the jewish center - shulcloud...the new york times called the new broadway musical, natasha pierre...

Post on 08-Mar-2021






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The Jewish Center - The Modern Orthodox Center for Jewish Life and Learning 131 W. 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 • • 212-724-2700


The Jewish Center S H A B B A T B U L L E T I N

EREV SHABBAT 5:06PM Candle lighting 5:10PM Minchah 6:15PM Community Dinner (for those who pre-registered) SHABBAT 7:45AM Hashkama Minyan (The Max and Marion Grill Beit Mid-rash) 8:30AM Rabbi Israel Silverstein Mishnayot Class with Rabbi Yosie Levine 9:00AM Shacharit (3rd floor) 9:15AM Hashkama Shiur with Rabbi Ari Lamm 9:30AM Young Leadership (1st floor) 10:00AM Youth Groups: Under age 3 (drop off optional, babies must be able to independently sit upright), 3-6-year-olds: Geller Youth Center, 2nd-6th graders: 7th floor Hot Kiddush (1st floor & 5th floor) WITH THANKS TO OUR KIDDUSH SPONSOR: Hashkama Kiddush, Miryam & Amos Alter in commemoration of the yahrzeit of their father, Haim Alter (Haim ben Mordecai) Community Kiddush, Gilda & Irving Chodosh in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Gilda’s mother Rochelle Tennenbaum Community Kiddush, Beverly & Andrew Druck, in commemoration of the yahrzeits of Beverly’s parents, Faiga bat Bezalel v' Chaya Mindel and Shlomo Zalman ben Dovid v’Bayla and the yahrzeits of Andrew’s parents, Dvorah bas Mordechai v’Maryam and Avrohom ben Anshel v’Mattel (Frances and Sigmund Goldsmith, Dora and Abraham Druck) Community Kiddush, Chaim & Rochelle Eliav in memory of Chaim's mother, Sara Markovich Eliav Community Kiddush, Nancy & Joseph Sklarin in commemoration of the yahrzeit of Nancy's mother, Rochelle Tennenbaum 12:40PM Early Minchah (3rd floor) 3:00PM Bikkur Cholim/Bikkur in the Home (meet at 730 Columbus Ave.) 5:00PM Minchah 5:00PM Afternoon Groups (5th floor) Daf Yomi Seudah Shlishit Youth Speaker: Gavriel Harmetz Seudah Shlishit Speaker: Batya Krauss, Disabilities, Inclusion and the Halachic Process: Shifting Perspectives in the Modern Era Hilchot Shabbat with Rabbi Dovid Zirkind: 6:07PM Shabbat concludes Musical Havdallah Parent Child Learning with Rabbi Ari Lamm

Monday, February 13 at 7:15PM Contact Joyce Weitz for more info.

at 212-877-1176



Sun. Feb. 12 Daf Yomi 7:45AM Shacharit 8:30AM Minchah 5:15PM

Mon, Feb. 13 - Thur Feb. 16 Shacharit 7/8AM Daf Yomi 7:45AM Minchah 5:15PM

Friday, Feb. 17 Shacharit 7/8AM Daf Yomi 7:45AM Candle Lighting 5:14PM Minchah 5:20PM

(Please see insert for details and complete list of sponsors).




We know the answer: Meet Daniel Slotnick, obituary writer for the New York Times in con-versation with Rabbi Daniel Cohen, author of What will they say

about when your're gone? Register at



Youth Shabbat is an annual event that enables our children to lead davening and layning and deliver divrei Torah in the main sanctuary of The Jewish Center. Its objective is twofold: Primarily, we hope to enhance our children's spiritual lives by giving them a special role in tefilah, kriat ha-Torah and teaching Divrei Torah to the communi-ty. Second, it benefits the entire community by fostering a sense of pride in the Jewish development of our children. We sincerely hope

that you will encourage your child to participate in this important Shabbat. Email Jenn and Gaby to get involved at



