the nature of disease.docx

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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The Nature of Disease (Health & Fitness)Preface

The main impetus in writing this booklet is to share information with family and friends, struggling with certain health maladies or just wanting to feel better, whereby they can have at their fingertips wisdom and information that I have gleaned over the past twenty-three years.

Moreover, in my personal quest to seek wisdom for health matters, it became most apparent that there was just too much information out there to which I had access. Much of the information (especially in the main-stream media) was conflicting and more often confusing and thus seemed to continue changing. Little seemed to remain consistent. For instance, one day doctors and scientists proclaim margarine is preferred over butter. Years later, others maintain margarine is evil and that consumers should stay away from it. The debate continues in the twentieth century.

The number of named “diseases” continues to increase and for every disease, there appears to be some corresponding medication or remedy for it. (Has anyone taken a good look at the Physicians' Desk Reference manual? It contains over three thousand two hundred pages of information of prescription medications.) There would be no way for the average guy to know all contained in the voluminous pages of cyberspace let alone keep up with the changing medical profession, their latest identified diseases, and their corresponding prescription medications.

Similarly, the naturopathic industry – in my opinion – runs on the heels of the medical industry in its approach to sickness and disease not due to their training but due to the business of treatment of unhealthy persons. By necessity, naturopathic doctors often deal with patients with preexisting conditions. They often fall prey to the need of the patient to deal with the symptom whereby relief – albeit temporary – is sought. So too, the naturopath must keep up with the many diseases and their corresponding natural remedies.

That was information overload for me. It was reminiscent of audio equipment (stereo equipment) in the mid to late eighties. Some new product, that became the next industry craze, would enter the marketplace. Industry copy writers would test these products and fashion articles suitable for public consumption. They were paid hit men on the payroll of these audio companies marketing their latest product. They were indeed good at what they did. They were professional

copy writers and they would inevitably strike a chord in me that let me to believe that what I had was not good enough and that I should and needed an upgrade. Hence, I found myself always looking for and having to keep up with the latest technology in the audio file market.

Nonsense. I opted out of the audio/electronic market, the medical and naturopathic industry. I did not believe that Yahuah1 (God) make health that difficult for me, someone who was searching for a better way to sustain health and fitness. Because it was difficult for me, someone who was actively searching, I could only imagine how difficult it would be for someone who was unfamiliar with the terrain.

I had to ask myself whether Yahuah (God) had designed our bodies and established health laws so complicated that the average man or woman could not understand for if He had, if would be a cruel hoax on mankind.

My search continued with the thought that Yahuah did engineer our bodies to be a complex machine of flesh, but His health laws are simple for everyone who has an ear to hear, an eye to see, and a heart to receive.

It is from this perspective that I write this booklet to demonstrate the love Yahuah has for all people and all nations regardless of their present system of beliefs. It is through our understanding of who we are and whose we are that we gradually approach a greater understanding of health and wellness, sickness and disease, and how to overcome chronic illness using our bodies preferred method – nature.

I therefore attempt to take you (the reader) on a journey to discover – perhaps re-discover – the origins of man not from a theological or philosophical viewpoint, but from a legal perspective where I will equip you to begin understanding the cause and effect relationship within the health construct as the Creator of mankind has established it.


My purpose here is to facilitate your connecting the dots and making purposeful health choices for improving your health. Most of us have a pretty good grasp of the usefulness of the internet and how we are able to access literally millions of bits of information every time we log on. The amount of information available today is staggering and, at times, somewhat overwhelming. My goal is to

1 Yahuah: The name of the God of the Hebrews. Some often call Him by the names Jehovah or Yahweh since “God” or “LORD” is only a title similar to a professional title of “doctor” (Dr./PhD), “attorney general,” “professor, “pastor,” or the likes.

present this information in a condense form to you to be able to digest it in smaller bite sizes.

Concerning a particular subject matter with which one may have little knowledge – for instance the subject of health – it becomes difficult at best to know where to start, who to listen to, what information to read, and what information is accurate, correct, and true as it pertains to your (the reader’s) concerns or needs. (One size does not necessarily fit all. Everyone is different and has their own set of preexisting health conditions.)

