the morning trickle - august issue

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A journal from the School of Communication, Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science



I N I T I A T I N G C H A N G EVol.1, Issue.11, For Private Circulation Only 4 Pages, Wednesday, August 30, 2012

In-house Journal of the School of Communication, Dr. G. R. Damodaran College of Science, Coimbatore - 14. Printed at Kalaikathir Achchagam, Coimbatore - 37.

We welcome you all One of the greatest unsolved mysteries of today’s world is the Bermuda Triangle (aka the Devil’s Triangle), located deep in the northwest Atlantic Ocean; the Bermuda Triangle is a highly debated topic and has intrigued millions of people worldwide. This Triangle has been causing mysterious disappearances of countless ships and airplanes, never to be heard from again.The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon came into spotlight in the 1950’s, fuelled by several books and documentaries and supported by mishaps dating back to 1918, where a USS Cyclops carrying a crew of 309 departed from the island of Barbados and never returned. Other notable disappearances attributed to the Devil’s Triangle include the disappearance of Flight 19 (1945), Star Tiger and Star Ariel (1949), Douglas DC-3 (1948), KC-135 stratotankers (1963), steamer SS Cotopaxi (1925) etc. If those disappearances were intriguing, even more intriguing was the disappearance of two guards at the Great Isaac Newton Lighthouse in 1969.Flight 19 incident is considered to be the most famous disappearance attributed to the Bermuda Triangle. In December 1945, Flight 19, a training flight carrying bombers disappeared. Some say that the control dials had started working in an erratic manner. What’s more bizarre is the fact that the PBM Mariner which was sent for a search mission on Flight 19 also met the same fate.Over the years many theories have come forward. Scientists believe that most of the occurrences are either due to human error or due to natural phenomenon but they have failed to provide any substantial proof. This has led to a common

The inaugration of commu-nication department for the acadamic year “Communique 2012”, was held on 22nd August, the wednesday, at GRD - IT hall . Mr. Chezhiyan, Chair-man of Lingass Media, Erode and Chennai was the Guest of honour for the function. The event began with lighting of auspicious lamp by digna-tories. Ms.G.Radha, Head - School of Communication, welcomed the gath-ering. Mrs.Geetha Padmanaban, Sece-retary ,GRD Institutions, presided over the function. Welcoming the freshers

into the department, in her speech she stressed on the importance of media and its role in our day to day life. Mr.Cheziyan gave insights to the students on the "Recent trends in the media industry".Beginning his speech, paying tribute to his parents, who were the root cause of his cur-rent position, he shared his various

experiences in the industry, from his initial days of struggles and hardship to the present success.He said that in any successful venture, criticisim is a natural occurance and instead of loos-ing confidence we must be sure about yourself and have faith in our skills and work hard.He also mentioned that to excel in any field of media, one has to have the knowledge on all the other fields and subjects, which he strongly believes that it is provided by the courses like visual communication and mass com-

munication. He ended his inpiring speech by wishing the students a grand suc-cess in their future ventures. Principal, Mrs.T.Santha felici-tated the gathering and the ceremony ended with applauding cultural perfor-mances by the students of the depart-ment.

Have we ever observed why our mind thinks continuously? Where do the thoughts arise from? Have we devised any particular method for thinking? Are we getting disturbed of thinking continuously? Does thinking process provide the needed solutions to our problems? Can’t we stop thinking?

These questions may seem puzzling to you, but still answerable.

When we analyze, we can find a lot of factors affecting our peace of mind, namely Ego, Desire, Conflict, Dominion, Inferiority, Loneliness, and Relationship and so on.

Firstly, Comparing our character, our position, our beauty, our earnings, our wealth, our knowledge, our religion, our god, our talent, our familiarity, our authority, our strength, our weakness, our health, our addiction, our past, our future and an endless list with someone is the root cause for the entire problem.

