the news weekly issue six

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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The News Weekly Issue Six



The Hellenic

Museum launched

its latest “Art Exhibition”

pg 6.

yb detneserPeht fo evitaitini nA


17 Oct - 4 Nov, 2012Palace Cinema Como &Kino Cinemas


Publishers & Managing EditorsRoss Alatsas e: m: +61 411 877 222

Steve Agi e: m: +61 432 210 963

ContributorsChris Binos, Dean Georgio, Jim Grivas, George Koliantzos, John Vithoulkas, Panos Apostolou, Theoni Davoutsis

PhotographyPeter Coulson, Petros Stamatakos Kostas Deves, Anthony Vanzella

Distribution & ProductionMEDIACODE Pty Ltd For all enquiries or to order copies of The News Weekly contact:Chris Binos e: m: +61 422 413 340

For all editorial enquiries contact the Managing Editor direct.

For all advertising enquiries contact:National Sales ManagerJim Grivas e: m: +61 407 822 103

Sales ExecutiveHelen Katsosm: +61 430 303 123



The News Weekly is a joint venture between The Greek Media Group and Hellenic Media Services, for all enquiries contact the publisher direct.

* The opinions published in The News Weekly are not necessarily those of the editor or the publisher. All material subject to copyright.


MORE than six million Australians would have been better off stuffing cash under a mattress than putting it in their employers’ default superannuation option over the last five financial years.

Most Australians make no active choice when it comes to super; the majority (60 per cent) have their super paid automatically into the default investment option of their employers chosen superannuation fund.

Thanks to the battering of the global financial crisis, every dollar invested in a typical default fund went backwards, after fees and taxes, by 0.3 per cent a year on average

over the past five financial years, according to data from SelectingSuper, a service of research group Rainmaker. Of the 83 default super options available over the five years, 51 delivered negative annual returns for members (6,066,129 member accounts) and 32 delivered positive returns (10,179,634 member accounts).

“The past decade, and the time since the global financial crisis especially, has been a train wreck for super funds,’’ Alex Dunnin, head of research at Rainmaker, told News Limited. But the Selecting Super figures show choice of fund is crucial, revealing large and persistent divergences across fund performance.

The top performing default option REST Industry Super - delivered an average annual return of 6.7 per cent, after fees and taxes, to its nearly 2 million members over the decade.

The worst performing default option - Connelly Temple Employer Super - returned just 2.5 per cent a year to its 20,551 members. So $10,000 invested in the worst fund a decade ago would be worth $12,800 today, but the same amount invested in the best fund would be worth $19,100 - a potential $6,300 windfall just from being in the best fund.

Workers’ funds are not so super

Nick Kotsiras concerned about racial cliches hurting migrant communitiesA STATE Government minister says focusing on criminals’ cultural backgrounds hurts migrant communities. Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Minister Nick Kotsiras says only a small minority of any group commits crimes.”

When you refer to the ethnic groups as a whole, it just stereotypes the group and it has a negative impact on their sense of belonging to the wider community,” he said.

“It’s unfortunate, because there are so many individuals - whether you are talking about African youth, or Greek youth, or Lebanese youth, or Irish youth - who are law-abiding citizens.”

The Victorian Multicultural Commission has raised concerns with senior police about highlighting the over-

representation of African youth in street crime.

In 2010-11, about 430 Sudan-born people were accused of assault in Victoria. This is similar to the number of Indian-born people accused, though that community is several times bigger. Mr Kotsiras said politicians and the media had to be careful when linking ethnicity to crime.

Deputy Commissioner Tim Cartwright said police had spoken openly about the over-representation of African youth in crime, but did not intend to stereotype particular communities. “We have stressed that these offences account for only a small portion of overall crime statewide, and the people within these communities involved in this criminal activity are a minority,” Mr Cartwright said.

THE State Government launched a $7.9 million “action plan” to combat family violence.

Under the plan, the government outlined key initiatives - including working with schools - to incorporate more respectful relationships into the curriculum and raising community awareness.

It also detailed how it would work with the media on reporting domestic violence, and create a Bystander Program to equip people with the knowledge on how to act when they are aware of domestic violence. Premier Ted Baillieu said addressing domestic violence was a priority for the government.

“This plan is an important step to realising a long-term vision of a Victoria that is free of violence against women and children,’’ Mr Baillieu said. “Prevention is at the heart of this action plan.’’ “Violence against women and children is just not acceptable under any circumstance.

We all have a responsibility to act to ensure it is not tolerated, that it is never tolerated, not excused and not ignored.’’

Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu unveils plan to curb family violence


The 2012 HACCI Excellence Awards Gala Ball is now just around the corner and HACCI is looking forward to hosting yet another special evening of celebration, networking and entertainment.

This year’s Excellence Awards Gala Ball, which is HACCI’s premier annual event, will be on Friday 12th October at the sophisticated and newly refurbished Mural Hall located on the top floor of the Myer Building in Bourke Street, Melbourne.

At this event, in celebrating Hellenic Australian achievement, HACCI will present awards in the following 5 categories: Lifetime Achievement, Business Excellence, Professional Excellence, Young Achievement and Community Service. Nominations have now closed and HACCI looks forward to announcing the winners in each category on the night of October 12.

The HACCI Excellence Awards Gala Ball is always a formal black tie event and this year it will be a very special evening with live music and world class entertainment. Tickets can be purchased from the HACCI Office at Tel 03-9602 2977 or Join us for an evening that celebrates achievement.

POLICE have foiled several potential terrorist attacks in Australia over the past decade as a direct result of expertise gained from probing the 2002 Bali bombings.

In an interview to mark the 10th anniversary of the Bali bombings on October 12, Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Graham Ashton said foiled plots in Australia was a positive to come out of the Bali attack. Mr Ashton would not elaborate on the thwarted plans, which were disrupted in the early stage, but he confirmed there had been incidents that had not been made public. He said the Bali bombings, with the September 11 attacks in the US, were the wake-up call to prompt Australian governments, police and intelligence agencies to significantly invest in counter-terrorism measures and that investment had paid off.

