the msit voice (december 2009 issue)

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    December 2009 Issue

    1st Anniversary Special

  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    From the Editor's Desk

    Seing Goals for oneself!!!

    Anyone who does anything worthwhile anywhere has consciously or

    unknowingly followed through on goals.

    It was not until I listened to Robin Sharma recently, my faith in goal setting got reasserted.

    Well, more than the mechanics of goal setting, I guess its always the facts and anecdotes

    related that makes us realize the vitality of such mechanisms. The story I listened to sounded

    very simple but it did carry an important message highlighting goal setting. Oziola, an African

    lady, orphan by birth had decided to do the laundry of the people in the colony to eke out a l

    iving. She decided to deposit a dollar a day from her earnings in a bank close by. Every day

    she deposited a dollar religiously. When asked by the bank manager as to what she wants todo with the amount that she has accumulated for 20 years continuously, she responded saying

    that 1/10th of the amount should go to the church, another 1/10th to her relatives and the rest

    should be given to a university. She wanted a scholarship to be given on her name to a poor

    student. Even today, the university in S.A. runs a scholarship on her name and a student gets

    funded on her name.

    Thinking about it, Oziola was not educated, she never attended any management lectures nor

    soft skills sessions on goal setting or leadership, she was not nancially well o to have thought

    of charity. But yet, she had a vision, she set goals right from the day she started earning and she

    contributed incessantly, though the savings she made each day were seemingly insignicant

    she continued contributing. Her persistence and clear vision enabled her reach her target.

    What drives people to contribute back to society or what drives people to achieve what they

    dream is a dierent topic but what can get them any closer to where they want to go is what I

    thought I would speak of. Some of us have the best facilities and resources in the world but yet

    cannot reach those targets we set for ourselvesgoal setting can help there!!

    Luminaries such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa have not achieved what

    they wanted in just one go.they faced their share of trouble in life but have consistently added

    small goals in their agenda and kept working towards them. Moving away from politicians and

    getting into the realm of technology we have witnessed achievers like Narayan Murthy and Azim

    Premji who had never given up but kept assessing themselves along their way reaching goals

    they set for themselves. Walt Disney (the man behind the joy of Disney) or Colonel Sanders (KFC),Captain Gopinath (founder of Air Deccan), J.K.Rowling (creator of Harry Potter) have not become

    successful in their rst attempt but their perseverance and never give up attitude helped them

    reach their goals. History speaks of many such successful personalities who kept incessantly

    working towards small goals and made it big in life.


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    Without goal setting, having an aim is simply wishful thinking. A few steps that we could practice

    in goal setting can make it easier to practice. Developing a desire, passion would be the foremost

    of all. This is what helped Stephen Spielberg to turn into a movie director. Further on, it is writing

    the goal which helps converting the intangible, hazy ideas into measurable and specic targets.

    We could redene our goals to engrave rmer impressions. Recognizing the obstacles to reach

    our targets and setting realistic deadlines can get us closer to our objectives. Sketching a plan

    and visualizing our goal and help us focus, not luring us from our course. Lastly perseveranceor, persistence stands out as an indispensable factor reecting our mental toughness. Alexander

    Flemings persistence to discover an alternative to antiseptic led to a ground breaking discovery

    of antibiotics.

    The world works on this principle, all our lives stand a testimony to the fact that what ever we

    achieved in life as we see it today has come to us through constant trials attempting to upgrade

    ourselves. A marathon can be seen as a fusion of sprints. And so the principles of goal setting

    seem to have strong foundations and can be the best proven mechanism to fuel us with required

    self condence, motivation to make the most of our life. It works for MSIT tasks too!! Its for you

    to identify where you want to go and turn the vision of future into a reality.

    The heights that great men and women reached and maintained were not attained by a sudden

    ight, but because, while their companions slept, these men and women were toiling upward in

    the night incessantly.