Absolutely thinking process

The Devil's triangleScares Sadiq Saleh, 3rd B.Sc Visual Communication

belief amidst the people, who suspect involvement of supernatural powers and alien abduction. Imaginations of people soared new heights with emergence of theories of time warp. This suggests that the ships and planes entered a different time zone once they reached the Bermuda Triangle. As per the theory, it would probably mean the crew and people are still alive somewhere else in a parallel universe.The Bermuda triangle mystery was critically slammed in 1975 by author Larry Kusche. In his book ‘The Bermuda Triangle Mystery: solved’ he stated that “the legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery, perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism.” Larry noticed a ‘strange’ pattern wherein ships and aircrafts which never took off and accidents that happened in some other part of Atlantic were made a part of the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. U.S navy refusing to identify any such region in the Atlantic, and oceanographers stating that the accidents were usual due to weather conditions made Larry’s claims even more credible. But the fact remains that the Bermuda Triangle has a mysteriously high amount of disappearance without a trace. Although substantial documentation exists to show that many reports have been exaggerated, there is still no explanation for the unusually large number of disappearances in the area. Despite numerous theories and assumptions, nothing has proven to be conclusive. The Devil’s Triangle still remains to be an enigma to many.

does not occur in our heart, but in our brain. Thinking about us has always lead to most of the emotional problems. As and how we must safe guard us physically from getting hurt and suffer from pain, so should we preserve our mind from thinking.

Despite all these, your mind keeps on thinking to find solutions for many problems, unfortunately, we could not make any decision at the end of thinking process.

Why? The real cause is, we are not trained to think in right method. We are not ready to analyze the real aspects of the problem. We tend to approach the problem by narrowing towards what is positive to us alone. We are hesitating to accept solutions to the problem, which seems negative to us.

We are in-bound with emotional feelings to the so called problem. Relationship between problems will create sensitive issues to the concerned person. We are expecting immediate solutions to the problem. We are applying the same

solutions, which has helped us in the past. We are seeking permanent remedies to the problem. And we do not know difference between problems and facts.

Considering all the above said factors, we must observe the problem without any bias. Without assuming the existing solutions to the existing problem, we should seek new solutions that will definitely lead to take right decision on right time.

Not only Buddha, you could become an enlighten one. But how is it possible? Before wanting to find solution to any problem, we must come to a better understanding of the thinking process that happens within our mind. To observe thinking process properly, we must practice watching it continuously like a film without interrupting. With passage of time, we could easily understand our mind is rewinding all the dumped past memories of our life continuously. Flushing out all the past memories from our conscious mind regularly will give us a clear vision

to observe the present situation. Documenting and classifying all our memories, we could quickly find out and remove which may not be wanted anymore. After refining all these past memories will create so much of space in our mind, it will let to pour fresh essence of the present life.

There is an interesting story to share with you. Long ago, there was a very old and enlightened philosopher living in a village, and he was very happy to offer education to many, besides his disciples. One fine day a man came to join as one among his disciples, with lot of prejudice. The philosopher welcomed and offered tea. When philosopher poured tea into his cup it overflowed, and even then he did not stop pouring it. The man yelled at the philosopher to stop, and asked him why did you do this? Philosopher replied that you are over flowing with your prejudice, if you do not empty your vessel, you cannot pour anything more.

Let us think about it.

Click - Rewind - PlaySUGGESTS D.Elaiyaraja, Assistant Professor School of Communication

Says Sruthi R Mallya, 2nd B.Sc Visual Communication

Photography by : Enosh Peter , III Year Visual Communication

2 Coimbatore, August 30, 2012


Spoken Hindi Made Easy

1. Yes sir ! What you want? Can i help you? Ji sahab ! Aapko kya chahiye? Kya mein aapki koyi madad kar saktha hun?2. Yes i want some sarees? Han mujhe kuch sadiyan karidnee hai ?3. Please come sir! Han ji bhai sahab aayiye!4. Take your seat sir. What type of saree you want? Aayiyee baithiye. Aapko kis prakar ki sadiyien cha hiye?5. I need 12 banarasi sarees of good quality. Mujhe achche kism ki 12 banarasi sadiyien chahiye.6. Take care that all sarees are of the same range. Dhyan rahe ki saari sadiyion ke daam ek hi ho.7. Do you have any colour specification sir? Sahab kya apko kuch khaas rangon ki farmaish hai.8. No! But i need only traditional pattern in dark colours with attractive zari borders . Nahi! Par mujhe paramparik prakar ke gahre rang ke Par wali zari ki sadiyyien chahiye. 9. Yes sir ! Kindly come this side. We have exclusive collections in separate section. Han bhai sahab! Zara yis taraf aayiye. Hamare paas yis kism ki sadi ke alag jagah hai.10. Ok fine! But can u make it fast . Accha teekh hai! Kya aap zara jaldi dikha sakthein hain.

