the poverello...minister’s letter 2 the poverello, august 2014 my sisters and brothers, may the...

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The PoverelloSt. Bonaventure Secular Franciscans Detroit, Michigan

Vol. 74, no. 8 — August 2014

Minister’s Letter

2 ThePoverello, August 2014

My sisters and brothers,

May the Lord grant you peace!

On behalf of the entire fraternity, I want to express our gratitude to Terry Westbrook-Lienert and Tony Lienert for organizing our fraternity picnic held on July 20, for cooking the hot dogs, and for arriving at the shelter at 9 o’clock on Sunday morning. Special thanks to everyone who brought a dish to pass and assisted with the set up and clean up. A very special thanks also to Javier Aguilar and Letty Aguilar for taking photos at the picnic! The weather was great, the food was delicious, the deejay provided us with great music for dancing, and wonderful conversation and lots of laughs were shared together. Thanks everyone for a fantastic afternoon! Because Terry Westbrook-Lienert, Laura Sapian, Brittney Walendzik, Mary Myler, and I will be attending the Regional Ministers’ Retreat on Saturday, August 9, at the Franciscan Retreat Center in DeWitt, Michigan, the Leadership Council meeting scheduled for that day is cancelled.


As Jesus was the true worshipper of the Father, so let prayer and contemplation be the soul of all they are and do. Let them participate in the sacramental life of the Church, above all the Eucharist. Let them join in liturgical prayer in one of the forms proposed by the Church, reliving the mysteries of the life of Christ.

– OFS Rule, 8

The brothers and sisters should love meeting God as his children and they should let prayer and contemplation be the soul of all they are and do. They should seek to discover the presence of the Father in their own heart, in nature, and in the history of humanity in which his plan of salvation is fulfilled. The contemplation of this mystery will dispose them to collaborate in this loving plan.

– OFS Constitutions, 12.3

When you pray, what do you say? Do you recite rote prayers or prayers written by others or do you talk to God from your heart? Prayer is fundamental to our Franciscan way of life. Praying is more than just words spoken and rote prayers recited. Prayer is an unceasing loving conversation with God who knows all about us and loves us unconditionally. The Incarnation of Jesus, the Word-made-flesh, reveals to us the incredible love our heavenly Father has for us and his desire to have a personal relationship with each of us. As with all relationships, our relationship with God requires spending time together in heartfelt conversation and in listening to him even as we are listened to. As we encounter Christ in prayer and contemplation, in Scripture, and in the Eucharist, our inner spirit is transformed and we become more aware of who we are and how we are to live our lives — in love and service to others. By our ever deepening relationship with Christ, we begin to see people, life and all creation with new eyes and receive strength to live our gospel way of life. The heart of our Gospel way of life is prayer rooted in the example Jesus set for us in the Gospels: Jesus prayed alone and regularly. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Lk 5:16). Jesus teaches us the importance of taking time to pause from the demands of our daily life, to seek him, and to cast our burdens upon his shoulders. Whenever the pressures of the day or the storms of life are too much, I am reminded of this Scripture passage: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Mt 11:28-33). Our heavenly Father is always inviting and welcoming us to come and rest awhile with him and when we do, he fills us with his peace and a refreshed spirit.

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Jesus prayed in nature. “Jesus went to a mountainside to pray…” (Lk 6:12). “That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore” (Mt 13: 1-2). Jesus teaches us to pray wherever we are. Where is your sacred place to withdraw to when you need to rest awhile with God? The two sacred places where I withdraw are: the chapel at Marygrove College, and at a park near my home either very early in the morning or in the evening. Jesus offered heartfelt prayers for others. When you have a chance, I encourage you to read and meditate on Jesus’ heartfelt prayer for himself, for his disciples, and for all believers found in John 17. Our lives are filled with the activities of daily life – working, taking care of our homes, hurrying from task to task, caring for loved ones, church activities, etc. All of these activities are good and necessary, but we must remember that our busy lives of service should not distract us from spending time with Jesus and reflecting on his Word. Our good deeds should flow from a life that is centered on Jesus. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, he transforms, strengthens and empowers us to be of service to others.

