the ilo at a glance

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    TheILOat a glance

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    Universal and

    lasting peace can be

    established only if it

    is based on social


    I LO Constitution, 1919

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    The ILO was ceated in 1919, as pat of the Teat of Vesailles

    that ended World War I, to reect the belief that universal and

    lasting peace can be accoplished onl if it is based on social

    justice. The ILOs foundes wee coitted to speading huane

    woing conditions and cobating injustice, hadship and povet.

    In 1944, duing anothe peiod of intenational cisis, ILO ebes

    built on these ais b adopting the Declaration of Philadelphia,

    which states that labou is not a coodit and sets out basic

    huan and econoic ights unde the pinciple that povet

    anwhee constitutes a dange to pospeit evewhee.

    The ILO in 1946 became the rst specialized agency associated with

    the newl foed United Nations. On its 50th annivesa in 1969, the

    ILO was awaded the Nobel Peace Pize.

    The vast expansion in the nube of counties belonging to the ILO in

    the decades afte Wold Wa II bought uch change. The oganization

    launched technical assistance pogaes to povide expetise

    and assistance to govenents, woes and eploes woldwide,

    especiall in developing nations. In counties such as Poland, Chile and

    South Afica, the ILOs stong suppot fo tade union ights helped in

    the ght for democracy and freedom.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    Anothe ipotant date fo the ILO was 1998, when delegates to

    the Intenational Labou Confeence adopted the Declaration on

    Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. These pinciples and

    ights ae the ight to feedo of association and collective bagaining

    and the eliination of child labou, foced labou and disciination

    lined to eploent. The guaantee of these fundaental

    pinciples and ights at wo, accoding to the Declaation, is

    ipotant because it enables people to clai feel and on the

    basis of equalit of oppotunit, thei fai shae of the wealth which

    the have helped to geneate and to achieve full thei huan

    potential. Present

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    Wo is cental to peoples well-being. In addition to poviding incoe,

    wo can pave the wa fo boade social and econoic advanceent,

    stengthening individuals, thei failies and counities. Such

    pogess, howeve, hinges on wo that is decent.

    Decent wo sus up the aspiations of people in thei woing lives.

    It involves oppotunities fo wo that is poductive and delives a faiincoe, secuit in the woplace and social potection fo failies.

    Decent wo eans bette pospects fo pesonal developent and

    social integation, and feedo fo people to expess thei concens,

    oganize and paticipate in the decisions that affect thei lives. It

    entails equalit of oppotunit and teatent fo all woen and


    Decent wo is the e to the eadication of povet. If woenand en have access to decent wo, the can shae in the gains

    bought b inceased intenational econoic integation. Extending

    oppotunities fo decent wo to oe people is a cucial eleent

    in aing globalization oe inclusive and fai. Ceating decent

    eploent ust theefoe be at the heat of developent polic.

    Decent Work...

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance

    7/24 a Globalizing World

    In 2004, the ole of the ILO in pooting stategies fo a fai

    globalization was baced b the epot of the Wold Coission on

    the Social Diension of Globalization.

    The dive to foste decent wo spans the ILO, integating what the

    oganization does at intenational, egional, national and local levels.

    In binging togethe govenents, eploes and woes to set

    labou standads, supevise thei ipleentation, aise awaeness,

    develop policies and devise pogaes, the ILO ais to ensue that

    its effots ae ooted in the needs of woing woen and en.

    The ILO wos activel with the UN and othe ultilateal agencies

    to develop policies and pogaes that suppot the ceation of

    decent wo oppotunities as a cental plan of effots to educe and

    eadicate povet.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Dialogue is a

    flexible tool

    for achieving

    economic andsocialchange.


    Undeling the ILOs wo is the ipotance of coopeation between

    govenents and eploes and woes oganizations in fosteing

    social and econoic pogess. Dialogue between the govenents and

    the two social patnes pootes consensus-building and deocatic

    involveent of those with vital staes in the wold of wo.

