the inventory of the john clellon holmes collection...

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The Inventory

of the

John Clellon Holmes



Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center

Box 1



I. Manuscripts.

Holmes, John Clellon #111

December, 1966

A. GO, by JCH, 1952.

1. First drafts.

a. Spiral notebook of early and late sections, holograph, 27 I. b. Notebook of early and late sections, unsequenced,

holograph, 78 I.

2. Second draft, TS copy with profuse holograph corrections, 103 I., in black looseleaf notebook.

3. Manuscript as submitted to publisher, with copyreader's changes; TS, 228 1., in folder. [Note: only half of manuscript was returned to JCH.]

4. Carbon copy of complete manuscript as sent to publisher, 446 I., in brown folder.

B. THE HORN, novel by JCH, published 1958.

1. First drafts, holograph, in pencil.

a. "Wing and Junius Chorus," holograph, 18 I., in folder. [Note: out of sequence; pages missing.]

b. First draft, in consecutive notebooks, all spiral bound. (i) First notebook, 53 I. (ii) Second notebook, 29 I. (iii) Third notebook, 43 I. (iv) Fourth notebook, 35 I. (v) Fifth notebook, 21 I.


Folder 1

Folder 2


2. Second drafts, all TS with holograph corrections, 51 I. total.

a. "First Riff' (incomplete version), 1 I. b. "Wing - Chorus" (incomplete version), 4 I. c. "Junius - Chorus."

(i) Alternate beginning, 4 I. (ii) Ultimate though incomplete, 6 I.

d. "Geordie - Chorus" ( complete second draft), 10 I. e. "Curny Chorus."

(i) Alternate beginning, incomplete, 11. (ii) Complete second draft, 61.

f. "Metro Chorus" ( complete second draft), 11 1. g. "Edgar Chorus."

(i) Alternate beginning, incomplete, 11. (ii) Ultimate beginning, incomplete, 3 I.

h. "Sixth Riff." (i) Alternate beginning, 11. (ii) Ultimate beginning, second draft, 2 I.

3. Third drafts, all TS with holograph corrections except where noted, 248 I. total.

a. "Introduction" [later abandoned], 2 I. b. "Wal den Chorus" [ version published as short story in

Discovery; this carbon annotated by Jack Kerouac, 1952); CTS, 20 I.; includes Jack Kerouac correspondence.

c. "First Riff," 10 I. d. "Wing Chorus," 20 I. e. "Second Riff."

(i) Alternate version, 5 1. (ii) Ultimate version, first draft, 8 I. (iii) Ultimate version, second draft, 8 I.

f. "Junius Chorus," CTS, 21 I. g. "Third Riff," 42 1. h. "Geordie Chorus," 421. 1. "Fourth Riff," 10 I. J. "Curny Chorus," 20 I.

k. "Fifth Riff." (i) First draft, 4 1.

Box 3 cont'd.



Folder 3

Folder 4

(ii) Second draft, 8 1. 1. "Metro Chorus," CTS, 311. m. "Sixth Riff," 7 I. n. "Edgar Chorus and Coda," 241.

4. Final draft as submitted, CTS with some holograph corrections, 2841.

5. Original manuscript as submitted; version that went to the printer; TS with holograph corrections and printer's marks, 2841.

II. Printed Material.

No Folder

A. THE HORN, novel by JCH.

1. Galley proofs.

a. Author's proof, Apr. 4, 1958. b. Author's proof, May 1, 1958.

c. Author's proof (plate proof), May 20, 1958.

III. Manuscripts (continued).

Folder 5

A. THE HORN, novel by JCH (continued): Magazine versions of various


Box 5 cont'd.

sections of THE HORN, from which (in several cases) JCH worked on drafts for novel.

1. "Wing Chorus."

a. Draft, TS with few holograph corrections, 161., in blue folder.

b. Draft with changes for book, CTS with holograph corrections, 15 1.

2. "Geordie Chorus."


a. Original version, with cuts for magazine, TS and CTS with few holograph corrections, 38 1.

b. Cut version for magazine, TS, 25 1.

3. "Cumy's Rehearsal" [magazine version of "Cumy's Chorus"], TS, 211.

4. "Metro Chorus," TS, 32 1.

5. "Junius Chorus," 211., in blue folder.

B. fuventory of material re: THE HORN, by JCH, for Boston University, TS, 1 1.



Holmes, John Clellon #111

January, 1967

I. Printed Material.

A. GET HOME FREE, by JCH, 2 sets of galleys.

II. Manuscripts.


1. Draft in six holograph notebooks, under early title OLD MAN MOLINEAUX.

a. "Little Orkie," 2 notebooks, 25 p. b. "The End," "The Middle," "The Beginning," 1 notebook,

29p. c. "Rewrite-The End," 1 notebook," 33 p. d. Untitled, 35 p. e. Untitled, 40 p. f. Untitled, 10 p.

