the hues legacy, chapter 19

Post on 22-Jan-2018



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Welcome back to The Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy between Haleigh/meadowthayer and me, Roxanne/Taube. When we last left off (a while ago) Jade and her husband Benedict had just had twin girls named Chrome and Copper. Neither had the eyes, so that made Silver definitively the heir for the eighth generation. It’s the first time we haven’t had a choice for heir/ess!

The whole family gathered around to celebrate some other birthdays later that night. In case you forgot who “the whole family” encompasses, that’s grandparents Violet and Hobart, parents Jade and Benedict, and the kids: twins Platinum and Gold, then Brass, then Silver, then twins Chrome and Copper. Whew! They also have two dogs, named Viridian and Jonquil.

Anyway, the older twins had their teen birthday, and then it was time for Silver to become a child and for us to get a better look at his genetics. Happy birthday, boys!

Here’s Platinum and Gold. Platinum is a romance/grilled cheese sim, and Gold is popularity/family. I didn’t write down anyone’s LTWs, since they’ll change when Haleigh gets the family. Both boys are handsome and look a lot like their dad, in my opinion.

And here’s Silver! He also got a lot of Benedict’s features, but thankfully he got Jade’s eye color or we’d still be trying to fit babies in the house!

After the birthdays, Silver joins his big sister and brother on the studying couch. Brass is of course still working on her skills, but so is Gold. I really like him, but he is such a slow skiller! Platinum was done ages ago. Speaking of learning, Jade and Benedict manage to embarrass their three boys on their first day at new schools by cuddling on the lawn right in front of the bus stop. Ah, Hues couples. Never change.

After school, Silver gets tutored in how to do his homework, while the twins head off to a job in journalism. With ten sims currently in the house, I need them to work and go to school to minimize the craziness for short periods of time!

Why the long face, Violet?“The headmaster is coming in just a few minutes.”And . . .?“And I burned the turkey.”Yes, yes you did.

Luckily (or maybe not) the headmaster glitched on the sidewalk and had to be removed, so the turkey really didn’t matter that night. A few other things are going on here. Some cousin is visiting. I don’t remember which one. Also, Gold and Platinum just got home from work with a promotion, making them overachievers and making their knowledge-oriented parents very proud. Jade is still working in gaming, waiting for medicine to come up on the computer so she can hopefully complete her fourth LTW.

Instead of leading the headmaster around, the family gathers to celebrate the younger twins’ birthday. Let’s see what the final kids of the generation look like!

But first, complete and utter chaos. Both girls soiled themselves upon growing up, and everyone was route failing and stomping and getting distracted by thinking the girls stink and/or trying to get a piece of cake. Hobart and Silver are still celebrating, for goodness sake. It is pretty tough to corral ten sims. I’m just glad I took an elective break from the ghosts or I’d be out of my mind right now.

Once I could free a grown-up or two from that entanglement, Chrome and Copper got nice baths to celebrate their birthday.

Now we can finally get a look at them! That’s Chrome on the left and Copper on the right. They actually look pretty different from each other. I think Chrome is especially unique and will really grow into an interesting sim. Chrome’s personality is 10/7/8/5/3 and Copper’s is 8/7/6/10/3. The kids this generation are exceedingly neat, which is not surprising considering their parents’ personalities, but they are also quite mean with the exception of Gold. Silver is the meanest with only one point!

Gold finally – FINALLY! – maxes his skills and can get away from the skilling couch. Geez, that felt like it took forever.

Meanwhile, Chrome and Copper have a lot of learning to do. Because he has a secondary of family, I enlist Gold to help out when others are too tired or busy. The girls have soon learned all their skills and nursery rhymes, and are free to get to know each other at the play table.

Brass is such an interesting sim. I have a policy of letting my sims run free in the mornings before school or work, and instead of playing or socializing, she likes to daydream on her bed about people she’s never met.

That calmness does not extend to her other siblings, however. That same morning finds Silver showing off for Platinum and Gold showing off for himself!

In another room, Violet displays her incredibly inappropriate workout gear. I seriously cracked up when she changed into this. It is soooo not her. Just because you can wear a crop top at seventy-five doesn’t mean you should.

The next evening sees a more successful attempt at private school, with an unglitched headmaster and unburnt turkey, that nets Brass and Silver spots at the prestigious school. For some reason I never took pictures of them in their uniforms, but surely you know what those look like by now.

The kids settle into a routine. With their skills learned, the youngest twins work on mechanical. Brass and Silver work on skilling, too. Meanwhile, the older twins have a lot of time before their baby sisters grow up, and when they’re not working or going to school, they mostly spend it goofing off.