    This social dialogue can ean negotiation, consultation o sipl

    an exchange of views between epesentatives of eploes, woes

    and govenents. It a consist of elations between labou and

    anageent, with o without diect govenent involveent. Social

    dialogue is a exible tool that enables governments and employers

    and woes oganizations to anage change and achieve econoic

    and social goals.

    The ve stuctue of the ILO, whee woes and eploes togethe

    have an equal voice with govenents in the wo of its govening

    councils, shows social dialogue in action. It ensues that the views

    of the social partners are closely reected in ILO labour standards,

    policies and pogaes.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    The ILOs boad policies ae set b the Intenational Labou

    Confeence, which eets once a ea and bings togethe

    the oganizations constituents. The Confeence also adopts

    new intenational labou standads and appoves the ILOs

    wo plan and budget.

    Between sessions of the Confeence, the ILO is guided b its

    Govening Bod, which is coposed of 28 govenent

    ebes, 14 eploe ebes and 14 woe ebes.

    The ILOs Secretariat, the International Labour Ofce, hasits headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and maintains eld

    ofces in more than 40 countries.

    In 1999, Juan Soavia of Chile becae the ILOs ninth Diecto-

    General. He is the rst person from the Southern Hemisphere

    to head the oganization.

    At the sae tie, the ILO helps govenents and eploes and

    woes oganizations establish sound labou elations, adapt labou

    laws to changing econoic and social cicustances and ipove

    labou adinistation. In suppoting and einfocing eploes and

    woes oganizations, the ILO helps to ceate the conditions fo

    effective dialogue with govenents and with each othe.


  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    Core labourstandards are

    a central plank

    of decent work


    Since its early days, the ILO has sought to dene and guarantee

    labou ights and ipove conditions fo woing people b building

    a sste of intenational labou standads expessed in the fo of

    Conventions, recoendations and Codes of Pactice.

    The ILO has since adopted oe than 180 ILO Conventions and

    190 recoendations coveing all aspects of the wold of wo.

    This bod of intenational labou law was ecentl eviewed

    b the Govening Bod which deteined that oe than 70

    of the Conventions adopted befoe 1985 eained full up to

    date and the eainde equied evision o withdawal. In

    addition, dozens of Codes of Pactice have been developed.

    In aeas as vaied as atenit leave and potection of igants,

    these standads pla an ipotant ole in the dawing up of nationallegislation. A supeviso pocess helps to ensue that standads

    ratied by individual member States are applied and the ILO provides

    advice in the dafting of national labou laws.

    With the adoption of the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and

    Rights at Work in 1998, ILO ebe States decided to uphold a set

    of core labour standards regardless of whether they had ratied the

    elevant conventions. These ae basic huan ights and a cental

    plan of decent wo.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Freedom of


    is a building

    block for social

    and economic


    Freedom of Association

    The ight of woes and eploes to fo and join oganizations of

    thei choice is an integal pat of a fee and open societ. It is a basic

    civil libet that seves as a building bloc fo social and econoic

    pogess. Lined to this is the effective ecognition of the ight to

    collective bagaining. Voice and epesentation ae an ipotant

    pat of decent wo.

    The existence of independent oganizations fo woes and

    eploes seves as a foundation to the ILOs tipatite stuctue,

    and thei involveent in ILO actions and policies einfoces feedo

    of association, diectl and indiectl. Fo advising govenents on

    labou legislation to poviding education and taining fo tade unions

    and eploe goups, the ILO is egulal engaged in pooting

    feedo of association.

    The ILOs Coittee on Feedo of Association was set up in 1951 to

    exaine violations of woes and eploes oganizing ights. The

    coittee has exained oe than 2,000 cases, including allegations

    of udes, disappeaances, phsical attacs, aests and foced

    exile of trade union ofcials. The committee is tripartite and handles

    complaints in ILO member States whether or not they have ratied

    feedo of association conventions.

