the gospel at st. david's church june...

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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The Gospel at St.

David's Church June 2015

The Mission of St. David's is to follow Jesus, loving our neighbors as ourselves, without exception.

Please note there will be one Gospel for July & August 2015, sent out on July 1st.

Reflection from Father Samuel...

Dear friends,

We have been spending some time in our Vestry meetings and specific task force gatherings having

conversations about our four principle focus areas for St. David’s this year. Our Senior Warden has shared

those with you and gave a good forum on these areas that are included in our Mutual Ministry Agreement. If

you would like a copy, please let us know at the church office and we would be pleased to provide you a copy

if you missed it earlier.

One of the conversations has been about bringing in new people to visit us and then effectively finding ways

to incorporate them into St. David’s – realizing in doing so it changes both them and us and we grow in

people and in our discipleship as Christians. I am including a letter written by a couple that has been shared

in church growth circles for the last couple of years and one which I shared with our Vestry. I thought you

might like to see it and see if you agree with what it is saying to us, if it challenges you or even if you disagree

with it. I always invite your input and thoughts. Hope you find this of use.

Fr. Jason Samuel

To contact Fr. Jason Samuel:

Office 619-276-4567 x206 ~ Cell 314-520-6273 ~ Home 619-798-2002


Open Letter to Churches Seeking New Members

Dear Churches Seeking New Members,

My husband and I moved to the city a few years ago and have been ‘between churches’ ever since. We’ve been to visit quite a few of you and have some observations you may find helpful in encouraging more new members:

No Public Humiliation – please don’t make us stand up in a room full of total strangers and introduce

ourselves. We want to be anonymous because we’re not sure we want to see you again and, frankly, we’re

still seeing other churches. It’s not you, it’s us, and we just don’t know you very well yet. (And, believe me, if

we do decide to join you, you’ll be lucky to get us to shut up, so enjoy the quiet while you can get it.)

Acknowledge We Exist – Being anonymous is not the same as being invisible. We’re probably going to be a

little confused about what to do and where to go so having someone to greet us and ask if we have questions,


or let us know if you do something you own unique way, is most appreciated. Plus, if you act like we’re not

there, we start to think we might as well not be there as it doesn’t seem to matter to you.

Put it in writing – spell out *everything* we need to know in the bulletin. When to sit, when to stand, where

to find the words. Even if you have one of those groovy new digital displays, include in the bulletin what will

and won’t be on the display screen (’cause some of you like to mix it up and not everything goes up there.)

No stalking – please don’t run out of the church and down the street chasing after us to tell us you were glad

to see us (and, yes, that really happened). When you act like it’s a miracle of God that you have visitors, it

freaks us out. We may or may not fill out an information card, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like you, it may

just mean we found everything we needed on your website.

Remember us – you get a gold star if we come back and you remember our names, but really just a friendly

“nice to see you again” makes us feel like you noticed we were there (but remember the no stalking rule).

Have a website – if you don’t have a website, we won’t be coming to your church. Nothing personal, but that

alone tells us enough to know you aren’t ready for new people. You can get a basic website for free and your

own URL for about $25 a year. There is simply no excuse not to have one. (Unless maybe you are Amish, in

which case you aren’t even reading this post and we’re probably not coming to your church for a variety of

other reasons anyway.)

When, Where, What – there are basically 3 things we want to know when we come to your website; when

your worship services are held, where you are located, and what you believe. And we’d really like to see all 3

on the home page, but at least make them SUPER easy to find and no more than one click away. If you are

having special services like Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Easter (that visitors like us are likely to attend),

please put those special worship times on the home page. We have encountered any number of church

websites that seem to be more interested in looking pretty than actually being useful. You don’t have to be

fancy-shmancy super-tech in order for us to get what we need to decide whether to come visit. (Here’s a great

example of a simple, but effective, website from a church in Michigan that has all three covered on the home


Tell us what you really believe – be proud of what you believe and s-p-e-l-l it out on your website.

