the kemptah response to the western legal and state apperatus

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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I want to say that I have undying love for Black people and the Black Nation and also I feel the

different perspective of Black individuals even though at times I may disagree. Many of us are mad

about how the system is treating us or any member of the Black Nation. That is partially understandable

because we unwillingly and willingly invested blood in this blood sucking system. However the anger and

disappointment comes from the negativities of investing in our enemy’s kulture so much so we blurr the

difference between friend and enemy for the lack of synergy of sides in our reasoning. Most of us are

riding on fear, the same fear but reformed that kept the Afrikans that were enslaved in check. In this

time our westernized minds have blossom fully more so than when Harriet Tubman was around, more

so than when Malcolm, Garvey and Huey was around in their prime. On the flip side these same

conditions that have most of us caught in the world wind of identity crisis, it created me.

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The microcosm of modern House Negro is the Court House Negro. This transformation isn’t so

much intentional at the same time it is. What do I mean by this synergy of intentional and un-

intentional? Most of us in the Black Nation is under heavy doses of identity crisis which dictates

decisions, what we discuss, how and what we think and in general it is a western information filter. We

use it intentionally but never knew it is self-destructive and primal-animalistic thought form (the

thought form that forced our ancestors to create the 42 and 142 negative confessions) Even the

information from your social and personal practice is filtered through it hence the feed-back molds

social or personal practical-theoretical activities. I am not here to make fun of the house negro nor the

“court” house negro, but explain their illness so that we can work on a cure (KemPtah). The court house

negro is one of the house negro’s microcosms (we also have math, science, technology and design

house negros). Most field negro are house negro too but it is on a subtle level, i.e. most field negros will

say that -1 = +1 is false because their masters told them so. Getting back to court house negro; their

main goal is to prove that the court system is correct and the reason the court fails is because the

“right” people are not working in it , it is not enough “right” people working in the system, or since we

aint supporting this racist system we cannot get freedom. The western court is a tool; this is not a cliché

because just like a tool it only function in a certain manner regardless who is using it. Let’s take for

instance a hammer, regardless who use it the hammer is used to put nails in the wood or pound

something into shape. Just like any other tool the courts was fashion for a purpose. No matter what is

your character, or who side you take, nor does it matter if you’re a good guy(or gal) or bad guy you

cannot use the hammer to wash dishes or use a hammer as a car. The same thing with the court

systems, they are used to uphold western reason, and western reason is a white supremist reason thus

it is culturally colors, how else can it be among culture without being effected by the culture it is in?

Most of us, about 99% of the Black people world wide forgot about synergy of sides and rely on the law

of identity. That 1% (The ancients used digits as unknowns also) is 10% of the 10% that do know. The

reasoning of the courts use only a couple learned reasoning techniques (technology) and does not

digitalize these few learned reasoning to nu reasoning. Black People, Black person and the Black Nation 

is sentient synergy of sides, conscious digitalization, hence the court systems are too small to hold the

Gods. In saying that, this means either the court will break from our load or they have to break us.

Which one will White Supremacy choose? Not you of course, but it will choose you if and only if it

benefits white supremacy and increase Black inferiority (white supremacy’s complement). In saying this

, to continue to make a small degenerate system work means we are fiend out from white supremacy

and we believe in our hearts that the only reasoning that is modern and advance is the reasoning of our

oppressors. Why else we trying to make the broken system work. Trying to make the sick system work is

like trying to eat whole carrots without teeth. Is that reasonable to eat carrots straight without teeth?

Nope, it is stupid. Why would we want the system to “work ” are we too uncreative and lazy, are we so

parasitic that the only things we accept are the things made by strangers? Do we underestimate

ourselves and our Black Nation? Are we scared that in the Nu Black World that all the accolades given

by the white supremist system will mean nothing, and that we will actually have to think for ourselves?