“It’s certainly the case that we have, since 2002, prevented numerous attacks in Australia,” Mr Ashton said.

“And that comes from A, our work offshore in keeping the terrorist threat offshore and away from the country and B, our internal work when local hotbeds do emerge and local plots are hatched.

“Since the Bali bombings, we have prevented numerous events due to having ramped up our resourcing and our skills and our level of co-operation nationally.

“If any one of the planned attacks had succeeded in Australia, then lifestyles would have changed forever.

“The fact we can still enjoy the freedom of our way of life, going to the football and shopping centres without needing to pass through metal detectors and heavy security, is a testimony to the range of co-operation that now occurs in counter-terrorism.”

Mr Ashton was the joint head of that Bali bombing taskforce and was shocked to discover very early in the probe that at least one suicide bomber was involved.

“At the time the suicide bomber was a really difficult issue to manage because it was the first time we had seen a suicide bomber in the region, with the exception of Sri Lanka,” Mr Ashton said.

Bali terrorist attacks were ‘a wake-up call’



With German Chancellor Angela Merkel due in Athens for a landmark visit widely seen as an expression of German support for Greece’s reform efforts and its prospects for staying in the eurozone, police have mounted the biggest security operation in the Greek capital since 1999 when Bill Clinton visited as US president.

According to sources, Samaras aims to secure two things from Merkel -- her support for Greece’s efforts and her approval for some “softer” countermeasures to the austerity package being negotiated between the government and the troika that would avert deeper cuts to salaries and pensions.

Security in the capital will be tight. Some 7,000 police officers will be on duty -- many have been transferred from the provinces to bolster the force’s presence in Athens -- with snipers set to guard the hotel where Merkel is to stay and much of the center to be cordoned off.

Authorities may resort to the use of water cannons in the event that rallies get out of hand.

Rallies in parts of the city center that are to be cordoned off have been banned by police “in the interests of public safety and the city’s socioeconomic life,” a move that provoked rebukes from unionists and from the

junior coalition partners, socialist PASOK and Democratic Left.

The country’s two largest labor unions, GSEE and ADEDY, who had been planning a rally in Syntagma Square and will be holding a three-hour work stoppage from noon, are likely to stage their rally in a square a few blocks away from Parliament.

Athens on alert for Merkel

The hacking group Anonymous has launched a denial of service attack on the websites of the Public Order and Foreign ministries, as well as those of the Greek Police and the President of the Republic, Karolos Papoulias.

The hackers are using the tagline #OpSolidarityGreece to publicize their attacks on the sites. Anonymous has targeted Greek government sites in the past.

Anonymous attacks Greek Governement websites

Parliament’s ethics and transparency committee voted in favor of Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras and three former ministers --

Evangelos Venizelos, who now leads socialist PASOK, Filippos Sachinidis and Giorgos Papaconstantinou -- being called before the House to reveal what they know about the so-called “Lagarde list” -- a list of some 2,000 Greeks with deposits in Swiss banks who are being probed for tax evasion.

According to sources, Venizelos and Papaconstantinou testified over last weekend before financial prosecutor Grigoris Peponis in connection with the list, which Papaconstantinou claims to have received from former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, who is now head of the International Monetary Fund.

No details about the former ministers’ testimonies were released but they are believed to have repeated the positions they have expressed publicly to date on the matter.

In an interview with state television channel Net, Venizelos claimed not to have been informed by his predecessor Papaconstantinou about the Lagarde list.

In a separate corruption probe, it emerged that a Greek businessman who had been accused of being part of the bribery and money-laundering network involving former Defense Minister Akis Tsochatzopoulos has been found dead in a hotel room in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Vlassis Kambouroglou was the managing director of Drumilan International, which was involved in the sale of a Russian-made TOR-M1 missile system to Greece.

Ministers are called over ‘Lagarde list’

Moody’s Investors Service downgraded Cyprus’s bond rating to B3 from Ba3 and assigned a negative outlook.

“The profound difficulties in the Cypriot banking sector, which are the result of deteriorating conditions in Greece and Cyprus, are the key driver” for the decision, Moody’s said in a statement .

To maintain “appropriate” domestic bank-capital levels, the Cypriot government will probably have to give the banks financial support “that could threaten the sustainability of the government’s debt burden,” Moody’s said in the statement.

Moody’s downgrades Cypriot bonds due to deteriorating banking sector


The ghosts of “Papandreismos” and the political systems attempt to frighten Greek citizens with illusions of a “coup that was prevented on November 1, 2011” and was supposedly basis for the G.Papandreou and P.Bpeglitis “Stalinist purge” of 18 senior officers who risked the safety of the country. The coupe never eventuated.

The newspaper “ Sunday Vima “ published on the 29th of September had the theme “The coup that was not” report, is accompanied by an article by St.Psychari. While the newspaper claims to have evidence and names it does not state them, but, unlike the published on the occasion of this event, a testimony only showed that there had been a conspiracy personally orchestrated by G.Papandreou ahead of a Cannes meeting with his European partners and nothing else ...

The story refers to the change of the four Chiefs with specific reference to the former Chief of the Army F.Frangos and former Minister of Defence who is the real target of the publication as he attracts great popular acceptance within and outside the military today.

It was an article from a newspaper that likes to talk about “coups”, since it had also made claims last year of a “coup” by the officers of the military Academy which finally was proven to be false.

Minister of National Defence Panos Panagiotopoulos and the Chief of Defence reacted

strongly to the “coup”: “The Greek Armed Forces were, are and will always be committed to the task set by the constitution of the Greek Republic and the people of Greece: to ensure and safeguard national independence, sovereignty and national integrity of the country. All else is beyond reality ... “.

Just as strong a reaction came from the benefactor of G. Papandreou and P.Mpegliti, the Chief of Staff, D.Kostarakos, who, in his account on twitter wrote: “The so called –coup claims last November are absolutely unfounded and an insult to the Armed Forces. We are the guardians of the homeland and not rulers. “

Defence net then went on to state; “We always speak with facts and names and not simply claim that “we have evidence and names.” Let’s see the following testimony”.

