the last balanced empire

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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A magazine about subjects which relates to ancient Egypt.


Ancient Egypt, is truly a wonder of the world by itself. Documentation upon temple walls and in papyrus’ make us able to read and learn about their culture, which truly is the last Balanced Empire of the ancient world. Even with the Greek and Romans touch upon them, the ancient Egyptian still

shines through.

This is a small magazine created by the Danish author Karima Lachtane. As she walk though the land of the great, she has seen more than most people. This is a beginning to a journey, where you will

be guided be her. So many things, are rarely mentioned, so here are some short stories which Karima found interesting. Some reflect our human behaviour and others show the individuals possibilities, and how they can come together to create a better future, for

understanding of other cultures.

“Transfer the Good, leave the

Bad—You make the choice!”

A journey worth remembering.

Points of special interest:

• The sunken coffin

• Exhibition of “Egypt’s

Sunken Treasures”

• Franck Goddio/Hilti


• Maat-ka-Ra

• The story of Omm Sety

• Mummies

• Duamutef

The Last Balanced Empire

October 2009, nr#01

Real Facts!

”Need fuel? Why

not use a mummy”

Read page 9

Amarna and changed how the gods and goddess should be worshipped, this would come to anger a lot of the country's priests. The artefacts are of very high

This museums importance is based on its Egyptian collection, which was gathered together by the Prussian Kings. The Prussian empire dominated in north Germany. Like many old empires, they too went on expeditions, where they also went to Egypt


When they were there, the Egyptian Wāli Mohamed Ali gave them a present of around 1500 very important

ancient objects.

The museum have since then grow much greater, through

gifts, expeditions.

I would also recommend that guests visits the Museum Island,

this is an Island with five museums, which offers the most extravagant collection of ancient artefacts,

paintings and much more.

Actually The Egyptian Museum of Berlin could be considered a ‘double’ museum, They have 60.000 old manuscripts ranging over 4000 years. Texts of the old and new testament, and classical ancient Egyptian scripts, such as

The Biography of Sinuhe.

Each year over half a million visitors stand in awe of the priceless master-piece known as the bust of Nefertiti. Through the excavation in Amarna in 1911 to 1914 they gained a lot of knowledge about the kingdom of Akhenaton and Nefertiti. Pharaoh (King) Akhenaton and his wife lived in the 18 dynasty which was around 1340 B.C. They moved the city center to

Page 2

The Last Balanced Empire

The time period of Nefertiti


• Bode Museum • Neues Museum • Alte Nationalgalerie • Pergamon Museum • Berliner Dom Museum • Altes Museum

”One of the most

important collections of

ancient Egyptian objects

is to be found at the

Egyptian Museum in

Berlin – Germany. ”

craftsmanship, and each its

own masterpiece.

TIP: “The bust of Nefertiti is to be found in

the Altes Museum.”

”The most significant excavation done that was made was made in 1911 – 1914 in


Prussia Coat of Arms (1701—1918)




It was the year of 1881, and novice archaeolo-gists were eager to find the ancient pharaohs

treasures. So eager that they used dynamite and blasted their way through some of the pyramids.

They did indeed find something, but with in a short while, they lost it again.

See one of the great

objects which they lost.

And her dreams would be the transport over the a realm unknown to man, here she would meet her love Sety. This is a short review of the book ‘The search for Omm Sety’. Dorothy (also known as Omm Sety) would give to

the world, a history which

At a young age Dorothy feel and hurt herself so badly, that the doctor declared her dead. When she awoke she was never the same again, it was as if a tunnel from the past had linked to her mind, and she was able to see

who she once was.

They did not known. She would through her dreams, reveal a place in real life, and this site can be seen today. Her soul

was a gift to humanity.

struck by disaster. The exhibition called ‘Egypt’s sunken treasure’ is truly a priceless collection of hard work and golden results. Travel with the divers, and see some of

what they found.

Because of Marine archaeology and the Franck Goddio team, we are now able to see artefact from a once lost area. It has been widely known, that Alexandria the great, had rebuild the city, after it had been

Page 3

The story of Omm Sety

Archaeology divers

The Sunken coffin


• The sunken coffin

• Exhibition of “Egypt’s

Sunken Treasures”

• Franck Goddio/Hilti


• Maat-ka-Ra

• The story of Omm Sety

• Mummies

• Duamutef

Read page 4







Read page 5

Read page 8

”Mummy Powder

for Sale!

Get yours now”

Read page 9


It was the year 1837, and Richard William Howard Vyse, a British officer, was fed up with a curtain sailor. Since Richard Vyse had been promoted, he could pick and

choose who he wanted to work with. Richard was very passionate about his project, which was to investigate and document the old Giza pyramids. Richard then those the engineer John Shae Perring

to work with.

