the messenger, july 2013

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The monthly newsletter of Grace-St. Luke's Episcopal Church


The MessengerGrace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Volume 60, No. 5 July 2013

What’s inside? Summer Rector’s Forum • Weekend Exodus • DuBose Laymen’s Conference • and More!

Inside This IssueAcolyte Training ............................................ 10Altar Flowers................................................ 12Athletics ........................................................ 8Baptism Scheduled for Aug. 11 ....................... 11Bygone Days ................................................. 3Calendar Highlights ....................................... 12Christian Education ...................................... 6-7DuBose Laymen’s Conference ........................... 4EYC News ...................................................... 6First Friday Fellowship ..................................... 4From the Rector ............................................. 8Lay Schedule ............................................... 10Little Peace and Quiet ..................................... 4Looking Towards Sunday ............................... 11Member News .............................................. 11Memorials/Honoraria ..................................... 11Needlework Guild ........................................... 4Outreach Ministries ......................................... 5Pastoral Care Corner ....................................... 5School News .................................................. 9Weekend Exodus ............................................ 4

About the cover: Hazel and Olivia have found the perfect place to sit during VBS “church time.” To read

more about this year’s VBS, check out pages 6-7.

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Sunday Service Times8:00 am Holy Eucharist8:45 am Breakfast9:30 am Christian Education 10:30 am Holy Eucharist5:30 pm Holy EucharistNursery available for all services except the 5:30 pm


Office Hours8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday–Thursday8:30 am to noon on Friday

StaffThe Rev. Richard Lawson, RectorThe Rev. Gayle McCarty, Associate RectorFr. Joseph Wallace-Williams, Associate RectorChristi Authement, Activities & Athletics Dir.Beulah Boone, SextonBeth Claybrook, Financial AssistantWesley Emerson, Organist/ChoirmasterSharon Campbell, Nursery DirectorConnie Johns, Membership & NewcomersEva Loftin, Assistant Director of NurseryCourtney Oliver, Interim Youth MinisterLucy Owens, Communications DirectorHarriet Roberts, Christian Education DirectorDebbie Smith, Music AssociateLinda Stine, Finance & AdministrationMary Margaret Winn, Youth Minister

2013 Vestry Grant Adams, Antoinette Cheney, Ginger Collier, Edith Heller, Sidney Hickey, Allison King, Stinson Liles, Hal Medling, Catherine Morehead, Linda Niell, Donna Sanders, King Self, Pete Shearon, Doug Smith, Nicki Soulé, Bruce Williams, and Hal Wright.

Vestry and Executive Committee The vestry meets the third Tuesday of each month in Trezevant Hall. The Executive Com-mittee meets the Friday before vestry at 5:30 pm in the old school science lab on the 3rd floor of the Evans Building. These meetings are open to the parish. Vestry members are also available to convey matters of importance from parishioners to the vestry. Watch your eNews and eMessenger for the links to the vestry minutes. To be added to the eNews/eMessenger distribution lists, contact Lucy Owens, Vestry email:

Messenger DeadlineThe deadline for the August issue of The Messenger is 9 am, July 15! Contact Lucy at 272-7425 or with any questions.

Support Groups at GSLWeight Watchers: Mondays, Weigh-in at noon,

Meeting from 12:20–12:40AA meetings: Tuesdays, 6:30 pm

Narcotics Anonymous: Sundays, 8 pm

Al Anon: Thursdays, 10:30 am

Suicide Anonymous: Wednesdays, 7:30 pm

Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: Mondays & Thursdays, 8 pm

Look for us in cyberspace

The Messenger | July 2013 | 3

I became an Episcopalian during college. I had fallen for Katherine, who was a cradle Episcopalian. I was also very curious about God, but very frustrated with the church. I had been in

and out of churches during my childhood, but I always knew that I had never found my resting place in terms of a church. Katherine suggested trying the Episcopal Church. “I think you will love it,” she said. In part, I tried it because I was trying anything that impressed her, like wearing bow-ties (which her father wore). In part, I tried it because I was longing to be at home with God.