2. First draft.

a. TS with profuse holograph corrections, 59 p., 1 copy. b. TS with profuse holograph corrections, 16 p., second copy. c. TS with holograph corrections, 8 p.; holograph, 3 p. d. TS with holograph corrections, 75 p.

3. Draft, under working title ALLEE, ALLEE IN FREE; TS with profuse holograph corrections, 230 p.

III. Printed Material ( continued).

A. GET HOME FREE, setting copy, with printer's marks, 352 p.

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Holmes, John Clellon #111

Box Listing (Boxes 7-39) Preliminary Listing

Box 7 I. Manuscripts. A. Files, TS with holograph notes. 1. “Stray Material from GO.” 2. “Visitor: Jack Kerouac in Old Saybrook.” 3. “Drafts of Poems, 1981-1982, and Drafts of New ‘Prefatory note’ for the New Collected Poems.” 4. “The Collected Poems (Late Words at Last).” 5. “Holmes Typescripts, etc., (Various).” 6. “Various Short Pieces, Includes Introductions to GO.” 7. “DEATH DRAG, carbon, as Sent to Publisher, 1976.” 8. “GO-Intro.” 9. “New England Piece for Knights.” 10. “GONE IN OCTOBER (Jack’s Death), 1969-1972, All Drafts Including Start of Original Journal Entry.” 11. “All Drafts of L.A. Piece, Published in Playboy, May 1972, Including Proofs,” includes printed material. II. Correspondence. A. Files. 1. “Holmes/Letters,” 1967-1984. 2. “Holmes/Letters from Knights,” 1973-1983. 3. “Scharbach Letters,” 1952-1979.

III. Memorabilia. A. Rib bone, n.d. IV. Photographs, n.d.

Box 8 I. Memorabilia, name plates, n.d. II. Correspondence, 1972-1979; includes printed material. III. Professional Material. A. Creative writing class, includes student papers.

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Box 9 I. Correspondence, 1948-1988; includes photographs; manuscripts; printed material. II. Subject file, “John,” 1966-1968. III. Printed Material. A. Pulp Magazines. 1. Operator #5, 3 issues, n.d. B. Clippings, 1981-1983. IV. Film and Video, untitled 8 mm reel, n.d. Box 10 I. Correspondence, 1977-1985; includes printed material. Box 11 I. Correspondence, (binders), 1959-1964. Box 12 I. Professional Material, JCH resumes, n.d. II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Old Grafton and Notes for ‘Family Novel,’” 1956, includes printed material; notebooks. 2. “Pre-Navy Addenda and Drafts,” 1943. 3. “Non-Fiction, 1960-,” 1960-1979. 4. “Non-Fiction, 1950-1968.” 5. “Short Fiction, Late 1940’s-1970’s” B. Poems, 1952-1974. C. Drafts, TS. 1. “Flicks and Facts of Life.” 2. “Uncle Willy.” 3. “Burl Ives.” 4. “S. Krim.” 5. “The Fad Culture.” 6. “The New Girl.”

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III. Printed Material. A. File, “Playboy,” 1971; includes correspondence. B. Clippings, 1982. IV. Photographs, n.d.

Box 13 I. Manuscripts. A. Files, TS with holograph notes. 1. “The Curious Case of John Clellon Holmes,” By Dana Burns Westbeg, 4/30/1976. 2. “Part I, Marion Cape Cod, Spring 1941.” 3. “GET HOME FREE, by JCH, Draft,” n.d. 4. “THE GOOD END OF SIMON CLARK, by JCH.” n.d. 5. “’Modern Times,’ Shooting Script, by JCH, 1977.” 6. “Film Notes, ‘The Little House,” n.d. 7. “’Instructions to Lovers,’ Poems by JCH,” n.d. II. Correspondence, 1944-1949. Box 14 I. Correspondence, 1977-1987. Box 15 I. Correspondence, (binders), 1954-1958. II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Copies of OLD MAN MOLINEAUX,” n.d. 2. “Short Fiction, 1942-1945.” 3. “Fragments of Fiction, 1945-1947.” Box 16 I. Correspondence (binders) 1966-1969. II. Photographs, n.d.

