the implementation of tauhidic approach 2500

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  • 8/13/2019 The Implementation of Tauhidic Approach 2500




    By:Jamil bin Abdullah @ Othman

    For:Dr. Norseha Unin

  • 8/13/2019 The Implementation of Tauhidic Approach 2500



    By:Jamil bin Abdullah @ Othman

    1. Introduction

    The word tauhid (Allah's Oneness) means to make or to conceive as or hold to

    be one. Tauhid of Allah means both the oneness and the uniqueness of Allah

    Most High. Stated briefly, tauhid means attributing/ascribing/dedicating all

    attributes, beliefsand forms of worship to Allah and allowing none of these to

    be toward other than Allah, Most High. Thus, Allah shares His attributes with

    no one, he alone creates and commands and He alone defines how He is to

    be worshipped and legislates the laws which govern our lives. Those who

    have this belief, will gain consciousness within and always aware of self-doing.

    What is beliefs, why the beliefs is so important in attitude development?.

    (Carol S. Dweck, 2008) conclude by suggesting that beliefs are central to the

    way in which people package their experiences and carry them forward, and

    that beliefs should play a more central role in the study of personality. And,

    why the tauhid?

    Anthropologists would have us believe that the concept of God in

    religion began with polytheism; that polytheism gradually developed with

    monotheism. That is, the concept of tauhid was an evolutionary feature of

    religion which emerged at a later stage. But, according to Islamic belief, the

    concept of tauhid has existed since the beginning of human life on this earth.

    The first man Adam was the first messenger of God. It was this first

    messenger who taught human beings the religion of tauhid. While tauhid

    means the oneness of God, it must be stressed that this concept differs

    radically from pantheistic or animist notions that all the forms of existence are

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    diverse manifestations of one and the same reality. On the contrary, the

    oneness of God as defined in Islam means that there is only one being of the

    nature of God. All other things of the universe, they physical or non-physical,

    are the creations of this One God: they are in no respect constituents of, or

    partners in the divine godhead. By believing in one true God, man is saved

    from worshipping many false gods. Tauhid enables man to establish a direct

    link between God and man. Belief in tauhid makes man humble and modest

    instead of being proud and arrogant. It is because belief in one Great God

    implies that man is His humble servant and that modesty alone befits him.

    Believers know that they must submit to God, on whom they depend utterly.

    Submission to one God results in individual freedom and dignity, for all human

    beings then become equal and all deserve our respect. There is only one God

    and all of us are servants of the same God. Belief in the oneness of God helps

    the individual to live in unity with others. Belief in one Creator gives a sense

    of oneness with all creation.

    Belief in one God gives the believers confidence, for, they trust in God

    and believe that nothing can happen unless God wills it. Life and death are

    entirely in His hands. They remain content because they believe that power;

    wealth and success come from God alone. He gives them to whom He thinks

    fit and takes them away from whom He pleases. Tauhid thus brings about a

    unique blend of submission to God and human dignity and freedom.

    2. Can attitude be change?

    Focusing on peoples beliefs, as opposed to their simple preferences and

    habits or broad personality traits, helps us answer in more precise ways

    questions like: What personality factors allow people to function well in their

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    lives-that is, to grow and learn, sustain satisfying relationships, achieve well in

    school and careers, be caring toward others, or recover from setbacks? This is

    because beliefs can typically be defined very precisely, measured very

    simply, and altered through interventions to reveal their direct impact. In

    contrast, broad personality traits can be assessed, but they contain no

    implications for how you might change them. Beliefs are not necessarily easy

    to change, but they tell you where to begin. (Dweck, 2008) tried illustrate these

    points, which use recent research that examines two very basic beliefs:

    peoples beliefs about whether their attributes can be developed or not and

    peoples beliefs about whether others will accept them or not. In describing

    this research, she underscore the idea that beliefs and their impact are part of

    personality, that they underlie important aspects of adaptive functioning, and

    that they have unique implications for interventions.

    3. Beliefs about the malleability of personal attributes

    The recent research shows that acquired beliefs play a critical role in how well

    people function (Carol.S Dweck, 2008). These are peoples self-theories.