So, during my junior year, I walked through the doors of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church for an evening Eucharist. I fell in love with the liturgy, which was so beautiful and reverent. I was really curious about the people, who were funny, laid back, and from so many backgrounds. Even though the ritual was formal, the people were unpretentious. The physical space was inspiring and felt like a place of prayer. It was easy to pray in that place. St. Dunstan’s is a Gothic revival church (pictured bottom right). The gothic windows are simple (and clear glass) yet soar to that point of prayer. The organ is lovely. The woodwork has what our organist, Wesley Emerson, calls “the patina of prayer.”

From that very first Eucharist, I have associated prayer with place. There is ancient precedent for such an association in the Bible: Moses and the burning bush; Jesus on the mountain top; the lists goes on and on.

Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is also a sacred place that inspires prayer and community. The countless colors and variation in our stained glass awakens the soul to the color in life and the beauty of God’s ways with us in Christ. Whether it is the great public sacraments of baptism or the Eucharist or the quieter moments of personal prayer and reflection, our church invites and inspires the deepest, most complex longings of our

heart. It is not that this church is any more holy than any other place or church. Rather, we learn to pray in this place so that we can pray in every place.

As rector, it is my privilege to oversee the church and its buildings. I undertake this work with our vestry, who—according to the canons—oversee the physical fabric of the building. Each week—and sometimes daily—the staff, vestry, and I are taking care to make sure that our church is beautiful, orderly, and inviting to guests. It is one of the best parts of my job, even when it is complex.

On July 21 at 9:30 am in Trezevant Hall, we will have a special Rector’s Forum entitled, “Heaven on Earth: the Architecture of Grace-St. Luke’s.” Our guest speaker is an accomplished architect and priest named John Runkle. John is also the author of an important book on architecture in the Episcopal Church, Searching for Sacred Space. I invite you to join us. If you cannot make it or even if you do, above all, I ask that you give thanks to God for the sacred space that is GSL. Our church is more than a physical space that houses activity. GSL is the place that inspires prayer, and has done so for over 100 years (since 1912). Above all, I invite your prayers of thanksgiving for our church, both the sacred space and all of our people. The Reverend Richard Lawson

From the Rector: “Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness” (Psalm 96:9a)

St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church

First Friday Fellowship is a place where parishioners and friends can connect for fun and fellowship, mix and mingle, and enjoy lively conversation, libations, and

dinner. There is no July FFF due to the holiday. Johnny and Kim Norris will host the next First Friday on August 2 at their home (2364 S. Strathmore Circle) from 6:30-10 pm. Please “like” our Facebook page at, where you can RSVP for the event, and get all the details, or email Kim Norris ( and/or Kim Weiss ( for more information.

The nursery will be open from 6–10 pm for infants to age 9. The cost is $15 total for one child, $17 for two children, or $20 for three or more per family. Please make reservations for childcare by Friday, July 26, by emailing Sharon Campbell at Payment is due at drop off.

Save the Date for the 2013 Grace-St. Luke’s

Weekend Exodus

We are in the throes of summer but fall will be here in no time. That is why it is not too early to start making plans to attend the 4th annual Grace-St. Luke’s parish retreat on September 27–September 29. The retreat will be held again at Camp Bratton Green near Canton, Mississippi.

EXODUS WEEKEND is the perfect event for families wanting to connect with other parishioners. It is a casual, relaxed place where we can play and enjoy good fellowship. Besides enjoying the spiritual aspects of a parish retreat, we enjoy the great outdoors. There is plenty of time for fishing, swimming, paddle boarding, the ropes course, arts and crafts, and more.

So, put the date on your calendar now and plan on spending a weekend of fun and fellowship with your GSL family.