Moreover, most of our access of the internet (as it pertains to health-related issues) is remedial in nature. We, in our attempt to better understand and/or diagnose a particular symptom or group of symptoms, search the internet, if at all, to research a remedy or to simply ease our conscience in knowing that our symptoms are treatable.

Very few of us take a proactive approach to our health and healing process; thus, we spend limited time accessing the internet to better understand how our bodies work and what we can do to achieve a better quality of life. This is most unfortunate because to information is often times right there in front of us or at least within our grasp – a Google search away. We have access to the internet and for those who have the ability to nimbly navigate its vast terrain will reap great rewards as they increase in both skill and knowledge.

However, this is not a course on “how to surf the internet.” This is a course designed deliberately to take the guess work out of health and wellness, sickness and disease and thereby direct you (the reader) to the cause of disease, not the symptoms.

My task, if I am successful, is to assist you – or perhaps more aptly put, direct you – in looking at your health in a new light by placing the dots on the page and arranging them in such a deliberate fashion that you to make the necessary connections if but by stumbling and bumbling at them and arrive at a logical conclusion.

My style may be somewhat unorthodox, yet I am certain that you, in time will gravitate to the desired effect of better understanding your health, the laws of nature, and those rules of engagement that everyone on Planet Earth must either navigate with great precision on become engulfed in the great tidal wave of disease malaise. Think of this as a training ground of which you are unfamiliar. The instruction may appear to come from left field but its intent is most purposeful. You most naturally will be taken off guard and surprised – or

alarmed in many cases – by what is expressed here in these pages and heard in my speaking. Take courage. There is indeed light at the end on the tunnel and it is fast approaching – a better quality of life.

To some, the information will be new and exciting. To others, the information will be a refresher confirming those ideas that they already know but have dedicated little time, effort, and energy to pursue. To many others, the information will conflict with their present-day paradigms that have become sacred cows in the lives of the reader (or listener). Nonetheless, this information is certain to stir the imagination, provoke thought challenge him, and prod the reader (listener) to see his health with new lenses where those things he once overlooked or to which he paid little attention, he now sees with intoxicating freshness.

I cannon overemphasis the idea that one does not differentiate one piece of information from the next unless and until he possesses a firm understanding of how to practically apply that information whereby it have some immediate benefit. In many ways, it just becomes information in a generic sense – somewhat like the theory of relativity. We know about it but fail to understand its application especially as it pertains to us and our lives. (An old proverb best sums this idea: Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all your getting, get understanding.) Proverbs 4:7 Hence, even the wisdom of Solomon is useless unless there is practical understanding on how to apply that wisdom.

Notwithstanding, my objective is to not only impart wisdom, but also impart understanding as it pertains to your health and wellbeing. My attempt is to make your educational experience fun and practical – albeit challenging – so that most, if not all, “get understanding” to the degree that each reader, becomes an active participant in securing their own personal heath-happiness and success.

Consider me a reporter of sort that from time to time will interlace wisdom with my personal and practical experiences where conclusions may be drawn. My job is not to thrust upon the reader my own conclusions but instead to facilitate learning whereby the reader makes his own conclusion based on reason, personal knowledge and experience.

I trust by now that you (the reader) are still on board this voyage sailing to Health and Wellness Island and wish to arrive safely at the appointed destination. Many of you wish desperately that you were already there and enjoying the benefits of health freedoms where you are able to breathe easy after having ran vigorously for the past hours, or perhaps sleep with ease only

to wake up fully refreshed. Where ever you may be on this continuum, whether mountain climbing or working in your garden, my sense is … there is where you want to be enjoying life and living to the fullest.

You are Drug Deficient

If this were not so then why do doctors continue prescribing drugs to combat your symptoms? Is it that you are deficient in cortisol when you have symptoms of arthritis?

Let us begin our journey. Where should we start?

Let us start with you. This seems like a great place to begin. So … why not? My sense is that it is important to begin where you are today and ask the question: “What would be different if you did not have to concern yourself with the present illness (disease) that presently afflicts you?” What would you do? Would you go anywhere different that you always dreamed of going but could not because of health reasons? How would you like to feel? Would you be happier? Cheerful? Would you laugh more? Would you start meeting again? What would you do differently?

