the lost art of classic bodybuilding - chest...

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How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 1

How To Build A Manly PhysiqueThe Lost Art Of Classic


Garry Davidson

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 2

Copyright © by Garry Davidson. All rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape, or form is forbidden. No part of this manual shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author. Please write

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The information content within this manual is solely intended as reference materials only and not as medical or professional advice. Information contained herein is intended to give you the tools to make informed decisions about your personal appearance and lifestyle, not health. It should not be used as a substitute for any treatment that has been prescribed or recommended by your doctor.

The author and publisher are not healthcare nor fitness professionals and do not intend to play any role relating to such a profession. The author does not give any medical advice. The author and publisher expressly disclaim any responsibility for any adverse effects occurring as a result of use of the suggestions or information herein. This book is offered as current information available about chest fat loss for your own education. If you suspect you have a serious condition, it is imperative that you seek medical attention. And, as always, never begin any new procedures or exercises, including this entire program, without first consulting with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional.

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Best efforts have been used to prepare the material presented. The author and publisher however do not warrant the results for the effectiveness of this program. Results vary due to individual efforts and factors. The author and publisher may not be held liable, in any circumstance, for damages or loss, including but not limited to special or incidental cases.

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How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 3

How To Build A Manly PhysiqueThe Lost Art Of Classic Bodybuilding

Burn fat, grow some muscle, and you’ll not only look more like a man, you’ll feel like one too. But where do you draw the line between looking manly and looking like a muscle-bound freak? And is there something else you can do to look manlier aside from building bigger and bigger muscles?

If you pick up a bodybuilding magazine today, you’ll no doubt see page after page of muscle-bound, steroid-pumped freak. These guys barely look human let alone look manly.

Say you walk past a competitive bodybuilder today, you’re more likely to yell “freak!” (being careful not to let him hear you if you value your life) than be afraid your girlfriend might run away with him.

But go back half a century, and you’d probably want to cover your girlfriend’s eyes. See, back in the 1940s and 50s, before steroids were being used in sport, bodybuilding was all about looking manly and being manly.

Rather than just focusing on building bigger muscles, these guys were also concerned about building out the right proportions so they can look like powerful men as opposed to looking like monsters. They’d focus on getting a wide chest, with a narrow and small waist to get that V-taper.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 4

The classic bodybuilder of that time was also strong, flexible and agile – everything a man needs to be. It wasn’t uncommon for a bodybuilding champ to also enter weightlifting competitions. John Grimek for example, won the Mr. America contest AND represented the USA in weightlifting in the Olympic Games. He could also do one-arm chins, handstands, backbends and jumping splits!

So What Makes The Classic Physique More Manly And More Attractive Than Today’s Average


1. Building Natural Muscle Size

For a physique that really looks good to the majority of people (most people NOT being obsessed with bodybuilding), it’s important not to go overboard with the muscle. Heck even Arnold had to ease off the muscle for his movie roles. Why? Because freakishly big muscles are not natural-looking, not attractive, and not manly.

Don’t worry though. With the right whole-body, compound exercise regimen, you don’t have to worry about growing excessively big muscles. The correct routine can give you near-perfect proportions that make you look like a warrior.

2. Getting that V-Taper

The classic bodybuilder did specific exercises that would widen his upper body – his chest, shoulders, mid and upper back, and narrow his lower body – his waist, hips and legs. Most bodybuilders and fitness experts today don’t do a lot of these exercises. I’ll tell you about them below.

3. Health, Strength And Other Hidden Benefits

The classic bodybuilder had no access to steroids, so he had to be mindful of his health. These guys knew how to boost their testosterone levels naturally. They slept for 9 hours a day, ate like carnivorous beasts, and took cold showers.

They also recognized the benefits of strength. Not just how strength training helps to enhance your physique, but also how it makes you more of a man.

“Physical strength is a masculine characteristic. It is admired by all men, women and children – at least certain aspects of it. On the whole, most men not only admire great strength, but secretly desire it as well.”