Be on the lookout for registration information. If you have any questions, need more information, or are interested in helping with the retreat, please email Virginia Rowland at

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First Friday Fellowship

Needlework GuildDo you enjoy needlework or would you like to learn? Is your passion knitting, cross-stitch, embroidery, crewel embroidery, needlepoint, quilting, smocking or tatting? If it is, grab your sewing things, or pick out a project and make plans to join other ladies (and ladies in training) on Saturday, July 27, from 4–8 pm. Please bring a sack supper. You need to be 10 or older and want to spend some time visiting and stitching.

There will be plenty of opportunity to share what you have made and admire what others have created. We will share skills and enjoy being together in Trezevant Hall.

If you need help selecting a project, with knowing what to bring, or if you would like to reserve a table for your larger project, please contact Harriet Roberts,, or Kim White, Beginners are welcome!

Episcopal Laymen’s Conference

August 16-18“Suffering. Endurance.

Character. HOPE.”Speakers:

Papa Joe Bradford founder of Elijah’s Hope

David Ringan evangelist who brings his powerful message of

“I have Cerebral Palsy—what’s your excuse?” Brian Sellers-Petersen

Senior Advisor to the President, Episcopal Relief & Development

For current information and registration, visit or contact GSL Parish

Keyman Jim Beaty at 355-4909 or

A Little Peace & QuietLadies are invited to join this small group meeting for reflection and quiet the second and fourth Wednesday evenings of July and August, 5:30-6:45, in the Lounge.

The Messenger | July 2013 | 5

By The Rev. Gayle McCarty,Associate Rector

“Prayer requires more of the heart than the tongue.”What wise words by British Methodist theologian, Adam Clarke. I have pondered them plenty of late for my heart longs for simplicity of prayer in our wordy world. I discovered the gift of this prayer that offers so much—if—it is prayed with our hearts and not just our tongues. Won’t you join me in praying this with all your heart?

A Little PrayerComfort of God

flow through us today.

Light of God

shine in the darkness of this world.

Ease of God

comfort those in pain.

Challenge of God

fiery eyes

pierce our complacency.

Energy of God

galvanize us into right action.

Peace of God

hold steady our hearts.

Foolishness of God

laugh through our lives.

By Sister Hilda Mary CSC, Bristol, England

From “Lifting Women’s Voices. Prayers to Change the World”

Pastoral CareCorner


OCTOBER 19 at 9:00 AmTHE CHURCH HEALTH CENTER’S ANNUAL 5K/10K. Contact GSL Outreach liaison, Rivers Powers, at

Outreach–Looking Aheadby Debbie McCanless,

Outreach ChairAs you have previously read in this space, Outreach is growing and continuing in its long-standing tradition here at Grace-St. Luke’s. Below are a few highlights of what is on the horizon.

One new ministry that the Outreach Committee is supporting is the Community Alliance for the Homeless (CAFTH) as part of their effort to end homelessness. Mayors Wharton and Luttrell joined CAFTH and others to launch the Faith Based Partnership to End Family Homelessness. This initiative pairs congregations with families facing homelessness in a structured mentoring relationship to help address and build strategies to prevent future episodes of homelessness. We have a team assembled and will be working with Katie Kitchen and Sharron Edwards in training and implement-ing this ministry. Jim Drummond of our Outreach Committee is spearheading this new partnership for GSL.

We have long been supporters of the Samaritan Counseling Center and are committed to growing our relationship with this ministry. Last year, the Rev. Gayle McCarty sponsored a table for GSL at Samaritan’s annual Pasta, Jazz and More fundraiser. We hope to have even greater parish attendance and participation this year. Save the date for this year’s Pasta, Jazz and More fundraiser on September 29. I plan to buy a seat at the table and challenge you to buy your seat so GSL can have a full table again this year. The annual fundraiser also tempts all with wonderful auction items and I invite you to consider donating items for this worthy cause. You will hear much more about this in the months ahead!

October 19 is the Church Health Center’s annual 5K/10K. Our liaison, Rivers Powers, will be conducting a training camp to get us all ready to either run or walk. Be on the lookout for more informa-tion about the training opportunity and the BIG event.As you can see, Outreach at GSL is busy! We invite you to support Outreach with your prayers, time and talents.