All this time you have built a building that you thought was modern and it turned out it was nothing but

heaps of trash going vertical. This mean that you identify with the system more than your own

aboriginal nature, you identify the conventional so much so you hate originality. This means that to have

revolution means the destruction and death of you, which means that you must die to everything of 

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yesterdays. This mental illness is only false evidence appearing real, Gods like you put will into that, now

it (White supremacy) feels like the flesh on your back. So every time I come to you, you think I am

coming for you. If your angry at the Trayvon verdict you are really mad at yourself since you identify

with the system and have hope and pray (become pray) for the system. This is what mortal’s (Western)

logic is doing to us Gods ironically we use our own powers to realize (re-live) western logic( which

incudes the regularities of western culture). Ra’s life isn’t about being comfortable to what is not Maat  

(Synergy of Sides). The system knows how westernized we are just by the hate we have for one another

, and love for the modern (White). They use the regularities that we adopted from the system to

regulate us with almost pin point precision. They know what we gonna do before we do it because all

we know at our own root is them (white supremacy). Westerners been degenerated far longer with

high intensity than us, so in a sense they mastered self-destruction and can smell it on us. The court

system also allied themselves with western math, science, design and technology which put weight to

their faulty forensics. Faulty forensics means they only gather sense data such as hairs, fingerprints, and

other evidence but do not tie it to Black forensics which is the gathering of intellectual, emotion,

historical-logical and sense data as one synergized whole. If they did use genetic method, which is a

Black forensic method, they would see that crime happens because the descendants of Afrikan slaves

still missing their blood taking from the Black Nation via working our ancestors to death and given our

ancestor’s products to the descendants of Westerners and their black and brown lackeys. The Black

Nation is still here and its blood which was stolen is still here manifesting as spiritual and material

wealth used and abuse by the White Nation. We still have connections to our ancestors through the

Black Nation which was living during during the most ancient days, to Afrikan slaves (Trans-Atlantic

slave trade) and is still living now. The Black Nation is the melano or Black base which connects us

technically to all our ancestors. Without knowing the function of the Black Nation in relationship to us

and our ancestors, reparation is trivial, our fight is reneged (avoided), and diluted to desperate cries (i.e.

voting, protesting and rioting). Our biological and sentient organization resonates naturally with the

Black Nation as the supreme (super sentient) organism. Court systems just like the rest of western

culture can only provide “quick fix” or a fix with a short period of being correct, this means that another

“quick fix” must be administered shortly after the previous one.

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Most of us in the conscious community think that westerners must be doing something more

advance than us and that our ancient culture is somehow old and played out even though we praise it.

Our court systems in our great reign was the most impartial that has ever existed, they did not have to

terrorize, create a massacre, nor enslave people for their society to go on for thousands of years without

rebellion. In fact the rebellion against our ancient society did not come from the inside but by invaders

from the outside. The western world always had rebellions coming from itself, go figure they base their

economics and politics on the law of identity crisis, their ways are this; “All of us cannot be satisfied so

one or few of us must be satisfied” an “either-or ” logical and not “this and that ” decision. The State vs

George L. Jackson is hardly a reconsolidation of the state with the people. In the Travon case it wasn’t

State vs Zimmerman but the State vs Travon in which Travon was executed then declared guilty before

he ever had a case. The state and the courts used “shoot first and ask question later” or “kill him and

trial him later”, technically the case is the political mutilation of Travon’s body and the humiliation of the

Black Nation. “Even dead nigga isn’t a good nigga until we find his dead body guilty” says Global White

supremacy; white supremacy has upgraded their brutality and ignorance. So in a since if your read

between the lines I have gone from you to something that is not you which is the white man’s pure

psychosis down to the logic, down to the mathematics. The white supremist system, in a nut shell, is all

about weakness in it’s pure, they are so weak that everything they touch gets weak.How can a life form

create if things dies in its hands? To beings like that, stealing , warring, genocide are the means to living

since it cannot create (manufacture, make). Is it justified for the righteous to put all their eggs in a dead

basket? What of it? The identity crisis which has infected us, and having us actualizing our power into

only potential and not the actual. What would that look like if a seed only germinate to a bigger seed

instead of maturing to a tree? Reformism and not Revolutionism. The seed evolve to a different seed

instead of revolving (unfolding) into a tree.

