the goodnews - april, 2012

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This magazine delivers the gospel and the testimony of grace


4 • The Good News April 2012

Pastor Ock Soo Park visited Zambia on January 23 and met with Vice President Guy Scott, and the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports. After read-ing from 2 Corinthians 6:11, he preached the Gospel to them.

“All of us sinned, but Jesus forgave our sins. That’s why I became righteous and holy. You also sinned, but your sins were washed.”

Next, he went to Uganda and met President Yoweri Museveni. He discussed many things with him and preached the Gospel for about eight min-utes. He preached the Gospel for one hour to the First Lady of Burundi and gave a mind lecture at Kenyatta University. This concluded his visit. The doors of the Gospel opened wide in Africa.

Doors of the Gospel Opened Wide in Africa

Photo & Testimony _ Africa

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President Yoweri Museveni

6 • The Good News April 2012

I received a kidney transplant in the summer of 2011. Since then, I have attended the Good News Dallas Church. One night, Pastor Moon said, “Adey, you should go to Little Rock, Arkansas for two weeks and witness for the Bible Seminar.”

I was excited to go, but Satan made me fear for my health. While witnessing my stomach began to hurt all of a sudden. I went to a hospital and found a chapel inside. I prayed and fell asleep. When I woke up my stomach didn’t hurt anymore. I was able to witness the rest of the day with a joyful heart. God made me realize how strongly I trust in myself and that I need to receive His grace every day. I am so thankful God pushed me out of my frame and beyond my thoughts. (Adey Deresse)

Photo & Testimony _ United States

Out of My Frame

Testimony • 7

8 • The Good News April 2012

Lashanay Simmons (Good News Los Angeles Church, United States)

I grew up in a community church in my neighbor-hood. I hated it, espe-cially when we played

Bible Jeopardy because I was unable to answer any of the questions. I knew nothing of Jesus, the Bible, heaven or hell and had no intention of learning, yet I still considered myself to be a believer of God

just because I went to church and read the Bible. But I only did that because I was forced to by my mom.

I kept hearing things like “you must walk on the path of righteousness” and “the Lamb of God” and I never under-stood what righteousness was or why God called Jesus a lamb, or who Jesus was except

Lashanay pictured third from the left

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Salvation Testimony

Although in my eyes, I am evil and unworthy to enter into the kingdom of heaven, God sees me as righteous because of the blood of Jesus Christ. All the time, He was the sole ruler of my steps, leading me to become closer to Him after living a life so disconnected. Ultimately, it was He who led me to receive salvation. Even though I am so lacking, because of the will of God all things are possible.

True Happiness Comes from the Will of God!

that He was the Son of God, whatever that meant.

In the end, I truly despised God. In fact, I wanted noth-ing to do with neither Him nor Satan because I was afraid. I was afraid of being on either of their bad sides and I figured my life was okay as it was.

I attended college because

school was all I knew and I figured it was the starting point to a successful, if not decent, life. I knew in my heart that I would attend a UC (University of California), although I didn’t know which one. I applied to three colleges and did campus tours. When I arrived at UCR (University of California at Riverside),

Lashanay pictured third from the left

10 • The Good News April 2012

couldn’t get any better, until the time came when many of the people I knew were get-ting ready to graduate. That’s when I started to think what my life would be like once they were gone. What would I do? Would I go back to be-ing alone and depressed? My heart was heavy with these questions.

One day between classes, when I wasn’t feeling especial-ly good nor bad; I was only sure of one thing. I wanted to know God. A certain man asked me a question earlier. He stopped me as I was head-ing to the library and asked me if I knew the most impor-tant or most difficult book in the world, I can’t remember which it was he asked. I drew a blank so I said the first thing that popped into my head: James Joyce’s, Finnegans Wake. He said it was the Bible. “Ah,” I thought, “That makes sense.” Then he asked me something that would change my life forever.

“Are you a sinner?” “Of course I’m a sinner”,

I knew that it would be my school for several reasons; the main being that it was the only UC that had creative writing as a major.

My freshman year was a lonely one. I had no friends and spent most of my time commuting back and forth to school. My second year was when the party started. I moved closer to campus and it was at this new loca-tion where I met people who would turn my antisocial life into a social one. That’s when I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried many things for the first time; marijuana, alcohol, and even ecstasy. Life

“Where will you go

when you die?” My

heart dropped when

I realized, without

him having to tell

me, that I was going

to hell. That’s when

it became urgent.

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Salvation Testimony

I told him. “Where will you go when

you die?” My heart dropped when I realized, without him having to tell me, that I was going to hell. That’s when it became urgent. I needed —not just wanted —to know what I could do to change that.

As luck would have it, I received a flyer that day from a woman named Young, inviting me to attend a Bible seminar for three days. At

this point, there were two voices in my head. One said, “You don’t want to go to that. You’re better off. It’ll be a waste of time,” and the other said, “Go.” I had free time and nothing to do. In the end the latter won.

I first walked into a room full of smiling, eager Korean people and immediately I felt intimidated. Not only was I the minority, I was the only one there. I wanted to run.

I am most happiest when I am used by God to cross borders and gain the hearts of the students of Tecate, Mexico.

12 • The Good News April 2012

I sat in the front row and just when I wondered when others might arrive, one of the men (Pastor Eddie) said let’s get started. “Great,” I thought. I could feel the pres-sure building up already. In spite of my anxiety, as soon as I saw the video presentation about IYF, my heart opened up to their organization and I decided that I wanted to be a part of it.

Then the sermon started. I sat on the left side of Pastor Eddie as he preached and he took me to Romans 5:19 which said,

For as by one man’s dis-obedience many were made

sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.

That’s when he explained two concepts, the righteous and sinners; heaven and hell. I didn’t understand what this meant but he didn’t fail to explain it in detail by taking me to many other verses in the Bible. I was so confused at the end of the day that half of me wanted to forget about it but the other half, which reminded me why I was there in the first place, was in-trigued so I decided to go the second day.

I was more eager and hungry to know more so I listened intently, but still couldn’t quite shake what I had learned all my life. I was taught that I had to be a good person and do good things to meet God. In my eyes, I was not fit to enter into the king-dom of heaven.

It was the last day, how-ever, when my life reached its turning point. There were two guys from an on cam-pus Christian organization

I knew that I could

no longer call myself

a sinner and that

I could no longer

believe in what I had

been taught all my

life. I knew then that

I was righteous.

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Salvation Testimony

who attended that day. They listened as I did and while things were still a bit foggy, I began to understand more and couldn’t help but to lis-ten. At the end of the sermon, Pastor asked if there were any questions. One of the men said, “Yes. I love Jesus. I love the Bible. I have many ques-tions for you,” and the debate started. He flipped through the pages, pointing out cer-tain verses. Mind you, many of his points were logical, but I couldn’t help but be more interested in what Pastor Eddie had to say.

It was then, where I re-membered Romans 5:19 and could clearly see the differ-ence between God’s righ-teousness (which Pastor Eddie represented) and man’s righ-teousness (which this man represented) and that’s when it clicked.

I knew then that I could no longer call myself a sinner and that I could no longer believe in what I had been taught all my life. I knew then that I was righteous and holy

in God’s sight, not because of what I had to do, but because of what Jesus did for me. So I accepted God’s Word into my heart and threw away what seemed logical.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stay longer to see the end of the debate because I had class. However, I could clearly see the will of God working in my life. There was a reason I attended UCR, a reason I had no class that day and just happened to walk by a table where people were passing out flyers to attend a Bible seminar on campus, a reason why I met brother Peter and his wife so that I could be able to attend church in LA on Sundays. It was all according to the will of God for me to receive salva-tion, for there to be a church established in Riverside, and for me to go out and “preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15) so that others can have the opportunity to receive the forgiveness of sin just as I did. For that, I am truly thankful.