Rev. Gayle took some of her stoles to Miss Lee’s Chapel and shared them with the children earlier in the year.

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Summer Musingsby Hattie Homeslice

I am all about nicknames. My son has one. My sister has one. My cat has one. My chickens have them. In fact, one of the chickens, Mad-Pecker-Hen, well, her nickname tells you everything you need to know. Nicknames are usually funny and stem from some life event or other. Such was the genesis for my latest nickname. Standing in the vesting room one Sunday morning, Father Joseph and I were talking about our loony, end-of-the-year work schedules and he commented that he had seem my preparations for VBS on the hall table upstairs and he added—by way of a compliment—“Homeslice been kickin’ it.”

Well, Homeslice stuck.

And—since before he called me Homeslice he called me Hattie—Homeslice became alternatingly a moniker and last name. I love it: Hattie Homeslice.

A nickname just makes me feel instantly cool. And, let’s face it, feeling cool is a good thing.

So, with my cool new nickname and two years’ experience as director of Christian education under my belt, let me muse for a moment about Vacation Bible School which—I am here to tell you—is an undertaking!

But it is an undertaking that the Grace-St. Luke’s Church community (in its entirety) tackles with gusto.

As usual, VBS took place the very first week of June. We had a Traditional Program (for kiddie-winks who were rising PK–rising 4th grade) and an Outreach Program (for the young people who are rising 5th graders–rising 8th graders). Each day was dedicated to a particular saint or holy person. In the Traditional Program, the stories and the crafts were related—somehow—to that person. We learned about St. Patrick, St. Nicholas, Absalom Jones, Florence Nightingale, and St. Jude and there was time aplenty for play and

Christian Education

(continued on page 7)

Rector’s ForumJuly 21

9:30 a.m. in Trezevant Hall

Heaven Right Here on Earth: The Shape of

Grace-St. Luke’s Worship Space

Join us for a mid-summer Rector’s Forum on July 21 with the Reverend John Runkle. As an Episcopal priest, he has served a number of parishes since being ordained in 1999 and presently is on the staff of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Arlington, VA. He also serves as the canon for architecture and the arts in the Diocese of Washington. He currently consults with a number of churches, chapels and dioceses in the care of their buildings, including the Episcopal Church Center, who retains him as the consulting project manager guiding the efforts to reconstruct Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. From 2005 to 2010, Fr. Runkle served as the Cathedral conservator at Washington National Cathedral, where he was responsible for the care of the Cathedral’s building fabric, along with managing its fine arts collections. His book, Searching for Sacred Space: Essays on Architecture and Liturgical Design in the Episcopal Church is a collection of thought-provoking essays that focus on liturgical space and its proper support of common worship. To read more about the Rev. John Runkle, visit his website at and be sure to join us and invite your friends to church on July 21 for the Rector’s Forum at 9:30 a.m. in Trezevant Hall.

Mark your calendars for the August 4 Rector’s Forum for a return of the Rev. Stuart Hoke who is joining us for Recovery Sunday.

snack and piggyback rides and hopscotch and hula hoops. The joyful noise around the entire (ENTIRE) church campus was lively and delightful.

The Outreach Program was also just remarkable. Twenty-two young people heard each day from a representative from a different non-profit and were charged with trying to solve a problem faced by the non-profit. Gathered around a conference table, they listenened to representatives from St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, the Food Pantry, the American Red Cross, More Than a Meal, and Hope House Day Care Center, Inc. To give you an example, one of the questions our kids grappled with was “At St. Jude, a lot of kids find that their friends are afraid to play with them after they are diagnosed with cancer. They think cancer is contagious. What can we do to change that?”

I have to say that responses were at once thoughtful and reasoned. And, since I was able to do some impressive eavesdropping from my post in Trezevant Hall, I can attest to the fact that the questions our children asked the adult representatives were impressive! And, these children did not sit around the table all the time. They played capture the flag (often) and they played tag. They also had a field trip to Kroger where they—on a tight budget and in ‘family’ teams—were charged with planning a menu and purchasing food for a day. Some of the menus were inspiring. And, it made my heart sing to watch 22 children and their leaders making bread pudding with lemon sauce (ingredients procured on a second field trip to Kroger) in our kitchen. The bread pudding would be dessert for More Than a Meal that very Sunday. And, while it was baking, the smell of the bread pudding was divine!

