the hues legacy, chapter 20

Post on 22-Jan-2018



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Well, hello again! It’s another chapter of The Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between meadowthayer/Haleigh and me, Taube/Roxanne. But wasn’t my turn finished? And just what is going on in this picture? Well, we had some install problems getting Silver and the family onto Haleigh’s computer, so Silver was extracted and will be going it alone, which means if we want to see the spares played, that falls to me. I’m not keen on playing five kids through college for no apparent reason with no heir in sight, so I decided to grow them all up en masse.

Growing five sims up at the same time is a little chaotic, even with only three sims in the cheering section. There were a lot of sparkles and whirling.

And then there was a lot of crying (because apparently even popularity sims like Gold wanted to go to college that badly) and a lot of jumping around surprised because people grew up. Never change, sims.

I looked at the kids’ LTWs just for fun, and amusingly, Brass’s was to be a criminal mastermind, which matches the random outfit she grew up in. Once dressed more appropriately, she led the charge to find places of their own for all the spares.

“C’mon, Platinum! You’re going to miss our taxi!”

I sent the two pairs of twins out on their own together to make two households, and Brass made a household of one. So that’s three households we’re going to play through really quickly. There mightbe some cheating coming up, but they’re all spares, so eh.

While his older and younger siblings left, Silver seemed pretty pleased to be on his own. I guess he’s looking forward to heading over to Haleigh’s computer and getting a start on his new life. We’ll definitely be seeing more of him and his rainbow eyes in the next chapter.

Over at Gold and Platinum’s house, I gradually relearn the difference between the in-game camera and what I see on screen (stupid top of the house), both sims constantly scowl about the burglary that happened last chapter, and the oldest boys get their flirt on. Using the matchmaker ball, Platinum met a nice college student and Gold had to go for the diva. Of course.

There were some interruptions, like Platinum birdwatching in the middle of Gold’s courtship and also trying to sneak off to work while on a date with his new ladyfriend, but we got through them. The diva’s name is Emma and the college student is Sonja.

Sonja: “Well, will you look at that. A couch appeared!”Platinum: “I know! And my brother is sitting on it. Will wonders never cease?”

Scintillating conversation there, guys, but would you move so I can take some couple portraits?

Gold is a minute older, so he gets to go first. Emma is a party girl by nature, being the diva and all, so I went with a very flamboyant gold dress for her. Gold proposed and she was only too pleased to accept. Look at that happy couple!

Platinum also made his heart known to Sonja, and she accepted as well. Now the two of them are pleased to pose in their white clothes. Since I don’t actually have all that many metallic clothes, I’ve just been going with colors roughly in the same color family.

A double wedding then occurred. I thought Emma’s dress was particularly fitting. It was a lovely occasion, and the boys were very happy to now be married.

This is a household that will never want for drama! I plan to have Brass have a wedding party because she is my not-so-secret favorite of the spares, so I made sure to change these ladies’ formal wear after this so they wouldn’t show up in their wedding dresses.

After the wedding, the two couples settled in to their house. Emma and Sonja got to know each other and actually ended up being great friends. The boys were already very close, so they enjoyed chatting and watching sports together in the next room. Things were a little calm at this point in time.

However, things were about to get a lot more interesting!

Thanks to the magic of cheating, both ladies went into labor at once. The husbands were there to support their wives, and each woman successfully delivered a single baby. Gold and Emma had a little boy named Nickel, and Platinum and Sonja had a little girl named Pewter. I’m kind of stretching it with the metallic color names, I know.

That’s Nickel on the left and Pewter on the right. I think Nickel wins this round, but Pewter has some charm too. Nickel looks a lot like his daddy, while Pewter favors her mom.

Eventually the little ones became children, and the time came to take family portraits and then move on. First up is Platinum, Sonja, and Pewter, who is a very active and playful little girl.

And here is Nickel, her more reserved cousin, posing with his parents, Gold and Emma.

That’s all for the oldest twins. Next up: the youngest twins.

Chrome and Copper moved in down the street from the main Hues house, across from Olive’s wonky beach mansion on stilts, and worked on finding their matches with the crystal ball. There was a little bit of creepy staring going on.

Just kidding. There was a lot of creepy staring. It’s just so interesting to watch other sims flirt, apparently.

Chrome’s dude here is named Gordon, and as you saw in the first picture, he is a former postal worker. He and Chrome hit it off quickly, and after moving in, he put on a really bad piece of roughly-grey CC, proposed to her, and they posed for a nice picture together. I expect these two to have a cute kid.

Chrome and Gordon had a quiet little wedding, and pledged themselves to each other. It was very sweet. Again, I am being careful to make sure none of the Hues ladies wear a wedding dress to Brass’s eventual party.

Chrome soon had big news for Gordon, and delivered a healthy baby not long after that. Their child is named Opal. I still had a few gemstone color names from last generation’s spate of spares, and I only had one metallic color left, and it was really more suitable for a boy. So Opal it is.

