the legacy of world war ii

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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The Legacy of World War II. The Cold War. Europe After WWII. “What is Europe now? A rubble heap, a charnel house, a breeding ground of pestilence and hate.” - Winston Churchill 4x the casualties of WWII than WWI 60 million people died (15-25 million in USSR alone ) Flattened cities - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



The Cold War

Europe After WWII“What is Europe now? A rubble heap, a charnel house, a breeding ground of pestilence and hate.”

- Winston Churchill

4x the casualties of WWII than WWI 60 million people died (15-25 million in USSR

alone) Flattened cities crippled industry Millions of refugees (DPs, or displaced


Changes since Yalta (Feb. ‘45) . . . 1. Soviet Union occupying Central &

Eastern Europe2. Britain had new Prime Minister (Atlee)3. America had a new President (Truman)4. War in the Pacific was ending5. U.S. had tested an atomic bomb (a

secret???)“a new weapon of unusually destructive

force”- Tested in New Mexico on July 16, 1945

Potsdam Conference July 17 – Aug 2, 1945 Big Three, again

US (Truman, FDR died) USSR (Stalin) G.B. (Churchill &

Clement Atlee) Goals

Punish Germany restore order peace treaties counter effects of war

The Reality of Potsdam HEAVY

disagreements 4 zones of

occupation Russia gets

reparations from Soviet Zone, plus more

Communist (Soviet) power spreading in Eastern Europe

The Buffer Zone USSR attacked in both WWI & II

and suffer heavy casualties They desire a “buffer zone” =

Eastern Europe Stalin promises to respect the

rights of free governments in that region

“A freely elected government in any of these East European

countries would be anti-Soviet and that we cannot allow.” - Stalin

The “Iron Curtain”“An Iron Curtain has

descended across Europe…” – Churchill (Missouri, 1946)

Means that the Eastern Europeans have turned to communism due to Soviet influence (no free elections after all…)

Danger to all of Europe Regarded as beginning of

Cold WarIron Curtain speech

Why is it called the Cold War? Never an open attack

between the US & USSR (no real fighting)

The whole problem is the US doesn’t want communism to spread, and the USSR does

US Response to the Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine – US

promises to help any country under threat of communism Containment – Policy of

stopping spread of Communism

Marshall Plan – US pumps billions into Europe to help recover from WWII Also, helps keep other

countries from possibly going communist

USSR Response to US Marshall Plan COMECON

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

Berlin Crisis Problem in Berlin

located in East Germany, partly under Soviet Control

French, British and US zones combine to form West Germany (democratic)

Also want to combine zones in Berlin USSR says NO!

Berlin continued… USSR cuts off East

Berlin from all aid and assistance provided by Marshall Plan

East Berliners want to escape, Soviets say NO!

US responds with Berlin Airlift – dropping packages from the sky to help the people

USSR calls off blockade in May 1949

Results of Berlin Crisis Western Zones (US, GB, France) become West

Germany Eastern Zone (USSR) becomes East Germany North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO –

Alliance against Communism (1949) Warsaw Pact – Communist Alliance (1955)

Arms Race Arms Race – struggle

between USSR and USA to gain advantage in weapons

Both have the hydrogen bomb – more powerful than atomic bomb

Leads to policy of deterrence – or using a policy of having more weapons to scare the enemy into not attacking

Western European Growth (despite Cold War)

Unity politically, culturally, & economically Economic growth & stability

International Monetary Fund & World Bank Political unity

Socialists, communists, Christian Democrats

Consumer Revolution Race to have best standard of living

Life in the Soviet East BlocNew “East Bloc” states remade on Soviet model Dictatorship Indoctrination No civil liberties Top priority to

industry & military Censors promoted

anti-Western ideals

De-Stalinization of USSR Stalin dies in 1953 Soviet Communists agree

reform is needed Nikita Khrushchev takes

over (1957) & liberalizes USSR Controls over workers

relaxed Allows for modest consumer

growth – cars, TVs, etc. Slightly raises standard of

living through 1960s

“Peaceful Coexistence” Khrushchev believed in

peaceful coexistence with capitalism (Western countries) Cold War relaxes

De-Stalinization = rebellions Polish rebellion (1956) Hungarian/Budapest Uprising

(1956) Briefly removed Soviet rule,

only to be invaded & crushed 2700 Hungarians died

The Berlin Wall & Fall of Khrushchev

East Berliners fleeing to West Berlin

Khrushchev demands wall be build to stop them, & to scare West (but it doesn’t)

Khrushchev starts to lose power

Leonid Brezhnev takes over in bloodless coup 1964

USSR re-Stalinizes

Cold War Thaws in1960s & 70s

Despite tensions, Cold War stable after 1961

Except, Soviets crushing the Prague Spring Czechoslovakia tried to free themselves in 1968 Soviet troops stayed until 1987

Fear of Mutually Assured Destruction prevented conflict Détente – relaxation of Cold War tensions

Cold War Tensions Thaw cont’d

Ostpolitik West German Chancellor

Willy Brandt’s plan Sought closer ties with

East Hope of more “thaw” &

future reunification Pushed treaties with

East Other nations follow

The Cold War in the 80s By the 1980s, Soviets appeared to be winning

more productive economy better missiles growing navy even though system was corrupt and built on

propaganda America moved to re-arm and build up forces

US President Reagan increased defense spending Ends Mutually Assured Destruction

Beginning of the End of the Cold War

Brezhnev dies in 1982, change needs to happen…

Mikhail Gorbachev takes over in 1985

Glasnost and Perestroika = massive reform of economics, politics & culture Glasnost = “openness,” allowed

freedom of speech and the media to air grievances

Perestroika = “reconstruction”, re-ordering of the Soviet Union More democratic processes were installed

in the party and government, better technology too

Middle of the End of the Cold War

In 1988, Gorbachev addresses UN Allows democratic choice in

Soviet states Stops arms race

Within 2 years, these states set-up democratic govts (Poland, Hungary, East Germany, etc.) Soviets don’t stop them Fall of the Berlin Wall! Gorbachev earns1990 Nobel


The END of the Cold War USSR still faces problems Gorbachev has trouble

fixing them, and angers hard communists

Gorbachev steps down on Dec. 25, 1991

USSR no longer exists Now, Russian Federation

with Boris Yeltsin as leader

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