    Though the Coittee on Feedo of Association and othe

    supeviso echaniss, the ILO has fequentl defended ights of

    tade unions and eploes oganizations. In an cases, these

    organizations have played a signicant role in their countries

    deocatic tansfoation.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Forced Labour

    An estiated iniu of at least 12 illion people woldwide ae

    victis of foced labou. Of those, 10 illion ae exploited b foced

    labou in the pivate econo, athe than that iposed diectl

    by states. The ILO estimates that US$32 billion in annual prots are

    generated by the forced labour of trafcked people.

    Forced labour takes different forms, including debt bondage, trafckingand othe fos of oden slave. The ost vulneable victis ae

    woen and gils foced into postitution, igants tapped in debt

    bondage, and sweatshop o fa woes ept thee b cleal illegal

    tactics and paid little o nothing.

    The ILO has woed since its inception to tacle foced labou and

    the conditions that give ise to it and has established a Special Action

    Pogae on Foced Labou to intensif this effot. In patneship with

    woes, eploes, civil societ and othe intenational oganizations,

    the ILO sees to addess all aspects of foced labou. These ange fo

    peventive easues including livelihood ipoveent pojects in

    communities where trafcking victims originate, to support for freed

    workers. Programmes can include micronance, training opportunities

    and facilitating access to education.

    The ILO is also pessing fo effective national laws and stonge

    enfoceent echaniss, such as legal sanctions and vigoous

    posecution against those who exploit foced laboues. B aising

    public awaeness, the ILO sees to shine a spotlight on such huan

    and labou ights violations.

    The ILO seeksto address

    all aspects of

    forced labour

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Child labour is

    on the decline


    Child Labour

    Thee ae oe than 200 illion childen woing thoughout the

    wold, an full-tie. The ae depived of adequate education,

    good health and basic feedos. Of these, 126 illion o one in

    eve 12 childen woldwide ae exposed to hazadous fos of

    child labou, wo that endanges thei phsical, ental o oal


    Ove the past 15 eas, the wold has awaened to child labou as a

    pessing social, econoic and huan ights issue. Toda, child labou

    globall is on the decline, and if this tend continues, its wost fos

    a be eliinated in the coing decade. This is the diect esult of

    a poweful intenational oveent to eliinate child labou.

    This movement is reected in the unprecedented pace with whichcounties ae atifing the ILOs Wost Fos of Child Labou

    Convention. Adopted in 1999, the Convention has been ratied by

    nine out of eve 10 of the ILOs 181 ebe States. Siilal, the

    ILOs Minimum Age Convention adopted in 1973 has now been ratied

    by four out of ve ILO member States.

    The ILO has been a pincipal engine behind this gowing oveent.

    The Intenational Pogae on the Eliination of Child Labou

    (IPEC), launched in 1992, now encopasses activities in ove 80

    counties. As with othe aspects of decent wo, eliinating child

    labou is a developent as well as huan ights issue. ILO policies

    and pogaes ai to help ensue that childen eceive the

    education and taining the need to becoe poductive adults in

    decent eploent.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance




    Hundeds of illions of people suffe fo disciination in the

    wold of wo. This not onl violates a ost basic huan ight, but

    has wider social and economic consequences. Discrimination sties

    oppotunities, wasting the huan talent needed fo econoic

    pogess and accentuating social tensions and inequalities. Cobating

    disciination is an essential pat of pooting decent wo, and

    success on this font is felt well beond the woplace.

    Issues lined to disciination ae pesent thoughout the ILOs sphee

    of wo. B bolsteing feedo of association, fo exaple, the ILO

    sees to pevent disciination against tade union ebes and


    Programmes to ght forced labour and child labour include helping

    gils and woen tapped in postitution o coecive doestic labou.

    Non-disciination is a ain pinciple in the ILOs code of pactice on

    HIV/AIDS and the wold of wo. ILO guidelines on labou law include

    povisions on disciination.

    At the sae tie, gende equalit is integated into all ILO activities.