Some of Pope Francis’ reflections on Prayer

The Lord tells us: The first task in life is this: prayer. But not the prayer of words, like a parrot, but the prayer of the heart: gazing on the Lord, hearing the Lord, asking the Lord.

– homily of October 8, 2013

Prayer that doesn’t lead to concrete action toward others is a fruitless and incomplete prayer. But at the same time, when ecclesial service only attends to work, not reserving time for dialogue with God in prayer, it risks serving itself rather than God who is present in the person in need. Prayer and action should never be separated, but lived in profound unity and harmony.

– Angelus address of July 21, 2013

While the two are inseparable, prayer acts as the foundation for all charitable work. Pope Francis explained, “From contemplative prayer, from a strong friendship with the Lord, is born in us the capacity to live and carry forth the love of God, his mercy, and his tenderness towards others.” Yet, when we are in charity toward our neighbor out of love for Jesus, our service towards those in need brings us to God.

– Angelus address of on July 21, 2013

Please pray for all of our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East and throughout the world and for vocations to the Secular Franciscan Order. Looking forward to seeing you at our fraternity gathering on August 17.

Clare being received by Br. Francis and his early companions.

Your sister in Ss. Francis and Clare,maryann

4 ThePoverello, August 2014

Our DeceasedRaymond Donahue, husband of Julia Donahue-Ertzbischoff, V 30 July 2014

Members of our FraternityMarie AmoreDan & Jan AtkinsonKay BalasJanet BodellMary Lou CatinoRocco CesaroMary GillenGrabowski FamilyNona Mary HebertJames HeymesCaroline Hojna & FamilyAnna Marie JezakGary JohnsonDonna Marie JohnstonLouis JosephJoyce KaminskiEsther KelleyMary Klein

Lorraine KorteJosie LafataFrank & Rosalie LiccardelloPatricia LongIlene Manning & FamilyJoseph MarraSophie MartinMabel MichaelsHugh MontpetitBarbara PardingtonBob PeckhamGeorge PelyakTom RicardMary SaberMichael & Bridget SchultzGene SnydersBen StapelAlice VierJoseph Wisk

Joseph Ricard, brother of Tom

At times, the names of relatives needing prayers are dropped from the list if we have not received an update after a few months. Please keep in contact with Jo Marie. Please help to keep our list up-to-date. Call:

Jo Marie Nardi at 586-978-2335


One of the first things people notice about 1-year-old Thompson are his big, beautiful blue eyes. But when he was just 6 months old, his parents learned those big, beautiful eyes were at risk — and so was his life. A trip to the ophthalmologist revealed cancer of the eye. They obtained a referral from Thompson’s doctor and soon after received a phone call from a nurse practitioner at St. Jude. “She laid out everything. I remember just crying, because no one had helped us that much so far,” says Thompson’s mother. “The nurse said, ‘Everything is lined up. They’re going to be waiting on you at Patient Services.’” At St. Jude, doctors discovered Thompson actually had tumors in both eyes. He began a grueling course of treatment including intravenous chemotherapy, chemotherapy injections to his left eye and cryotherapy to both eyes. Thompson completed treatment in January but continues to travel to St. Jude every four to six weeks for an examination under anesthesia, during which doctors make sure there has been no new tumor growth. In spite of it all, Thompson has held on to his sweet disposition. “From day one, he has been the happiest baby,” says his mom. “Thompson is very low-maintenance. Everyone has fallen in love with him at St. Jude!” Thompson’s family has fallen in love with St. Jude, too. “I don’t know where we’d be without St. Jude. I don’t know where Thompson would be without St. Jude. They make everything possible. They have made a bright future for Thompson,” says his mom.