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 5

…John Grimek, 1958

Being stronger makes you a better fighter, better able to handle yourself, so you feel more confident when you’re out and about. It lets you do manly things like lift heavy things, move things around, climb, pick people up, open jars, and not have your hand knocked backward in a high-five. Plus being the guy who everyone calls when they need something heavy moved is a huge ego booster.

Exercises For Building A Manly, Classic


A classic physique looks manly whether you are wearing a t-shirt or a Chesterfield overcoat. Clothing can hide six-pack abs and a sculpted set of pecs, but it can’t hide a manly V-taper.

In case you’re wondering what a V-taper is, it’s when your torso forms the shape of the letter “V” with broad shoulders, chest and lats down to a narrow waist and proportionate legs.

When you have a small tight butt and waist, it creates an illusion of a wider upper body. If you build a wide upper body, it creates the illusion of a narrow waist. If you do both, that’s when you get that powerful action-figure look.

Below are some exercises the classic bodybuilders used to get that powerful V-taper.

And by the way, if you’re wondering how many reps and sets you should do, 5x5 is a good program for developing both mass and strength. This program was actually pioneered by legendary classic bodybuilder Reg Park in the 1950s. If however, you prefer to sacrifice strength a little so you can improve your appearance in the quickest time possible, then 3-4 sets of 10 reps would serve you better.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 6

Back Exercises

The back is the most important area to train to increase the width of your upper body. The most important muscle group for width are the lats (latissimus dorsi).

1. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are the bread and butter for back training. To best target your lats, I suggest you use a wide overhand grip, and pull your chest up to touch the bar.

If you can’t do pull-ups, then you can use the lat pull-down machine and increase the weight slowly until you are able to do pull-ups. Being a bodyweight exercise where your body moves through space, pull-ups are far superior to lat pull-downs, even if you’re using the same weight. So if you can’t do pull-ups just yet, aim to progress to the point where you can.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 7

2. Bent over barbell rows

This exercise is great for building thickness in your upper back. To put more focus on the lats, it’s important to do the exercise with your upper body horizontal, rather than diagonal or standing straight up. Here’s a good demonstration:

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 8

Shoulder Exercises

Some folks would say the shoulders are just as important as the back for giving your upper body that illusion of great manly width.

The deltoid muscles in your shoulders have three distinct heads – the front, lateral, and rear deltoids. The secret to maximum upper body width is to build out the most commonly undertrained, lateral head of the deltoids.

1. Overhead Press

This manly lift is great for building out overall mass in your shoulders. It targets mostly the front deltoids, but also involves the lateral, and to a lesser extent, the rear deltoids.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 9

2. Lateral Raise

The lateral raise was a popular exercise among classic bodybuilders, who were more concerned about aesthetics and proportions than just size.

EMG studies have shown that the lateral raise, performed correctly, isolates the lateral deltoids far better than any variation of the shoulder press. Building out the lateral deltoids is key to developing wide shoulders.

The trouble however, is if you just stand straight and lift a set of dumbbells out to your sides, you’ll be targeting too much front deltoid. To really benefit from this exercise, you’ve gotta do it the way it was done by both Iron Guru Vince Gironda and legendary Steve Reeves. Here are two important points to keep in mind:

• Tilt the dumbbell so the front bell is always lower than the rear bell – as though you were pouring water out of a cup. This small change is very important, because rotating your hand will rotate your shoulder, which will determine which head of the deltoid you are targeting.

• Lean slightly forward while performing the exercise, and keep the dumbbells slightly in front of you throughout the movement.

Here’s a demonstration.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 10

Chest Exercises

When it comes to getting a V-taper, the chest isn’t as important as the shoulders and lats, but it does play a role. Plus it’s sure as hell cool to have a powerful, wide set of pecs. Also, if you have man boobs, a sweeping wide set of pecs can really help to improve your appearance.