    Some people have a fixed (or entity) theory, believing that their qualities,

    such as their intelligence, are simply fixed traits. Others have a malleable (or

    incremental) theory, believing that their most basic qualities can be developed

    through their efforts and education. Research shows that people with a

    malleable theory are more open to learning, willing to confront

    challenges, able to stick to difficult tasks, and capable of bouncing back

    from failures(Dweck, 1999). However, this theory are not going to be discuss

    in this paper. Peoples beliefs include their mental representations of the

    nature and workings of the self, of their relationships, and of their world. From

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    infancy, humans develop these beliefs and representations, and many

    prominent personality theorists of different persuasions acknowledge that they

    are a fundamental part of personality.

    4. What Is an Attitude?

    Psychologists define attitudes as a learned tendency to evaluate things in a

    certain way. This can include evaluations of people, issues, objects or events.

    Such evaluations are often positive or negative, but they can also be uncertain

    at times. For example, you might have mixed feelings about a particular

    person or issue. Researchers also suggest that there are several different

    components that make up attitudes.

    4.1 An Emotional Component: How the object, person, issue or event

    makes you feel.

    4.2 A Cognitive Component:Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject.

    4.3 A Behavioral Component:How the attitude influences your behavior.

    Attitudes can also be explicit and implicit. Explicit attitudes are those that we

    are consciously aware of and that clearly influence our behaviors and beliefs.

    Implicit attitudes are unconscious, but still have an effect on our beliefs and


    5. How Do Attitudes Form?

    Attitudes form directly as a result of experience. They may emerge due to

    direct personal experience, or they may result from observation. Social roles

    and social norms can have a strong influence on attitudes. Social roles relate

    to how people are expected to behave in a particular role or context. Social

    norms involve society's rules for what behaviors are considered appropriate.

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    Attitudes can be learned in a variety of ways. Consider how advertisers use

    classical conditioning to influence your attitude toward a particular product. In

    a television commercial, you see young, beautiful people having fun in on a

    tropical beach while enjoying a sport drink. This attractive and appealing

    imagery causes you to develop a positive association with this particular

    beverage. Operant conditioning can also be used to influence how attitudes

    develop. Imagine a young man who has just started smoking. Whenever he

    lights up a cigarette, people complain, chastise him and ask him to leave their

    vicinity. This negative feedback from those around him eventually causes him

    to develop an unfavourable opinion of smoking and he decides to give up the


    Finally, people also learn attitudes by observing the people around

    them. When someone you admire greatly espouses a particular attitude, you

    are more likely to develop the same beliefs. For example, children spend a

    great deal of time observing the attitudes of their parents and usually begin to

    demonstrate similar outlooks.

    6. How Do Attitudes Influence Behavior?

    We tend to assume that people behave in accordance with their attitudes.

    However, social psychologists have found that attitudes and actual behavior

    are not always perfectly aligned. After all, plenty of people support a particular

    candidate or political party and yet fail to go out and vote.

    Researchers have discovered that people are more likely to behave according

    to their attitudes under certain conditions:

    6.1 When your attitudes are the result of personal experience.

    6.2 When you are an expert in the subject.

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    6.3 When you expect a favourable outcome.

    6.4 When the attitudes are repeatedly expressed.

    6.5 When you stand to win or lose something due to the issue.

    In some cases, people may actually alter their attitudes in order to better align

    them with their behavior. Cognitive dissonance is a phenomenon in which a

    person experiences psychological distress due to conflicting thoughts or

    beliefs. In order to reduce this tension, people may change their attitudes to

    reflect their other beliefs or actual behaviors. Imagine the following situation:

    You've always placed a high value on financial security, but you start dating

    someone who is very financially unstable. In order to reduce the tension

    caused by the conflicting beliefs and behavior, you have two options. You can

    end the relationship and seek out a partner who is more financially secure, or

    you can de-emphasize the importance of fiscal stability. In order to minimize

    the dissonance between your conflicting attitude and behavior, you either have

    to change the attitude or change your actions.

    7. Attitude development

    In any organization, skills development is not the only essence of art and

    science in management. The human attitude development is the key, because

    without any good of an attitude implementation, any organization will facing

    the crisis of dis-integrity and lacks of human resources control. The

    reputation of an organization are influence by its employees or a group of

    individual entity or human capital. In an organization, this individual or group

    will always facing their own needs by their own deeds. This might force them

    into lacks of attitude, furthermore they are always discourage, demotivated

    and at the end will develop a selfish act that against the organization principle,

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    which causes self-awareness attitude become lower and ignorance become

    higher. Jack Block, often seen as a trait theorist, proposes that models of the

    self and the selfs relationship to the world create the organizing, motivating,

    and life-defining contexts within which the individual acts, and suggests that a

    central part of personality development is the encoding of internal models,

    schemas, and premise systems from socialization experiences (Block, 1993).