The scene in the ground floor hall of the Defence Ministry, all while three official awaited for the arrival of the then new Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos, early November at 19.00 in the hall, there are three people.

They were: the then head of the International Relations Department of D.Chronopoulos Ambassador, the Director General Armaments GDDIA D.Georgiopoulos and one partner with extensive experience in military reports. The rhetoric has been ignited for good and revolve around the coup claims of G.Papandreou and P.Beglitis, who decapitated the leadership

of the armed forces one week earlier. “Well, what happened? How did Beglitis come to this decision?” The reporter asks at some point.

D.Chronopoulos unexpectedly answered: “It’s unbelievable, but it was just like this: The Orange telephone rang, it was G.Papandreou. He demanded that P.Beglitis decapitate the leadership of all the armed forces, because the next day he was leaving for Cannes and had to have “a card up his sleeve” to avoid the wrath of Europeans over his decision to go to referendum. I asked him what he would do and Beglitis told me that he could not do any differently. I told him that was a big mistake and as God is my witness I tried to prevent it. “

D.Georgiopoulos: “Is that how it really happened?”.

D.Chronopoulos: “Exactly like that. I told him that he would damage himself politically, but he did not listen. Within minutes, he called the four leaders and told them that in half an hour he wanted their resignations. Soon after began the leaks to the foreign mass media outside that a coup had been averted in Greece. “ This is the whole truth. “

These are the facts. Everything else is either trying to defame the Armed Forces, or an attempt to restore the name of George Papandreou, who has forever been rejected by the Greek people who have been sacrificed so that G.Papandreou can execute the orders given to him by the monetary system.


From 2006-10, cancer took the lives of 2,959 residents of Victoria who were born in Greece, records show, illustrating how deadly the disease is across all ethnic groups.

Most cancers are initially recognized either because of the appearance of signs or symptoms or through screening. Neither of these lead to a definitive diagnosis, which requires the examination of a tissue sample by a pathologist. People with

suspected cancer are investigated with medical tests.

These commonly include blood tests, X-rays, CT scans and endoscopy. The most prevalent cancers are bowel, prostate, lung, breast and stomach. Victoria residents not from Greek backgrounds suffer mostly from bowel and lung cancer Bowel cancer is one of the most preventable and screening tests are available at some pharmacies.

If you are aged 50, 55 or 65, you can order one of these tests to be sent to your home free in the mail. Diagnosis for the next most common cancer, prostate cancer, is not easy enough as there is no self testing way for that. However, it is not impossible. Information is available from the Cancer Council Victoria website, which has numerous fact sheets available in Greek.

Cancer Counts Greek-Australians As Victims

Got some cash to spend? How about a piece of the Greek islands of Rhodes or Corfu? Or a royal palace, a marina, or even a consulate building?

As Greece is struggling to appease international lenders and live up to the conditions of its bailout, the debt-choked nation is speeding up the sale of state assets by expanding its privatization program.

Greece’s state fund (Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund or HRADF) now has more than 70,000 state owned properties on offer for investors and it aims to generate 19 billion euro ($24.5 billion) by 2015 via the sales.

The state’s properties include a 119,800 square meter peninsula with a palace hotel complex and a marina, a 450,000 square meter area in Rhodes with an 18-hole golf course and 4 miles of beach, a coastline in Corfu, an airport area in Athens and

the 2004 Athens Olympics broadcast centre.

Apart from land areas, Greece is also offering its government buildings. Greece’s ministries of justice, health, education and culture are seeking to rent out some of their buildings, and although the country is coping with rampant tax evasion, 13 of its tax offices are on offer for privatization as well.

Last week, Greece completed its first privatization deal by leasing the International Broadcast Centre, used during the 2004 Olympics, to development group Lamda. The group is paying 81 million euros ($104.7 million) to lease the 73,000 square-foot area for 90 years, a price Odisseas Athanassiou, CEO of Lamda Development, said is “fair.”

Privatization WobblesGreece’s plans to launch a privatization program have been

postponed several times because of the country’s political uncertainty, but a source at the state fund told CNBC it is ready to make up for this “wasted time”.

So far the privatization fund has raised less than a tenth of the targeted amount. Investors have not been rushing to lease the state’s assets because of the “fog around the Greek economy” and worries the assets could be devalued further if Greece were to exit the euro zone. Lamda CEO Athanassiou described the program as Greece’s last chance to be a successful country. He also noted that the Greek government has not exploited the full potential of its tourism and new energy industries. “There are so many resources and opportunities in Greece. It’s not a matter of a poor performing private sector or a lack of resources, but how the state is operating,” he said.

For Sale: Greek islands, marinas and tax offices



The Hellenic Museum launched its latest “Art Exhibition” FIVE MELBOURNE ARTISTS LAUNCH - OCTOBER 5 - 31The Hellenic Museum is hosting an art exhibition, “Five Artists at the Hellenic”, during October 2012 to showcase the work of local artists. The exhibition features the work of: Peter Andrianakis, Costa Athanassiou, Christella Demetriou, Frixos Ioannides and Paul Laspagis. It includes Paintings, sculpture, drawings, digital art, and photography.

This exhibition, being the first of its kind at the Museum, marks an important milestone in the history of the visual arts of the Greek diaspora. The Museum’s Director, John Tatoulis, is keen to present as broad a range as possible of Greek inspired art and thought and wants to engage more actively with the extremely talented local arts community. “We are located right in the centre of Melbourne which is one of the most vibrant cultural hubs in the world. It makes sense that we tap into the local arts scene and present works that inspire and challenge.”

The participating artists are excited to be taking part in the Exhibition and encouraged by the fact that the Hellenic Museum intends to regularly showcase the diverse work of local artists.

Entry is free and everybody is welcome.

