the memphis daily appeal. (memphis, tn) 1857-06-06 [p...

Post on 14-May-2018






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'PTT17 "H A TT "V A "PPT? A T- -

- -JSATURDAY 1S5T.v -- JUNE 6,


Ail calls qhd caadMttet for municipal or mlnlsirrlacSti aad be replies thereto, are cfcarjed it this office atthe rate of $1 pertquare. Sach advertUementi must he

with the csihfo secure attention.

We ibank W. W. Hodge for a late' StjJ.Luu paper.

g5?" tV. O. Loflaxd, Esq., Is called uponla iv-o- paper, to becsme a candidate for Alderman cfthe Second Ward.


12 Z-- Th crenf lmanltr nf the flteamer!ll iMytnl, iir. jtcUAUOiti-iH- , m ogruisu jor late

date Itosi Xew Orleans.

"Sfr. ScooDER, the attentive clerk of theiltutt JVUii City, wat please accept onr thanks tor latayavors.

"Messrs. Davis, . Hodge ii .Williamswm eeept our thanks far a Afiutntri JcryuoJican of the

'attest.(PJ?The trial of Mr. I. L. Jolton, for the

raaidtr of James McMillax, win he continued thisaerator: at half past right o'clock, at the court room laExchange BalMlng. before Efqoiret Hcrne andPXTTIT.

O. F. H. A meeting of the Old Folks atSera w be beM at the UaS of Jlrchtntea' Fife Cem- -

rpany Xtf l, est JatTersea ttreet, this evening at S o'clock.' A fai attcafeaeit la desired, as important businett will hetransacted.

"Notice the advertisement of Messrs.Gayce Is. SOS's sale to-d- of One country property only

itxatMea frets the city. It Is eiigrbly .ltntted on theUeafMs tad Charleston BaHretd. This Is tome of thematt aVoiraWe country property In market. Plata can be

teen at the itie.Rhea Speinos. Hon. F. P. Staxtox and

Mr. HBR have parcaased these Springs, in Bhea county,

Eatt Tetanias te, b4 fMted them up In splendid style. They

via be oaes an the lath last., far vliltert. The Knox-

TiHe Witf seeakt at the Srtaaitoa, the water, the fi.hlBg

asd h sraaisds, ai4 tfae beM mountain seenery'in

trlawias; teirjs of rsptnre. They are sKaated abaot twen.

ty miles Iron theAiheea depot, ef the East Tennessee

asd eoorrh Read. 0. B Sasseen Is ssperiBtendenu

The txrMtac ts eom6eM, asd the farsHsre new and

e egast.

Southern-- Freight Xt.vEJ, We desire tocall the atiesttloB ot ear merchants, as well as those oftheeBUre&HStaiireat, to the adirtHrst of Vr CltAI

W. AjiBEsatHt, wha is tee Sovtbwestera arent for the

varioai railroad i of Saatii Cinffu and Geersta. The

adraatarea bow oaered to raercbaEfU, In the way cfspeedy iraDapartattoa, low tariff of rates, &c., are sseb.

a tHer fei avr ktnMMc ralojri. Goods can now bepat breath fross Xew Tark and Fhttadelpbla to Memphis

In near half the Mae heretofore reoarred, and that, too,

withosrt aar lota to the owaer, as all tot tea will be

1 rumptly paid by the iMWeaa cwspaaiw. Besldasitltadoty which oer Soathern liinahaats owe to thtlr sec

tion, to patraaite Ssathera Maes of railroad, aH-- ether tbethings Vela taut. Se the adforttttsest of Mr. AnDEBSOX IB

Cliston-- Place Hbtel, Corner or Beoad- -wat and Eiohtic Stbeet. The tocatian ef this Hortci it abt eajaidiftant ftarn an the reagrajibtal extremesof the city, iaiatedialelr in the vtctoity ef the most pop Bayular places of aamnmint, aad of the most prominent Ins'jintioosof learslasaBdart, aad at a coBTesleat ce

troaa the basiest Burts of the ctty. Its location isnrjsurpaad ha the attraction It etTerrbath to the traveler and the rot Meat.

The Hease is eapMe of snwmrnoaattes about threenrdred faesta, aad is farsitbed and arranced three

refereace bath to otegaaoe aad cemfert. Itssnitee ot rearsa for fasBiltot, as woM at Hs single rooms.arebeMmd to he as jtaaaaat and desiraate in erery re--seect aathate of aay Hotel ta Xew Tark. ot

In all the iaMraal rosatations ot the Hosse, It wiH bethe ceaetaot saraose of its Proprietors to secure ta their

Rtf all the attoaOoawBtah their wishes eh tH iadicats,V and is that praaiat, hat aaiet asd dUaeate aasaer, whichal adds so entUUy to their Taiae.B The table wd he served oethe Barapeaa piaa, and wfllo ut richly aaf plaed with afl tat taatUattalo aad detteacits

i which the saarkot aaards.The TTiae Oetlar wW be stocked with the choicest

brands ot tmj deacriatioa. See adrerHsement in an- -Vther oalssaa.

. A Card. We. the undersigned nasapufersI on the Soath Caronas Railroad, on osr retarn from the

late Jabilee la Chirks tea, take this Btethod of eip'f is- -jng oar nxt i Incere thanks to Mr. J W. VrniDETH,the gestlt&aabT, polite, cobrteons and aeeemraodatiaiOondactor, far hie aaasy ktadseetes shows to na en oerreturn

It. R Baker. Jobs A. Beaaie. Thomas Peters, T. TT.Cox, Aathoay Street, B. B. 'K'Hlrr.oB, Kitsfhlt; Hen.Jere CleSMax, G V. J. A. Lanier, J 3. Ward, J.L. Cooper, TV. AcUia, J. P. Ooios, HaeUTfHc.

For the Daily Aaaeal

If W. 0. Lofland will permit his name tobe aaed at the Comtek ekctton tor Aldtiman, he shallhare the nnitrd saaport of the SECOrfD WARD.

Gea. "Walker's Progress Up the Biver.Steamer Woodford, Jane 1, 1857.

The fine steamer Woedford leftNew Orleanswith Gem. Walker and Col. Walters, CaptainFassoux atsd Col. Lockridge on board, and alsoa large nrmiber of other passengers. Long be-

fore the hoar of departure, hundreds of Walk-

er's friends were asxioasly waiting to have theopportunity of seeing and bidding him, for ashort tthile, atlieti. Among the number werethe first citiieriB of the Crescent City, who as-

sured the Geaeral that all he had to do was tocall on Louisiana for men to return with him toNicaragua. I was forcibly struck with themanner he received this intelligence. His faceglowed with a peculiar delight and patriotism,and be replied, by saying that he could not dootherwise tban return, if be wished to. Hewas loudly cheered. I was then introduced tohim, and be was so courteous, and spoke of hisprospectB io such a calm and dignified manner,that I was at once changed in my opinions, andam sow as good a fillibuster as New Orleanscan produce, but would not dare say so inMassachusetts, for they think Walker tobe afillibuster in its most vulgar form a puanttoolin the bands of the South and of course theyoppose hit.

Nothing farther ef note occurred until wearrived at Natchez, where we were summonedon the guards ef tbe beat by the loud, pealing

Ties of the caaeetj, and loud and vociferousIs for Gea. Walker. When he appeared, hel cheered for a great length of time, and Ifeed a Ban come forward from among theise multitude and grasp him by the hand

.th that pure devotion that only a true soldierin have. I afterwards learned that he wasne nf the oriciaat fiftr-si- r. and Jinn heen In lho

j.Tbis se lte(, states for nearly a year, suffering fromLthe nf i ie receiTea in.battle while in Nicaragua.

njff s geemo4 to be the beginning for all to haveopportunity of grasping" the gallant hero

' Ew tlie bd ad not until long after the warn-sign- al

for the departure of the steamer wasl.ven, could thtipatriotic citlzeris of Mississippi

. A. - r J J ... M An Viav Tt7 !!-- - !

' eirg called for, went forward, and in his modestway thanked them for the compliment they hadpaid that gallant little band who had re-

mained faithful with him to the last;and long after the noble steamer was againploughing tbe mighty waters of the great Mis-

sissippi) cotrld be heard the distant roar of can-io- n.

