the m. a. c. record. - · the m. a. c....

Post on 23-Sep-2020






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VOl .. 16.

1'1101-' , JOHX F. )lAl:t.:I.IS.

\\'c lake pleasure in prcsclllin).!" \0 n,::u!crs of the RV.COIIIl a Ctlt of our new di r ... (."\o r of :lthlc\ics. Prof. "bek!ill ;lrr in'd 1,15\ week :md entered lit once 111'011 hi~ work. li re:lt .;rl-.;]it is dIlL' Camphell, Busch 1I1H] 01ht'r5 for the work they h an­done in the a rr:Hlg"cmclI\ of sched· ules for sprill:,! and fall tcrlll alh. !clirs. On aC~'ount of Ihi~, Prof. !-.bcklin is able 10 J,!d :t lille 011 his work :lIld the dl'P:'ftIlH' I!t II ill soon he running" n", smoothly as c\"t:r. \\'~. hope to be able next \\l'l'k 10

publish a sch~'dutc of h:l~c 1'1:\11 J,!:IIlIl'S for thl' sprill~ ll'rm. :\I:tll) o f thl.! dales ;tre alr~'ady "ell led UpUII.

alld il is l'xpcctcd that by the las' of the w~~k the sc hedule will h~· com· plete. A rousill ;": lI1a .. ~ IIleeting" w ill he held thi" week. proh:lhly \ \. cd Ilesda), nig-ht. " . :I tch for post· ers. Support :-.I:tcklin all d hi~ teams.


)1. , \. c . .!j-",·.\t.JIISG .. ,K

Prof../. F. ).[acklill. C:lp\. BU~~'h

and six member!; of the b:lskct baH squad ma{lc a trip to Dc,roit. \\" cd· /leStla\, of last week, where lhc stroJJ~ !:'paldin;..: learn IV :!.'> Ilefeated on their OW II !loor, ~S to IS. The hOls show,,'d splcJHlid fOrln, :lI1d played all around thrir opponents, especially ill the set'ond half. Capt. Uu~ch s l:lrr<."fl, throwillg' s.:\'e r:1I scllsatioltnl tidd haskels. .\1. .\. C.'s points wcrt' won :15 follows: Field g-oals - Busch 3. Goss 3, Outhie l ; foul s_Uusch 9 in ,S.

I'rof. :\I;lcklin ami his tealll we re given a " feed" by the Detroi, mau. :Iger immediately after the gam e, and good feeliu~ pre\·;(ilcii. The hoys report · exce1lent tre:ltmcnt In

Detroit, from Start to finish.

M. ". C. 51 -.\I.'\IA .!+

Alum was heat~1l in :1 rapid fi re g:lIne in the a rmo ry Friday e \'eni ng by the aboH S(:ore. The first half elided with:t score of z6 to 8, the home boys throwing almost at will. At the beg-inlling' of the second half the visi tors took a brace and did so me good basket th rowing . Goss and Busch starred, the forme r being injured in the second half, and was


taken out fo r the rest of the game. T hese two men especia lly put up .. wonder ful g:Ulle, and the team as a whole has improved mll teriall ~' s ince the openiuJ.:' o f the season. ' I n the second half seve ra l shi fts were lIIade in order to t ryout the members of the sq u:,(\.

Alma's coach and le:lm were ac· companied by Ilu rs1, our old time Y . 11. C. A. secretar \,.

A take·off on b;.sketbllll fur· n is hed much atnusemelH alld W;IS

put on as a p rcJi minar} to the A lma game.


Armou r Institute was lile rallr snowed unde r Saturday evcning ill :l rough g;mlc of hasketb;lll, the final score Sl:llld i n~ 5 1 10 II. Busch s lar red, as usual, and thre w baskets frum almost all :lIlglcs lUlll all parts o f the tloor. T he l'rowd was no t as large as mighl have been e):· pet·ted, and the plan o f IHI\·i ng :111 hour of athlet ic stunts dirl not m~· teriali7.e. This waS th~ lasl homc game until F eb. ~ J. H uehne r, of Detroit, oflici:l!ed :It the Armour ::.unc. amI also at the Alma g-ame. Followinl;{ is thc line. up :

F. _ Busc:h. F.-lloff- J! ate"Oll. C._Ch:lmherl:, in_ P 3Itison. G.- D u,hie-Dodgc. G.-II :tllish . The team plays DClroit Y.:-'1. C.

,\. 011 Jan. 30 in Oe t roil. This te;tm \\:15 I .... alcn i:lsl },e:lr. ~/-~-l. amJ, of {'ourSt" we c'l:pec:t to \\ in. Class teamS han: heel! o r){:l.uized and the s.-ile(lulc arranged, hut dates h ave not lUi> yet he"'ll lixecl,


The thinl (1IIIIu,,1 fnLit "how was held in th .. , Iwrtil'ullural lahoraton 011 Frida} afterllOQII of last wed';, alld cxceeded iLl si/_e al\ previlllis ef· fort;.. Through th.: IOY3It) ami cou rte..; \ ,I f a numher of former ;;,raduates of the c:olk;;-e the depart· ment was able to ~how nice l·ollee· tions of apples frorn \\eSlern Colo· rado. frOIll Ihe fruit regions of .\1011' tana, :\tew York, P ell nsylv:lIIia ami :-'laiIlC, and through lhe courtesy of !he :-'1:1 ..;<;. Agricultural Colle~c

fruit from th:. l st:l te. T herc was also a nice collection of crallbc rrie .. from ,he cr:lIIberry hogs of \\·i,,(·ol1· sin. _ \ n ice coUc(·tioll from thc fruit reg-iolls o f this st:ile W3S on (,):hihition, :H1d a very fILII and com· pletc one of :-'1 ichigun \'arieties from the South lIavell sllh·..;t:.liol1,:!..; well as a numher of varieties from lhe college urdlanl.

All exhibit of especial intcrest was a collection of varieties from orch ards whidl !'Ind beell spr:1)'cd with bordeau): mixture ill compari. son with the lime :lild sulphur mi):· lUre.

An exhibit which caused much favorable commellt was a collect ion of seedling c3rll:lli0l1s, the re!Sult o f work dOlle by II class in plant breed · ing.

The room WIIS tastefully decor:ltecl w ith po,lted pl31lts and ferns. and :I

hint as to the nature o f the work ill landscape garden ing ..... as g iven by

m:lps :ul<l plalls fo r park!!, pri\ :tlc pla.:e!!, etc., which were displayed 011 the wall ahout the rOOm.

The show was :Irr .. ngcd for and m:II1:Ig"cd by the jun iors allli sc niors in the Il ort. dep:Jrtment :lI1d Ihe splemJid suc:cess of SlIme is due ell · tirely 10 their efforts. It W I1!< g"i\'e l1 at Ih is time thnt il mi~ht be of the g rC:lkSI possible benefit 10 the short courSe s tuden ts ill fruit g-rowinJ.:' who {'omple le thei r work on the 27th of J:lIl11ary.