1.The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolca-nokoniosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters is pneumonoultra-microscopicsilicovolcanoconioses, its plural. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Let me define this for you; pneumono = lungs ultramicroscopic = just what it says silico=silicon volcano=just what it says coni = dust osis = inflammation

2.The longest place-name still in use is Taumatawhakatangihanga-koauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, a New Zealand hill.

3.There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious."

4.The longest one-syllable word in the English language is "screeched".

With 9 letters, screeched ties with scratched, scrounged, scrunched, stretched, and the plural nouns straights and strengths for longest one-syllable word. There are longer one-syllable words that are not includ-ed in the Oxford English Dictionary.

5."Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".

6.There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs five times: "indivisibility".

7.A sentence that contains all 26 letters of the alphabet is called a "pangram".

8.The following sentence contains all 26 letters of the alphabet: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." This sentence is often used to test typewriters or keyboards


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R. Mahalakshmi, Asst. Professor, English Deprtment.

Parched Pranav Mathur, III B.Sc Visual Communication.

It had been the worst week of his life. His Continued Sickness and deteorating health which lead to brutal fights between his parents, his best friend, Alok’s dad had got a transfer to a different state and now this. Quite frankly he didn’t know how to deal with it, he was just 16 after all. As he trudged along the muddy path that was the path to the secret spot near the big banyan tree where he and Alok smoked cigarettes wearing trench coats and hats in their mind’s eye, he realised that this spot was only his now. As he stood under the tree smoking, he thought back to happier times when he and Alok had organised dirt races for their entire gang at that very spot. There used to be four of them, excluding himself. Vicky, Manoj, Sharan and Alok.Vicky, Manoj and Sharan had all left a long time ago and now it was Alok's turn to go. Leaving him as alone, as lonesome as the snow clad boulders on a cold winter’s day.As he stubbed out his cigarette he ented his anger on the butt of the cigarette, squashing it until it could barely be seen against the brown soil. As he looked at his hands

which were just bone and nothing else, he wondered why was it that he couldnt eat more than a handfull of bites permeal. The doctor had said that he was suffering from Anorexica or some bullshit.Or was it Aneroxia? Thu, Who cares !?! He just didnt feel like eating, why couldnt his parents understand that? Instead they kept playing the blame game and kept having huge fights in which his father would swear in the vilest of words possible and his mother would cry and scream alternately. Everytime his parents fought, a huge hot burning ball of depression made its way through his body. Especially when they fought because of him. One afternoon not so long ago, after a particularly nasty fight is when he had his first cigarette. Sometimes, he just felt like running away from it all. And now this. He couldnt believe that he had lost all of his examination money betting on the India-Bangladesh match. He thought he was playing the odds as he bet against India cause that was what had happened the last time India had faced Bangladesh. DAMN !! As he trudged home he resigned himself to a major yelling

session. He was sure about it. It was about to rain so he hurried up, reluctantly. When he neared home he noticed that both the cars were at home, which meant that mom and dad were at home. When he entered the house he couldnt find them. Then he went to the living room and there they were. His father was lying on the sofa fast asleep and his mother was sitting down on the rug with her head on her husbands lap and her delicate left hand in his big and strong right one.She was asleep too. He watched this scene with so much happiness. The very idea of love between his parents filled him with peace and erased all his earlier signs of disquiet. He felt utterly and completely at peace with himself. He rushed upstairs to the terrace to savour the first drops of rain of the season and soothe his parched heart. It had been the best week of his life.


AP - Associate Press

AIR - All India Radio

NRS - National Readership Survey

NUJ - National Union of Journalists

TRP - Television Rate Points

RNI - Registrar of Newspapers

in India

TRAI - Telecommunications

Regulatory Authority of India

ABC - Audit Bureau of Circulation

ICT - Information and

Communication Technology

PCI - Press Council of India

POV - Point Of View

PTI - Press Trust of India

HTML - HyperText Markup


UNI - United News of India

3Coimbatore, August 30, 2012


LûRdL[mtpyfpr; bry;Y';fs;

j. ,isauh$h/ Jizg; nguhrphpah;/ fhl;rpj; bjhlh;gpay;Jiw.