I noticed Walker, as he sat quietly no

loubt listening to every thing that was beinglaid around bim, and I for one could not help

inking that in less than three months heuld agaia be finally seated as President ofcaragua; for the South wills it, and therth cannot prevent it. The quiet of the er

chief was not further disturbed untils had arrived within fifteen miles of Yicks- -

--iorg, when Ae steamer was hailed, and aboutfifty gebtletsee came to the bank and informed

the Captain be oust stop for them to see Walker, and to same his price. They marched on

board and took the modest General by the hand.Nothnig farther occurred until our arrival atVickBburg, and long before the steamer waslanded the cannon, which welcomed Col. Da-

vis and his gallant Mississippians from theplains of Mexico, freBh with laurels, gave no

tice that Gen. Walker was coming; and whenthe steamer had toached the wharf it was bythousands, the General was called for, andwhen he appeared, I have no hesitation in

saying that I would have given up all preten-

sions to the Presidency by the Black Republi-

can party, if I could have only been in thatlittle grey-eye- d man's boots, as tbe people pick-

ed him up and fairly carried him on shore,placing bim on some boxes. He was welcomed

by Mr. Barns, in Uhalf of the people of Yicks-burg,b- ut

as fcoald not get near enough to bear' him, or the General's reply, I must content my--

' self with informing you that they were vocifer0TJS,r cheered, and at the close one grand rash

J was made to get Walker by the hand, and heat once retired for a moment, several' ladlesbehig in waiting-tohav- e a loojk at the man ofdestiny; and as he returned with a large bouquet in hand, he was again loudly cheered inwhich he replied In a manner that wouldinduce me to believe that he will soon return. Col. Lockridge, I should have men

tioned, everywhere 'was called out, and in anawkward, but soldier-lik- e style, thanked thepeople for their grand receptions of GeneralWalker, saying it "was worthy of them as Mis

sissippians, that it was worthy of thfmaschiv'alric Southern men, and with what he had seen

since his return from Nicaragua, he was morethan ever confident of auccess, and be closed byarain thanking them, asking them if he couldnot on his return from New York, get five hun-

dred men from Mississippi, just such as Col.I)avis carried to the valley of MexiccV" fAvoice, Yes double the number." The Col-

onel said he wanted them for tbe banner Battalion. He retired amid great cheering. Col

Walters and Capt. Vassoux then being calledfor appeared, and thanked the people for whatthev bad seen before tbem. Walker and staffwere then taken in carriages and rapidly drovi

to where several of his friends were waiting togreet him. Hi was accompanied, I believe, byCoL Coleman, Mr. Burns and others. TheCaptain kindly awaited their return,' and asthe steamer left land, cheering and shaking ofwhite handkerchiefs from the steamer by theladies cave evidence that Walker is not dead'vet. (See Aspinwall Courier.) At ?veryplace the steamer has passed, the people haverushed on board to see Walker, and to know ifhe is going to return.

He, by his modest and retiring manner, hasmade many friends out of what was a monthago his most bitter enemies.



From IVashlngton.Washinotos, Jane 4 The Spanish Consul applies

tbe3Sth article of the Royal Decree cf ovember, IFE2,

respecting intestate estates, to Spanish ultra marine pof- -sessions, whereby the local authorities, In connectionwith the Cedtul of the cation to which the testator belongs, makes an taTtatery of, and keeps the propertysafe until legal representatives appear.

Fourteen er fifteen bids, have been ottered for carryingoverland California mails. The Cabinet are in con

saltation thereon, and will determine the starting pointssoon.

Later from Wahln;lon.WashiiTstox, June 5. It is untrue that Lord Kapler

denied, e&cUHy, the cesilea ef that Island in Panamato England. Keither diplomatic nor Government St.

circles beKete it, however.J. X. Enapp has resigned his agency ot the Treasury

Department. lit istends to-- remove ta Wisconsin, to carryonbsnklng, real estate and law buslsess.

The TUemphls Delegation.Ati.axta, Ga., Jnrte 6th The Memphis Delegation

have arrived at litis place. All wett but much fatirued.They have been treated with erf it kindness and hospitality at Ooarleiton, Savannah, and throughout the State

Georgia.' Xottef them win return heme on Handir.

Death or Hlbbard.BoSTOS, June 6 Hibbard, of Xew

Himptblre, died at Charleston this morning.The Xew Hampshire legislature hive dieted L. X.

Ptts, Secretary ef State.

Utah Governorship.It is saM that Ctpt Ccmlnc wosld hive probably, ac

cepted the Governorship ot Utah had it net been thatthe Freslieat had tefeeted him after his declining in ilis- -saorl.

Assembly ef the State Leslslatnre.Concord, K. n.. Jose 4. TbeXew Hiapshire Lepis--

latnrehas assembled. Got. Bale's lnansoial protestaJagainst the Dred Scott dtdsioo, and favors aidlnenewtree States.

Stesmer Canada Coin; to Fleces. inQuebec, Jane 5 The steamer Canada, from Liver

pool, Tla Beviere Dalop, which went ashore at Pil.'ors,40 mHes below here, Is going to pieces. Fassengers ar-

rived here safe.

Railroad Celebration.St. Louis, Jose S The Railrosd Celebration here

has been martclnccnt beyond previous conception. Everyone delighted.

River Sews and Markets.Xew Orleans, Jane S, p. m. Sales ot cotton to-d-

50 bales; prices easier, but quotatitns unchanged.Sales ot the week S ?SQ bales ; Kecelpta last week 3 700 in

andbales; Stock in Xew Orleans Ir7,t00; Receipts less thanlast year S11,E00 bales ; Receipts at all Southern perls lessthan last year 839,000 bales; Breadstuff dull; Pork dullat 26c; Coffee steady, prime 10H10k'c; Sales of the els.week 7,730 hags; Stock at Xew Orleans, Indudicg that Tinat quarantine, 129,000 bags; Fiebht easier to Liverpool6-- to Havre, X 6; Exchange on Xew Tork XcOther article unchanged.

Xew Tone, June S. Cotton declining. BreadsturTtand Provisions steady. Rio- - Coffee US'. Bice Arm. 100Freights heavy. Stocks dull.

Circjkkati, June 5, v. si Oatt 60;' Corn 80; Whisky S9h; Previsions and Flour dull.

MARRIED,On Thursday evening the 4th Inst., at Calvtry Church,

by Rev. C. T. Qulntard, 3tr. Wat. Bedford Uitcheixand Miss Salxie, eidett daughter ot Dr. A. P. Merrill,allot this city.

orFine Pictures.REMEMBER that DcSHOXO'S is the place if you

the best style ot PICTURE. Bis

Molainotypossurpass all others in richness ot tone, warmth of expres-sion, tralcompIeteEets ot detail, and boldnrss of feature.For dcrability there is no question of their superiority.They wiA receive a fall witbout a fracture a bend vrllb.out injury; may be washed off when soiled, be bandiedwithout the face being marred. They are susceptible ofhigh and very beautiful coloring. ct

W. H. DESnOX3.Ul.Main street, has the exclusiveright of Memphis, for tbe Melainotype Patent. mIO

AMERICAN CIRCUS!H 31. S'VIITII Equestrian Director. anaV3I. UURBKIliGE Butiness Manager.

THIS 'arce ind extensive Ompanywifl perform liere on atTHURSDAY, and .FRIDAY. Jnne

10th, 11th and I2th. Performances Afternoon and Even-ing.

THE GHAUT) ENTREEWill cosiltt et twWve baadsomgy caparisoned trailed in

eedt, led by four beautitnl Young Ladies, jx new andgracef ai evolutions. In this uneqsalled Troupe are

FRANK ROBINSON, lers,Acknowledged to be the greatest, funniest and mostlaughter-provoki- Clown In America a

M'LLE. VICTORIA,The most gracef ol Female Equestrienne of the presentate, wnase inimttiDie Luring Acts or uursemanihip anme aengm or ail uenewers.

GEORGE SWEET,The ed Equestrian, whose Daring and won-

derful Performances on the Tight Rope have never beenquailed.

HORACE M. SMITH,The treatet Bare-bi- er Rider In the w.rld.

The audience will be entertained with the MAGICGLOBES, by G. W Archer; the DUPLICATE LADDERSby tbe Acrobatic Brothers; andavirlsty of DAXCRS,by therrott accemnlithed and beautiful Boyadeseof theC'ircTie, M'lle. vltoris TheAlso, Alft ulvi.MM,, Dy me wdoi tympany.

PAXTOMIMF.S. equal if not superior, to the wcrltl- -re Downed Ravel Family.

X3T See lute Bills toj30-1-

NO HUMBUG.Selling off at Cost! The




emporium: of, fashion, The


Ladies' General Furnishing and TbeMantilla Establishment,299 MAIN STREET, MEMPHIS, TENN;

WE are receiving and opening, for theInspection of he ladles, one of the mostfashlouab e stocks of Frencb Millinery ana

Fancv Drr Goods ever brought to this city. Also, a veryselect assortment ot Dress Goods, Silks, Brreges, Chil-lies,

andOrxandlet, Grandees, Tissue Robes, p'aln and doited

Mcallns,&c. We caU particular attention to ourMillinery Department,

Consisting of all styles of French Bonnets. Leghorn. English Straw, Xtpoi!tan Eugenlea and Gipsies, Flowersand Ribbons. Fiverthousand collars worm of fine FrencbRmbroldertes. Taleuclnet, Glmpure, Honli on, Point Lacesetts, Cbanuuy Lace, , .

Embroidered Silli Mantillas,Lace Basquines, Dress TTimmlngi of aH styles; Parasols,Fans, Glmpure Laces, Ac tor

Alto, at the of Fashion, Dress and MantillaMaking done, guarantying satisfaction at to style, aadshape.

Mourning goods a'wayt oa hand, and orders promptlyattended to. Tbe ladles are most respectfully invited tocall and examine our goods before purchtting elsewhere.

X. STILLMAX &. CO.,apll 539 Male street, Memphis, Tenn.

HUME F. HIELretarDcd and will be found at bis 09 c on BankHAS from 10 A., it., to 6 o'clock r.M. .


art of !Itaps.oArrivals aad bepartares.

FBI DAv.Jone 6.Woodford, Xew Orleans to Loalsmi:.Fa'ls Clty,St. Lools to Hew Orleans-Winchest-

Memphis to St. Louis.Kate Frlsbee, MtmphU tj Nipoleon.

River Matters. .

EJThe weather yesterday was warm, doody and sultry, with occasional abow"rs du'lng the dir. Basinetstransactions at onr levee wire somewhat brlskrr thanhas been for a few days past. There were several arrrrats aad departures. The river Is receding rapidly, andfrom late accounts from above, wa think It will not belong before it Is down to low water mark. There Is plentyof water at present for the largest class hsals

passenger packet IKincAfifrr left onrwharf last evening at her regular hour. She had a Ope

list of passengers, among whom we saw sererf 1 ef ourold city friends, gcicg Xsst to spend the summer.