    Its been a year that weve started MSIT Voice (time to celebrate its anniversary!) and I had the

    pleasure of interacting with all of you through a few articles of mine. It wasnt a goal that I set

    for myself but I had taken the liberty of setting a goal (monthly contribution of articles) for all

    of you, assuming that Voice can provide a platform to share your thoughts, ideas, values,

    opinions, knowledge. Im happy to acknowledge the fact that the ex-MSITians have also been

    contributing to Voice.

    The words we choose, the way we communicate denes our personality, Voice can dene ourMSIT culture. Make the best use of this launch pad and communicate your ideas.

    Padmaja Naraharisetty

    Principal Mentor, Soft Skills.


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    Poets Corner

    The Bridge Across Forever

    Adedication to Mr. Richard Bach, one of my favorite novelists, and to his Novel The

    Bridge Across Forever, which has a great impact on me. It has touched me a lot. Ofthe entire novel, I have ever read, it has been unforgettable. It has been a journey ofloneliness with the book. Still it has never left me alone. It has been the most inspiring,loving and memorable journey.. Each time I turn its pages, I find something new. I lovethis book as much as a lover loves his beloved and perhaps much more than that....

    We are the bridge, across forever.

    Never meet, yet always together.

    Searching and searching, and nding not.

    What to search, I know not.

    It's just a dream, a dream.

    To be together.

    Is it love, which binds us together?

    Is it freedom, which keeps us farther?

    So let us see, who will win;

    freedom or love.

    For, we chase, the so called freedom,

    and something else chases us,

    perhaps, an inner voice.

    But, we can keep only one

    by losing, another.Can't we be balloons, in the sky?

    And just y high?

    So that, no one will be,

    looked down upon,

    by the deadly weight ,of the other?

    Still, even if we are together,

    the bridge seems across forever.

    Sriya SinghninaSoft Skills Mentor



  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    Veering Map of the DeccanCollating Hyderabad in distinctive aspects..

    Hyderabad The City of Braves, splendid for incorporating diverse cultures, acclaimed forits elevation in every atomic social element, appraised for booming development in the

    eld of IT at swift speed. It has been a dream place for young aspires across the globe over a

    decade, and has been acknowledged by leading MNCs for equipping world class infrastructure.

    It has certainly made the nation to feel proud of its achievements.

    The place where world class education is feathered from premium B-school ISB, NALSAR

    University of law being one of the top universities in feeding law, ANGRAU distinguished

    for its research in agricultural domain, DRDO- being the backbone for missile developments,

    HCU- acclaimed for providing post graduates the Excellency required. Conjointly, the burghal

    is known for having lm studios and laboratories which maintain international standards.

    Archaic Its essence

    Deccan has annexed colossal antiquity, which reveals

    its acceptation. The epoch dates us back to 3rd century

    BC, the era of Mauryas and lasts till 17th century.

    During this aeon, the city was administered by

    Bahmani Sultanates (1400-1518), and the year 1518

    is considered as the foundation year of Hyderabad.

    This is the beginning of Qutb Shahi Dynasty; the

    sultans of this dynasty were admirable learners and

    ecient builders. They augmented to the growth and

    development of Indo-Persian and Indo-Islamic

    literature and culture in Hyderabad. This laid foundation

    to accommodate cultural diversity, which is found in

    few cities of India. There is a transfer of power in the

    middle of 17th century. It approached the hands of

    Moghul emperor who domineered for four decades.

    Subsequently it came under the governance of Nizams. The rule of the seven Nizam's saw

    the growth of Hyderabad both culturally and economically. Huge reservoirs, like the Nizam

    Sagar, Tungabhadra and others were built. Survey work on Nagarjuna Sagar had also begun

    during this time. Hyderabad, under the Nizam's, was the largest princely state in India. Area

    wise it was as big as England and Scotland put together. The State had its own currency, mint,railways, and postal system.