f;U#;zh fng krhyh njhirf;Fk; fhgpf;Fk; vdf;Fk; epiwa bjhlh;g[ cz;L. ,uz;L ehisf;F xU KiwahtJ rhg;gplhtpl;lhy; vdf;F ntiyna XlhJ. mg;goj;jhd; ,d;W khiy tPL jpUk;g[ifapy; f;U#;zh fngia ghh;j;jJk; vd; tz;o jhdhfnt jpUk;gpaJ. cs;ns EiHe;J thof;ifahf ehd; cl;fhUk; nlgpspy; mkh;e;J rg;isaiuj; njondd;. mUk;g[ kPira[ld; RWRW fz;fSld; xU ,sk; thypgd; te;J epd;whd;. Vwf;Fiwa 20 taJ ,Uf;Fk;. gs;spg; gog;ig Koj;J tpl;ltd; nghy njhd;wpdtd; "xU krhyh njhir/ KWfyh" vd;W brhy;ypf;bfhz;nl/ ghz;o ,y;iyah vd;nwd;. ghz;o vd; tHf;fkhd rg;isah;. vd;idg; ghh;j;jJnk xU krhyh njhir KWfyh/ rhpah rhh; vd;ghd;.

vd; kfdpd; gog;igg; gw;wpa[k;/ n#h; khh;f;bfl;ilg; gw;wpa[k; ngRk; mstpw;F gHf;fk;. me;j g[J ,is"d; "mtU yPt[. ehd; ,d;dpf;Fjhd; rhh; nrh;e;njd;" vd;whd;. "eP vd;W nrh;e;jha; vd;W ehd; nfl;nldh> kdjpy; epidj;Jf; bfhz;nl/ rhp rhp bfhz;L th" vd;nwd;. g[hpe;Jbfhz;lhw;nghy; cs;ns brd;whd; me;j ,is"d;.rpwpJ neuj;jpy; krhyh njhir te;jJ. KWfyhf ,y;yhky;. nfhgj;Jld; "ehd; KWfyhfj;jhd nfl;nld;" vd;W ,iue;njd;. mtd; epjhdkhf rhhp rhh;! ehDk; KWfyhfj;jhd; brhd;ndd;. kh!;lUk; g[JR mjhd; vd;W brhy;y brhy;y ehd; rhp! rhp! Twpf; bfhz;nl rhg;gpl Muk;gpj;njd;. njhiria ,g;go rhg;gpLtJk; ed;wha;j;jhd; ,Ue;jJ. ,dpnky; ghz;oaplk; ,g;goj;jhd; bfhz;Ltu brhy;y ntz;Lk; vd;W epidj;Jf;bfhz;nl rhg;gpl;L Kof;Fk; ntisapy;/ mtd; te;J epd;whd;. "rhh; ,d;bdhz;q brhy;yl;Lkh/ rhh; KWfyh" vd;whd;. nfhgkha; te;jJ. "vy;yhk; bjhpa[k;. vdf;F ntqk;dh ehd; brhy;Yntd;". "xU fhgp bfhz;Lth ngh/ of;fhf;#d; J}f;fyh" vd;nwd;. fhgp te;jJ. tHf;fk; nghy of;fhf;#d; J}f;fyhf. me;j fhgpapd; Rit ehf;fpy; ,w';Fk;nghJ krhyh

njhirapd; fhuj;Jld; nrh;e;J ,dpj;jJ. kdk; me;j yapg;gpy; MH;e;J mDgtpj;jnghJ/ fhgp Koe;Jtpl;lJ. ml mjw;Fs; jPh;e;J tpl;lnj! fk;kpaha; bfhz;L te;jpUg;ghndh! vd;W re;njfg;gl;Lf; bfhz;oUf;Fk; nghnj te;J epd;whd; "rhh; ntw VjhtJ".nfhgk; mjpfhpj;jJ. "c';f tPl;y fhgpf;F mg;g[wk; ntw VjhtJ rhg;gpLth';fshg;gh> gpy;y bfhz;lhg;gh" vd;nwd;.gpy;Yld; te;jhd;. 48 +gha; xU KG nehl;il vLj;J ePl;ondd;. vLj;Jf;bfhz;L brd;whd;. rpwpJ neuk; MdJ. mtd; jpUk;g tutpy;iy.kzp ghh;j;njd;. neuk; ngha;f; bfhz;oUe;jJ. mtd; ,';Fk; m';Fk; ele;J bfhz;Lk;/ ghh;j;Jf; bfhz;Lk; ,Ue;jhndbahHpa tutpy;iy. kpr;rj;ij tpl;Lg;