Answering these and similar questions have a powerful effect on the mind. It provides purpose – incentive if you will – for the reader to obtain a desired goal or objective to overcome the relativity of health2. (The mind truly is a terrible thing to waste.)

Here is what I mean when using to the expression “relativity of health.” Health is relative. One may measure health in terms of how well he feels today when he awakes. Another may measure health in terms of how he feels emotionally or how he feels while exercising or resting. Still more may measure health in terms of weight or how difficult or easy he is able to get around. All of these are indicators of our health, yet none of us can make a side-by-side, quantitative comparison of how we feel today … to say … how we felt years ago or, for that matter, how we felt yesterday. To most, how we feel today is all that matters. We either feel good, bad or so-so … today.

We can however quantify (body) weight in determining a sense of health. Weight is simply a symptom, an outward expression of what is stirring inside or bodies. It is able to play a role – albeit a small role – in how we (emotionally) feel about ourselves, yet it is not a consistently real indicator to us how we feel throughout the day. (I do however recognize that there are those exceptions

In other words, very rarely do we wake up in the morning and say’ “Gee, I feel really bad because I gained all this weight.” Most of us never associate weight gain to bad or poor health although we may feel sad about the weight gained. We simply chalk it up as something that naturally occurs as we mature, grow old. Even though we are able to measure weight, it is not necessarily a good health-indicator.

2 Health: For all practical purposes, I shall define “health” in relation to life-energy needed for locomotion. Hence, ill health lowers one’s energy to move or express himself.

So for someone to express a desire to become more healthy, he speaks from a relative perspective where he alone knows fully what is meant. Perhaps he may not be able to fully articulate what he wants in terms of “feeling better,” although he is able to associate some type of physical activity or particular lifestyle that he once was able to perform but is presently unable. Moreover, he is able to communicate (medical) symptoms he may be experiencing that hinder or limits his involvement in particular activities.

Hence to ask the question: “What would be different if you did not have to concern yourself with the present illness (disease) that presently afflicts you?” and similar question is not only poignant but salient in the mind of the reader as the mind makes practical connections between health, lifestyle, and activities. Without these useful connections, the body communicates to our minds a sense of feeling (good, bad, so-so) and we act appropriately. We therefore remain on the gerbil wheel as we, felling up and then down, go from one day to the next as we take coffee, prescription medications, over-the-counter meds and/or ointments, or just grin (grimace) and bear with it because we cannot afford better. Life goes on.

Therefore, let us stop, drop, and roll – sort of speaking – and take this opportunity to write in the blank space provided on this page what some of those things are that you would do differently if you were not plagued with those certain illnesses with which you presently live. Those things are your personal thoughts and you can choose to share them with someone – highly recommended – or you can keep them to yourself. Whatever you decide, the choice is yours.


Every building, house, or structure that extends itself above ground has a foundation. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you (the reader) the following question?: On what foundation are you established?

I know that you are above ground by virtue of your reading this and that nature demonstrates time and time again that in order to stand above ground, one (something) must by necessity be grounded. So, “Where or in what are you grounded?” is the question that begs to be asked and answered. You may think that this is a philosophical, political, or theological issue well worth debate. I would descent to exclaim that it is none of the above. It simply is a legal issue. (I shall return later to what I believe is a legal issue and go into more detail what is meant.)

While you determine how best to respond, allow me to state for the record the following: ALL (OR MOST ALL) THAT YOU KNOW OR BELIEVE TO KNOW IS FALSE – FLAT WRONG! (Allow me to finish after dodging darts and arrows flung my way.)

No really. Much, if not all, we know is wrong. Now I understand that you are perhaps reading this and thinking that I am some kind a self-delusional, egotistical, self-acclaimed, narcissistic nut job. Oh no. I assure you that I am all that … and more. But wait … before you put the booklet down and walk away, let us (together) test whether much of what you know or believe to know is correct, accurate, and true. Humor me for just a while.

Before we begin, we first must agree to the terms (language) that we so frequently use and define those terms in concrete ways so as to have everyone on the same page at all times and with equal understanding of what is being conveyed. Agreed?

