the landlady and the tenant b w

Post on 16-Nov-2015






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  • Carole Devine is a professional Astrologer since 1974 after completing studies under

    Lionel Day in New York and Gina Ceaglio

    in San Diego, CA. She holds a BS in

    Metaphysics and both C.A.P. ISAR and

    C.A. NCGR credentials. She has published

    two books, Solar Arc Directions, and Star

    Trek Revealed. She has a correspondence

    course which has students enrolled

    globally and is now available in MP3

    format. Her website is:

    The Landlady &

    The Tenant

    The Value of Inter-Chart Forecasting


    Carole Devine, USA.

    forty-nine year old lady, recently

    separated from her husband and

    childless, came to live with her

    aunt in June 2011. It was potentially a great

    arrangement since the aunt, having plenty

    of room, could use some extra money, and

    the niece could take time to find a job and

    get established while living rather cheaply.

    The niece had the largest bedroom in the

    house with its own private bath. It was

    working very well for several months.

    Then in September the niece found a 57

    year old boyfriend, and the dynamic

    changed entirely.

    The niece, born November 7, 1961 at 11:06

    p.m. in Washington, DC, has a motto that

    she shared with her aunt, which is that it is

    easier for her to do as she wishes and apologize

    later if it was not appreciated by anyone. One

    can see this with four planets in Scorpio

    and Leo rising with Uranus and Pluto in

    the first house. It is especially strong with

    Mars in an out-of-sign square to Uranus.


  • The aunt, born April 1, 1939 at 7:47 a.m. in Charlottesville, VA, is one of those Arians who

    does not like confrontations. With Sun on the 12th house cusp (Koch system of houses) or in

    the 12th (Placidus system) conjunct Saturn and square Mars in the eighth house, she is not

    skilled at conflict and could be called passive aggressive. Her way of handling conflict is to

    agree to whatever anyone says, and then forget about it, knowing full well that it is still an

    unresolved issue. She has Taurus rising, and that is a Taurus trait, as well.

    Obviously, they both had something to learn. The niece needed to learn how to respect

    others wishes enough to ask permission when appropriate, and the aunt, how to express a

    conflict openly and be more skilled at doing soand they had wounds to heal, as well.

    During the two months between September and November the niece, without asking

    permission, made a key to the house for her boyfriend, started doing his laundry there,

    invited him to stay overnight five nights out of seven, had him as a guest all of the weekends

    and essentially allowed him to practically live thererent free. Since the aunt paid for the

    utilities, her costs went up considerably. Plus, the niece started asking her boyfriend, who

    was a contractor, to make cosmetic improvements that she wanted in her bathroom and

    other places she used in the house, without the aunts knowledge until they gave her the bills

    for the materials they bought so she could reimburse them. The aunt kept thinking it would

    be ungrateful not to be appreciative, but also hoped each one would be the last improvement

    they would make. It was costing too much.

    The last straw for the aunt was when one morning the boyfriend adjusted the blinds on the

    windows to suit himself before he left for work although he would not be there all day. It was

    as though he thought it was his house! The aunt had enough. She told them both they would

    have to find their own place if they wanted to live together. By that time the niece had a very

    good job and was able to fully support herself. It provoked rage in the niece, and she not

    only moved out, but also stole some of the aunts belongings, including a spare laptop

    computer. Her rage was because the aunt had not given her any clues about her dislike of

    what was going on, and she had a valid point. She believed her aunt liked what they were

    doing. However, taking things when she left was a vindictive final statement of taking some

    control with her.

  • The Back Story

    s indicated by the nieces chart having Neptune conjunct the Sun and Moon in the

    fourth house and square the ascendant, she came from a home in which there were

    alcoholic parents. She could not depend on her parents keeping promises or even

    providing stability, so her very early childhood was extremely confusing. The parents were

    mostly in the sales profession, and so income was unstable, as well. The niece learned early

    to take control of her life, and to depend only on herselfthus, the philosophy of doing

    whatever she wanted and apologizing if it bothered anyone.

    The fourth house stellium shows that she is forever seeking a stable home, which eludes her.

    Even when she was married, she felt she had to earn her own money and pay her own way.

    And her husband agreed that it was necessary, although it really wasnt. He decided they

    would not have children so they could have more freedom. He loved rock concerts and had

    no interest in having a stable family. We always unconsciously attract that which we believe

    to be true on a deep cellular level, and so even when it seems possible to attain what we

    want, we can sabotage it to conform to our inner belief.

    The aunts father, an alcoholic, disappeared from her life when her mother divorced him

    when she was about five. She had a sister (the nieces motherdeceased in 2002) who was

    two years younger. After the divorce, her father made no effort to contact his children again.

    She, however, was not raised around alcoholism and had a more stable home.

    At the age of nine, when her Sun by solar arc conjoined Saturn, her mother married a career

    soldier who was a veteran of World War II and had survived the Bataan Death March in the

    Philippines and thereafter in a concentration camp until the war ended. He was a good man,

    but very bitter. In the ensuing years, the two little girls heard constantly about how superior

    Asian or European women were, and how inferior spoiled American girls were. This

    cemented the low self-esteem of the aunt (shown by Saturn conjunct the Sun in the 12th

    house) which started with the disappearance of her father. Further, her mother had two more

    daughters, and since these two step-daughters had a different last name, they felt like

    outsiders in this new family, although they were not treated badly.