1. Wide Grip Dips

The dip is one of Earle Liederman’s five fitness benchmarks that every man should master (as is the pull-up mentioned above). There’s also the fact that…

“The wide grip dip builds more pec tissue than any other exercise I know”

...Vince Gironda

Why a wide grip? A wide grip with your elbows flared out is better for increasing the width of your chest. It also targets more of your pecs than a narrow grip does. Think about how this exercise is done in nature. If you were running from a tiger and had to pull yourself onto a branch or some other raised platform, you’d do a pullup with an overhand grip, followed by a dip with your hands in front of you and your elbows flared out to the sides.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 11

The best way to emulate this movement is to do Vince Gironda’s classic V-bar dip. V-bar dipping stations are hard to come by these days, but you can do the exercise on any two bars/platforms that come together at right-angles, like the top of a power rack (as long as you’re not afraid of heights), or the corner of a kitchen worktable.

With V-bars you can really flare out those elbows, and easily adjust the width of your hands. If you can’t get a v-positioning, then wide-grip (32-34”) parallel dipping bars will do just fine.

2. Breathing Pullovers

Back in the classic era of modern bodybuilding, the breathing pullover was a staple in almost every bodybuilder’s regime.

Before steroids came on the scene, the best way for a skinny guy to bulk up was via the old “squats and milk” routine, where they drank a gallon of milk a day while doing heavy high-rep squats. What most people don’t know is that it was actually the “squats, pullovers and milk” routine.

Now there’s a lot of controversy surrounding this exercise. The science is clear that it’s a great exercise for the chest. But the classic bodybuilder used this exercise mostly to expand the ribcage. Though there’s no scientific evidence that breathing pullovers expand your ribcage, so many of the classic greats SWORE by this exercise as playing a huge role in their upper body development and rib-cage expansion, that you just can’t ignore it.

The likes of Steve Reeves, Clancy Ross, Reg Park, John Grimek, and more recent heroes

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 12

like good old Arnie, all paid homage to the mighty pullover, an exercise that today, has been more or less forgotten.

To fully benefit from the rib-cage expanding effects of breathing pullovers, superset them with squats. This is where you do one set of squats, followed by a set of pullovers, then a set of squats again, and so on without taking a break in between exercises. However, if like me, you find this too difficult and too much of a strain, you can always do your pullovers immediately after you’ve finished doing your session of squats.

Take a deep breath in while lowering the weight toward the floor above your head, and breath out while raising the weight up above your chest.

"Remember, to be most effective and to aid in the development of the thorax, the breathing should be full and deep throughout the exercise"

…Steve Reeves on breathing pullovers

With this exercise, do 15-20 reps with a light weight. The point is to stretch your rib cage as much as possible.

Whether this exercise expands your rib cage or not, it’s still a great exercise for developing the upper chest.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 13

Leg Exercises

The classic bodybuilder of old was careful about adding too much mass to his legs, hips and buttocks. Too much mass in these areas just takes away from all the work you put into the upper body. These guys were out there for the slender, masculine V-taper, as opposed to today’s monstrous tree-trunk look with huge muscles all over.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t work out your legs at all. If you’re not using steroids (and I advise you don’t!), then the testosterone-boosting effects of leg training plays a crucial role in helping you to grow muscle over the rest of your body. What’s needed is a bit of strategy in your approach.

Classic bodybuilders like Steve Reeves and Vince Gironda for example, would refrain from putting too much focus on the back squat and deadlift, as these exercises put too much mass on the hips and gluteals. One of the most popular lower body exercises in the classic era of bodybuilding was the barbell front squat.

1. Barbell Front Squat

With the front squat, you hold the barbell across the front of your shoulders. This forces your torso to lean back to balance the weight. By leaning back you reduce the involvement of your hips, and increase the load on the quads in your thighs.

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 14

Another important piece of the puzzle is to be on your tiptoes. You can do this safely by placing your heels on a raised platform like a set of weight plates:

Now granted this’ll get you some weird looks at the gym, but squatting with your heels raised is maybe the single most important factor in developing a tight, firm butt that drives women crazy, as opposed to a large gorilla-butt that totally turns them off.

You’ll see how this works when you try squatting right down with your heels flat on the floor. You’ll notice that your knees come right up against your chest in the bottom position. This means your hip is fully flexed, and standing up would require a lot of force from the gluteal muscles in your butt.