53-r- he regular packet Sale Friiite slipped her headline last evtnlng for Napoleon and all Intermediate ports.

J3"rte fine steamer Falls Ci'y, from St. Loclt,pissed down yesterday, leaded to tbe guards with freight.

13" The steamer Woodford came in yesterday morningfrom Xew Orleans, with a large list ot passengers, Inclu-ding Gen. Walker, bound for Louisville. She had a lightfreight.

J3rhe one steamer L 31. Ktnnett will be here thismorning from the Crescent City beend for St. Lsuls. Sheis a fine packet, and worthy of patronige .

J3rks steamer R. J. Ward will bt hareen route for Louisville.

S3rhe flae and fleet steamer Pennsylvania will behere this morning from Xew Orleans bound for St. Louis.Sheisavsryflne boat and has tbt best of accommodations.

E3"The regular packet ilattie Wayne, between Memphis and St. Louis, is due here this morning. Capt. BubRiley is aboard. He is one of the best boatmsn on theMississippi liver.

?"The fine stesmer Memphis Is the next packet duefrom Cincinnati She will be here evening.

S3The commodious steamer Ben Franklin was duelist night from the Crescent City, hut had not arrived atajite hour.

Q-- We cepy the following from the St. Louis Jlepublt- -

tan of the 3d lust.:The river at this point continues to rise steadllr. There to Cairo. The upper rivers ire all In goodstage. Arrivals were scarce yesterday, and business wasuna. TOere was a fa'l in Xew Orleans f relxhle whichwill cause many of tht boats to He ap. Tbe Cora Ander-son led off by drawing in her plank. The weather la fineand warm,




Inferior S to 9 StrictMiddllng.l3V13Ordlnsry 10 Id Qood Mlddling.ISSIIHGoodOrdlnary....lOXll Middling Falr..I3HUlow Middling. ...iiKai2 Fair, scarce.... nominal.Middling 12H13

. W. CHERRT,. ..D. B. MOLLOT, C. K flAILZ,President. Secrefory. iTcarurrr.

Memphis Life and General Insurance Ceinp'y.rr.ATE c. w rnCR-- r - n ,

Exchange and Bank Note List.Kevryork Exchange vai nremXew Orleans ' xl prem

Louis " H&l premCincinnati & J.'premLouiavuie x(a XprrmGo.'d I it X premSliver I J premLand Warrants...... higbett price.Louisiana BankX.tts par KprmNorthern " " para fprem

AH uncurrent moner bought and sold ArkansasSwmr I nd Srrln bnu'ht and itd. vnvl





New York arid Philadelphia Steamship Lines,VIA m


Books, Stationery, Boots, Shoes, Tvscumble. Memphis.Liquors, Oils, etc , in bottles ;Camphlne, and Spirits Turpentine

barrels; Carpeting, China,Glass and Glassware, Cigars, incases; Clock.. Confectioneries.Cotton Carue, Dry Goods in box-es and bales'; Drugs! Fruits. FruitTret' and Shrubbery, Fnrs, Gar-den Seeds, Looking Glasses, andLooking Gists Plates, rat owner'srisk ) Oysters In cans and Jars,Saddlery, Tin and Brittanla Ware.Teat aud Spices, per 100 lbs..... $1 IS $2 30 In

SECOND CLASS Hardware.except tuch as specified In ThirdClass, Coffee Mills, Machinery,Foreign Liquors In barrels andpipes, Tobacco la boxes. Leather

rolls and boxes. Oils In barrelscasks, Crockery and Queens- -

ware in crates and caiks. Rice,Whltlcg Plaster, sheet Brats andCopper, per 100 lbs 1 SI 1 99

THIRD CLASS. Axes, ShovSpadet, Sad Irons, Zinc andin pigs. Tin plate. Anvils,

vices, casts of Latins and Hoes.Manilla and Cotton Cordage, Cof-fee, heavy Castings, Mill Gearing,Carriage Springs and Axels, Rail-road Wheels and Axelt.Chalrs andpiles, aid Rosin in barrels, per

lbs i n 1 75SPECIAL RATES Boxes

nats S.9S 3 15Furniture ar.d Carriages boxed,

ana outer ugui articles not'numeratrd; also. Carboys pf Acids or other Chemicals, will becbarged;actual weight,, but atdouble First Classrate, per 100lbs 'A 26 4 CO

The above rates cover all expenses from Xew York andPhiladelphia to Memphit and Tuscumbta. Xo Commlstions, Drav?ge or Wharfage charged at either Charleston

tarannin. yO" Goods to all sUtlont oa the MEMPHIS AND

CHARLESTON ROAD are entitled ta through rates; allpoints East f Tuacumbla will be charged Tcscumblarales, and all points West ot TnscumblaMemphls rates.

DIRECTIONS FOR. SHIPPING.Gooda by Savannah should be com lined to Agent Cen

Rallro.r, and Packages marked "Care Agent O. R. at., oavannau, ui."Goods by Charleston should be consigned to A tent

South Caiolint Railroad, and Packages marked "CareApet s. c R .R.. Charleston. S. C.

23 Have every Package plainly marked, with nameCuruixne". destination, and depot of. delivery. . At- - of

icmioa u lau matter ensures a spt cay delivery ry preventing aei ays ana mitconsignmentt.THROUGH RATES FROM CHARLESTON

AnD Shlpplnepy Sail Vessels er Propellsrs from- - for

Baltimore. Xew York, Boston and Philadelphia will re andceive me fun cenect or contracts made with sucbetel,

ny consigning tneir gooas to tbe agent t of tbe SoutbCarolina Railroadat Chart ston or Central Railroad atSavannah they will be forwarded free of Commissions pils

tne rouowiug rates :

To Tnscumbia. To Memhvis.rirtt Liasa rer iuu ins., inciuaing

nets si tj si boSecond Class Per 100 pound 109 134

Ira cast-Pe-r 100 pounds 87 1 DOSpecial Ratea For light goods, per five

hundred pounds. . S 76 3 10Steamers are generally butonodayaulcker than Propel

and from two to three Haya Quicker than SailingVessels from Xew York and Philadelphia, andEastern ports to Charleston and Savannah. And where

few dayt time it not an object, from twenty to fortycents i er hundred pounds saved by shipping ontherlstter class of vessels.

CHARLES W. ANDERSON,JunE-l- y General Agent for the Southwest.



LAMB, YOUNG & CO,,No. 259, Main Street.

Testimony of the Reck, or Geolog In Its bearingsTHE the two Theologies, Natural and Rcsraled; byHugh Miller.History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, laand of the events whlcb preceded and followed ; byJohn S. William's.

Scandal; a new novel by Mrs. I. T. Blckworth.Oracle Amber; byMrs,C. W.Denlsoa, author of "Home

Pictures," " What Not," Carrie Hamilton," &cIsabel, or the Young Wlfo and the Old Love; by John As

QCordy Jefferson.

Mind and Matter, or Physiological Inqulrlet In a acrietcf Essays; by Sir Benjamin Rrodie, Bart.. D. C L.Child's Book ot Xature, Illustrated; by Worthlng- - 1ton nooker, M. D.

Things not Generally Known. A popular nand-boo-k ofLiterature, History and Science ; by David A. Wells.American-I- Japan; an abridgment ot Commodore 1Perry's Exploring Expedition; by Robert Tomes.Charity of the Primitive Churches ; by the Her.

Stephen Chattel, ot Geneva. Switzerland.Biographical and Historical Sketches; by T.Bablogton

MacauleySayings of the Great Forty Days between the Re--amotion tnd the Ascention; by George Soberly,

'at&9x. or The Pathway of Safety; by I

Rev. Ath'ton Oxenden) Rector of Kent, England. &c. II.a. Tj so;

A large assortment ot SCH60L, LAW, MEDICAL, 1

Miscellaneous Bncks, which we will sell low. Je3

TO DRUGGISTS.A TOCNO gentleman, who hat served a regular' ap--

IX. preatlceshlp In the Drug business, a graduate ot tbernuaaeipuia uouege or rLarmacy, aou who nasocenaclerk InFred. Brown's Prescrlptl n Store, (corner of 6thand Cbesnut streetr, Philadelphia,) for the past eighteenmonths. Irishes a situation ln a first class Drug Store, lnMemphis.

FrcmhlsacquslntaBcetn Nort,hMlislilppl and Ten-nessee, an additional trade will be carried Into any houseInwhletlbe maybe located. The highest testimonials

morality and business habits can be given.Address, Dr. F. W. SANCY, Lamar, Marshall county,

ai.s. junz-ai- w

CAHPETS AT COST.TTTE win close out'at COST our atsortment of Tapes- -

V try. Velvet, Brussels, Throe Ply andlncrain Car--1pett. my26-J-m McKINXEY k CO.

For Sale or Rent. 9TURNIIUHE for sale and House for Bent onr Madison street, ccartnlent to, business. En JD

quire of " . S. MIX,taySUdlw or CtBi3e,Mixk0o.i

Ahv oae Till admit tkis greatTRUTH, that any remedial 'agent, vhethtr simple ir com.

pound, that is repretented to dre every lomplalnt er dli--ease that Is known, can only be called a humbair, and theowner of it an lrapostar and that any article compound.

ed on scientific principles, dftlgnei as a cure for ona speJciflc disease, and tlxs tffictuatly and permanently cure

that disease. Is a blf ulng togese afflicted wltblt,andthe owner ot it should he nonored and gratefully remem

bered. Sach an one is O. A. Leonard, proprietor of me

SourA American Fever and Ague Remedy. Try It, and

you will never sar humbug.