Progressive? Great! Theologically conservative? Super! But what do those things mean in the life of your

community? It’s really helpful before we show up waving our rainbow flags to know that you’ll be petitioning

for an Intelligent Design curriculum in the local schools. And if that is your community’s belief, that’s

wonderful, but we both know we’re not going to be a good fit there so we might as well save each other the

frustration. We’re going to find out soon enough, so why don’t we get that awkward part out of the way

online. Besides there is someone out there who would love to find a community like yours if only they knew it


Finding a new church home is not always easy, especially if the one you came from was such an important part of

both your faith journey and your personal life. We were very, very close to our previous faith community and it’s

hard to think of anywhere else coming close. Or maybe we’ve never been to church and we want to explore that

spiritual side of ourselves for the first time, but it’s all so new and confusing. Or perhaps we’re broken and we

need a place where we can be broken and it’s still okay. Any number of the things that might bring us to your

doorstep can make it hard to do much more than show up, sit quietly in the back, and sneak out afterwards. But

that’s the beautiful thing about church communities – they bring new people into your life, they can open your

heart and mind to new experiences, they can mend those deepest of wounds, and affirm your relationship with

God. With all that on the line, don’t let the little things mentioned above get in the way of connecting people to

the Good News.

In Peace, Lydia & Brian




Well, we have come to a crossroads in the life of the music program at St. David's. We have had a very

successful year of music from the beginning of September, through Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent,

Easter and now the Pentecost season (which seems to go on FOR-EVER!). But, nevertheless, everyone needs

a break at some point and the musicians are going to take one at the end of the month of June through the

second Sunday of September. I want to express my gratitude to Rob Constantine, Catherine Eckmann, Gail

Decker, Jim England, Terry Garate, Anne and The Rev. Jim Kellett, Bill Myers, Lynn Nicholson, Debby

Park, Phyllis Pfizenmeier, Peter Popa, Loral Priest, Ronnie Rich, Babs Stewart, Linda and Lynn Ten Eyck,

Kendra Thomas, Jon Turley, Jeff Watkins, Joy Wolf and Jamie Wood for their dedication and service to our

entire music program throughout this last season. (Just putting up with me is a task unto itself.) When you see

all of these individuals, please take a moment to thank them for all that they do for our music program - and

so many other areas in which they serve here at St. David's.

So, it is the end - for now. But the beginning is not that far off. Regular choir rehearsals will resume on

Thursday, August 27th

at 7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Please consider joining us for all of our new season or

any part in which you feel that you are able to participate. We will have a great Fall schedule which will

include preparing for our Christmas concert on Sunday, December 6th

. We would love to have you be with


My special thanks to all who have attended, contributed and supported our new concert series this year. We

still have three concerts remaining and I hope you will be able to attend each or all of them as you are

able. Thank you - and Soli Deo Gloria. To God alone be glory.

Ken McMillen

Director of Music

Christian Formation....

Meets Sundays at 9:25 a.m. in the Mission Center (Sep~June)

Adult Forum Schedule this month:

06/07 Sunday School Celebration

Forums will resume in the Fall...


After our dinner at our May 4th

gathering, K-Ellen Cleary led us in a lively discussion of

the women featured in Chapters 11-17 of our study book, Bible Women. We learned

about some amazing, brave and faithful women and some with less admirable traits.

Among the women studied were the Queen of Sheba, Job's wife, Esther, and the woman

who revealed she was the true mother when she agreed to give up her baby rather than

have King Solomon cut him in two. Many thanks to K-Ellen for her preparation,

knowledge and enthusiasm in leading our discussions for the last three months. We

concluded our gathering with devotions, including the following prayer from a DOK

chapter in Decatur Georgia:

Praise the Lord for women everywhere...We ask that all women and girls be willing to carry the

message of Christ's love into the world by giving encouragement ...sharing life experiences...and

blessings with each developing each person's talents...[show us] how we can serve

you...may your love be evident in all we think, say and do... Amen

Some of the women from our chapter attended the Diocesan DOK Assembly on May 2nd

at Christ Church.

New Diocesan officers were elected, including Co-presidents Barbara Peralta and Julie Wells. Alison Royle

gave a presentation about her experience going on mission trips to Namibia where she helped establish (and

helped support) a kindergarten there for young children who otherwise would have had no schooling until age

8. She was an inspiring example of our motto that we can't do everything but we can (and should) do

something. What she did in Namibia, plus her ongoing fund-raising efforts, was truly life changing for the

young children whose lives she touched.

We welcomed Kathy Winder as the newest member of our group at the Admission Service held during church

on May 31st.