Two Types of Righteousness

Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law [is] the knowledge of sin. But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God [which is] by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justi-fied freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth [to be] a propitia-tion through faith in his blood, to declare his righteous-ness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, [I say], at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. Where [is] boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.... (Romans 3:19-31)

An Excerpt from One of Pastor Ock Soo Park’s Sunday Services

14 • The Good News April 2012

DISCOVERING IS FAITHThere were a few people that preached this Gospel in Korea in the early 1960s. Nowadays, because our church readily preaches the Gospel, people just think of it as, “My sins are forgiven. I’m righteous now.” Even now there are many people that preach something similar to the Gospel, but it is rare to see anyone preaching the true Gospel.

There is one thing we must know precisely to live by faith. Faith is not me reading the Bible and trying to live by faith, but it is discovering. As we live spiritual life, if we are not happy after reading the Bible or if arriving late to service doesn’t bother us or making an offering to God seems like a waste, bit by bit our faith becomes vague. Rather than making us com-mit sins like theft, murder, or adultery, Satan makes us gradually avoid things that are burdensome. Spiritual life was actually easy when people were imprisoned or executed

erty wearing worn out shoes and an old suit.

Then he realized for the first time that there is a way to go to God regardless of the Law and the righteous-ness that is obtained by it; in other words by keeping the Ten Commandments and living as a good per-son not doing bad things. He was happy and deeply moved. “I found out that righteousness is received by the grace of God and not through the Law. I received that righteousness. Now I’m saved and I’m going to heav-en.” He cried, he laughed, and he danced all day long.

There is one thing

we must know pre-

cisely to live by faith.

Faith is not

me reading the Bible

and trying to live by

faith, but it is


16 • The Good News April 2012

for Jesus because it was a life or death situation. But spiri-tual life becomes hard when we are led by Satan to accept the flesh little by little think-ing, “I don’t have faith.”

If we know the Bible pre-cisely, we will have faith. Forgiveness of sins is not the only thing obtained by faith. When we live life itself with faith in Jesus, we will experi-ence limitless peace, joy, and hope that we couldn’t experi-ence in the world, and God will work in our life.

YOU CAN’T BECOME RIGHTEOUS BY THE LAWI want to ask you a question. Please raise your hand if you think, “I can become righteous if I keep the Law.” Next, raise your hand if you think, “Even though I keep the Law, I can’t become righteous.” You’re not sure, right? The Bible says, “The man that doeth them shall live in them.” One can become righteous by keeping the entire Law, but the prob-lem is that there is no one in the world who can do that.

That is why the Bible says, Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justi-fied in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

It said that no man is rec-ognized as righteous by keep-ing the Law. Even a person who seems good in our eyes can’t become righteous by keeping the Law. But Satan is very crafty. He makes every-one think they need to keep the Ten Commandments and do good deeds.

THIS MUCH IS ENOUGHI received salvation in 1962 and received training at the Daegu Missionary School. Many young people back then were determined to devote their life to the Gospel, but none of them is still preaching the Gospel today. Satan led them craftily down the path of corruption, little by little.

If we don’t know the Bible precisely, it’s likely that we will be deceived by Satan. Don’t trust in yourself think-ing, “I’m saved. I received the grace of God.” “Because

Sermon • 17

Sermon of the Month


born again people

think it’s okay to not

read the Bible, not

pray, not make an

offering, and arrive

late to service or not

attend at all.

18 • The Good News April 2012

I’m saved, it’s okay if I don’t read the Bible today. It’s okay if I miss service once. It’s okay if I don’t make an offering.” These thoughts seem harmless, but it’s Satan’s plan to lead you steadily into destruction. Most people don’t search the Bible in such situations, thinking, “What does it say in the Bible?” They trust their judgment, “This much is enough,” and they gradually fall into sin.

CHRISTIANS THAT ARE BECOMING SECULARIZED In the time of the Romans, Nero killed countless numbers of Christians.

Christianity spread all over Rome during that time and the number of Christians grew at an alarming rate that they were hiding every-where.

With the Korean War as the starting point, the num-ber of Christians in Korea increased until 1993 and started to decline slowly. Many pastors of mega-churches today shorten their sermons to make their con-gregation feel at ease. Now sermons are only fifteen minutes long, and most are going in the direction of hav-ing fun. Even churches with born again people are rapidly becoming secularized.

As the economy in Korea is getting better, there is a sharp drop in the num-ber of Christians. On the other hand, the number of people committing suicide is increasing because they don’t have true peace in their hearts. Even among Christians, the number of people that think, “I should receive salvation and go to

heaven,” is gradually decreas-ing. Additionally, born again people think it’s okay to not read the Bible, not pray, not make an offering, and arrive late to service or not attend at all.

THROUGH THE LIFE OF A MISSIONARY IN AFRICA As we toured the four African countries of Burundi, Zambia, Uganda, and Kenya, a reporter from the Joongang Daily accom-panied us. As he saw how our missionaries lived in Africa, he gave all the money he had on him to a mis-sionary and his wife. Then he cried and said to me, “Pastor, I never imagined a missionary would be living this poorly. I don’t believe in Jesus, but I want to continue helping these missionaries.”

Every time I go to Africa, I feel ashamed to have many clothes and shoes. I start to have the heart of wanting to mingle with the African brothers—contracting ma-laria, shedding tears, and

living in starvation and in rags like them.

During the Korean War, the GNP in Korea was $67, but now it is about $20,000. Korea is now unbelievably prosperous compared to that time. Nevertheless, people still feel insufficient, and the ambition that they need to live even better lives is holding a tight grip on their hearts. The Gospel that you received in such an age as this is invaluable. Many Christians today are de-ceived by Satan to keep the Law and do good to enter heaven because they don’t know the fact, “by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified”.

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Sermon of the Month

THE FIRST LADY RECEIVED SALVATIONOn my visit to Africa, a certain minister in Burundi helped me to meet the presi-dent and first lady of Burundi. The first lady was a pastor. I gave her a detailed expla-nation on how we became righteous according to the Bible. I preached the Gospel in Korean, which was inter-preted into English, and that was interpreted into the of-ficial language of Burundi. Ten minutes into my preach-ing, the expression on the Burundian interpreter started to change. The interpreter also attends church, and it was

the first time he heard such words. After around twenty minutes, the interpreter’s face turned red and the first lady quietly listened to me speak. The first lady and the inter-preter received salvation that day.

God gave us this Gospel to preach it. There are many people with a Bible in their hands when you go out into the streets. Ask them this question, “Can you become righteous if you keep the Law?” It’s written clearly in the Bible, “By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin,” but many Christians are going against the Bible by trying to become righteous through keeping the Law.

NOT PREACHING THE GOSPEL IS SIN A collection of my sermons were published in 1988 as The Secret of Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again. The majority of pastors in Korea at the time insisted, “We are sin-

We have to cry out

whether the people

hear it or not. If this

Gospel becomes

blurred, how can

your children and

their children

receive salvation?

20 • The Good News April 2012

ners,” and among the pastors that criticized me was a per-son who wrote a book saying, “I declare myself a sinner until death.”

