the error of replacement theology

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    Perhaps you have heard of the term Replacement Theology. However, if you look it upin a dictionary of Church history, you will not find it listed as a systematic study. Rather, itis a doctrinal teaching that originated in the early Church. It became the fertile soil fromwhich Christian anti-Semitism grew and has infected the Church for nearly 1,900 years.

    WWhhaatt iiss RReeppllaacceemmeenntt TThheeoollooggyy??

    Replacement Theology was introduced to the Church shortly after Gentile leadership took overfrom Jewish leadership. What are its premises?

    1. Israel (the Jewish people and the land) has been replaced by the Christian Church in thepurposes of YHVH, or, more precisely, the Church is the historic continuation of Israel tothe exclusion of the former.

    2. The Jewish people are now no longer a chosen people. In fact, they are no differentfrom any other group, such as the English, Spanish, or Africans.

    3. Apart from repentance, the new birth, and incorporation into the Church, the Jewishpeople have no future, no hope, and no calling in the plan of YHVH. The same is true forevery other nation and group.

  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    4. Since Pentecost of Acts 2, the term Israel, as found in the Bible, now refers to theChurch, the so-called Spiritual Israel.

    5. The promises, covenants and blessings ascribed to Israel in the Bible have been takenaway from the Jews and given to the Church, which has superseded them. However, theJews are subject to the curses found in the Bible, as a result of their rejection of theMessiah.

    If you hear a Christian, a minister, or a Church doctrine that ascribes to one of these points,then knowingly or unknowingly they have swallowed the Replacement Theology pill. I sayunknowingly because the doctrine is so systemic, most Christians have been brought up in itand hove no idea that these premises are contrary to Scripture.

    WWhheerree ddiiddRReeppllaacceemmeenntt TThheeoollooggyy ccoommee ffrroomm??

    Replacement Theology is closely associated with Reformed(or Covenant) Theology, the brand of theology historicallylinked to John Calvin (1509-1564) and the ProtestantReformation. Reformed/Covenant Theology, in turn, isclosely associated with amillennialism, an eschatologicalview with a spiritualized (rather than literal-historical)interpretation of the prophetic Scriptures. The natural affinitythese views (that is, Replacement Theology andamillennialism) seem to have for each other isunderstandable because Replacement Theology relies soheavily on a non-literal and allegorical interpretation of thebiblical promises to Israel.

    Although many of the early Reformers and Puritans -including even Calvin himself - wrote about the nation ofIsrael one day being restored by the grace of YHVH andexperiencing a national regeneration, that is anincreasingly marginalized, minority view in ReformedChristianity today(which is ironic, since we have seen theamazing rebirth of the nation of Israel, just as the Word ofYHVH predicted!)

    Elements of Replacement Theology can be traced as far back as Marcion (A.D. 160), who carriedon a theological crusade to purge the Church of what he perceived to be dangerous Jewish errorsand influences. Later, many of these same anti-Judaic sentiments found their way into thethinking (and writings) of the Early Church fathers. Irenaeus (c. 180), for instance, wrote, TheJews have rejected the Son of YHVH and cast Him out of the vineyard when they slew Him.Therefore, YHVH has justly rejected them and has given to the Gentiles outside the vineyard thefruits of its cultivation (The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Ed. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson,[1885-1887], Volume 1, p. 493).

    Over time, statements like these became the basis for full-blown anti-Semitism in some sectors ofChristianity. Anything Jewish was renounced as an attempt to subvert and Judaize the Church.Teachings like chiliasm (millenarianism), for instance, were denounced as Jewish fables. TheEarly Church, which was clearly and undeniably Jewish, was described as primitive,unenlightened, and beset by erroneous notions that were carry-overs from ancient Judaism.

    By the seventh century, Jewish people who came to faith in the Messiah were required todenounce their Jewish ancestry and heritage before they could be baptized. Professor PaulHalsall of Fordham University cites the following Visigoth profession from c. A.D. 680-687:

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    The incredible irony here is that only a few centuries earlier, the Church had been almostexclusively Jewish/Hebrew! The Messiah was Jewish (born a Jew and from the Tribe of Judah);the writers of the Bible were Jewish; the apostles were Jewish; the earliest Believers/Christianswere Jewish; the first congregation was Jewish (located in Jerusalem); and the first missionarieswere Jewish!