If on the other hand you do the same, but on your tip-toes, you’ll notice your thighs are more horizontal, your torso is more vertical and erect, and there’s a huge space between your chest and your knees, meaning you’re not bending so much at the hips.

This takes the work away from the glutes in your butt, and puts more work into your thighs.

Time To Get Manly

Are you ready to grow, sculpt and chisel a manly physique? Ready to build that powerful, masculine V-taper with a wide, manly upper body that forces you to walk through doors sideways?

Then add the above exercises to your routine. Build out your lats, chest and shoulders, and ease off on the butt-builders. Before you know it, the air of manliness around you will be so thick, people near you will move around in slow motion… giving them more time to check you out.

Where Can You Learn More?

This was just a quick write-up on the general principles of developing a manly physique. If you really want to get into the advanced stuff, I highly recommend you check out my advanced training program, the Chest Sculpting Blueprint (CSB).

Overweight guys with man boobs have written in to tell me how CSB has helped them to

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 15

do more than just get rid of their man boobs - they are now also on their way to sculpting that body of their dreams - with six pack abs and a solid set of pecs.

Unlike all those other training guides out there, CSB is a training guide designed for guys with man boobs. As a former man-boob sufferer and a current man-boob coach, I realize that guys with man boobs have a different body chemistry than ‘normal’ people.

Guys with man boobs tend to have upregulated estrogen receptors and downregulated testosterone receptors. Hence a training method that works for a normal guy, is less likely to work for a guy with man boobs.

CSB utilizes concepts like ‘hormonal training’ and the ‘Stimulus Adaptation Principle’, which help to upregulate testosterone receptors, boost testosterone release, and result in other chemical changes in your body that give your body permission to grow muscle, and burn that excess chest fat.

Here’s some of the stuff you’ll learn in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint:

• Long-forgotten body sculpting secrets that have withstood the test of time (methods that GUARANTEE success if you follow them, with ZERO possibility of failure).

• How to sculpt an unstoppable, masculine chest by leveraging your body’s adaptive powers (use your workouts to AUTOMATE the muscle-building and fat-burning process, so your body literally transforms itself while you rest!)

• How to lose man boobs using the unusual power of Hormonal Training (get your HORMONES to do the heavy lifting for you).

• Special bench-press tweaks that make this exercise a THOUSAND times more effective at blasting away man boobs (plus other, little-known workouts that are WAY more effective).

• The Chest Sculpting 12-Week Training Program - a step-by-step workout routine that shows you EXACTLY what to do, every step of the way (I teach you how to design your own routine, AND give you a ready-made one you can follow to a tee).

• Over 60 different exercise videos that show you how to do each and every exercise in perfect form (don’t worry, you only need to do a handful of these exercises, it’s just good to have a wide selection).

How To Build A Manly Physique

© 2013 Garry Davidson – All Rights Reserved 16

“If you’ve had enough of looking the way you do. If you’ve tried other methods with little or no success, and you want something different, something new to really shake things up and finally transform your physique, then I think the Chest Sculpting Blueprint could be just what you need.”

…Ranjit, Chest Sculpting Blueprint Customer, Mumbai, India.

I should warn you though, it isn’t for everyone. If you’re not serious about transforming your physique, then CSB is not for you. If you're the type of guy who is accumulating lots of different books and taking no action, then CSB is not for you. If you’re a tire kicker and lack direction, then CSB will do you no good.

Yes, the methods in the Chest Sculpting Blueprint work, they have worked for dozens of different guys, and they will work for you, but only if you know what you want, and actually follow through on the methods in the program.

The good news is there’s an 8-week, no-questions-asked, hassle-free, 100% money-back guarantee. If you feel the Chest Sculpting Blueprint isn’t right for you for any reason or no reason at all, then just let me know and I will happily refund every single cent of your money.

Click Here To Learn More About The Chest Sculpting Blueprint

The order link appears at the end of the video. If you’ve seen the video already, or prefer not to wait, here’s the direct order link:

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