A long time ago, a certain person living in Daejeon read my book and sent me $10,000 in cash. I actually went to that person’s house to pay him a visit, and that person was barely making ends meet. That money was lying on top of my desk for several days as I prayed, “God, how should I use this money?” While pray-ing, I wanted to make a pock-et edition of The Secret of Forgiveness of Sins and Being Born Again and distribute it to my fellow countrymen in North Korea. 10,000 pocket editions were printed for our Chinese brothers to distribute when they traveled to North Korea.

The evidence of people saved by grace becoming cor-rupt is reluctance in preach-ing the Gospel and offering money to God. The impor-tant thing here is that salva-tion can never be obtained

through the deeds of the Law. The Christians that are cor-rupt are those that remain still when there is a person right in front of them who doesn’t know this fact. That is sin. We have to cry out whether the people hear it or not. If this Gospel becomes blurred, how can your children and their children receive salvation?

TWO TYPES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS If we look at Romans 3:21, it says, “Not the deeds of the law, but the righteousness of God without the law is manifested,” we can see that there are two types of righteousness—the righteousness of the Law and the righteousness of God. The righteousness of the Law is where we become righteous by keeping the Law perfectly. The problem here is that there is no one who can keep the Law perfectly; therefore, no one is justified by the deeds of the Law. Even if one of them is violated, that person will be destroyed. Because we already violated the Law, no matter

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Sermon of the Month

how well we keep it in the future, we will be destroyed. People think they will be fine if they start keeping the Law even though they violated it in the past, but that is wrong.

We heard the Gospel and received salvation after realizing on a certain day, “There really is no flesh that is justified by the deeds of the Law. We freely receive salva-tion by the grace of Jesus.” But after receiving salvation, there are times when we lie or go against the Word, right? Should we be keeping the Law during that time? Not so. It can never be done through the deeds of the Law. In other

Because God cruci-

fied such people like

us, spiritual life is

when we acknowl-

edge we are dead,

receive the heart of

Jesus and live with

the heart of Jesus.

22 • The Good News April 2012

words, there is no method in me to become righteous because I’m very wicked and filthy.

YOU CAN’T BECOME GOOD BECAUSE YOU ARE SAVED The life span of cars in the past was 200,000 km, but cars today go over 1,000,000 km. That is why it’s rare for a car to become useless because of a worn out engine. An engine is swapped out when it’s battered. Likewise, when a certain part is no longer use-ful, only that part is swapped out. The only time we throw out the old car and buy a new one is when all of the parts are useless.

In the case with people, let’s say everything is perfect, but they did one thing wrong such as lying or stealing. They might think correcting only that one thing would be fine, but in God’s eyes, mankind is a “lump of evil” that can nev-er become good. That is why God had to destroy mankind, but Jesus received the judg-ment instead. Therefore, not

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Sermon of the Month

only can we not become good just because we are saved, but we are still evil.

LIVING WITH THE HEART OF THE LORDJust like Galatians 5:19 said, God can never be served with this flesh because fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, witchcraft, and hatred contin-ue to arise from within every-one until their death. Because God crucified such people like us, spiritual life is when we acknowledge that we are dead, receive the heart of Jesus and live with the heart of Jesus. It’s not done with me becom-ing good, holy, and righteous. When people don’t grasp this fact, many of them make an effort to become good and serve God well by keeping the Law. Then you are completely going against God.

A broken engine is swapped out for a new one. Likewise, God wants you to disregard the good and evil things inside of you and live with the heart and Words of Jesus.

ENTRUSTING MY SICK HEART TO THE LORD As I spent the past fifty years in Jesus, there are many things that I am grateful to the Lord for. One of them is when my heart started to get worse from 1990. I almost died in 1999 when I felt pain in my heart. During the time when the mission center was being built in Daejeon, rocks were being attached to the walls of the building. My heart was palpitating, and I couldn’t watch the people working on the seventh floor. That is when I thought, “Would I be able to live one more year?” When I put the stethoscope to my chest, I heard my heart beating, but it would stop beating for a while.

Then one day, I was ex-amined by a well-renowned cardiologist in New York. He told me that I couldn’t be treated because the electrical impulses to my heart were leaking. That is why I entrust-ed this heart problem to the Lord. Then the Lord healed

I can’t become

righteous by doing

good deeds and

keeping the Law,

but I can become

righteous by accept-

ing the righteous-

ness of Jesus.

24 • The Good News April 2012

my heart in August 1999. Since 1999, I was able to take on the many World Camp schedules as were humanly impossible.

RECEIVE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS No matter how many good deeds we do, we can’t enter heaven with that. Salvation is throwing away that meth-od and freely accepting the righteousness done by Jesus. Likewise, the life I live with my methods and the life where I offer myself to Jesus is different. I can’t become righteous by doing good deeds and keeping the Law,

but I can become righteous by accepting the righteous-ness of Jesus. Likewise, when I entrust my family and children to Jesus, God will perfectly lead them.

People who know that no flesh shall be justified by the deeds of the Law, although they are not good and have committed sins, don’t try to become righteous through the Law. If you continue to live a filthy and dirty life after receiving the righteous-ness of Jesus, you shouldn’t make an effort to live a good life. You should rather say, “Jesus, why am I filthy? Please come and lead me.”

We received the forgive-ness of sins by grace, but we try to live our life through our methods. That is why Satan gives Christians the heart that it will be difficult and things will not work out if they live through the methods of God. He makes them to go towards the flesh and ultimately not preach the Gospel. He fills them with carnal desires and

Pastor Ock Soo ParkSenior Pastor of Good News Gangnam ChurchChief Advisor of International Youth Fellowship (IYF)

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Sermon of the Month

be accomplished and not your efforts. When you live for the Lord and not for yourself, your life will be at peace, and it will become whole.

Loving people, Jesus sacrificed His life for you. It would be great if there was someone among us who could burn himself for Jesus. I hope someone among you will stand up to live only for the Gospel and be ashamed to live for yourself.

When I entrusted my children, family, and every-thing of mine to the Lord, I saw how God took care of everything and led me to be blessed. I hope God will bestow the same grace upon all of you.

strongly drags them to live such a life.

A LIFE PREPARED BY THE LORD We have a life lived with our methods and a life prepared by God. People know that the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15 succeeded when he lived with his father’s methods and failed when he lived with his methods, but they are not able to put down their “self ”. That is why they live the life of the prodigal son following their methods. You can never be happy if you live with your methods. If you offer your life to the Lord and the Lord leads your life, the perfect righteousness of Jesus will

26 • The Good News April 2012

Open Heart

Wisdom to Yield

There are painful and despairing situa-tions, such as when a child’s health is at

stake due to acute meningitis, but then is made worse by pneumonia and other chronic illnesses. Financial crisis, fiscal deficit, and unemployment are serious problems many coun-tries are struggling with, but on top of those issues, there are some countries that deal with earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters.

We often encounter situa-tions in life that can’t be solved with our own abilities. What do we do then? The Bible says, “… Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and con-sulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he

sendeth an ambassage, and de-sireth conditions of peace.” (Luke 14:31-32) If you conclude that it is a losing fight, it is wise to surrender quickly.

During the age of Imperialism, after victories in the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese War, Japan was full of confidence. When the United States intervened to stop Japan from exploit-ing its colonies and stopped the exportation of steel, Japan believed they could win the battle and initiated the Pacific War. However, the United States’ power was entirely dif-ferent from the national and military power of China and Russia.

Initially, the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was effective, but soon after, Japan suffered consecutive defeats, lost its islands in the Pacific, and eventually their mainland was

Small Talk • 27

28 • The Good News April 2012

Open Heart

bombed. However, leaders in Japan armed with the samurai spirit did not surrender. They were determined to resist the United States even if only one man was left standing with a bamboo spear in hand. To avoid this worst case scenario, America dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Only then did the Japanese emperor proclaim their unconditional surrender.