Our next gathering will be Monday, June 1st from 5:45-7:45 p.m. in the Mission Center. We will finish our

discussion of the women in the Old Testament and also discuss the women in Matthew (chapters 18-24;

pp.301-384 of our study book, Bible Women). Food Group 3 will provide dinner. (Leslie, Sue, Jamie, Kathy

Winder and Harriet Carmona).

In July we will have our annual retreat on Saturday, July 18th

from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the Shaws'

home. Chris Timmins and our chaplain, Margaret England, will lead the retreat. More details will follow.

All women in the parish are welcome to attend our monthly gatherings, as well as our retreat. For more

information about our group, please feel free to contact Chris Timmins or me--or any of our DOK members.

Blessings, Janet Shaw

The Mary Magdalene


Current Culture issues and faith: How to speak and live with both in a safe place

Beginning this summer we will be holding regular conversations on

contemporary culture issues, which impact our faith and faith development. We will create a safe space

for congregants and community members to gather to discuss relevant topics that affect our lives on different

levels. We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, starting June 16th at 7 to 8:30pm in the library.


"Christianity first came to Britain in two waves, one Celtic, one Roman," and so began in the third century the

long and colorful history of the Anglican/Episcopal church. We have a variety of books in our library that tell

our story (under the number 283), but none as gracefully and interestingly detailed as our newest gift from

Don Searles: Frederick Quinn's "To Be a Pilgrim, the Anglican ethos is history."

By "ethos" the author means "the characteristic spirit of a culture," and so he includes in each chapter of a

century vivid quotes from the time, descriptions of the historic personalities involved, the shaping of thought

and practice, social and political pressures, the tensions between Catholic and Protestant, the bloody wars and

the martyrs, the poets and the thinkers, all woven together to form a fascinating tapestry of our church history.

Kathleen Hoot was so taken by the story "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, that she has not only given us the first

book, but the rest of the quartet volumes as well. The original story is of Jonah and his family in their calm

and orderly world. Gradually, as the story progresses, we see the rules, the barriers that keep their community

enclosed, bland, sealed and safe. Jonah reaches the age when his life assignment is to be given to him by the

Elders, and as others are assigned their careers, he is passed over. Confused, he is finally told he will be

apprenticed to "The Giver," the mysterious figure in the community who is consulted only when there is a

problem the Elders can not solve.So begins Jonah's journey toward the past, and toward the future. "Gathering

Blue" and "Messenger" parallel "The Giver," but it is "Son" which concludes Jonah's story. Originally written

for young people over twenty years ago, it's message of love, and endurance has propelled it across the world.

It has been translated into many different languages, and a movie was made of it just last year.

A beautiful copy of the Book of Common Prayer as used by the Church of England has been added to our

shelves. It is illustrated with colorful Medieval miniatures. Originally written by Thomas Cranmer and

published in 1549, it was last updated in 1662 and is still in use. Although much will be familiar in form, the

language is rather archaic and will take you back to a much more formal time. Reading the preface makes you

realize the echo of their Civil War is still loud. Even if you are not a history buff, or have patience for the

sound of an earlier time, do look at it if just for the delightful art.

Jean Kockinos, Librarian

In the Incarnation, Jesus took on flesh and became a particular human person in order to show us the

Father, to show us Love. Not to teach us, not to tell us, but to show us Love, to BE Love among us.

God limited Himself to a particular time and place, but with Pentecost, He is limited no more.

Ironically, it is in leaving, and sending us the Spirit, that He shows us the fullness of that Love for all

time and for all people and not just to those who were alive when He was here on earth.

No longer hindered by physicality, God is now present at all times in all places-with all people, of

"every family, language people and nation, with each of us. God the Holy Spirit is as serious and as

playful, as demanding and as generous of spirit as was Jesus. As is the Father. And it is through

access to that Spirit that we are enabled to participate in the Love that is the Holy Trinity, that flows

between the Father, and the Son, and, incredibly, us. In us and around us. From us, to us, through us. Into us

and back out again, renewing, recreating, redeeming.

The Spirit is the living promise of the Father to be with us, to be to us closer than our breath, nearer than our


heartbeat. She is power and courage, audacity and strength. He is a whisper in our ear, and a kick in the butt, a

murmur and a blast. She is encouragement and chastisement, both a chuckle and a belly laugh. In despair, in

doubt, in disappointment and in happiness, in diminishment and in death, we need never be alone again.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of all people,

and kindle in us the power of your Love.