Relatives needing prayers:

Theresa Brannigan, daughter-in-law of MargueriteMary Ann Bridge, daughter of Connie MusialKate Comizio, sister of Br. PatFr. Edward Ertzbischoff, brother of JuliaAlice Greene, sister of Hank ForysBonnie Holler, niece of Jo Marie NardiDenise Joseph, daughter of LouisDavid Kaminski, son of JoyceIrene Kutchey, daughter-in-law of Julia ErtzbischoffRosemary Marson, sister of RalphDaisey McSherry, mother of Br. PatDr. Gregory Montpetit, son of Hugh and MaryannBarbara Musial, daughter of ConnieVance Nardi, sister-in-law of Jo MarieJean Nozewski, wife of ThomasTeresa Poole, mother of Mary

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From the Friars’ Choir

5..........Michael Schultz7..........Gina Rizzo9..........Anna Tyler13........Janet Atkinson14........Helen Moroz15........Nona Mary Hebert16........Rosemarie Kraski17........Joanne Marshall19........Emma Fratarcangeli22........Mary Poole24........Joe Boland25........Patricia Munafo27........Mary Gillen29........Daniel Marotta30........Marilyn Ricard

We’re Invited The Troubadours of St. Clare Secular Franciscan Fraternity have cordially invited us to join them for a Day of Reflection at the Solanus Casey Center on Saturday, August 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Capuchin Fr. Dan Crosby will share reflections on the spirituality of St. Francis with emphasis on his humility and simplicity. If you plan to attend the Day of Reflection, please bring a brown bag lunch. Please RSVP to 313-579-2100, ext. 136, no later than August 13.

COME AND SEE On Sunday, September 21, our Fraternity is hosting a new class of orientees. The gathering begins at 12 Noon in the second floor conference room of the Solanus Casey Center. Orientees are invited to remain for the fraternity gathering and social, if they wish. Please consider inviting even just one person to come and see what we are about. We are looking for practicing, dedicated Catholics. Invite them, and let them decide if they want to pursue our Gospel form of life for themselves.

Pray for peace.

6 ThePoverello, August 2014

2014 Fraternity Picnic

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8 ThePoverello, August 2014

And then what happened...???

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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MeldrumSoup Kitchen:


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WEEK 19in Ordinary

TimePss Wk 3

WEEK 18in Ordinary

TimePss Wk 2

WEEK 21Pss Wk 1



WEEK 20Pss Wk 4


SolemnityHoly Day

of Obligation

WEEK 22Pss Wk 2


St. Dominic

St. Clare

St Jean Vianney,OFS

St. Pius X,OFS

St. Louis IX,OFS Patron


12 - FoRmATIoN

1:30 - EvERYoNE

Minister Maryann KummerVice Minister Teresa Westbrook-LienertTreasurer Laura SapianSecretary Anthony LienertFormation Minister Sylvia SnigierCouncillors-at-Large: Patricia Cardellio Caroline Florescu Melissa Lindow Beverly Sapian Joseph Sapian Mary Williams Spiritual Assistant: Br. Patrick McSherry

APPOINTMENTSInfirmarian: Jo Marie NardiContinuing Formation: Beverly SapianHealing Service Coordinator: Melissa LindowSoup Kitchen Coordinator: Joseph SapianHospitality Coordinator: Pat CardellioAnnual Picnic Coordinators: Terry Westbrook-Lienert and Tony LienertGospel Happenings Coordinator: Laura Sapian


The entire St. Bonaventure Secular Franciscan Fraternity gathers on the Third Sunday of every month. For more information, contact: Maryann Kummer In addition to our monthly Fraternity gathering, some members also gather in a small group:

Fr. Solanus Cell (2nd Friday, 7:30 pm): Mary Ann and Hugh Montpetit


Usually on the 2nd Friday of each month.&

Healing Service Social Wednesdays at 2 PM

The Poverello is published by theSt. Bonaventure Secular Franciscan Fraternity

1780 Mt. Elliott St.Detroit, Michigan 48207

Phone: 313-579-2100, ext. 136e-mail:

editor: Br. Pat McSherry, OFM Cap

Pray Dailyfor Vocations to the OFS

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Fax et Phonum

St. BonaventureSecular Franciscan Fraternity1780 Mount Elliott StreetDetroit, Michigan 48207

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