the four attributes that drive sales growth and performance

Post on 22-Apr-2015






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The Four Attributes are four powerful qualities that permeate in every successful sales transaction on earth. Everyone possesses the Four Attributes, but only a few of us use them to their full potential. In this short presentation you will learn how to triple your sales output, retain high end clientele and consistently out perform your competition.


The Four Attributes That Drive Continuous Sales


Khufere Qhamata | YourBrandSuccess | Ph. (832) 409-2174

Special Disclaimer After viewing this presentation you will have a simple, easy to follow process that will boost

your sales, win customers for life and guarantee continual sales performance. If you are not ready for continued sales success

then don’t continue this presentation.

The Four Attributes 2014 ©

Let Me Ask You Three Questions....

1. Have you ever struggled to close a sale?

2. Have you lost customers without understanding why?

3. Do you want continuous sales growth for yourself or your business?

❏❏The Four Attributes 2014

The Four Attributes 2014

If yes, then its time to reboot your sales strategy!

What Are The Four Attributes?

The Four Attributes are four powerful qualities that permeate in every successful sales transaction on earth. Everyone possesses the Four Attributes, but

only a few of us use them to their full potential. Lets learn how to harness that potential by examining

each attribute one at a time.

The Four Attributes 2014

Attribute 1# Knowledge

The Levels To Sales Knowledge

There are four knowledge levels in achieving your full potential as a sales


The Four Attributes 2014

Level 1# Product Knowledge

The Four Attributes 2014

Know And Master Your Product!

Create Your Personal Product Learning Plan:

❏ Select your learning materials, books & forums.❏ Set a regular reading schedule and stick to it.❏ Write or blog what you've learned weekly to

retain your knowledge.❏ Share what you've learned with customers &


The Four Attributes 2014

Level 2# Customer Knowledge

The Four Attributes 2014

The Secret To Learning Your Customer

The Four Attributes 2014

“90% of what you need to know about your customer is based upon what they

value and pride most in life.”

- Khufere Qhamata, The Four Attributes of Sales

Questions Discover What They Value

❏ What means more, saving money, time, or feeling comfortable?

❏ Do you value your time at work or home more?

❏ Why do you value this above everything else?

❏ How important is this product to you right now?

The Four Attributes 2014

Level 3#

The Four Attributes 2014

Know Your Competition

How To Learn Your Competition

The Four Attributes 2014

❏ Google them. Visit their websites and social media profiles to understand their brand.

❏ Call them. Call your competition and ask buying questions to learn what they offer.

❏ Buy from them. Learn and understand why people are buying their products.

Three Sure Ways To Beat Competition

The Four Attributes 2014

1. Provide more value and make it easier for customers to buy from you.

2. Offer what your competitors don’t offer in abundance.

3. Create the best buying experience on earth and brag about it!

Level 4# Self Knowledge

The Four Attributes 2014

What You Should Know About Thy Self

Every sales professional should know three things about their self.

❏ What they’re great at.

❏ What they’re least great at.

❏ What they need to be great at to win customers.

The Four Attributes 2014

How To Use Self Knowledge To Win

If what you’re great at naturally doesn’t match up with what you need to be great at to win the sale.

Focus on what you’re great at and slowing integrate everything else as you improve.

Build your sales delivery around your personality. Authenticity sales, everything else fails!

The Four Attributes 2014

Attribute 2# Communication

The Four Attributes 2014

Assess Your Communication Style

❏ What is my greatest communication challenge when interacting with customers?

❏ When am I most comfortable communicating with customers?

❏ When I am least comfortable communicating with customers?

The Four Attributes 2014

Create A Communications Plan

The Four Attributes 2014

❏ Write a step by step plan of how you plan to achieve your communications goal.

❏ Define what you need to stop doing in order to meet your goal and improve communication.

❏ State what outcomes you expect to see to help you gauge whether you have achieve your goal or not.

How To Write Your Plan

The Four Attributes 2014

Practice Different Sales Deliveries

The Four Attributes 2014

Stop Thinking About Yourself

The Four Attributes 2014

“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.” - C.S. Lewis

Don’t just consider the customer’s view point, see it, understand it and sympathize with it.

Talk Less, Become A Listener

The Four Attributes 2014

Attribute 3# Confidence

The Four Attributes 2014

Confidence Is A Sales Requirement

“With confidence, you have won before you have started.”

- Marcus Garvey

The Four Attributes 2014

What If You Don’t Have confidence?

Lets look at three simple and powerful steps you can take to supercharge your confidence.

The Four Attributes 2014

Create A Positive Self Image

The Four Attributes 2014

Step 1

Instill Confidence Through Your Dress

Step 2

The Four Attributes 2014

Believe In What Your Sell!

Step 3

The Four Attributes 2014

Attribute 4# Self Determination“Victory is always possible for the

person who refuses to stop fighting.”- Napoleon Hill

The Four Attributes 2014

How To Unlock Your Determination

Self determination like anything else in life can be learned and mastered by anyone who applies their self. I am going to share with you three ways to unlock the power of unrelenting determination.

The Four Attributes 2014

#1 Choose What Motivates You

The Four Attributes 2014

❏ Better lifestyle (i.e Wealth, Fame, Power, Respect)

❏ Better opportunities (i.e Entrepreneurship, Education, Promotions)

❏ Better well being (i.e Health, Spiritual Peace, Self Fulfillment)

#2 Set Goals To Support Motivation

Partner goals with motivation. Here’s two examples:

❏ Goal: To double my sales and bonus next month. Motivation for goal: To buy new house.

❏ Goal: To get 20 clients buy our new product. Motivation for goal: Need capital for my startup.

The Four Attributes 2014

#3 Set High Goals To Make It Rain

Rainmakers aren’t born, they’re made. If you set small goals you’ll get small results. If you want the moon then aim for the sun. Lest if you fail you’ll still catch the moon. This is the secret to

becoming a rainmaker in any industry.

The Four Attributes 2014

Lets Review!

The Four Attributes 2014

Today We Learned Four Sales Attributes

Knowledge Communication

Confidence Determination

Do you remember how to unlock them?

Awesome!! Now you’re ready to

become a rainmaker!!

Reboot Your Sales Strategy Today!

Visit www.YourBrandSuccess.comor

Contact us at: (832) 409-2174

The Four Attributes 2014 ©

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