the lack of funding for the arts in community

Post on 09-Dec-2014






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The Lack of Funding for the Arts in the Community

Presented by Martha Aponte, Cheryl Baker, Samantha Clark, Meghan DeGrace, Anne Kurukulasuriya, and Aleena Persaud

Preview of Presentation

An Introduction of Our Issue

Our Questions Who






Our Action Plan

Your Thoughts

An Introduction of Our Issue

Issue: The lack of funding for the Arts in the Community

Reason: It is current issue that is affecting everyone in the


Began to notice this issue during our placements in child care centres and schools

Our Questions


Who is affected by this issue?

Who are the stakeholders involved?

Children and youth


The community, as a whole

Art programs, including dramatic, performance, musical, etc.


Schools and child care centres

The government or those who will have to provide funding

Who supports this issue? Who are allies in regards to the issue? Alliance

An alliance of 60 Toronto’s art programs and organizations


Art Gallery of Ontario


Toronto Arts Council Foundation

Ryerson Student Council

University of Toronto Student Union

Who continue…Who will provide the funding needed to support the

need for the arts in the community?

Toronto has a “culture plan for the creative city”

Plan to provide $22.5 million in civic funding over the next five years

It was decided that the money will go to fund the city’s art and culture programs

$6 million was provided last year

$4.5 million was provided this year

Who continue…Who benefits from have funding for the arts?

Increases investment from other levels of government

Increases employment in the art sector

Creates more performances, festivals, screenings, readings and exhibitions

Ensures greater arts accessibility for all ages and incomes in all Toronto neighbourhoods

The Alliance believes the arts:

Celebrate the diverse voices and activate art programs across Toronto

Create and build ownership of vibrant and healthy public spaces

Support Toronto’s living and practicing artists

Builds the capacity of young adults, youth, and children


What are the advocacy/champions?

The first advocacy is Toronto Arts Foundation or also known or called TAF for short.

The second advocacy is Toronto Arts Council or also known or called TAC for short.

What are the core issues that are hindering the art funding in the community?

The first core issue is Finance and Funding

The second core issue is Access and Diversity

The third core issue is Cultural Space

What continue…What are the solutions to remove the issues that are

hindering the art funding in the community?


Encourage cooperation and partnership between artists, arts and heritage, Organizations, and across disciplines, sectors, and neighbourhoods


Provide the necessary information in easily accessible forms, in clear, plain Language.

Community ownership

Nurture an environment of community expression.


Recognize the arts sector reflects the tremendous diversity of the city at large.


Started in 1996

2001 SKETCH became a non-profit organization, then received a charitable status

“Home is where the Art is” goal was to raise $ 1500 to build a new space was accomplished

Since expanded to accommodate new members, and this year the grand opening of the larger space will take place

Started by community members with no funding

Shortly after began receiving donations that lead to a charitable status

Now continue to receive funding


Where are these community centres located?

Downtown Toronto

Sketch – located at Queen and Shaw Caters to struggling or homeless

individuals who have enhanced their lives through art

ArtHeart – located Regent Park For children, youth, adults, seniors

thriving to survive in the community

Programs have help them cope with their difficulties

Where can we find the strategies and extra support/knowledge to

help these centres?

Through their support groups


Provincial and Municipal Government

Other art schools and organizations

Benefits for

SKETCH Helpful resources such as:

More materials and food (because they have a culinary arts and community kitchen programs)

Public displays of their art work

Participating in workshops with already established artists

ArtHeart Maintenance of space

More materials, such as art supplies and food


Why the Ontario government has been doing cuts in different Art programs?

By February 12, 2014 “The Federal government cut $641 million in transfer that help support programs the people of Ontario rely on”

For them is preferable to protect program as housing, security and transit than cultural programs.

Arts are integral part of child development. Why priority centers offer free courses for adults and not for


Across the City of Toronto are 23 locations that are considered as Priority Center.

User fees for adults have been eliminated.

A variety of programs as Instructional fitness, dance, arts & crafts, fine arts music and others are free of charge for adults 60+.

