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The Halal Science Center Chulalongkorn University

Islamic supervision methodology of Halal Products


Researcher, Kuwait Institute for Scientific ResearchState of Kuwait

Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi

الحاللمنتجات منهج�ة اإلشراف على


Researcher, Kuwait Institute for Scientific ResearchState of Kuwait

Dr. Hani Mansour Al-Mazeedi


• This presentation will shed the light on the5F-Halal*

supervision methodology that when followed will

provide 100% pure Halal products.

5F-Halal: Free from stunning, Free from mechanical slaughtering, Free from Alcohol, Free from non-Muslim slaughter men, Free from Haram Najis ingredients or Istihala as a mean of looking at Haram Najis ingredients as Halal based on the assumption of transformation or consumption.

• Muslim scholars are urged to reviewcurrent processing

techniques being followed in the west to avoid the fall of

Non-Halal products in the hand of Muslimconsumer.

• Halal products are currently facing many emerging

issuesنوازل that were not known at the time of early

Muslim scholars.

Halal supervision Methodologies offered by HCB

in non-Muslim countries varies based on:

1. Different religious views (e.g. viewof Shafei school of

Ahlul Kitab vs. views of other Islamic schools)

2. Islamic thoughts of Muslims who lives in non-Muslim

country (e.g. Jurisprudence of expatriates ( المغتربین فقھ

Halal Supervision Methodology get more complicated with

more complex process, and ingredients

3. Controversial views over the religious rule of certain hot

issues that have great impact on the Halal industry such

as: stunning, mechanical slaughtering, Istihalah, alcohol,

food additives of Haramsources, GMOs, etc.)

One asset remains fixed and usually missed out by

most of Halal activists and that is:

When putting a Halal slogan; its bearer must be:

Trustworthy, and is known by Testimonialsتزكیات from

official trustworthy Islamic organization(s) who will notgive

such testimonial to a non-trustworthy party.

And without this fixed asset, the so called Halal supervision

will not have any religious value.

It was issued by Islamic and non-Muslim

organizations and they were accepted by GCC*.

Since that time, one can still find Halal Certificates issued

by non-Muslimorganizations or claimed to be Muslim.

6201-1979ھاني منصور المزیدي، . دلیل األوراق الرسمیة فیما یتعلق باألغذیة والذبح حسب الشریعة اإلسالمیة، د 1

Halal certifications started in the seventies1of the last century.

*GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council

Early works on Halal

Recently, international efforts to make Halal certifications

issued by non-Muslims (CEN).

At present, it is estimated that 300 Halal activists

exist worldwide with only 33% of themare

officially registered2.

Halal activists are located in Australia (34%),

Europe (23%), North America (19%), Asia

(16%), South America (4%), and Africa (4%).

."مقدمة حول صناعة الحالل وخدماتھ العالمیة"دارھیم دالي ھاشم . ، أ2011مؤتمر الخلیج األول لصناعة الحالل وخدماتھ، ینایر 2

In their support for Halal, Halal Certification Bodies,

HCB differ in their supervision methodology, and


3 Mohammed Ayub Khan (McMaster University, Canada)

And this was found to based on their differences in

understanding of what is Halal3 and what does it

require to be Halal.

On the official level, both of Malaysia and Indonesia are

considered to be pioneers in approving Halal

organizations to gives Halal services

Lately, UAErepresented by Dubai Municipality, Islamic

International Halal Organization, IIHOof the Muslim

World League, and GSO(Gulf Standard Organization)

have practically taken serious steps into Halal.

The value of having a sound strong Halal

supervision methodology is to ensure purity of Halal

in products in a time where doubts in Halal products

are prevailed.

Regrettably, there is no central mechanismthat

regulate and control Halal through which sound

Halal certificates are issued to protect Muslim

consumer universally.

The failure to regulate and control Halal products has

led to the existence of unstructured and randommarkets

for Halal certificates, in which business wise is in favor

for HCB but not to Muslimconsumers.

Only few Halal certificate bodies performtheir

services with sound and strong Halal supervision

methodology and their certificates considered to

be highly valuable.

A hallmark of these organizations is their

commitment to strict religious conditions as

approved unanimously by Muslimscholars المسلمین علماء جمهور .

