤマザクラ p サクラの l 種,ネムノキ,ナナメノキ,カエデの 1 滋, -'t:.ツコク,サカヰ。

    8. ヨシブエナガキクイムシ Platypus calamus BLANDFORO


    分 布:日本(北海道,本州,四国,九州舎沖総),粉Æ{~r.~ 台湾Q

    力口主要樹漆:そし ミズメ, ブナ, ミズナラ q コナラ,イチイカ品シ,アカガシ,ハナブj、ガシ,ツクパネ

    ガシ?アラカシ,三ノラカ、ン,ウラジロガシ,ク lJ ,ツブラジイ,スダヅイ,シキミ,タブ

    ノキ,ホソノマタブ,カゴノキ p イスノキ,ノウリザタラ, !)ンポク,ヒメユズりノ、アカ

    メガシワ,ナナメノキ, トチノ1'-,プワブキ,ヒメジャラ,モッコク 9 サカキ,ハイノキ e

    エゴノキ, トネ 1) コ o


    !J. ブノナガキクイムシ Platypus contaminaius BLANDFORD

    布: U4三(本州,四国,九州), ヒマラヤ,フキン。

    ;サワグソレミ,タブノキ,カナクギノキ,カコノキg トチノキ雪ヤマトアオダモ。

    lO. カポナガキクイムシ Platypus hamatus BLANDFORD

    分 布:日本(北海道,本j比

    :ブナ, ミズナラ。

    11 。 牛?ウシュウナ Hキクイムシ Platypus kiusJ封印持sis MURAYAMA

    分 布:日;本(ゴし州),合?t~c

    :イチイガシ,カシの l 手lí 。

    12. )レイスナガキクイムシ Platypus lewisi BLANDFORD

    分 布:[iノt( (北海滋,ヌド州予九州入車yj!洋 9 台湾,ブキンs インド。

    :モミ p スヰ~,ミズメ,ブナ, ミズブラ,コナララナラガ、シワ,イチイガシ,アカガシ,ア

    ラカシ苦ク !J , トチノキ,ノ\リヰ,é 1) 。

    13 晶 子っウガタナゴJ 干クイムシ Plat:ゆus modestus BLANDFORD

    分 布:日本 f本州,九州),台湾。

    加筈1事f穣:司「ニグ)v ミ F ブナ,イヌブナ g コすヲ,カツラ 9 イロハモミジ 9 トチノキ。

    14. カシノナガキクイムシ P [aLy�s quercivorus (五I[URAYAMA)

    分 布:日本: (本:i)i, ~g lli1, JUH,沖縄),台湾,イントコジ b ワ。

    :スギ,クヌギヲ ミズナラ 9 アカガシ,ツクパネプI~f シ?γ ラカシp シラカシ,ウラジロガシ,

    ツブラジイ,スダジイ p シ'リブカガシ,カナクギノキ,サクラの 1 滋,ナナメノヰ。

    15. シすノナブfキクイムシ P laty�s severin� 1ヨtANIlFORD

    分 布ヨ本(北海道,ノド州, [引~~,九州〉 3 台湾。

    :クマシテ二ケヤマハンノキ,ハンノーt- ,ブナ,イチイガジ,~ークヰの 11m:,イタヤ刀工"'/.

    トチノキ脅シナノキ p ツノ《キ, ジオジ,コノマノトホリコ c

    16. トガリノ\ネナガヰタイムシ Platy�s solidus いVALKER

    分 布:岡本(本州,九'+1 ,沖縄), ~ÿJ脱却台湾,フィリピン p ボノレネオ, セレベス, トンキン,

    マラヤ?スマトラ,ジ?ワ,カロ 1) ン lltlゐ予 7 1 ) アナ 11:f R右,インド p セイロンョオ{ス}

    ラ 1) ア,ニコ -r.ニア,アロ.::L., ソロモン II半島,力、ム。

    :アカ、ン7九 jJ ジ弓マ )Y , サカキ u

    17. タイワンアカごトグイムシ P I(/Iy pus ta�a:nsis SCHEDL

    分 fii :日本(九州,沿:縄)1 'ノl'fP}0

    カシの 11弘イチジクの l 縁。

    18. 1、ケ‘ナガキクイムシ Dia戸us αculeatus I¥LANDFoRD

    分 布 !i ;.j; (本州,四国,九州),イント,ジャワ。

    !Jn雲n討議:イチイガ、シ,アカガシ,ツクパ、永 t/シ,シラカシ J 1) ラジロガシ,ク l九ツブラジイ 2 ス

    ダジイ f

  • H ノドのナガドクイムシ科(京市泌[1) (野総) 山Plate 1-

  • -Plate 2 林業試験場問究報告j' 11¥ 256 号

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