the lovely bones poster analysis

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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The Lovely BonesPoster Textual Analysis

The framing of the man in the foreground compared with girl in the background walking towards him, emphasises that he is going to be the more dominant character throughout the story. This is also shown by the way that he is shown to be larger and the girl appears to be looking up to the man. Our eyes are drawn to the girl because of the way she is standing in light, with the pink clouds and yellow sun, the girl’s innocence and also the heavenly aspect of her being is being portrayed. The man is standing in darkness so his intentions towards the girl seem very menacing and dark. From the way his body is turned, shows that he is secretive and keeps himself to himself which tells the audience that there might be something strange about him. Her stance with one leg in front of the other creates a sense of movement and the audience feel nervous for her and she walks towards him. There is also curiosity in her step, which implies to us that although he is a stranger to us, the man is not a stranger to her.

The film title is in the top 3rd of the poster, more towards the girl, emphasising the fact that the film is about her and that she forms the main plot. The directors name is above the film title in a small font as recognition that this is his work. 'Coming Soon‘ with the date is also put on there letting the audience know when the film is available to watch.

The tagline 'The story of a life and everything that came after' sounds like a fairytale which emphasises the fantasy side of this hybrid-genre film. This clearly states that there is going to be a death within the film and that there could be a life after death. This caption informs the audience that, the death of someone doesn't just end with the actual incidence, it carries on for the family and friends and will have an effect on them forever.

The colours used within the poster show the audience exactly what the characters are going to be like. The girl is wearing brightly coloured clothes such as the colours yellow and blue which show her innocence within the story. The sun is shining also on the side of the poster that she is on having connotations that she is the ‘good’ protagonist within the film.

The man who is standing in the foreground of the poster is dressed in dark, plain colours showing that he is ‘bad’ and there is something strange about him. There is no sunlight on the side of the poster his is standing, emphasising the fact that he is the ‘bad’ protagonist within the story.

The image has been taken in a field, this could suggest that this is where the death in the story could take place.

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