the major cause of world war ii

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 The Major Cause of World War II


    The major cause of World WarII: Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles can be defined as one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I

    and it was signed on 28 June 19191. The treaty was signed at the vast Versailles Palace between

    Germany and the Allies. The delegates of the Allies worried about the future of Europe and the

    treaty can allowed themselves to become preoccupied with worries about borders, power, and

    major aim is weaken Germany.The stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles specifically aimed to

    making Germany as weak as possible.

    The term treaty can be divided into three sections which are territorial, military and

    economy. The first term of this treaty is territorial. In this treaties some ofGerman territory has

    been took away from them and distributed it to other countries or the territory was used to form

    new countries. Examples of land taken away from Germany are Alsace-Lorraine given to France,

    Eupen and Malmedy given to Belgium, Northern Schleswig given to Denmark, Hultschin (given

    to Czechoslovakia) and West Prussia, Posen and Upper Silesia given to Poland. While the Saar,

    Danzig and Memel are put under the control of the League of Nations.

    The second section of the treaty is military. The treaty reduce and smaller the number of

    Germany army and forbade theimport of war materials into Germany. Treaty put a restriction on

    Germanys militarywhich isGermanys army was reduced to 100,000 menand a navy of fifteen

    thousand2.Based on the treaty, Germany wasnt allowed an air force, armored cars, tanks, heavy

    guns and submarines. The west of the Rhineland was made into a demilitarized zone (DMZ)

    which no German soldier or weapon was allowed into this zone. of Versailles

    2Margaret Macmillan, Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World (New York: Random

    House, http://en.wikipedia Inc., 2001) 176

  • 8/13/2019 The Major Cause of World War II


    The third section of the treaty is economy. The Treaty of Versailles gives a large effect

    and destroys German economy.Before war, the German economy had been dependent on three

    things which are overseas commerce and trade, iron and coal, transport and tariff system3.The

    effect on the German economy can be seen by loss of Germanys overseas colonies, mercantile

    marine, and transport goods to other nations. Without sufficient means of transportation

    Germany couldnt export as many goods. With thecombine of financial penalties linked to

    reparations, it seemed clear that the Allies wanted to bankrupt them. The loss of Alsace Lorraine

    to France meant the loss of ore-fields for Germany which contained seventy-five percent of

    Germanys iron-ore.

    In general,Germany had to admit full responsibility for starting the war and damage

    cause in First World War based on Treaty of Versailles. Therefore, Germany had to pay

    reparations that were eventually put at 6,600 million which is a huge sum of money and beyond

    Germanys ability to pay.

    Adolf Hitler reaction to the Treaty of Versailles

    The steps that Hitler took that actually started World War II were all attempts to reverse

    what the Treaty of Versailles had created. The Treaty of Versailles destroy Germanys necessary

    trade, taking away resources of industry, causing inflation and the Treaties, the

    German people been separated by taking German territory. Hitler was working to fix all of these

    problems when he took the actions that began World War II. Furthermore, he wanted to make

    Germany powerful economic, military, and geographically. He also wanted to unite the German


    3John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of Peace (New York: Penguin Books,

    1995) 56

  • 8/13/2019 The Major Cause of World War II


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