Evans – it appears – is a reluctant zester!

Connor and Dominique proudly present

‘BREAD PUDDING a la VBS’ for 80!

And, let me muse for a moment about our volunteers. Our adult volunteers were fabulous: shopping and greeting and registering and shepherding and crafting and feeding and photographing and hand-holding and singing and caring and laughing. It was magical to watch all the pieces of this incredible puzzle come together.

And, our teenaged volunteers were rocktastick too. They were responsible, cheerful, playful, and fun. It was clear that they were adored by their charges. Their enthusiasm was contagious.

Volunteers Zoe and Elizabeth and Carter in the thick of VBS

So, for a week, we had a church full of children and volunteers. Some of them are children who are here with us all year long, some were children who only come to us for Vacation Bible School each June, and some were children who crossed our threshold for the very first time. They were all welcome and they were all special.

And, I can tell you we put our very best foot (shamrock sock covered feet, actually) forward!

Father Joseph’s feet disguised as St. Patrick’s feet

Being welcomed and being special: Since I am musing that got me to thinking . . . . .

Isn’t that what Vacation Bible School should be all about?

Shouldn’t it be a place to be welcome and a place to be special?

Indeed, isn’t that what the Episcopal Church is all about?

Isn’t it a place to be welcome and a place to special?

The Messenger | July 2013 | 7

(continued from page 6)

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It may be summer, but EYC doesn’t quit! Come hang out with all of your friends and get to know your new full-time youth minister, Mary Margaret Winn, with weekly EYC lunches. Lunches are for youth in rising 6th–12th grades and begin July 9 and continue every Tuesday through August 6 (July 9, July 16, July 23, July 30, August 6). • Meet at 11:30 am at Stone Soup (993 South Cooper).• Bring $5 and we will cover the rest. For more information about summer lunches please contact Courtney Oliver at

Food Pantry CollectionThe youth of GSL sponsor a food basket to collect items for the GSL Food Pantry.

The next collection will take place on Sunday, July 28, and donation baskets

will be available at the rear entrance of the church and east vestibule entrance by the sacristy.

The most needed items are usually dry milk, canned meats, nutritious cereals, paper products like toilet paper, and toiletries such as soap or toothbrushes and toothpaste.

EYC Newsand Events

The baseball, softball and, t-ball teams had a surprise visit from “Rocky the Redbird” on team picture day! Pictured: Coach Kim Appling’s 3rd/4th grade girls softball team (top) and Coach Dave Erickson, Les Jones, and Matt Morice’s t-ball team (bottom).

To parents of Soccer registrantsWe are performing fall soccer player evaluations differently this year. Players that participated in GSL spring soccer this season will be exempted from player evaluations. Only those players who have not played since the 2012 fall soccer season or have not played soccer for GSL in the past will need to attend the summer player evaluation session. Spring soccer players are exempt due to a new in-season evaluation process that is being used this year. This new in-season process uses evaluations by the player’s own coach and an independent coach who will evaluate the player at various times through the spring soccer season. The two evaluations will then be used by GSL soccer for team placement for the fall soccer season.The Fall Soccer Evaluation Session, for those players who fit the qualifications listed above, will be on July 21 at the GSL field. Times: TBA.

Church Athletics

The Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to all who joined in the fun and helped us raise money for the Youth Mission Trip (July 18-21).

Pictured above: Flamingo Flocking of the Lawson family’s yard.

The Messenger | July 2013 | 9

After a flurry of activity at year-end, things are finally quieting down a bit on this side of campus! Many thanks are due to Bishop Don Johnson and to GSL’s clergy—Father Richard, Father Joseph, and Reverend Gayle—for all they did to make our year-end Honors Chapel and Graduation services so special. We also appreciate Wesley Emerson and the church staff for the extra work that went into these ceremonies. We always love the chance to bring guests to beautiful GSL, and we couldn’t have put on these events without your support.