IFe advise iliose of our friends,IK a ttale of single blessedness, who would win theIdol of their hearts, and enjoy that domestic felicity

known only to thote In married life, to restore the hslr on

their bald pates, change their gray locks to their original

color, mike tbem glossy as tilt, by using Prof Woodit

Hair Rettorative. It Is now the standarl rimeuy lorall diseases of the hslr aud tkln. Lotiiitwe Journat.

To be had of O. J. Wood & Co., Hi Market street, St.Louis, and ef druggists generally. jnn3 dawaw

Holloway's Pills and OintmentHAVE been counterfeited! There Is a ture test .now.

ever, whereby to tell the "genuine. Tlx : the water-mar- k.

" Hollowly. Xew York and London, " that, exists In

everv lear of the book of directions. The wcrds arein the paper, and vliible ty locking

through the leaf to the light.Sold at the manufactory, Xo. SO Maiden Lane, Tiew

Yoft, and by all druggists, at 25c., 634., and $1 per pot.


medicine that sells to readily.BARCLAY BROS., Chicago, 111.

Bcerhave't Holland Bitters meets with a largo sale, and

It always has given good satisfaction.LOUIS WABLICHCblcaro, III.

We have been selling Ecorbave a Holland Bitters torsome months; 'and, altLoughvwhen It was flrt Intro- - I

duced, we did not urge lta taie, oeing uatcqaaiuieu wuu

the article; still we found the public determined ta have

It, and to meet the demand we have bean obligal to rur--

cha-- more of this article than we ever have of any otherpatent midlclne whatever. Every day brings new testimonials of Its efficacy In removing the rations complaints

lor which it is recommended, and In onVrlng it to our

customers, we do so with more confidence la Its virtuesthan la due to most preparations uf the kind.

GALE BROTHERS, Druggists,ISi, Rindolpb fct., Chicago, III.

Burnett's KallistonImportantTestimonial.

Marlboro', July II, IS56.

vrmi inrm BtrnsETT fit Co Gentlemen z Thepa.kagecf KAllUlcn came to hsn-i- at evening; and lamgiad to have an opportunl y to state to you how much wevalue It My family have used it almost daily for morethan two years, and now they think they cannot do without it.

infft anniintlon has reoeatedlr ren oved the freckles from the face of my little boy, leaving bis skin smoothan4 fair. And In all cases of sunburn or Irritation ot a

the tkln, frm whatevor cause, it has thus far proveditself a perfect and very pleasant remedy.

I can, if you desire it, refer yon o several casta 01 ot--mnate cutaneous duea'se, m which i know the Kaiiistonha. had , wonderfully good effect; one In particular, tbedauEhteror Mr. Y . one uf my neighbors, bal suflered for many years frem e.uptlon and Inflam-mation of the skin, (probably the effect of bad vsclnevirtu,) leaving It in teveral places puckend and quiterea. A lew weexs ago 1 reoommruura io niiu juui .i- -litton, be has tlnce lnformelme that the effect of its usehat been very marked and beneficial, tbat the skia hasbecome soft and smooth, and the inflammation and redness has nearly disappeared. This is an important case,

ml I will tell vou more about it when I see you.I owe It ta vou to state that 1 did not believe in the ef

ficacy of any axmclic until I tried your Kslll.ton, and I astheerfuily give my testimony in us ravor.

Yours reKpectlully. J n uoro.For tale by S. MANSFIELD ft CO., and dealers gener

ally. Price 60c. and $1 per bottle. juui-attwi- w


THE STAR GALLERY now effers for exhibition theflnett collection of OIL PAINTINGS of any Gallery In

tte country.The IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Is one of the leading

pictures ot the day. Made only by PARK ic PEP--

LOW.The HALLE OTYPE the most wonierful picture ever

made can be seen at the Star Gallery. Made at noother Gallery In the city. Go tee them. myl2

White Teefli, Perfumed Rreatliand Beautiful Complexion,

CAX be acquired by using the ''Balm or A Trior.saxd Flowebs." What lady er gentleman would re.

In mi!?, th rrrr. nt m Ht.affreefthta breath. when. hvusing the "Balm or A Thousakd Flower " as adentrlfice, would not only render It sweet, but leave theteetn wmte as ajaoasicrr aiany persons ao uob snowtbejr breath Is bid, and the subject Is to delicate theirfriends will never mention It. Beware of counterfeits.Be sure each' bottle Is sifaed, .

FETRIPGE & CO. Xew York.X3T For sale by all Druggists. apl7-deod- ly


THE many evidences adduced in this city place It beyond doubt at to the permanent cure of CONSUMPTION to

all of itt formsby the continued usecf Dr. SLEDGE'SH0ARH0DXD PECTORAL. CROUP relieved, in one

minute. apll

For Spring and Summer of 1857, at


ELEGANT Drees, Moleskin and Catslmere HATS, re J.X.ceived at WHEATON'S, 75 Front Row, where those inwant ot a superb and fashionable HAT will please call.

Constantly on hand and receiving the largest and fineststock of SOFT HATS In the city at

teb21 WHEATON'S. 75 Front Row.




Corinth, Tishomingo County, Miss.rnHB undersigned would respectfully inf. rmhls friends

1 and the public generally, that his High School fornrg taaies will ce openea, unaer me immediate rnper- -

lntendence of himself and lady, for tbe reception ofBoarding asd Day Pupils,

On 'Wednesday, the 15th of July next. to

The cocsiderations that commend th's Scbool to publicnotice are and1st. Its accessibility, being situated at the Intersection

tbe Memphis anu Charleston and the Mobile and OhioRai roads

2ad. Tbe healthfnlness and pleasantness cf Its location,being in th region of a summer watering retort, theHardin Springs.

3rd. A situation favorable to study and Improvementmind, being removed from everything calculated to di

vert and dBs'pate thnught.4th xbe sound ana thorough instruction tbat It is our

purpose ard p edg- - to 1 ..part. We off-- r to the public theservice and benefit of a 0lleglate Institution, deslened

every appliance that Is In. use. to develope, luvlrorateadjrn the blind ot woman. We have spared neither

pains nor exrense In the endeavor to provide the mostairy, healthful, and pleasant accommodations f.r romeseventy-fiv- e to elgMy boarders. We aim to have our pu

live we'I, feel Well, and do well; and hoMlog ourreives dlr'Ctly responsible to our jatrons for tbe

their daughters while entrusted to our care,,we111 be cautious to employ none bat accomplished and able

assistants.TERMS AXD RATB3

The scholastic j tar will bedlvided Into two sessions ofmonths ach ; tbe first osmmenc'nc on the first Wed

nesday ot February, and ending on the last Fri. ay ofjunei. tbe second comm.ncigon the turd Wednesday ofJuly, and ending on tbe tbird Friday ef December.

TheSc-oo- l will consist ot vwe Departments: theand the Collegiatt. .

The Preparatory D partment will embrace all pupilswho arenot qualified be ageor advancement In study toenter Colleg ; the tuition fees Of which will Le $15 persession

Tbe Colletlate Department win embrace all who, b'lngfourteen years ef azr, can ttand a satisfactory examination on Orthography, Reading, Arithmetic Geography,

Enclilsb Grammar, and enter upon tbe Intendedcourse of study trf the higher branches ?f English Literature, and tbe Ancient and Modern Languages ; the tuition feesof which w.l) be $S5 per session

Extra charges, at customary rates, will be made for tbeornamental branches of study, viz.. Music, Drawing and duly

delavpaintlnc, Kmcroiaer , &c, &cBoarding, Including all accommodations except wash

ing, will be SCO p.rsesslon, payable In advance.Tbe tuition fees of pupils, not boarders, will be requiredacvance.

Rcr. L. B. GASION, Principal. theCnniNTn, Miss June 3, 1857.D


A DHDS. Fair Sugar ; CO dp Prime do ; 20 do Choice 'Also,vs Sugar, i orjale low to tbe trade oy. -

. FLOURNOY, COOPER & LEASE.my21 196 Main street.

fifi BAGS BIO Coffee; 60 do Havai.a do ; 25 do La- -IUU gulra Coffee. For sale by

FLOURNOY, COOPER & LEAKE.my24 196 Main street.

flA BBLS. Relolled Uolatset; ICO half do RetplledIUU Molasses. For sa'e by I

FLOURNOY, COOPER k LEAKE,m2i 196 Main street.

BOXES Star Candles ; 100 half do. For sale by;100 . FLOURXO Y, COOPER k LEAKE, amy2l 19 Main strccl- -

Tj r OASES superior Bottled Brandy For sale low by of

J zujuiiaui, tuuri.ii s LSAais.my2i 196 Main street.A. TIERCES Rice; lObaga Spice; 20 kegs Sodr;6C

L v DDia. Lara; iu ao itumpt. rorttienymy24 FLOURNOY, COOPER it LEAKS.

Ofl BOXES. Virginia Smoking Tobacco; 50 do too'tiJ Tobacco; 100.000 sup'rtor Cigars For sale by

FLOURNOY, COOPER .V LEAKE,rnj2i-l- m 19S Main street.

Irlissifisippi Reports.have Just received a .supply of "Flrtt George;"WEit being the 30th volume, and tha,last, ot the Mis-


Reports.JunS LAMB, YOUNG k CO.