    In fact, a council of Church leaders - including Paul, Barnabas, Peter and James - was convenedat Jerusalem (Acts 15) so the leaders of the new and growing Messianic Movement (known firstas the sect of the Nazarenes, Acts 24:5) could decide upon what conditions non-Jews would beadmitted into the fellowship of the saints! But here, within just a few generations, the shoe wasalready on the other foot! Non-Jews were in control of the Church now. Jewish doctrines (theearthly Kingdom in particular) were considered erroneous and even seditious. And non-JewishChurch leaders were laying down the terms for Jewish believers in Jesus who wished to be


    TThhee MMaaiinn PPrroobblleemmss wwiitthh SSuuppeerrsseessssiioonniissmm oorr RReeppllaacceemmeenntt

    TThheeoollooggyy -- IItt CCoonnttrraaddiiccttss SSccrriippttuurree

    Did the sins of the Jewish nation result in her rejection? Pauls answer isfound in Romans 11:1:



    Some people say that Israel is finished, that they had their chance and lostit from the time of Yshuas First Coming. We see here what Paul said; thatYHVH did not reject Israel. Why do so many Christians then believe this liethat contradicts the Scripture?


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    If the Jewish nation has no future in YHVHs plan, as the supersessionists claim, then what is thefuture fullness of Israel that Paul mentions in verse 12? Is this rejection permanent ortemporary? It is temporary because YHVH will bring them to their fullness again. Even if we insiston saying that they did stumble and fall, then it must also be said that their fall brought salvationto the rest of the world (Gentiles) - and Israels fall, too, is only temporary because they aredestined to be restored one day to a position of fullness.


    Israel will be brought from death to life and their casting away to restoration. This is quite clear tosee that physical Israel is not done away with, but will be restored and brought from death to life.And when exactly will the nation be resurrected (life from the dead) and accepted by YHVH (v15)? Paul cant be talking about the Church in this passage because the Church has never died -and never will (John 11:26). The only reasonable answer is that Paul is referring to a yet-futureresurrection and restoration of Am Israel (the people of Israel, the nation of Israel a collectiveterm for the nation), as prophesied in passages like Ezekiel 37:1-14.



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    Since then Israel has become a great army and proved themselves in the six day war on June 5-10, 1967. Judah or the Jews will be fully restored when they receive YHVHs Spirit and therevelation of Yshua the Messiah. It doesnt mean they will automatically be saved simplybecause they are Jewish; rather, it means that the majority of Jewish people who are living at thattime will recognize Yshua of Nazareth as their Messiah and receive Him as Savior (Zechariah12:10).


  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    Jezebel wanted the field of Naboth the Jezreelite. His name means FruitfulReturning One. Nabothis a plural for fruit and Jesreelrefers to Ephraims scatteringand return back to sonship [Hosea 1:4 5, 2:22]. The Father calls His re-gathering ofall the tribes of Israel, the great day of Jezreel [Hosea 1:11]. This is the time where YHVH willgather the Two Houses, the house of Judah (Jews) and the House of Israel (ScatteredTribes/Believers in Messiah) together under one Head, that is Yshua the Messiah. Note that bothHouses are present and the House of Israel did not replace the House of Judah (Jews). They arebrought together in the last days.


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    This is not a passage that describes the New Jerusalem because there will be no more tears inJerusalem (Rev 21:4). This is a passage in the end time context where YHVH will devour hisenemies who wants to destroy Jerusalem with fire. This is when YHVH will pour on them a Spiritof Grace and they will see the Messiah whom they have pierced and Who died on the stake(cross) and they will weep and mourn as if they have lost their first born. This is a sign of truerepentance and acceptance of Yshua as the Messiah and this will be their salvation. He will thenopen a fountain to the people of Jerusalem (Jews) for their sin and uncleanness and YHVH will

    cleanse them from their idols and false worship practices. This is the day of their Salvation. Whydoes YHVH deal with Judah in this way? Because He blinded Judah (Israel that exited in the timeof Yshua) so that the Gentiles may come in.