    This reects the persistent and varied problems faced by women in

    the labou aet. Woen continue to ean less than en, doinating

    low-paid and less-potected occupations and accounting fo the

    ajoit of woes in infoal, atpical and unpaid situations. The

    ILO wos to expand eploent oppotunities fo woen, enhance

    conditions of eploent and eliinate gende disciination. It

    encouages woens entepeneuship though suppot sevices,

    business development, training, micronance and documentation of

    good pactices. And it helps woes oganizations defend and expand

    the ights of woen at the woplace and poote thei ole in tade

    unions and societ at lage.



    wasting human

    talent needed

    for economic


  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


    There has

    never been

    a greater

    need to put

    employment at

    the centre of

    economic andsocial policies

    With global uneploent at histoicall high levels, thee has neve

    been a geate need to put eploent at the cente of econoic

    and social policies. Even aong those who wo, the extent of

    povet undescoes the need fo a fa geate nube of poductive

    and decent jobs.

    The insufcient pace in creating decent work worldwide points to

    the need fo geate intenational coodination of aco-econoic

    policies, as well as active labou aet policies at the national


    Poductive and feel chosen eploent is at the coe of the ILOs

    andate, and the oganization is coitted to full eploent.The ILO identies policies that help create and maintain decent

    wo and incoe policies that ae foulated in a copehensive

    Global Eploent Agenda woed out b the thee ILO constituents.

    The oganization caies out eseach and taes pat in intenational

    discussion of eploent stategies.



  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    The ILO is paticulal concened about the assive uneploent

    of oung woen and en neal half the wolds uneploed ae

    oung people and it sees to help the and thei govenents

    though polic advice and concete taining and eploent


    The ILO has pioneeed analsis and action on the infoal econo.

    This te is used to descibe wo done beond the each of foal

    laws and enfoceent echaniss. In an developing counties,

    oe than half of the non-agicultual wofoce is in the infoal

    econo. most woen in these counties wo infoall often as

    steet tades. Infoal wo is ostl unpoductive, insecue, pool

    euneated and done unde advese conditions. Helping eploesand woes to ove out of infoalit equies copehensive

    stategies to aise sills and poductivit, ipove laws and thei

    application and foste self-suppot institutions.

    Peiodic ILO publications including Key Indicators of the Labour

    Market analse tends and povide extensive statistical data.

    The ILO povides technical suppot and advice in aeas anging fo

    training and skills to micronance and small business development.

    It has advised counties aing the tansition fo centall

    planned to aet econoies on eploent, labou aet and

    huan esouce policies. The oganization also wos to poote

    eploent-intensive investent in developing counties.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Wages and Other Conditionsof Employment

    While wages a ise in an counties, the often eain too

    low fo an woes to eet thei basic needs. And while soe

    woes a see deceases in the tie the devote to wo, the

    accopaning unpedictabilit can weaen job secuit and pose

    new difculties for reconciling work and family. Dirty and dangerous

    woing conditions, on the decline in industialized counties, ae

    still pevalent in the developing wold. meanwhile, job elated

    stess and violence ae stating to be ecognized globall as ajo


    Wages, woing tie, wo oganization, woing conditions and

    adapting woing life to the deands of life outside wo ae coe

    eleents of the eploent elationship and of woes potection,

    as well as e diensions of econoic pefoance, and thus ae ofpincipal inteest to the ILO. These issues ae ajo coponents

    of huan esouces anageent, collective bagaining and social

    dialogue, as well as of govenent policies.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    The ILO iscommitted

    to helping


    extend social

    protection to

    all groups in



    most en and woen do not have adequate levels of social potection.

    The face danges in the woplace and poo o non-existent pension

    and health insurance coverage. Some are not allowed sufcient rest

    times and many women lack maternity benets. International labour

    standads and the UN ecognize social potection as a basic huan

    ight. moeove, well-designed social secuit sstes ipoveeconoic pefoance, contibuting to copetitiveness. The ILO

    is coitted to helping counties extend social potection to all

    goups in societ and to ipoving woing conditions and safet at


  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    Social Security

    Only 20 per cent of the worlds population have adequate social

    security coverage, and more than half lack any coverage at all. The

    situation reects levels of economic development, with fewer than

    10 per cent of workers in least-developed countries covered by

    social security. In middle-income countries, coverage ranges from

    20 to 60 per cent, while in most industrial nations, it is close to

    100 pe cent.

