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Post on 22-May-2020






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The Jewish Center - The Modern Orthodox Center for Jewish Life and Learning 131 W. 86th Street, New York, NY 10024 • • 212-724-2700


OCTOBER 13, 2018 • 4 CHESHVAN 5779

WOMEN’S TEHILLIM GROUP: Monday, October 22nd, 7:15PM Contact Joyce Weitz for more info. at 212-877-1176

Scholar-in-Residence Ezra Zuckerman Sivan Shabbat October 13th

Shabbat Afternoon Lecture: 5:00PM Self-Verifying ‘Proof’: Social Scientific & Torah Perspectives

on the Emergence of the Seven-Day Week Seudah Shlishit: 6:15pm

Why Doesn’t Avraham Get to Enjoy Shabbos? Ezra Zuckerman Sivan is the Deputy Dean of MIT's Sloan School of Management and the Alvin J. Siteman Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. He holds a BA from Columbia and a doctorate in sociology from the University of Chicago. In addition to his academic publications, he is a frequent contributor of literary Tanach essays, Particualrly on the subject of Shabbat.

Sunday October 14 7:45AM Daf Yomi 8:30AM Shacharit 6:00PM Minchah

Monday Oct. 15– Thur Oct. 18 7/8AM Shacharit 7:45AM Daf Yom 6:00PM Minchah

Friday October 19 7/8AM Shacharit 7:45AM Daf Yomi 5:53PM Candle-lighting 6:00PM Minchah


THANK YOU TO OUR USHERS Grant Silverstein and Genna Singer

Thank you to our CSS members whose efforts help maintain a safe

shul for our community.


The May & Samuel Rudin Lecture Series Presents A CONVERSATION WITH JERRY GREENFIELD

Wednesday, October 17th at 7:30PM The Sweetness of Success:

Turning American Entrepreneurship into a World of Good Register at

EREV SHABBAT 6:04PM Candle-lighting 6:10PM Minchah 6:10PM Young Leadership Kabbalat Shabbat (1st floor) 8:30PM-10:30PM High School Oneg at the home of Temima Schwartz SHABBAT 7:45AM Hashkama 8:30AM Israel Silverstein Morning Midrash with Rabbi Dovid Zirkind 9:00AM Shacharit 9:15AM Hashkama Shiur 9:30AM Young Leadership 9:30AM Teen Minyan (Beit Midrash, 4th floor) 9:39AM Sof Zman Kriat Shema 10:00AM Youth Groups 4:00PM Bikkur Cholim/Bikkur in the Home (meet at 730 Columbus Ave.) 5:00PM Lecture with Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Self-Verifying ‘Proof’: Social Scientific & Torah Perspectives on the Emergence of the Seven-Day Week 5:10PM Daf Yomi 5:55PM Minchah 6:15PM Seudah Shlishit Speaker, Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Why Doesn’t Avraham Get to Enjoy Shabbos? 7:02PM Shabbat Concludes THANK YOU TO OUR KIDDUSH SPONSOR: Community Kiddush, Chani & Mark Segall in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Chani's father, Rabbi Joseph Singer, z"l. Teen Kiddush, Amanda Nussbaum & Daniel Laifer THANK YOU TO OUR SEUDAH SHLISHIT SPONSORS: Lily Kaplan & family in commemoration of the 10th Yahrzeit of their husband and father, Joseph Solte Kaplan. Veronica & Erwin Muth in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Erwin's father, George Muth. Sandra & Jeffrey Smith in commemoration of the Yahrzeit of Jeffrey's father, Myron Smith.

Scholar in Residence Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl Head of School, Kohelet Yeshiva High School

Shabbat Morning Public Lecture October 19th-20th at 11:15AM

Modern Orthodoxy 101: From R’ Samson Raphael Hirsch to Today

Sponsorship opportunities available. Please contact Rabbi Zirkind.