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Box 17 I. Photographs, n.d. Box 18 I. Correspondence, 1972-1987. II. Printed Material, clippings, n.d. Box 19 I. Manuscripts. A. Files, TS with holograph notes. 1. “Skinning a Deer, Collected Poems by JCH.” 2. “Selected Play Manuscripts,” n.d. 3. “Ladders of Fire, by Ahais Nin,” n.d. 4. “Miller-Nin, Fall Semester, 1975.” 5. “Lecture Notes, American Film, Spring Semester, 1980.” 6. “The Golden Land, by Artur Kwight,” n.d. 7. “Lecture Notes, Contemporary Novel, Spring 1978.” 8. “Seminar, Orson Wells, Fall 1977.” 9. “Seminar Notes, Bowling Green, 1968.” 10. “The Feature Game, Tom Wolfe, New Journalism,” n.d. 11. “Seminar 709, Bowling Green,” n.d. 12. “Kesey Heller (CATCH 22),” n.d. 13. “English 172 Notes,” n.d. 14. “Misc., Awards, Description of Creative Writing Program, Play Ad,” n.d. 15. “Misc., Lecture Notes,” n.d. 16. “Writing,” n.d. Box 20 I. Correspondence, (binders), 1948-1949, 1951-1953, 1958. II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Poems-Phase I,” 1959-1969. 2. “Drive Coasts,” n.d. 3. “Gone in October,” n.d. 4. “Various Poems,” n.d.

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Box 21 I. Correspondence, 1947-1988. II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Work Notes-Mostly THE TABOO HUNTERS,” n.d. 2. “Work Notes and Article,” n.d. 3. “THE HORN, Film Treatment by Joe Goldberg,” n.d. 4. “THE QUINCY GIRLS, Notes on Diaries, October 1974.” 5. “Interview with JCH, Transcript, TS, 1976.” 6. “Information Sheets,” n.d. 7. “Misc. Rough Drafts, Published Materials,” n.d. (11 folders). 8. “Manuscripts about GO THE HAM, Etc.,” n.d. 9. “Manuscripts, Multi Short Story Fragments,” nd.d 10. “Pseudonymous, Modern Historical Novel, 1947-1948.” Box 22 I. Notebooks, 1942-1944, 1946, 1957-1958, 1960-1974, 1986-1988, n.d. (33 notebooks.) II. Manuscripts. A. File, “Miscellany notes,” n.d. Box 23 I. Notebooks, 1952-1957, 1960, 1964, 1970-1971, n.d., (30 notebooks). II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. Untitled re: Verger, n.d. 2. “Raw Material,” (poetry), n.d. 3. “The Heretic’s Net,” (poetry), n.d. 4. “PERFECT FOOLS,” n.d. Box 24 I. Notebooks. A. Re: schoolwork, c. 1944-1949, (4 notebooks). B. Re: short stories, n.d., (4 notebooks) C. “Directing Movies,” includes clippings, n.d.

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II. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. Re: short stories, n.d. 2. “Work Journal for THE TOBOO HUNTERS,” 1969. 3. “THE TABOO HUNTERS, Draft,” n.d. 4. “Draft, Includes Printed Copies of ‘Dying Lawrence,” Poem by JCH,” n.d. 5. “Film Treatment of THE HORN, Draft,” n.d. 6. “The Beat Generation,” drafts, n.d. 7. “Raging Joys, Sublime Violatins, by Chandleer Brossard, Draft,” n.d. 8. “Whispering in the Pubs, by JCH” 1967. 9. “Break the Black Heart: An Interview with John Clellon Holmes, by Michael Schumacher,” n.d. 10. “Stories,” n.d. 11. “Yorkshire, by Arthur and Kit Knight,” n.d. III. Correspondence, Legman letter, 1966. Box 25 I. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Columbia Oral History Project, Interview Transcript, by Bill Gargan, 1976.” 2. “DAYS OF OUR YOUTH, Draft,” n.d. 3. “DISPLACED PERSON, Part 1-3,” n.d., (3 folders). II. Printed Materials. A. Files. 1. “Hollywood,” binder of clippings re: movie reviews from Life Magazine, n.d.

2. “Press Notices and Reviews,” includes clippings; correspondence, n.d.

3. Untitled re: clippings about JCH, n.d. 4. Untitled re: clippings, 1978-1980.

III. Correspondence, 1971. Box 26 I. Correspondence, 1965-1979.

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II. Manuscripts, untitled short story fragments, n.d. III. Professional Materials. A. File re: university positions and programs, 1976-1978. IV. Printed Materials. A. Newsweek Magazine, Spring 1983. Box 27 I. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Notes and Printed Material re: The Beats,” n.d. 2. “John Clellon Holmes, Spring 1985, Readings in the Beats Packet II, Eng 510V,” 1985. 3. “Loose Drafts and Fragments,” n.d. 4. “Interview With Kerouac, 2/21/85.” 5. “JCH Sections, ‘Jack’s Book by Barry Gifford and Larry Lee,” n.d. 6. “Interior Geographic’s Interview, 12/10/80,” 1981. 7. “A Walk in the Streets of Paris,” n.d. II. Printed Material. A. Files.