The adults get quite a bit of free will, too. Violet is retired but Hobart is Chief of Staff. Both Jade and Benedict wish to be Chief of Staff, but can’t find it on the computer. Jade has her job, but I left Benedict unemployed for a while because his previous career was as a mad scientist, and I don’t like night jobs. Also, the family is obscenely rich, so it doesn’t really matter if he works or not.

Brass maxes her skills remarkably early, really cementing her place as one of my favorite kids, if not my favorite, this generation.

Late one evening, Grim comes for Hobart, who has led a long life. Only Violet, the visiting maid, and Viridian were there to see him off, but that pretty much filled up the bathroom where he chose to pass, so maybe it’s a good thing it wasn’t better-attended.

Chrome and Copper were also awake, but they hardly knew what this all meant, though they both rolled a fear of a family member dying right after they received their inheritance. Everyone else was asleep in bed. Incidentally, on my computer Hobart rolled his original LTW of having 5 top businesses, but seeing as he’s already platinum, I wasn’t biting, so he never fulfilled his lifelong wish. Very sad. Goodbye, Hobart.

Life moves on in a legacy, however; that much is constant. The next day saw Platinum working out. He refuses to roll any fillable wants except for grilled cheese, so he ate a lot and of course became fat. The romance side of him didn’t like that, I guess, so he finally rolled a high-scoring want to become fit. Thus, the treadmill.

Silver has now also maxed his skills, right on track. Good job, little guy!

Another day brings another birthday, this one being Brass’s. Let’s see our first female teen of the generation.

Holy cow! Is it just me, or is she gorgeous? It’s too bad she doesn’t have the eyes. Between her looks and her smarts, she would have made a great heiress, but it was not to be. Back on topic, she rolled fortune/pleasure. Work hard, play hard.

The birthday party is almost immediately interrupted by the death of Violet. Violet was a great heiress and one of the prettiest heiresses we’ve had. She’s leaving behind a large family that will be very sad without her loving guidance.

The death hits the youngest hardest, sending both of them into aspiration failure on what was also supposed to be their birthday night. Instead of bringing them to the cake, Jade and Benedict are having to coax good moods out of Chrome and Copper one interaction at a time.

“Heading off to read Chrome a story?”“Yeah. You?”“Just read another one to Copper.”“Could they roll some other fillable wants besides this?”“I wish.”

We finally get the girls back in platinum mood in time for their birthday, but by this time it’s so late that Silver and Brass have nearly dropped from exhaustion and had to go to bed, so it is a decidedly smaller birthday party for the young twins.

Very cute! I love how all of the kids this generation look subtly different from each other. I gave both the girls side braids, but slightly different ones to encourage their emerging individuality.

Silver has become very interested in Jonquil, which is appropriate since they’ll live their lives together in this house. Silver wants to teach his dog a command, but he also wants to become his master. This we can do, so I locked it.

The first day of school for Chrome and Copper and Brass’s first day of high school brings new challenges for everyone. Brass picked up a job in music that she didn’t have to go to yet, so she helped with the abundance of homework that was to be found in the study that day. Afterwards, she almost single-handedly managed the final headmaster visit of this generation, even serving up a leftover plate of Violet’s turkey for nostalgia.

“Hello, sir. I understand you’ve been in here playing pool during my entire visit, and yet I feel compelled to announce to you and not your very responsible daughter that your other two daughters are welcome at our institution.”

I didn’t manage it for Silver and Brass, but I did get these two in their uniforms. Now that everyone’s growing up and becoming more independent, things are slowing down a bit on my end.

Silver, despite being the meanest of the bunch, is being very social, mostly on my encouragement. Because this was a big generation, not everyone was best friends with everyone else like I usually like to do, so I just made sure Silver was best friends with everyone. He also finally became Jonquil’s master, which made them both very happy.

Even as a teen, Brass still likes to daydream.

Medicine finally came up on the computer, and both parents signed up. Being a college graduate, Jade was able to get the promotion to Chief of Staff fairly quickly, but Benedict started much lower down. Unfortunately, he had a lot of days off, so even by the end of my turn, he hadn’t fulfilled his second LTW. Chief of Staff was Jade’s fourth, however. She next wanted to be an Ecological Guru, but the related career didn’t come up on the computer before I was done playing.

With the grandparents passed on and the parents both pulling long days in the medical field, someone has to stay home to watch the kids when they get home from school. That someone is secondary-family Gold, who seems only a little too enthusiastic about quitting his job.