nghft[k; gakhapUe;jJ. ghz;oahf ,Ue;jhy;Tl guthapy;iy. Mapuk; +ghahf ,Ue;jhYk; mLj;j Kiw tUk;bghGJ bfhLj;J tpLthd;. ,td; nky; vndh ek;gpf;if tutpy;iy. rpwpJ neuk; fHpj;J gpy; jl;oy; ,uz;L +gha[ld; te;J itj;Jtpl;L brd;whd;. vJt[k; ngrtpy;iy. og;!; itf;fyhkh vd;W nahrpj;njd;. ,td; bra;j rh;tP!%f;F og;!; ntwah vd;W me;j 2 +ghia vLj;J ghf;bfl;oy; nghl;Lf;bfhz;L btspna fpsk;gpndd;.nf#; ft[z;liu flf;Fk;bghGJ mtd; nfrpahplk; ngrpf; bfhz;oUe;jJ fhjpy; tpGe;jJ. mz;nz! vg;gt[k; rpd;d rpy;yiwbay;yhk; ifapUg;g[ btr;Rf;f';fz;nz! ,g;g ghU';f rhUf;F bfhLf;f vt;tst[ nyl;lhapUr;R/ mtUk; ek;k nQhl;lyg; gj;jp vd;d bedg;ghU>."nla; 2 +gh jhd mtU ek;k nQhl;lYf;F "buFyh; f!;lkh;" jhd/ mLj;j jlt jh;nwd;D brhy;ypUf;fyhk;y. ,y;nyz;nz! mg;go ,Ue;jh rhnu brhy;ypapUg;ghh;y. mtUf;F vd;d gpur;ridnah/ g!;Rf;F rpy;yiw njitg;glyhk;. ek;khy mtU rpukg;glf; TlhJy;y vd;W brhy;ypf; bfhz;oUe;jhd;. vdf;F fhgp fre;jJ.

FWe;bjhifk. nkhfdRjd;/ Jizg; nguhrphpah;/ fhl;rpj; bjhlh;gpay;Jiw.ehd; bjhiyJ}u thdj;ij Kl;of;

bfhz;oUf;Fk; mj;Jthdf; fhl;oy;/ fhw;wpw;F mjpUk;/ btapy; kiHf;F Ml;gLk;/ kdpj vYk;g[fisf; bfhz;L fl;lg;gl;l tPl;oy; gpwe;jjhf mk;kh brhy;ths;.

rpW tajpnyna ,iunjlr; brd;w vd; mg;gh jpUk;gp tutpy;iy vd;gJk; mts; brhy;ypj;jhd; bjhpa[k;. v';;;;fs; tPl;ow;F mUnfa[k;/ mjw;F mUnfa[k; vd; mk;khitg; nghy; jdpna tPLfl;o thH;e;JtUk; FLk;g';fs; gy cz;L. xt;bthU tPl;oYk; vd; taijbahj;j fhl;nlhpfs; Xahky; ,iuf;fhf mGk; Xyk; nfl;Lf; bfhz;nl ,Uf;Fk;.

"tPl;ow;F tPL thrg;go" vd;gijg; nghy xt;nthh; tPl;oYk; gl;odpr; rht[fSk;/ bfhs;is neha;fSk;/ bfhLk;ghtpfspd; bfh?uf; Fw;w';fSk;/ nguhirg; nga;fspd; ,uj;jg; gw;fSk;/ fhkj;jpdt[fSk;/ fw;g[f; fst[fSk; njrj; JnuhfKk;/ g[fH;tpUk;gpfspd; jk;gl;lKk;/ mwpt[g; gprhRfspd; Mztf; Tf;FuYk;/ bgUk; gzf;fhuh;fspd; moik ,uh$h';fKk;/ bfhiyfhuf; Fk;gypd; bfhiyf; fUtpfSk;/ kdpj ,uj;jk; Fof;f fhj;Jf; fplf;Fk;.