1. Loose material, includes correspondence, 1983-1985. 2. “Hills Like White Elephants, by Earnest Hemmingway,” n.d.

III. Correspondence. A. Files. 1. “1963”

2. “1983” 3. “Immediate in Fayetteville, Fall 1985, Registration.” Box 28 I. Memorabilia. A. Certificate of Completion of Military Instructional Camp, 7/10/1916. B. Certificate for John Simon Gaggenhein Memorial Foundation Fellowship, 3/30/1976. C. Calligraphy painting of Li Po, 4/22/1974. D. Framed saying: “You Have Only 5 Years Left,” n.d. E. Report Cards, JCH, 1926-1942, (5 cards). F. High School Diploma, JCH, June 1941. G. College Application, JCH, 3/12/1926.

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II. Printed Material. A. File, “Booklet Fragments, 3 copies, 8 p., n.d. III. Photographs. A. 4 black and white prints, n.d. B. 57 color slides, n.d. IV. Correspondence, 1974-1988. V. Audio materials A. Untitled 7 mm magnetic tape. B. 19 untitled cassette tapes. Box 29 I. Correspondence, 1/25/1990. II. Professional Material. A. File, “Waropa, 1982.” III. Manuscripts. A. Files. 1. “Representative Men and Other Essays,” n.d. 2. “Loose drafts of Various Pieces,” n.d. 3. “Walking Away from the War,” n.d. 4. “Drafts of Poetry Up to the Last Poem,” 1946-1988. 5. “L.A. in Our Souls,” n.d. Box 30 I. Correspondence, 1977-1986. Box 31 I. Manuscripts A. Drafts, may include printed material; correspondence. 1. THE TRANGRESSOR, first draft, 1946-1949. 2. THE TRANGRESSOR, final draft, 1946-1949. 3. Untitled modern historical novel, 1947-1948. 4. Poetry, 1944-1952.

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Box 32 I. Manuscripts. A. Drafts, TS. 1. “Displaced Person,” collection of essays, includes legal material, 1987. 2. “Representative Men,” biographical essays, 1988. 3. Untitled collection of essays by various authors, n.d. 4. “The Last Cause,” 1960. 5. “Night Music,” collection of poems, 1986. 6. “Passionate Opinions,” cultural essays, 1988. II. Printed Materials. A. Proofs. 1. REPRESENTATIVE MEN, 1988. 2. NIGHT MUSIC, 1989. 3. PASSIONATE OPINIONS, 1988. Box 33 I. Manuscripts. A. Drafts.

1. ROCKS IN OUR BEDS, n.d. 2. CHUNG FU, n.d. 3. DISPLACED PERSON, n.d. B. Articles. 1. “This is the Beat Generation,” 1952. 2. Untitled re: “Footless Radical,” 1981. II. Correspondence. A. Personal, 1979-1986. B. Professional, 1987-1988. III. Legal Material. A. File, “1928-1986,” includes passport; marriage license; birth certificates; honorable discharge; agreement of separation. IV. Medical Records. A. File, “1976-1988,” includes notebook. V. Artwork. A. Untitled painting, n.d.

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VI. Film and Video. A. “Our Times,” 2 VHS tapes, 1976-1979.

Box 34 I. Correspondence, 1950-1988. II. Journals and Diaries, 1939-1940. III. Photographs, 1973-1981. IV. Manuscripts. A. File, “The Beats: Readings: English 510V,” n.d. Box 35 I. Correspondence. A. Letters from JCH to Jack Kerouac, 1948-1966. Box 36 I. Manuscripts. A. NOTHING TO DECLARE, draft, 1960. Box 37 I. Artwork. A. 17 paintings on wood, n.d. B. 1 painting on canvas, n.d. II. Photographs. A. Files. 1. “Photographs of JCH at Kerouac’s Funeral, etc.,” 1964-1969. 2. “Various Photos,” 1931-1982; includes subfile: a. “Jack Kerouac,” 1960-1989. 3. “Production Stills,” 1979. 4. “Production Stills,” 1978. 5. “Photograph Taken by Machine: Le Banquet – October 24, 1969.” 6. “L.A. Go Photos,” n.d. 7. “Lost Shooting-May 1980, From Sauret’s Picture,” n.d. 8. “Charlotte Mears,” n.d.

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III. Correspondence. A. Letters from Jay Landsman, n.d.

Box 39 I. Correspondence, 1978-1986.

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