FLOUR! FXOCaiCiifi BBLS. Extra Flour;CJJ SOObbli. Superfine Flour, for sale by

FLQUBNOY, COOPiR k LEAKE,my26 196 Main street.

kegt Lard;FIFTY Lard. Just received and for sale bytny26 FLOURNOY, COOPER k LEAKE.

A"TTHFTr boxes Star Candles ; " XX

.75 half boxes Star handles;zs boxes pressed candies. For sale br pay.



315a -

fomxripl Oifariioito

TUB MAYORALTY.WZ are authorized to announce Sam UEL T. U ORG AX

as an Independent candidate for Mayor.

WE are authorized and requested to announce R.R ACGII as a candidate for the otSee of Mayor at th en.suing election. my27-t-e

FOR ALDEIWIEIV.WE are authorised to announce RBP3EX S. JONES

as a candllate for Alderman in the Third Ward, at en.suing June election. Juno

WE are authorized to announce cur esteemed friendand a d resMent, R. 11 DASHIELL, as a candidate forAldeiman in me second warn.

WE are autherlzed to announce JOHX MEAL. Baa.1as a canaiaate ror Aiaeruan in me secona w iru.

WE are author zed to announee Mr. D. W. SHANKSas a candidate for Aldermin In tbe Fourth Ward.

WE are authorized to sunounce BENJAMIN WRIGHTas a candidate for Alderman of the First Ward.

WE are authoilzed and requested to announce JOHXD. ARMOUR as a csndidite tor Alderman in the FourthWard, at tbe ensuing Municipal e ectisnt.

Editors ArrEAL,: In reply to a call from "ManyCitizens" to serve as Aiaerman in me Fourth ward, Iwill serve, u it is me wisn ci tno residents or tne ward,

mpo" uespeceiuuy, i. u. HILL.

WE ate authorized and requested to announce J. DDaNBURY, at a candidate for Alderman of the Fourthward.

WE are authorized to announce THOMAS J. a candidate for as Alderman of the FourthWird.

To tiil Voters or Memphii : I accept the sailmad. upon me to run for Alderman In the Sixth Ward.and If elected, will serve the petple faithfully.

mylo-l- e it. 11. i'fcllill.To the Editors of the Memphis Appeal:

With reference to tbe call made on me a tewdays ago to become a candidate for as Aldermanof the Fourth Ward, permit me to say tbat If my fellow--citizens are satisfied with the course I have pursued inthe Board the past year, and will me. my pastexperience will, I trust enable me to serve them mareefficiently tbsn I have hitherto dune. And I need cotsay that I have the great we.I-bel- ot our prosp-run- s

city much at heart, and tor its prosperity I am wiliius toW 4VOUW w ,3 il(Uk, 141,

(f Jeted du?nar,e my duty falihiullr, and within.the feat orfavorof any msn or set of men, and with aneye tingle to our city's prosperity at home, and her reputation sDroaa.

I thill be absent several weeks, and must leave thematter to my fellow citizens to elect me er not as treychoose. Yeryresaectfully,



ff3" WE are authorized to announce HUME F. HILL,Esq , as a candidate fjr re--el ctlou to lho office of Recorder. ao2t

WE are authorized to announce Mi lor GEORGE W.FISHER as a candidate for Recorder at the ensuing municipal election. p25

FOR CITY' niAUSHAL.WE are authorized and requested to aanusnco EX0CH

ENLOE as a Cicdidate for City Marshal, at the ensuingelection. sp26- -t

WE are authorized and rt quoted to announce FRANCBYRD at a candidate for City Marshal, at the June eieeHons. mb

WE are authorized to announce C. TAX CAMPEX, ascandidate for City Marshal. mya.

WE are authorized to announce JOHN SMOOT, as anIndependent candidate for City Marshal mjo

WE are authorized to announce JAMES O. REINHARDT as a candidate for the office of City Marshal, athe ensuing Municipal Election in June neat, mariv-t- e

FOR CITY TAX COLLECTOR.WE are authorized to announce JOHN NEWSOM as a

candidate for to the efflce of City Tax Coikc- -tor ai tbe ensuing Juneelectloo.

WE are authorized and requested to anaoarioe JOHXn. BO WEN as a candidate for City Tax Collector at theensuing election

WE .re authorized to announce WM. DXDERWOODa candidate for tht offlce of City Tax Collector. my7

FOR CAPTAIN OF DAY POLICE.WE are authorized and rtauested to announce Captain

W. C. CAUSEY as an independent candidate for the officeCaptain of tee nay Police. ap26

WE are authorized and requested to announce J. F.JOHNSON as a candidate for to the emce ofCaptain ot Day Police, at the ensuing June elections.

mn-t- e


WE are authorized to announce FELIX G. BUTLER acandidate for Captain of the Night Police, at tbe ensuingdiction.

SIO REWARD.STRAYED or stolen from the aubscrlber in

Memphis about the 10th of May, oneIs Day MARE, about fifteen hands high, bad onewhite hind foot, and a white spot in tbe fore--

bead, aue was If me In the right foie foot about the timeshe was ml'iing. The above reward will be paid to anyperson wbo will her to me at Wbltney & Left.wick's Livery Stable, In Memphis.

mv3U-I- 3UUBUWKK3.

COVlTllffC &(ZlCllilil St'CSMITn. COOPER H. CO., 112 Fr-n- t Street, Xew York,

Tchoupetoulat Street. Xew Orient s, manufacturers of uordaze, uaxnm, ic, cser for tale a fun assortment of Manilla and Tarrel Rope, Navy and ExtraOakum, deliverable in New York or Xew Orleans.


PORTRAITS TRUE TO LIKE.TTAYING returned, after a short absence from town,

I to my Studio over F. n. Clark it Co.'s Jewelryestablishment. In the Marble Block. I will be most happy

wait on an woo may tavor me witn tneir oraers.His Portraits shal 'be true to life.ap21 WM. FRYE.

FARM FOR SALE.AX Improved Farm of one hundred and sixty

acres for sale, nine miles from Memphis, on theHorn Lake road. For particulars apply to Caycets. Son, G. B. Locke, J. M. Shaw 4 Co . or to me

23 Front Row. J. W. TWEEDY.my27-l-

EDVl'AKD PICKETT. Jr..TTOHNKI AT LAW, Memphis. Tenn. once, Jefftr--ton street, miaway ine roti umce jimiaing.

NO. 282 MAIN STREET.TTTB are weekly receiving addlt Ions tn our already large

y ana wen asiorted stock cf STAPLE and FANCYDRY GOODS, to which the attention ef th- - trade la retpectf ally Invited. L. YK8T t CO..

m?12 dawim No 252 Mm street.



Institution, having been organised under a charterTHIS by the General Assembly ef the State ot Tennessee, is now ready for business. The Directors for theensuing year are :

FRANK M. WHITE, ATJG'ST M. FODTE, Preff.C. J. SELDBN, E. M. AYERY. Cashier.By the charter, married women and children may de

posit all sums ot not less than $1 per week, subject onlytheir control. Interest allowed .on all deposits tor

more man rour montnt, at six per cent, per annum. Exchange on Xew Tor and Xew Orleans. Collections made

proceeds promptly remitted.Memobis, Tenn . Dc 7th. ISM. It

CRACKERS.BBLS. Soda Crackers.20 20 hit. bbls. Soda Crackers.20bxs. '25 bbls. Water "16 hit. bbls. " " ,15 this Butter "10 hlf. bolt. "10 boxes Lemon "5 " Ctacknell Biscuit.

For tile by FLOURNOY, COOPER fc. LEAKE,my29-l- 196 Main street.

R.4CON.CASKS Ribbed Sides.20 10 " Should.rj.10 Hams.6 " Canvassed Hams.

For sale low byFLOURNOY. COOPER & LEAKE.

my29-l- w 193 Main street.

WANTED. BlaX English Teacher, to go to tue country. Apply to

L WM RICHARDSON HUNT.Jun2-l- w South sida Court Square.

LaGEANGB. TENN.THIS well known and pooular summer resort, wilt be

and kept tte tntnlnr season by the achterlbcr. T. A. BURPfJOr.

gj Enquirer copy.

Administrator's Notice.ALL person bavlng claims agalntt the estate of

O. Ballard, dee'd, are requested to file them,authenticated, with the undersigned, with as littleas potilble. GEO WINCHESTER,

jun2-dI- 0t Administrator, Xo. 35 Front Riw.

Administrators' Sale.WE will sell on WEDNDSDAY, the 10th day of June,

at 10 o'clock, at the store ef M. O. Cavce A Sou. allperishable property belonglngto the estateof William

Brown, d'ceased; consisting of household and kitchcDfurniture, the mass of which is flue and near It new.

one cow and calf.JOSEPH F BROWN,A. D. WITnERSPOOX.

Jnnel. 1S57-- . Jel-I- w Administrator.

Rare Opportunity for Teachers.TUE " lletnanao 1'cmale Inatltute, " together, with a

and PbL'otonbical Acnantna. Mans.Glahe4. Ac . will be sold tolhe Miet Tilflrf- .- .t tK. ln.stltute Boillfnz. In the town of Hernando. Miss., cn theFIRST MONDAY (6th day) of JULYNEXT.

The Apparatus, etc , will be soidrforcasb ; tbe Lots andInstitute Buildings thereon, for oce-ha- lf cash, and thebalance upon a credit or twelve months with Interest.

This property it well adapted for School purposes or forlarge boarding bouse'. Tbe title it unquestionable, but

under the sale onlv inch title as is vested In the BoardTruttees will be given.

Th- - sate will positively be made, as It Is ordered for thepayment oi debts. J. K. CONNELLY,

HEH.nando, it Its Sec'y Board of Trustees.