Teen Minyan: Return of the SUSHI! October 13 at 9:30AM

WE’RE BAAACK! The moment you’ve been waiting for all summer has fi-nally arrived! Come kick off the next 100 years of a world-class Teen Minyan this Shabbat, Parshat Noach, in the Beit Midrash (4th floor) with our first “o-fish-al” Kiddush to follow. Can’t wait to see you there!

The Jewish Center & The New York Motherhood Center Proudly Present The Myths of Motherhood:

Brunch for New and Expecting Mothers Sunday October 21st: 10:00-11:30AM Featuring Paige Bellenbaum, LMSW

New and expecting mothers are invited to The Jewish Center for a Sunday morning of community and wellness featuring the experts from New York City's Motherhood Center. The program will include brunch, time to meet other new moms in the community and discuss motherhood with local experts. Register at Questions? Please contact our committee chairs Evelyn Fruchter ( Juliana Ja-cobs (


TUESDAY Talmud Class Rabbi Noach Goldstein 7:45am–8:30am Nosh and Drash Dr. Adena Berkowitz 10:15am -11:30am Tanach 101: Athens vs Jerusalem: War in Tanach and The Iliad Rabbi Noach Goldstein The Sadye and Henry Bayer Tanach Class 8:00 PM

WEDNESDAY An Introduction To The World of Mussar: The Writings of Rav Eliyahu Dessler Rabbi Dovid Zirkind Oct.10- Dec. 12 at 11:00 am Talmud 101 (will resume October 24) Ora Weinbach, Community Educator October 10–November 14 at 8:00pm

SHABBAT Muktzah 101 Rabbi Dovid Zirkind Shabbat Afternoons (time changes throughout the season) October 27– December 22 .


For more information visit our website or contact Rabbi Dovid Zirkind at

October 12 High School Oneg 8:30-10:30PM at the home of Temima Schwartz (200 West 90th Street, ask doorman for apt.) Calling all high schoolers! Come hang out with all of your favor-ite people and maybe (hopefully?) even meet some new ones. Don’t stay out too late because Teen Minyan is at 9:30 the next morning! October 13 Teen Minyan, Beit Midrash (4th floor).

October 20 Teen Time at 4:00PM. 6th-8th grade. Come play and hang out at the JC Gym (5th floor). October 27 Seudah Shlishit for middle school with Alexis Goldstein

(6th-8th grade girls). Join us for a fun afternoon with snacks,

games and conversation at the home of Rabbi Noach and Alexis

Goldstein. 4:00-5:15PM.

Soaringwords Workshops with Lisa Buksbaum October 29-November 1 at the Jewish Center Lisa is the CEO & Founder, Soaringwords, a global not-for-profit that has inspired more than 500,000 ill children and families to take active roles in self-healing. These workshops will teach you how to incorporate new scien-tific breakthroughs from leading experts in positive psychology into your daily life. Each workshop includes hands-on exercises to integrate these new approaches into your personal and professional life. For more information and to RSVP please visist Advanced Leadership Fall 18 Museum Tour Thursday, November 1st 11:00AM to 12:15PM Advanced Leadership is sponsoring a docent led tour of Chagall, Lissitzky, Malevich – The Russian Avant-Garde in Vitebsk 1918-1923 at the Jewish Museum. 30's + 40's Fall Shabbat Dinner November 2nd 6:30PM to 10:45PM The Jewish Center 30's and 40's invites you to a special Fall Shab-bat Dinner. Kiddush & Cocktails 6:30pm, Dinner 7:30pm. Save the date! 2nd Annual Trivia Night Motzei Shabbat, November 10th For details and registration please visit