F or years there has been published al ~ 1. A. C. a tri.allllual book. The last one camc out in '910, published hy the cI:\ss o f 191 I. The p reselll junior l'!:Il.s, helievillg that ou r al m:1 mllter should support a Junior All' !lual, assumed the respons ibility of attemptill~ the first book of this kind. At the class clec:tion!l all ell · itor·ln·ch icf and II business manager were elected. The o ther mcmber::; o f the staff werc appointed b} th ese two otJi~·cr;;;. T hese clcctiolls were held in thc f:11l term al\(I now the plans arc fully lie I eloped lind The work is hei lli.:" s ..... iftly donc. The Annual will contain pictur~'s of all the fal'lllt}' memhers. :t11 the SOL ie. tie..; and of every senior and junior. Le Clc:Lr of Lansin~ will take the pi~·tures . . \pp<)intments \\ith the photoKraph"'r 1ll:1Y he made h) sec· ing :\Ir. JLJ. Tellkonohy ill 5 D, \\ ell::; or :-'Ii,;,,, :-'1:lrg':lrct Logan in rhe \\ 'on1:II1' .. huilding. Photo" of seniors ami juniors arc h~ be .. 11 taken by Feb. IS, It is the pl .. n tn hOlI"c :1 popular book which sh;11I hc of mor.., th:1Il pas".;I1).{ \ .. llIe to evcry studcnt who is all.:ndillg :'>.J. . \. C. It w;1I he out Several weeks hdon: com men':Clllent ti1l1e o;lI1d 011 ~alc at ~everal p];]ce.,. Following- i" the st:lff: O. \V. Schleu.hncr. et!i\(Jr; . \Urell Iddlc:s, as!QCiate eliitor; 1<. .I TCllkonohy . bu;;:inc"" man:l;,!"cr; E. C. Kidcr, D. F. Fi"her, 'I<I\-",r. lising; A. D. Ibdour, I'hikna E. :-'nlith, art: le~, Kirl)\', ~lar~:lrd LO~III1. g"rind.,; ~1. \\ ' . 0:lrollll;r, litera ry; Ruth M{·,,{l. society ; C. E . Il otchin, (1Ihlcti\'s.


Prof, I l:'tlligan talked to the club Tuc§<la) e\'cnin;{ on the topic of "Bc;mtifying The F:lrm 110,"c:'

lie helic\es that the art of I:md· scape l:t:\rdenil\~ docs mon: for Ihese ~iJllplc homes thlln it docs for parks 1ll1d resort~; Ihnt il doe::; IIOt exist liS much fo r orn:l!llenling as it docs for utility. there b~'il1:;:; a practitlll re:lson for e\erythin~ that is uone.

Severa l plates showi ng the build· ing arrangements :md surroundings madc his remarks more imprcssi\·e. \\fe. hope to hC:lr I~ro f. H all igan agaltl.

The second team of dcbaters, con· sisting o f :-'1 essrs. ~I yers, Barnum and Ewing, will debate with an Alma te:lm. T he debate will be held at Alma and the d3te given later.

Xo. IS

[ ALUM I] 'S5'

J utlg-e C. Ii. Colli uKwOOO re· ce n,ly spent rI week in visiti n~ th~ Il enry Geor;.:e, Jr., /( epu blir at !\uhu rn, :-J. Y., :lnd also the Vord R epuhlic ncar Dctroit. T he judge has for ~ome t ime been in terestc(1 in boy reform and has a\'ailcd hi m self of the opportunit), of slUdyin).!' this (Illestioll by \·isiting' the institutions where reform has been instituted.

'95' At II. meeting o f the Colorado

E d itori al A ssoc:iation, held in Den· vcr on the 9th ins!', II. F . Like, editor of the lVr;('s-CII"mpioN, liunnison, C olo., was c1ectec1 presi . dent. T his :Issoci .. tioll is wieldi ng a widc influence in Colorado, CII· pecia\1y in the maHer of le;,!"isl:ltioll, :111,\ has a memlwrship at present of ~39·

'9!i. A letter from \L D. Groesbeck,

'9~, cont:lills the followinl{ notc COil· ce rning E. D. P :lrt rid::e, nf '96: " I re{'~'i\ cd :1 leHer If!II:I)' (.JlIn. 16) froUl , P llt' I~artrid g'l', iu w hich he 1;1Ic1ose(1 a p ictur~ of :t neat liltle bun;,!""I .. , the third hou .. e he has huilt, with hinu,clf, his t;Otllp.lIliOIl and fal\lil~' of four ),{roupctl 011 th~ \\ ide \ erand:l." :\1 r. l' :lrtrid)!(: is cOIllIc:ded wilh the BriKh:un Youn~ L·lliv~·r-.ltr at Prol·osi. LI:th. .'

'ui· I.itl~oltl Institllte,

Jcffersou Cit}. :'>.10., Jail. I~. 1911.

~1. A. C. R~:COHIl: 1':11,lo .. ed lind 50 cents fo r the :-.1.

.\. C. H t:C:OHI •.

\\'hell Ja"t 1 wrote \011 I wliS tetl~'hiH:':: domestic: ~~'i"n~c at \\·eht· t:rn L·ui\cr.,il\. K:ln~as Ci1\. K:'II1. I \\'3S o£fcrcd ihe same po .. itioll here :It a ml1~h hixht'r sabry, IIhollt one vear a"(, . . Thi; being- the St'lte :-';orl\1al for thc C:l1lore(1 \'outh of ~Ii,;sour;, the wurk is mud; ollit r find strongc r, :11111 I cnjoy it \ c ry much hctt~r than:.t my former po., itiotl. The dome,.lic "l iencc d.:partrnellt here in· cludes both ~'{)Okcn and I:lIIndrying, ,hc lalter hcin~ in chll r~e of an all· si"tal1l. It was my plea!lure to plan :In cntirci.\' Ill,'\\' e'luip,nent for both lahoratori..,». ;md w .. · arc .:njoying this ye<lr (what I lim o;ure you would a~ree with me) is one uf the beSt CtJuipped ~Iornestic scicnc:e de· partments ill thc counlry,

I will look forward with pl('lIsure fo r the RECO IIIJ.

Sincerely you rs, ~JYHTI.£ B. CII\lG.

'oS. ~l r. II. H. Curtis hIlS closed out

his c rC:l..nery businclls at Oe'Viu whcre he has been located thc past l ..... O years and has'accepted the po.!i. lion of m:lnllger of the Stu rg ill es· tate IIcar Sturgis, M i.:h. The farm consists of several huod red ncres alld is devoted to general ft\nning and dniry ing.

The M . A. C. RECORD .UUI .... O ~Vf~' .-..... "u OUII, NG T "C CI>LL~"1

T .. II U ' .. Ii: " 'C'''<l M' ST u e AG"'CULn'''''. COLL «'C - -

8 , .. . rAU N. CE, M A' .... " ... EOITOII


J.;nter"" liS Mcond-cl .. s. ",,,n matter I\t LauSh' K. ~Il e!l.