The Museum is open Monday to Friday from 10 am to 4 pm and will also be open on Sunday afternoon, 12pm to 4pm, for the duration of the exhibition.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Contact: Kimon Ioannides, Communications Manager,

VIEWING TIMES FOR THE EXHIBITIONWeekdays: 10 am – 4 pm (closed on Mondays)Sunday : 12 am –4 pm 7

yb detneserPeht fo evitaitini nA

Opening Night 6.30pm, Wednesday 17 October, 2012Palace Cinema Como, 299 Toorak Rd, South Yarra

Nisos 2 Dir. Antonis AggelopoulosGreek language with English subtitles

The Festival opens with the larger-than-life comedy Nisos 2, the sequel to the 2010 Greek Film Festival’s sell-out Opening Night film.

With the picture-perfect Greek island as its backdrop, Nisos 2 offers plenty of its own laughs as it follows the island’s love-able crims out of jail and on an epic and speculative treasure hunt.

Written by Elena Solomou and Kostis PapadopoulosProduced by Yiannis IakovidisCast: Eleni Kastani, Vladimiros Kiriakidis, Zeta Douka, Elisavet Konstantinidou, Mixalis Marinos, Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos, Dimitris Tzoumakis and Tania Tripi

All Tickets $45Includes official after party with mezedes by Philhellene, Lyrarakis wines, Mythos beer and live Greek music by Agathona.

Agathona Iakovidis

Nisos 2

The 19th Greek Film Festival is an event of the Antipodes Festival, the cultural arm of the Greek Community of Melbourne & Victoria, and is proudly presented by Bank of Cyprus Australia.

BookingsOnline Phone (03) 9827 7533In person Palace Cinema Como, 299 Toorak Rd, South Yarra

Full details at

17 Oct - 4 Nov, 2012



EMPLOYMENTTo place an Ad Call(03) 9602 1422

Or Submit an Ad Online

SEEKING EMPLOYMENTAdministration and Logistics

Lady with two years experience in secretarial and administrative duties is seeking full or part time employment.

Ph: 0449 868 721. Zoe

Air conditioning Expert

Person experienced in air conditioning systems, split systems and heating is looking for work.

Ph: 0401 416 401. Dimos

Aged Care Workers

Two aged care workers with Certificate III in Aged Care are seeking employment.

Ph: 0431 062 240. Vivi0411 224 847. Sofia

Aluminium Fabrications

Experienced person in aluminium fabrications is seeking employment in similar or related field.

Ph: 0450 917 642. Petros


Experienced architect is seeking employment.

Ph: 0468 458 812. Kosta

Apprentice Carpenters

Seeking employment.

Ph: 0421 116 308. Makis Ph: 0439 950 558. Vasilis


Michaelis is seeking people to working in a bakery.

M:04 1300 0175

Bouzouki Teacher/Player

Bouzouki player with three years experience in night clubs in Greece is seeking part time employment.

Ph: 0432 231 826. Christos

Builder/Pool Constructor

Experienced builder specialising in pool construction seeks employment.

Ph: 0408 827 326. George


Experienced butcher is seeking either full or part time employment.Ph: 8774 4457. Julian

Cabinet Maker

Experienced carpenter/cabinet maker is seeking employment.Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas


Experienced carpenter specialising in furniture, kitchens and floor boards seeks employment.Ph: 0437 216 101. Agelos


Grill chef with ten years experience in grilled food seeks part or full time employment.Ph: 0457 602 492. Antonis

Customer Service

Vasiliki has previous experience and is seeking full time or part time work in the area of customer service.

Ph: 03 9484 9081

Dental Technician

Certified dental technician with six years experience is looking for part or full time employment.Ph: 0429 661 563. John


Experienced van driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. Willing to undertake any other job (waiter, builder etc)Ph: 0499 278 534. Nick


Experienced van driver seeks employment.Ph: 0413 462 044. John


Illias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a DriverM:0411 533 133


Ilias Fanourakis is seeking employment as a driver. He is an experienced driver and would suit a driver position in a warehouse.Mob: 0411 533 133

Driver (Taxi)

Driver with experience in taxi driving is looking for an employer.

Ph: 9388 0253. Stelios


A Grade electrician with eight years experience is looking for part or full time employment.

Ph: 0422 154 595 Damianos


Electrician with experience in residential and commercial properties seeks employment.

Ph: 0452 010 733. Simeon


Apprentice electrician seeks full time employment with certified electrician.

Ph: 0401 302 490. Steve


Recently arrived from Greece, an experienced electrician seeks employment and is willing to work in other fields.

Ph: 0449 046 665. Harry

Electrical Engineer

Apprentice electrician seeks employment in the area of home automation systems.

Ph: 0413 835 283 or 9544 4549. Kostas

Engineer (Civil)

Civil engineer with three years experience is seeking full or part time employment.

Ph: 0429 665 835. Vasiliki

Excavator Driver

Experience excavator driver recently arrived from Greece is looking for employment. For further information please call Maria.

M: 04 7864 8697

Factory Worker

Factory worker seeks employment and has experience in the area of warehouse, sales and maintenance.

Ph: 0477 034 473 or 8751 4710 Theodosis

Financial Advisor

Experienced financial advisor with a Degree from British University seeks employment.

Ph: 0402 527 644. George

Food IndustryAngela has 25 years experience in the food industry and is seeking part time or full time work in the Northern suburbs. She is available 7 days a week for early starts and early finishes.

M: 04 1056 0970

Furniture Maker

Furniture maker with 30 years experience is seeking employment.

Ph: 0478 809 989. Kostas Eskintzis


Experienced gardener looking for work. Specialises in lawn maintenance and happy to maintain school gardens or large home gardens.

Ph: 0415 560 708. Stella


Anastasios Kopanos would like to find work as a gardener. Please call him for more details about what services he has to offer.

M: 0422 097 368.

Greek tutor

Greek tutor available with over 7 years experience. Currently teaching primary/secondary students and adults, available for private tuition at any level, from beginners to advanced. Quality teaching in all aspects of the Greek language.

Panos, Ph: 04044 19595


Hairdresser with 18 years experience is looking for part time employment and has knowledge of both the Greek and English language.

Ph: 0431 175 612. Irene

Hospitality/Building Industry

45 year old man experienced in the area of hotel management, hospitality and with knowledge of building, seeks employment.

