the gambia roots festival flotilla americas to khem / …

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Numi Theocratic Indigenous Mu’urish Kingdom

King Muad’Dib: Jamel El Osiris

Prince Jamal El Osiris was born under the name of John S.

Wise III, June 2, 1965, and raised in Jacksonville, the

controversial state of Florida. He attended Highland Jr

High School, W.M. Raines Sr. High School and the

University of South Florida where he majored in Fine Arts

and Business. Prince: Jamal El Osiris studied religion under

the direction Pastor Donald White. He studied Biblical

teachings and history under the direction of Pastor Bishop

Doctor. Wilder he was valedictorian of this class. His Royal

Highness Prince Jamal became an Ordained Associate

Pastor at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Jacksonville,

Florida. He also served as pastor at Virginia’s Potter House

under Bishop Doctor White with his father Crown Prince

Menkheperure. The Crown Prince found his way back to

the Moorish Science. He then introduced the Moorish

Science to his son, Prince Jamal and nationalized him as a

Washita Moor. In 2008 his name was changed from

John S. Wise III to Prince Jamal El Osiris under

the teachings of Grand Sheik Coleman El. His Royal Highness studied radiology at the Universal Fortis where he met his wife Penny

Whitley. His Royal Highness Prince Jamal El

Osiris developed her nationality documents, and she was given the name Saidah. When they

married in 2011, she became Princess Saidah. Together they created Nu Moorish International

Group of Science and Development, NUMI, under Common Law and are constantly working to solve various problems concerning children,

women, senior Moors, and the environment.

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Know Ye all Mothers and Sons/Suns on Mother Earth/Ki/Ta to whom these Presents shall come or be known:

The Netcher and the Neteru Divine Imperative: Udamaakeryerr, Lion of the New Dawn!

"Makakuvu, when you get on the Ground in The Gambia; as our Ancestors came Down The Gambia River, in Chains and Shackles, on Ships dispersed throughout the Diaspora and Interred in the Atlantic Ocean; You/We Must take a Flotilla of Ships up The River Gambia to Represent the Return of Our Ancestors and the Neteru to the Continent". This message was shared with His Excellency Sharif Baldeh, Diplomatic Consultant of The Gambia. His Excellency took this to the Officials within the Government of His Excellency Dr. Adama Barrow, President of The Gambia, the Netcher and the Neteru. The Divine Imperative was embraced and in turn the Birth of A Spiritual Resurrection Flotilla came into being.


His Excellency Sharif Baldeh

Subsequently, His Excellency Sharif Baldeh stated “my participation in The Gambia International Roots Homecoming Festival has been requested, to help reorganize this Festival to include The Gambia Roots Festival Flotilla

The Seneb Netcher Flotilla/ Spiritual Healing Flotilla of the Return of the Ancestors and the Neteru

The Gambia International Roots Homecoming Festival

Initiated in 1994 by the government of former President Yahya Jammeh as Homecoming, the International Roots Festival is usually held around May with great fanfare and cultural activities, educational symposiums, musical concerts. and historical tours around the country. The festival gives an opportunity for Africans living in the Diaspora to connect with their roots and African heritage. Plans are being made for this once most famous and biggest festival, International Roots Homecoming Festival, that has not been held in recent years to be held in December 2020. Instead of the community format of prior years the plans are being developed to make it a national event in 2020. The seven - day event will cover all The Gambia. Each day will focus on a different Administrative Area featuring the “Cultural Relevance” of that community. This festival is being used as a healing method to reconcile the differences among of diverse groups the people of The Gambia. The Gambia International Roots Homecoming Festival has been rescheduled until The Gambia Roots Festival Flotilla arrives.