RemIt by P. O. ~Ioney ')rdH. Urn!l Or Rel!'tnered Letter. 110 not "~lItl ~t "IUI>~.

AddretlS 1111 subllnlllllonH "ml fl(h" K m atte r t o the O<>lIelf~ 8I'eretllry.l:!:fI~t LIIt,­I l nll'. M I~b . Addr".,. nil con l rlbutlon8 \0 the Mflnflgln l!; Editor.

B".lll<'u OfficII ,,-Itll Lt. ..- r"',,,'" It: V",n Buren PrintIng Uo .. l~ Ona"' '' St, ~"Sl . Lans ing , ~lI ch .



Even if it were possible to puh. lis h even" SClltcllce of the address givcll hy' " T he Lillie ~\lo'hcr of the Prisons" Thursd;'lY C'n':nillg, much" ould he lost \0 ou r rca(l~rs bc'~:lu se of the 1l1a).::Jleti..: pl' rsona]il\' of the speaker: The ,mdiencl' w:1's a large <lud nppreciat il'l' one and :a ll seemed ,lIlxious 10 ~'atch eveq' word . 11rs. Booth certainl,' has a ~less";:;,e and jllSt as <"e rlainl.;' kllows how 10

present il. Sbe told of hcr former w ork ami

of her firsl Inlrodu,'lion 10 prison lif~·. This was in California some 16 years a~u and nt Ih:1I firsl 1l1l·ctiJlj;!, realizing the Ilco:d of the pri~orwrs, she matk:1 YOW 10 gi\'O: her lik to the w Cl rk o f reS"uill~ men of this d,!,. ~ . She Illel with 1l1:1Il,' \Iis· roura:!(' I1>entS at the start, U~\ she \\';15 d<'l~'rmit1ed ;md lod,r,· thousands of 111O::n haTe I!~'en leel to h l 'lIcr thin).::s Ihrou:,!h the intlllenr:e o f the "Lillle :\Iolher:'

H, her efforts nil associ:!tioll has "Lee r; ·formed known;lS the \'olun­kers of A!ll~'rica . Throll"h this as­soei,llion t here hal e bel'n eSI:rblisherl hOIll~'s fo r IVorkinf;" ;;irI5. orph an asylunls, ho~pil,lls, ,:Ic. Iler plan of work for the priso!!s is simply to offe r her sen'ice~ ,ml! work in con­junction with w:1nlen :Iud l'hapl:1in in the bdtcrmt:nt of ":olH.lilion:!. The \ -. I'. L. l\'oluntce r P rison League) h:1S beenorgauiw,j :111 ol'er thl" rO\(11ln aud has ..:ome to b(> II g reat fa '-lo~ for good in p r i5Qn li((· .

H omt:s for p3roled pri~""lwrs ha l-e been eSlahlished in ~~'w Y ork . Willois, Ohio, and Luuisi;'II;I. IIl' re the\' :rre w dcomed ;I ud arc :'II lihert\" 10 ~ta\' ulltil SOllle Ilork is oblaine~1 fo r th~rn. Th.·",.· hunoes arc Il;;ualh SlTIall farms amI the mel) :11'0: su~. rOlllHled with e"crr comfort :lnd coul·eHien..:!'. E;lch tries to impron:: t he place (luring his stay wilh the result that the\' are be(.'(lmin;.r more home·like ever:,- ye:tr. :\Iell go out from these homes into Ih-cs "f U$e­fulness :lLId sen'in', ami today hold positions o f trust and honor. :\lorc thau &.CXlO men ha\'e thus been ca red for .

Sen~ral interesting: sto rie~ were told of those who had taken their stand with the \'. P. L. and of their t rials and triumphs. T he fa ct that -"somebody cares" makes ;111 the . differeoce·in the world with qlese men. .\ 1 rs. Booth dosed with an appcal for "her boys" :lS she terms 'thelTI and for the wi\'e~ ;md ch ildren who;) in mall" states arc lef t unpro_ tected whetl the hthcr is t:l.kcn from them.

Following :lre some of the good tbiugs cont:lined ill the adoress:

" I t is not the crime, but th e !:tcl that it has ., beell de tected which makes the criminal. Not:l11 of our

The M. A. C. RECORD.

crimin:lls ;Ire in prison-I1l:tIlY o f the worsl :Ire yet to be c:mg ht."

' ·There :I f e I w o classes of men within \h(> prison wal1s :

'Two men looked OUI from ilri~on hllr~: One sa" the mud. thtl ot her saw the


"I should like 10senL! Illy mess:lge to cI'I:n ' ('hl1rdl in the l;md and I1rge th:!l th~ s;lIne consi!kratiOIl be gin:11 the wil-es an,\ ~'hildrel\ of our pri~ontors :I" is given 10 tlw fo rcign missionan·."

"£I'e n : sta\e II"hi,:h rel'ci,-cs com· pcns:lIiot; for the work of its p rison. e rs should pro,-ide for thc neer\s of their fn milies.'·

' : :\J o re Ihnn 90 per cenl. of the mcn no\\' in our prisons are Ihere throul'h the il1!luell,'e of strong .lri11k: '

"Do ,-ou kno\\' where I shOltltl be 101liilH: I OUg-hIIO he in stale's prison-taring fnr my bO.I·';',"

'·A few wOlllen arc in st:tte's pri~on; in ~ew \ 'ork 150 ag ainsl 5,000 men . 1 do not know whether this (! Ill,cause women ~rc so much better Ihnll m£>n, or whether it i.s because men wcre on the jur ..... "


One of thl' most intensely pr:1C· tic:l.1 talks :,!iycn before the c1uh this ve:l r was that of :\Ir. BeLlton Geh· har t, of Ji:lrt, \\ 'l'd nesda~' l·,·enin'-'. From sm;dl be;.::innin;:s· :\11-. Geh, h;ITI 11:1s steadil) impro\ ed hi~ farm s ulltil he i~ n'cu~l1il(>d ;IS one of Ihc most ;,u,'l'essful horticulturists uf the St:'lle.

The :>IJl'aker wId in an interest ­ing w:w of his methods in OC.·:Hl:l Co" !I\l{-I of some of Ilk' r('suits oh . tained . In speaking of lhe Ope ra· tiullS o f fruit ;:ro\\'in~, ~lr. (;..1,­hart mcntioned tht: folJ0wing- eSSl'!1' lials.

Fall ploll"in;:, Ca re ill the selection of Irl.'e!>, from

3 to -1- fel'l b.-in:; pTefera blr: 101hc brg:er ~ilc.

Tree,:, should h:II'e plenty of fib· rou;; rOOts.

L<!a\'e p!..-nt~ 1lIin~,

Thr()1I' " ... :setting !rt:e-,

o f huds w hen Irim ·

}(~'ep r,,')', .v c:-· _·. lo nnt expose 10 !'!!11l ,Ul I wi: i t rJ r "II) ltl1;.:-th of tillle_

Do not t rim :lre ;,et.