Planning is underway for the beginning of the school year, and I am pleased to let you know about a number of transitions and additions to our teaching faculty. We are welcoming a highly qualified group of teachers to our staff, and we will publish a longer article in the fall magazine that provides more details and background on each individual.

Miss Lee’s Preschool: • GSL PK faculty members Lucy Norcross and Deborah Lowe

will move out of PK to teach one of our three new Little Luker classrooms.

• PK assistant Kelsey Beagle becomes lead teacher for a second Little Luker classroom, called the Zippy Zebras. We welcome Wesley Ashley as her assistant.

• JK assistant Katie Longoria becomes lead teacher for our third Little Luker classroom called the Jolly Giraffes. We welcome Lacey Ledlow as her assistant.

• SK assistant Kate Pritchard returns to Miss Lee’s as a new lead teacher in PK. Her room will be the Dandy Lions. We welcome Sally Tomlinson as her assistant.

• We welcome GSL JK parent Nicole Taylor as a new assistant teacher joining Meg Comes in PK.

• We welcome GSL PK parent Shannon Benitone as a new assistant teacher joining Laura Lemly in JK.

• Sharon Truitt is retiring from teaching music and Fun & Fitness to our Miss Lee’s students. She will be replaced by Shantih Smythe, GSL parent and yoga teacher, who will teach a movement class. Annette Morris of Music Time will provide music classes.

Lower School:• GSL parishioner and former teacher Linda Niell steps in as interim

head of lower school, replacing Andy Surber who is moving to California.

• Foundations teacher Rachel Bishop becomes full time next year, adding responsibilities to serve as an assistant to the interim head of lower school.

• Jessica Muller joins us as a new fourth grade teacher, replacing Pat Gray who retires after 35 years of service.

• Pat Gray will stay on briefly as assistant librarian while Emilee Cox is out on maternity leave.

• Second grade teacher Paige Henson moves to third grade to replace Kim Bell, who is moving to Alabama.

• SK teacher Amie Plumley moves to second grade to replace Paige Henson.

School NewsBy Thor Kvande

• SK assistant Jill Beaumont becomes a lead teacher for first grade, enabling us to offer four sections in first grade next year. (The current SK Brilliant Bugs room will be converted to a first grade classroom.)

• Renee Norris joins us as an SK assistant in the Rockin’ Robins room.• Nicole Murphey joins us as an SK assistant in the Marvelous

Meerkats room.

Middle School:• Colleen Householder joins us as a 5th grade advisor and math

teacher replacing Jenna Cherry, who is moving away. • Alisha Kimbro joins us as a science and math teacher replacing

Chrissy Drewry. • Collin Wilson joins us as a 7th grade English teacher. • GSL parent Sarah Ranson joins us part-time to teach 6th grade

history.• GSL parent and church parishioner Kim Norris joins us part-time

to teach 7th grade PreAlgebra. • Billy Farmer will step in briefly this fall to teach 7th and 8th grade

history while Shanna Eason is out on maternity leave.

I know you will join me in welcoming these individuals to our community this fall. Thank you as always for your support of our program at GSL School!

GSL bids farewell to 32 eighth graders at Graduation in May.

At Graduation, Bishop Don Johnson presented Tyler Donnelly with this year’s Middle School Bishop’s Award, which is presented in recognition of the recipient’s service to others and understanding of the call to love one’s neighbor as one’s self and to respect the dignity of every human being.

