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The Forester/April / May / June 2020

New normal joins the parade

s a country, we have a grand old flag. As a neighborhood, we have our individual flags coupled with a grand old parade, which this year will see some changes due to the Covid 19 pandemic that has shaken our nation. Fortunately, fear of the virus has not interrupted

our community’s resolve to have the longstanding 4th of July celebration Foresters know, love and most importantly – expect.

Though our veterans and active duty will not march, nor cars, trucks and even trailored boats decorated in miles of crepe paper appear, but there will be a parade scaled to suit the times – of kids and parents on bikes, tykes in strollers and wagons, and any other miniaturized facsimiles with wheels. All should be decorated liberally in red, white and blue, stars and stripes because there will be prizes awarded to the standouts. But no picnic for the obvious reason – the virus that continues to rule our lives with social distancing and other mandated regulations.

Parade participants should gather July 4 at the corner of Lenczyk and Sara at 9:30 a.m. The route will be Lenczyk to Hermitage to Debussy and back to the start corner. Number of laps will depend on the number of participants, enthusiasm and the day’s temperature. Fairways Forest Civic Association will provide treat bags with ice cream courtesy of Ms. Dots Ice Cream Truck.

The committee working out this year’s July 4 event include Chris Perrin, Loyal Thurman, Brandie Campbell and Heidi Ith.

Inside: President’s Message, Page 2; Graduation Daze, Pages 3-5

Yards of the Month, Page 8; Board Reports, Pages 2, 7


Summer Forester 2020 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 2

Community Improvement

Don Rogers / 744-5506 /

The association's watering system along Fort Caroline Road continues to be an issue requiring our attention. We have had escalating billings on both the Hermitage and Hoover entrances and believe the reasons were a few below ground leaks and valve problems. One of the valves on the Hermitage side has been replaced and we are working to replace the remaining ones in that loop. Some leaks have been repaired. One was an issue from new planting and we have submitted a letter of explanation to JEA for a possible adjustment.

Our regular weeding and spraying at the entrances seems to be working. We ask that anyone seeing debris in the neighborhood to please be thoughtful and pick it up and dispose of it properly.


Marilyn Gabriel / 744-4371 /

Dues have yet to be paid by 52 homeowners, a far larger number than in past years. Please contact me by phone or email and either I or other board member will pick up your check made out to the Association or cash. The amount is $125 and provides landscaping and electricity for the common areas, activities, directory, newsletter, bi-annual meetings, life-event cards, event security and more.

Treasury Report (As of May 28, 2020)

Checking - $14,941.72 Savings - $15,822.38

Respectfully Submitted by Shirley Rogers, Treasurer

To contact the Association, write:

Fairways Forest Civic Association P.O Box 11522

Jacksonville, FL 32239-1522

President’s Message

Jeremy Young / 745-7835

Summer is right around the corner and it appears things are finally starting to open back up, but we are still being asked to “socially distance” ourselves from each other. Because of that, we have decided to make some changes to our 4th of July festivities this year. Not knowing what the future holds, we thought it best to go ahead and cancel our cookout this year, but we will still be doing a small event for the children in our neighborhood. You can find the details elsewhere in this newsletter.

Our annual cookout has always been a great time to get to know your neighbors. In the absence of this event, I encourage you to make some time this summer to meet some of the people that live around you. Many of us have spent the last couple of months inside our homes, but we are starting to go out more now. Take the time to stop and talk to people before things get busy again.

Our other summer event, the National Night Out, which is typically scheduled for August, may also be rescheduled. The national organization has recommended rescheduling. Once the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has made their decision, we will pass the new date along to everyone.

In closing, I would like to extend my congratulations to all of our graduates in the neighborhood. You have worked toward this goal for many years and it’s unfortunate that you had to finish school in a manner no one expected. I hope each of you found unique ways to celebrate this milestone. You deserve to be proud of your achievement.

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Congrats! Graduates of 2020 Lacey Taylor . . . Daughter of Kim and Trey Taylor,

Hermitage Road, Lacey, 17, was graduated from Bishop Kenny High, and is headed to University of North Florida to study childhood education and/or music therapy. At Bishop Kenny, Lacey was Chorus president, Tri-M Honor Society vice president, ran track and cross country, member of Latin Club, Catholic Athletes for Christ, a Eucharist minister and Altar server and attended the RAW Youth Group retreat.