Some of you, upon reading (or hearing) the above statement that I so emphatically expressed, became … a bit troubled. You are probably educated and well respected in your field of expertise. Some of you even have letters after your names to display to the world that you are well accomplished in your field of study. Others have plaques, medals, and letters of accomplishments that you don on your walls in glassed-framed pictures for all to see. That is outstanding and I value the tireless hours each has spent working to attain those goals.

Moreover, many of you (degreed on non-degreed) agree that your traditional education3 is “good” and has served you well. I too would agree that your education has perhaps served you well but only within your present construct of “society”4 and how you believe you can succeed therein. I shall however descent that your traditional education is “good.”

Without stirring up a lengthy philosophical and political debate about the traditional education and the constructs of society, let me cut to the chase and ask this question: How does one’s – yours in particular – traditional education work outside the current constructs of western society in say … perhaps … the barrios of Mexico, or the small, rural farmer in Iowa who lives fifty miles from the city, or the solider on the battlefields in Iraq?” Marinate on that for a minute.

I have already agreed that your education has in many cases served you well … but only within your present construct or paradigm. On this we agree. I simply want to bring to light that certain programs can only and will only work within the confines of certain constructs. One cannot apply the rules of basketball on a football field or vice versa. The rules will not work in that particular case although they work quite well within their intended constructs.

Now that I have your attention in understanding that there exists these various constructs which together may make up what we may consider “society,” please note that each construct has its own set of rules (laws) that governs those individuals who choose to participate them individually or collectively. If one enters a courtroom and chooses to engage in a business (commercial) transaction, there are a set a rules to which one must adhere. Similarly, if one flies an airplane thirty thousand feet in the air, he too must know and adhere to the rules of engagement or else perish. He, the pilot, has chosen to engage in a different construct that is without the rules on land.

“So what does all this have to do with what I know or believe to know being wrong?” you may ask. Allow me to ask this question: “How does one knowing how to fly an airplane satisfy a hungry belly? Can the knowledge of flying an airplane fill his belly? How does all the world accomplishments cloth a naked child, house a homeless widow, or bring healing to the wounded?” Now I know you might say that these things give us the monetary means to supply these

3 Traditional Education: Specifically, education received (and/or) delivered at the public and private school levels at all delivery points (e.g. pre-school through higher education) throughout North America (western culture). 4 Construct of Society: Akin to how a particular society or environment functions, operates with certain rules (laws) of engagement in order for it survival and self-perpetuation. These constructs are either contrived (man-made) or organic (stem from things natural).

food, clothing, shelter, and healing. I do not deny this. What then happens when the “means” fail and few are able to provide for themselves let alone others?

Hence, many of these constructs (especially as they pertain to society at large) are contrived, man-made, and can – and will – fail or cease to exist.

Could we do without football? Hollywood? Or perhaps commercial air travel? How about the medical industry, the automobile industry, or the banking industry? Could we live without them? I submit we could live quite well without them all. Furthermore, we could eliminate all industry of the face of the earth, maintain a greater standard of living, and have a better quality of life.

The point is that each and every industry where it is the entertainment industry, the food industry, the banking industry, the automobile industry, etc. is composed of various man-made constructs that dictate to those wanting entrance to learn the rules of engagement or else not enter. They are artificial in their nature; thus they are false.

You exclaim, “Oh no!” “They are real!” “They provide the means for food, clothing, shelter, and all the fixings of modern society!” Well … here again I agree that those industries provide a means for food, clothing, shelter, and the fixings. But real? If you consider the game Monopoly real, then I guess those industries too are real from your perspective. However, I want bring to focus “true” or “truth” as these words and their respective meanings are synonymous with the word “real” and contradict the word “false.”

Are industries true or truth? Can something artificially created be true or real?


For those who have had the displeasure of having to take an economics class will know what supply and demand is – or at least have some broad knowledge concerning it. But what really is supply and demand? How does it work (in practical terms)? It is my understanding that if the demand is high for a particular product, that the producer has achieved a certain price level whereby consumers want to purchase it at that particular price thus higher consumer demand. If the producer raises his price, consumers are more likely to curtail their purchases of that particular item. In layman’s terms, prices increase, consumers spend less. Prices decrease, consumers spend more.