cybfyhk; thH;tpj;J/ midj;Japh;f;Fk; mKJ gilf;Fk; jd;dpfhpyh jdpj;Jt xspg; gpHk;g[ mo thdpy; btspg;gLk; Kd;ng kdpj thiltUk; jpir nehf;fp gwg;nghk; eh';fs;.

v';fsJ ,wf;iffs; kpf ePz;lit. gy;yhapuk; Mz;Lfs; bjhlh;e;J tsh;e;j tuyhw;W rpwg;g[ kpf;fJ. jdpj;jdp ,wFfisr; nrh;j;J rPuhd mLf;Ffspy; tsh;e;j ,wFfspd; tpspk;g[fspy; fhw;iwf; fpHpf;Fk; Th;ikahd fj;jpfis ,izj;jpUg;nghk;. vl;Ljpf;Fk; RHd;W midj;J nfhz';fspYk; ghh;f;Fk; rf;jp gilj;j kpfTh;ikahd ghh;itiaf;; bfhz;lit v';fsJ fz;fs;. Mapuk; iky;fSf;F mg;ghy; kdpjf; Fuy; nfl;lhny mtw;iw czuf;Toa kpf kpf Ez;zpa brtpiaf; bfhz;lth;fs; vd;gjpy; v';fSf;F bgUkpjk; cz;L. kdpj cliyf; fpHpf;f thfha; mike;j bfhLthisg; nghd;w ef';fs;. v';fs; \r;Rf; fhw;W gl;lhny vjphpy; ,Ug;gthpd; clypy; ePyk; glUk; vd Muha;r;rpahsh;fs; brhy;fpwhh;fs;. kdpjf; fGj;ij ft;tpg; gpoj;J ,uj;jk; cwp";r ePz;l Tuhd filtha;g; gw;fs; ehd;fy;y/ vl;L. rij fpHpj;J Rit bgUf;f thapypUe;J btspapy; ePl;oapUf;Fk; rp';fg; gw;fs; ehd;F. ,itnghf iffSf;fpuz;L tp#k;njha;e;j bfhiyf; fUtpfs;. ,j;jidiaa[k; kPwp mg;ghtp kdpjd; jg;gpdhy; gpoj;Jf; bfhLf;f gha;e;J Juj;jpf; ft;t[k; ehd;F fhy; moik eha;fis trpak;; bra;J tsh;g;gJ v';;fs; Fy kug[. mt;tg;nghJ eh';fs; jpd;wJnghf kPjkpUf;Fk; kdpj vYk;g[fis eha;fSf;F tPRnthk;. mitfs; eh';fs; ef;fpa vYk;gpy; xl;oapUf;Fk; Nlhd ,uj;jr; RitkpFe;j rijj; Jqf;Ffisj; jpd;W tpRthrkha; thyhl;o ed;wp fhl;Lk;.

,jw;F Kd;bgy;yhk; kdpjh;fisj; jtpu midj;J kpUf';fisa[k; jpd;W Urp fz;lth;fs; ehk; vd;W vd; ghl;o brhd;dJ vdJ epidtpy; mof;fo epHyhLk;.

,itbay;yhk; brhd;dgpwF eh';fs; kdpjh;fisf; bfhy;Yk; El;gkhd Kiwiaa[k;/ mDgtj;ija[k;

brhy;yhtpoy; vdf;F ,utpy; J}f;fk; tuhky; ngha;tpLk;. mg;go brhy;yhky; tpl;lhy; ,uj;jf; fhl;nlhpfspd; ,dj;jpw;nf ,Gf;ifj; njoj; je;jtdhntd;.

Kjypy; eh';fs; Efh;e;j kdpj thilia tifg;gLj;Jnthk;. kdpj thridiaf; bfhz;nl mk;kdpjdpd; ,uj;jr; Rit/ Urp/ vYk;g[fspd;;; bkd;ik kw;Wk; jpz;ik/ mtd; tsh;e;j ,lk;/ clypy; bfhGg;gpd; tpfpjk; nghd;wtw;iw mwpe;J bfhs;nthk;.

bghJthfnt v';fs; brhe;j kz;zpy; tsh;e;j kdpjdha; ,Ue;jhy; clnd mtidj; bjhlh;nthk;. Vbddpy; v';fs; kz;zpd; tsj;jpy; tsh;e;j mtd; ,uj;jj;jpd; Rita[k;/ tifa[k;/ kpf UrpahdJk;/ ghpr;rakhdJk; bfhy;yt[k; RygkhdJk;jhd; fhuzk;.