For 100 years, The Jewish Center and Yeshiva University have enjoyed a very spe-cial relationship. Our rabbis and members have been and continue to be instrumental in the devel-opment and success of YU. Rabbi Leo Jung taught Jewish philosophy at Yeshiva for decades. Rabbi Norman Lamm served as Yeshiva's third president from 1976-2003. Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter current-ly serves as a University Professor. In 2016, Rabbi Ari Berman was named Yeshiva's fifth president. Today, our membership is proud to count among our ranks prominent faculty, board members and alumni, including Rabbi Benjamin Blech and Rabbi Robert Hirt. Both Rabbi Levine and Rabbi Zirkind are graduates of RIETS. Like Rabbi Lamm, Rabbi Levine is pursuing his doctorate at YU’s Bernard Revel Graduate School. And at this year's Chag HaSemikha celebration, Rabbis Ari Lamm and

Noach Goldstein will celebrate their ordination. Save the Date for Shabbat, March 18-19, we will be privileged to host Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh from the YU Gruss Kollel in Israel as our

scholar in residence. Please join us for a leadership luncheon on Shab-bat afternoon open to current students, alumni, faculty and friends of

Yeshiva. Details and Registration to follow shortly.

To sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit or a JC event, please contact Aaron at





Dahlia Bellows Moshe Bellows George Blank Harriet Blank Jonathan Blank Steven Bram Lisa Buksbaum

Jonathan Buksbaum Joshua Buksbaum Jacob Buksbaum Susan Canter Michelle Chrein Hillel Cohen Arthur Degen Susan Degen

Daniel Faizakoff

Rabbi Avi Feder Lauren Geller Martin Geller Talia Gerber Hanna Gerber Estee Gerber Sander Gerber Tracy Gerber

Andrew Haberman Rebecca Hanus Avi Heller

Steven Hirsch Janice Honig Ira Kellman Rona Kellman Eitan Kimelman

Jonah Kupietzky Fran Kupietzky Charlie Laifer Daniel Laifer Jill Lavitsky Eric Lavitsky

Rabbi Yosie Levine Susan Lobel Daniel Mael Linda Moed

David Pfeffermann Daniel Posner Leyla Posner Rachel Ringler Pinny Rosenthal Andrew Schonzeit

Beth Schwartz Joshua Schwartz Shimon Shkury Yossi Siegel Lionel Slama

Philip Wagman Daniel Wagman

Rabbi Mark Wildes

Registration for the conference costs $599

Please visit to register.

A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION WITH MALCOLM GLADWELL FEBRUARY 13, 2017 AT 7:30PM Hosted by UJA-Federation of New York Location: Park Avenue Synagogue 50 East 87th Street (Enter on Madison Avenue) New York City, NY SISTERHOOD EVENING AT THE THEATER FEBRUARY 25, 2017 The New York Times called the new Broadway musical, Natasha Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 “rapturous” and “a witty, inventive enchantment.” On February 25th, decide for yourself if this is the next Hamilton. Join the Sisterhood for this season’s must-see musical followed by dessert. A limited number of tickets at $150 per person are available so reserve early by calling the Jewish Center at 212-724-2700 or visit our website at ROSH CHODESH ADAR WEBINAR WITH DR. ERICA BROWN FEBRUARY 27TH AT 12:00PM Join our visiting scholar live from Washington, DC for a special Rosh Chodesh Adar lunch break full of inspiration. Registration and webinar instructions to follow. SAVE THE DATE WEST SIDE HATZOLOH 32ND “LEV” ANNIVERSARY DINNER EVENT MARCH 20, 2017 AT 7:00PM LIGHTHOUSE AT CHELSEA PIERS RSVP at

MISHLOACH MANOT PACKAGING Sunday, March 5th from 10am-12pm Join us in a simple and meaningful mitz-vah! Every Purim, families of the Jewish Center deliver mishloach manot to elder-ly/homebound members of our communi-ty. We invite kids and parents to help us package the mishloach manot on and there will be a light breakfast. PURIM NIGHT Join us for a family friendly megillah reading in the gym, more details to fol-low.