There is a number of way to evaluate Halal

certification bodies.

One of which is to evaluate the professional

background of their employees, and their


But most importantlyis how HCB

behavewith Halal whenthey offer

their services.

Usually, Muslimconsumers who are interested in Halal

products limit their investigations by searching for the

Halal logo printed on the packaged label, ignoring the

type of supervision methodology behind that logo.

Muslim consumers for example do not know:

• That the meat they purchased is stunned or not stunned.

• That the meat they purchase is it stunned-to-kill or stunned-to-live.

• That the meat they consumed slaughtered by Muslimor non-Muslim.

• If the capsulated drugs they consumed are made fromporcine gelatin

or fromHalal beef gelatin.

• If ethanol alcohol is present in their consumables in any amounts, or if

used manufacturing some of the food additives they consumed.

• If pig’s fat or non-Halal beef tallowis used in their soaps, Shampoos,

cosmetics, drugs, etc.

Currently, some Muslim consumers are

increasingly becoming more aware on Halal and

they are beginning to demand a trustworthy Halal


Therefore, when planning to enter the Halal


Making sure of the religious identity and

professional background of the HCBthat will

issue your Halal certificates is very vital for

marketing your Halal products.

Taking into consideration that both of sincerity and

knowledge are available in conveying the message

of Halal.

The Halal supervision methodology we are about to

present, we called it 5F-Halal, is basically rely on

giving priorities to the followings:

• Identify and control Halal Critical Points for the

whole Halal Chain.

• Employ only trustworthy Muslimsin sensitive

points in the Whole Halal Chain.

• Putting emphasis on safety and hygienic practices is

a priority.

• Any substances causes harmto human being is

considered as Haram.

• No product that resemble Haramproducts will

be accepted even if it contain Halal ingredients.

• Any Halal products that is consumed through the

mouth, or used on the skin, or used in brushing

the tooth must be 100% free fromHaram


• Halal ingredients must be obtained from

trustworthy Halal certification bodies.

• Khamer ,(wine) خمر alcoholic drinks, their by-

products, and industrial ethanol or biologically

produced ethanol are all Haram.

• All products that contain ethanol alcohol

(intoxicating substance), or produced through the

use of ethanol alcohol are Haram.

• Alcohols must not be used in processing plants

in any sanitation procedures.

• Cases were alcohol is used in cleaning a second

cleaning round is required using non alcoholic

cleaning agent.

• Blood and its by products materialistically are


• Any food additives produced fromNajis animals,

or from Halal animal that are not slaughtered

according to Islamic rites are Haram.

• Genetically modified plants fromHaramsources

are Haram.

• Molds and bacteria used in Halal products must

be produced in nutritious media free fromHaram

materials and should not harmhealth.

• Packed Halal products must be stored in a

separate identified area.

• Necessary steps must be taken to avoid mixing

packed Halal products with non-Halal packed

products or Haramor Najis materials.

• Packaging materials should not contain any

Haramor Najis materials

• Special identification labels must be used on

Halal products or their storages areas.

• Feed must be free fromHaram or Najis


• No Haramtools or non-Halal technologies are

allowed in the production of Halal products.

• Dressing operations on animal or bird in

slaughterhouses should start only after their

complete death.

• Production environment and internal manufacturing

procedures of Halal products must be assessed and

verified frequently.

• Religious and scientific committees are required

in a sound Halal supervision methodology.

• Never ever give a religious rule on Najis material

as becoming Halal based on assumed Istihala.

• If the above conditions were applied only then

Halal certifications are issued.

Most international Halal standards have religious violations

المواصفات القیاسیة المالیزیة

MS 1500:2009MS 1900:2005MS 2424:2010 (P)MS 2200:Part 1:2008MS 2400-2:2010 (P)MS 2400-1:2010 (P)MS 2400-3:2010 (P)

Therefore one must review some of their violated items

The actual value of Halal Certificates lies in knowing

who issued them. Why?

Because knowledge of Halal is a religious issue in which Halal

and Haram is the issue and such knowledge is not accepted by

non-Muslims or unidentified person.