ISRAEL UPDATE October 12, 2018

Nikki Haley to Resign as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, a onetime critic of President Trump who became an advocate of his foreign-policy views on the world stage, said she is resigning her post at the end of the year, the Wall Street Journal reported. In an Oval Office appearance with Ms. Haley, Mr. Trump said she told him six months ago that she planned to leave the administration at the end of the year. “We will miss you,” Mr. Trump told her. Ms. Haley, a former Republican governor of South Carolina who was selected for the U.N. role in November 2016, didn’t specify her reasons for leaving. Considered a rising GOP star, she said she has no plans to run for office in 2020, when the next U.S. presidential election will be held. She would be 52 years old as a prospective candidate in 2024. The advance notice that Ms. Haley provided to Mr. Trump about her resignation coincided with his decision earlier this year to name Mike Pompeo as secretary of state, a post for which Ms. Haley had been considered a candidate. Asked her reason for leaving Tuesday, she said that it was time for her to move on. “I think that it’s just very important for government officials to understand when it’s time to step aside,” she said. “And I do think that sometimes it’s good to rotate in other people who can put that same energy and power into it.” Our synagogue partners with AIPAC, America’s pro-Israel lobby, in educating our community on issues affecting the U.S.-Israel relationship. We encourage you to learn more by contacting AIPAC at (202) 639-5200 or by visiting

Yosie Levine Rabbi

Dovid Zirkind Associate Rabbi

Noach Goldstein Assistant Rabbi

Chaim David Berson


Ora Weinbach Community Educator

Eliezer Buechler William Fischman Rabbinic Intern

Aaron Strum

Executive Director

Batsheva Leibtag Director of

Programming and Communications

Sarah Cromwell Youth Director

OFFICERS Andrew Borodach


Mark Segall First Vice President

Len Berman Vice President

Aliza Herzberg Vice President

Michael Jacobs Vice President

Scott Black Treasurer

Daniel Solomons Assistant Treasurer

Naomi Goldman Secretary

LOCAL RESOURCES Yoetzet Halacha Shiffy Friedman 646-598-1080

Jewish Center Chevra Kadisha

212-724-2700 x555

UWS Mikvah 212-579-2011

Hatzoloh 212-230-1000

Eruv Status 212-724-2700 x4

In this week’s parsha, Noach is instructed by God to build a large ark to fit the entire animal kingdom along with his family inside of it. Rashi notes that it took Noach one hundred and twenty years to build his ark. Why did it take him so long? Certainly, it was a big undertaking which could take a few years to complete, but should it really have taken him over a century to build? Rashi comments (Bereshit 6:14) that the reason the ark took so long to be built was that God instruct-ed Noach to build it more than a century before the flood began in order to serve as a message to the people of the world. The purpose, Rashi explained, was for people to see Noach working on the ark all of those years and ask him questions about the mo-tivation for his great project. “What are you doing over there?” people would ask, and Noach would respond “God is going to bring a great flood on the Earth; perhaps you will repent?” Therefore, thousands of people would have the opportunity to repent when they saw Noach’s ark. But we all know how it turned out; only Noach and his immediate family were spared. Noach was sent on a mission to inspire the people of the world to live moral lives, yet no one followed in his footsteps. This is likely one of the reasons that Avraham, not Noach, became the father of the Jewish people. One of the first pieces of information we learn about Avraham in Lech Lecha is that he took “the

people he had acquired in Haran” with him to Ca-naan. Rashi tells us that these were the people he brought close to God. Avraham was able to inspire others and turn them toward God, Noach was una-ble to do so. But why wasn’t Noach able to inspire others? One answer to this can be found in the Torah’s descrip-tion, and Rashi’s comment, about when Noach actu-ally entered his ark. The Torah tells us that he got on the ark only “because of the flood wa-ters” (Bereishit 7:7), and not, as Rashi notes, be-cause of God’s command to him. Noach didn’t real-ly believe that God was going to flood the world; he therefore waited until the very last second be-fore getting into his ark. Noach, wrote Rashi, was among the “miKatnei Emunah” of mediocre faith who couldn’t fully believe the word of God unless they saw it play out right in front of them. Av-raham, however, had faith in God and went forth from his homeland when God told him to go. Avraham’s unwavering faith and sense of purpose allowed him to be an influential and spiritual leader who positively affected the people around him. The contrast between the models of leadership dis-played by Noach and Avraham can serve as a template for us to become better and more effec-tive leaders.

Faithful Leadership Rabbi Eliezer Buechler

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