Bud II'h"n J':Jrk is freC. I lead J()w. T his i$ de~ir:lbJt 111

c:lring fO r the Ir e- e," .a~ wr;ll :IS i'n han'eHing: tht." rrop,

Trces should he left wilh open' top.

Pruning shuuld bc {lone ill !atl' w i liter or ea r l~' sp ring.

The speOlkt:r W:l.S rert,lin that )l ich ig:'Ul r an ;::row as g-uod fruit as lin, state ill tho: Ullion, " 'cshvuld k';rn ~omc lcssons from our west­e rn growers, both in 'Ju a!ity grown , :lIld methods of par: killg. C reate :r desire for good frui L ;\I1d ,·o u c reate an incfe~sCi:1 dcm;md, F;uit should be on ou r I:l bles llt alitillll'S and 110t merck :IS a IUX UT\· .

The cl ass room -was fill.·d to ovo: r­Howing-, anli the bL'St of ,1IlCl1 l ion \l'as g i"en the spcir ker. A large number of short eoursl' men :wniled themselves o f an opportunll,- to hear him, OInd all present eert;linly felt we!! repllid for coming ou t.

The f re$hmen edit the next num· b.:r o f the lio/cad. Herm:lll liow ­e rfind is ediror.·uH:hicf.


In conncction with the ~-o rl1 show held laSt week, there \\'as an in tcr· esting e!'hihit by the E !'periment Stillion of grains. ~et!ds, gr;tsses, dover". de.

The exhibit which attracted g-reat· eSI attention \\',IS the result o f an experimem ca rried on under Ihe diredion of :\lr. Spr;lag. Nineteel! "arnple~ of \\"he:lI, :111 different VOl­

ridies. wcre grouml sCJlnratdy in Ihe experiment:l l mill. An equal amoullt o f Iiour, as II'dl as o f salt, sugar, ye;ls!, etc., was used in the nlaking' of the hreM! ,\nd \he knead· in;::: wa~ all doue by 11Ile person. The 19 loa\"('s wt:rc h~ked UL1(\l'T exadh- tho: ~~I!l\C cond itions. The "olll llie lI'a$ then determillt"d by displac('1l1ent in sugar. On 1"11<:" 5'

day el-ening the loaves were Clit in t ll'O ami Sl'on:,!l bv :\Iiss Hunt of the domesti .... s .... iei ll"1.' c\epnnllll'IH. The points ranged from 6i to 9 ~ 011 a standard o f 100. T lw s~'ore used wa s as follows: F\;ll'or 35, lighuIO:ss 15. ).: r :lin :llId Il'xture 2'0 ,

enlSI.color, depth nlld text\1re 10, c rum h-color :lnd moi~turc 10. shape ,ll1d si:t.e ro. The g rain, Ilour, :111(1

hre:lJ product I<)gether malle a I"e n­il1ter('sling and ins tructive exhibii .


The COrti sholl' held l:J"t "'<'ek was wdl :lItendcd and g:rl'al imel'est ,;11')\\,11. UI ('r I':Q elllri.·s II'cre re~ ·

i" ten'r] , m:l\l\' ~cl1din;.:' in .·xhibits who ,-ould' nOI attend . Beside;:; "olko;:-e people tl' take part in tIll' prog:r:1Il1 "f Ihe \\',·ek. Ihc f01l 0win;.r sp~'akers \Yl;fe p resent : :\lr.J_I-', I-'ri:.,:- g- . D:tlel-'ilk' . Ind.; :\Ir. C. G. \\ -illi:rm~, " '(losto:r, Ohio. ;tnd .:\Ir. E. 1 f. Cuh-n, 1'oletlo, Ohi0.

),1 uch im('resL Df coltr!'e. "enlered in the spedal premium offered 1,,' Iht, Reo ),Iotor Car Co. of L:IIl!ing­for thc besl lell C'II';:;' o f ,'urn growll hy a ],U.l· or gid \I!Hlcr ~o j'l':1r.s of ag-e . The C:l r WlIS wo n hy l'.1 iss Florill(' Folk, o f I I ~lt)O'-er. lacksun Co., 011 white cap dt' llt. wllO also "'01\ in general competition ;1 SCCOlld prile of 510. The judg:c 'WitS ),Ir. R. P. Prig;.::, of D,tlev illc, Ind.

Tb~' 1I1ack llawk coril pla'tltl'r. I-,IIUNI al $-1-;, W<lS lYon In .M r. Leli,1. )'1ill .. )~, uf C;lledonia.· .... n :til cx hibitof \' cllvw den t: a \ ,alued at' $35 ""us 1"011 by \\'1 \0'. Folk on \\'hite (',:'\) I.kll l, aLld the OliVer sulk" CU!til'lIlOr "allled at $.,0 \\'ell1 10 :\Ir_ Gr'ay 11a~'ward . of Bay Cit I' . on ;ILI exhi~i{ of \'{·Uo \\' dent. XUiltl'rOUS u ther I_"izes \\,cr'e ;;,-r;lltred nwging ill I'a lue 5ro lll $ t

to' $lf" T he s t<lte is (lilided into t,\O co rn distric ts, the lOWer £.our tiers ~f counties c(lmprisin!: Ilist!ict ::-Jo. 1. and lhe re maining C(lullties (of the lowe r pt:oi ll s u la forming the sec-ond _

Sih-t:r cup;! W('re o ffered by the Clcallo:rrmd the .I/;1""I';!-OIl Fal'IIII'" for the be~ ear of corn exhihited . :\11'. Folk, oi lI:mol'cr, winuing" th~ prizes.

Pro f. J. F, Baker rcc('il"{xl :1 tde· gra~ S unJay annol1 lll'ing- the death of Stephen P,Kldock Baker, the little son of Prof. and :-' ) rs . II. P . Baker, of State. College, Pa_ The (Ieath occurred at C()hlmbus, Ohio, w he re _Mrs. Baker rllld falllih. we re visiting at the home of h(' r bi-oche r , Prof. Weudell P;.tdrlock, P ,~f.

Baker left a t once for Columbus..

'89' :\rthur ll:!kl'r has reeentl\' been

eJected a dirt:.:!or in th e Ci ir ~;tl' ional B:lnk of L:msil1g.

'°3· C I y d c ArmslrOI1" hit ;; hccll

10C:lle(1 during" the sU '~lmer:1\ Ran­dolph, " -is .. as expert with a l'on, strunion eompilu l' which has br.:(,rl do ing cement ~'ol;s trl1d io ll work 011

Ihe nell' lin.; of rhe C. .\: X. \\".