Sadly the excavation was done, by the use of dynamite, leaving a lot of damage behind them on their path. They blasted the way to the middle of the pyramid, where they finally found the real corridor/entrances path which they paid to be cleared, so that Richard Vyse and John Perring (and the drawer Edward Andrews) could go

down to the burial chamber.

They entered into a granite covered burial chamber, where there stood a beautiful coffin (sarcophagus). As they walked closer to the coffin they were baffled by what they saw. The coffin was missing its lid, and it was empty. Strangely enough Richard was able to find a piece of the lid, above the burial chamber hatched into

the cliff foundation. They also found some human bones,

linen bandages and pieces of a wood coffin.

With much pain and frustration, they managed to get the coffin out of the pyramid, they wanted to take it back to England. The coffin must have weighed a lot, probably demanding a strong ship. They used the ship ‘Beatrice’ for transporting the coffin, While Beatrice was on her way to the ports of England, a sudden storm and high winds began battering the ship, and it sank to the bottom of the


It would seem as thou

people have left it at that.

Personal Note: In our modern time, they did Carbon 14 test upon the human bones, which indicated the time period when

Christianity began.

The wood coffin and bones can now be seen at the

British museum.

The coffin (sarcophagus) belonged to a pharaoh (king) named Menkaure (also known as Mycerinus). Mostly known for his smaller pyramid at the Giza plateau. Menkaure ruled in Egypt between 2532—2504


The sunken coffin

”Reconstruction of

Menkaure’s coffin

(sarcophagus) a

unique piece from

the old Kingdom

(2500 B.C) of

ancient Egypt, now

lost at sea.”

Richard Vyse and John Perring blasted their way into the third pyramid at the Giza plateau, they were stunned to see a big granite coffin. Read about their journey, and how they lost the great coffin (sarcophagus), soon after.

Page 4

The Last Balanced Empire

Perring’s drawing of Menkaure’s coffin

Sources: The Pyramids by Miroslav Verner

coffin, because it was never studied, so it is not know if there might have been a small inscription upon it. Furthermore the design, seems more like Dojser/Imhotep’s design, look and compare to Imhoteps temple at


The sunken coffin (sarcophagus) of the old Kingdom pharaoh Menkaure, must be one great treasure to retrieve. It has now been lying on the bottom of the Oscan, waiting for some heroic people to return it to its rightful place. It should be possible to locate the coffin, with some research done over the ship Beatrice’s route over the pacific. It would be interesting to see the

The Perfect Job for archaeology divers

and Cleopatra’s kingdom. Statues seem to have been in dormant under the water, but are now coming to life, and telling their story. This exhibition is as great of a find that Carter made when finding Tut-ankh-amun’s tomb, if not greater. I would love to see this exhibition here in Copenhagen, Denmark, maybe at the New Carlsberg Glyptotek or at some

Having its premiere in 2006 with a world exhibition, the Sunken treasure of Egypt, have drawn

more than 2 million people to it.

The professional team of Goddio is truly a gift to the Egyptologist, and history itself. The city ground has been reclaimed by the sea, but because of underwater archaeologists we are now able to see more of Alexandria the great

other museum. But I can only


I would love to

Exhibition of “Egypt’s Sunken Treasures”

Page 5 Continues...

From the depths of north Africa, an ancient city again raise from the sea. Thanks to the great team known as ’Franck Goddio’ we are now able to see object from this city where Cleopatra once ruled. ”Treasures do still

exist! The Treasure

from Cleopatra’s

time is Truly


”Deep beneath the

sea, they searched

and found part of

the ancient city of

Alexandria, here

the last pharaohs


Through our collective past, we will be able to step more carefully into our future, and maybe bring the collective mind ahead, so we can co-exist in peace and understanding.

One of them is ‘project Alexandria’ a city that belonged to the last Greek/roman empire in ancient Egypt. Even in ancient days, one part of the Alexandria was build upon unstable ground. Many times did a coast line fall into the sea, but Alexandria the great just build them back up again, until one day no one was left to build it, no one could


And the city

became ‘lost’ for years to come.

Until 1,600 years later, when the Franck Goddio team took on the task of locating the lost part of Alexandria city. Which they did, and it was shown for the first time to the

public in 1996.

The city of Alexandria is famous through history for it’s library, maybe the foundation for this famous site, could be

found again.