Olivia Myers . . . Daughter of Angela and John Ritchie, Ariel

Court, 17-year-old Olivia’s next step following graduation from Terry Parker High is to complete her associate degree from Florida State College at Jacksonville, then transfer to a four-year university to earn a bachelor’s in business management entrepreneurship. Her dream is owning her own bakery. Olivia was crowned Miss Terry Parker 2019-2020 in her junior year and named to the National Honor Society the same year. She swam on the varsity swim team three years and went to regionals all three. Other activities included wrestling manager 10th through 12th grade along with earning certifications in Culinary ServSafe and Adobe Premiere Pro. As a Bright Futures Scholarship recipient, her final grade point average is 3.74 and 4.45 weighted.

Nathalia Silva Marques . . . Daughter of Kelly and David Piper, Sandburg Road,

Nathalia was graduated from Stanton College Preparatory and will begin her studies at University of North Florida School of Nursing. At Stanton, Nathalia was a member of the Spanish Honor Society and Law Club, participated in theater and Ethics Bowl. She is 17.

Jennifer Rojics . . . Daughter of Julie and Jeff Rojics, Sandburg Road, Jennifer first

graduated from Bishop Kenny High with honors and now, four years later, is graduating from

Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science in biology and minor in chemistry. She plans

to become certified as a physician assistant and work with the elderly.

Also graduating: Kelsey Lewis (UNF), daughter of Doug and Cody Lewis, Hermitage Road; twins

Tatyana (Stanton) and Eddie Esquilin Jr. (Terry Parker), children of Heather Esquilin, Sara Drive;

mother and son, Suze Adonis (FSCJ) and Carlensky Jovin,(Sandalwood), Lenczyk Drive; Kayla

Collins (Fort Caroline Middle), daughter of Kelly Collins, Lenczyk Drive, and Caitlyn Gaynor (JU),

daughter of Paul Gaynor, Hermitage East..

Summer Forester 2020 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 4

Signs of the new graduation times Driving

throughout the Forest has become an adventure in reading as parents make up for much of the graduation hoopla their graduates are missing because of the virus, better known as Covid 19 that has swept through our states, counties and cities. Without the heralded events that surround graduation ceremonies, parents are posting signs marking their youngsters’ achievement. Right, Doug and Cody Lewis announce daughter Kelsey’s good news; also, Fairways Forest Civic Association placed a congratulatory sign, top, with graduates’ (high school and college) names at two entrances: Hermitage from Fort Caroline Road and Lenczyk Drive. Drive around – it will make you proud of our younger generation and their parents.

Neighborhood Watch / Loyal Thurman / committee chair

We are in troubling times. Just a few days ago the CVS on Rogero Road was robbed. The Fairways Forest Civic Association board has approved having a neighborhood watch patrol that will go out on random nights to make sure our neighborhood remains safe. If you are someone who wakes up in the early morning and would like to be a part of the neighborhood patrol, contact the FF board on our webpage and address it to Loyal Thurman. We want Fairways Forest to remain a safe and secure neighborhood for years to come. Remember, we have a group on the neighborhood app and if you see a car with a blinking light drive through the neighborhood, it is the FF neighborhood watch patrol car looking for suspicious activity. Make sure to keep your doors and windows locked and if you don’t recognize someone, don’t feel you have to open your door. Suspicious activity should be reported to the police, and if you would like someone from the FF board to come by, contact us through our website, .Thank you -stay safe out there!

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Caps, gowns and more signs

Kelly and David Piper’s home (above left), Sandburg Road, calls attention to daughter Nathalia’s graduation from Stanton, and on Simca Drive, a beloved teacher gets sign recognition at the Biegens’ home. Left,

Kayla Collins, daughter of Kelly Collins, Lenczyk Drive, and

granddaughter of Phyllis and Willie Collins, also Lenczyk Drive, is exchanging Fort Caroline Middle for Sandalwood High, where she hopes to play the clarinet in the school band. With three years of practice, she most likely will. As Kayla moves toward her major high school graduation day, she plans to continue hanging out with friends, drawing and taking family trips.

Caitlyn Gaynor’s earning a degree in nursing from Jacksonville University gets special attention from dad, Paul, on Hermitage Road. Caitlyn, 22, already is putting her education to good use at Baptist Health. Mom is Missy Hicken.

Summer Forester 2020 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 6

Around the neighborhood Please welcome . . .

