the importance of recycling garbages

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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The Importance of Recycling Garbages

We often encounter many plastics strewn around everywhere. People who live

there didn’t care much about it. The plastics could be a huge problem for our

lives. One of the solutions about how to take care of it is by doing a recycling. In

this essay, I’ii explain about what is recycling, the process and the benefits from

the recycling itself.

Recycling is a process that reusing things which cannot be used anymore

into a useful things. It is valuable. From all of the household’s garbages, plastics

is hard to recycle. Plastic is hard to be decayed. It needs decades for the plastics to

be recycled naturally by the nature.

The process of recycling itself is first, we need to gather a lot of plastic

trashes. Then we group the organic ones and the non-organic ones. And then we

cut them into little pieces. After that was them thoroughly. And the last one is to

get rid the chemicals which contained in it. In indonesia, the recycling process is

done manually.

One of the benefits made from recycling is by making a lot of high valued

handicrafts. We can make it gathering trashes of snacks, detergen’s, or anything

else wrappers. After you gathered all of it, wash it thoroughly and leave it dry.

After that use your creativity to make crafts, like by sewing it one to another if

you want to make a bag. It applies for the other crafts.

After knowing the meaning of recycling ,it’s process and it’s benefits,we

could help to make a cleaner and neater environment. Because a clean

environment mede our life more comfortable. And make us keep our earth from

filthes. By recycling we also can take advantages from unused trashes.

Ayu Suci Ramadhani


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