No matter how you put it, this is a team of heroes with the keys to a real treasure, which contain important historical docu-


’Franck Goddio’ is a team that consist of professional divers, archaeologists, scientists and other experts, that have dedicated their lives to underwater archaeology. The team have worked on many projects since the early 1980s. In 1996 the Franck Goddio’s team received the support of the Hilti Foundation, and this is indeed a great foundation that aims for Building a better Future. I would say that this combination of Marine archaeology and supported by the Hilti foundation, is truly a unique step towards building a better future. For in learning about our collective past, we will be able to tread more carefully in the future, and maybe even

expand our

collective mind.

They have several different projects, which are all very


Franck Goddio/Hilti Foundation

Page 6

”She was the

consort of the

god Amun, a high


dedicating her

life to the

service of Amun

the Ram god.” Maat-Ka-Ra which means ’truth is the soul of Ra’ was the daughter of the high priest Pinedjem I. He was one of the high priests which took over in ancient Thebes, which made his family the ruling power at that time around 1070—1032 B.C. Maat-Ka-Ra became known as the ‘wife of the god’ and high priestesses of Amun. This meant that her life was lived in the service of Amun, and she was not to marriage or be with any man in her life. Such a dedication automatically elevated her to a high stature. She would often have been seen in the

temple of Amun at Karnak.

There might be some indication that she should have been married of, but

this is so fare speculations.

Personal Note: Hatshepsut took the name of Maat-Ka-Ra and she also dedicated her life to the god Amun. There might be some deeper connection from the name Maat-Ka-Ra to the

worship of Amun.


Page 7

In 1881 the Egyptian Antiquities Service discovered some very important finds at Deir el-Bahari, one of these finds was the coffin (sarcophagus) of Maat-Ka-Ra. Her beautiful coffin is evidence of a beautiful crafted work, which still exist at Cairo’s museum.

This is the External coffin of Maat-Ka-Ra, her face is made of gold leafs, and depicts how she looked in life. Her coffin is made of Cedar wood and Acacia, which has been beautiful painted. She has a big blue wig upon her head, and it is protected by vulture with outspread wings, edged with gold that ends in two cobras that are wearing the white crown of upper Egypt. Her hands are placed like the royal pharaohs, hands crossed, usually they hold a septer and staff. Scenes of Maat-Ka-Ra standing in front of different gods, continue down the coffin. As this is the external coffin, it is very big, because it had to contain two other coffins. A truly magnificent piece of history which can be found in the Cairo Museum in room 46

1070—1032 B.C.

Sources: Chronicle of the Pharaohs The Illustrated guide to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo by Zahi Hawass

Her name was Dorothy Louise Eady, born in England January 16, 1904. Her life would prove her words to the point that they must have been truthful. She would go from being a mysterious child, to being an even more mysterious woman. She was never wealthy in money, but she was indeed the richest person in soul. Always giving, she lived among the local Egyptian people, adoring her long lost love of a different time. Her life is a gift to both the world as well as the common


Her dreams would lead her to her long lost love, Sety I. What she could tell people about the

ancient Egyptian and their lives back then, seemed impossible. Her abilities went

beyond anything seen before.

“It was because of her, that archaeologists were able to find

the ’Osirion’ at Abydos. ”

Everyone who came into her presence, would be captured by her intense passion, and how everything flowed from her. She would visit Sety I temple at Abydos as much as she could, always taking off her shoes to show her love respect, as the ancient did (especially a priestess). She would light incense as they did, in the Horner of the lords and the ancestors in general. Her life is an adventure into the dream

realm, and travelling with the soul.

“From her earliest childhood, Dorothy Eady’s life was haunted by a vision of reincarnation. Until her death in 1981, this widely respected scholar of Egyptian religion and antiquities lived as Omm Sety—the temple priestess and lover of the 19th

Dynasty Pharaoh Sety I.”

The story of Omm Sety

The Last Balanced Empire

Page 8

She passed over, and when she returned, she was allowed to keep some of the stars knowledge. Take a journey with Dorothy Eady, as she reveals Omm Sety.

A book of a

thousand years.

Omm Sety at Chicago House—home of the University of Chicago’s Epigraphic Survey—in Luxor 1975. Seated with her are the Egyptologists, the late Dr. John A. Wilson, the Late Dr. Labib Habachi (left) and Dr. William Murnane (far right).

”A transfixing

account of



astral travel and



Mysterious and True!

ISBN 0 09 967140 9

It was such a highly merchandize that people started to make fake mummies. Taking people that had died in hospitals, and stuffing them with the chemicals used for making mummies. Then they would

place the bodies in the sun,

The corpses of ancient ancestors have been victims

of many tragedies.

Just a couple of hundred years ago, mummy in powder form, was a ordinary drug. Used by ‘professional’ physicians, to heal wounds and

skin bruises.