Ph: 0412 174 081. Agelos

Hospitality Worker

Experienced hospitality worker with a Degree in Tourism and Management has worked in Athens Marriot Hotel and seeks employment.

Ph: 0452 209 177. Mihalis

IT Technician

IT technician with eight years experience and a good knowledge of Microsoft is looking for employment.

Ph: 0421 821 430. Epaminondas


Labourer looking for work in any area.

Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos


Labourer seeks employment in any field.

Ph: 0424 469 745. Vasili


Lady willing to undertake any work or responsibility.

Ph: 0450 067 315. Koula


Lady recently arrived from Greece with experience as a waitress and is willing to undertake any work.

Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia


Experienced lawyer seeks employment. Alos willing to work as a Law Clerk or assistant and willing to travel anywhere in Australia.

Ph: 0421 654 845. Nikoleta


Experienced certified accountant with knowledge of the latest computer systems seeks employment.

Ph: 0431 366 412. Vasilis

Machine Operator

Machine operator and professional experienced driver from Greece seeks employment.

Ph: 0403 400 435. Panagiotis


Experienced lady machinist looking for work.

Ph: 0403 472 407. Aglaia

Metal Fabrications

Experienced metal worker from Greece with knowledge of aluminium doors and windows seeks full time work.

Ph: 0468 803 467. Pantelis

Metal Worker

Experienced metal worker/welder seeks work.

Ph: 0424 411 631. Zaharias


27 year old musician with experience in drums and other instruments is looking to work with a band.

Ph: 9383 6195. John


Experienced painter with knowledge in carpentry seeks employment.

Ph: 0403 472 407. Nikos


Experienced painter from Cyprus with knowledge in welding seeks full time work.

Ph: 0424 789 813. Abraham


Experienced painter seeks work.

Ph: 0450 003 515. Theo


Painter with own ABN seeks full time work.

Ph: 0421 540 998. Chris

Part Time Work

Young graduate from Greece is looking for part time work in any area.

Ph: 0410 609 821 or 9402 0448. George


Plumber from Greece with working visa seeks full time employment.

Ph: 0450 908 285. Dimitri


Yiannis is an experienced plasterer looking for work as a plasterer.

M: 0402 931 935.

Public Relations

Experienced public relations officer with a Degree in International Relations seeks work.

Ph: 0406 590 280. Antonis




Giannis is seeking work as a plasterer

M: 04 0293 1935


Insurance consultant from Greece with over 10 years experience and knowledge in sales seeks employment.

Ph: 0411 527 473. John


Retail customer service officer with 22 years experience and knowledge in management and training of staff seeks full time work.

Ph: 0422 436 476. Nicole


Experienced security officer from Greece is looking for employment in a similar position.

Ph: 9335 4303


Teacher from Greece has a Bachelor of English Degree from Michigan University and Masters from the University of Thessaloniki and seeks employment.

Ph: 0470 520 342. Evagelia


Greek teacher with Australian citizenship has many years of teaching experience and seeks employment.

Ph: 0405 224 040. Pamela


Experienced teacher/tutor who graduated from Athens University seeks full or part time work in a Greek school.

Ph: 0452 608 142. Kali


Tiler with 28 years of experience seeks employment.

Ph: 0422 158 225. John


Experienced tiler from Greece with knowledge in floorboards and other floor coverings seeks employment.

Ph: 0468 469 400 Babis

Waiter/Pizza Maker

Experienced waiter with knowledge in pizza preparation seeks employment.

Ph: 0405 953 285. John


Experienced waitress seeks full time employment.

Ph: 0457 602 456. Anthi

Web Designer

Experienced web designer from Greece seeks employment.

Ph: 0430 319 395. Kiriakos


Experienced welder seeks employment.

Ph: 0422 047 369. Andrew


Welder with nine years of experience seeks full or part time employment.

Ph: 0421 641 434. Nick


Welder in Oakleigh with 20 years of experience seeks employment.

Ph: 0452 179 451. Manos

Welder/Metal Fabrication

Experienced welder /metal worker from Greece seeks employment.

Ph: 0416 380 923. George

Welder/Metal Fabrication

Zaxarias is looking for work as a welder

Ph: 9364 5244

Womens Clothing

Zaxaria is seeking people to work in the production of women’s undergarments.

M: 0418107171

Work/Part Time

Lady looking for part time work (9am – 3pm).

Ph: 0450 418 760. Sofia


Lady looking for any type of work.

Ph: 0450 717 141. Vana


Lady looking for full time employment.

Ph: 0422 412 516. Kleopatra


Lady from Greece with a student visa seeks part time work.

Ph: 0467 472 127. Melina


Zisis recently arrived to Australia is seeking any work

M: 04 7896 4486


Dimitra and George, are looking for any work ( for example in a fish and chip shop or café ) at all and preferably in Oakleigh or surrounding suburbs as they don’t have a car. Dimitra speaks excellent English but George can’t speak English well.

Dimitra can be contacted on 0459 396 952. 9


AQA Qualcare is seeking Disability Support Workers/PCAs who are fluent in Greek to work with a client with a physical disability living in Preston. Duties inc. assistance with daily living, all aspects of personal care, transfers, community access, meal prep & household tasks. Shifts available are: Mon-Thurs: 7am-9:30am, Fri: 7am-12:30pm, Sat/Sun: 7am-9:30am, Mon-Sun: 9pm-10pm. Fully paid training & competitive rates provided! For further info or to apply please visit the employment section of the AQA website: and download and complete the application form.

Ph: (03) 9489 0777.


Marianthi Lambrianou is seeking a lady who speaks fluent Greek to babysit her 17 month old daughter in Bulleen, 1-2 days per week from 8:00-3:30. Applicants should call Marianthi for further details on

M: 0477 694 665.


Cleaner required for a home in Rosebud. 4 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday).

Ph: 0409 349 101 Konstantina


A cleaner, preferably a woman, is required after hours at a school in Northcote.

Ph: 0403 140 553. Maria


An experienced cleaner is required after hours at a school in East Doncaster.