    The attitude development must be apply in order of organization

    change, which defy comfort zone attitude, otherwise the process of attitude

    development will be fail while the commitment of employees will not be the

    fullest support to the achievement of the organization. Pushing out of comfort

    zone attitude is a need in order to change the way of performance;

    If you want to be really good at something,its going to involverelentlessly pushing past your comfort zone, as well asfrustration, struggle, setbacks and failures. Thats true as longas you want to continue to improve, or even maintain a highlevel of excellence. The reward is that being really good atsomething youve earned through your own hard work can be

    immensely satisfying.-Tony Schwartz

    Thus, I believe the implementation of tauhidic concept towards better

    attitude is the right perspectives which follows our Prophet Muhammad

    (PBUH) way of teachings. This teachings emphasized that one must know

    what is right and wrong doing in their act or attitude towards others, and this

    act will be judge every each by God at the Here After, Judgement days.

    Tauhidic approach is one of many ways that any organization should prior due

    to an attitude development. An organization does not exist without human

    capital or human resources. Human resources with attitude should be more

    concern by any employer above everything else to ensure their organizations

    mission accomplish.

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    8. Attitude Change

    While attitudes can have a powerful effect on behavior, they are not set in

    stone. The same influences that lead to attitude formation can also create

    attitude change.

    Learning Theory of Attitude Change: Classical conditioning, operant

    conditioning and observational learning can be used to bring about

    attitude change. Classical conditioning can be used to create positive

    emotional reactions to an object, person or event by associating

    positive feelings with the target object. Operant conditioning can be

    used to strengthen desirable attitudes and weaken undesirable ones.

    People can also change their attitudes after observing the behavior of


    Elaboration Likelihood Theory of Attitude Change: This theory of

    persuasion suggests that people can alter their attitudes in two ways.

    First, they can be motivated to listen and think about the message, thus

    leading to an attitude shift. Or, they might be influenced by

    characteristics of the speaker, leading to a temporary or surface shift in

    attitude. Messages that are thought-provoking and that appeal to logic

    are more likely to lead to permanent changes in attitudes.

    Dissonance Theory of Attitude Change: As mentioned earlier, people

    can also change their attitudes when they have conflicting beliefs about

    a topic. In order to reduce the tension created by these incompatible

    beliefs, people often shift their attitudes.

    9. Conclusion

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    The art and science of organization management is not just about being able

    to maintain the skills and its development purely but also need to focus on

    attitude development. Its like having both physically and mentally, which skills

    is the physical on the other hand attitude is the mental. With a right way of

    implementation, any organization will be succeed. Tauhid is the central theme

    of Islam (Md. Yousuf Ali, 2006). It is the basis of harmony in life, which can

    change an individual or group of people into the community of intellect,

    harmonious society. Tauhid as the source of all knowledge (Md. Yousuf Ali,

    2006), it enhance one behaviour into a pieces of integrity, which can save

    humanity today from immorality environment. Even though the 3 aspects of

    Islam is Sharia, Akhlak and Tauhid (Mustafa, 2009). Tauhid is the belief

    and faith to Allah as the creator who has eternity. The existence of human

    beings in this world is basically to serve Allah, the Creator, by applying tauhid,

    plus in our daily activities, it will help organization change to develop further

    stage into positive attitude among workers or employees. Even though the

    orientation of the Muslim life is to serve Allah, it does not mean neglecting the

    world. This is because every aspect in ibadah for Allah will give the positive

    effects to human beings and humanism.

    10. References

    Carol S. Dweck (2008) Can Personality Be Changed? : The Role of Beliefs in

    Personality and Change, Stanford University

    Carol S. Dweck (2000) Self-Theories : Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and

    Development, Essays in Social Psychology

    Md. Yousuf Ali (2006) Al-Tawhid and Its Effects On Mans Life, Jurnal Usuluddin, Bil.

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    Mustafa Edwin Nasution (2009) Islam Spirits and Morale in Economics; Journal of

    International Development and Cooperation, Vol. 15, No. 1-2, 2009, PP 113-

    124, University of Indonesia, 4thSalemba, Jakarta.

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