The law of supply as stated in economy book, and from the perspective of the businessman (producer), is the relation between consumer cost of a particular product and market supply of that product. In layman’s terms, higher prices

mean greater incentive for the producer/manufacturer to supply that particular product to the market.

increases in justified in relation to the quantity produced by the supplier.

that exists is either contrived or organic.

I would however like to introduce the question

Everyone here is aware of the dots. There is nothing new that most have not already seen or known. My job, if I succeed, is to bring you to a greater awareness about your health, present to you another option (a choice), and assist you – if that is your desire – in implementing the necessary steps to reverse the damages by addressing the causes. But you first need to be aware of the causes. That is the reason for which many of you came today.

Building a Foundation – Establishing a Focal Point

In a world where the good has become the bad and the truth has become a lie, where grown boys walk the streets with their pants so low so as to expose their underwear while grown girls happily entertain and applaud them. One might wonder and ask the question: “Has this world gone mad?” Have we lost our senses or am I for Mars by first understanding that much of all we (you) know to be true is a lie … a falsehood?

Now I completely understand your refusing to accept this fact – Yes. This is a fact which, if you will allow me, I shall prove numerously throughout this class series. I know some of you here today are quite educated and have letters after your name. You are perhaps extremely successful in your field and are quite accomplished. That is outstanding. I dig that! No matter what accolades you may dare flaunt, I have given my final answer. MUCH OF WHAT YOU BELIEVE OR KNOW TO BE TRUE IS FALSE. Let’s test it.

But first … allow me to reference a few notable quotes from a reliable source, the Scriptures:

Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries < G5331> were all nations deceived .

Strong’s Greek Concordance


From G5332; medication (“pharmacy”), that is, (by extension) magic (literal or figurative): - sorcery, witchcraft.

Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

This raises an interesting question whether Scriptures is true or whether something else is and whether evolution is real or whether special creation is real because there really are only two mainstream beliefs in the western world – Evolution and Creationism.

If evolution, then there is random haphazard selection, a roll of the dice. If creationism, then things that exist have purpose and a unique design. Can the two stand side by side? Absolutely not! Each dismisses the other to great degrees and thereby canceling out the other – make the other void. You will need to make the choice.

Let us begin with what I would consider the first dot, Law. Now I know that some of you are asking yourselves, “What does law have to do with sickness and disease?”

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Another way of stating this is for every effect (condition), there is a corresponding cause – cause and effect. Another way of stating this (in the street vernacular) is karma, payback, reap what you sow.

These sayings stem from preexisting laws that predate our existence. From where did they evolve whereby they impact our lives – if evolution is your belief? How did the seed evolve after all these years to continue producing the same fruit year after year, century after century? For where does a seed obtain it genetic structure to reproduce time after time simply by burying it in the ground?

Follow the Money

1Timothy 6:9 But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. 6:10 For the love of money (greed/avarice) is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. (KJV)

The goal or objective of any business is profit, for profit and not the creation of jobs or provision of purposeful services to the community at large, are the reason that people establish businesses. Naturally, in order for a business to survive, it must generate profits each year for reinvestment purposes. One therefore might consider profits as the blood flowing through the veins of the business as it supplies the business the necessary nutrients for it survival.

The formation of industries is based on like or similar business providing like or similar products and/or services to their communities or abroad. Therefore, industries too are profit-driven. Within each of these individual industries exists industry leaders who have captured the lion’s share of the marketplace as indicated by its total volumes of sales throughout a given fiscal year.

Although governments, local, national and international, do not typically stand out as industry leaders in a particular industry, they certainly benefit from, and at times, direct the internal operations of these industry leaders. There are however instances where the federal government directly supports

Take for example the insurance industry in North America. This particular industry consists of several companies that provide various types of insurances to the general population. Nowhere will one find an insurance business federally funded, managed, or operated. The US federal governments do however provide subsidies to various insurance providers to assist the insured with their out-of-pocket expenses. One such program is Medicare where literally billions of tax payer dollars are siphoned off to various insurance companies to augment lost profits they would have otherwise gained if the insured were able to afford their insurance plans.