,tidj;jhd; bfhy;yg; nghfpnwhk; vdj; jPh;khdpj;jt[ld; mtidg;gw;wpa bra;jpfisa[k; tptu';fisa[k; nrfhpg;nghk;. v';nf FoapUf;fpwhd; vd tprhhpg;nghk;. mtd; mwpahknyna gpd;bjhlh;e;J mtd; eltof;iffisa[k; gHf;f tHf;f';fisa[k; ntt[ ghh;g;nghk;.

mtid bfhy;yj; jFe;j neuj;ija[k; ehisa[k; rf fhl;nlhp ez;gh;fSlDk;/ nrhk ghd';fspd; Jiza[lDk; fye;jhnyhrpg;nghk;. gpd;dh;/ neuk; tUk;tiu Vw;fdnt bra;j bfhiyfspd; mDgtf; fijfis vf;fhskpl;L gfph;e;J bfhz;L ,uj;j btwpapy; fhj;Jf; fplg;nghk;. rkak; beU';Fk;nghJ v';fSf;bfd jdp ftdj;Jld; cUthf;fg;gl;l kdpj Kf\ofis MSf;bfhd;wha; mzpe;J bfhz;L Mtyha; mtdpUf;Fk; ,lk;njo fhw;iwf; fpHpj;Jf; bfhz;L gwg;nghk;.

"jpg[ jpg[" btd mtdpUf;Fk; ,lj;jpw;Fs; g[Fe;J v';fs; kdpj Kf\offs;; fHy/ ,uj;jg; gw;fs; fhl;o rphpg;nghk;. Koe;jtiu mtdhfnt brj;Jtpl gzpg;nghk;. Kuz;Lgpoj;jhy; ef';fisf; bfhz;L mtd; khh;gpy; miwe;J gpuhz;o ,uj;jk; tutiHj;J/ gaKz;lhf;fp kuzj;jpd; thapiy bky;yj; jpwe;J fhl;Lnthk;. vjph;j;jhy; eh';fs; midtUk; nrh;e;J kz;ilapy; bghwp gwf;FkhW jhf;fp/ btor; rphpg;ig btoj;J/ epyk; mjpu/ fhw;W tpyf fh;$pg;nghk;. gpd; xt;bthUtuha; mtd; Kd; kz;ilia cilj;J/ kz;ilnahl;ilj; jpwe;J \isf; FHk;;ig fyf;fp/ KJFj; jz;od; tHp cs;EiHe;J/ ,uj;jr; rhw;iwf; Foj;J/ m';Fyk; m';Fykha; rijj; Jqf;ifj; jpd;W fspj;jgpd;/ mtDs;ns fpisj;J tsh;nthk;. mtDf;F ,uj;j btwp tUk; tiu kz;ilnahl;oDs; jhskpLnthk;. mtd; ,uj;jr; Ritia mtDf;nf g[fl;o/ mtida[k;; ,uj;j btwpadhf;fp gpd; btspf; fpsk;g[nthk;.

gpwbfd;d/ kdpj ,uj;jk; Fof;f ,d;bdhU ,uj;jf; fhl;nlhp jahh;! ,g;goj;jhd; mg;ghtp kdpjh;fis v';fs; ,dj;jpy; ,izj;Jf; bfhz;oUf;fpnwhk;.

Mfntjhd; brhy;fpnwd; mg;ghtp ,sk; gps;isfns/ kdpj Kf\o jhpj;JtUk; ,uj;jk; Fof;Fk; ,uj;jf; fhl;nlhpfis milahsk; fz;L bfhz;L tpyfpr; bry;Y';fs;!

4 Coimbatore, August 30, 2012


The Gallery

Patrons-in-Chief :Dr. D. Padmanaban, Correspondent Smt. Geetha Padmanaban, SecretaryPatrons: Dr. T.Santha, Principal - In-charge Dr. K. K. Ramachandran,Vice-PrincipalEditor-in-chief: G. Radha, Head - School of CommunicationStaff Editor: Mohanasudhan. M, School of Communication Layout and Design: C.Rijoe George, School of Communication


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