PURIM DAY Drop off Childcare and Entertainment during the 10:00 am Megillah Read-ing for babies and kids up to age 11. Magic Show, Animal Show, Face Painting, Music Games and More! Stay tuned for more details and registra-tion. ADD A BIRTHDAY SPONSORSHIP TO ONE OF OUR FUN-FILLED YOUTH EVENTS! Party Choices this year Include Arts & Crafts, Movie Nights, Zumba, Krav Maga, Laser Tag, Bubble Soccer. Email Jenn and Gaby for more details and dates at

BASKETBALL WITH DIVISION I PLAYER BEN MILSHTEIN We hope you enjoyed basketball with Ben and Blake motzei shabbat. If you and/or your kids are interested in playing more regularly, PLEASE let us know. Ben is available on Saturday nights as well as for private coaching both individually or in small groups.


MATANOT L’EVYONIM Please remember to send Matanot L'evyonim, gifts to the poor, before Purim. The amount given should be sufficient to assist at least two different people with their Purim meal. Checks made out to the Rabbi Leo Jung Memorial Fund earmarked "Matanot L'evyonim" that are received before Purim March 7, 2017 will be distributed to the poor on Purim day to fulfill your obligation.

MEGILLAH READING We would like to provide everyone with the opportunity to hear the Me-gillah on Purim. If someone you know will not be able to leave home on Purim, or if you would like to volunteer to read Megillah for the home-bound, please contact Rabbi Zirkind at or 212-724-2700.

MISHLOACH MANOT TO IDF SOLDIERS Send baskets filled with Israeli products and bakery goods to IDF soldiers in Israel. Packages will bear a card noting your name with a Purim greet-ing. Please place your order by Tuesday February 21. The cost is $15 per package, $450 for a platoon, and $2000 to a company. Make your check payable to The Jewish Center and earmark it "Mishloach Manot to IDF" or donate online at and write in the notes field "Mishloach Manot to IDF".

ONEG SHABBAT Make the holiday a festive time for the needy or homebound in our com-munity. Help provide mishloach manot packages in addition to their regular Shabbat meals. Colorful Purim cards are also available. For more information and to donate, visit

To sponsor Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit or a JC event, please contact Aaron at

DAILY (except Shabbat) Israel Friedman Daf Yomi with rotating JCU Faculty, 7:45AM TUESDAY Advanced Gemara Chaburah with Rabbi Noach Goldstein 7:45-8:30AM Nosh and Drash with Dr. Adena Berkowitz, 10:15-11:30AM Jewish History: Judaism in a Christian Em-pire with Rabbi Ari Lamm, 7:00PM

NEW! Exodus: The Origins of Leadership, Commu-nity and Redemption Sadye and Henry Bayer Chumash Class with Rabbi Yosie Levine, 8:00PM WEDNESDAY Women of the Bible with Rabbi Yosie Levine, at 11:00AM

SHABBAT Rabbi Israel Silverstein Mishnayot Class with Rabbi Yosie Levine, 8:30AM Hashkama Shiur with rotating JCU Faculty, 9:15AM Israel Friedman Daf Yomi with rotating JCU Faculty, 1 hour before Min-chah 39 Melachot With Rabbi Dovid Zirkind

COMPLETE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES For more information visit our website or contact Rabbi Dovid Zirkind at


MAZEL TOV Allen & Suzanne Smith on the birth of their grandson, Shmuel

Dovid Smith, born to Jeffrey & Aimee Smith

THANK YOU TO OUR USHERS Barbara Paris and Andrew Ackerman


We would like to once again thank CSS and our dedicated CSS members for providing the security for our synagogue this week.

February 5-26 Don’t miss the world’s largest Jewish book sale completely run by Yeshiva Uni-versity students. For more information visit When shopping at the Seforim sale, please use the coupon code TJC and a portion of your

purchase will be donated to our shul. This is a wonderful time to consider making a gift to enhance The Jewish Cen-ter’s Al and Sylvia Baris Library housed in our Beit Midrash. Donate online

at or contact Rabbi Dovid Zirkind for more information.