We can therefore see that these insurance companies

o Law – Define Law (Who/What can we trust?) Law Colors everything we do

Law of Motion Law of Gravity Law of Thermodynamics

o The first law of thermodynamics may be stated as in several ways:

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can only change forms.

In any process in an isolated system, the total energy remains the same.

Law of Order Money, Banks, Marriages, Driving, Children (no

corporeal punishment), Taxes, Insurance, etc. The Word of Yahuah

He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness

o 2Pe 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

o Define “Life”o Define “Godliness”

Did Yahuah Lie? Yahuah Formed Man out of the Dust of the Earth

Gen 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Rom 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

The Chemical Composition of Man Evidence (Examples) and Testimony * Understanding Our Bodies’ Ability to Heal Themselves

o Let us create a business (Have class participants create a business – quickly)

What do we need for start up Product Delivery System (Supply-Chain)

Sale People Marketing Plan Customers

NOTE: The lifeblood of any business is its customers! No customers, no business!

o Let us look at the Industry of Medicine, Health, and Fitness at a macro level

Let us focus on the service or product providers as they deal directly with the end user. That’s you, the (consumer.)

What does each have in common?o Has a product and/or service that people

want/need The product is consumable

o Has a delivery system – Store frontso Has an active sale forceo Has marketing implementationso Has needy customers

Why does each function? What is their purpose for existence?

o To fill a need - Provide comfort for the sicko Make money/earn a profit

What happens if all the customers stop buy/consuming their products?

NOTE: Examine percentages (w/numbers) of US economy that are tied to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

How do you (w/justification) increase or raise the price of a product – outside of the rise of the cost of living (doing business) – where you know the product is in great demand?

o Convince the public that there exists a shortage – Remember Peel Oil?

o Outlaw it – Prohibition?o Have a monopoly – Remember the game?

NOTE: Show participants the cost to produce one pill of several different medications.

o Define Health and Fitness What it is and What it is not

o Identifying the Players within the Health and Fitness Industry

Who are they What do they do? (What do they promote?)

o Understanding the Nature of Business – Profit Business Are in Business to Make a Profit and Increase

Their Bottom Line Market Products and Services Need Consumers – More Consumer/Greater Profits Advertising – A Methodology to Increase Product

Demand/Sales and Sway the Consumer

* NOTE: Detail this later in your body.

o The HUMAN FACTOR We Are Creatures of Habit

We all the sum total of all the things we have personally experienced since our birth

We Behave in Like Fashion of all those Things we have both experienced and embraced

The YOU Factor (Show reports stating lifestyle changes recommended)

It is possible to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes in those at high risk for developing the disease. Clinical trials have shown that losing 5 to 7 percent of body weight – that's 10 to 14 pounds for a 200-pound person – and getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 60 percent in those at high risk for developing the disease.

(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA)


Debunking Some of the Health and Fitness Mythso Supplements – Take this pill and you will feel bettero Join our club/gym and you too will look like me (fitness model)o Fitness o Doctors can heal their patientso Allopathic medicine poses no threat to our bodies (True, only if

you do not subscribe to it.)o We Want to Find a Cure for Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, etc. –

There are treatments (cures)that allow the body to heal itself

o Food is Not Always Food Give example of hamburger ingredients

o Eating Healthy Does Not Always Get You the Results You Want – It is only part of the puzzle

Rest Exercise Body Hygiene (Cleansings) Re-mineralization

Broke Lawo Penalties (Results) for Breaking Laws

Insurance = Irresponsibility = limited liability Guardian-Ward Relationship

Consumption of Pork Consumption of Fats (bad fats) Poor (Inadequate) Consumption of Vegetables Lack of Physical Exercise (Work/Production) Sabbath Rest


Responsibilityo Call to Begin Taking Responsibility

for One’s Own Body (Health) for One’s Children (Household) DO YOUR RESEARCH - STUDY MAKE TIME (Each of us has the same amount of time in a

day – 24hrs.) START TODAY – NO PROCRASTINATION! SEEK HELP (You cannot and will not do this on your own –

The Human Factor)o Becoming a Beacon for Others (Shine Your Light)

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