Money for Great BargainsAT

POPE & BROS.,235 Main Street, Memphis.have determined to reduce our large stock of

STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS,by orrrniso toem. at

Vory AtI.oc3.-u- l cod HPx-ioo- a

For Casli!Jun2-2- m

Administrator's Notiee.LL persons having claims against the estate ot thelate R. C. F. Duncan, will present them at once for

payment, and those Indebted to said estate win call andB, B. WAD DELL.

rsys Administrator,

.... WJ

'tlitl.rl tatttel 'sliit I', inf

gtomlro, ftauo,?, (Etc.


USTILTHE FIRST OF JCLYXEXT.? I? TENDING to make extensiveH Improvements to our store durine theP

summer, we will offer for sale, from' a 'this date, at a small advance oncost, tbe Unrest assortment of fashionallt and coranonFurniture in the Southern country.

We are compelled to sell out a great quantity otFurniture before tbe addition can be commenced, aa wewill necessarily hare to close the store for a short time.Purchasers will And it to their Interest to buy their Fur-niture before the first of July next, at

itcKINNET it CO- - 3,. Opposite Worshara House, Memphis.2" Onr terms are CAaH for small bills cltr icct-c-

tance for time bills. mjJS-l- m

Refricerators.SCHOOLEY'S Patent Kefrigrrators 'he best In rise)

for sale at Manufacturn's mylO McEINXEY . Co.

See Roxea."A fcEIXXEY & CO. are In receipt of a large number ofAvX ic- - Hrnes, p--r steamer wm. falrd. mylO

Shower Hat lis.BlIlS' Patent Comolnatloa .of Shower Bath andLKWashstaad. Also, Wardrobe &hwtr Bath, for sale at

nryiu ascKiMXEr &. CO 3.

Ice PicLis.A VERY desirable article for breaking Ice. fcrsaleat

--Ci. mylO McKINNEY & CO'S.

Canton Mattings.s IXTY-FIV- E pirces Canton Mattings, 6- -1 and 6--i

wioe fortaie atmyiO McEIXXEY k CO'S.

GEO. FLAHERTY & BRO.ARE selling out, with

out reserve their stock of E

S5 .000, consisting ot 1I--ANOS from he rant I cel--

ebratrd mikers, such as Cbickering U Sons ; Furniture,from a Kltcn-- Table to the mo.t elaborately canedRosewood Setts in Brocatelle and Plosb.

Carrrts. CurUIns. Floor Oil Cloth Mattresses. Lookii iGlwirs, Ottoman F ames prepared tor embratd red covert, Offica Furniture. Refrixeratori and Shower Baths.

rush ot every varletv: S'aln Xcwels and Banisters600 on band at all times. Dealers visiting oar city areluvlted to examine our stock.

Pianos tuned and reDiln.d br a Professor of lone ernerl'nce.

Ware Rooms corner Main and Union streets, Memphis

PIANO PORTE, FLTBNITTJEE,Carpet and Curtain Rooms.

PIAXOS ot A. A Galek Co., Lighte, Newton &V

Bradbury; Rosewood. sy

and Walnut Parlorand Bed Room Furniture. Sofas. Divans. Bureaus. Wardrobes. Secretaries, Cottage Ma-bl- e Top Bed Room Suits,and a large assortment of Common Furniture.

Spring, nair. Moh. Cotton and Shuck Mattresses madeto order Oil Carp-tin- g, from thiee to eighteen fettwiae; Tapestry. Brass It and Common Carpets. Transparent Shades and Curtains. Carpets, C urtains and Cornlees, made by an expertenod Upholsterer. Lookinguiass ana Picture Frame made to order Pianos tunwl.and all kinds of Mntical Instruments repaired by expe--nencea worimen. it. M UK03VEXUK,

Main street, between Madison and Monroe.mar27-daw6-

jTKPeiiiri W .if 1

MUTo those who love their Fellow BeingsT HA YE a Remdy (purely veiretable) for Tever anJX Ague, and Falling Sickness, which hat nevirhe'n kn .wn lo fall. It la at pleasant, and as cheap, as itis emeacious. Any person woo will sera me tne names,and directions to tbe residences, of ten Individuals sickof Consumption, or any disease or the Chest or Lungt. orsuffering from a broken down and shattered Constitution,will receive as a reward this Recipe. It embodies fall in--tractions furmsklnzandadmlnlstetlag ttl. wonderful

Medicine. Address, DR. TRACY DELORMR,is New York Peat Office.


J . L. TAYLOR,184 Main St., Memphis,



Hats, Boots, Shoes, Saddlery,FINE VIRGINIA TOBACCO, ic I

Merchants, Planters and Close Buyers II

Generally, are respectfully invited to

rpH? foltewlns Seasonable Goods are now offered fora eaie low .

SWISS MUSLINS, Striped, Plaid aad Plain: onJAUUUJit,l " " "CAMBRICS, Mull, Book, Victoria :NAI VSOOKS. Plaid and Plain.BRILLIANTINES, Fig'd, Striped and Printed.


Printed Jaconet ts.2,000 yards Lawns, IO to 50 cts.SjOOO " liest American and

Euglisli Calico;500 yards superior Black Silks

ilich Sillc and Pierage Holies andDresses :

Striped and Plaid Foulards.






Mourning Goods.Black and Black and White Prints and Lawns ;Black Satin Striped Grenadine Hombazlne;Silk Warp Alpacca Berage;Crape Collars, Sett, Blacc Robes.

TTfiRTnTrBlack. Blue and White.BAJOU S unequalled Kid Gloves.

Collars, Sleeves, S'ts. Basques,.Mantles, Edges. Insertings,

Bands, Flounces, Handkerchief s, Buflei.

MEIS'S5 WEAR.Fine Black and Fancy French Cloths of Slmosla' and ly

other makes;Fine 6--1 and H Black and Fancy Doeiklns. SlmaBla' aud

others ; theSuper Satin Meieikln and Tflvtt Vestlrg-- ; ofBurr, wane and Fancy Marseilles do: this

k Italian Cloths ;Black French Drsp D'Ete: itsDrab, Blue and Lead A lberlne Coatings ;Brown Grey anl Fancy Summer Ololha ;Kantrnet Satteen. Brill and Fancy Coatings;Brown. x!!ow and Lead Linen Coalings : useBleached and Brown Drills and DtKks;Terk and Alakapat Drills, Xankeeas, &c to




Illen and Youths' & Furnishing GoodsGenerally. else

fairCoats, Stocks, Shirts X'ett Shirts,Pants, Ties, Collars, " Drxwers,vests, Cravats, Drawers, Haniercblets, SoleDusterf, Scarfs, Socks.

ForPAETIES, WEDDINGS, &c.White Satin and Figured Silk Vests ;

White Crara's, Ties and Scarf s;White Eld Gloves, Ac, Ac also

HOUSEKEEPING!- - GOODS.Table Covers, Cloths, Napkins, Crash Towels, Doylies,

Counterpanes, Frnges, Curtain Damasks, Embroidered J.Curtain Muslins, Apron and Furniture Checks, Ticking;,Ornaburgs, Stripes.

Q H. i: IrtV--L' JLTXTO--

Bleached and Brown Sh'rtlngs, f to 4--1.

Bleached and Brown bheetlngs, 4 to 13 4.Jun2-daw- ly

W. E. MILTON,26 Madison Street, Up Stairs,


Marine Insurance Companies in the United ts.States. thli

Exchange and Note Broker.I will attend to the negotiation of all


ofGold Leaf! Gold Leaf! any

25 PACES best Gold Leaf. For sale by"WARD k JOXES.

my23.daw2w 229 Matn-s- t.

FOR SALE A GREAT BARGAIN.CORNKR LOT 109 feet cn Jane's Avenue and it

170 on Roberson street, near Col Decree's rest-- dnce. Also, Storehousi and Lase on Court

street. Apply at Xo. C Cuurt street, tomy!0-2- w J. W. VTATSOX.

Bleached CoUors.(sen CASES Bleached Cottons, on hand aud aor sale byZOJ JAXE3 LOW ot CO..

marll 413 if tla street, LoulivUle, Ey.

1 fit st. ,

R-- B. BROW,. .......... i. W. rXAZZR,uercando. Memphis.

BtlOTVs & FRAZER.A TTORXKTji ATLAW. OffUt Xo 2f Mala street,

--TJl over Benson's Music Sicn-- , Mempnis, Tenn., andHernando, DeSito county. Miss. Win attend promptlyto all collections and business eatrasted to them Is WestTennessee and XortlLMuaisslpti.

REFER to Trultf . Bro. fir. Co . FbUa'JelshlaT Crocla,Hurxthsll k Sears. Walter Steimein. X. Y.; w. B.Miller, Jones, Brown e. Co., W J. Webb Jt Co. . Mem-phis. ap!9-dawl- y



fTIACES this method of informing the citizens of Mem--X Phis tnat he has permai.eally .ocated himself here.

to carry on the above business, and aseare those homay favor him with thetr natronage tbat alt work entrosted to him will hive hl strict PERSOXAL ATTEN-TION, lntheseleetknand pnparaiion of the material,aa well as the faithful exicutlonef the wo'k. Noexertion will be epareii on bis part o give satlifaaioa andpertorm the woik thoroughly, aaa at the same time tosuit th taste of tbe most fa.tidloaa.

His long warrants bim in styisg that hiscoatracts wih hccemplnl wilb to tbe entire satisfactionof thote who may patronize hm. They Mir also restassured tbat any Work cndertkkea by him promptly conducted.