Ph: 0401 519 305. Stathis


Domestic cleaner required for full or part time work in Melbourne area. Must have own transport.

Call Niki on 0407 655 646


A female cleaner is required for domestic duties.

Ph: 0415 645 572. Antonis


Amalia is seeking a chef.

M: 0433 154 904


A chef is required for a Hawthorn restaurant.

Ph: 9818 3312.


A chef is required part time for a Greek restaurant in Werribee.

Ph: 0416 241 819. Dimitri

Chicken shop

A lady is required to work in a Chicken Bar. The suitable person should have relative experience.

Call Achilleas Ph: 9852 4545


Louka is seeking 2 cleaners to work at a car yard in the area of Chelsea. The ideal candidates would be able to work after business hours (after 6pm) and would be a couple. For more information please call Louka.

M: 0417033135

Console Operators

Two Console operators required to work at BP Eastlink inbound in Scoresby- the largest site in Australia. Part to full time positions available and applications must be willing to work flexible hours and speak English. Please contact Arthur Kondos for more information

Ph: 9753 2924


A medical clinic requires a licenced doctor who is preferably Greek.

Ph: 9481 2406. Kostantino


Maria is seeking a driver who must be able to read and understand English as he will be trained in any other duties involved with the position. The driver will be trustworthy and available to work between 11pm and 7am.

M: 0415 542 522

Excavator Operator

Excavator operator required for work in Geelong.

Ph: 0410 665 048. Vasilis


A florist requires the services of two women with experience in floristry to work at the store.

Ph: 0416 189 857 Kostas


A hairdresser with experience in men’s and women’s cuts is required for a hairdressing salon in Burwood.

Ph: 9563 2340. Elio

Fast Food

A full time position is available at a fast food restaurant. Applicants must have experience in cooking and cooking with a grill.

Ph: 0419 521 505. John

Fish and Chips

An experienced Fish and Chips worker is required for a shop in St. Albans.

Ph: 9390 9622. Sofia

Fish and Chips

A woman is required to work at a Fish and Chips shop in Knox City.

Ph: 0415 150 433. Nikos

Fish and Chips

Peter is seeking someone with experience to work the grill at his fish and chip shop in Knoxville during afternoon hours. Applicants should call his mobile for further information

M: 0424 645 110


A part time position is available in a furniture store.

Ph: 9428 5830. Vicky


Jim/Dimitri is looking to employ a man ata Tampon Factory in Bundoora. He is seeking a man over 40 to work part time Mon, Wed and Fri.

Ph: 9465 5033

Lady Ironer/Presser

A female ironer with experience in clothes pressing is required for work in Clayton.

Ph: 9551 4621. Despina


A female is required to help manage the restaurant at club ‘Dimokritos’ on High Street Northcote.

Ph: 9486 3988. John


Mechanic with experience in European and prestigious cars is required for an automotive workshop in Reservoir.

Ph: 9462 3124. Nick


Two experienced motor mechanics are required for a mechanical shop in Footscray.

Ph: 9528 6654


A full time position is available for an experienced motor mechanic.

Ph: 0417 303 775. Minas


A motor mechanic with a minimum of 5 years of experience is required at a work shop. Must have a driver’s licence.

Ph: 0425 822 500. Tasos


A composer is required to create music for lyrics.

Ph: 9078 8574. Afroditi

Panel Shop

An experienced spray-painter and panel-beater is required in a Dandenong panel shop. An apprenticeship for a youth is also available.

Ph: 0438 008 111. John

Pastry Factory

Greek Pastry factory seeks a person to work full time withy good remuneration

Please call Iakobos M:04 0696 7197


Experienced plumbers are required by a South Melbourne company.

Ph: 9690 6048. Dimitri


Kostas is looking for 1 or 2 experienced re-stumpers to work for him.

Any enquiries, please call Kostas: 0411 741 230.

Sandwich Hand

An experienced sandwich hand is required at a South Melbourne delicatessen.

Call 9699 4125 or 0412 840 707 for any enquiries.

Sandwich Hand

A female is required in the Melbourne CBD area to prepare sandwiches, salads and focaccias.

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Sandwich Hands

Four people are required in sandwich preparation.

Ph: 0402 925 107. Doukisa

Shop Assistant

A part time position is available for a young shop assistant at an Altona Gate carpet store.

Ph: 9325 1112. Dimitris

Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar

A Souvlaki ( Gyro) Bar is looking for someone with experience, working in a similar environment.

Hellen or Nick on 9670 6284 or 0433 413 688

Teacher position

Private school teaching the Greek language in Albert Park / South Melbourne is seeking a High School teacher.

Tel: 0417 393049 (Mrs Anastasia)

Tyre Fitter

Joanna has a position available for a tyre fitter in Campbellfield. He must be fit as there is heavy lifting involved. He must have good knowledge of the northern suburbs and the city and have a car drivers licence. Must have at least some experience in fitting tyres on trucks.

Fax Applications to Att: Joanna; F 9308 9237


A female is required for kitchen and serving/waiting duties at club ‘Democritus’ in Northcote.

Ph: 0408 591 711. John

Waiter/Souvlaki Bar

A full time or part time position is available in a Mentone souvlaki bar. Waiting duties are a requirement of this position.

Ph: 9585 8005 Anesti


Waiters are required for casual weekend work at Stars International reception in Preston. RSA certificate holders are preferred.

Ph: 0411 877 222

Fronditha Care-Position 1

Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of CACPs Supervisor.

Fronditha Care-Position 2

Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker (or related social sciences) to work in the role of Volunteer Coordinator.

Fronditha Care-Position 3

Fronditha Care is seeking an experienced social worker/counsellor to work as the Carer Support Coordinator in the Eastern Region.

Please contact Aliki Kyrkou at Fronditha Care for further information on any of these positions. 9495 2308 or 0407 829 593.


Or Submit an Ad Online

HOT TIP!!It would be difficult to

emphasize the importance of proofreading your resume. One

small typo and your chances of getting hired could slip. Proofreading it once is not

enough, so do it twice, three times or as many as necessary.