    What is this Mystery Paul is talking about?


  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    Who is the Olive Tree?


  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology





    He will bring both houses into the Mountains of Israel (physical land) and that is where Yshua,the King of Kings, will rule over them as one Shepherd and lead physical Israel in His Judgmentsand Statutes and teach them His Torah.

    TThhee PPrroommiisseess ggiivveenn ttoo JJuuddaahh aannddEEpphhrraaiimm bbyy JJaaccoobb

    As we have seen in the Prophesies, Judah are the Jews and Ephraim are the Scattered 10 Tribesincluding gentiles. The 10 Tribes were scattered but in YHVHs wisdom and greater Plan He is infull control even if we break His Covenant; He allowed them to be scattered but in the same tokenuse them as a net to bring in a great catch from among the nations as He pulls the net backin. The sea represent the nations and the scattered 10 Tribes act as the net, and as YHVHrestores and call them back, He brings in a great multitude with them. This is in line with the

    prophecy made to Ephraim that represents these people who come in through the work of theMessiah and the Gospel that was spread across the whole world.


  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    Joseph/Ephraim Believers in Messiah Yshua:



    We see Joseph was split into two tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh. Ephraim means fruitful,increase and double blessing and Manasseh means forgetfulness, he that is forgotten and it allrelates to this prophecy given to Joseph who represents the Believers in Messiah. Joseph meansincrease and addition and we see this meaning in all the blessings spoken over him by Jacob.People tend to forget that Joseph is a perfect picture of Messiah and the followers of Yshua walkin these blessings. One of the blessings is the increase of the breasts and the womb this

    implies multiplication of new born believersin the Messiah and it came through spreading theGood news of Yshua all across the world. They also receive the blessing form heaven that isthe outpouring and receiving of YHVHs Spirit that helps them to conform to His ways and toreturn to His Plan reaching people and bringing the nations in. Archers have grieved him and shothim; these arrows are words of slander and he has received a lot of rejection from his brotherJudah as well as from the world.

    Judah - Jews:



    We see Judah in conflict as described by the praise your hand is at the neck of your enemiesand this is true today, as they stand strong against physical conflict and war as they repossessedthe Land of Israel. We also see his garments washed in wine (blood) and his blood was shed forstanding strong in faith as proven in history. (Holocaust & wars). As we all know, Judah or theJews are not in the business to bring people into faith and they have received the job to guardthe Torah. Judah is the one who keeps and teaches the Law and this scepter (authority) shall notdepart from his hand. His eyes are sparkling with hope and his teeth are white from milk proving

    his endurance to stand and speak YHVHs truth without compromise.

    Both these houses have a specific purpose in the end times and we see that Judah is the onewho have guarded the Torah over all these centuries and Joseph/Ephraim brought the nations inso that the promise made to Abraham can be fulfilled. The one cannot replace the other and bothof them have a divine calling. Replacement Theology ignores these prophecies because thepeople do not know the Scripture and pervert it. As the nations come in to fulfill the promise madeto Abraham, so shall the Torah be established in the Last days and be taught from Mt Zion.

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    All of these events lead up to the fulfillment of this Prophecy in Isaiah where there will be amultitude who will come from Ephraim and they will walk in the Ways of YHVH, His Torah thatJudah (Jews) guarded. Both have a role and both Houses will come together to make this areality. The Jews/Judah need Yshua the Messiah and the Christians/Ephraim needs the Torahthey need each other to fulfill YHVHs Plan.

    WWhhyy IIss TThhiiss RReeppllaacceemmeenntt TThheeoollooggyy EErrrroorrDDaannggeerroouuss??

    Is Replacement Theology really worth arguing about? Or is this discussionmuch ado about nothing? One reason its important to call attention toquestionable theology, no matter how deeply entrenched it may be intraditional Christianity is that sooner or later, bad theology always leads tobad practice - and in this case, it already has! Replacement Theology has

    provided the basis for all sorts of mischief, persecution, and atrocities againstthe Jewish people throughout Christian history.