It must be emphasized that the Halal slogan

is not just a logo

but it is Shahada

that one will be accounted on the day of judgment.

س.حنك اللهم و.حمدك أشهد أن ال إله إال أنت، أستغفرك وأتوب إل�ك

Dr. Hani Mansour Al- MazeediWith brother Amjad Mahboob in

Australia in 1981

:الدلیل ص�اغة فر�� -13

.مالیز9ا المالیز9ة، ص.اح جامعة اللطیف، عبد مر9م .م .أ

.مالیز9ا بوترا، جامعة المدیر، نائب مصطفى، شح�مي .د

العرH�ة اإلمارات دبي، اإلسالم�ة، الشؤون دائرة جامعي، أستاذ القر9شي، أحمد محمد .د.المتحدة

.IIFA الدولي اإلسالمي الفقه مجمع قمر، القاهر عبد .د

.المتحدة المملكة الحالل، متا2عة لجنة بت، ز-یر محمد مفتي

.النمسا ز9دان، أمیر .د الشیخ

.SANHA إفر9ق�ا لجنوب الوطن�ة الحالل هیئة نفالخي، سعید موالنا

.القدس جامعة وأصوله، والتشر�ع الفقه في 2احثة غانم، قادر عائدة .أ

.ASIDCOM المسلم المستهلك لحما�ة أسیدSوم بیز9ت، رزقي حنان

.فرنسا خل�فة، بن محمد

.فرنسا بوز9د، الرحمن عبد

:المراجع -14

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AFIC "اإلسالم�ة للمجالس االسترالي االتحاد" الحالل مع�ار

2172/2003 والجودة والمقای�س للمواصفات السعود�ة الهیئة مع�ار

993/1998 الخلیجي التعاون مجلس لدول التقی�س هیئة مع�ار

1500:2009 إس إم المالیز\ المع�ار

CAC/GL المع�ار 24-1997

HAS اإلندون�سي الحالل ضمان نظام 23103

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أسیدSوم، ،2013 –2008المسلم، المستهلك حما�ة جمع�ة دراسات

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:استشار�ون -15

SFDA السعود�ة والدواء للغذاء العامة الهیئة مال، زهیر .د :السعود�ة العر-�ة المملكة

IIFA الدولي اإلسالمي الفقه مجمع قمر، القاهر عبد .د :السعود�ة العر-�ة المملكة

األغذ�ة رقا2ة دبي، بلد�ة العوضي، محمد شر�ف محمد خالد :المتحدة العر-�ة اإلمارات دولة

GIMDES 2ایوIوزر، Iامي حسین .د :تر�Iا

بوترا جامعة هاشم، مات الكفل ذو :مالیز�ا

IHIAالدولي الحالل تكامل هاشم، دالي داره�م :مالیز�ا

المالیز�ة ص2اح جامعة شعراني، محمد الدین شر�ف .م.أ :مالیز�ا

الحالل رقا2ة ططرO، محمود :ألمان�ا

ASIDCOM المسلم المستهلك لحما�ة أسیدIوم بیز�ت، رزوقي حنان :فرنسا

IFANCA والتغذ�ة للغذاء األمر�Iي اإلسالمي المجلس شودرO، منیر محمد .د :األمر��Iة المتحدة الوال�ات

FIANZ النیوز�لند�ة اإلسالم�ة الجمع�ات اتحاد غني، أنور .د :نیوز�لندا

SANHA إفر�ق�ا لجنوب الوطن�ة الحالل هیئة نافالخي، موالنا :أفر�ق�ا جنوب

القدس جامعة غانم، قادر عائدة :فلسطین

اإلسالم�ة والشؤون األوقاف وزارة الكردO، الحجي أحمد .د :الكو�ت

KISR العلم�ة، لأل2حاث الكو�ت معهد المز�دO، منصور هاني .د :الكو�ت

:ودققه راجعه -16

.المحتلة فلسطین/ القدس جامعة / واألصول الفقه أستاذ عفانة، الدین حسام .د.أ

الكو9ت-اإلسالم�ة والشؤون األوقاف وزارة اإلفتاء، إدارة في شرعي .احث العمر، محمد أ�من .د

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