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I will not get into details but give you a sketch of what should be. The legality or the ideals are in

synergy with the material or state apparatus. Since nothing cannot escape synergy of sides this means

that Western society must have some sort of cohesiveness between the Legal system and the State

Apparatus. This is also true for Black legal system and Black State Apparatus. The difference between

KemPtah (Black, Afrikan) and Western is intention which shapes the function and structure of the

legality and state apparatus. Since we know that western society centers it’s theoretical aspects on the

law of identity crisis you can see in practice why the legality and state apparatus conflict with each other

and thereof have little or no synergy between each other. This disconnection produce an illusion of 

flexibility and strength but the core (the insides, hidden) is insensitive and weak. Each new law

introduced and reformation of the constitution is like musical chairs in which they loose a factor of 

control in each turn. The foundations are wobbly in which it shakes off unintentionally new things that

are added.

The KemPtah legality and State Apparatus are in complete synergy. Why is that? Because the

set up is based on synergy of sides and not the law of identity crisis. The legality are in constant vortex in

which new laws are digitalization of the previous in an organic manner. The logical arguments which are

correct are not pinned down to a few learned reasoning abilities (i.e. deductive and inductive). The

reason why is that deductive and inductive can be synergized to produce new reasoning which curbs the

weakness inherited in the isolation of deductive and inductive. In turn the third nu reasoning can be

synergized with the inductive and deductive to produce a newer reasoning that curbs the weakness of 

reasoning in the previous and so on and so forth to infinity. This constant construction based on synergyof sides is an inalienable part of the legality of the KemPtah system. This constant construction based on

KemPtah is what will make our court systems and other legal and state apparatus “Live” as oppose to

the dead convention of the western court systems. Bias means partiality and the law of identity crisis is

the source of partiality because only one side can equate (balance) with itself and not it’s complement. 

Certain behavior and actions are outlawed if and only if there is no need for it and not because of 

private property relations. For instance no stealing law would not be enforced forcefully but reflect the

abundance and access of all Black people to wealth. Who would horde if no one person or a few

selected groups do not own it? Hording comes from fear of scarcity which is mastered in the western

world. Black Laws that are created is self-enforced because the whole society is based on synergy of 

sides which is a self-enforcing law of nature and not some utopian fantasy.

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The state apparatus should not be an staff of “look-alikes” because the staff will be a staff who

works on Afrikanizing, digitalizing KemPtah legality and practices. The KemPtah para-military (Kem-

Police) should not look the same and should be KemPtah legal aids hence they should know the Black 

laws inside and out. Unlike western police, the Kem-Police should also be adept Kem-lawyers. In the

western world, thanks to their law of identity crisis, police do not necessary need to know law only

police policy and basic rote procedures without modification (Afrikanization). In western logic; Making

law and enforcing law are different hence has nothing to do with each other. In Black Logic (since we

base our logic on synergy of sides); Making and enforcing are synergy of sides and hence inter-

translatable and inter-transformable. Most times (99.9%) western police cannot avoid being brutal and

violent because they suppose to administer law not know it. These police are like waiter in which the

waiter don’t know how to fix the food but to serve it. A Kem-Police on the other hand fix the food and

serve it like grandma use to do. Also the Kem-Police should be a warrior, be self-less, have good

character, sense of humor at the same time know how to be serious (synergy of sides), should be loose

but ready for anything, have supreme love for the Black Nation, master the creation of self-defense

hence no set style, have good health habits, exercise regularly and most of all havescientific creative

communal consciousness (KemPtah mind state). The Kem-Police should learn to use the least weapons

for maximum effect, meaning that an empty hand can be used as if she/he had a gun in their hand, with

the right movement and plan of action. The most simplest weapon must be seen as the most complex

and the most complex the simplest. Simplicity is the best ability. Kem-Police must be the Black people’s

person, which means the mother race first and all other races flow from that fact. Paper work is

minimum because our apparatus isn’t one which has to guard against the majority of black people, we

are not running any secrets on our people and we are not looking at our people as a population or

number. Every black person will learn how to properly interface with the Black Nation and serve the