Although it was fortunate they eventually surrendered, surrendering after experiencing the atomic bomb was unwise. If it is a losing fight to begin with, the sooner the surrender, the better. During the battle between the ten-thousand and the twenty-thousand, there can only be news of defeat, death, and failure. A govern-ment that lets many youths die in such a battle, and lets its people starve and suffer from disease, poverty and pain to fund such a war, is a govern-ment unfit to lead.

If you hear news of failure and defeat everyday, you are fighting the fight between the

ten-thousand and the twenty-thousand. But the one living a victorious and graceful life is the one who ended such a fight and quickly surrendered to God. Those still struggling to keep the Law and live ac-cording to the Word are those fighting the losing fight. When someone with a heart full of sin attempts to abide by the Holy Law of God, it is more difficult than fighting against twenty-thousand with ten-thousand. This is the reason behind the unending failure, pain and frustration experi-enced by those who attempt to live a diligent spiritual life. The Bible tells us to consult and consider, meaning you will reach a conclusion when you consult the Word and consider your options. This is to surrender. Most important-ly, surrender from your heart! Don’t surrender after suffering from a serious illness or acci-dent, but surrender while you are still young and full of life and understanding to consider the Words. That is true wis-dom. (Editorial Dept.)

A collection of sermons

by Pastor Ock Soo Park.


which is the greatest

gift that God has given us,

is now revealed.




1. The Four Lepers

2. Jacob and Esau

3. Woman Caught in Adultery

4. The Man With an In�rmity for 38 Years

5. The Chief Butler and the Chief Baker

6. Eternal Redemption

7. Man Hit by Robbers

8. The Power of Samson

9. Cain and Abel

Meditation and Contemplation

The Eyes of Grace

What grace did Noah find? What was that grace? Often the Word of God can have a double meaning or a meaning that is obvious to our understanding.

Most of us think of grace as something good like more money, a material gift, or even good luck in an otherwise difficult situ-ation. Additionally, we also think that grace is the result of our good deeds or actions. In reality, both of these ideas or thoughts are wrong.

First, let’s determine if Noah did something to receive grace from God. In Genesis chapter 6:5, God describes man as only evil continually. Does this description apply to Noah? Yes, be-cause Noah is a man. So if Noah is only evil in front of God, what can he possibly do to receive God’s grace? The answer is nothing. Grace is not something we earn; it is a free and uncon-ditional gift from God. If grace was something we could earn, it wouldn’t be grace.

So then what grace did Noah receive that he didn’t deserve to receive? Noah received salvation. He was chosen by God to build an Ark—an Ark that would allow him to survive God’s judgment through the flood. Not only was Noah saved but his family as well. Hidden in the story of Noah’s Ark is God’s promise to us all. God wants to save us and our families as well, not by our doing something or by our good deeds, but by God’s grace.

32 • The Good News April 2012

The Strange Man in Black

I was spending the day at one of the most delight-ful country houses in Scotland. One of the

guests present was a man of rare and wide learning and culture, with charming man-ners, and that easy and grace-ful address which makes him as welcome in the drawing-room as in the cottage. With his face brightening up, he said to me, “I will tell you a story that will interest you. I can vouch for its truthfulness in every particular.”

Marie was the daughter of a very distinguished and wealthy family. When she was quite young, about twen-

ty I believe, she was married to a young man of equal wealth and high social posi-tion. As was common, these young people were worldly and gay, given to everything going on in the fashionable world, and had nothing to do but to amuse themselves and gratify every whim and fancy which an idle fancy suggested. Of course they were utterly destitute of any spiritual knowledge of God and Christ, though, in their own way, devout Roman Catholics.

Shortly after their mar-riage they went one night to the theatre and witnessed a

by a knock at the door. I went and found there a girl from the village I had known for some time. She had come to ask my husband to go and see a poor woman who was dying, and who refused to let any of the neighbours see her; “and you could not go,” said the girl, “for her room is never cleaned, and never has any air in it. She is a poacher’s wife, and her husband is a drunk-ard and neglects her.”

“I will see her tomorrow,” I said, “if my husband has not returned home.” But I became restless and very uneasy, and it was not long before I had drawn my waterproof closely

Small Talk • 33

Words of Wisdom

play, in which, in one of the scenes, there was enacted the slaughter of the Huguenots. The scene was so vivid and life-like that it greatly distressed the mind of the lady. She asked her husband, with bated breath and strained eyes, what it meant. The reply was, “It is a representation of the killing of the Huguenots.” “Why were they killed?” asked his young wife. “Oh, they were killed for their heretical religion.” “And was it for no other reason than for their religion?” “For no other reason; they were heretics.” “And who had them killed?”

“Why, I suppose it was done by order of the Church; they were heretics.” “And did our holy Church have these poor people massacred for no other reason than for believ-ing Jesus Christ could save them without the help of our Church?” “For no other reason, so far as I know,” was the reply. “They were not criminals, but heretics.” And as best he could the young husband related the story of the massacre, without either justifying or condemning it, speaking of it rather as a mat-

34 • The Good News April 2012

ter of course. This scene, and the

story of the slaughter of the Huguenots, with which she had not been familiar, so wrought upon the young wife that she begged her husband to take her home. For days she could not shake off the impression of that scene and the story. It continued to weigh upon her mind until she fell into a deep state of melancholy and profound conviction of sin. There was none to help or instruct her, and she was as utterly igno-rant of the Bible as she was destitute of the possession of one.

The husband became so distressed and alarmed at his wife’s condition that he called in medical advice. After hearing from the hus-band the occasion of his wife’s mental distress, and from the lady herself the sto-ry of her horror “that these poor people should be killed for their religion,” and being plied by her with questions concerning religion which he was utterly unable to answer, the physician withdrew and reported the case to the hus-band. “It is a case of religious monomania—a very bad one. You must act at once and promptly, or your wife

Small Talk • 35

Words of Wisdom

will fall into hopeless melancholia, and perhaps end in permanent insanity. Do anything and everything that will divert her mind from the terrible subject that possesses her.”

Acting upon this advice the husband began a round of pleasure and fashionable dissipation, such as even they had never before indulged in. Night after night they were out at the theatre, at con-certs, at balls, and entertain-ments, the wife going reluc-tantly but obediently. One night they were at a great ball in the city. Of a sudden, like an apparition, there darted

out before them a strange man dressed in black. He stepped up to the lady, and without a word of introduc-tion or apology for speaking, said, with great eagerness, “Madam, do you know ‘The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin?’” (1 John 1:7) To this startling and unheard-of proclamation the lady re-plied, “What did you say, sir? Will you repeat those words?” At which the peculiar man in black again declared without

36 • The Good News April 2012

note or comments, but with intense eagerness and pathos, “The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son cleanseth us from all sin,” and then disappeared as suddenly and as strangely as he had appeared.

The lady stood still for a moment dumbfounded, and then remarked to her hus-band, “Did you ever hear that before? That is the most ex-traordinary statement I ever heard. What can it mean?” But as she spoke and mused on these words, and climbed the broad and lofty stairway, there fell upon her a peace so sweet and ecstatic that her whole face seemed lit up with

an unearthly gladness. She went at once into the crowd-ed saloon, and approaching the first lady whom she saw, she said to her, “I have just heard the most extraordinary statement. I wonder if you ever heard it, and what does it mean, ‘The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin?’”

