the must have leadership traits

Post on 30-Oct-2014






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leadership traits if you want to succeed

3. Short-term results can be driven by a manager’s words. Long-term results are

driven by a leader’s actions.

5. Successful leaders realize the importance of not just the major moves

they make, but also the small ones.

6. Successful leaders have teams that are unified in knowing both the

goals of the organization and how each

person’s actions

affect the achievement

of those goals.

7. Strong leaders are able to impact performance as much by what they do not

say as by what they do say.

8. Leaders create both formal and informal communication networks

within their organization.

9. Leaders recognize that establishing and nurturing mentoring networks is essential

in high-performing organizations.

10. Leaders utilize the informal network of an organization to receive

feedback and monitor the health of the team.

11. Successful leaders create organizations comprised of individuals who

have a desire to continuously improve.

12. Leaders work to create an environment among the entire organization that encourages dialogue among peers in

an effort to improve themselves.

13. Leaders are comfortable

with communication flowing back up

to them and how to deal with

it once it’s received.

16. Successful leaders realize the personal impact they make on the people they come in contact with every day. By understanding

the sacred role they play in the lives of people, they are more cognizant of how they

choose to interact with them.

18. High-performing leaders are ones who do not merely pass

along information. Rather,

they filter the information to

ensure it’s what the organization needs to

know and that it’s communicated in an

appropriate manner. This does not mean leaders

keep their teams in the dark.

19. Leaders accomplish their tasks through other people, not themselves.

20. Leaders understand how a person’s output is impacted by their attitude.

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