Black Nation hence the paper work is not paper work at all but people work. The folks to watch out or

put in check are the ones who refuse to interface correctly with the Black Nation. Few would not want

to interface with the Black Nation for the fact that most would understand that their persona, wants

and needs are manifestations or types of Black Nation persona, wants and needs. If 1 person can feed

20 people if we get what we put in back instead of a parasitic state garnishing it all then we would have

abundant time to have fun and be scientifically creative by perfecting ourselves to perfect our families,

community and the Black Nation as a whole. IF you work 4 hours in which you feed or service 20 people

an hour then that wealth coming back will be more than enough for you. Taxes should be taking out for

consuming raw material or information which is minute compared to the wealth you put into that raw

material and information. The KemPtah state apparatus should proactively educate black people on the

pros and cons of the apparatus and should work for it at the earliest age possible that can sustain

learning the apparatus properly. All people should have Kem-Police training just like our children have

gym class, we must understand our power by being it at not be a spectator or it. Spectators are for

people who want to enslave people, spectators are the slave end of the political stick in the western

world. Since the Kem-Police and legal staff work with synergy or Afrikanization of labor (creator) forces

then they should be familiar at least with the roots of the basic labor forces, such as sanitation,

maintenance, housing, and other basic services and goods. Kem-Police and Kem-staff enforce by

inspiring, nurture, and provide the rudimentary tools for labor force to continue Afrikanization of their

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works. Kem-Police and staff pushes for responsible innovation and not reactive innovation (western


All this is easier said than done for the fact that we didn’t even supersede the Western laws of 

thought in which this superseding is paramount for the creation of  Afrikanized Legal and State


Black Logic is key to building the Black courts , legal system, state apparatus and forensics.

Without Black logic our legal system and forensics will only be a black version of white supremist courts.

Black logic is the only impartial, non-bias thought form. How can a court system talk about circular

evidence if their thought forms isn’t circular at all? Western Courts constantly comes to collision with

contradictions since the abstract and the concrete isn’t organically connected. Organic connections

originally are organized from synergy of sides. Black Logic in contrary to western logic, Black logic deals

with regularity in both thought and reality. The unfolding of logic is called history or real-story(which

includes our story). Any logic that is purely concerned with the correctness of thought will run into

trouble with reality since reality don’t have to be reasonable (in a western sense), that is why many says

“Life is a B!+ch”. Since Black logic includes the regularity of reality then to the westerner it (nature an

the sentient natural) appears in plenty of cases as illogical, paradoxical and contradictory in nature.

I have not mention the role of the KemPtah judges and Jury and other Black State apparatus 

elements. The Judge and Jury are synergy of sides just like the synergy of the one and the many or the

absolute and the relative. Jury is based on peers and judge is based on non-peers, both are needed for

them to work properly. Most cases in western court systems the jury are neither peers of the defendant

nor offender even though it is written in their books. Reason why is because of law of identity crisis,

which means even slight difference is indifference in the western world.KemPtah judges must be

masterful in mathematics which leads to a clear way to judge without debate. The decision of that judge

must be un-debatable and the truth on how she/he judge must be self-evident all across the board of 

the Black Nation. The judge must have rigor with judgment like 1 + 1 =2 in decimal. Judgmental isn’t real

 judgment because you are only judging the mental and not reality hence it is a alike like the western

laws of thought. Real judgment is based on pulling information from diverse sides synergistically and not

base on Western laws of thought.

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