    Social secuit involves access to health cae and incoe secuit,

    paticulal in cases of old age, uneploent, sicness, invalidit,

    wo inju, atenit o loss of a ain incoe eane.

    Concen aong govenents, eploes and woes led the ILO

    to launch a Global Capaign on Social Secuit and Coveage foAll in 2003. The capaign builds on ILO effots alead undewa

    in oe than 30 counties. These include pojects to help counties

    extend coveage at the national level and to stengthen counit-

    based social secuit oganizations. The ILO is also doing ipotant

    eseach to identif factos that undeine secuit aong people

    in the developing and developed wold.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    International Migration

    Close to half of all igants and efugees woldwide o soe 86 illion

    adults ae econoicall active, eploed o othewise engaged in

    euneative activit. And the nube of igants cossing bodes

    in seach of eploent and huan secuit is expected to incease

    apidl in the coing decades due to the failue of globalization to

    povide jobs and econoic oppotunities. Stict iigation contols

    and baies iposed b ajo eceiving counties have led to anube of issues of concen, including a high incidence of abuse and

    exploitation of igant woes in host societies.

    The ILO sees todas global challenge as foging the policies and the

    esouces to anage labou igation bette so that it contibutes

    positivel to the gowth and developent of both hoe and host

    societies, as well as to the well being of the igants theselves.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance



    The ILO places



    on developing

    and applying

    a preventive

    safety and

    health culture

    in workplaces


    Health and Safety

    Eve ea, oe than 2 illion people die fo occupational

    accidents o wo-elated diseases. B consevative estiates,

    thee ae 270 illion occupational accidents and 160 illion cases

    of occupational disease.

    The safet of wo vaies enoousl between counties, econoic

    sectos and social goups. Deaths and injuies tae a paticulal

    heav toll in developing nations, whee lage nubes of people ae

    engaged in hazadous activities such as agicultue, constuction,

    logging, shing and mining. Throughout the world, the poorest and

    least potected often woen, childen and igants ae aong

    the ost affected.

    Given the pogess that an industialized counties have ade ineducing seious injuies, it is clea that ipoveents in woplace

    safet ield esults. yet thee is a lac of awaeness, nowledge and

    information about the issue. The ILO works to ll this gap through

    eseach, advocac and technical assistance. It helps counties

    develop anageent tools, onitoing and infoation sevices,

    with the pia focus on hazadous occupations.

    The ILO places special ipotance on developing and appling a

    peventive safet and health cultue in woplaces woldwide.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance




    In a elativel shot peiod, the pandeic of HIV/AIDS has becoe one

    of the ost citical woplace issues in ou tie. Neal 40 illion

    people of woing age have HIV and the global labou foce has lost an

    estiated 28 illion woes to AIDS since the stat of the epideic

    20 eas ago.

    In addition to the epideics devastating ipact on these woen anden and thei failies, it affects the wold of wo in an was.

    Fo exaple, disciination against people with HIV/AIDS theatens

    fundaental ights at wo, undeining oppotunities fo people to

    obtain decent eploent.

    Following consultations aong govenents, eploes and woes,

    the ILO in 2001 adopted a Code of Pactice on HIV/AIDS and the Wold

    of Wo.

    The pioneering Code is designed to help prevent the spread of

    HIV/AIDS while managing and mitigating its workplace impact.

    Among the Codes key principles are non-discrimination, gender

    equality, a healthy working environment, no HIV testing for

    purposes of employment, condentiality and the continuation of

    the employment relationship. Increasingly, the code is serving

    as a reference point for employers and trade unions negotiatingagreements on handling HIV/AIDS in the world of work.

  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance


  • 7/30/2019 The ILO at a glance




    International Labour Ofce

    Depatent of Counication and Public Infoation

    4, oute des moillons

    CH-1211 Geneva 22


    Telephone: +41 22 799 7912Fax: +41 22 799 8577

    Eail: counication@ilo.og

    www. ilo.og



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