Mummy Powder for sale...

”One of the more

famous and still

preserved mummies

is Tuthmosis II 1518-

1504 B.C. ”

Page 9

Its Alive!!!

Its Horrible!

In the late 1890 and into the 1900, some people were beginning to use mummies to fuel their trains. How many and who they were, will never be known. It was a horrific thing to do, especially considering how much effort was put into the preservation of the body, for the

eternal afterlife.

Mummies as

train fuel...

”Punishment for

rubbing a grave in

ancient days, was



Some grave robbers got what they deserved.

“according to E. A. Wallis Budge. In it, they found a sealed jar that con−tained honey. Greedily, they began to eat the honey by dipping bread into it. Perhaps they thought that centuries-old honey might provide a splendid feast. One of the plun-derers noticed a hair on top of the honey after they had eaten some. He tried to pull it out, but was surprised to find that something was at-tached to it. He pulled the hair firmly and up from the jar came the body of a fully dressed child, who

had obviously been preserved in the honey. “

The mummy in

the jaw...


probably some weeks. The use of mummies was prescribed for all sorts of illness.




History: The starting signal was given in 1888. On March 8th, the brewer Carl Jacobsen and his wife Ottilia signed a deed of gift which made the Danish population - via the Danish State and the City of Copenhagen - the owners of his collection of Danish and French art. In return, the public authorities were to provide a building to house the works of art. The City of Copenhagen donated the lot behind the "rather plebeian Tivoli" as a displeased Jacobsen put it - he himself had suggested

Rådhuspladsen - the Town Hall Square.

Jacobsen was interested in contemporary French and Danish art, as well as ancient art from the cultures surrounding the Mediterranean. To secure the future of the collection, Carl Jacobsen and his wife Ottilia donated it to the public in two deeds of gift from 1888 and 1899. The Museum's buildings were created to

house these works of


Today, the museum houses the largest collection of ancient art in Northern Europe, primarily sculpture, from Egypt, the Near East, Greece and Italy. But during the more than one hundred years of its existence, the museum has also expanded the collection of French and Danish art from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Impressionists, Paul Gauguin and Auguste Rodin are particularly well



The Last Balanced Empire

Page 10

The Glyptotek houses over 10.000 works of art divided up into two princi-pal collections. One is of works from the Mediterranean cradle of Western culture, the other of Danish and French art from the 19th and 20th centuries.

” The

Glyptotek is


worth a visit,

they also have

a lot of ancient

Greek pieces.”

• Daily 11 am – 5 pm • Closed on Mondays • Also closed on 1 Jan., 5 June, 24th and

25th Dec. Admission: Adults: DKK 60 Children under 18: free admission



only for navigation purpose. This book gives a new theory, about the seven divine beings, four points on earth and three points above, the pathway for the soul. This book tells you that these

gods are actually stars.

The subtitle alludes to the connection between the ’above and below’. The Winter Triangle is a combination of curtain stars and constellations, that form a triangle, which has been special referred to since ancient days. No one really knows why these three points are special,

today. Their belief was so complex that a modern mind might even have problems in solving this ancient riddle. ’The secret of Anubis, The Winter triangle’ is the first modern book, that takes on the subject of the seven divine beings. Karima shows you the four sons of Osiris, which guard the holy pieces of a human body, and she takes you much further than


The four sons of Osiris (sometimes they are also seen as Horus’ son’s), are mostly known for being jars that contain the human organs in the ancient Egyptian belief. Why they placed these organs in these jars, and why curtain gods and goddess had to

protect them, seems rather unknown

The Winter triangle


”The Four sons of

Osiris stands

behind the Great


Page 11 Sources: The secret of Anubis, The winter Triangle

He is a part of the four son’s of Osiris, and actually there are three more, making them seven divine beings in total. They would guide the soul to the rightful place among the stars.

Picture taken by Karima Lachtane



Visit the website at

THE AUTOR Karima L. also known as WindBlower

TM is the author of the book ’The secret of Anubis; The Winter Trian-gle’. The book is about ancient Egyp-

tian astronomy and astrology Vs. their gods and goddess.

She is also the author of the guide book ’The magical guide to Luxor Temple’, a unique guide book, that gives you a completely different

view of the Luxor temple. Karima is educated inside Building

and constructions - Technical Assis-tance, she is also educated at a

technical school –The creative line. She has also worked/learned from

a production school (making posters for writers and so). After that she

went on to a 3D graphical school, all round media school (computers), she lastly attended an Astrologer

education. From the end of 2003 until the be-ginning of 2004, she worked as a Tour Leader between Luxor and Aswan/Egypt and lived there.

A journey worth remembering.

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