the no idea instant business starter...example of good affiliate program example of bad affiliate...

Post on 15-Jul-2020






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The No Idea Instant Business Starter

You Need a Business, Not a Blog. No Idea? No Problem! Check out this Guide.

Forget about that blog on some obscure niche that you'll burn out on in no time.

You need an online business, not a boring blog. The most important thing you can

do is take action. Instead of sitting around thinking, read this guide and start


I'm going to show you how to take a product and run with it without wasting a

bunch of time. Let's go. . .

What is ClickBank?

How to pick products to promote

The most common ways to promote ClickBank products

What is ClickBank?

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

While many people will call Clickbank yet another affiliate network, that's not all

it is. The platform is more of a marketplace for product creators and affiliates to

make money together without cumbersome paperwork or agreements. Once you

set up your account, you can start promoting most products instantly.

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

As an affiliate marketer, you can jump right in, create your unique affiliate links

for thousands of products (more on that later) and start pushing traffic right

away. You will also see your earnings in real time. It's free to join and there's no

screening process. No cap or complicated metrics. It's basically a simplified

affiliate network, open to anyone that wants to give it a shot. In case you want to

try it out, simply go register on their homepage.

The best way to get started on ClickBank is to start as an affiliate, promoting

pages that have already been optimized, in order to build your sales funnels.Much

like keyword research for SEO, picking the right product to promote on

ClickBank is extremely important. No matter how good you are at promoting, if

you push traffic to a sales page that doesn't sell, you will not make much money.

Go to Clickbank

Go to Marketplace

Hit "Search" with no text in search field

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

Sort results by "Gravity"

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

Define Clickbanks "Gravity" rating

Go to left hand column and click "Must Have Affiliate Tools"

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

Show in description how to get to URL with affiliate tools

Researching Affiliate Programs


contains many excellent affiliate programs for digital download

products.Generally speaking, there are three things that distinguish a profitable

program from a waste of your valuable time.

Commission is 60% or more

Over the years, we’ve reached the conclusion that it isn’t worth the time and

effort to promote

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

a product unless your commission is at least 60%. As the majority of products in

ClickBank retail at $30-$70, abiding by this rule means that you earn a minimum

of $18 per sale. There are dozens of products in ClickBank that pay out 60% or

more - the very best often pay out 75%.However, there are a couple of

exceptions:a) Very high sale price: If the product sells for $155, then a 50%

commission isn’t all that bad and will still be worth your time. Even so, we don’t

suggest going below a 50% commission.b) Recurring billing: Subscription-based

ClickBank products often enable you to continue earning a commission every

time the customer pays their subscription. In this case, you can lower your base

to 40%..

A High Gravity Rating

The ClickBank gravity rating is based on the number of different affiliates

that have made a sale during the week. A high gravity rating means that lots of

affiliates are making sales and, in general, you can take this to mean that the

product is in hot demand and has a good chance of being profitable for you. There

is one exception to this rule: Internet marketing products.Internet marketing

products are frequently purchased by affiliates through their own affiliate link.

By doing this they get a big discount on a product; unfortunately it also radically

skews the gravity, so when viewing the gravity of internet marketing products,

don’t take the gravity of these kinds of products at face value. The category most

likely to be affected by this type of activity is Marketing & Ads.

Check out the sales page

Of course, low gravity is not necessarily unprofitable - after all

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

, every new product has to start somewhere! However, if a product does have low

gravity, then you need to dig a bit further to work out whether it will convert

well.The best way to make learn more is to click through to the sales page

and:Check for lengthy sales copy. Short copy doesn’t tend to convert

well.Compare the copy with competing products. Is it convincing? If competitors

have better looking and better-sounding sales copy, then there is probably a

reason why this product isn’t doing well.

Example of Good Affiliate Program

Example of Bad Affiliate Program

• Initial $/sale: The average amount of money affiliates make per sale.

• Avg %/sale: The % of the sales price affiliates take as a commission on average

.• Grav: Gravity, the number of affiliates that sold this product in the last 12


.• Avg Rebill Total: Average $ affiliates take as a commission as a result of rebills

.• Avg Rebill Total: Average $ affiliates take as a commission as a result of rebills

The No Idea Instant Business Starter

.• Avg %/Rebill: % of rebills paid to the affiliate, on average.

Here are the things we look for when it comes to screening offers to promote:

• Low cost initial offer with up to 3 upsales

• Video sales pages & "native" sales pages (pages that feel like content)

• Products with good reviews online (low refunds = more money and less list


• Gravity above 20 (means that the page converts fairly well)

Resources to look for to get quick start



Email Autoresponders


The rebrandable PDF is one of the best affiliate resources to look for. its the

quickest way to get a landing page up and running.


The No Idea Instant Business Starter

To wrap it up

Choosing the right product to promote is the first stage of being a successful

affiliate marketer, and if you do it right, you can drastically improve your chances

of earning a good income. But even if you get off to a good start, don’t just set up

your offer page and forget all about it. Keep a close eye on your ClickBank

reports, and using Tracking IDs to see what pages and products are performing

the best so you know where to focus your efforts and resources.

By following these proven techniques for finding good products to promote,

you’ll be reaping the rewards of greater sales and bigger ClickBank checks!

Hope you enjoyed these tips for choosing a good ClickBank product to promote.

Please let us know if you have any special strategies of your own!

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