the “matrix” dave whalen whalen technologies. overview quick review: triage severity vs....

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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The “Matrix”The “Matrix”Dave WhalenWhalen Technologies

OverviewOverviewQuick Review: TriageSeverity vs. PriorityWhat is the “Matrix”?Why do we need the Matrix?Using the Matrix

Quick Review – TriageQuick Review – TriageFrench – “sorting”A system used by software

development teams to ration limited technical resources when the number of defects needing resolution exceeds the resources available to correct and verify them so as to resolve the greatest number of defects possible. (My definition)

Severity vs. PrioritySeverity vs. PriorityOften use interchangeablyNOT THE SAME THING!Severity – defines the impact the defect

has on the customer and likelihood of occurrence◦Obscure Fatal System Error vs. Spelling Error

Priority – determines the order in which defects will be fixed/resolved and retested◦Obscure Fatal System Error vs. Spelling Error

Determining Severity & Determining Severity & PriorityPriorityInitially defined during defect

discoveryValidated during “Triage”Ordinal data

◦Not numeric, relative ranking only◦Highly subjective!

How many levels?◦Between 4 & 5◦Odd vs. Even◦Order (1-4, 4-1)

PriorityPriorityDefects should be resolved based on

Priority NOT Severity!Answers 2 Questions:

◦What do we fix?◦When do we fix it?

Based on:◦Impact on the Customer (Impact or

Severity)◦Resolution Difficulty (Difficulty)

Time Resources

The “Matrix”The “Matrix”Visual tool or …“Mental” processAssists in

evaluating and prioritizing defect resolution

Ranking2 Factors:

◦ Difficulty (x-axis)◦ Severity/Impact (y-


The “Matrix” – What To The “Matrix” – What To Fix?Fix?Assess defects in

terms of:◦ Difficulty – 4

levels◦ Severity/Impact –

4 levelsPlot results

◦ 16 possible points◦ Note: no fence-


The “Matrix” – What To The “Matrix” – What To Fix?Fix?Assign Priority

based on Quadrant (Q-Score)

Q-Score = Priority◦ QI = Priority 1◦ QII = Priority 2◦ QIII = Priority 3◦ QIV = Priority 4

Additional ranking within a Quadrant

The “Matrix” – When To The “Matrix” – When To Fix It?Fix It?QI - Priority 1

◦ Low Difficulty, High Impact

◦ Fix it Now!QII – Priority 2

◦ High Difficulty, High Impact,

◦ Prior to next build

The “Matrix” – When To The “Matrix” – When To Fix It?Fix It?QIII – Priority 3

◦ Low Difficulty, Low Impact

◦ Defer to next minor release (dot release – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.)

QIV – Priority 4◦ Low Difficulty, High

Impact◦ Defer to next major

release (2.0, 3.0, 4.0, etc.)

SummarySummaryQuick Review: TriageSeverity vs. PriorityWhat is the “Matrix”?Why do we need the Matrix?Using the Matrix

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