Send forth Your Spirit and we will be created,

and so You renew the face of the earth.

Louise Buck


Ways that YOU can help make this the best Rummage Sale ever:

1. Clean out your closets, garage and cupboards and donate GOOD used


2. Sign up to help with set-up on June 4-5 or with the sale on

Saturday or Sunday. Call Melinda to sign up.

3. Tell your friends and family about our sale and invite them to

come for a great pancake breakfast and then to shop til they drop!


858-581-6067 *

Rummage Sale PREVIEW NIGHT is on Friday, June 5th from 5:30-7:30 pm.

The Preview Night promises to be a DO NOT MISS event!

Tickets will sell for only $20 or $30 for you and a guest! Your ticket will entitle you to preview shopping

before the big rush, the convenience of using your credit or debit cards for payment, wine and a fabulous

assortment of delicious snacks, and an upscale shopping experience along with the knowledge that you are

supporting the mission of St. David's Church & Preschool.

Pre-sale tickets will be available for sale at the Preschool Office and in the Church Office. If there are any

questions please contact Ms. Karen at 619 276-7048 or

Dog Wash Sunday, June 7 from 12 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Your dog will be washed with tender loving care by the Jr. DOK

Donations benefit CCSA Back to School Backpack Project


WHITE rice, cooking oil, dried beans for the Episcopal Refugee Network:

The 3rd Sunday each month is our monthly in-gathering of white rice and cooking oil for refugees served by

the Refugee Network. White rice only, please (their preference). They can also use any kind of dried bean

(kidney, pinto, etc). Please place donations on the table in the Mission Center and many thanks.

The annual Refugee Net Gala was held on Saturday, May 9. This is a major fund raiser for the Refugee Net.

The new venue at The Hall of Champions, in Balboa Park was filled to capacity accommodating a hundred

more guests than last year. The video told the story about former students from the tutoring program now

attending various Universities. As guest arrived they were greeted by middle and high school students

currently in the tutoring program. It was a very enjoyable evening and many from St. David's were in


Steve Turnbull


This month's lunch will be Thursday, June 18th, at 1:00 pm at Tio Leo's 5302 Napa St, San Diego, CA 92110

Please RSVP to Anita Lawrence, 858-273-7029, no later than Tues, June 16.

The Flying Solos are a group of 55+ singles (single, widowed, divorced) who meet on the 4th Thursday of

each month for lunch at various neighborhood restaurants.

St. David's Wednesday Happy Hour this month will be on

June 24, 2015 from 4-6pm.

Offshore Tavern & Grill 2253 Morena Blvd (one block north of Milton).

Relax and unwind at this local watering hole with fellow parishioners. Enjoy affordable

and tasty appetizers with your iced tea or martini. And... MARK YOUR CALENDARS

because St. David's Happy Hour always falls on the LAST Wednesday of the month from 4-6pm and it's

always a lot of fun. Bring a friend!


What a wonderful English Tea we had on May 8! There was a good turn-out inspite of the rain (see the great pictures Melinda took!). We had an abundance of delicious food and good fellowship. In June we welcome Joy Wolf who will have a presentation about the San Diego Zoo Safari Park where she works. And our last gathering will be to hear Emma's Gutbucket Bluegrass Band on June 19, followed by our chicken lunch (be sure to RSVP). We will then break for the summer and meet again on September 4. Have a good summer! Love, Debby

Schedule for June June 5 - Game Day (Uno, Scrabble, Upwords, Skip-bo) June 12 - Joy Wolf: San Diego Zoo Safari Park June 19 - Emma's Gutbucket Bluegrass Band and chicken lunch (RSVP to Debby Park, 858-270-5978)

Women's Fellowship will be on June 26, 2015.

Fri, June 26, 6:30pm - 8:30pm Hosted by Gail Decker


Yoga Thursdays: Noon-1:00 p.m. in the Mission Center. All levels welcome!

Participants are asked to bring a yoga mat, a yoga strap/old tie/or belt, comfortable clothes (no shoes), and a

water bottle. You can do chair yoga instead of on the floor with a yoga mat if you prefer.