\r e :lre indebted to Jam('s G. )100re. '03 , for the fol1oll:ing:

,,"'e ha,' e quilt' a little !II. A_ C. colony here in :\Iadison . Prof. G . C, Humphrey , '0 1, head of the nui­mal husb:l!Hlry deptlrtrl1etlt; Prof. J. G. Halpin, head of the poultr." dep:lrtmt'ut; Prof. L. J. Cole, with '9t:i. head of lhe dcpal-t1llcnt of cx­periment:ll breetli ng : C. G. Bur· j·ou:.::hs, 'og, assistattt in poultr.'" hllsbandr~'; :lnd P. H. \ \ ·cssL·Is, '0S, fellow in :lgrieuhural chl'tl1istry. S. E,J ohnsott, '0-1-, is instructor in th..:: eolleg-e of engineering", ami .\1 rs. A. H. Taylor. '0+ is m;rtron of ChadbouTI\·I1:,Il.lhc ~irls 'dormito ry. Olher :\\. A. C _ men in :\ladi~OIl.

but uot conne\'"led wILIl thl.' uniYl·rs· it_v, :Ire " -. J. Geih, 'o:!. L-. S. soil sm-,'c \', :Hld )Ir. L. F . li ar1.a, for· merl,: inSlructor ill m:nhell1illil's, who'is COlllIL'r:tl'd with the oHice of D. \V. :\I ead, a l'ollsu lting enginel'r."


G. C. \Iorhct'k iii lOCated li t !far. rison. Ark .. where he is workiu<, for thl' forc~ t r,l' ,,;e rdr:c. During the past $l1 mlllL'r h.:- 11:ts bl'(.'h esti. "wli ll!.:" timb('r ill ~ cw :\1 l' xi,-o.

'oS· \'i ,' lor R . G:lr<I"l'r, who has

been hC;ld Qf the horti\'"ultural de . pnr! nll'm in the C l1il ersi l I' of :\1:lil1(' for SC I er ;rI I·Cilrs . hHs t'.':si·'nnl his position ,It til:)! p1:K~' :lIld :I ~cl·pte'l a posilion ill the hortinlltnral Ikp:tn. men I al thl' (.)n·"(>1\ :\ "ritllltural Collq{(' at Corvallis. ,~

A !UHll he r of Ii riC p,1I10nll lt il \ i~·ws h;I\'c been takcl! re<'e nth-, 111(' lnSI olle fr om Ihl' towe r ,.,{ ,,'illi:IIO'9 ll :rll.

Th". :ltl l1l1~ 1 Ti c·OI) mpk SlllO~er' W(H hcld fll the Ti(' H UIl ~e '.111 :-;'l\' \lrd:!.\ c"euing-. ahurtt ,1 Il1l'lI ~I\jo\'. ing Ill.· toast! fllld feed: .

1'1;e final del'l1It! helll Frir~~y c~ejllng placed the full (Jwinv' mt'n ill th.· race with 'V'psilntlli: .\i~'ssl"~.1 \Vi ko~. P l)wdl :tnd ;\1'lr~ oli s,

T ht ~i J .. .oo autOIllO'bile offL'n'd b,­the I~eo C""l"pall," of LlIll!ing as ~I p rl'nl lUI1l fo." the best ten cars of ,'or/l !!rIlWI1 )l1d eXhlhifed 1", a :\1 il'higan boy \1!·"irlun.Jc--r ~I} n :ar.s of a.~c was "'0n "r :\/ i",s .f'1("t~.., n l·(' FolK, dau;;hll'r of W illialn J'&l k, " f H;lIIO'v cr. Thi~ yo.l·!! ).:' lad] not only IIclU ally ~re\\' th" ''Om heTs-eH. but Sfl\d:e<\ed in lI'illn il1~ (1\ I he J a\.'k,.

30n:Co:mtyCom ~how L ... fore ,;om­l'cling- in the !:;tate l·Olltesl'.

R:llph Graham. '06 ci\ :~, aLld ~I' ife (Gail \ \ -':s101'er, '07) un \<lsit. ll1g :It tile 01(1 home in O\\'~so stopping" at .\1. A. C . cn rOil Ie .. \1_/ Grahillll is memtx'r o f the COl1cret'c Engineering Co" of D :"'ellport 1011':1 . T he C()'ln p:Hly's operalir:m; are cOltnned to conc rete'Meel con. stru.:tion in the city. ;\/r. Graham sta les that 1'.1. A. C. engineers h:lve the best of I-eputalion in Ihe west. and adds that he hopes 10 see :i game of foot hall hetwe"ll 1\1 . A. C. :Ind Ames next fall. G rah:lIl1 \1':lS OIlC of the best q\1arter Illile men ever produced lit )1 . A. C.

• ,

The M. A. C. RECORD .

DANCER-BROGAN CO. m W E make a specialty of providing every-~ ~~~ thing in the way of fine stationery, LANSING'S LEADING STORE ,",""

:r:::li~:lJ'1 announcements, invitations, programs, m;a:j~l1 etc .. ~ O ur facili ti~s are c~m~lete for -- -- Deslgnmg, Engravmg, Pnntmg and

Latest Styles in Ladies Suitings Binding Class Publications and College A nnuals

and Millinery Robert Stnith Printing Cotnpany

WlUhinaton A v e. a n d Ionia St. L a n . i ...


For Anything HEI\Y KIND Of -BETTER FURNITURE you may need


q WE . CA TEfl.. . TO . THE· COllEGE· TRADE. qTHE' BEST WARE LINE Cots Folding Beds Of· EVERYTHING· FOR' THE · " EDS' AND CQ·EDS." Matresses q LADIES'· SILK . AND "lA!=E -WAISTS -AT ' COST. try Book Cases Desks q OVERCOATS' AT· COST. ~. - , NORTON'S


j II Wash. Avc . South . I


A BOUT THE CAMP US """"""'" iit·~~

! D. E. Frazicr, '09, has taken ul'

a homestead claim ncar ~ladeline, Cal.

A large number of college people wc re out on institute work the past week.

At a meeting of the senior class held \VednesJ:,y cyening, it was voted to w ear caps and gow ns at commencement.

Field a"ent \Y. F. Ral·etl recently sustained °a bad fall on a slippery walk, which resu lted ill a bro ken rib ami a general sh aking up.

Raymond Dick, ' 13, has been .obliged to leave collegc on account .of i!i health and has retu rned to h is home in Ironwood . lIe plans to -spcnd a yefl r in the west <"Iud then return and finish his course.

' Yendell L. Sil11pson, military cOml11amiflnt <"It M. A . C. 1887-90, is now located in New York City, where he has been several years, being assigned to the d ut.y of pur­chasing agent for supp liCs for the Panama Canal. H e has forty elll­ployees, and his purchasing bnsiness !llllount~ into the mi!iions :uHlually.

The third annual meeting of the 'People's chu rch, held ill t he chapel 'Vednesday e vening, was a very

.enjoyable affair. The men h ad chflrge of the supper, ?nd every. de­tail was carried out Without :It hitch. B esides the reports from officers, the followillg guests were p resent, and added to the enjoyment of the occasion by short speeches: Mr. C . A . Gower, Dr. J. 'V. Suth~rland, and ll. B. Tohnson.

.Mr. B enton Gebhart of H art ad­dressed the senior class in horti· culture T hursday of last week.

At a meeting of state g inseng growers held in L:lIlsing ia§ t week Dr. B essey w as elected an honorary member of the association.

Thc Idlers plan Oll four parties this term. There will be two len o'clocks lind two elc\'en o'clock par­ties. Dates announced later.