DAVID HOROVITZ AT THE JEWISH CENTER Thank you to everyone who joined us this past Tuesday evening as we partnered with AIPAC to welcome Times of Israel Editor, David Horovitz. Thank you to Rabbi Robert Hirt and Yossi Siegel for their inspiring and provocative words and to everyone of who came for making our AIPAC event such an amaz-ing success.

To access discounted tickets to AIPAC's Policy Conference in March please contact our office.

Flying First Class Rabbi Avi Feder, William Fischman Rabbinic Intern

The song of Az Yashir, sung following the crossing of the Sea of Reeds (Kriyas Yam Suf), is noted in Gemara Shab-bos (133b) for it’s poetic phrase “ התנאה -ואנוהו ,זה אלי

“ ”לפניו במצות This is my G-d, and I will beautify him”. This verse is used as the source for the Halacha of “ -” נוי מצוה

an imperative to beautify mitzvos; our shofar should look nice, the esrog must be pleasing to the eye, our Sifrei To-rah (Torah Scrolls) are to look magnificent, and any Mitz-vah we do should be done with a reverence for its ap-pearance. Taken at face value, we can understand the command to treat G-dly affairs in a befitting manner. The question, however, is why source such a command here if the focus of the miraculous episode was the salvation from the advancing Egyptian army and defeat of our arch-nemesis? Where did the Gemara see a thematic connec-tion to aesthetics in Judaism in the story of Kirays Yam Suf? To appreciate the derivation of this Halacha, let us look at a novel bit of trivia. The official Guinness World record for “Most Passengers on an Aircraft” is 1,088 people, set by an El Al Boeing 747 on May 24th 1991. The feat was accomplished during Operation Solomon, Israel’s rescue of nearly 15,000 refugee Jews in under 36 hours from per-secution and growing dangers due to the Ethiopian civil war. Organizers from the IDF and the Mossad commis-sioned El Al to remove all the seats from its planes, ena-bling the greatest possible capacity on-board the airlift fleet. The record accounts for an additional 2 babies born in the skies while en-route but actually fails to account for an additional 34 toddlers whose mothers smuggled them to safety under their robes! The scene on board was simp-ly crazy! Landing in Israel, the passengers kissed the ground, blessed G-d and were just thankful for their salvation. Given the peril they faced in Ethiopia, the crowded envi-

ronment and unpleasant flight was the most welcome ex-perience. Not one cared that their travel plan didn’t in-clude seats, let alone respectable legroom, in-flight enter-tainment or beverage carts rolling down the aisles. Looking back at Kriyas Yam Suf, the Mishna in the 5th Perek of Avos tells us that G-d performed 10 different miracles for the Jews. Rav Ovadia miBartenura explains that G-d arranged the sea floor they walked upon into an elaborate brickwork, formed a special channel through the water for each of the 12 tribes, yet fashioned the dividers transparently so each tribe could still see their fellow. He placed a shelter of water above their heads for protection and created fresh-water spouts for drink-ing. The list of miracles continues, but the point is clear. The walk through the Sea of Reeds, while similar in pur-pose to Operation Solomon, differed starkly in its means of execution. All the Children of Israel wanted at the time was to live, they didn’t ask, expect or even need a beau-tiful stroll through a water paradise, yet that is exactly what G-d provided them, a first rate experience, for which they gave praise in Az Yashir.

Understanding this context, the source of derivation for

the Halacha to beautify mitzvos is that much more beauti-

ful. G-d was going to save His people, but He chose to do

so in a First Class manner. The bare floors of the El Al

planes served their purpose excellently for those Ethiopian

Jews, but we are encouraged to do more in our Avodas

Hashem (service of G-d). We must emulate the First Class

experience we were given during Kriyas Yam Suf in our

daily mitzvah observance. Invest in our Mitzvos, and to-

gether we can join G-d in a Flying First Class.