Romus and Rene’e Dixon, 3444 Debussy, and daughter, Jade, 18, and 10-month-old Aiden. He is security manager Fleet Landing; she is an IV therapy nurse at Baptist. Shane and Kendra Stidrick, 3242 Hermitage. He is a personal trainer; she is an anti-money laundering agent. They moved here from Connecticut. Sonia I. Rivera, 3181 Hermitage, where she joins her mom, Sonia, following the passing of her dad, Jose. Sonia is with the state Department of Health and enjoys dancing, painting, tennis and fencing. Katie Gabor, 7037 Lenczyk, and youngsters, Michael, 11; Katelyn, 9, and Jacob, 6. Kids’ sports fill family time. She is a teacher and VPK director at Christ the King Catholic School.

Hospitality chair Brandie Campbell visits newcomers and provides a flag, directory, covenants and answers questions about the community.

Are you a 41 percenter?

If you are, you most likely don’t know it. Being a 41 percenter in the Forest means you are one of the 105 homeowners without a flag on your lamppost. And, the obvious question for patriotic Foresters would be why? So – if you took down your flag because it did not measure up to flag protocol

expectations, that was a good thing. But not replacing your flag is

NOT a good thing. Please make sure your lamppost is flying the stars and stripes by the 4th of July, or sooner – You will be glad you did as a Forester and proud American. Incidentally, past president Eddie Everett accepted the task to drive the neighborhood to count and report the flagless lampposts.

Was that thunder? No. It was a huge limb falling and blocking a street, quickly cleared. Our Forest is dotted with “haunted trees”. If you have a live oak or one of considerable size, please monitor its vulnerability to disease and the passing of time.

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Brandie Campbell / 674-4861

Greetings Fairways Forest neighbors,

summer has quickly snuck up on us and our annual 4th of July celebration is just around the corner.

Congratulations to all the graduates of Fairways Forest! While this year’s graduation ceremonies and celebrations may not have turned out exactly as envisioned, please know the future is bright.

With great joy there also is loss. Fairways Forest is saddened by the recent death of long-time resident Bill Dixon. Mr. Bill, 93, died May 18 and was still driving the day before. His spouse of 63 years, Beverley, passed in 2011. Mr. Bill was one of the Forest’s last living World War II veterans and had been an avid participant in our 4th of July parade for many years. A day before we lost Mr. Bill, Kim and Albert Tine, Hermitage Road, said farewell to their 50-year-old, married son, Anthony, who grew up in the Forest. He also will be greatly missed by his family, friends and neighbors. Anthony’s funeral procession passed his childhood home before interment in Arlington Park Cemetery.

PLANTS in the Forest! I am a plant lover, and can I just say we certainly have some avid gardeners and it really shows. On my recent walks and bike rides around our lovely neighborhood I have seen some of the most AMAZING plants - fire lilies, rubber plants, Fiddle Leaf figs, pancake plants and others, all show-worthy pieces

Also, if you know of a neighbor in need, or a special event that I need to acknowledge, please contact me.

AND – many, many thanks to those contributing

information and photos to this newsletter. Forest meetings and events will be announced as and when scheduled.


Chris Perrin / 713-7338

As the school year is finishing up and

summer is upon us, now is a good time to make the following four (4) inspections of your streetlight to make sure it is working properly.

Inspect the wood post itself to make sure that it isn't rotting. If it needs replacing, we can help.

If your light is OUT, please fill out the online request form.

If your light is ON DURING THE DAY, you need a new photocell sensor to make sure it turns off during the day, saving you electricity and bulb life.

If your FLAG needs hanging or

replacing, now is the time to do it. For neighbors who need help hanging a flag, gather your materials and don't hesitate to ask.


Good to know

Joyce Morgan Danforth 630-1389 /

John Crescimbeni – At Large 630-1381 /

Emergency – 9 -1 -1

City Information – 630-2489 JEA Service – 665-6000

Non-emergency – 630-0500

Summer Forester 2020 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 8

Yards of the Month Judges for the monthly honor are Jody Hancock, Simca Drive, for the South, and Mike and Jane

Parnin, Diane Road, for the North. To win, homeowners must have an attractive, well-

maintained yard free of debris, weeds and clutter. Also, the winner must be a paid-up member

of Fairways Forest Civic Association.


April North / Left Dianne Morrison And Lomax Butler 6813 Simca Drive April South / Right Doug and Cody Lewis 3171 Hermitage Road May North / Left Robert and Regina Daas 3762 Ariel Court May South / Right Roy and Ginger Wright 3325 Sara Drive June North / Left Dan and Rebecca Green 6848 Ariel Drive June South / Right Glenn and Regina Mebane 6637 Iosa Drive

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