\\ •. ,\ STED - A first class dair\"­man for herd of registered H olste-in cattle. A share proposition to the right man. Address, Box 9'5 • .East Lansing .

The engagement of Prof. A. J. Patton, of our expe riment station, and M iss Helen Dyer, of Lansi!lg, is aunounced. 1\1 iss Dyer is :I daugh­ter of the Illte head of the Dyer. Jenison, Barry Insurance Co.

The l\lichig all State Veterinary Association will hold its annual meetill~ at the college on February 7 and 8. The meeting will be g iven over to papers by members and visitors . There will also be some practical demonstrations, and a dis­cussion of tuberculo!!is conducte{l by Drs. }''larshaU and L \" man . These will be open to sho;t course men. On the evelling of the 7th it is planned to give a banquet, probably at the H otel Wentworth, at which time a number of toasts will bc given . T~is gathering will be a reprcsentatlve body of the veter­inarians of the state and it is ex­pec ted a large number will be pres­ent.

T he Eclectics give a party III

thei r society hou!\e on Jan. '27.

Mr. S. B. Hartman, '03, of Ath­ens, will speak at the Hort. Club '\'ednesday evening 011 Business .:'.fethodii in Fruit Growing.

Patterns a re being secured to con· struct a rattler for the fou ndr\' . Heretofore these patterns have been borrowed and the new oncs will save this trouble, and be I·ery much better.

Field Agent O. K . White at· tended institutes lit Clare and Ovid the p as t week; P rof. E ustace and Secn:tary Brown were at Charlotte; Prof. I-Ialli~an was at Hudson and Prof. Patlon at Union City.

A large sole plate has jl1!itbeen pu r­chased by the Engineering Depart­ment fro m the Oliver Machine Co., of Grand Rapids. The plate, which weighs :lbol1t'2.Soolbs, was shipped in two parts. Th is will hc put up for use in the pattern shop.

The repairs in the veterin ary lab­orator)· h:we now been completed and the instructural work is moving along nicely. Besides the regular work of the depa rtmcnt, instruction is given to the regular agricultural st uden ts and also lectu res to the short course men.

There flre now twenty studcnts enrolled for the cou rse in \Vorks . Management as illaugurated by Prof. Kunze. Several of these arc visitors, and some arc t.1king it who do not need the credit, bllt feel that they can make good use of the knowledge thus gained.

Prof. COOIIS WIIS in Ann Arbor a couple of ·days the past week on account of lhe illness of his wile.

Dr. aud :Mrs. Frank \-Y. Cham­berlain and wife h ave arrived at .:'.1. A . C . and will have rooms with i\I r. ChnppelL Dr. Ch:llllberl a in is assistant ill the divisioll of veter­in:'ry science.

The date of the local oratorical contest h:ls been changed from Jan. 27 to Saturd:lY, Feb. -I-, and will be held in the chapel instead of the g armory. T hose who will contest :Irc Mess rs. Van \V:tgenell, Coll ing_ wood, I'l ongh, D:wiscm, l"iek ford, and Bowditch .

M r. LI. P. Piper, a former East Lansing" resident, \\;r itcs from Po­mona, CaL, as follows: " '\"e are amidst orange groves and abu ndance of flowe rs, and these, with the trees loaded with ripe oranges, present a very pre tty appea rance. The weather is fine, the SUIl is shillillo­in a cloudless sky, and we nrc el~ joying our lIslial health in this sum­mer land."

A large number of g\lests from the various societies nttended 1he w in ter term party of the U nion Lils. Saturday e\"clling held tn the Agri_ cultu.ral Building. T~e rooUl was prettIly dt'corated With pe.nnnnts, orange, and gold predominating: . A flash-light p icture w as taken of the gathering. T he collegeorches_ tra of five pieces furnis hed Ihe mu_ s ic. Dr. and Mrs. Hedrick and Frof. and 1\"1 rs. Eustll.ce acted as patrons.


Alcolla Co.-Harrisville, Jan. 30-3'·

Alpcna Co.-Long Rapids. J ;m, zi-:! S.

Antrim Co._Bellaire, Jan. 30-3'·

Ba)· Co.-Aubu rn • .Ian. :!5-z6. Bt!II~il' Co. - Benzonia, Jan . .!6-

'7 · Clare Co.-Clare. 1;1n . .!O-.! 1 .

C/illtOIl Co, - O\';d, J:m. ~O- ..: I.

Elllol/ Co.--Chariotle, Jail. IS-' 9·

Graml1'ra;It!ru. Co. - Traverse Citv, JIII1. :6-18.

Gratiot Co.-It haca,.I~l1 . 16-17. ;{uron Co. - B:ld Axe. Jan. 31

and Feb. I.

l aseD Co. - \ VhiuclIlorc, jan, 31 and Feb. I.

A'cnl Co.- Grand Rapids, Jan. z7-zS.

Laki! Co.-Baldwin,JIlIl. =3-:Q. Lulalzau Co.-Sutton's Bay. Jan.

30-3" Jf,wislr,' Co.- Bear Lake. Jan.

=5-":7· • 1//1S0n Co.-Luding ton, J un. ::::0-

.1"-"/olld C(l.-~litilaml,Jan . ":3-":4·

.1/I1SJ:"1[1I1I CO. - R :I\'cnna. Jan. 30-3'·

Oscodo Co. - F:\;n'icw, .lao . ::1>­:: I.

Oltu:.'u C ... - Cooper:.ville, J:ln. 3' and Feb. I.

f'roqllf isl,' Co. - )'Iillcrshur~.

J'II1. :5-=6. .... -'r.~rillll:.· C,l.~Free!all(l..r all. ::i

-.z,s. 7ft .• C,'/" (·".-C:l ro . .I:ln. 30-31.


"O"llnll'" tfOlI.I·.",· of .1"". "I., 118Jd"t'k. !{,,~- W .f 1I ,11", r llnnn. Clark E . u. Sh"rldl111. )Ilillll , f.I~rol(1 L , ". J"n"~\' ille llnu/l. Irvin;. u, /)Il~teol 11n.'\on. Elhel )1 .1). '::.t J\,~e l)h. '\' CCI';U, Frank L. II J:l,·k"'m. .\1t:C'1.lf"rt~·, Uny f., ". R01Ue1l

l lcCottnh-k, .\ro·llie )1 ,.r, £qut. l""O,,n:l.1I1. ,\[lot'tt L. ". L"n_~ing. )1t,:1)"nRIJ. JIIII 'l .\ .. ('. jlrt'd.enrillge lkE"an~' li"or~~ P . II. )1:tI,eh!'!<u·l". '\Ido"i~ , Willi .• 1lI E,. tl. \\';I-~h;ngtQn. lh'lntosh, ' ,,[lIn ,J f' .\Pl'[~g<llt',