Yosie Levine Rabbi

Dovid Zirkind Associate Rabbi

Chaim David Berson


Ari Lamm Resident Scholar

Erica Brown

Community Scholar

Noach Goldstein Resident Scholar

Avi Feder

William Fischman Rabbinic Intern

Aaron Strum

Executive Director

Jenn & Gaby Minsky Youth Directors

OFFICERS Avi Schwartz President

Andrew Borodach First Vice President

Michael Jacobs Vice President

Deena Blanchard Vice President

Mark Segall Assistant Vice President

Yaron Kinar Treasurer

Len Berman Assistant Treasurer

Andrew Kaplan Assistant Treasurer

Miri Lipsky Secretary


Yoetzet Halacha Ilana Gadish 646-598-1080

Jewish Center Chevra Kadisha

212-724-2700 x555

UWS Mikvah 212-579-2011

Hatzoloh 212-230-1000

Eruv Status 212-724-2700 x4


Recapture the Joy of Reading through The JBI Library for visually impaired, blind and read-ing disabled individuals. JBI is the world’s largest library of Jewish interest for people of all ages and backgrounds who cannot read standard print, offering fiction, history, biog-raphies, periodicals, a concert and lecture se-ries and much more, in Audio, Large Print and Braille, all provided free of charge and deliv-ered to your doorstep. JBI Talking Books are available in English, Russian, Yiddish and other languages. Liturgical materials are available in all formats. Call 1-800-433-1531. A librarian will be happy to help. Or visit JBI’s website at JBI, since 1931, connect-ing the blind and visually impaired to the Jew-ish world.

Lori Zeltser & Leonard Berman*, Marnie & Scott Black*, Harriet & George Blank*, Serena Wieder & Jonathan Blank*, Rachel Wolf & Andrew Borodach*, Vivian & Daniel Chill*, Sherry & Mark Fessel*, Debbie & Elliot Gibber, Naomi Goldman, Susan Kensky & Samuel Goldman*, Ruby & Joseph Gottlieb*, Janine Behrman & Alan Gover*, Esther & Steve Graber*, Eleanor Merczynski & David Hait*, Millie & Alvin Hellerstein*, Aliza Herzberg*, Virginia Bayer Hirt & Rabbi Robert Hirt*, Esther & Michael Jacobs*, Fran & Jonah Kupietzky*, Amanda Nussbaum & Daniel Laifer*, Rachelle & Alan Laytner*, Arlene & Zvi Lefkovitz, Rachel Lurie*, Tiki & Simcha Lyons*, Isabel & Daniel Mael, Robert Marcus, Barbara & David Messer*, Hanno Mott*, Pamela & Da-vid Neikrug, Sarah Finegold & Andrew Newton*, Michael Rand, Laurence & Monique Sasson, Avi Schwartz*, Chani & Mark Segall*, Rachel Ringler & Yossi Siegel*, Jennifer & Mark Smith*, Radine & William Spier*, Rona & Andrew Steinerman, Rachel & David Vorchheimer, Adina & Philip Wagman*, Cindy & Jay Worenklein*

* One Gifters


Come and join us for an inspiring Shabbat of Song featuring Lipa Schmeltzer, Chaim Dovid Berson & the Zameiru Choir

6:15PM Friday Night Dinner (pre-registration required)

8:30 PM Friday Night Oneg (1st floor)

Young Leadership invites you to join them for a Friday night Oneg with Lipa following dinner (free of charge).

Services Don't miss Friday night and Shabbat morning davening lead by Lipa Schmeltzer, Chaim Dovid Berson & the

Zameiru Choir

Join us motzei shabbat for an inspiring musical havdallah!

Thank you to our event planning committee Naomi Goldman

Isabel & Daniel Mael Leah Pluchenik

Monique & Laurence Shore Grant Silverstein

Rona & Andrew Steinerman


FEBRUARY 10-11, 2017

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