the internet and the web. is the internet and the web the same thing? computers, networks, routers,...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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The Internet and the Web

Is the Internet and the Web the same thing?

Computers, networks, routers, modems, etc., make up one large network called the Internet.

The World Wide Web (WWW) or Web for short, is the collection of billions of websites that can be accessed over the Internet.

How Does the Internet Work?

The “Mechanics” of the Internet

The Internet is NOT a bubble cloud.

The “Mechanics” of the Internet

• The Internet is simply a wire—network connection.

• A server is a special computer connected to the Internet where Web pages are stored.

The “Mechanics” of the Internet

• Each computerized device on the Internet has a unique address called an IP Address.

• The computer you use at home or at school is called a client.

The “Mechanics” of the Internet

To connect to the Internet, you need an ISP-Internet Service Provider.

ISP stands for Internet Service Provider and is a company that provides users with an account on a host computer.

Internet Service Providers

• Some common ISPs– MSN– Yahoo– AOL– Century Link– Comcast

Common ISPs

The “Mechanics” of the Internet

• Information travels across the Internet in “Packets.”

• Computers break information into small pieces called packets in order to send across the Internet.

• A router directs packets around the Internet.

The “Internet” is…

• The world’s largest computer network.

• A collection of local, regional, and national computer networks.

It is linked together with other networks to exchange data and distribute processing tasks.

• A browser is software which allows you to view information on the WWW.

• Three commonly used browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.


• You are surfing the Internet when you are clicking on links and going back and forth to explore various sites.

• A Home Page outlines information about a certain subject and contains links to other pages or sites on the Web.

Internet Key Words

• HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

• In 1990, Dr. Tim Berners-Lee, the current director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), developed HTML, which became the language computers use to transmit hypertext documents over the Internet.

More Key Words

• He later designed a scheme to give documents addresses on the Internet called HTTP.

• HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

• HTTP is the language computers use to transmit hypertext documents over the Internet.

More Key Words

• HTTP is the transmission standard used to send an HTML document across the Web.

• When you connect to a Web page it is called a hit.

More Key Words

HTTP is the transmission standard used to send an HTML document across the WWW.

Clicking linked text or images in a hyperlinked document transfers you from one Web page to another or to another part of the same Web page.

More Key Words

• Before 1993, the Internet was text based.

• Marc Andreessen released the first graphical browser called Mosaic in 1993. This increased the popularity of the Internet significantly.

Changes in the Internet

• In 2004, the phrase Web 2.0 became popular referring to the ability for users to modify the content of Web pages.

• Web 2.0 includes Web–based services such as blogs, social networking sites, wikis, video sharing, etc.

Web 2.0

ActiveX is a programming interface developed by Microsoft for Windows. This set of rules controls Windows programs that are downloaded from the Internet and then run in a browser.

More Key Words

• A cookie is a small text file that Web sites put on your computer to store information about you and your preferences.

• Some Web sites use cookies to track your Web use and many consider it an invasion of privacy.

More Key Words

• When a Web service autofills information about you into a form, it is using cookies stored on your computer.

• You can change how your browser handles cookies by adjusting your settings/preferences.

More Key Words

Home Page

•Your home page is the page that loads in your browser when it is launched.

•You can choose the page you want to be your home page. A browser’s settings/properties is a common place to define your home page.

More Key Words

The starting page in a Web site that links to sub-pages is also called a home page.

More Key Words

There are four parts to a web address:

•http:// this is the transfer protocol.

•The second part: is called the domain name.

•The third part: /index/ is called the pathname.

•The last part: info.html is the filename.

Web Address

• Recent History is a feature in a browser that tracks the websites that have been visited recently.

• You can clear/delete your browsing History using the tools/preferences in your browser.

Browsing History

• Favorites/bookmarks can be set to go directly to a commonly visited website.


• Web pages are deleted and moved often, sometimes you will receive an error like “Page not found.”

• A Website may be temporarily unavailable if the server is offline or if the site is being updated.

• Web pages may load slowly due to high traffic or if the page contains large images.

Common Errors

• Pop-up ads are designed by advertisers who have advertisements pop up in the middle of a page to draw your attention to their product or services.

• Pop-up blockers are available in browsers that can decrease or eliminate pop-ups.


• Digital Literacy is a term used to describe the ability to find, understand, organize, and analyze information using a computerized device.

• If you can use online tools effectively to communicate, collaborate, and work efficiently; you are digitally literate.

Digital Literacy

• Websites that provide information about job openings and career opportunities as well as videos, articles, and resources for developing the skills needed for obtaining employment are available.


• A wiki is usually a web application which allows people to add, modify, or delete content in collaboration with others.

• A video hosting service allows individuals to upload video content to share, distribute, or place on a website.

• Youtube is a popular video hosting service.


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