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ANCESTORS HONORED First we must pay homage to our Ancestors who perished at Niagara Falls, NY: with a spiritual ceremony honoring the Emperial Empress, Saint Cyr El Ayimarieeyah of the Sovereign Washa-WashitaWashitawWaxitaw Mu'urish Marchioness de Maison Rouge-Emperial Royal Throne for the Amurru Muurs de Dugdahmoundyah, all of the Emperial and Imperial Indigenous Matriarchal Council members as well as its citizens and Imperial Moorish 'Moroccan' Empire.

The Flotillas Ports of Call: Flotilla: 1 -Embarks from the East Coast Port of Call

New York, Harbor then travels to Baltimore, Maryland, Hampton, Virginia; to Outer Banks, North Carolina; to Savannah, Georgia; to Bermuda; to; Havana, Cuba; to Port Au Prince, Haiti; to Jamaica; to Brazil Final Port of Call Kunta Kinteh Island in The Gambia River Delta.

Flotilla: 2 Embarks from the West Coast Port of Call

Seattle, Washington; to Portland, Oregon; to Kunta Kinteh Island Trade Act in 1807. These sites along with the island itself were abandoned in 1870. As an important historical site in the West African slave trade, it is now listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Ruins of several of the British administrative buildings (including a single cell, apparently used to house the most troublesome captives), a small jetty and a number, of skeletal baobab trees remain. The ruins have been stabilized and protected by a capping.

Oakland, California; to Los Angeles, California; to San Diego, California; to Acapulco, Mexico; to Belize; to Brazil the Final Port of Call Kunta Kinteh Island in The Gambia River Delta.

Kunta Kinteh Island in The Gambia River Delta

Kunta Kinteh Island in Gambia once called James Island also named St, Andrews Island is an island in the Gambia River, near Juffureh in the country of The Gambia. It contains a fort known as Fort James fortified by various nations. It is less than two miles from Albreda on the river's northern bank that served a similar

purpose for the French. The old Fort of James Island (re-named Kunta Kinteh Island in Gambia) is home to the ruins which once belonged to colonial Britain. This was the last bit of African soil that many slaves saw before being transported in the bowels of transatlantic slave ships to the Americas. On 6 February 2011 it was renamed Kunta Kinteh Island to give the Island a Gambian name.

The Six-Gun Battery (1816) and Fort Bullen (1826), now included in the James Island UNESCO World Heritage Site and located on both sides of the mouth of the River Gambia, were built with the specific intent of thwarting the slave trade once it had become illegal in the British Empire after the passing of the Slave

How fitting the Gambia Roots Festival begin in the Americas, the land in which colonizers continued to sacrifice our culture, attempt to hide the facts that our birth right was stolen and re-organized the systems eliminating our indigenous rights to self - govern by enslaving and kidnapping our ancestors.

Spiritual Return of the Ancestors and the

Neteru through The Middle Passage Navigates the Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most infamous bodies of water in maritime history, stretching across the Caribbean and the mid-Atlantic Ocean between Miami,

Florida, the US Virgin Islands and Bermuda. The superstitious among us are well aware that the

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Bermuda Triangle is associated with missing ships, weird weather phenomena and ghostly alien encounters. A Middle Passage Monument Project pays tribute to the millions of enslaved Africans who either jumped or were

thrown overboard during the slave trade between Africa, the Americas and Europe. With the approval of UN General Secretary Kofi Annan the 16ft tall steel arch monument was deposited on the Atlantic Ocean floor some 427 kilometers off the east coast of the United States during July 1999. This distance was chosen as tribute to the memory of some 427 souls whose remains were accidentally disinterred from the forgotten African Burial Ground at Wall Street in lower Manhattan, NY. The Bermuda Triangle itself was rededicated to the memory of the oceanic victims of the Middle Passage - now recognized as one of the largest underwater burial grounds in human history.

A replica of the original monument for the living, called the Millennium Arch was installed on the federally owned property of the St. Croix U.S. Virgin Island's Educational Complex, where it still resides.

