the greatest war: a memorial day message from heaven's perspective

Post on 13-Jan-2015






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The Greatest War: A Memorial Day Message From Heaven's Perspective Political freedom for a lifetime is nice but the NT does not even address that as a topic. From heaven’s perspective, the greatest war mankind has to face is in the invisible realm that determines eternal destinies of millions. This is a war all followers of Jesus are engaged in. Only we can fight it and only we can win it for others and for ourselves. At the end, Nick Thornhill gives a great intro on how to hear truth from God to set yourself free from lies. He has received significant healing this way and has led a couple of people in our fellowship out of emotional pain that had for decades after God spoke truth to them.


Welcome, Worshippers of the King

The King Awaits Our Time Together With Him!

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Next Sunday: Esther and the Reeves Family

❖ June 16: Joel & Lacie Hill and Guest Worship Band

❖ Michael’s B-Day June 1 & Jasmine & Tyler graduates

Sunday, May 26, 13

Jonathan’s Vision

Sunday, May 26, 13

We Honor ThemMay God Bless & Protect Them and Their Families

Sunday, May 26, 13

Sunday, May 26, 13

The Greatest WarIs Still Being Fought

Sunday, May 26, 13

The Most CasualtiesBillions and Billions

“Rescue the perishing; don't hesitate to step in and help.”

(Prov. 24:11)

Sunday, May 26, 13



Sunday, May 26, 13

Only We Can Win ItGod is Counting on Us. He has no other plan.

Sunday, May 26, 13

Devil’s POW CampsWaiting To Be Liberated!

Sunday, May 26, 13

POW’s in AmericaAll Around Us

Sunday, May 26, 13

Heaven’s Battle ForcesAmbassadors

CommunicatorsSpecial Ops

Sunday, May 26, 13

AmbassadorsDoing Life With Jesus Shining Through “The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive”

Sunday, May 26, 13

❖ Acts 1:8: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses [Ambassadors] in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."


Sunday, May 26, 13

❖ We are therefore Christ's Ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. (2 Cor. 5:20)


Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Be full of the love, joy and peace of God

❖ Love others--- no matter what they do or don’t do

❖ Forgive everyone

❖ Be honest, even when you fail or will be penalized

❖ Live for heaven, not for earth.

Code of Conduct

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Look for ways to be kind

❖ Help others when not asked

❖ Do random acts of kindness for others

❖ Give more honor to others than to yourself -(Rom. 12:10)

❖ Enjoy being # 3: God, others, me.

Code of Conduct

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Walk in the opposite spirit ( YWAM, Spain)

❖ Do not demand your rights. Appeal kindly. (Matt. 5:40)

❖ Refuse to be offended. Let God defend you.

❖ Never retaliate. Give good for evil. (Rom.12:19)

❖ Be willing to look foolish to do what is right (1 Cor. 4:10)

Code of Conduct

Sunday, May 26, 13

Anger Forgiveness

Fear Peace

Demand Allow

Revenge Restore

Hate Love

Rules of Engagement

Sunday, May 26, 13

CommunicatorsGod Has Opened the Doors to Everyone

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person. ( Col. 4:6)

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. ( 1 Peter 3:15)

Sunday, May 26, 13


❖ Develop a Kingdom of God flag

❖ Publish your testimonies

❖ Create innovative ways to share the Gospel

❖ Be OK with 1 of 20 responding. Persist!

Sunday, May 26, 13

Spec Ops RescuersCould Be Local or International

Sunday, May 26, 13

Spec Ops

❖ Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.. (Matt 28:19)

❖ He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)

Sunday, May 26, 13

20 teens sobbing and praying for Dale who has apparently drowned.

Sunday, May 26, 13

25 minutes after drowning

Sunday, May 26, 13

Sunday, May 26, 13

Most of Humanity is Drowning in Sin

1. Pray for the lost

2. Do your part.

3. Rescue the perishing...while there is still time.

The world is eager to meet a real follower of Jesus

Sunday, May 26, 13

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