For qualification, he begt leave to refer to the follow.Ingpersons: Cape C. B. Church. Capt. T MrW. PjnleyJJapt. J Gosk Cap'.. Algeo, Mr. G PhlUer

SHOP Bark f Shrttun s Drug Store. mv29 dly

MEaiPHW IiSCRAXCE COWPAXY,Memphis, Tennessee. -

CAPITAL 150,000.Sam. M03by, Prcs't; Ben May, Soc'y.

orrrcs ox jErrERjorr street.DIRECTORS.

A. O. Harris, Mosbt,Q. O. Atzihsox, t. w. Wilxissox,J. O. Greehlaw, t. H. Alleh,

J. J. BAWU5SI.raai7-t- f

Take NoticeA LL persons Indebted, to. tbe late Orm of Fergun,

XA. rtein a. Biact, eitser oy ate or aceotwr; are cenrb)notified, tbat ualesa they make a. tHera- nt of tbe same btthe lt day of Jane, prex., they will he piaoed in tbetaaaa or an c racer ler ceticcusa.


rarlS-dtwaw-lm of the afwevaid firm.

JOHV II. JONEM,Xj"mflC3r3 33 3i G-- 23 TO" T ,rpO bey or sell, baton hand at an 'lew. Csmi pta.X Poplar aud Uk Laraber, near the Charleston llari- -

toaa u-- ot mve mm ml mv221m

A'OTICE.To the Stockholders of the Mem

phis and Charleston Ii. R. Co.IN accxrdance with the power and authority given ln

15th Section ef the Charter of the Hemshlt aadCharleston Rail-oa- d Cenjpany. the Board of Directorshave resolved that all StockboMert (except those wbeteeases are In litigation) wbo Oo not nay oar frdlv theirstock on er before tbe 30th day of JUNE XKXT, that theiiar win u? r.rrenru v tee ceapany, tfietudlng aHoirea wseiiy or pa'iianr uupaia.

By order of the Board.T. B. WALDRAV,

apt Sec'y and TiUs'r Western Division.



PROX0DN0BD BT of a Lettr from a

CAXXOISSKUB3, Hedical GeatleaanAt VADRAS,


'Only Good Sauce,' woEcrjTEB, ifay, 'fit"TeH LEA k PER-R1-

ASD ArrLICABLE TO I i that theirSAUCE la highly es-teemed


la IndU.aad Is,EVERT VARIETY z. in ray opinion, the mostpalateb.e as well as tbe

OF DISH. mottwhtleieme Saucethat la made.

The oly Jfedal awarded by tbe Jury of tbe Xew TorkExhiMtkn far Foreiga Sauce?, was obtatBed by LEA kPERKINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, theworld wide lame of wbteb having hd to numerous imitations, purchasers are earneatly reaoettea to see that tbenames of "LEA k PnRRIN'S" are Impressed upon theBottle and Stepper, and printed open the labels.

Sole Wholesale Agents for the United Slates.John Duncan & ons,

405 BROADWAY, ?f. T,A stock always ln store. Also, orders received for di

rect shipment from England. my9-ly- !p

A RETIRED PHYSICIAXWhcae sands ef life have neary run out discoveredwhile In tbe Eait iBdws, a certain cure far Censunip- -ties, Atthma, BrotKBlt.s, Uougbs, Colds, and KenrtalDeMHty. The remedy was diseover-- by him n hen hisonly chHd, a daughter, was kiven up to die. Wlahin- -do as much gv d a potlMe. he wlJ teed to such of hi.

ataicted fellow, beiags as reqaest h, this recipe, withfull and exp leit direc less for raaklag K up. and successfully using It. He requires each applicant to enclosebin one tuning three cents to be ledaspottate I

the recipe, and tbe temiisder to be applied to the Ipayment of this adrertitement. Aa4rej,

UK. II. AMES,Xo. 19 Graxd street, Jersey ity.X.J.

mylo-dawi- l

ARCHITECTURE.L. MORGAX, Architect, rnrnUhes Plans, Speo

JOHX" and Detailed Drawings, superlntendii theErection of Bu.ldlngs, Famishes Approximate Estimates,lets Contract. Ac . meamrea Brick Work. Pla.tertnPalnMng and Carpenter's Work. Ac., gives EstimatedValue to Work, the price tor wbKh bo coatractbas beecmade. Particular attention given to Decoration! andEmbeillshmen s ln Architecture. Particular attentiongiven to Church Architecture.

Koems o. 3 walker's nuiioungs, Mempats, Tenn.ap30-t-





FEVER AWD AGUE,ICCH as Indices' ion, Acidity of the Stonaeh, Colicky

Paint. Heartburn. Lots of Appetite. Dtspandency,Osstiveness. BHnd and Bleeding Piles. In all Xervous,Rheumatic aad Xeuralgle ARVciiont. It has ln numerousInstances proved hlghiy beneficial, and ln others effected adecided cure. the

Thlr Is a purely vegetaWe ennpound, prewired on strict ascientific principles, a ler the manner of the celebrated ror

Holland Prefetor, Boeioave. Because of It great suc-


In mojt of tbe European State, Hi Introduction intoUnited States was Intended mere especially fer thote

our fatherland mattered Vre and there over tbe face of themighty country. Meeting with great success among

them, I now offer It to the American public knowing thattruly wondeerful medicinal virtues must be acknow

ledged. ofIt is particularly recommended to those persona whose Xo.

constitutions may have been Impaired by the continuousof ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation.

GeneraBy lnstantaneons In effect, it finds its way directlythe seat or are, tanning arm quicz nmg, every nerve,

raialnz up the drooping and, ln fact. Infusing newhealth and vlgur ln the system.

XoTtcr Whoever eipects to And this a beverage willbut to tbe sick, weak aal low spirited,

win prove a grateful aromatic ccrdlal, possessed ofsingular remedial properties.

CAUTION".The rrrat porularlty of this delightful Aroma has

marry Imitations, which tbe public ahould guardaalnat purchasing Be not persuaded to buy anything

until you have given Boer have's Hotlaod Bitter atrial. One bottle will convince yon how infinitely

superior It Is to all these Imitations.Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bcttles for $5. by tht est

Proprleto-- s.

BE.vJ.onjr PAGE, JR., & CO.,MANtrrACTcnxaa

Pharmaceutists and Chemists,PITTSBURGH, PA.

J3-S- old ln Memphl by S. MAXSFIELD it WARD & JOXES and G. D JOHXSOX.

ap7-l- y

IMMENSE SUCCESS 1.Over Two Thousand Bottles of



last week,and the de-mand la In-


as Ingevc-r- yday. The

aalethat has so ofvery rapidlysprang up nn

lor this rem-edy. Is nW- -

Thousands of weak feeble and debilitated persons Indty have been made healthy and strong by taking It

It Is the best alternative in tte world, and the onljremedy that will purify fi blood, and at the same time,sirco&uicu wjh lu.igoraic iuc wuotrorKaauauoa. 4

.!T1 .M,n.tlw n.M .tt 1.1.1. . 1 VI J VA. Ilk Wit, 1IJ kU.U lAICit'iaiULB IStomach or Bowels, such as Liver Complaint, Headache,Biliousness, Bad Breath, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Lost

Appetite, Xervous Diseases, Faintness, Weakness ot anddisease ot the Womb, Kidneys or Bladder; and re-


yellowness or sores from the skin. It is a surfpretentlve against Tellow Fever, ChDIi, Ague andFever, Cheirra. or any prevailing epidemic There la nomistake about It.Jj Every bottle la warranted to give satisfaction. Try

It Is very pleasant. I( leaves a delightful aromaticflavor ln the mouth altr taking it.

J. H. McLEAX, Sole Prcprlelor of this OorduLiAlso, McLean's Volcanic 01 Liniment. 'X3" Principal depot on the corner of Third iSt! Pl

itraete, St. Louis, Mo. For sale In Memphis, tyG. D. JOHXSOX. Agent,

corner Madison and Marnreets,Also, by S. MAXSFIELD CO.,

febJ-daw- ly Wholeatle DrurxUtsifmph!.


Leaves MONDAY, June S, at"2 r. i.

For STasliTilleiCITY OF

mnUXTSYILiE'. ..., WEAtrnt, V.

U THIS light draught passesrersr.f will inve as above For frelzht or na

agr, bavlBg seperler acTatamtdaHaat,apply on board er to .

Jud6 LATALLETrB. SHIRLEY & CO .Agents. -

Leaves MOM DAT EVEXIStf, Jute 8tS, at frefcik.Past Lino .for LouisvlUo.


XORTHRRXER..... F. Sunir, Master.KSXSaaU THIS fleet and Hgbt drausSrt ttestaw .ni- - oOrlng sop-rl-or iBdsteraenls ts paani.Jy ceri and- - shlppert, wHI leave aa above

ir hrffor Cairo and LoaltvUle. - v.Conaigneea w II receive their freight en the Levee

when not ifi--- otherwise ft will SorttorrdTat their expene.For freight or passage, havtre ssperUr accorrmeda.

tions. apply on board or to .1n-- St LAVALI.FTTB SHIRI.ET & CO., As't.