In a few minutes the words were whispered from lip to ear, “Marie has gone mad.” But, like Paul, she was not mad, only filled with the gladness of God’s blessed peace. Nothing the excited state of mind in which his wife had been thrown, her

Small Talk • 37

Words of Wisdom

husband took her home. For days she simply dwelt in a paradise of joy, repeating over and over again the extraor-dinary words, “The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.”

She found out finally where the saying came from. For the first time she got hold of a Bible, and soon, through reading the New Testament, she learned the whole glad truth.

Some months after the husband joined his wife in her new faith, and himself parted from the supersti-tion of Rome. This lady lived on for sixty years, and

never ceased to carry her joy and testimony wherever she went.

The singular thing about the whole matter was the sudden appearance of the man in black in that house on the night of a great ball, and his apparently mad ap-proach to the ballroom. He had occasion to visit the mas-ter of the house that night on urgent business, and as he was leaving, he was seized with an irresistible impulse to tell the first person he met that “The Blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin.” (1 John 1:7) (A story by G.F. Pentecost)

38 • The Good News April 2012

Nevertheless, Not as I Will, but as Thou Wilt

“I can bear anything else but the cross! It is too pain-ful!” Jesus might have thought this way because of His flesh. Jesus did say, “My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death…” In the end, Jesus prayed, “Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” Jesus was able to take the cross because the Word of God took hold of His heart. Jesus followed the will of God above His own will.

ALTHOUGH JESUS HAD GOOD JUDGMENTWe can see through Jesus’ life that the Word of God was clear and distinct in His heart. We can especially see this distinction in Matthew 4 where Satan tempts Jesus.

When Satan came to Jesus and said, “If thou be the Son of God, command

that these stones be made bread”, Jesus didn’t reply, “I don’t think so. I don’t want to make these stones into bread.” When Satan tempt-ed Jesus to fall from the pinnacle of the temple or to bow down and worship him, Jesus didn’t say, “I don’t think so, I don’t want to fall down from there.” Nor did

Sermon • 39

Repentance and Faith

there were many times when Jesus worked while I was doing the work of God. God also fulfilled many works that seemed impossible. After people experience many of these works, their hearts begin to be filled with thoughts like, “It will work if I do it like this, This way will work for this prob-lem, If I witness this way, I can do it”. So instead of seeking God’s will precisely or looking for God’s Words, many times we live accord-ing to our human opinions and thoughts. However, Jesus didn’t live like that.

BECAUSE WE ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF ADAMThe difference between Adam and Jesus is the posi-tion of their hearts before the Word of God. God spoke very clearly to Adam.

And the LORD God com-manded the man saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat

He say, “I don’t think so. I don’t want to bow down and worship you.” Although Jesus’ judgment was ex-ceptional, He never relied on His own thoughts, but rather answered, “It is writ-ten.…”

It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4) Jesus always said, “It is

written...” This is the differ-ence between Jesus and us.

I CAN DECIDEMany brothers and sisters rely on their own judgments and opinions to make deci-sions rather than seek God’s Word.

They may think things like, “Since I have received salvation…”, “I have lived spiritual life for many years…”, “Since I have become a minister…”, “Although I don’t seek God’s Word, I can make a decision about this...”.

After I received salvation,

40 • The Good News April 2012

of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die (Genesis 2:16-17)

Although God spoke to Adam, his thoughts inf lu-enced him more than God’s Word.

Instead of establishing the Word of God “If you eat of the tree of the knowl-edge of good and evil, you will surely die,” inside their hearts, Adam and Eve were enticed by Satan to follow their thoughts. Eating the fruit seemed like a good idea in their own judg-ment, and that took hold of their hearts instead. Adam departed from the Word of

God and followed his own thoughts.

When we are tempted by Satan, we often follow our own good judgments to make decisions instead of seeking God’s will or the Words of Jesus, just like Adam did when he commit-ted sin. As a result, we are deceived by Satan countless times.

THE REASON WE FAIL IN SPIRITUAL LIFEI saw that many people who realized the Gospel tried very hard to live for it. I also saw many who gave up all their possessions and even their own lives to serve the Gospel. However, I also saw the very same people end up following their strong judg-ments and fall into their own human methods when their flesh was in pain.

This is the difference between Jesus and us. Jesus established God in His heart by continually medi-tating on God’s Word and by praying whenever it was

When Jesus was

tempted by Satan,

He didn’t speak

of his own will or

opinions. The Word

of God was always

established inside

of Jesus.

Sermon • 41

Repentance and Faith

quiet and free. We, on the other hand, are satisfied by just realizing the Gospel or grasping the Words of Jesus. However, we still often serve and follow after the plea-sures of the f lesh.

This is how many pre-cious workers end up leaving the Gospel. They distance themselves from God by trying to do good deeds through the f lesh and end up reaching the point of no return when they think, “I can’t do this anymore,” and give up. They often fall into sin after trying to resist the power of the f lesh.

When Jesus was tempted by Satan, He didn’t speak of His own will or opinions. The Word of God was always established inside of Jesus. It was because Jesus often dealt with the Word of God and prayed. On the other hand, we become arrogant if we realize some Word of God, or get our prayers answered, or if people receive salvation through

our preaching, or if we get acknowledged at church, or if we are established to be-come ministers. Then with-out knowing it, we begin to lift ourselves up. We often live following after our thoughts after we do a good job or if we already have a reputation for doing good work. As a result, we don’t seek God’s will or His Word. This is exactly why so many Christians today stop believ-ing in God, are corrupted, and fail in spiritual life.

NEVERTHELESS, NOT AS I WILLIn Matthew 26:36, Jesus

42 • The Good News April 2012

goes to Gethsemane to pray for the last time before He is crucified. There, Jesus had one last fight with His f lesh. His f lesh may have caused Him to think, “I have followed the Word of God till now. But now, I will live according to my own judgment. I can bear anything but the cross! It’s

too painful! I don’t want the crown of thorns. It’s too difficult. I really hate this!” Jesus would have found it difficult when He heard the voice of the f lesh. Jesus expressed His sorrow saying, “My soul is exceeding sor-rowful unto death...”

Jesus prayed at the end, “O My Father, if it be pos-sible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.” The will of God was above His own will and the Word of God was raised inside His heart. Although He was the Son of God, Jesus finally chose the cross.

HE WAS OBEDIENT UNTO DEATHIn John19, all the prophecies of Jesus were fulfilled ac-cording to the Word of God. It was recorded beforehand

that the soldiers would cast lots for the clothes of

Jesus. Even Jesus crying when He

was thirsty

The will of God was

above His will and

the Word of God

was raised inside

His heart. Although

Jesus was the Son

of God, He finally

chose the cross.

Sermon • 43

Repentance and Faith

was recorded before in the Word of God. The entire life of Jesus was so. Finally Jesus said, “It is finished.” Then He gave up His spirit. Jesus lived entirely according to the Word of God, and at the end, He chose the will of God, defeating the power of the flesh in front of the cross. It is recorded in the Bible,

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (Philippians 2:5-8)

The Lord desires us to follow the same path that He took. From time to time when the flesh hates the will of God and goes against it, we must fight against the flesh with the Word of God and defeat it just as Jesus did.

If parents grant all the re-quests of their children, their children grow up to live a dissipated and corrupt life because they haven’t learned to control their desires. In the same way, if we consent to all the desires of our flesh, we will disappoint the Lord and our flesh will ultimately take over and lead us to destruction.