In this 6260th S T Year, Bermuda is inviting the world to make the pilgrimage to revisit the maritime roots of the slave trade as we memorialize our shared Ancestors and Ancestral History through the Spiritual Return of the Ancestors and the Neteru: The journey to and along The Gambia River will attract, be

celebrated by, and be broadcasted to Afrikans worldwide

through the auspices of The World Media Coalition.

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They will be motivated to unify wherever they are in the

world to support this Spiritual Return of the Ancestors and

the Neteru.

As we begin the collective healing from the slave trade and

its aftermath of racism during this 2015-2024 International

Decade for People of African Descent.

This Imperial Royal Project is endorsed by: His

Highness Prince Andrew Williams Jr. His Highness Prince

Andrew Williams Jr. has secured the endorsement of His

Imperial Majesty: Nana Kwasi Baffour-Addae Gyanko

Fofie I.

Prince Nanan Yao is the American born International Coordinator for the Emperial Group. In this 6260 year, he is inviting the world to revisit the maritime roots of the slave trade as we memorialize our shared Ancestors and Ancestral History through the Spiritual Return of the Ancestors and the Neteru.

The journey to and along The Gambia River will kick off January 1, 2021 launch of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). This journey will be celebrated by All, and will attract Afrikaans worldwide to return home to begin the collective healing from the slave trade and its aftermath of racism. Let’s make this a "Brand New Beginning" to kick off the January 1, 2021 launch of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) as a Flagship Project of the African Union Agenda 2063, which promises to drive the Continent's growth, transform economies and quality of life by ourselves sourcing and delivering the foreign direct investment exchange through travel, trade and tourism needed to take control of our own narrative for the future, which is creating our own "Myology" as futurists and realists.

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Convoy of Ships Two (2) Freedom from Bondage Ocean Liners Three (3)

Cargo Ocean Liners Two (2) Hospital Ocean Liners

Military Escort Ships-(To be determined):

H E Dr. Adama Barrow, H E General Umaro Sissoco Embaló,

An Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan

(American) Spiritual Center in Africa

At the Behest of His Excellency Sharif Baldeh Diplomatic Consultant, the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Empire Imperial, Excellency Dr. Adama Barrow, President of The Gambia and His Excellency General Umaro Sissoco Embaló, President of Guinea Bissau in collaboration with King Muad’ Dib Jamel El Osiris of NUMI Theocratic Indigenous Mu’urish Kingdom are developing a Constructive Agreement–Contract or Treaty

establishing the Imperial Moorish Al Moroccan (American) Spiritual Center, on the an island in the Island Chain of Guinea Bissau.

Guinea Bissau The Netcher and the Neteru Divine


Udamaakeryerr, Lion of the New Dawn!

The Staff of the Resurrection of the Moorish Empire in

the Hands of He who made it Makakuvu The Mu'ur Dua Necher Udamaakeryerr, Lion of the New Dawn.

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Gambia Roots Festival International Roots Homecoming Festival to be Revived - GAMBIA NEWS - GAMBIA SPORTS - PLUS.GM Kunta Kinteh Island – Guinea – Bissau The Middle Passage Monument (1999) A Symbol of Remembrance and Hope For all those who were innocent For all those who were lost For all those who were hurt For all those who were left behind For all those who are not forgotten 2011 Harlem Mothers Day Parade The Gambia the Flower of the African Conscious

The Myology of a People : Discussion about the Future of the

International Roots Homecoming Festival

Royalty Uplifting the Legacies of Akans Kwame Nkrumah and Kofi Annan throughout the International Decade for People of African Descent and the SDGs The Commissioning of the African Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat Bermuda African Diaspora Heritage Trail Honoring memory of Middle Passage In honor of the Monarchy of Yaya Ola Eze, Ghana, HRM Uba Iwunwa, Goodwill Ambassador, Sovereign Queen and Diplomat who orchestrated the induction; I am humbled and honored to also uplift the Yaya Monarchy to preserve, promote, enrich and enhance its sovereign wealth and legacy throughout Ghana, Africa and the world.

Africa - Khem

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