Leaves on SATtKDAT MORNIXT, June 6.


ra U THE fast running and first rate Steam-s- el

boat PeatMylvtBia, Klineftvier. Master,wilt leave M repiila fr toe ao ve aaa anlab rmeilai porta aa atove. For frtkht

or peaplr on tnyta-l- t

Memphis, White ,RlTer and AapoieoaTJ. S. IIATL PACKET,

Helena, Friar's Paint, Laconia & Concordia


1. THIS new, splendid and fast ateamer,rO having been purchaaed fer hc Facktt

TraoV in place of the Jamet uiogniui,wm'enntlntu! rezularlr in the trade, lesTtsc

Meraphu. every MUX DAT and FRIDAT at 2 e'eleek, punctually, connecting at Xapolon wlu WhiteArkantas river bvats, akl freteai and pwtengTa to

nnr t rMiin me a. "RetBrniBC. leaves Nf ro--knn every TCSSD AT and SATTJBDAT, txrtvlBg at Mem-phis Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

Thaatf ' for former patronage, the ownen hope tomerit a corimrurtce ef the aae to their new boat, pro. '

raising strict attestion to btsetnesa. "LAVALLRTTS X MqKKi Agentr;

Votici: to Smrrcu Ths FrUee,riWJJ recttvwfreight untU on o'clock oa Moadays, and during th - en-

tire day Thursdays, and nstu oae o'clock Frisayi.OCT 15

A T. Latalxjcttc. tale of arm ' LaraHelte T. ShiBLET Late ef tbeE. G. DAV1BS05 Late of Padaeas, Zeutaexy.



AGENTSCommission & Forwarding Merchants,


Agents of Memphis aad Charleston Ka3reaLOffice .Vo. 61 Front Row tnd Court slreit.

Warehouse on Water street, Waltfa Bloct.JCBi-I- y

, a. stirrr-E- . ...M. S. MITCHELL... J. at. iamplx.Meaphla. Late ot Abercees. Late of rorMctcc-ao- .


Cotton Factors,Commission. Keceivin?, and ForoartliDi'


MEMPHIS, TKN..ASUPPLT of best Bagging aad Reps always Io store.

tupp is nlHd at the ktwtti cash prices.We are also Agents for lb saw of Gto. W. Wtoan's

Double Geared P1 aMe Tbfethera and Wheat Faan,bleb, are aepert-- r le aDjthtHg ef the ktsd evtreSered

to the plaster, beiag cheaper, naor. durable, arid lets Hable to gt out of repair, arid may be us.d with equal

In eHhr Gin n--0 e ' r Held raytStawly

Foil HEAT.A DWELLING oa Main ttrtet, containing fife rooms,

kitchen, stable, Ac. Apply torai33-dl- VERX0XRIT0DE3.


OLD Framrt Looting Glaa-e- a HkeAll wrk warrant-d- . OH PaiBllsgs and Pic-

tures oa hand fer tale, Washington street, betow Theatre.mjT-dl-y

Executors' A'otice.subscribers bavlng taken out letters ofTHE Bpon the estate of Carolina Eattman, dte'd,

alt persons indebted to the same, are hereby cottied tomake payment, aad all having cl inu are re-quested to present them aoiheBtiealed fer mt

X FR CC.m.lS-lr-a . H BORMKR. J "nto- -


15y lV.iUvoiul from Cairo!To Chicago Direct in Sixteen Hours, without Break

of linage or Change ef Cars or Baggage.BRAXCH FROM CEXTRtLIA IS XOW F1X1SHED,

Thru shortening the time to tixteea heart to Chicago.

AT Chicago, connect Leg with Michigan Central Canleaving the same Depot, for Detroit, Xtagara FaHj,

Koch ester, Albany, Xew Tork, Beaten, and aK Eatternand Atlantic Cities. Only two change of Care fromCairo to Xtagara, and three from Cairo to Atbaay, andfour from Cairo to Xew Tork. Time frem Cairo to XewTork, forty-Bi- hours. Fare as lew, and cemfert great-er, tha a by any other route. Paaseagert throagh arenot subjected to the delays consequent to the frequentchangtx by short lines ot Kail roads through Indiana andOhio, to the East and North.

Also, connecting at Chicago with Michigan SouthernTrains, for Gteveta:id, Dunkirk, aad tbe Last, with LaksShore Railroad and Steamert for Ractae, Milwaukee,Sheboygan, Ac, and with a tpieadid Line ef Fust CtaasSteamer for Sault St Marie, Lake Superior, Cottingwood. Toronto, Ac.

"rains leave Cairo Every Morning aad Evening as fol-lows!

A. ax., Chicago and Dusleith Express, Sundaysexcepted.

This Train connects at Chicago with Xew Tork Light-ning Ezpresarover Michigan Central, Great Western andXew Tork Central RaUread4, throagh Is thirty-od- e hours.

This Train also ceaseets at Saadeval with 0lo andMississippi Railroad tor St. LotSa aad Vtncennes; atPana, with Trains c f the Terra Haute, Alton aad St.Louis Railroad, fer ladiaaapoiis, LeatSTtUe aad Otocinoatl ; at Decatur, with Main Line. Expreta foe Galena.Dunlelth ; the latter connecting with Trains to opriss-fiel- d.

X'aplea, Rock Island. Burlington aad QdtBey.6:1Q r. M., Xew Tork Express, Saturdays exoseted.Stopping only at important Slatioae, except oa Signal,

connecting with Mara Line Day Exprem froai Decatur tiDunleith, and arriving at, Chicago at 2 r. at.'

Passengers fur the Upper Mississippi. wiB fiadatDun-lelt- b,

tteamen sf the DunMth and MinaesoU PacketCompany, ready to leave on the arrival ot either CairoTrain for Le Crosse, Redwing, St. Paul, ic. Paf eigera

Janesvilte. and Central and Eattera Wttcsr.eir eea-nec-tat

Freeport with Trains to Betett and Jaaavstle, anaVfrom thence to Madison and Central and Eastern Wis-cous-in.

The Maps and Charts Indicating the Great CentralRoute to the Xorth and East are aa exact transcript ofColton's Map ot the United States, aad passesgers arerequested to examine this route aa wetl as the ruinlBgtime cards ot the connect tog Roads, and judge far them-selves, as to the correctness of the above statements. Theopening of the Illinois Central Raaroad frem Cairo toChicago, and thus forming a speedy and direct meana ofcommunication between tbe Upper Lakes and River, and

Lower Mississippi, affords to the pteature traveler,well as the business man, attractions and facultiesreaching the Xorth and East, watch surpass thoae of

other route whatever. The aecommodaticzs fur-nished by the Company for the convenience of the trav- -tUg public, the permanency of the road and structure,

strength and elegance ot the Engines and Cars, cam--.

mend themselves to those who desire ln traveliaz speed,comfort and safety. State rooms secured oa aH packets.

TICKETS GOOD FOR UXS XJCAH. wttn tbe privilegelaying over at any point, can be had at Memphis.

IS JeSerton street.WILLIAM MOBIX. Agent,

mr- - Em ' Memphis. Tena.

1EC0UA.T10XS, lite,Ralllnr. Marbtelted Mantles, BaleaeireCapltalt'rtOXcolumns for the difSmnt Orders and Myks, Gr-

atis. Caw. Trusses. Cistern Valves Iron StsraFronts, Stairs. Window Lintal. Iron Eave Gutters, JtoofYentiUalors, iron fountain., ana an mat sen or minemade to order by the best establishments In th Tniled aStates. JOHX L. XOBGAX, Architect,

my2S-3r-a Walker's Block, M.mphls, Iran. ,

NOTICE.directed the Police to report every violation efInAVE directing Tirpling Homes tjdoseat9

o'clock p. si. Those interested will findltto theirloltr--to comply wl h the law, as 1 wUI hold tbe Police ac-

countable ln their several beats. .'

DAN IEL HUGHES, Mayor.Mayor's Orricr. May 26, 1SS7. my27-l-w

WOOD & PElfOfr,Ornamental Iron Works,

PHILADELPHIA.are now prepared to furnish, at. thfshortest noticeWEand very low prices, all orders for Iron Railing, lor

Cemet ries, Public Squares and Front Tard Fences. IrcnVerandahs in great variety anl of new designs. Ironqt.ira dtnlir and itricht. Fountain. Settee. Chairs.

Boxes, Tabl'S. Animals, Statuary, and decorative- -

Iron work generally.Being la the centre ot the iron and coal districts,

where the necessary materials can be b. d at the lowestprices, and being the oldest, most experienced and largesthouse of tbe kind ln the country, we are able to present

work at lower prices than any competitors. Havinganuolnd Mr. ROBERT FLETCHER. Archlttet, ourattnt at Memphis, Tenn., we refer all persona need las''work to him for all necessary in formation,and tor Doozs

designs, embracing: an unusually large variety ot pat'terns, and wbo is autnoriza to ten avl worx ueiive,

TwuM of vesaela at Philadetrhla at th" lowest PCpelpbla prices. wood a. rsurse-- jt

J3-Cff- lce ln walker' Block, So. la, inira tiarn.'-- ;i

raarsu-t- m

Gran cl gift gMteryrisc.RICH JEWELS.Y GIVJe?j5T in'dHcemeni&.-o- S ereit tt

Purchasers.TVERT'pemnrrajlngan' article of Jewelry qjr yacyJjjQ oda at my establishment and paying two dbilart

fifty csnta for tbe eamehaU be eutltledl to a tletthe above Grand Cl(t Enterprise.

The article called for on laid Ticket, than be Immediate-- Ithanded to the harty drawing. - . tThe following- - la a list of the Jewelry, Ac, to be .glraa.fc.




LOCKETS. SEALS, .KIX03: fcti., Ac. 4c.

f, , . THOajXvHASBIS..ciyl7-l- m , . At Locxa's Saletrooaa;3Sirla C,



i ewWii III W

1 -- K

top related