Eligibility is now based on the client’s ability to meet the program requirement in accordance with the reason to assistance

Why continue…Communities’ centers increase 2.25% in al recreational programs like art, music and dance. Our communities

face a lack of funding for arts programs. Why the government does not seek an alternative solution to this

problem? City of Toronto is receiving less money and they prefer to invest in

others areas as housing, long term care, emergency medical service among others.

The total cost to deliver parks, forest and recreational to Toronto residents in 2014 is $409740 million.

They faced a pressure of $15333 million due cost of operations, inflation and collective agreement”.

The best solution for the city is to increase the registration fee. It is expected to occur in the spring of 2014 a further increase of 3.75% as part of the approved budget of City of Toronto.

HowHow do they reach the community though different


Reach the community through different programs such as Open Studio (Self-directed skill building), Music Recording Art Studio, The community Artists Program which gives youth training and job opportunities.

Mentoring and supporting emerging artists who wish to make a change in the City of Toronto Area.

SKETCH involved with many other organizations such as Womynation, New Eyezwhich educate the community on newcomer youth’s in their barriers.

Visual arts, such as painting, drawing, printmaking

Textile arts, such as sewing, soft sculpture, screen-printing

Art installations, exhibitions, and public events

Music, including songwriting, recording, instrument lessons, vocal lessons, engineering, live performance, and beat making

Youth leadership programming

How continue…How can they raise more funding?

They received funding through The Drug Prevention Community Investment Program, The Status of Women Canada, The Toronto Arts Council, The Ontario Art Council, Bell Canada and SKETCH Donors.

They also raise funding through their programs which involves youth’s and allows them to bring out their talents in the community by organizing concerts, exhibitions.

Our Action Plan

Our Action Plan

Tactic Educational

Target Audience People in the community who are affected by funding for the arts and have the opportunity

to advocate for the cause

Goal To handout at least 200 flyers to bring awareness to the cause

Key Message Support the Arts! Or Toronto will not be the same without it! Many children, youth, and

adults are struggling to stay alive through the means and help of these art programs and

centres. By supporting these programs and the arts, you are helping to maintain Toronto's

diverse culture and stature in which we all live in. Ultimately, you will also be saving the lives

of so many at risk individuals.

Photos of Our Action Plan

Your Thoughts

What are some of your thoughts in regards to the lack of funding for the arts in the community?

Have you seen the need for funding in your placements and/or work places?

Any additional suggestions to increase funding for the arts?

Bibliography Adams, J. (2013, January 9). Toronto arts groups await word of city funding. The

Globe and Mail. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

(n.d.). Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

(n.d.). Toronto Arts Council. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

(n.d.). Sketch. Retrieved March 10, 2014, from

Our Programs. (n.d.). SKETCH. Retrieved March 6, 2014, from

Home. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved March 6, 2014, from

Community Knowledge Centre - Toronto Community Foundation. (n.d.). SKETCH Working Arts. Retrieved March 6, 2014, from

Community Knowledge Centre - Toronto Community Foundation. (n.d.). Artscape. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

Bibliography continue… Our Programs. (n.d.). SKETCH. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from


Community Knowledge Centre - Toronto Community Foundation. (n.d.). SKETCH Working Arts. Retrieved March 8, 2014, from

Community Knowledge Centre - Toronto Community Foundation. (n.d.). Arts and Culture. Retrieved March 9, 2014, from

Advocacy." / Our Programs / Toronto Arts Foundation / Sites / EZ Publish. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>.

"2014 Municipal Budget." Toronto Arts Council / Sites / EZ Publish. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>.

"Arts Awards 2014." Toronto Arts Foundation / Sites / EZ Publish. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

Bibliography continue… Wright, M. (2012, March 28). “We knew we weren’t immune to cuts” Luminato CEO

and others from the arts community discuss Ontario budget.

Living Toronto, Parks, Forestry & Recreation. User Fees for Adult Registered Programs at Priority Centres. 

TWCA, Toronto Women’s City Alliance. (2013, Dec 04). City of Toronto budget 2014.

Living Toronto, Parks, Forestry & Recreation. Fees Increase.

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