WEEKLYHOROSCOPESAllow me to introduce myself. My name is Michael, and welcome to the fascinating world of astrology and the place to read your free horoscopes! For years, decades and centuries human-kind has turned to the heavens, God’s handiwork, for answers and guidance in their lives! Supplied by:


Don’t let peers distract you or push their work your way. Try to spend some time on your own. If you’re looking to do something worthwhile, consider volunteer work. You will have original ideas for ways to make extra money.

Hassles with in-laws could put a damper on your day. Take things slowly, especially for the sake of those you love. Your home environment may be hectic, which could result in emotional upset if you aren’t well organized. Jealous attitudes may lead you astray.

Travel will initiate new friendships or love connections. You can make money if you put your mind to it. Traffic will be busier than you anticipated, so try to get a head start if you have made plans to travel. Don’t push your luck with authority figures.

Enjoy some socializing this week. Changes in your residence may be financially favorable. Put some energy into getting back into shape. Listen to reason. You will have to help family members sort out unfortunate difficulties.

Do not make rash decisions about your personal life. Do yourself a favor and leave your plastic at home. Work at home if at all possible. Spend a quiet day with the one you love. Property investments will payoff.

Deal with the needs of children and get into groups that deal with self awareness. Broaden your horizons and look into programs that will teach you awareness and relaxation. Keep your thoughts to yourself for the time being. Enlist the aid of family members and consider the feelings of your mate.

You can make sound financial investments if you act fast. Your philanthropic contributions will bring you praise. Finish projects that have been hanging over your head. You can get ahead if you play your cards right.

Don’t put all your cash in one place. You are able to make changes in your home that will be favorable to all involved. Be cautious while traveling; minor accidents are evident. Put all your energy into moneymaking ventures.

Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting. You are best not to confide in anyone right now. Move forward if you want to turn your life around. Make alternate plans just in case you need to make a career shift.

Opportunities for romance may develop through dealing with groups that have a purpose. Social evenings at your place will be highly successful. Brunch, a long walk, or a quiet dinner will secure your position in the relationship. Don’t let your health suffer because of abuse.

Try to curb your bad habits, and compromise if your partner gives you an ultimatum. Help elders in your family. Get together with friends who like to participate in indoor sports. Join humanitarian groups and let your leadership ability take over.

You are ready to blow up and your stress level has gone into over drive. Resist any idle chatter. You can learn from those who have had similar experiences. Sign up for tours or courses that will enlighten you.

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The Gyro Wrap SpecialistsBirthdays, Corporate Events, Markets, Graduations, School Fetes, University Open days,

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14 15 16


18 19 20 21


23 24 25


28 29


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10



13 14 15


17 18


20 21



25 26













1 Horse and trap for a fairy (6)

5 Erect principal feature of a wall (4-4)

9 Opener hit runs, returning after disastrous debut (2 ducks) (8)

10 One following Parisian woman? - one briefly loved by 24 (6)

11 Mobile rang and spoiled start of drama - like Mousetrap (6-6)

13 Setter devours books - what a fairy! (4)

14 Writer’s surrounded by old flames - thereby things can get heated (4,4)

17 Outlined short comedy piece to journalist (8)

18 Section of Plato is about Greek character (4)

20 Pure uranium, untreated with aluminium, goes into meltdown (12)

23 The weaver’s an ass (6)

24 Greek 22 bewitched by 5 (8)

25 Characters not of the standard height will remain at base (5,3)

26 King gives orders to soldiers retreating north (6)

2 Raised wolf for money once (4)

3 Toils hard, raising support for educational aid (9)

4 In which 2 would be 10 (6)

5 Puck heartlessly stealing food is running around like chicken that’s headless (5,10)

6 Greek 22 who was well heeled? Hardly (8)

7 Greetings heard from Scottish town (5)

8 Make Holy See contract indefinitely to be unorthodox (10)

12 Being watchful, observing through the window (7,3)

15 In money matters, a European is doing nothing (9)

16 In short, a man and a woman have love for nightingale (8)

19 Lieutenant with 23 i-in company (but not in the same company as 23) (6)

21 Takin’ out member of chivalric order (5)

22 Leander’s love is a bird with no 23 (4)



Makes: 16Prep time: 35 minutesCooking: 25 minutesBake: 220˚C

Ingredients- 1 small pumpkin or 3 small

zucchini, about 500g, grated- 1 tsp salt- 2 potatoes, about 250g, peeled - 4 garlic cloves, minced- 4 scallions, chopped, both white

& green - 1 cup feta cheese, crumbled- 1 cup fresh bread crumbs- 1 cup each fresh mint & basil,

chopped- 1 egg- Olive oil for greasing

Method:• Place the grated zucchini in a

colander. Add the salt and set aside for 15 minutes. Squeeze the excess moisture from the zucchini with your hands and place in a medium-sized bowl.

• Parboil the potatoes for 10 minutes in a large pot of boiling water. Drain and set aside to cool. Coarsely grate the parboiled potatoes over the bowl with the zucchini.

• Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and use your hands to mix the ingredients together.

• Shape the zucchini mixture into patties and use a brush to lightly grease each side of the patty with olive oil.

• Place the patties on a baking sheet and place in the upper third of a preheated oven for 15 minutes until golden brown.

• Flip and bake for 10 minutes further.

• Serve warm. Enjoy!

DID YOU KNOW?Aristotle noticed that dolphins give birth to live young who were attached to their mothers by umbilical cords.

Due to this observation, he classified dolphins as mammals in his book Generation of Animals. Not until the nineteenth century was his statement confirmed by modern science.