    For example, Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation, was asupersessionist. Near the end of his life, he said that synagogues andJewish schools should be burned to the ground, Jewish people run out oftheir homes, their prayer books and Talmudic writings burned, and the rabbisforbidden to preach or teach on penalty of death (On the Jews and Their Lies, Trans. Martin H.Bertram, in Luthers Works[Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971], pp. 268-271). Luther alsodeclared that Jewish people in Germany should be confined to their own homes andneighbourhoods - a plan the Nazis implemented literally when they quarantined Jewish families inghettos in Poland and other places before shipping them to the death camps for extermination.One historian writes: It is difficult to understand the behaviour of most German Protestants in the

    first Nazi years unless one is aware of two things: their history and the influence of Martin Luther.The great founder of Protestantism was both a passionate anti-Semite and a ferocious believer inabsolute obedience to political authority. He wanted Germany rid of the Jews. Luthers advicewas literally followed four centuries later by Hitler, Goering, and Himmler (William L. Shirer, TheRise and Fall of the Third Reich[New York: Simon & Shuster, 1960], p. 236).

    No one is suggesting that anyone who believes in Replacement Theology is an anti-Semite orwould agree with Luthers statements. That would be an unfair characterization - and it certainly isnot the case. It is important, nevertheless, to examine the implications and ramifications of anyposition, including Replacement Theology: and it is an incontestable fact that ideas similar tothose of Replacement Theology have inspired some horrible atrocities against the Jewish people.

    WWhhaatt HHaappppeennss WWhheenn tthhee CChhuurrcchh RReellaatteess ttoo IIssrraaeell??When the Church chooses to relate to Israel and the Jewish people in YHVHs eternal plans, theresult is positive:

    1) The Church takes its proper role in YHVHs redemptive plan for the world, appreciatingYHVHs ongoing covenant relationship and love for Israel and the Jewish people.

    2) We can see the consistency of YHVHs redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation asan ongoing complementary process, not as disconnected snapshots.

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    3) We show love and honor for YHVHs covenant people, not contempt.4) We value the Old and New Testaments as equally inspired and significant for the Church

    today.5) Bible prophecy makes sense for today and offers opportunities for involvement in YHVHs

    plan for Israel.6) We become better disciples of Yshua as we are able to appreciate the Hebraic/Judaic

    roots that fill in the definitions, concepts, words and events in the New Testament that areotherwise obscured. Why? Many were not explained by the Jewish writers of the NewTestament, because they did not feel the need to fill in all the details that were alreadyexplained in the Old Testament.

    Had the Church understood this very clear message from the beginning, then the sad legacy ofanti-Semitic hatred from the Church may have been avoided.

    The error of Replacement Theology is like a cancer in the Church that has not only caused it toviolate YHVHs Word concerning the Jewish people and Israel, but it made us into instruments ofhate, not love in YHVHs Name. Yet, it is not too late to change our ways and rightly relate to theJewish people and Israel today. Not only do we need to learn and do for ourselves, but we needto teach others so as to counteract the historical error that has been fostered in the Church for

    nearly 2,000 years.

  • 8/14/2019 The Error of Replacement Theology



    Bibliography 1) Gerhard Falk, The Jew in Christian Theology, (MacFarland: Jefferson, NC, 1992). 2)

    Leopold Lucas, The Conflict Between Christianity and Judaism, (Aris & Phillips, Warminster, UK: 1993).

    3) The New International Study Bible, (The Zondervan Corporation: Grand Rapids, MI, 1985). 4) The New

    Scofield Reference Bible, Authorized King James Version, (Oxford University Press: New York, NY, 1967).

    5) Keith Parker, Is the Church the New Israel?, (Prayer for Israel: Golant, UK). 6) James Parkes, The

    Conflict of the Church and the Synagogue, (Atheneum, New York, 1974). 7) David Rausch, The Legacy of

    Hatred, (Moody Press: Chicago, IL, 1984) 8) Marcel Simon, Verus Israel, (Oxford University Press: New

    York, NY, 1986). 9) Clarence H. Wagner, Jr., Lessons from the Land of the Bible, (Bridges for Peace:

    Jerusalem, Israel, 1998). 10) Eds. C. Roth and G. Wigoder, Encyclopedia Judaica, (Keter Publishing

    House, Ltd.: Jerusalem, Israel, 1972).

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