Lay Service ScheduleJuly 7Altar Guild: L Tual, C Jefcoat, L McLemore, J Morse, L Niell, S Prewitt, V RowlandBreakfast Cooks: M Herr, C Mercer, M Crow, D McLemore, K Patton, B Williams, T Brabyn8:00 Acolyte, Reader, Chalice: McGehee, Adams, Morse10:30 Acolytes: A Hartney. C Hartney, C Martin, K Rasberry10:30 Ushers: M Rowland, K Patton, K Self, E Epperson10:30 Verger: S Ireland10:30 Lectors: C Nave, S Baur, J Vergos, D Pigg10:30 EM: D Conaway, N Conaway, K Rasberry, M Robinson,

C Rhea5:30: C Jefcoat

July 14Altar Guild: L Tual, C Jefcoat, L McLemore, J Morse, L Niell, S Prewitt, V RowlandBreakfast Cooks: H Morse, T Claybrook, J Mercer, W Ayres, B Morse, I Hendry, D Douglass8:00 Acolyte, Reader, Chalice: Edwards, Edwards, Brewer,

Brewer10:30 Acolytes: Z VanDeveer, C Epperson, AM Burnett10:30 Ushers: M Tate, S Tate, J Beaty, J Moore10:30 Verger: D Pigg10:30 Lectors: C Pazar, D Smith, R Clar, J Vergos10:30 EM: S Baker, P Barnes, C Nave, L Wardlaw, D Conaway5:30: D McCanless

July 21Altar Guild: A Crow, A Cheney, N Golden, S Hickey, C Morehead, B Peyton, E Smith, J WilliamsBreakfast Cooks: J McCalla, P Burnett, D Brown, A Nix, S Moore, J Hartney, B Orpet, J Huber, E Hord8:00 Acolyte, Reader, Chalice: McGehee, Whitlock, Whitlock10:30 Acolytes: C Rhea, MG Nix, G Nix, K Ayres, Z VanDeveer10:30 Ushers: T Claybrook, W Ayres, H Wright, R Norcross10:30 Verger: G Adams10:30 Lectors: S Ireland, T Cockrill, J Wyatt, J Vergos10:30 EM: K Ayres, C Rhea, M Robinson, P Barnes5:30: B Black

July 28Altar Guild: A Crow, A Cheney, N Golden, S Hickey, C Morehead, B Peyton, E Smith, J WilliamsBreakfast Cooks: J Clay, A Nave, E Taylor, R Norcross, H Medling, K Self, R Clark8:00 Acolyte, Reader, Chalice: Rolfes, Busby, Busby10:30 Acolytes: M Cline, D Collier, J McCall10:30 Ushers: M Crow, B Cowan, D Douglass, J Clay10:30 Verger: H Rittenberry10:30 Lectors: P Wilson, M Woodmansee, N Conaway, J Wyatt10:30 EM: J Ayres, L Wardlaw, D Woodhams, T Wyatt, N Conaway5:30: J Dowd

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WANT TO ACOLYTE?AUGUST 11 TRAINING & REFRESHER A training session for new acolytes will be held Sunday, Aug. 11, at 9:30 am. The acolyte ministry is open to

students in 4th grade and above. At the training, you will receive a manual as well as instruction about how to serve. All new acolytes are expected to attend and current acolytes who seek a refresher training are welcome, too. Acolyting is a great way to learn about the church, to serve at God’s altar, and is an interesting way to learn more about what happens in the Eucharist. Our session should last about thirty minutes. For more information, please contact Grant Adams, acolyte warden, at or 527-0083 or Fr. Richard at or 272-7425, ext. 18.

NEWS OF BYGONE DAYS50 years ago (1963): Endowment Fund Established- The Vestry at its July meeting took final action to establish the Grace-St. Luke’s Endowment Fund, a project requiring several months of study and Mssrs. Walter Chandler, W.P. Brown, Sr., Robert H. Hoshall, Walter P. Armstrong, and Paul P. Wilson, made the recommendations which were unanimously approved by the Vestry.