There were many occa-sions when precious servants of God were corrupted. They did well serving God, but at the last moment they gave up living spiritual life because they weren’t able to overcome the power of the flesh. I hope that today, we who are born again can fight against the wants and desires of our flesh and live as precious children of God by establishing and follow-ing the Word of God in our hearts just as Jesus did. We will also receive the joy of sharing the glory of Jesus Christ if we live this way.(An excerpt from Pastor Ock Soo

Park’s sermon)

44 • The Good News April 2012

Jesus Came to Minister to Us

THOSE WHO MINISTER TO GODFor even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. (Mark 10:45)

It is written in the Bible

that Jesus came to the world, not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give His life as a ransom for many. But many who attend church look like they are minis-tering to God, instead of being ministered to. Most

Jesus came to the world to minister to us instead of being ministered to. Jesus didn’t like being min-istered to and rejected it. He said, “I came to serve you.” So what do we need to worry about then? Even if situations and circumstances don’t seem favorable, Jesus helps us because it is promised in the Bible.

Sermon • 45

Admonition of the Lord

People try to minis-

ter to Jesus because

they either don’t

know or don’t be-

lieve in the purpose

of His coming to the

world. He came to

minister to us.

Christians become people who minister to God.

They think, “I need to worship God sincerely! I need to tithe and make of-ferings! I need to glorify and gratify God. Unless I please God, He will not listen to my prayers. Look! Because I did not please God, my child got into a car accident.”

TERMINALLY ILL PATIENTS NEED CAREGIVERSPeople try to minister to Jesus because they either don’t know or don’t believe in the purpose of His com-ing to the world. Jesus did not come to judge or to be

ministered to. He came to minister to us.

For example, let’s assume that someone was terminally ill and was hospitalized. They wouldn’t be able to go to the bathroom by them-selves. Neither could they get up by themselves because they would be too ill. In that case, that person would need someone to take care of them. In fact, patients who stay in intensive care need caregivers who know how to look after them well.

Terminally ill patients need caregivers and will accept their help. Who in the world would ask why a caregiver came when they are sick? What terminally ill pa-tient would think that they should minister to their care-giver? When they say, “I am thirsty. Please give me some water,” the caregiver would say, “Of course.” When they say, “My back is aching. I want to lie on my side,” the caregiver would help them again. What kind of caregiv-er would say, “Just keep lying

46 • The Good News April 2012

on your back; I am busy”? If they did that, they should be fired. If a patient said, “I’m uncomfortable lying on my side, please erect the bed again,” no caregiver would say, “This patient is so picky. He just turned himself over. He needs to just stay put.” They would always say yes if patients ask for help.

SPIRITUALLY CRITICAL PATIENTS LIKE USWe are corrupt and estranged from God from the womb. We aren’t able to please God because we are like critical patients. We can’t be holy, or do any righteous deeds. Since we were estranged from God from birth, we can’t minister to God. Spiritually speaking, we can neither stand on our own nor turn ourselves over. Nor can we go to the bath-room by ourselves. We are spiritually critical patients. God knows this and that’s why He sent Jesus, our care-giver, to help us. John 3:16 says,

“For God so loved the

world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

God sent us His only Son as a caregiver because He loved us. He didn’t come to be ministered to by us. He came to minister to critical patients like us. But many people try to minister to God even though they’re in a critical condition. They try to be holier, keep the law, and pray more. This is like critical patients trying to take care of their caregivers. What nonsense!

IT’S THE SAME AS NOT HAVING ITOnce I got a haircut at a bar-ber shop near my house, and was about to pay. But I real-ized I didn’t have any money. I thought I took some with me when I left the house, but I couldn’t find it when I went to pay. I was absolutely em-barrassed. I apologized to the barber many times, saying, “I thought I brought some

Sermon • 47

Admonition of the Lord

Jesus washed their sins com-pletely. Their sins won’t be washed at the moment they believe Jesus already washed them. Whether they believe it or not, their sins have already been washed. They only need to believe this fact. It’s not like Jesus washes our sins when we believe His work. Even before we believe it, our sins have already been taken care of at the cross. We only need to realize that our sins have already been

money with me, but I can’t find it. I live near here, so I’ll come back shortly.” When I got home, I took off my clothes to take a shower and found something in my back pocket. It was the money I was look-ing for. I never keep money in my back pocket but on that day, I did.

When I was looking for the money at the barber shop, I had it with me. I apologized, saying, “I thought I brought it with me, but I can’t find it. I will go and bring it now.” I had the money with me but I didn’t know. People that don’t know they have money are like people who don’t have money. Likewise, Jesus came to minister to us, but we have tried to minister to Him throughout our lives, never being ministered to by Him.

From time to time I meet people who can’t believe

48 • The Good News April 2012

washed away. This is why the Bible says in John 17:3,

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.Unfortunately, so many

people don’t know what Jesus did for us. They don’t know Jesus is ministering to us.

IF THE WORD OF GOD SAYS JESUS CAME TO MINISTER TO USDuring the World Camp last July, a one day camp was held at COEX in Daegu. I was so surprised to see participants from all over

the world attend the camp. Pastor Park told us, “This time teachers will serve students like princes and princesses.” But there were no attractions the students would like in Daegu.

So we wanted to take them to the amusement park, Woobang Land. But tickets cost $24 per student. That means we would have to pay $72,000 for 3,000 students. It was more than we could af-ford. I asked one of the min-isters to meet with an official of Woobang Land to ask for a reduced cost and he said that he could reduce it to $14. But that was still too expensive for us. Then he asked us how much we could afford to spend, and we ended up pay-ing a very low amount. The students were able to have a great time there.

I’m not good at negotiat-ing prices so Jesus ministered for the students instead of me. When the ministers of youth from around 20 coun-tries came, it was very expen-sive to host them. For this

What do we need to

worry about then?

Even if situations

and circumstances

don’t seem favor-

able, Jesus helps us

because it is prom-

ised in the Bible.

Sermon • 49

Admonition of the Lord

burden we had to negotiate prices again. When the camp was over, it was clear that Jesus had ministered for us.

Jesus came to the world to minister to us instead of being ministered to. Jesus didn’t like being ministered to and rejected it. He said, “I came to serve you.” So what do we need to worry about then? Even if situations and circumstances don’t seem favorable, Jesus helps us because it is promised in the Bible. Sometimes people complain, saying, “Jesus is supposed to help me, but why is my son like this? My husband is in trouble, too. Does this mean that Jesus is helping me?” If the Word of God says that He helps us, we only need to trust it. But when we consider situations, we don’t remain in faith because the situation seems unfavorable to us.

However bad our circum-stances may seem, Jesus helps us because it is promised in the Bible. We only need to believe His Word.

EVEN THOUGH GOD WAS WITH KING AHAZIAH In 2 Kings 1, King Ahaziah fell from the lattice of his up-per room and became ill. So he sent his servants to Ekron to enquire of Baalzebub to heal him. Afterwards, God sent the prophet Elijah and rebuked King Ahaziah.

But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say unto them, Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron? Now therefore thus saith the LORD, Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die. And Elijah departed.(2 Kings 1:3-4)God felt very sorry for

Ahaziah and rebuked him, saying, “Is it not because there is not a God in Israel, that ye go to enquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron?” When God said, “Is it not because there is not

50 • The Good News April 2012

Pastor Dong-sung KimSenior Pastor of Good News Daegu Church

a God,” He meant that God was in Israel. The fact that He was in Israel means that He was with Ahaziah as well.