1 Ms Goldberg, taking journalist to “The Ram”, had a roaring time (7,2,2)

7,28 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”, for example, is clear to a child (6)

9 Gathered one of 7 is into unorthodox creed (9)10 A long time to muse (5)11 One Frenchman who’s a woman (5)12 US pole cat is unusual, having little tufts of

hair (9)13 Disguise most sinister to maintain (6)15 Even on drink, maintains balance (6,2)18 Put a title to back issues (8)20 Irritate a shrew with a rope (6)23 Wife of the last Roman of Saar, reportedly (9)24 Famous cubist? (5)26 Give greenback to one fountain? (5)27 Exaggerate about condition (9)28 See 7ac29 These days, the cabinet runs things (11)

1 Lollard, more than half paralytic, involved with wife getting battered (9)

2 In plants, undeveloped seed convolves evenly around centre of integuments (5)

3 Put by river Wear? (7)4 The most dreadful little girl is supported by

the others (6)5 Young swimmers who will soon croak (8)6 Prevent clubs being withheld in opening of

play (7)7 Ship’s documents are on board - each out

of date (3-6)8 This girl wept. She was petrified! (5)14 Declaration suggests holy man was a

cannibal tribesman, originally (9)16 Soldier recited a poet to get the birds (9)17 Space below one’s brain? Yes and no (8)19 A rabbi, not bishop, standing bill for coffee (7)21 Captures a bishop then sets pieces

cunningly (7)22 From this, how whalebone is produced (6)23 Continue to play in London (5)25 Mark can be a bore (5)




IT was the most-anticipated weekend in the A-League’s history, and the so-called “Del Piero effect” helped crowds and TV ratings hit the jackpot for Football Federation Australia.With average TV viewing figures hitting six figures across the five games last weekend, and the cumulative crowd a record for any regular season weekend, FFA CEO Ben Buckley claimed Sydney FC may set another record this weekend. The 93,500 fans who watched last weekend’s five matches in person beat the previous single-round aggregate from round 3 last season (87,508).There was further joy for the FFA in the record average TV viewership of the A-League in the first round - up an astounding 38 per cent from the corresponding fixtures last yearThe league averaged 108,000 viewers per game last weekend, the first time in history the competition has hit an average of six figures. The Western Sydney vs Central Coast match played at prime-time on Saturday night averaged 123,000 viewers, while Sydney’s match in Wellington averaged 109,000. The competition’s biggest drawcard, Melbourne Victory, had the highest average in their derby against Heart with an average viewership of 129,000. The most watched A-League game ever was the 2007 grand final between Victory and Adelaide which yielded 282,000 viewers.

Pressure on early for rival coaches Rado Vidosic and Ange Postecoglou as Roar prepare to host VictoryTHE A-League season is just one week old, but already master coach Ange Postecoglou and his former apprentice Rado Vidosic are feeling the pressure ahead of Saturday’s clash between Brisbane Roar and Melbourne Victory.Postecoglou, who led the Roar to successive A-League titles, was furious on Friday night after his new club the Victory lost 2-1 in the Melbourne derby to the Heart. Vidosic, Postecoglou’s former assistant now in the Roar hot seat, has also opened the season with a loss, with Brisbane going down 1-0 to Perth Glory in the grand final rematch at Patersons Stadium.The stakes have now increased in Saturday’s grudge match at Suncorp Stadium, with both the Roar and the Victory desperate to open their account. On the other hand a scathing Ange Postecoglou said he could not draw any positives from the derby loss to Melbourne Heart. Despite creating enough chances Victory could have conceded more as Heart missed a host of clear-cut chances when the home side rolled the dice in search of an equaliser. “No point pointing at the players, it’s my responsibility,” Postecoglou said. “I reckon I’ve done something wrong in that build up for us to perform like that and that’s for me to give myself a whack around the head. “We’ve got to be better than that. I was hugely disappointed with our performance.

Dandenong will take on Oakleigh in an enticing final with both sides looking to win their first ever Victorian Premier League Premiership at AAMI Park next Sunday at 5.30pm.

The Thunder earned a place in the Victorian Premier League Grand Final after an emphatic 4-1 win over Green Gully at Kingston Health Complex last Saturday afternoon.

Oakleigh Cannons who had a week off booked their spot into the Victorian Premier League Grand Final after sneaking past Dandenong Thunder in a tense penalty shootout at George Andrews Reserve two weeks ago.

Despite Dandenong being the VPL Minor Premiers and the clear dominant side all season,

their coach Chris Taylor feels his side will be the underdog playing Oakleigh Cannons in next week’s grand final.

“In terms of the final, Oakleigh will be the red hot favourites. We are going to be missing players now for next week.

They beat us last week and will be freshened up by the week off. Oakleigh played in last year’s final and have the experience going for them and pressure is all on them as they have everything to play for.”

Record crowds flock to see A-League stars

ROUND 1 RESULTSMelbourne Victory – Melbourne Heart 1-2

Wellington Phoenix – Sydney FC 2-0

Western Sydney – Central Coast Mariners 0-0

Newcastle Jets – Adelaide United 0-2

Perth – Brisbane 1-0

LADDER1 Wellington Phoenix FC2 Adelaide United FC3 Melbourne Heart FC4 Perth Glory FC5 Western Sydney Wanderers FC6 Central Coast Mariners FC7 Melbourne Victory FC8 Brisbane Roar FC9 Sydney FC10 Newcastle Jets FC

ROUND 2 FIXTURESAdelaide United FC v Western Sydney Wanderers FC

Sydney FC v Newcastle Jets FC

Brisbane Roar FC v Melbourne Victory FC

Melbourne Heart FC v Wellington Phoenix FC

Central Coast Mariners FC v Perth Glory FC


Box Hill United have sealed promoted to State League One with a 2-1 come from behind win over Whittlesea Ranges in the State League Playoff Final at Kingston Heath.

All three goals came directly from defensive errors, with the weather proving difficult to deal with. Ranges took the lead courtesy of a goalkeeping error by Tomas Kovar in the first half before Box Hill got back on terms when Ranges conceded an own goal on the hour mark.

The match was decided in the 80th minute when Petr Kratky scored from the spot after teammate Samuel Catherine was brought down in the box. Box Hill Coach Manni Katakis was proud of the effort of the whole squad.

“We are really, really proud of the guys that are able to work together, and not only that, the assistant coaches, physios, president and committee members have all chipped in a done their part,” he said.


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