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    At this moment

    Unfortunately the present situation arms the worst ever time the city

    has been faced. It was acknowledged for administering the simple needsof the society like convenient trac management, water supply, continuous

    supply of electricity, appropriate functionality in every aspect required.

    The veering face of the Deccan posts many queries which are to be

    elucidated not only by the bureaucrats, but also by its citizens. Every

    Hyderabadi has played their role in bringing down its eminence in some

    or the other way.

    Today to discuss about the problems faced, the count can certainly cross two digits, which

    impacts the normal ow of life of a common man in Hyderabad.

    They can be postulated as:

    a) The city being rated rst for having worst trac sense.

    b) The city which is once treated as secured than any other now got an image of least

    secured as a result of frequent terrorist attacks.

    c) The city which is well known for its excellence in R&D has tasted bitterness of mishaps.

    d) Amplied crime rate.

    e) Depletion in water supply and management.

    f ) Most importantly the condition of the city reveals the picture of a ooded area even

    for a considerable rain and results in trac halting for longer hours.

    We, as the part of it, censure the ocials and bureaucracy ignoring some of the mistakescommitted by us. Nothing is achieved until we have that actuation and immense desire to

    compass the lost glory of the city. We hardly take care of ourselves in this coeval world, but it

    is our responsibility to bring the change, even if we have chosen someone else to administer it.

    We as a social element need to have a sensible respect towards the surroundings around us

    and utilize the resources in a proper manner.

    It is our city , No evil actions can encroach our Spirit ..!

    Bhargavi1st year



  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)




    Half a Cup of Sugar

    s a six year old, I was utterly fascinated with the hot brown liquid called Tea. It was a dierent

    thing that I was never allowed to have it. Little children Do Not have tea is what my ma rmlybelieved, though as compensation, shed let me have my milk in a tea cup.

    To be honest, thats all what I wanted. To drink something from a tea cup. I liked the idea of

    adding sugar to my cup and then stir the contents, all the while pretending to be deep in

    thought. When you are six years old, stirring sugar in a cup is enough to fascinate you.

    Anyway, there was this one time, when I logically decided that since it was sugar that seemed

    to be adding the sweetness to my milk, quite naturally I ought to be having a lot of it. That was

    it. That was all the logic I required to convince my six year old self, to energetically start adding

    sugar to my milk. One spoon. Two spoons. Three spoons. I guess, I only stopped when I had

    reached the seventh or the eighth spoon. This certainly had to be the sweetest cup of milkanyone had ever tasted!

    Enthusiastically I took a gulp which I then managed to spew out with as much speed! For a

    while after that, I had almost developed a phobia for sugar. Id actually begun to keep a safe

    distance from the sugar jar that Id usually orbit.

    I was only six then, yet I learnt perhaps lifes greatest lesson. Too much sweetness, may not

    be such a good thing. So today when life gives me to taste, certain very bitter lessons, I just

    remember this -Its the sad and the ugly that give a certain balance in life. And each time Im

    low, I remind myself that if everything were to be like that sweetened glass of milk, Id probably

    spend my time, only throwing up!!

    Amrita Suresh

    Soft Skills Mentor



  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    Wedding Bells Ringing!!

    Mrs. Sweta PadmaIT Mentor, MSIT

    Mrs. KrishnaveniIT Mentor, MSIT


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    A group of students from MSIT IIIT-H attended,Indias Premier Free and Open Source Software Conference

    held in Bangalore this month...

    A few snapshots from the event... exclusively for the readers of MSIT Voice!!!

    At the venue...


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    At the Seminars...

    At the Workouts...

    With famous FOSS gurus from around the world...


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    Hands on demo on the yet-to-be-released

    N900 Maemo TabletAt the Yahoo! booth...

    KDE goodies at the event

    At I.I.Sc. Bangalore...


  • 8/14/2019 The MSIT Voice (December 2009 Issue)


    We are eagerly waiting to hear your Voice!!

    Send in your comments and suggestions

    regarding this months Voice to

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