'\kLll\'hhm. Ru--.. \I X ,I, l:;"ILrL If,,dArt'n, U:I"",. ". Ithiw". .:Ileldnun, W iUianl H. f'. D'l·tH,II )lerillll.l. £thn.r,J , If. :-.10. \,llt'n[, lIichal'lki. E:,,;t fl. ;.;""- Buffnlo. lli"dt'Ul(O, J , c, .Jeni~"II. ) I i ll .. r, Ul'or,,"t')I • c. (;hflrIt:\oi:z )lilIet. LoUh J .. tI B lI.·heM~r llil1er .. \rtlnlr, fl. n"I,j,;ill-lIi11~, Itll J , u. ~" UII"-,'" llil.{·hell. Ua..-i,1 J .. c. :\o rlh IInulI,·h. 1100, Don E . <I , Pa,,· Paw llonteitb. Iwl.erl R.. p '\ Iarl iu )1.-.011'. WaYlle K , f. Chil-:\~(). )lorrl .. l1. ~:nt! R.. 'I, Flint, l ll'_gro..-e. Ellga! J., 1". 111. )Io~·er. Raillh. c. Peft~· l l\1nget, W .. lter Loo ('. H~t'"-c,

MUlrnr, Clnrk A. 1". )Iif illtud. 1Iurrl'''', Unrold :-;., 'I. Bil"ley. "lI~·t! ril, Samuel K,/, Alrlt·!) ...

Se,,·berg. Ctul E" /' Grand RalliJ" Nielsen, August C .. c, !:;amlu"ky.

Oe!Ic:hl--er, \\~f:!>ley E .. If. Bay"ort_ OPIJen18llder. Ed ... atd C .. /' Lnllsing. Orrat! .. liemi C. t, ~Inrti n OMewlL3rde, Jnmes, u. Adn.

PRlmer. Car l R., (1, Houghton. PRimer. F/ly C .• c. North S tilt. PArish, l.ester P ., a. Homewoo.l. III. Parr, Walter A .. u. Mllllchesler. PatterllOD, Guy, c, Mulliken .

The M. A. C. RECORD .

PRttuilo. Alex J. , (I. Deckerl"ille. Pierpont, Da..-id. W., u. Mt. Pleasant. Pitteuger. Jos, R .. u. )Iilford. Poucher, Glenn 'V .. u, Morenco. Prellwitz. Benj. F ., /' SOdU8. Prin<.'e , Wi11ard FI.. ,j, Odord. Probst. Earl R .. /. ::>Iorthport. Probst . Wa.rd B ., {l, :>IOflhport.. Purtell , FrRn),;. (I, Kawkawlin. Putney , Rllfu$ O.,I, Arlmdia.

Ramsey, Warner E .. u. Port llope. RaDger. Rufus. u, ::>Iorthport. RlISmussen. Rasmus J .. I. ;)Iarlette. Rawlings. Earl W .. c, Caledonia. R .. ames. Raymond L . 1", CAAsopoHs. Reemsten. Cy rus M.J, BeulRh. Ree!!O:!, Alton E. .. u, l{Qgens,·iI1e. Reid, B o wRrd E .• (I, Royal Oak. RillS. Clias. E .. 1). Redford. Rigg~. CIRre A .. tJ. ;)1&<1011. Ritchie. Robert G., 1", Ullrri~dJ1e. Roberts, Vioceot A . • (1, lthaca.. Rogner, G. Mu. rill, Fraokenffiutb. Root. Glenn W .. /' Beulah . Rot!e. Harold. (I, FRflllington. Rot h. :S-o tman A .. t, Richdlle. RUS!leIl. Alger S. (I, Coldwater . Hydqui!;t, J ohn A .. (l, C:u1i1lne. Hykse, Jake. c, PrOi!per.

&li.sUury, W . Ray. (I , Ml, ldle ton. Schneider. Ray A .. fl. Mendon. Schrepfer, Ruyal. fl. Howell. Schlltm8ar. JalllU R .. u, liallliitoo. Seel~·e. Edgar J .1/, DR"isou. Seel~·. George 1:1 .. u. GRgelown, ShR"-, Roy C. fI, $hll-bbonlL ShearmRn, JI,hn F n, Troy. Sherid!ln. Robert J., II. J ohanne!!bllr(;. Shennan, E. Pet"r. II. OWOi!so. Sherwood. I. D., a. F"owlenillt"!. Shetl"rly. 1'(1111 ,\ .. r. Lilch field. Shellerly, Ralph F .. c. Utchlield . Simillons. ut!Qr)'(e lI., ", ::>Iorlll Branch. Sleet I,. Enrl W .. (1. lli1rord . Smilh, ERrl D, u, Pent"·RtE' r. S'nith , Olen II ,\ ,I, 1'"lItwater. Sna~', O r!! E .. ,,, Bauer. Snelle.r, Albert B , C. IIllmi\lOIl, s,.' loE'r, CJrnlin. 'I. Chkago. III. SWillgE'IIUer){. c.Jrnt:1iIl~. tI. Spllrta Staley. Harold)I ,f,. Yp"ilanti. St .. inbadl. \\'illil1m U . l''''. O<~ineke. St",,,,orl. Ttl1lr~l.ln I) .. . '. Lall~iug.

Sttinlmrg .. T, Jp",~,. E .. II, ~ l e"dQI1.

Stim-.on. P;>rry L., 'f. LIl-]lO'cr. Htim,.on. Hall,1I J .. II. R('g~r~";i!e. Stu,l.J:ud. Brint,m ,J .. ,·m. ,\lillillgtnn. ::;tOlhl .. rJ. z..arl K . (I. OIH".1 SIrt'a'ur. Bent,I' D .. f. lial,,~lmrg, Sirollf!'. Oroo J , u. (\.I,lwal('r Ssd,rIJer, GiUlrl""" A •• f. H'l!'<'<.)IIIIllMI_

Sol,wyf'r, Jo.~ .. \ . l', ~;Ikl<'h_

T.-et .. r. llurrcy L. , II, li;,~-lorJ, Tennllnt. O.-orl>l" e, II. )11IlU.:"r Tholll&;. C. Lynn. u. Ow,-",-~o. 1'JWIllUS RII~_el J . U. O\l"h~U_ Tholl1l'-,oll. fi,)I",rt I.,j". C\{lwaY){Q.

ThOlIlI'",)n, \\'m E. I. H,.,ckr(>rd, ThQIUP"'JIi. D>I.\·id 0_, o. )1c(;regur. ThOTlltOIl, DuJI"y C .• fI, LIt" 1011. Tripp. !':,ilnu.1 ::. , II , U"I"1.)I1 Truth'lI. I".~rl J., II. 80nlh Br.UlCh. Trumblt'. WrIor,1 ,\. <I. 1':,1IOU BtlpiJs. Tum,·r. Guy C .. a. FIII~hiug. Tyr"n. Jaml!>< ~\ .• (I. SIUI\·er.

Cpballs, Charles. fl , i\I:\Ut'h;;~ter.

\'ltll ,\16I.111rg, Peter. c. C(')()~I"l!.-i1J".

