the many benefits of sending your child to preschool

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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The many benefits of sending your child to preschool Preschool is not mandatory; it has been a trend among many parents to send their child/children to preschool for the daycare aspects about the institution, not the necessarily the educational benefits. Although preschool is an early-childhood educational class that is neither statutory nor obligatory as it occurs before state-mandated compulsory education, 40 states now offer state-funded pre-Kindergarten programs and more than 40% of three-year olds and two-thirds of four-year olds are enrolled in preschool. This continuing increase in the prevalence and demand for preschools can be explained by the plethora of studies advocating the importance of early childhood education Walnutand its many benefits.

According to the National Institute for Early Education Research, children who take a year or two of preschool enter kindergarten with better basic math skills and pre-reading skills as well as richer vocabularies when compared to children who have not attended preschool. This is because preschool exposes children to numbers, letters, and shapes leading to early development of cognitive and linguistic abilities, which is crucial for future excelled intellectual and emotional development.

Not only do children who have attended preschool do extremely well academically, they also tend to be more socially developed and have superior behavior-management skills. The earlier children are exposed to other children, the earlier they will learn how to socialize. In Walnut preschool, children learn how to get along with other children, share with other children, and contribute in a group setting, such as circle time, which is a common group activity at almost all preschools. By going to preschool, a child entering kindergarten is already many steps ahead of his fellow students who did not attend preschool: the child will already know how to raise his/her hand, how to take turns, and how to deal with his/her Mommy not being there at all times. Essentially, preschool makes for a much smoother transition to kindergarten.

It is quite concerning that in this highly competitive, modernized, global economy that among all 15 year-olds, American ranks 10th in terms of math test scores and 9th in terms of reading test scores. There have been numerous studies on early childhood education that support the idea that by fostering intellectual, emotional, and social developments in children from an early age, there is less of a risk that students will go through grade repetition and drop out and more of a chance that students will have higher and timelier school enrollment as well as higher test scores.

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