the image repair strategies

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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The image repair strategies of

Terrell Owens

by Melissa Xiao,Qianci,You Fei,Sarah


Terrell owens presents one of the most interesting challenges in sports public relations.

In sport where loyalty,teamwork,and sacrifice are highly valued, Owens’ public persona is not easy promote.

Sports public relations and image repair

As sports has become global commodity and the “image value” of athletes has skyrocketed, athelete image management has become an important part of sports PR.

However, PR professionals are often forced to react to negative situations by working to repair a tarnished image.

Terrell Owens

• began professinal career in 1996

• quickly cemented a reputation

• worn out welcome by 2004,transfer to another football team

David JosephDrew Rosenhaus




publicly critical

dismissed from the team

Press Conference

Analysis of image

repair strategies

Step1 Press Conference-Terrell Owens’ reading

of a prepared statement 1) bolstering-apologies 2) mortification-Owen did not truly believe

he was in the wrong

Step2 Rosenhaus’s question and answer question session 1)Attacking accusers-media is being not fair to Owen 2)Bolstering-Praising Owen talent 3)Mortification-mortification of Owen apologies 4)Good Intention-significance of Owens’ comment about McNabb.

Step2 Rosenhaus’s question and answer question

session 1)Attacking accusers-media is being not fair

to Owen 2)Bolstering-Praising Owen talent 3)Mortification-mortification of Owen

apologies 4)Good Intention-significance of Owens’

comment about McNabb.


Argued that Owens had been a loyal team player

Complained that other players had done worse things

They devalued the culture

Failed to argue that Owens would conform to the culture in the future


Hurt an athlete’s image and damage a player’s long-term negotiating position

Rosenhaus forced the media to side against Owens = media have been unfair


Owens and Rosenhaus needed to sincerely apologize, offer corrective action but instead they offered half-hearted apologies

Fans, Media and Eagles : not convinced of his remorse

Released and signed contract with Dallas Cowboys

Thank You...

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