Gently strengthen, stretch and relax the mind and body as Vou leads you through yoga, a practice known to

reduce stress and improve health and well-being. Vou combines over 20 years' experience in health and

wellness to provide you a balanced class in a safe and friendly environment. All levels of experience


There will be a suggested donation of $10 per person, per class.

Birthdays this month!

6 RuthAnn Woolery 7 Ken Fox 9 Lane Woolery 10Cameron Johns-Callahan 11 Catherine Eckmann 11 Jesse Farmer 13 Leslie Cohan 23 Barbara Searles 24 Barby Waters 26 Robert Shaw 26 Liz Moore 29 Gloria June Wagner 30 Luke Conway

Refugee Gala




SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2015



Future Issues of the Weekly Times and the July Gospel


From Your Stewardship Committee

As we head into summer look for some new programs to further introduce you to Planned Giving and Legacy


Stewardship at St. David's is divided into three categories: Pledges and Donations, Time and Talent, and

Planned Giving. We will bring you more information starting in June and throughout the year. Stay tuned!


Current Vestry Minutes and Financial Reports can be found on our website under the "Staff/Vestry" tab.

The Vestry Meeting is the First Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Mission Center. Parishioners are

always welcome to attend the Vestry meetings.

There is no June gloom at St. David's. The world is looking brighter every day and your Vestry and Father

Jason are working together to accomplish our parish goals and the St.David's mission to follow Jesus, loving

our neighbors as ourselves, without exception.

As part of our June Vestry meeting the Vestry and Father Jason will have an informal review of our Mutual

Ministry Agreement. Here is the PDF document from the forum where that we shared with document. Please

let me know if you have any questions. Thank you again for your faith, trust and support.

In Christ's Service, Joy Wolf



A lot is happening at our church and it is difficult to keep up with all the information. Your

Vestry wants to know how you feel about our existing communication tools and how they

might be improved. Vestry members Polly Carmona, Nellie Shestag, and Bob Shaw are

leading this effort. Please help the Vestry and yourself by letting us know how YOU prefer to get information

about all that is going on at your church.

Children & Youth.....

Children's Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. - 10:25 a.m.

9:15 am Gathering Time - Mission Center

9:30 am Lesson Time - classrooms

10:25 am Parent pick-up - classrooms

Youth Forum: 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m. Mission Center

And here we are - the end of our school year and

the beginning of summer!! Thank you to the Fr.

Samuel, the Vestry, and our entire parish family for

your continued support. As always, thank you to the

teachers and assistants - you're absolutely

superb! Our year-end celebration is on Sunday,

June 7. All are invited to the Children's Ministry

Appreciation Party and Bridging Ceremony. It

will be during the regular Forum time beginning at

9:25 am, so all can come whether attending the 8 am

or 10:30 am service. Please join us in honoring our

children who have completed this year and in

honoring those who have been devoted to the

children and the program throughout the year. We

will also be having a Sunday School and Pre-

school Open House. Please come and celebrate

with us. Sunday School classes will begin again on

Sunday, September 13, with registration and a

special class for both children and parents together.

Our Youth will have a bonfire by the Bay at Bahia

Point (behind Bahia Hotel) on Sunday June 14. We

will be joined by youth from St. Andrew's Pacific

Beach other area churches.

If you have any questions or would like to get

involved with the Youth and Children's Ministry, please let me know. Have a glorious and blessed summer!

Dates to remember: Sunday, June 7 9:30 am Children's Ministry Bridging Ceremony & Party

Sunday School and Pre-school Open House Sunday, June 14 5:00 - 7:00 pm Youth Bonfire - Crown Point, Mission Bay

Peace - Mary McCormick-Whitehouse 619.276.8522 or


Jr. Daughters of the King

At the Seniors' Tea on May 8th

the guests enjoyed the cookies the girls made in April. The girls'

cookies were also part of the refreshments for the reception at the May 17th

music concert.

After completing her new member training these past few months, Evie Mowatt participated in the

Admission Service to become a full member of Jr. DOK. As part of that service Evie and the other

girls joined in the Jr. Daughters' Prayer:

God of Love, God of Life, God of Holy Strength, guide us that by our daily practice of Prayer and

Service, we may draw others to Christ. Help us to reach up in hope, receive in spirit, respond in faith,

and reach out in love for all. We pray that your kingdom will come for all creation, all people living

together in love and peace. For His Sake, Amen

We congratulate Evie and extend a warm welcome to her. She adds so much to the group with her

enthusiasm and energy.