God loved Israel. Even though Ahab, Ahaziah’s fa-ther, was very wicked and his mother, Jezebel, was very cun-ning and sinful, God was with Israel. That’s why God left the great prophet Elijah in Israel and continued to intervene in their affairs. God wanted to work through Ahaziah and bless Israel. But Ahaziah thought, “Will God work for a person like me? My parents rebelled against Him. He will not work for me. He will not listen to my prayers.” Ahaziah didn’t know that God was with him even though he was. He was tricked by Satan.

YOU ONLY NEED TO BELIEVE AS IT IS WRITTENPeople are tricked by Satan into regarding their experi-ences and situations in order to deny the Word of God. They think, “Even though God says that He will help us, He only helps spiritual pastors. He will not help me. Think about my situation. If He helps me, why is it like this?” That is really just like saying, “Why on earth would Jesus help me? I don’t even tithe well. I don’t think Jesus will help me.” They are de-ceived by Satan.

We need to believe that God is with us and Jesus came to minister to us as it is written in the Bible, regard-less of our circumstances.

Meditation and Contemplation • 51

52 • The Good News April 2012

The Mindset of People Who Came Out of the Ark

It is foolish to be concerned with your own self image when the Gospel is so powerful in itself. God is telling us to turn away from ourselves. Things may or may not work out according to the flesh so we should not regard it. Rather, we should follow the Word of God because when the Word of God comes into us, it overcomes all circumstances and accomplishes all things.

Sermon • 53

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

LIKE THE CANDLESTICKS IN THE SANCTUARYUpon entering the tabernacle, one would find the altar and then the laver. After the priest offered sheep and oxen, he washed his hands at the laver. This is a figure of people who are saved washing the prideful remnants of the hearts after doing the work of the Gospel. I saw God was leading me to live that kind of life. After the laver, there was the sanctuary which contained the show-bread, candlesticks and the altar of incense.

Last summer, we had the World Camp in Busan for the second time. Since I was the

director of the camp, I wanted to fall into the Bible before the camp began. When my heart falls into the Word, I can present the Word of God which both teaches me and makes other people’s hearts shine brightly. I saw that this is the figure of the candle-sticks shining light from the sanctuary. I wanted to pray to God like the priest that burnt incense every morning.

As I continued, I remem-bered the Word Jesus spoke to Peter, “I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not.” As the Word says, it was Jesus who held on to Peter.

I thought to myself, “Just like Peter, Jesus is praying for my faith not to fail! That prayer is holding me!” I had the heart that the Lord was holding on to me. I could see Pastor Ock Soo Park would be praying for the World Camp and for me to carry out the work. This strength kept me standing.

I also prayed when I had time. Even though there were a lot of things to be done

When my heart

falls into the Word,

I can present the

Word of God which

both teaches me

and makes other

people’s hearts

shine brightly.

54 • The Good News April 2012

and each work was impor-tant, whenever I had time, I kneeled in front of God and opened the Bible to meditate on the Word. This made my heart abundant. “Wherever I may be, the Word of God is with me and the Lord is in me”. This heart allowed me to be relaxed and free regardless of whatever work I had to do.

MAN’S HEART IS EVIL FROM HIS YOUTH Later on while reading the Bible, God gave me the Word in Genesis 8. The story in

chapter 8 is about Noah’s family

living a new life after coming out of the ark. I saw that there is a mindset we should have when going into the ark and also a mindset we should have when coming out of the ark. First, I found the mindset we should have when going into the ark in Genesis 6:5.

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.(Genesis 6:5)People that can enter the

ark know that their thoughts are evil. People who are led by their own thoughts can never enter the ark. Even though

Noah declared that the flood would bring judg-

ment, if people were led by thoughts like, “Can it rain enough

to cover the whole world with wa-

ter?” would they enter the ark? Only people who knew their thoughts

Sermon • 55

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

were evil and forsook them could enter the ark.

Genesis 8 shows the mind-set a person should have when coming out of the ark.

And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord smelled a sweet savour; and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagi-nation of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.(Genesis 8:20~21)God said that He would

never curse the ground again for man’s sake. Why? Because the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth. What does that mean? Even though you came out of the ark, you are still evil. You are evil from your youth. Just as you had no part in your own salvation when you received it, neither do you have any part in the work of the Holy

Spirit after receiving salvation. It means that even though we receive salvation, we are still filthy evil humans. If we do work, it will be compromised, and if our own work emerges, everything will be defiled. Therefore, God tells us to stop looking at ourselves and only look upon Jesus. God changes our perspective from looking at ourselves to looking upon Jesus.

I had true peace in my heart standing before the Word of God. I should not be the one who does the work of the Gospel. “If the Lord works, everything will be graceful!” I received this heart and had rest.

BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY, AND REPLENISH THE EARTHIn Genesis 8, after God said not to regard our image that was still evil, He also said,

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22)

The earth represents our

56 • The Good News April 2012

fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.(Genesis 9:2)God is saying that all the

things of the world are de-livered into the hands of the Gospel. If we do not consider ourselves but instead boldly preach the Gospel, all the things of the world will yield before the Gospel.

“As God placed the church above all creation, He placed the Gospel above the author-ity of the world!”

God stirred up this heart in me. I observed that the ser-vants of faith were not subject to anything but boldly walked the path of a preacher by the power of the Gospel. I often saw authorities bowing their heads before the Gospel wher-ever the Gospel was delivered.

It is foolish to be concerned with your own self image when the Gospel is so power-ful in itself. God is telling us to turn away from ourselves. Things may or may not work out according to the flesh so we should not regard it but rather follow the Word of

flesh. While there is flesh, good things and bad things continue. In Genesis 9:1 it says, “And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multi-ply, and replenish the earth.” To be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth means to preach the Gospel. God didn’t regard our miserable flesh but rather established the Gospel. He made us to preach that Gospel.

And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the

To be fruitful, and

multiply, and re-

plenish the earth

means to preach the

Gospel. God didn’t

regard our miser-

able flesh but estab-

lished the Gospel.

Sermon • 57

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

God, because when the Word of God comes into us, it over-comes all circumstances and accomplishes all things.

BUSAN CITY OFFICIALS SURPRISEDDuring the last World Camp, we saw that the power of Gospel is above the author-ity of the world. Before the camp, Pastor Ock Soo Park told us to invite ten ministers from countries around the world, but it wasn’t easy. If we invited more than 10 and one or two were absent we would still have the 10 we needed, so I showed a list of 16 ministers to Pastor Park. When Pastor Park saw the list, he told me to invite 20. Inviting 10 people was difficult, but now it was 20. We added all the ministers from the countries that we could invite and it was less than 30 countries. We in-vited as many as we could and it was 26 people. However, all 26 ministers wanted to come to the World Camp in Korea. Busan city officials were surprised to hear that minis-

ters from around 20 countries were planning to visit Busan. At first they didn’t think much of the camp so they weren’t interested in helping us, but when they saw the list of the ministers who were coming to Korea, city officials started moving quickly saying that the mayor would prepare an official dinner and so on.

This is what God did for the work of the Gospel. Even though I initiated the work of inviting the ministers, I wasn’t the one who actually did the work. I just took a rest and the will of the Lord to ad-vance the Gospel by inviting them accomplished the work. Even though there was a pos-sibility of something going wrong, I could rest because it was not done by my authority. As I rested in the work, it was fun.

LET’S GO OUT OF THE CITY TO BETHANYIn the beginning, Abraham was continually regarding himself. He thought that he couldn’t bear a son be-

58 • The Good News April 2012

cause he and his wife Sarah were old. God waited until Abraham was 99 years old, when he could no longer look to himself, to give him His Word. Abraham was free from himself and became a

person who was inf luenced by the Word of God alone. Whenever we are led by the Lord, everything is accom-plished according to the will of God.