As predicted, Opal grew into a very lovely little toddler. Chrome and Gordon couldn’t be happier, though they would like a few more kids. Too bad! I don’t have enough names. However, what has been going on with Copper all this time? Has she – as she is in this picture – literally been in the background?

Well, Copper, being a fortune sim, was in no rush to get married like her family sim sister. Instead, she mostly wanted to play the piano and get tipped, a desire which the 10-nice-points Gordon usually obliged. However, Copper does have a secondary family aspiration, and that eventually made itself known as she watched her twin’s family grow. It was time to find a guy and settle down.

Did she find the most attractive guy? No.Will he win any awards for best dressed? No.Does his hair look like it has been washed in the last week? No.Do they have three bolts? Yes.

And thus, Temel entered Copper’s life and stole a place in her heart with his terrible, terrible body paint.

Temel was able to pry Copper away from her beloved keyboard long enough to propose and take a couple’s picture together. His makeover is a million times better than what he started with! Copper seems pretty happy, doesn’t she?

Temel and Copper also tied the knot at the arch out back soon after their engagement.

Copper’s eventual pregnancy was apparently so exciting that I forgot to take pictures of it. In no time at all, seemingly, she was giving birth with the support of her husband and her twin. Temel and Copper welcomed a little boy into the world who used the last of my questionable metallic color names. Everyone, say hi to little Gunmetal.

Gunmetal actually turned out to be quite cute too! Well done, Copper.

As life progressed, Opal grew up into a lovely little girl. Although they would have liked to have more children, Gordon and Chrome are delighted with their daughter.

Gunmetal also grew up and had a great time playing around while his parents looked on lovingly. Although their playful and slightly mean son would probably be a handful, Copper and Temel couldn’t be prouder about how he was turning out. That concludes our update on the youngest twins. Everyone’s doing very well so far, so it’s time for Brass to find someone worth having a wedding party over.

. . . and she found this guy.

Brass: “I find you very attractive, Craig, but I’m just not sure about the garish combo of a floral green shirt, blue and yellow plaid pants, and a burnt orange jacket with a skinny tie.”Craig: “Is it really any more garish than your wallpaper?”Brass: “Hmm, you have a point, but we’re still giving you a makeover. Now come here, ya big goof.”

After his makeover, knowledge sim Craig looks fantastic! He traded his previous ensemble for a nicer jacket/tie combo that fits his personality. Amusingly, he also wants to be a criminal mastermind. These seemingly idyllic sims have a bit of a dastardly streak in their ambitions! By day they’ll be a model family; by night, the menace of the city! That was pretty much Craig’s proposal speech, by the way. How could Brass refuse? Time for a wedding party!

Brass: “Oh my god, I can’t believe Mom wore her old wedding dress to my wedding! I’m not even wearing white, but she is! Geez!”

Argh! I spent all this mental energy making sure the spare ladies and spouses (who ended up not getting invited) wouldn’t be in wedding gowns, and totally forgot that I had never changed Jade’s formal! Oh well. Otherwise, this was a very nice gathering of the whole Hues clan.

Brass and Craig had a lovely yellow wedding that would have been absolutely perfect if not for the wedding-gown-wearing mother of the bride in the foreground. Oh well. Time to get the party started!

Chrome, Silver, and Platinum displayed varying levels of dancing skill inside. Benedict and Jade spent the entire party playing hackysack outside, which Copper appropriately booed them for, lol. It was a fun few hours, and Brass got her want for a great party – it was, in fact, a roof raiser. Quite a nice memory for our lovely little Brass.

Craig: “Now that we’re married and your family has left, what do you say we get started on the honeymoon?”Brass: “But I’m a spare. No way she’d send us on vacation.”Craig: “Oh, I think I can take you on a ride somewhere.”

Oh my. I guess we better leave the newlyweds alone!

As expected, Brass was soon expecting. After an uneventful pregnancy, she gave birth, and Craig and Brass welcomed Amber, the final baby of the spares’ children, to their family.

Amber grew up into a cute little thing who thankfully got her mother’s nose.

And then eventually into a child. Brass, Craig, and Amber are sure to live happily ever after now, and I hope we’ll see some of them at the main house on my next turn. I think they’re an adorable family.

Oh, by the way, all the spares got jobs so they might come home as coworkers, and of course this secretly-devious duo rocketed to the top of the criminal career. With two criminal masterminds in one house, things should never be dull around here!

Now let’s spend a little more time back at the main house for just a moment.

Jade and Benedict see Silver, the last of their children, off to his departure for college. His schooling and life afterwards will of course take place on Haleigh’s computer, which means Jade and Benedict will be the first true empty-nesters of the whole legacy. How will they manage with eternal life, but without grandkids around?

Oh, I think they’ll find a way to entertain themselves just fine.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check back soon (very soon) for Haleigh’s next update featuring Silver and his life as heir! Check in with us for more great stories and conversation at our favorite forum, SiMania.

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