We also congratulate Olivia Woolery on her graduation from high school this month. She's been an

outstanding member of Jr. DOK since 2006. During these nine years she's dedicated countless hours to our

service projects and other events and she's been an inspiring example and mentor to the younger girls.


we'll have our ANNUAL DOG WASH from 12:00 until 2:00 p.m. The girls will wash

and pamper all the dogs that come. Parishioners are welcome to bring their dogs to church before the Dog

Wash if their dogs are well behaved and on a leash. Otherwise they can come back with their dogs after

church to participate in this special event. There will be a free will offering with the proceeds being used to

buy school supplies for CCSA's Back to School Backpack Project.

Any girl who is at least 7 years of age is welcome to join the Jr. Daughters of the King. We also welcome

guests at all of our events. For further information, please contact the church or me.

Blessings, Janet Shaw, Jr. DOK Directress


June is time of transition here at the preschool. We will celebrate the graduation of 17 children on

Friday, June 19th at 5:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Please feel free to join us with the preschool families

to celebrate the accomplishments of our children! This is a great way to let the preschool families

know that they are supported and cared about in the parish community.

We will also have some former graduates returning to spend some time with us this summer and all of our

children will experience a carefree outdoor learning environment which is so sadly lacking in today's busy

modern world. Much research and talk occurs in the field of child development about the advent of "Nature

Deficit Disorder" in young children. We are blessed to have a large campus which is like a mini oasis in the

city for the children to investigate and explore. This time of free play in nature is an opportunity for us to

help the children to connect with the Wonder of God's Creation!

Remember the Rummage Sale is just around the corner! Be sure to clean out your garage and donate your

good "STUFF" for the sale. Pre-sale tickets to the PREVIEW NIGHT on Friday, June 5th

remain on sale in

the Preschool and Church Offices.

The preschool will also host an OPEN HOUSE on Sunday, June 7th

from 9:25-10:25 a.m. This is the perfect

time to let a young family know about our school and invite them to join you on a tour of our center. You

are also welcome to come to learn a bit more about the preschool so you will feel comfortable sharing our

mission with those you know and meet.

Doing His Work, Ms. Karen 619 276-7048


Email Contact Info

Staff The Rev. Jason W. Samuel,


The Rev. Margaret England, Deacon:

Treena Roman: Parish Administrator/Bookkeeper:

Ken McMillen, Music


Karen Garcia, Preschool Director:

Church Office 619-276-4567 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Volunteers: Mary McCormick-Whitehouse:

Child/Youth Director, volunteer

Treasurer: Jane Krikorian:

Vestry Clerk: Elaine Taillac

Parliamentarian:Vera Mizell

Vestry Senior Warden: Joy Wolf:

Junior Warden: Dave Nicholson:

Polly Carmona:

Shirley Culver:

Kathleen Hoot:

Jane Krikorian:

Melinda Murdock:

David Priest:

Bob Shaw:



Craig Winder:

Lane Woolery:

Calendar/ Schedules/Gospel

Reminder!! Please note there will be one Gospel for July & August 2015, sent out on July 1st.

If you have an article, announcement, or photo for next Month's Gospel... Please email them to Treena Roman at

All articles are due no later than the 22nd of each month.

If you have an article, announcement for the Sunday Bulletin or The Weekly Times please email to Treena No later than Wednesday at Noon.


Sunday Services

8:00 a.m. Holy Communion Rite I (Traditional)

10:30 a.m. Holy Communion Rite II (Contemporary)

Childcare (Infant to 3) available on Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to Noon.

A Family Room is part of the worship space as well.

Children/Youth Sunday is the First Sunday of the month (October - June) at the 10:30 a.m. Service. Children and Youth participate

throughout the service.

Healing Prayer is offered after communion on the 2nd and 4th Sundays during both services. Go to the chapel at the rear of

the church, and parish members of the Order of Saint Luke (OSL) will be there to offer anointing with oil and

prayers of healing.

Weekday Services Wednesday:11:00 a.m. Holy Communion & Healing

Thursday: 7:15 a.m. Meditation: 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion

Friday: 11:00 a.m. Preschool Chapel

St. David's Episcopal Church | 5050 Milton St. | San Diego | CA | 92110

(619) 276-4567 + Fax (619) 275-6123

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