25 years ago (1988): There are 190 children involved in the baseball summer program and, for the first time in Grace-St. Luke’s history, there is an all girls T-ball team and all pitch team. Soccer sign-up will be in August 1, 1988. The church is anticipating 225 children to be involved in soccer. Hopefully there will be a soccer clinic in August as well as a weight-training program this summer. Marty Carr


Transfer InJessie Williams Graber and Margaret Rowan Graber, from St. Peter’s, Oxford, MSTransfer OutRonald L. Jones, to St. Mary’s CathedralErin Elizabeth Maguire, to Church of the Nativity,

Huntsville, ALFaithful DepartedElizabeth “Betty” McMahan Page. died June 22, 2013, burial June 25, 2013

Looking Towards Sunday ~July

Revised Common LectionaryTrack 2 Year C

The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

July 7Isaiah 66:10-14 • Psalm 66:1-8

Galatians 6:7-16 • Luke 10:1-11, 16-20

The Eighth Sunday after PentecostJuly 14

Deuteronomy 30:9-14 • Psalm 25:1-9Colossians 1:1-14 • Luke 10:25-37

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

July 21Genesis 18:1-10a • Psalm 15

Colossians 1:15-28 • Luke 10:38-42

The Tenth Sunday after PentecostJuly 28

Genesis 18:20-32 • Psalm 138Colossians 2:6-15 • Luke 11:1-13

Go to the link above to access Sunday lectionary readings online at your convenience, and then reflect and pray over them at any time. Also offered is an overview, scripture backgrounds, a reflection and prayer starter to enhance your worship experience.

Altar Gifts are offered in Memory and Honor of

July 7 Beverly P. Alexander, E. Upton Bertaut, Betty Bertaut, Eugene Michel Holder, Jr., Richard Dudley Holder, Eugene Michel Holder, Elvin Jordan Holder, Laura Banks Jordan, Richard Dudley Jordan, Bettie Crawford Jordan, and Betty Brink Holder, Sherri Sawyer, and David Voss Johnson, Jr.

July 14 Elaine Gregson Langford, Frank Mayne Langford, Sr., Camille Rhea Terrell, Mildred Gregson Rhea, Dorothy Walker Palmer, and Jackson Francis Palmer, and Evelyn Mitchell Webb

July 21 Tracy Plyler, Anne Ogden Plyler Thomas Mathews Plyler, William Ogden Plyler, Garth Connally Jones, Wharton Stewart Jones, Sr.

July 28 Bess Tarry, Alice Murnan, Blanche Murnan, Frank Bevens, Marion Y. McCormick, Florence Boyce Battle, Walter Preston Battle, and Rocco Calandruccio

Memorials& Honoraria

Given in Memory ofMary Cummings, from Diane Todd PaceRichard Thaddaeus Cockrill, Sr., from Preston, Betsy,

Marynelle and Laura WilsonJeanne Thompson, from Mr. & Mrs. Edwad F. Williams, III

Given in Honor ofThad Cockrill, from Preston, Betsy, Marynelle and Laura

WilsonBetty Johnson, from Preston, Betsy, Marynelle and Laura


Holy Baptism Scheduled

Baptism is the entry point for The Episcopal Church for adults, children and infants.

If you have not been baptized or would like to schedule a baptism, we are happy to make arrangements for you.

The next date for baptism will be August 11.

For more information and to schedule a baptism, contact Connie Johns, 272-7425, ext. 15, or

The Messenger | July 2013 | 11

Calendar Highlights

July 4 Church office closedJuly 9 Finance CommitteeJuly 12 Executive CommitteeJuly 15 Messenger DeadlineJuly 16 VestryJuly 21 Rector’s Forum

August 4 Recovery Sunday/Rector’s ForumAugust 13 Finance CommitteeAugust 16 Executive CommitteeAugust 15 Messenger DeadlineAugust 18 Episcopal School SundayAugust 20 Vestry

July calendar: Calendar: Go to and look for the Master Calendar icon on the left.

Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church1720 Peabody AvenueMemphis, Tennessee 38104-6124901-272-7425, 901-272-9833 (fax),

The Messenger of Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (USPS 778-900)-pub-lished monthly by Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 1720 Peabody Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38104. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, TN. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 1720 Peabody Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104, (901) 272-7425, email Lucy Owens, Editor.

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