God has placed the Gospel above of all creation. The Gospel is truly great. God committed His Gospel unto us who are nothing, because it is not us who could work but rather the ability is in the Gospel. It’s so foolish for us to lead ourselves. Regardless of who we are, we should all leave ourselves out of the work of the Gospel. Since God already told us that He will not regard us, there is no reason for us to cling to

ourselves.I once preached

about Bethany during Sunday service. Jesus often went to Bethany to rest and pray. Bethany wasn’t inside

a city like Jerusalem. What kind of people

lived outside of the city?

The Gospel is truly

great. God commit-

ted His Gospel unto

us who are nothing,

because it is not

us who could work

but rather the abil-

ity is in the Gospel.

Sermon • 59

Iron Sharpeneth Iron

People who were despised, like Simon the leper, people who were dirty, filthy and foolish were gathered there. What power could they have in their own lives? I had the heart that Jesus would have been happy while praying and taking a rest there. I looked for traces of what Jesus had done in Bethany in the Bible. There was the story of a woman break-ing an alabaster box in the house of Simon the leper, and the story of the donkey that was loosed for Jesus to use and so on. Jesus worked for them while resting there. Even though Jesus spoke often in Capernaum and in the temple of Jerusalem, the many lives of those people who heard the Word didn’t

change. It wasn’t because the power of the Word was lack-ing. Rather, it was because they were arrogant and thus foolishly regarded them-selves rather than Jesus.

If my thought has power over me, there is always what seems right and wrong and we become people who try to accomplish what we think is right. There is no power at all in it. Even though the Word of God is declared, God cannot work through it. Just as Jesus rested, prayed and did His wonders in Bethany outside of the city, for us to taste the world of Jesus, we should come out of the city called “I”. Only when we believe in God alone, will the Holy Spirit work powerfully in us.

Pastor Young-joon ParkSenior Pastor of Busan Daeyeon Church

60 • The Good News April 2012

Mayor Pablo Bruera of La Plata City

GOD HAS WORKED IN HIS HEART!It has been 50 years since I received salvation. When I look back, I can see it was God who worked in me and led me in His plan so I could work for the Gospel, not my own ef-fort or good works. This is especially clear when it comes to preaching the Gospel. Whenever I preach the Gospel, I feel strongly, “Oh, God has been work-ing in this person so that he could listen to the Gospel.”

After receiving salvation, I made a plan, prayed, and witnessed to preach the Gospel to certain people. There were many times I

was disappointed because the people did not accept the Word that I preached to them. As I do ministry work, people often come to see me. While conversating with them, I can strongly sense, “Oh, God loves this person! To save him, God brought problems to the things that were going well for him and put him through difficulty to hum-ble his heart!” Therefore, even though I preach the Gospel, in reality all that I do is just add a few words to what God has already done. Whenever this hap-pens, I cannot express how thankful I am to God.

A CERTAIN PASTOR WHO REALIZED THE GospelHello everyone. I returned from a weeklong trip to the African countries of Zambia, Uganda, Burundi, and Kenya. I was tired from this trip, but I was thankful to have met the government leaders of those four coun-tries by the grace of God.There is a certain pastor, Kwon Shin-chan, who passed away many years ago. He was both the pastor of the Daegu Chilsung Church and a professor at Daegu Theology School. Even though he was a pastor, he suffered with the problem of sin. One day, as he was preparing a sermon, he read in the Bible,

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A Grain of Mustard Seed

“Mr. Bruera, In the past, I lived a poor and dif-ficult life after going astray. However, after Jesus came to me my life changed.”

Starting with my testi-mony on how God healed me when I had sickness in my stomach and my heart, I preached the Word of the Bible to him. In my eyes the mayor didn’t look healthy. Later, I came to know that his health was poor due to his extreme

EVEN THOUGH I NOTICED SECRETARIES URGING TO FINISH IT …Not long ago, we held the World Camp in La Plata city, Argentina where I met Mayor Pablo Bruera before the camp. He was pleased with having the camp in La Plata city and welcomed us with hospitality. After I de-livered my words of thanks to the mayor, God strongly aroused my heart to preach the Gospel to the mayor.

62 • The Good News April 2012

concern for his mother’s health which had worsened after her son was elected mayor.

Being a mayor, he was extremely busy and I could not preach the Gospel to him for a long time. I need-ed a certain amount of time to tell him the necessary things. When I started to preach the Gospel, I could feel that his heart was drawn into the Gospel. The problem was that he had to move onto the next thing in his schedule. There were two secretaries. I noticed his two secretaries were urging the mayor to finish the meeting with me and to leave for the next event.

Nevertheless, he contin-ued to listen to the Word sincerely without caring about the next meeting. I did not know whether I had to keep preaching or to stop. However, I could not stop because the mayor was listening very seriously to the Word. I could read the mayor’s heart, while preaching the Gospel.

“Ah, this person really loves the Gospel! He made up his mind to cancel the next scheduled event!”

Regardless of his sec-retaries’ complaints, the mayor did not even look around, but focused on my words. I preached the Gospel through transla-

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A Grain of Mustard Seed

tion. He read the verses in his Spanish Bible very carefully following along with his finger, and accepted the Gospel.

I WAS SO THANKFUL TO GOD AND TO THE MAYORWatching the mayor re-ceiving salvation, I was so thankful to God.

“God, there is nothing that I did! You loved this mayor and allowed difficul-ties to him to save him.”

Before I finished preach-ing the Gospel and got up, I told him, “I want to pray for this city, you, and

your health.” He gathered his hands and put his head down in front of God in a humble manner. I was so thankful to God and to the mayor while I was praying.

Usually, people like may-ors are so busy that they tend to signal that they want to finish the meeting soon so they can attend the next event. However, Mayor Pablo Bruera was different. When I think about this, I am extremely thankful.

By the time we stood up to leave after praying, it

64 • The Good News April 2012

had already been too late for the mayor to go to the next event. Receiving sal-vation, the mayor came to the World Camp with us. There, he gave the welcom-ing speech to the students at the camp. After giving his speech, he excused himself, ”I’m sorry that I have to leave now to at-tend my next event.” Saying good bye to him, I felt very thankful. I saw him for the first time on that day, and I did not know when I could see him again. God made his body sick, caused him to think of God, let him listen to the Word for a long time, and had him accept the Word. As I think

about what happened to the mayor, I am inexpressibly thankful.

BECAUSE I FEEL SO HAPPY LIVING MY LIFE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL WITH GOD…Even now, the reason why I go out to preach the Gospel with the Bible is that there are many people that God loves. He is working in them to save them in Seoul and many other cities and counties. Just As God con-nected the Ethiopian eu-nuch with Philip, Ananias with Saul, and Cornelius with Peter and led them to listen to the Gospel, God is using me to save people

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A Grain of Mustard Seed

that God prepared, and for which I am very thank-ful. I do not just preach the Gospel. I am so happy living my life for God and preaching the Gospel. I give all glory and thanks to Him.

I have preached the Gospel to many politi-cians and public figures. I could not meet with most of them again because they are so busy. However, when I pray, I sometimes think about them. I pray that God will pour his grace on them and re-ceive glory through them.

Although I am away from them, I hope that the Holy Spirit of God will lead them and let them grow as workers of God.

When Elijah said “I am the only one of the Lord’s prophets left”, God said to Elijah “I have left Me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal.” As I see that God has left His servants in this world to accomplish His will, I am unceasingly thankful. (An excerpt from With the Gospel to the Ends, With the Lord to the Last by Pastor Ock Soo Park)

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