Here’s the slide where Jade actually reached her LTW of being Chief of Staff. Brass has also become an overachiever from the music career, and once again, both parents are overjoyed to see their children succeeding.

Silver’s birthday party was quite large since we had several coworkers and classmates visiting at the time. Happy birthday, Silver!

And here’s our heir, nearly all grown up. He rolled romance/knowledge. Ooh, that could be bad. Normally the LTWs that the potential heirs roll on the new computer influence the decision Haleigh and I make, but with only one to choose from, I can only hope he doesn’t make Haleigh let him have 20 lovers or something. On a more superficial note, Silver is quite cute. He grew into his face a little more.

Copper and Chrome are the last ones on the skilling couch, watched over carefully by their tutor, Jonquil.

“Woo! Snow day!”

Ugh. Snow day. Does anyone else hate snow days? I have to find other ways to keep the kids’ moods high without that guaranteed boost from an A. Welp, guess it’s time for more skilling for you two.

“Boo. Snow day.”

Silver spends his snow day getting his first kiss. Since no one has brought a female classmate home yet, he has to call on the matchmaker. She delivers a townie named Xiomara. My, that is quite the name. They do have two bolts, though, so that’s good.

At first, Silver and Xiomara have a hard time getting to know each other with all of Silver’s older siblings smustling nearby.

Once they do get some alone time, they make the most of it, and Silver is able to cross off a big want.

Of course, he emerges from his date wanting to make out with three sims and have two loves at once, so it wasn’t exactly a meeting of soulmates or anything. Anything on your mind, Xiomara?

“Ooh, baby, Silver. I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.”

Yeah, you could have kept that to yourself.

Silver got a job in science and is also an overachiever now.

A burglar stops by the house to ensure that everyone will be thinking fiery thoughts frequently through the end of my turn. Mr. Incompetent Policeman arrives to do his duty, and although it doesn’t look like it in the photo, he did win again. All of the kids were woken up by the alarm and crowded around to watch the fight. Where are the parents, though?

Well, Benedict woke up but immediately went back to relaxing, and Jade slept through the whole thing. Stellar.

Once he had gotten his first kiss, I didn’t think Silver would probably see Xiomara again, but he surprisingly rolled a want to go steady with her. I indulged him, and then he rolled the want to have two loves again. Sigh.

“Where are you going, Chrome?”“I’m done studying. I finally get to play like a normal child.”“But I’ve still got all of cleaning and a good chunk of creativity left. What the heck?”“You snooze, you lose.”

Chrome is a much faster skiller than Copper, but luckily Copper is nowhere near as slow as Gold was.

Chrome and Silver both have the predestined hobby of sports, so they spent some time throwing around a football until I realized they would freeze to death before making any appreciable difference in their hobby meters this way and sent them inside to other less purposeful pursuits.

Copper kept working and eventually finished her skilling too. Then the girls were able to play around with their parents for a while.

“Watch out! Giant flying teenager!”

Silver was persistent about a second love, so he called up the matchmaker again and got Angelica here, who I caught at a perfect moment in her descent.

Once again, Silver has trouble finding quality alone time with his date. First it’s supervision from the nosy matchmaker . . .

. . . then it’s dodging noogiesfrom Brass, who loves dishing them out. Angelica was not so lucky.

“Do you mind, sis? I’ve got on super dorky glasses and flowers are growing at my feet. Come on! I’m trying to do something here.”

Gold and Brass have both reached the zone in games, and Copper is only too happy to join them now that she’s been released from the skilling couch. Meanwhile, Silver is setting a great example for Chrome. We’re killing time until the twins’ birthday, so everyone is just kind of running around, and I only intervene to stop the meanies from arguing and to send them to bed eventually.

Love accomplished, and Silver sent Angelica on her way. He is still going steady with Xiomara, after all. For whatever that’s worth.

Finally the last birthday of the generation has arrived. The whole family is there to celebrate Chrome and Copper on their birthday.

The girls grew up very lovely and quite different from each other. My favorite is Chrome, but don’t tell them. Anyway, Chrome is family/pleasure, and Copper is fortune/family. Looks like being partially raised by Gold rubbed off on them!

“Heir Silver, reporting for duty.”

Whoa there, big guy. A little too serious for the occasion, but yes, it is now time for Silver to head the family. My role is done with yet another generation. Jade and Benedict had a very lovely family despite their trouble in passing on the eyes, and they have a great heir to succeed them.

Thanks so much for reading and be sure to check back for more adventures with the Hues family as we keep counting down to the final generation! Keep in touch with Haleigh and me at our favorite forum, SiMania. Happy simming!

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