the name above all names 09

Post on 24-May-2015






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The greatest name of the greatest King ever known


The name above all names

This name is not only the name of above all names it is the very fabric of the universe for it holds everything together, for all things were made by him… John 1:3


This name is the foundation of every mountain and every valley;

It's the beginning of every stream and the supply of every ocean from the first raindrop to the last shower.

The name above all namesThis name is the reason that flowers bloom and apples grow on trees, it's the reason the sun shines during the day and the moon glows at night.

It’s the name that hung the stars into space and set the boundaries of the oceans.

This name is the reason for Adams race and for our redemption on a cruel cross.

It's the reason life exists even in the darkest of places, from a mother's womb to the black darkness of the grave.

This name creates order out of disorder, health out of sickness, joy out of sorrow and peace out of turmoil.This wonderful name brings light where there is darkness, liberty where there is bondage and freedom to those in bondage and slavery.

This name is a counsellor to the troubled mind, rest for the weary and blessings to the poor in spirit.

It’s the bread of life to the hungry and a well spring of joy to those who are in sorrow.

This name is peace when life falls apart, it's a strong tower for the weak, Proverbs 18:10

It’s a refuge for the abused and a fortress when our enemy becomes to strong for us to fight… Jeremiah 16:19

This name is a habitation for the fearful, a shield for the terrified and a covering from the snare of the fowler and wicked plague Psalm 91

This name satisfied the longing soul and fills the hungry soul with goodness even those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death… Psalm 107:9-10

This name lifts up the poor out of the dust and the needy out of the dunghill.

It make the barren woman to keep house and to be the joyful mother of children… Psalm 113:7-9

This name is the reason that death has no sting and the grave no victory… 1 Corinthians 15:55

This name is one you can trust for in his name devils are cast out, in his name sickness is healed, diseases die and abundant life is found.

This name is filled with good promises that cannot fail,

It saves the lost, it heals the sick, it cleanses the leper and it raises the dead to life.

This name is above all other names, it is 'greater than any other name that can be named'

He is greater than any other person who ever lived on the face of this planet.

So; just who is this man? What is this name which can change a beggar into a prince and a sinner into a saint?Who is this man that can heal the broken hearted and the sick with just his word?

Who holds the world in the palm of his hand and who holds you?

Who can shape the future,


The son of the living God!

Now that you know why not call out his name today? Call and he will rescue you from despair and pain, sickness or disease.

Call on him, shout out his name or even whisper it and he will answer you and turn your life around….

Call on his name and he will rescue you from a ‘sin filled hell’ and give you a sinless heavenly homeInstead…

Just in case you forget: His name is..


David Robinson ©

A Studio 18 Production 2009

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