    The aunt was unconsciously forever seeking a father, and had two marriages to very

    controlling men, who did not seem to have much respect for her, a fulfillment of low

    expectations that she was used to. But with Mars in the eighth house, anger was always

    brewing. She divorced both husbands when she felt disrespected beyond endurance.


  • We can see how this incident in their living arrangement would be a perfect storm to bring

    out latent issues they needed to confront. The niece had no control over the house but was

    usurping it anyway. The aunt resented a male presence who was attempting to control the

    day-to-day habits in the household, and neither one was giving her respect or indeed,

    acknowledgement. She was an outsider all over againand in her own home!

    Progressions and Solar Arc

    ost of us employ secondary progressions and solar arc directions in forecasting.

    The first thing one would do in analyzing this situation would be to see what

    was going on with these techniques in the two charts on the day the aunt asked

    the niece to leave, November 9, 2011. She deliberately waited until after her nieces birthday.

    In the nieces chart, the main contact was her solar arc Pluto (control) being within one

    minute of squaring her natal Jupiter. Since Pluto rules her fourth house, and Jupiter rules the

    fifth, we can see there was a conflict (square) about control of her home (fourth) and her

    love interest (fifth). Generically, Pluto square Jupiter indicates that the native sees what is

    happening as unjust. This is what others think, too, if they are not respected enough to be

    asked if it is all right to make changes to their home. If she could realize that, she would

    recognize the lesson.

    In the aunts chart Pluto (control, again) was transiting natal eighth house Mars (ruler of the

    12th, the subconscious), so the latent anger issue (passive aggressive behavior) was being

    asked to be addressed. Plus, progressed Sun was square her Jupiter-Neptune opposition in the

    natal chart, which is another source of escape from confrontation. This opposition often

    shows people who are used by others, not only because of poor judgment, but also an

    inability to say no to people. She, additionally, had solar arc Moon opposing natal Uranus.

    She was very surprised and upset by such an extreme reaction. The solar arc ascendant was

    conjoining natal Pluto, showing the emerging willfulness to regain control of her home,

    since Pluto conjoins the natal fourth cusp.

    Inter-Chart Contacts

    f we take the nieces progressions and solar arcs and put them around the aunts chart,

    (figure 1) we can see how the nieces placements affected the aunt and vice versa (figure



  • 2)how the niece perceived her aunts behavior.

    Figure 1

    This does not appear to be an accidental or unplanned event. In fact, it was most certainly

    meant to happen, as is the case with most scenarios. Note that the nieces progressed Sun is

    conjoining the aunts Mars in Capricorn within one minute of arc. They are both about to be

    triggered by transiting Pluto and there had been an eclipse in late June that year at 4:46

    Capricorn. The nieces solar arc Jupiter, at 21:12 Pisces, is conjoining the aunts natal Jupiter

    and opposing natal Neptuneputting a spotlight on the aunts poor judgment about this

    drama. Her secondary progressed Saturn is opposing the aunts natal Pluto exactlya

    challenge to her authority. The transiting Sun is even opposing the aunts natal Uranus

  • which, in turn, opposes the nieces natal Sun. The niece would never be able to control this

    aunt, since she would immediately feel the Uranus/ascendant conjunction of the aunts natal

    chart. The transiting Suns contact to this was exact the day before when the decision was

    actually made. Note, too, that the living arrangement started five months earlier when the

    nieces solar arc Pluto was exactly square the aunts MC. This was an arranged event and

    promised to be a power struggle. The niece awakened the suppressed anger the aunt does not

    overtly express. It also addresses her anger toward men specifically (Sun square Mars in the

    natal chart). It is an opportunity for the aunt to examine and heal these issues in her life.

    Figure 2

    In figure two, where we see the aunts effect upon the nieces chart, it is important to note

    the natal configuration of Venus-Mercury in square to natal Saturn. The nieces main issue

    is really that she has never felt she was loved (Venus square Saturn). The aunts secondary

  • progressed ascendant is separating from an opposition to the nieces Saturn, but approaching

    a square to her natal Venus-Mercury conjunction. Her progressed Moon is square the natal

    Saturn and opposite natal Venus-Mercury, and solar arc Uranus is square natal Venus, as

    well. Transiting Saturn will be conjoining the pattern in the coming weeks. Clearly, the

    niece is having her familiar feelings of being unloved and neglected awakened by her aunts

    behavior. Note also that transiting Mars has squared itself a few days earlier when the last

    straw event occurred, and it is in the process of awakening the natal Uranus square Mars

    aspect. Her reaction is predictably rage. But, if the aunt had understood this, it would have

    been an opportunity to help heal the issue by handling the whole thing differently.


    his rift did not get resolved. Neither party saw what was happening and didnt have

    the insight to appreciate the dynamics at the time. When we work with

    compatibility analyses and forecasting, it is not enough to just look at the charts of

    the individuals alone. We need to remember to see what the temporary situation is regarding

    the way each ones chart is affecting the other. Then we can see what the drama is that is

    unfolding, and also the purpose of it. What is each person here to learn, and how is the event

    teaching that lesson? Often we may be able to help avert the worst way of handling a

    situation and actually use it as intendeda healing opportunity.


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