W!l.agbo. William. ft. Xut'th[Jun. Wakemau. ~\rtllUl' W .• j. U:<ngur. \\·Rlhtce. Will . C .. ". fiRyShore. Waller, 11"lIry,l. CJ.arl"loi". WiI,lter. Seibert B , (1. Col,lwat .. r.

Wo..l,,·ort l1 . Freoll3. , u. CIRytou. \\·a.;!.'I<!r , Wm. W" (', Colt'man. Walkins. Wm . E .. u, Battle Cn:ek. \Vatwn, Wm. G .. p, Paterson. X. J. \\'ea\'er, Clarellce H., t', c.'\SIi City. Weiss. Roy J .. c. Sutton', Ba.'·. Welch. Albert E .• c. Oti~dl1e. Weller, Am bert , fl, LtJlJnon. Weils, Otto E . 0, Grand Ledge. Westergren. Edwin A ., a. Cadillac. White, Walter E., I, SO. Frankfort.

New Colleae C lothes To r YOllna Ladies.

Wool and Silk Dresses.

FUI£ Coat s. Suits.

Ne\\' Curtains and Russ.


" 'hilmol1'. Glenn W .. (I, )Ianton. WieJmann, Fred 0 .. a. Manchester. Wilco:z, J",y . /' Rig Rapid~. Wileden, Alfred M., u, Ortom·ilIe. W /uans. Case (J ., f'. Lansing. Wintle. Lollis A., Bongor. "~irlh . Otto .. ( j . EVRrt. 'VooJhull, Earn~t. c. Hemlock. Woods. Ah'Y J" II, In'ing.

Yeiter. J ohn G .. (I. Lowell . Young. Uri0.5 S .. II. '-rankfort.

Hockin, Earl '\1. , c, Charlotte. liunler. Elnu,' r J. r. Macon.


// ·/,cr/·(I.I", It h as h(:ell the will of the ii e;n'enh' F;lIller 10 cal! from this life one of Oll r siste rs in SOcil'IY, Harriet R obso11, bc it

H"soh'cd, Thai the Feroninn So· cie l\' extend 10 ht r parents ollr h~:lrtfclt syml, in their sorrow. Bo: il further

R('.~oh-.·.!. Thai ;l copy of thdiC rl' svlutions he p r inted in Ihe R I-:C(lli II.

I! RI.":~ E. Dl)Df";E.

\\'I:"XIl'HJ(ll FE!.TOX",


\\·,·dnc~(by ~I ('nin" in th l" :J~' ",cmO!1 room of !he'" .\gr icnltunll Buil<lfll;! Ihnc will hI.' g:in'll an illll&' Irated Ic,'l\Ir(', c.l\illetl the ··Romanc\,: of Ihe Ih:.pcr." Thi~ i" ;.!i\cn hy a rcprc:"'III;ltill' of Ihe IlIll·rll;.liunal J bn l'ster Cn .. alill ,ollsists of ;\ "ompll'll' ~tur., I'f the \:\'olulioll t,f Ihe rC;IIlt"r.

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DIR EC T O RY L.\:\,:--I:,\U BL·:.-!:,\E.:-.S .\~D PROFE.sSIO~.\L :\lES.

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G t;O. (;. Ill ," 11K ... 11 dr ('0. Bookbl"dar~, IIccuunl book milkers. pnper rullD Jr.

IIbrllt)" IInti lilli' IIrt bln<lln Jr s. flIe OOXu. 1011 0 "'Ollnllllll'l. "1I,u,,, •. PQ<:ket hook . elC, Cltl,.e"l· phon~ ;oiO,ill!.o. / 11 Cit}' :O>lIllonlll Balik BuILdlnlJ


\VPOIlWOIttTU l<ill llt: STnK t;.-II!, 1I'II~hllllrton An', :.:. _____ _ -CROCKERY AND GLASSWAR E.

H II. I.A!'I:o>t:n.--Chlnll. '!In u-.o,; LAn.p •• • I,.". II Mhln"lOn , .. v". 1'<.

CLOTHING, L [ KOi"IT< ' Ht;J.:: <i aKlli'. ' iOlhler~. r . ~'''I t·"rnl.blnl'-'. 11~ WII."I"" lo"

A\"~. :0>.

E l.{il:O> lIIFP'!.I!'i. Llldl ... ~ and G~ntle_ lIIt'n', F'nrnlJihln ll: (;OQd s. So'" .,,1.

L orI" rn:(" J.:: .-f'tOlhkr. (;.'''". Furnl.l\· I""~. Ilah lind ('IIP~. U! II·a.hl"l<1011

AV",Sorl". "=--


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Auto"," u.- phon .... ollie .. a~,!: ri',hlr'''·r. :11'<:1,

J ~;. "TOF'~·~:R. n. I'. S. (jn!c.,~t:t-:'{'I1,. , :0>11110" .. 1 R.\nk Bldl/. Al1t~"""tI., phone

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RO"!'~:K'l'i I·A I'ITA!. JlIH'(I I'p 10 .1111 .... t'orr".r "u>r~. 11,,1I1·I .. r H:'~",·'c·.::-;:::::c::-


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C,\I' I .... 'I, ~:U;"·ltll· ~;S' . rX"EEHIX"(I '~'.- Full II,,,· " I ' :"'('lr"'1I1 l'onppllo·,.

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1'0.' .. ,I.


\\'11~:" I" TlETH"IT '~I ... pnl 1110' \In'II' '''It ' \111. 11" ... ,. 1"1 ... l~'I"'inr I>IH"" f",

_ilIl.· ,·hll"". ol'''l'n,·" d.·. 1'10 It'" 111 "'~'''''. IktJ"IHul ,."r,. """"'''1'' rn"" Il r. FU" •. h,'lit II ... " u. Ill!r.


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D lt. O"I'AH II. HHI'E':~:1., J/" l\r~.; \(, ~::., n. "' .. ~ '" 1 "'lIl • III .. II. 'tl. ~.ItI,

,ltI) _. l~ I" I ,,,,,I.' 10'; p. Ill. ~:n't 1"",,1, ... ~lklJ. ,'lllx<'u, phon .. 1:;11.

D 1'1, II. \1". I .. ~ S I " '''. E"'I IJII •• lm,. ~11,'h. 0111.',' /,,,ur,; ; 10 ~~" n.,,, .. I~~"" Ie> ,

IIn.1 ~:;~, I" ~ p .• n. I'<UlHIIl)~. ]1\10 II :;tt, II. Ill .. .. l(jli P.III. t'''L.,.,u.~· "1"ltl"I~"' .. ~. ____ _


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RO ln:HT .";~""" PTr;. ('f) ....... 'or. W ... h. llUflOIl A, t·, lind lonln 1'<1.


1'1~" It: t :SnAI.L·S .";H" I' tOJ" i'hoe H~. pllhhllr. All wo.k "ull"'U1I ... ·0. ,\111'

~hln" or Ulln d I'<~ Wt,1 "'-Ie •. Ituhl~'r H"~ls whl1" " UU wllit. nil" Ilnr of Conlcellon" r)' 1\·IIIUr'. old nAnd. ~l lehlll"'l A "t'.

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