the islamic state: an introduction by aaron zelin

Post on 14-Jul-2015



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The Islamic State

Aaron Y. Zelin

Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Islamic State History

● Jama‘at al-Tawhid wa-l-Jihad (2000-2004)

● al-Qa‘ida in the Land of Two River (2004-


● Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin (2006)

● Islamic State of Iraq (2006-2013)

● Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (2013-2014)

● The Islamic State (2014-Present)

The Islamic State

Breaking ‘San Remo’

The Islamic State

The Islamic State

Reasons for Resurgence

● American Withdrawal

● Continued Criminal Enterprise

● The Syrian Jihado New recruits, weapons, sources of funding

● Prison Breaks

● Iraqi Sunni Grievances

The Syrian Jihad

July 2011: Jihadi Entrance Into Syria

August 2011: Sunni Foreign Fighters Begin Coming to Syria

January 2012: Jabhat al-Nusra Officially Announces Itself

December 2012: U.S. Designation of Jabhat al-Nusra

April 2013: Islamic State of Iraq Enters Syria

May 2013: Shia Foreign Fighters Join the Syrian Conflict

January 2014: Rebel Backlash Against ISIS

February 2014: al-Qaeda Disaffiliates Itself with ISIS

The Iraq Jihad

December 2011: The United States withdraws from Iraq

July 2012: ISI’s Breaking the Walls Campaign

December 2012: Beginning of Sunni Protest Movement

April 2013: Islamic State of Iraq Enters Syria

July 2013: Prison Breaks/ISIS’s Soldier’s Harvest Campaign

December 2013: Maliki Destroys Ramadi Protest Camp

February 2014: Fall of Fallujah/Ramadi

June 2014: Fall of Mosul

Jihadi Governance

● Social Serviceso Medical

o Food

o Law and Order

o Education

Historical Foreign Fighter Mobilizations

● Afghanistan, 1979-1992: 5,000

● Chechnya, 1990s: 1,000

● Afghanistan, 1990s: 1,000

● Afghanistan, post-9/11: 1,000

● Iraq, 2003-2007: 4,000

● Syria, 2012-2015: 10,000-20,000

How Many Have Gone?

Nationalities Represented: ~90

Killed: 5,000+

Biggest Regional Draw:

Arab world and Western Europe

Three Spikes

January 2012: Official Public announcement of Jabhat


May 2013: Official public announcement of Hizb Allah

fighting in Syria

June 2014: The Islamic State announces the Caliphate

Reasons For Unprecedented Mobilization

● Ease of Travel

● Legacy Facilitation and Logistics Networks

● Social Media

● Emotional Resonance

● 5-Star Jihad

● Religious: Historical and Millenarian Pull

● Anti-Shi’a

● Caliphate Project

The Caliphate Project

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, July 1:

“We make a special call to the scholars, fuqaha, and callers, especially the

judges, as well as people with military, administrative, and service expertise,

and medical doctors and engineers of all different specializations and fields.

We call them and remind them to fear Allah, for their emigration is wajib

‘ayni (an individual obligation)”

The Caliphate Project

● Larger pool of recruits

● Identity

● Empowermento Arab world

o Western Europe

● Opportunityo ‘The Jihadi Dream’

● Regaining Dignityo Agency


● al-Qaeda:o Attack the West

● The Islamic Stateo State building

The Islamic State v. al-Qa‘ida

2005: Zawahiri and Atiyyat Allah Letters

2013: Issues Over Syrian Jihad

2014: Disaffiliation and War

War for the Future of the Global Jihadi Movement

● Generational

● Differences of Manhaj (methodology)

● Jihad of the elite vs. jihad of the masses

The Caliphate Project

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, November 14:

“We ask every individual amongst them to join

the closest wilayah to him, and to hear and

obey the wali appointed by us for it.”

August 9 January 6

Governance Is Hard

● From legitimate social services to


● The Interview model

Inspired and external operations

So oh muwahhid wherever you may be, hinder those who want to harm your brothers and state as

much as you can. The best thing you can do is to strive to your best and kill any disbeliever,

whether he be French, American, or from any of their allies.

If you are not able to find an IED or a bullet, then single out the disbelieving American, Frenchman,

or any of their allies. Smash his head with a rock, or slaughter him with a knife, or run him over

with your car, or throw him down from a high place, or choke him, or poison him. Do not lack. Do

not be contemptible. Let your slogan be, “May I not be saved if the cross worshipper and taghut

patron survives.”

If you are unable to do so, then burn his home, car, or business. Or destroy his crops. If you are

unable to do so, then spit in his face. If your self refuses to do so, while your brothers are being

bombarded and killed, and while their blood and wealth everywhere is deemed lawful by their

enemies, then review your religion. You are in a dangerous condition because the religion cannot be

established without wala’ and bara’.


Thank You For Your Time

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